Buy a camping stove. Do-it-yourself wood-burning camp stove. What is a camp stove for?

Comfortable outdoor recreation requires competent organization. Tourists not only need to set up a tent, but also take care of preparing hot food. Many travelers solve their food problem with the help of a fire. But it is not always possible to start it up due to bad weather or a simple lack of sufficient fuel.

Such difficulties cannot spoil a country picnic if you have a home-made camp stove. This design will guarantee that nature lovers will not go hungry, which means their vacation will be a success.

Homemade stoves are a smart alternative to a fire

Mobile units designed for heating canned food, preparing rich fish soup or fragrant tea in the countryside can be monolithic or collapsible, multi-use or disposable. Regardless of the design, any homemade camping stove has the following advantages:

  • Minimum financial costs for production.
  • Versatility of use (suitable for a tourist outing in the forest, on the shore of a lake or sea, or relaxing in the country).
  • Compact dimensions and at the same time high power and performance useful action.
  • Duration of combustion of fuel, which is used as dry grass, leaves, cones, tree branches, pre-prepared firewood.
  • Minimum smoke during unit operation.

Lovers of wild outdoor recreation and exciting hiking trips build stoves from a wide variety of materials. The most popular are designs that operate on wood and other wood fuels. They are made from tin cans, sheets and scraps of iron, and old pans.

Rocket furnaces and pyrolysis units are less common. They are constructed using bricks, concrete, clay, and sheet metal.

Not every person can assemble such a structure. But, if everything works out, the rocket can be used not only for cooking, but also for heating a tent or cottage.

Unit made from cans - preparation of materials and tools

Any home craftsman can make a simple mini-oven powered by wood in just a couple of hours. To assemble it, you will need three cans of different capacities:

  • The first is taken to be the largest. It will serve as the shell of the structure being manufactured.
  • The dimensions of the second should be such that it fits in the first without any problems.
  • The third has the most modest dimensions. It plays the role of a burner for a homemade camping unit.

Additionally, you should stock up on a small block of wood, scissors for cutting metal, a drill and a regular marker. You can make a wood-burning camping stove from cans very simply with your own hands using the algorithm given in the next section.

Camping mini-stove - manufacturing diagram

First, the block is inserted into the largest container. A straight line is drawn on a piece of wood at the level of the jar lid with a marker. Another line is drawn above it with an indentation of 8 mm (parallel to the first).

The part of the block between the two lines is cut out. There should be a small recess into which the edge (top) of the tin can easily fits.

Several ventilation holes are made in the lower part of the large container. The same openings are drilled in the upper half of the second can. And its bottom is turned into a sieve (many holes are punched).

After this, the smaller can is inserted into the larger one. The result is a structure with a gap that ensures air movement during operation of the homemade unit.

All that remains is to make a burner from the third (smallest in size) jar. Its bottom is removed with metal scissors. Sharp edges are smoothed using a hammer and then smoothed with a file.

Round holes are made on the sides of the container.

Small firewood, dry cones, small branches are loaded into a medium jar and set on fire. When the stove lights up well, it is covered with a homemade burner, on which a ladle or kettle is placed.

Construction from old pots - minimum work and excellent results

If tourists go out of town on vacation in a large group, a set of cans will not allow them to prepare enough food for all participants in the trip. In this case, it is recommended to make a wood-burning stove with your own hands from two stainless pans that are not used on the farm.

Holes or slits are made in the bottom of a larger outer container strictly parallel to each other, and an opening is cut on the side of the tank. It is used to store wood fuel.

The cracks at the bottom are covered with a metal stand. It performs the function of a grate. Firewood is placed on it. The second pan is placed on top of the first. The fuel is ignited and the cooking process begins.

It is advisable to equip the second saucepan, which is used as a kettle, with a removable iron handle. It will significantly simplify the operation of removing the container from the oven.

The unit of two pans is compact and lightweight. It can be transported in a car without any problems. It is allowed to move the structure from one place to another even during cooking. Such a mini-stove can be used as a heating device in any room in the country house or in a tourist tent.

Folding cooking unit - you have to try

Camping stoves made from pots and cans are not very durable. If a tourist wants to acquire a more reliable and long-lasting reusable design, it makes sense to make a folding unit from a 1 mm thick metal sheet, piano hinges and bicycle spokes. To assemble it you will need the following tools:

  • file;
  • pliers;
  • Bulgarian;
  • electric drill;
  • roulette.

Making a stove begins with preparing a drawing. It indicates the dimensions of all elements of the structure and the diameter of the required holes. The presence of a sketch ensures that the home craftsman will not make mistakes during the assembly process.

The process of constructing the unit itself is long and responsible. But the result of the work will satisfy any tourist. After all, he will have at his disposal a truly efficient and durable stove. The design manufacturing algorithm is as follows:

  • A grinder is used to cut a metal sheet into separate pieces. On the latter, outlines are drawn (the operation is conveniently performed using a stencil) of all the parts of the folding stove.
  • The elements of the structure are cut out using a grinder along the contours made.
  • Holes for the grate are made in the workpiece that will go to the bottom of the unit. Their edges must be leveled (no jagged edges or sharp irregularities are allowed) and sanded with a file.
  • The side blanks are connected to each other with piano hinges. The result is a furnace body.
  • Grooves are made in the lower part of the side walls and along the perimeter of the bottom of the future structure. They will allow you to assemble all the blanks into a single structure.
  • The bottom and main body of the unit are connected to each other by pins made from bicycle spokes. These parts are inserted into the grooves prepared at the previous stage of work.

They begin to create the combustion chamber. Firewood will be placed in an opening that is cut into the side of the stove body. It is recommended to make additional cutouts in the upper part homemade design.They will perform two important functions at once:

Pyrolysis stoves, having a high efficiency rate, are very difficult to build with your own hands. Only experienced tourists with engineering skills can do this task. Such installations are made from special grades of steel, which are characterized by high heat resistance.

An Indian candle is an exotic version of a camp stove. It is believed that he came to us from America. This rare design is made like this:

  • They find a large log (log) that is necessarily hollow inside. Splits into 4 parts.
  • The resulting workpiece is thoroughly cleaned from the inside.
  • Separate pieces of logs are connected to each other (with nails or in another way).

Small twigs, dried grass, and birch bark are placed inside the assembled wooden structure and set on fire. The flame can be adjusted. The deeper you push the fuel used into the Indian candle, the stronger the fire will be.

It is optimal to use an aspen log to make the described exotic stove. It is undesirable to use birch and coniferous blanks. The former give off too strong a flame, the latter, when burning, emit a lot of sparks and shoot.

If you are a keen hiker, then you know how important it is to be able to provide yourself with an effective and reliable source of fire on the road. Without it, you will not be able to cook food, boil water for drinking, or keep warm in bad weather.

Since ancient times, people have solved this problem by making a fire. However, this method requires quite a large amount of firewood, some skills, and is not very good from an environmental and safety point of view. Therefore, they have been replaced by modern gas and gasoline burners, which make it possible to solve all problems with cooking as comfortably as possible. However, this solution also has its drawbacks. For example, if you are going on a multi-day hike, then the weight of gas cylinders or gasoline containers can be quite significant, and no one wants to carry the extra weight. Or, for example, you are about to fly on an airplane, where, as you know, it is impossible to transport such things, so there is a need to purchase gas and gasoline on the spot, which is not always possible.

Therefore, more and more tourists are turning to wood stoves.

They combine all the advantages of a fire with the utmost simplicity and comfort of a burner. To use such a stove, you will need a minimum amount of fuel of almost any type: firewood, branches, pine cones, leaves and even dry grass. Therefore, you can use a wood stove in any area, with the possible exception of the desert and ice ridges. And most importantly, it has excellent efficiency, which allows you to boil a liter of water using just a few dry wood chips. This is explained by the special design of such a stove, which uses the phenomenon of wood pyrolysis.

If you are interested in such a device, then you can buy one of the ready-made products, for example this one. Or you can spend one hour and make a wood-burning camp stove yourself, because you only need three tin cans of different sizes and our instructions.

So, first of all, you will have to get three tin cans of different sizes. The first, largest, will serve as a shell. The second jar is smaller because it must fit freely in the first. And the last, smallest one, is useful as a burner. In addition, we will need a marker, a drill, metal scissors and a small wooden block.

1. Making an auxiliary device

This wooden block is not part of the stove, but serves to make it. With its help, it will be more convenient for you to drill holes and perform other operations. Insert the block into the jar and draw two lines with a marker approximately at the level of the lid.

The distance between the lines should be approximately 7–8 millimeters.

Carefully cut out a rectangular notch. The top edge of the can should fit freely into this recess.

Let's position the wooden block in such a way that it provides reliable support for the can. The upper edge should fit comfortably into the notch we made.

2. Make holes in the bottom of a large jar

First, draw a line along the bottom edge of the can. This line is needed to mark the points for the ventilation holes. In this case, a special dye is used for marking, but nothing will happen if you do it with a simple marker.

We drill holes along the line we marked. Their number and size are of great importance for the operation of the stove. If there are too few of them, there will be no traction, if there are too many, then the wood will burn out very quickly. Therefore, it is better not to overdo it here in order to be able to drill more holes after testing.

3. Drill a series of holes in the top of the middle can

We do approximately the same manipulations with the second jar (smaller in size). Please note that here the row of holes is located at the top, and not near the bottom, as in the previous case.

4. Drill the bottom of the middle can

We make many holes in the bottom of the jar. Their size and quantity should be such that firewood cannot fall out through them.

The result should be something like this.

5. Assembling the structure

We insert the middle jar into the large one.

As a result, our stove consists of two cans, rigidly inserted into one another. At the same time, a small gap remains between their walls, necessary for air movement.

6. Making a burner

The type of burner in different designs may vary slightly. In this case, the option with round holes in the side wall is used. You have already learned how to do them well from previous operations.

We cut out the bottom of a small jar with metal scissors.

The edges can be smoothed with a hammer and filed.

7. We carry out tests

The main part of the wood stove consists of two tin cans inserted into one another. We load the middle jar with flammable material, which can be wood chips, branches, or cones. It is best to use dry branches on trees, because branches lying on the ground may be damp to one degree or another.

Set it on fire and wait for it to burn. At first, this may cause some difficulties, but after several training sessions it will be possible with one match.

When a confident, intense burning has begun, we place a burner on top, which we made from a small jar.

And then we place a kettle or pan on top.

If you watched the manufacturing process to the end and did not understand anything or it seemed too complicated to you, then check out another option. The video below demonstrates how to make such a stove without any tools other than a regular knife. It turns out, maybe not so neatly, but no less practical.

Outdoor recreation is almost always accompanied by setting up a tent and lighting a fire. It is on the fire that you can prepare delicious fish soup, tea and other healthy food. However, nature does not always allow you to enjoy these pleasant moments; sometimes rain prevents this or it takes a very long time to get to the forest. In this case, you can make a camp stove with your own hands, especially since this process cannot be called complicated.

What is a camp stove for?

A device such as a camp stove can easily replace a fire. At the same time, it requires less fuel than when lighting an open fire.

In addition, the following can be used as fuel:

  • Cones.
  • Tree bark.
  • Woodchips.
  • Dry branches and reeds.
  • Cooled used coals.

It should be noted that when burning the same amount of fuel, a stove produces much more heat than a fire. Therefore, the oven can cook more food in a shorter period of time.

All furnace devices are divided into two types: single-walled and double-walled. In addition, the stove can be folding or made in a mini version. A camp stove can be made at home or directly at your vacation spot. In both cases, the process makes it easier to use the drawings.

To make a camping stove, various available materials are used, including unnecessary pots, cans from preservatives, or ordinary metal sheets.

When choosing a material, it should be taken into account that the stove must meet the following requirements:

  • Low heat consumption.
  • Low weight and dimensions.
  • The ability to heat dishes, not air.

Design features of a camp stove and its advantages

A self-made camping stove is a wonderful and useful device for relaxing outside the city and in the forest. It is indispensable for fishing and camping with a tent.

If the design provides for the presence of grates, such a furnace is characterized by good draft. Consequently, the fuel will burn very quickly. Therefore, it is best to use firewood for a camp stove.

In devices without a bottom, the fuel is placed directly on the ground. Firewood or other fuel burns more slowly, and coals do not smolder for a long time. The process is resumed with a new batch of fuel loaded. This type of tourist stove provides less heat due to the lack of draft.

The camp stove, equipped with stands, is characterized by maximum traction, which speeds up the process of frying food. If you need to cook food by boiling, the stands are removed and the oven is placed on the ground. In this case, the grates overlap, oxygen enters in less quantity and the combustion process slows down. In this case, the cooking time increases.

Regardless of the design, camping stoves have many advantages:

  • Wood stoves are quite economical.
  • The fuel burns in any weather.
  • The devices can even be used inside tents.
  • The manufacture and operation of the stove is quite simple.
  • Possibility of manufacturing a mini version of the stove.
  • Easy transportation.
  • Adjustable fire power.
  • Complete security.
  • High performance.

Making a mini-stove from a tin can

Wood-burning camp stoves made from a tin can are the simplest mini-version of a single-wall design. To make them, you can take a tin can or an unnecessary iron mug. Accordingly, the height of such a product will be approximately equal to the height of the glass.

For the manufacture of a mini camping stove and its further operation, the following scheme is used:

  • The bottom of the jar or mug is pierced with a sharp object in several places. Air will enter the combustion chamber through these holes, and the fire will be stronger. The holes should not be made too large to prevent coals from falling out.
  • Small wooden blocks are placed inside the jar. They should be positioned strictly vertically and not look beyond the top edge of the jar.
  • Now they pull out one log from the middle to provide air access to the firewood.
  • Free space between the logs they fill it with paper and grass and set it on fire.
  • Burning in a mini camp stove lasts about half an hour, which is enough to whip up dishes.

It should be noted that in this case there is not a large amount of smoke around.

When cooking outdoors for a large number of people, you should take a jar with a volume of one or two liters, in this case the fuel consumption also increases. Therefore, to maintain the fire, it is better to take thicker wood, which will provide heat for about an hour.

The mini camping stove design can be moved to the tent if the weather brings an unpleasant surprise. But it is worth considering that such a stove cannot be used for a long time.

Using unnecessary pots to make a stove

To make a double-walled stove, you will need an old unnecessary pan; a stainless metal product would be an excellent option. This version of the stove can be used on a hike due to its light weight, ease of manufacture and affordable fuel for it.

The design of a double-walled camping wood-burning stove consists of one container inserted into another. A hole is cut out in the lower element where firewood will be placed. The bottom is cut with a sharp knife in several places to form a kind of grate. A small stand is placed at the bottom and firewood is placed on it.

The second container needs to be taken a little smaller so that it fits inside the first pan. The fire in the lower element will heat the upper pan. They also make a bow, with the help of which the resulting pot can be removed from the heat without getting burned. Cooking food while camping in the fresh air with the help of such a stove is very simple and pleasant.

Both versions of the camping stove are lightweight, do not take up much space and are easy to transport. You can also use the devices in a tent in adverse weather or move them while the fuel is burning. But such stoves cannot boast of a long operating period.

Do-it-yourself folding camping stove

A folding stove for a camping trip can be called a fairly effective option, but you will have to spend a lot of time and effort to make it. This option implies the mandatory presence of a pre-compiled drawing and set necessary tools and materials. In particular, you should prepare the following:

  • Electric drill.
  • Pliers.
  • Roulette.
  • Bulgarian.
  • File.
  • Metal sheet 1 mm thick.
  • Piano hinges.
  • Bicycle spokes or thin wire.

For self-made For a folding version of a wood-burning camp stove, you can use the following instructions:

  • In accordance with the drawing, structural parts are cut out of a metal sheet using a grinder.
  • A hole is cut out in the part that will serve as the bottom of the product. The burrs around it are cleaned with a file.
  • The side parts of the stove are connected using piano hinges. The result is a kind of box.
  • One-sided bends must be made along the perimeter of the bottom, as well as in the lower and side walls.
  • The bottom and the box are combined, and the folds made should create a tube. Bicycle spokes or thin wire are inserted into it.
  • Protrusions with slots on the sides are made on the grate.
  • On one side of the stove, use a grinder to cut out a hole for storing fuel.
  • Slots are made along the top edge into which skewers can be inserted for frying meat.

A DIY camp stove made of metal is ready for use.

Description of pyrolysis and gas furnaces

Pyrolysis and gas stoves are very convenient for use on hikes and vacations outside the city. They are characterized by an excellent combustion process, so they are quite suitable for quick cooking in the fresh air. But you cannot make such stoves yourself; they are purchased in specialized stores.

The pyrolysis stove is highly efficient, so the models presented from the retail chain have a fairly high price. Compared to wood stoves, this option is characterized by greater productivity. Those who decide to make such a device with their own hands must have special knowledge and materials. In addition, it should be borne in mind that a homemade stove in nature does not give the desired effect.

Among the advantages of a pyrolysis oven are safety and environmental friendliness. In such a device you can burn excess garbage and cook food; the fire in them burns constantly without failure. The pyrolysis furnace is made from steel that is resistant to high heat.

A camping gas stove is also suitable for traveling out of town or camping with a tent. In the retail chain, such devices are presented in a wide range; you can choose a stove of any color and cost. The gas oven runs on a special cartridge that requires regular replacement. However, you can cook food on such a device without difficulty.

Before going on vacation outside the city or camping with a tent, you should take care of all the necessary things, including a camp stove. For regular use, it is better to purchase a good stove for tourism in a specialized store. And for occasional and very rare trips to relax in the fresh air, you can use self-made devices that do not require spending money, effort and time.

During a long hike, there is often not enough hot food. Of course, a fire can be lit anywhere, but not everyone will agree to this - a fire sometimes either becomes a source of fire or does not flare up due to the rain that has just ended. Not everyone wants to carry a gas burner with a cylinder for cooking, which means a home-made stove that uses the same wood will do.

Advantages and disadvantages

To light a mini-stove, you don’t need a large armful of large firewood - anything from reeds to wood chips and the resinous bark of dead coniferous trees will do. The heat from such a stove is used as efficiently as possible - the effect is comparable to a gas burner and even an electric stove.

Coals that have not completely burned out in the previous fire will also be suitable for maintaining a fire: as long as the pieces of wood have not turned into ash, they are still suitable for generating heat. Cooking food over a fire will require at least several times more wood. That is, with the amount of firewood needed for one fire, you can easily feed 10 people with hot food using a wood chip stove.

The main requirement is that the stove heats the container with the food being cooked, and not the air around it, which cannot be said about an open fire.

Types of camping stoves

Based on the number of walls, stoves are divided into single- and double-walled.

The stove structure is assembled at the resting place either from scrap materials, or a saucepan, a large can of canned food, sheets of old (possibly rusty) metal, for example, from under the roof, etc. are used in advance. Being easy to manufacture, such a stove is rightfully considered truly touristic.

How should a wood chipper work?

To ensure that the coals smolder for a long time and produce heat, the structure without a bottom is located on the ground. In this case, the heat does not dissipate in the surrounding space, but remains mainly in the smoldering coals, while the air draft is reduced to a minimum, preventing the closed fire from going out; When adding new wood, the fire will burn quickly.

If the design of the stove includes a lining under the bottom, the draft increases so much that cooking, which requires an hour or more, is disrupted and the wood quickly burns out. It is necessary to remove the bottom from the stove in advance, and place the structure of the walls on the ground. Nevertheless, such a stove uses fuel economically, is not subject to weather influences, takes up very little space, and produces almost no smoke (while the coals are smoldering). The stove is easy to carry (easily unfolds).

It is possible that the wood, not yet fully ignited, insulates heat well, which is why the walls do not have time to overheat; they can even be carried with bare hands. This does not eliminate the need for caution when handling fire.

Design options

The drawing of such a product is very simple. Follow these steps to make a camp stove from a tin can.

  1. Make small holes in the bottom of the jar. The jar itself should be the height of a glass (for example, a can of canned peas or condensed milk).
  2. Place pieces of twigs, bark, etc. (each as thick as a finger) vertically, as in an Indian candle. Pull out the piece of wood located in the center - this will give way to the air draft.
  3. Insert paper or an armful of dry grass into the vacant space and set it on fire.

The fire will flare up, and such a “can fire” will burn for 20-25 minutes. This is enough to brew tea, heat canned food, cook soup or noodles from a pack, or even make a small portion of porridge. There will be almost no smoke.

If at least several people go on a hike, then it is recommended to use a can, for example, of paint or even a metal bucket of 2-3 liters. The overall power of such a “can fire” will be no less than an hour of burning, and you can cook a full-fledged homemade soup from the chicken purchased the day before.

Double-layer tank construction

Stainless steel pans (one slightly smaller than the other) are inexpensive and can be found at any hardware store. The entire structure does not fade - unlike ordinary steel, scale does not form on it, it will work without problems for several years, even with three times daily use.

To make a two-layer oven, do the following.

  1. Cut a slot in the larger pan so that firewood can be inserted without problems.
  2. Punch small holes in the same pan to create draft.
  3. Place a smaller pan in a larger one - it will be heated by the pan in which the wood is burning. You can add ingredients for hot meals into a smaller pan.
  4. At the same time, the heat consumption is even more efficient - not only the bottom of the smaller pan is heated, but also the entire side of it.

The advantage of such a stove is that it can be easily moved under the canopy of a tent (for example, into a vestibule) - this will make it possible to protect the stove and the food being prepared from a sudden rain.

Folding stove on hinges

In addition to the hinges themselves and sheet steel (from an old refrigerator, the side of an unused system unit case, trimming roofing iron, etc.), you will need tools and consumables: a drill and drill bits, an angle grinder and a disk for it, a screwdriver and “bits” for it, measuring tape, file, pliers, bicycle spokes.

The step-by-step instructions look like this.

  1. Based on the design sketch, mark and cut out the steel sheets using a grinder.
  2. Drill small holes in the wall that serves as the bottom, smoothing the resulting burrs with a file.
  3. Attach the loops to the sides of the structure and connect them into a diamond shape.
  4. Slide a bottom under the walls fastened together, in which the edges are previously bent towards the other edges at the bottom of the walls. These grooves form something like a metal capillary into which the spokes are inserted, which will allow the stove to be given the required rigidity when ready for use. If necessary, the knitting needles can be easily removed, and the stove can be transported or stored.
  5. Cut an opening on one of the sides into which new firewood is placed.
  6. You can start cooking on such a stove - being square and at the same time representing a transformer (it is foldable, the walls are a rhombus, and not just a square), it will also serve as a barbecue.

Bake from several tin cans

You will need:

  • 3 cans, two of them are smaller and one is large;
  • metal scissors and asbestos.

Take the necessary actions.

  1. Place a smaller one on the large jar at a distance of 20 cm from the bottom and trace it with a pencil or marker, thus forming an even circular line.
  2. Cut a hole along this line, and the smaller jar will fit into it with noticeable effort.
  3. Cut 2-3 cm slits on one side of the jar.
  4. Cut a hole in the lid of a large jar for a small one, and remove any burrs.
  5. Make vertical slits of 1.5-2 cm in the wall of the smaller jar.
  6. Fill the empty space between the jars with asbestos, then close the lid and connect the edges by bending them.
  7. Make a firewood stand from a piece of tin and fix it.
  8. Attach a carrying handle to the entire structure.

The resulting design will be very economical in fuel consumption, and the heat will not overheat its outer walls. Painting of the stove is allowed.

Bond's stove differs from the usual one, made of three cans, by the presence of accelerated pressurization - instead of a shelf for firewood, a fan with batteries is placed in the firebox, and firewood is placed on top.

Rocket stove

For a homemade rocket stove, you will need a helium cylinder or other compressed/liquefied aerosol. The following steps need to be taken.

  1. Release all the gas from the cylinder.
  2. Cut off the top of the cylinder and cut out the side opening. The more firewood is laid, the wider the hole required.
  3. Make an additional slot in the profile pipe for more reliable contact with the cylinder itself.
  4. Ensure unobstructed draft by drilling additional holes in the cylinder.
  5. Attach retaining legs to the bottom of the cylinder to prevent the stove from collapsing during cooking.
  6. Attach a sheet of metal with a hole or a grate from some device, or an old tray to the top of the cylinder - this will allow you to place larger metal mugs and pans on the stove, which significantly expands the use of such a stove.

The rocket stove is ready for use; it will consume no more wood than a wood chipper.

A type of rocket stove is a stove made from an old thermos - outwardly, the second resembles the first, but does not allow the heat from the flame to escape outside. The inner container of the thermos must be metal: neither glass nor plastic will withstand fire.

If your hobby is hiking, then you know very well how important it is to have a reliable and efficient source of fire on the road. A wood stove is the most optimal solution for a tourist. To use this device, you need a minimum of fuel, and any type: wood chips, cones, branches, even dry leaves and grass will do. The efficiency of such a stove is simply excellent: you can boil a liter of water using just a few pieces of wood. It's all about the special design of the stove; it uses a phenomenon called wood pyrolysis.

For production you need:
three tin cans of different sizes (large, medium, small),
metal scissors,
a small block of wood.

1. Accessory

The wooden block will not serve as a part of the stove; it is needed for the manufacturing process itself. It will serve as an assistant for drilling holes and other operations.

To begin, insert the block into the jar, using a marker, draw two stripes approximately at the level of the lid at a distance of 7 - 8 mm from each other.
Cut a rectangular notch on the block. This is the notch for the top edge of the can. Position the block so that it becomes a support for the can.

2. Holes in a large jar

Using a marker, draw a line along the bottom edge of the large jar. The line will be needed to mark the holes for ventilation. The author of the homemade product used a special dye for marking, but the markings can be done with a regular marker. Now drill the holes. This needs to be done thoughtfully so that during testing you can add a few more pieces. Thanks to these holes, there will be draft in the stove; if there are few holes, there simply won’t be any, and if there are too many holes, then the wood will quickly burn out.

3. Holes in the middle jar

The next step is to drill holes in the middle can along the top edge.

We practically repeat the same as with a large jar, only from above, not from below.

Next, drill a lot of holes in the bottom of the middle jar. They must be made of such a size and in such quantity that firewood cannot fall through them. It turns out to be a kind of sieve.

5. Assembly of the structure

Insert the medium jar into the large one. In this case, there should be a small gap between the walls of the cans, which is necessary for air movement.

6. Hotplate

The burner for a camp stove can be made in a slightly different way; in this case, it turned out to be round with holes. Cut the bottom of the smallest can with metal scissors. Trim the edges with a hammer and file. Drill holes in the side walls.

7. Stove tests

So, our camp stove is two cans inserted into one another. Place fuel in the middle of the stove - wood chips, pine cones, dry twigs. Set it on fire. If you practice, you will be able to light it literally with one match. When the firewood is well lit, place a burner on top, and place a kettle or saucepan on it.

The walking stick is ready. With it, the tourist is not afraid of either hunger or cold.