Show mercy towards people. What is mercy? Why is mercy needed? Why is compassion needed?

In today's society we can increasingly observe cruelty, injustice and evil. Many people stop remembering such important things as mercy and kindness. It is necessary to stop at least for a second and remember that we are, first of all, people, and we need to treat each other like human beings. It is important to understand and realize what mercy, compassion and justice are. And also find out why a person needs these qualities.

Definition of mercy

It is not so easy to answer the question: “What is mercy?” The answer does not come immediately. And all because people think about various problems and ways to solve them, but they forget about the main thing.

Mercy is a manifestation of love for one's neighbor. This is what they say in many books. But your neighbors are not only relatives and friends, they are absolutely all the people who surround you. It is not necessary to show “love” feelings; basic respect for others is enough. And then the world will be transformed for you. And you will understand that your neighbor’s grandmother is not so nasty, and you can talk normally with the sellers at the market. Bring goodness to the world. We can also say that mercy is a kind of goodwill, a desire to help without demanding anything in return. These qualities are inherent in every person, you just need to find them in yourself.

Some people are sure that these are completely inappropriate characteristics, and no one needs them today. But it’s worth trying to be a little kinder, respect people and help them if they need it. And then you will notice that those around you respond in kind, the world around you will be transformed. Mercy is the path to the top.

Why is mercy needed?

To understand why mercy is necessary, it is worth understanding what is included in this concept. This quality can be called the highest manifestation of humanity. You don’t think about why we need love and friendship. Everything is clear. But the need for mercy is worth thinking about very seriously. But it is required in order to remain human.

It is useful to remember that there was still mercy in the war - this is an indisputable fact. Of course, this is not an unambiguous statement; there have been a variety of cases. But no one will deny that the soldiers did not kill women and children, even sometimes freed them, did not attack from behind, and gave their enemy a chance for medical care and rest. So why was there mercy in war, but in modern society is it almost gone? It is worth thinking and paying attention to how many unpleasant events are happening in the world. You need to change the situation right now, and it’s better to start with yourself.

What do compassion and mercy have in common?

People often ask the question: “Are mercy and compassion the same thing?” To some extent, these human characteristics are similar, but there are still differences. Mercy, as a general feeling, includes compassion, although this is a slightly different concept. So how are mercy and compassion related? In fact, they cannot exist without each other.

What is compassion

To begin with, it is worth understanding that compassion is not pity, which is a momentary feeling. You might feel sorry for an abandoned puppy or kitten, or a wounded bird. To sympathize means to live with a person in his grief, to share it with him. For example, a person who cares for his close relative experiences improvements in his condition and new attacks of the disease with him. His poor condition literally affects the well-being of the one who has compassion. This feeling does not require any payment, gratitude, it is free. This is a kind of light that comes from within a person and warms the one who is consumed by grief. The feeling of compassion must be absolutely selfless. And only then will it become true and sincere.

Why is compassion needed?

We need compassion to the same extent as mercy. Don't you want to live in a world full of smiles, happiness, Have a good mood? A person stricken with grief is unable to smile. Give him back his faith in life - share his grief with him. The forces that will go into helping, fighting for the happiness of another person will return to you in double size. By doing good, a person feels a surge of cheerfulness and warmth. You can start transforming a gray, dull, insensitive world today, without delay.

What is justice

There is one more quality that is necessary for a person and the world in which we live - justice. In many textbooks and articles you can read that justice and mercy are completely opposite concepts. And you can agree with this. After all, how can you be fair but merciful? It turns out that it is possible.

Justice and mercy complement each other perfectly, but not all people remember this. For those who consider such a combination of qualities impossible, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with examples that prove the opposite. Sellers sold goods to people who did not have enough money in exchange for providing small services: washing the floor or arranging groceries. There can be a huge number of such situations, but there is only one conclusion - justice and mercy can coexist together.

Why is justice needed?

Justice is necessary to avoid chaos in the world. Every person should receive what he has achieved and what he deserves. People who live with justice know that they need to fight and go towards their goals in life, and not wait for a happy turn of fate until what they want comes to them. You should treat everyone around you fairly. Then the world will respond in kind - these are the natural laws of life. Justice presupposes honesty: one should not deceive or lie to people. It is worth remembering that, first of all, at these moments you are lying to yourself. Be honest with yourself first, and then with others.

Justice to yourself

This quality implies an adequate perception of reality. A person must understand that he will get as much as he invests. There is no need to wait for manna from heaven or hope for help from other people. Only with effort can a person rise to the top and achieve success.

People who are unfair to themselves are unlikely to be able to treat others well and correctly. Therefore, all changes must begin with yourself.


- English charity; German Barmherzigkeit. 1. Active compassion and specifically expressed kindness towards the needy and disadvantaged. 2. One of the virtues bestowed from above in all world religions, helping to overcome sinfulness and opening the way to personal salvation.

Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009



See what “MERCY” is in other dictionaries:

    MERCY is a compassionate, benevolent, caring, loving attitude towards another person; opposite to indifference, hard-heartedness, maliciousness, hostility, violence. In European Christian culture, the idea of ​​mercy... ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    Mercy- Charity ♦ Charité Selfless love for one's neighbor. Mercy is a very useful thing, because not every neighbor is capable of arousing disinterested interest in us. Since by definition we consider any person to be a neighbor without... ... Philosophical Dictionary Sponville

    God's mercy.. Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. mercy, compassion, compassion, compassion, pity, compassion Dictionary of Russian synonyms ... Synonym dictionary

    mercy- (mercy) undeserved kindness and compassion A. Human mercy 1. The commandment to be merciful is merciful to the Lord: Luke 6:36 call to mercy: Rom 12:8; Jude 22 mercy is more important than sacrifice: Hos 6:6; Micah 6:6–8; Matthew 9:13 2. Expression... ... Bible: Topical Dictionary

    - (Christianity) Christian virtue Charity, see Charity Caritas Romana (“mercy in Roman”) ... Wikipedia

    MERCY, mercy, plural. no, cf. (book). Willingness, out of compassion, to help those who need it. Show mercy. Cry out for mercy. ❖ Sister of mercy, brother of mercy see sister, brother. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N.... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    MERCY, readiness to help someone, to show condescension to someone out of compassion, philanthropy, heartfelt sympathy, active help to someone caused by these feelings... Modern encyclopedia

    Compassionate love, heartfelt participation in the lives of the weak and needy (sick, wounded, elderly, etc.); active manifestation of mercy of various kinds of help, charity, etc... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    MERCY, I, cf. Willingness to help anyone or forgive someone n. out of compassion and philanthropy. Show m. Appeal to someone's n. mercy. Society "M." Act without mercy (cruelly). A sister of mercy is a woman caring for the sick... Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Compassionate love, heartfelt participation in the lives of the weak and needy (sick, wounded, elderly, etc.); active manifestation of mercy of various kinds, assistance, charity, etc. Political science: Dictionary reference book. comp... ... Political science. Dictionary.


  • Mercy, Laszlo Nemeth. The novel by the famous Hungarian writer László Németh (1901 - 1975) tells about the complex experiences of a young girl searching for herself in life, in relationships with others, in love, in medical...

What is mercy and in what human actions does it manifest itself is a pressing question. The modern world has a rapidly developing technological revolution that has simplified the daily life of each of us. In the race for personal benefits, other people’s problems flash unnoticed, but who wants to stop and give a helping hand to someone in need of support, because everyone has their own worries.

Mercy - what is it?

Kindness of heart, accepting the suffering and problems of others, the desire to lend a helping hand, regardless of the person’s guilt or innocence - this is what mercy means. The basis of love for one's neighbor, the presence of which helps to save lives and solve other people's problems, to show understanding, to help another - to save one's neighbor from difficult circumstances. Character traits closely related to mercy:

  • compassion;
  • sympathy;
  • goodwill;
  • care;
  • unselfishness;
  • understanding;
  • condescension;
  • humanity.

What is mercy - moral, in which a person shows gratuitous care to his neighbor, spending his own resources - time, money, health. By showing mercy, a person can receive an undeserved reproach (moral insult) in the eyes of others, who mistake mercy for showing undeserved respect or elementary stupidity.

Mercy in Christianity

In religion, charity is an important virtue, indicating that showing concern for one's neighbor is showing love for the Lord and that every person is “created in the likeness of God.” All-forgiving love is expressed in Christian mercy; it can be shown towards the soul and body of the needy. Good Christian deeds, the manifestation of which save the human soul:

  • to turn the sinner away from delusions;
  • To teach the unenlightened a lesson in kindness and truth;
  • give wise advice to someone in difficult circumstances or danger;
  • give comfort to those in sorrow;
  • do not respond with evil to an evil deed;
  • forgive offenders;
  • pray for your neighbors.

Deeds of bodily mercy towards one's neighbor:

  • feed the hungry;
  • give drink to the thirsty;
  • to clothe the naked;
  • visit a patient;
  • visit a prisoner in a dungeon;
  • shelter a wanderer;
  • bury the deceased.

Why is mercy needed?

The desire to live in a world filled with joy and pleasant relationships is inherent in man. Mercy and kindness are the foundation of harmonious relationships in many religions and ancient cultures; the works of philosophers are devoted to them. It is easy to build relationships in society according to the principle of justice by analyzing the mistakes of another person, but such a position makes it impossible to receive leniency in Hard time.

Receive help without demanding repayment in return - develop spiritually, contribute to changes for the better, bring goodness into the world, give joy. No one knows at what difficult moment the need for help will arise, whoever is nearby will do a merciful act, regardless of social status or past mistakes. It is always nice to tear a piece of kindness and care from your heart.

What does it mean to be merciful?

To be merciful means that the benefit directed to another person is given freely - not for general praise, public recognition or subsequent thanksgiving. Mercy calms the conscience - a person did not reject the given chance to lend a helping hand, but, due to his ability, eased the life circumstances of someone in a bad state of affairs. Mercy extinguishes anger, suppresses selfishness, and this is an opportunity to accumulate spiritual wealth:

  • wisdom;
  • joy;
  • ease of communication;
  • sincerity;
  • philanthropy.

What do you need to do to become merciful?

Mercy and compassion made anonymously are considered highest degree virtues. The manifestation of such qualities is not an easy task - to take away your own means and strength to help a stranger, a generous act worthy of respect. The basic principles of a compassionate attitude are based on love for one's neighbor, care shown and assistance provided. To be merciful means:

  • forget about personal gain;
  • make concessions, forgetting the grievances caused;
  • be able to listen;
  • suppress fear (when coming to the hospital, do not think about the possibility of contracting the disease);
  • donate money to those in need (an affordable share of funds that is insignificant for the person giving);
  • find time for other people’s problems (visit relatives and friends - the elderly, disabled, orphans);
  • help with simple everyday issues (show an address, warn about a danger, give a hint to solve a problem, help a person with limited physical abilities).

Why should a person be merciful?

The problem of mercy and lack of love for others leads to suffering in the world around us and in human hearts. The principle of personal gain - creating comfortable conditions for yourself, regardless of the problems of other people - pleases pride and increases selfishness. To be merciful means to take an active part in solving other people's problems, to increase kindness, to give love, to change the world for the better. Remembering the phrase of the Chinese sage Lao Tzu about mercy, we can say in his words: “Whoever takes, fills his palms, whoever gives, fills his heart.”

Mercy in the modern world

Love and mercy are interconnected concepts in religion. Deeds done to alleviate the suffering of another, expressed without love, are a feeling of pity, sometimes supported by reproaches and cold calculation. Mercy in our lives, shown with love, strengthens us spiritually, gives hope for changes for the better, saves lives in difficult times, gives peace of mind, teaches that a good deed is certainly higher than an evil one.

Is mercy needed in our time?

Mercy in our time is a mirror showing the moral image of an individual. The modern world is filled with contrasts, the social status that separates people shows that it is easier for the poor and simple to share the suffering of the needy, because they are familiar to him. The rich and noble do not care about the basic concerns and problems of other people, even if he is able to provide help and eliminate problems for thousands of people.

Each of us has a number of qualities that characterize us as a person. Someone kinder, sincere, fair. Someone, on the contrary, is full of bile, malice and anger. But we are all human. True, there are two understandings of the word man. The word “human” can be understood as a biological species, a representative of the order of mammals. But this is how scientists argue, who see the human race as a species. In fact, a person, if viewed from a less rational and more sensual position, is a being with will, reason and higher feelings. It is our feelings that make us human, create our moral character, and characterize us as a person. And in order to correspond to the high title of “HUMAN”, we need to have such qualities as mercy and compassion.

It is mercy and compassion for another being that makes us more humane, in our understanding of morality. All scientists, writers, poets, clergy and the public are sure of this. But what mercy is and how to show compassion, little has been said about this. Let's try together to figure out what actually makes us more humane and what is the role of mercy and compassion in this. Mercy is directly related to the concept of compassion.

Mercy - this is a person’s willingness to help someone out of compassion, to show kindness, care, higher emotions (even love) to any creature, not necessarily even a human one, and at the same time, not asking for anything in return. Compassion, in turn, is sympathy for another’s suffering, participation aroused by the grief and misfortune of another being. Compassion is akin to humanity, pity. Agree, these are really good personality traits that representatives of humanity should have.

To be more humane means to be merciful, to show compassion, to see the pain of another being, and to help him, and not to stand still. To be more humane means to be caring, to have a soul and a heart. To be more human means to help those in need without asking for anything in return. This is what it means to be more humane.

Agree, in the modern world, these qualities would be very necessary, because there are a lot of people in need in the world, and each of us, if we could at least help another person, or even a little kitten, who, in the rain and snow, is looking for food, the world would be much more humane, kinder, better. But these days, fewer and fewer people show mercy and compassion - it has almost disappeared.

In the modern world, more and more people live according to the principles of selfish existence, do those things that are beneficial to them, which will only benefit them, about other creatures around them (not to mention people, but about small, defenseless and weak animals), a person does not think, does not care. This happens for the reason that each of these people knows that no one will take care of them. So they take care of themselves, because no one else will do it. And almost everyone thinks so, but is it right?

Of course, we cannot change the whole world, and selfishness, pride and inhumanity will still exist. But we can change ourselves, everyone can do it. Become more merciful, show compassion, and do not ask for anything in return, be human, not only from a biological point of view, but also from a moral point of view, and you will see how the world changes. At first, of course, it will seem to you that your efforts are in vain, and for your mercy, you only receive “knives in the back.” But, believe me, this is the fate of all people. Mercy and compassion simply make you better, more humane. And this, in fact, is worth a lot.