Scorpio women year of the cat in love. Scorpio rabbit

Scorpio Rabbits are calm, unobtrusive and creative personalities. They manage to achieve what they want without imposing their point of view. It seems to the interlocutor that he himself gradually came to this decision.

Such people, like a magnet, attract others to themselves, and all this thanks to their incredible magnetism and charm. They can accumulate resentment within themselves for a long time, and then, over time, show all their Scorpio character.

Scorpio Man - Rabbit

The Scorpio-Rabbit man is unusually insightful, intelligent and decisive. He knows how to recognize lies and any trick. His intuition allows him to read people like open books. At work, the representative of the stronger sex is respected by his colleagues, he has an excellent reputation.
In relationships with women, such men are always at their best. They know how to properly care, always say romantic words and give compliments to their chosen one. In marriage they can be quite jealous and domineering, demanding care and affection.

Scorpio Woman - Rabbit

The Scorpio Rabbit woman is very sociable, inquisitive and temperamental. She is literally interested in everything in the world, she tries to remember as much useful information as possible. Her ideal job is in journalism.

In relationships with men, the owner of a stern disposition knows how to bind and charm at first sight. She can be scandalous and throw tantrums about her lover’s inattention.

Scorpio-Rabbit is a person with a rich inner world. Behind the external calm and tranquility lies a real hurricane of emotions, which is not always possible to hide.

Scorpio, born in the year of the Rabbit according to the Chinese horoscope, is an extremely strong, independent and charismatic person! Scorpio-Rabbit is confident in himself, does not get into empty arguments, knows exactly what he wants, and most importantly, how to achieve it. At the same time, he knows how to skillfully cope with the tides of discontent and curb his powerful emotions. His self-control, perseverance and integrity of character can only be envied.

However, you should not test the patience of the Scorpio-Rabbit, much less try to deliberately piss him off. Let the daredevil who decides to do this not be deceived by the external dispassion and equanimity with which the Scorpio-Rabbit will accept the insult. Representatives of this zodiac sign can restrain their impulses for a long time, but if they take revenge, then it is targeted and merciless.

However, in order not to waste their precious nerves, Scorpio-Rabbit usually simply tries not to communicate with people who are unpleasant to him. He is very selective in communication and will not waste time on those who are not interesting to him or cause negative emotions. In addition, the Eastern Zodiac horoscope states: Scorpio-Rabbit is unusually insightful - he is able to easily guess lies and see through those around him with all their flaws. If he doesn’t like someone, then this unfortunate person will feel at least uncomfortable in the company of the Scorpio-Rabbit.

But do not think that behind the external restraint and wariness in the character of the Scorpio-Rabbit lies indifference or misanthropy. Not at all! It just means that you have not yet found yourself in the circle of his closest people, next to whom the Scorpio-Rabbit demonstrates the entire rich set of his generous spiritual qualities. Well, when communicating with other representatives of humanity, the Scorpio-Rabbit’s actions are guided by an internal code of honor and justice, which is no less strict for him than that of the Japanese samurai. Support the Scorpio-Rabbit in a difficult situation - and he will show amazing generosity in return!

Scorpio-Rabbit Love

The Scorpio-Rabbit love horoscope warns: being next to him, you are walking along the very edge of a volcano of passions. You can mistake a sleeping volcano for a picturesque hill, but be prepared for the fact that at any moment you could be swallowed up by boiling lava - if you are the Scorpio-Rabbit's type, or showered with a hail of stones - if he doesn't like you or is crossed off from his list of favorites .

When choosing partners, Scorpio-Rabbit is extremely selective, and the search criteria can be very specific. This is not the standard "sweet and caring" or "courageous and brave." For the Scorpio-Rabbit, important characteristics of the other half can be his ability to empathize, resistance to attacks of his bad mood and, of course, endurance in bed - this person pays great attention to intimate life.

The Scorpio-Rabbit man will not shower you with flowers and call you a “bunny.” He will always be a little distant, but when he looks you in the eyes and asks you to be with him, it will be for real. The Scorpio-Rabbit woman is an attractive IceLady who really needs your warmth and fidelity.

Sexuality of Scorpio-Rabbit

Scorpio-Rabbit is ready to not let a loved one out of bed for days; for him this is a basic component of a relationship. Keep in mind that intimacy with a Scorpio-Rabbit is like a litmus test of his feelings: if he loves you, he will constantly insist on it. Platonic love is practically alien to him. The stupidest thing you can do when you quarrel with him is to deprive the Scorpio-Rabbit of carnal love as punishment. If his partner stops satisfying him, he will not get lost and will quickly find someone who will satisfy his hunger.

Celebrities of the Scorpio sign born in the year of the Rabbit:

Ana Ivanovic, Serbian tennis player.
Viktor Sukhorukov, Soviet and Russian actor.
Martin Luther, German Christian reformer theologian.
Mikhail Efremov, Soviet and Russian actor.
Mikhail Lomonosov, Russian scientist-encyclopedist.
Mikhail Ulyanov, Soviet and Russian actor.
Friedrich Schiller, German philosopher, poet, playwright.
Eldar Ryazanov, Soviet and Russian director.

The patience and cunning of the Rabbit (Cat) - Scorpio man are qualities that allow you to keep up with the times and achieve your goals.

Beneath the restraint of the Scorpio Rabbit lies cold calculation and cunning; unconventional thinking, ingenuity, and the ability to foresee actions make it easy to eliminate competitors in business and personal life.

A proud and reserved Scorpio Rabbit man, whose characteristics remain virtually unchanged throughout his life, should be accepted with all his shortcomings. In exceptional cases, he is ready to make concessions for the sake of his beloved woman.

Scorpio-Rabbit in love and marriage

Scorpio in the year of the Rabbit is passionate. He can’t imagine life without spectacular women, but he’s not ready for reckless actions. He values ​​freedom and prefers short, non-committal romances.

Cat - Scorpio needs a woman with impeccable taste, who will fill life with bright colors: she will decorate the house in an original way, and will be able to combine work and caring for her appearance.

A triumphant appearance accompanied by a beautiful wife who evokes admiration has a positive effect on self-esteem.

Cat - Scorpio is in no hurry to get married. A wealthy man does not deny his wife anything and ensures a decent existence. Can afford a short affair on the side. Children trust their innermost secrets to their caring father.

Scorpio-Rabbit Career

The ingenuity of the Scorpio-Cat man is envied by his colleagues and competitors. He knows how to instantly respond to unforeseen circumstances.

The ability to restrain emotions helps Scorpio in all endeavors.

For a long time he nurtures original ideas that ensure the prosperity of the company. Managers value an employee who intuitively makes the right decisions and is not afraid to experiment.

Scorpio, born in the year of the Cat, will not work for the owner for a long time. A man strives to gain independence, create his own business, for which he is ready to do anything. The efficiency of the enterprising Scorpio is an example to follow; subordinates must correspond to the leader. Will not tolerate neglect of duties.
For the sake of his career, he will not disdain forbidden methods. Purposeful Scorpio will turn an idea into reality at any cost.

The Scorpio-Rabbit woman is a strong personality, whose merits are not so easy to describe. On the one hand, the horoscope characterizes her as a shy and reserved person, and on the other hand, the Scorpio Rabbit woman can be relaxed and emotional.

Character traits. Characteristic.

The Scorpio girl, born in the year of the Cat, has a decisive and strong-willed character. Such a woman will find a way out of any situation and cope with any problem. Another feature of it is that Scorpio-Rabbit tries to look at everything in this life with a positive attitude.

Due to the fact that this woman was born under the zodiac sign of Scorpio, she is naturally endowed with amazing intuition. In particular, her intuition and some extrasensory abilities are revealed after forty years. If the Scorpio Rabbit listens to his inner voice, he will be able to achieve everything he dreams of with great ease.

This woman loves to fantasize, to come up with something new and interesting. Thanks to his determination, Scorpio-Rabbit will be able to realize his wildest dreams. Often these women realize themselves in creative professions.

It is impossible to take such a woman by surprise; she always feels the approach of trouble and prepares in advance to repel the blow of fate. But despite this, she still has shortcomings. The main disadvantage of the Scorpio-Rabbit character is that this woman is too self-critical of herself. She should learn to live easier, so as not to doubt the decisions made and the actions committed. Moreover, the representative of this zodiac sign is never mistaken.

In progress

Scorpio-Rabbit often harbors all its plans within itself and does not share it with anyone. Perhaps partly for this reason she manages to easily achieve her goals. Starting to work in any team, this woman gradually becomes its leader and confidently moves up the career ladder. The bosses value such efficient and creative workers as the Scorpio Rabbit.

The best incentive for Scorpio, born in the year of the Cat, is financial reward. That is, the higher the salary, the better the woman will perform at work. Scorpio-Rabbit will never work in a job that is not interesting to her and which will not satisfy her financial needs.

Prudence helps this woman achieve high career growth. The business acumen and special flair of Scorpio, born in the year of the Rabbit, give her the opportunity to cope with the most difficult situations. It is to such a woman that management will trust all the most important transactions.

This woman treats money lightly. Scorpio, born in the year of the Rabbit, loves to live, as they say, in grand style, without denying herself anything. Despite this, such a woman never experiences financial difficulties, since she knows how to earn money in any situation and knows how to plan a budget correctly.

In love

This woman has not only strong intuition, but also natural magnetism and charm. Thanks to such qualities, the Scorpio Rabbit easily achieves reciprocity from any man.

In personal relationships, this woman will prove herself to be a true leader. There must be a man next to her who can obey her will or who can be much stronger than herself.

In love, Scorpio, born in the year of the Rabbit, will be tough and demanding. But, if she truly falls in love, she will reveal herself to her partner from a completely different side. This woman knows how to be soft, gentle and caring, the main thing is to find an approach to her and be able to win the heart of the Scorpio Rabbit.

In marriage, a woman will prove herself to be a loving wife, a caring mother and a hospitable hostess. Marriage changes the Scorpio-Rabbit very much. For her family she will always be kind and affectionate, but for everyone else she will be cold and unforgiving.

Scorpio-Rabbit has good compatibility with men born under the signs of Scorpio and Sagittarius. These men will be able to tolerate her difficult character and understand what this woman really wants.

Character of the Rabbit "Cat" - Scorpio woman: These are smart, resourceful and determined women who are in a positive mood. Their obvious drawback is gambling, which can lead to negative consequences. If they follow their positive vibrations, everything will work out well for them. Happiness for them can also be their favorite activity, in which they simply dissolve.

Unlike other representatives of this sign, these Pisces know how to not only soar in fantasies, but boldly combine them with real life. The ability to find a middle ground allows them to realize all their plans. They are trusting and self-confident, but these qualities only help them achieve everything in life. They love completeness in everything, so once they start something, they are sure to see it through to the end.

Rabbit Woman "Cat" - Scorpios in love and relationships: For these women, everything in life should be implemented according to the plan they have drawn up. If relationships and love are planned at a certain period of life, then they will be romantic, tender and will never be broken. Otherwise, they will do everything to avoid this relationship. Such systematicity can cause the loss of great and only love.

Rabbit Woman “Cat” - Scorpio in finance and career: According to the system, financial well-being for these women should come only after climbing the career ladder. They will work hard to make a career, and their hard work and ability to bring everything to the end will certainly lead to success. Then they will systematically begin to improve their financial well-being. Usually they achieve their goals, but for this they need a lot of effort, since they forget that many things can be done in parallel.

Woman Rabbit "Cat" - Scorpios in family and marriage: The family relationships of these women often resemble a series of incomprehensible events. And this is primarily due to the changeability of their nature. They are too systematic and at the same time may be inconsistent. And inconsistency in deeds and actions can lead to misunderstanding on the part of the partner. That is why it is difficult to say that their family life will be 100% prosperous.

Advice to the Rabbit “Cat” – Scorpio woman: These women need to forget about self-criticism. You don’t need to control your every word and step, it’s enough to just trust life. By trusting, they can achieve better and more. At the same time, we must not forget to look for new horizons, since this is the meaning of life for these women. Internal search will always help them realize themselves, find a foothold and simply become stronger. It is in this order that they must develop in order to achieve prosperity and harmony.