Relationship between a monkey man and a rat woman. How compatible are Rat and Monkey according to the eastern horoscope?

Astrologers consider the compatibility of Monkey and Rat to be contradictory. These signs fall into the number of vector ones. According to the eastern horoscope, the couple builds their relationship according to the master-servant type. And not always everything depends on the main partner. Sometimes it is the servant who pushes his partner to take action.

Characteristics of the Monkey

A person who is a Monkey according to his horoscope is positive and sociable, but does not know how to build love relationships.

The Monkey man is often a dictator in relationships.

The monkey girl is cunning and loves to intrigue. She moves through life easily and knows how to move up the career ladder. She values ​​trust in relationships, knows how to organize home life, and is simply created for the family. Values ​​trust in relationships.

Much in a relationship determines which element is controlled by the sign. The Water Monkey, according to the eastern horoscope, is more open than the rest of its relatives. The element of water enhances positive qualities.

Characteristics of the Rat

The horoscope describes Rats as sociable, nimble people, which makes them similar to Monkeys. But, unlike them, Rats are more prone to manipulation. The sign loves active pastime.

For Rats, a characteristic feature is communication with other people for their own benefit. They will never become friends with a person who has once offended them. In a relationship, they are suspicious of their partner, especially if they have found a reason for jealousy.

Monkey Man and Rat Woman

A Monkey man and a Rat woman together can reach their full potential. The girl knows how to organize everyday life very well. She can skillfully push her partner to take certain actions and help him realize his potential.

The downside of this relationship is the desire of both partners to manipulate. If they refuse such actions, and discuss all their desires with their partner, their marriage can become ideal in all respects. People need to learn to understand exactly what feeling is hidden behind the need to manipulate a partner.

Relationship problems:

  • the quarrelsome nature of the Monkey;
  • the Rat’s desire to control everything and everywhere;
  • inability of partners to respect the feelings of the other half;
  • the desire to occupy a leading position in the relationship for both partners: dictatorial tendencies on the part of the Monkey.

Compatibility in love

Usually the Monkey man and the Rat woman immediately notice each other. And this is not surprising, because the Rat has an interesting position in life and knows how to attract his interlocutor. And even if a man was just thinking of having a little fun, after a couple of dates he realizes that he is hopelessly in love. Monkey men are very generous in love. They try to make their chosen one happy at all costs.

The Rat and the Monkey, being close, can reveal their best sides. The Rat, being carried away by a partner, can overly idealize him, which will serve as a reason for disappointment in the future. The fact is that her partner has an unpleasant character trait: hiding his intentions and plans even from the people closest to him. But don’t panic right away; you first need to figure out why he did it.


The marriage compatibility of these signs is very good if it is based on mutual love. Both partners love children. They will cope perfectly with 2-3 kids. Both parents usually participate in raising children in such families, which is very rare in the modern world.

To prevent partners from quarreling after a few years of marriage, they should show their cards in advance. The Rat woman needs to realize that her husband's cunning plans are often a way of protection from the outside world and maybe she needs to become a little more loyal in her criticism. A happy marriage is possible if partners are not fixated only on their desires and feelings, but direct all their efforts to harmonize relationships.

In friendship

Rat and Monkey have often been friends since childhood. Subsequently, they begin to make their dreams come true together. The restlessness and energy of the Monkey helps to attract followers, and the inquisitive mind of the Rat allows you to fulfill all your plans in the best possible way.

If in childhood the signs do not pay attention to each other’s cunning, then in adulthood this fact can completely ruin friendly relationships. Too much passion for material values ​​can give rise to serious enmity between them. Friends need to pay more attention to spiritual values.

Rat Man and Monkey Woman

The compatibility of the Rat man and the Monkey woman, according to the eastern horoscope, is very good. The girl is a charming, self-sufficient person who attracts the glances of the opposite sex. The Rat definitely cannot resist such a woman. Seeing her, he realizes that it is love at first sight.

Their relationship is developing rapidly. It won’t take too much time for partners to realize whether they can get along together. A Rat man and a Monkey woman can spend their whole lives side by side.

The Rat in these relationships allows the woman to think that she occupies a leading position, smoothly driving her energetic nature into its framework. This can serve as a rock of contention later.

The reasons for quarrels can be the following characteristics of partners:

  • the Rat's desire to change his partner;
  • The Monkey is too picky about what its partner does;
  • jealousy, hot temper, fixation on personal needs on both sides;
  • The Monkey's need for personal space, which the Rat does not always respect.

Union in love

In this regard, the signs are completely compatible. Being nearby, they forget about everything in the world. Their relationship is like a bright fire, warming everyone around with its warmth.

This couple is often envied by others, so partners need to be more careful in their choice of friends, because evil slander can awaken in them blinding jealousy, which can destroy any relationship. As soon as the Rat guy realizes that he has found the right woman, he immediately tries to drag her down the aisle. The monkey is slower in this regard, so it may not immediately agree to marriage.


The horoscope describes the marriage as very favorable. If a relationship is built on mutual trust and love, the couple reaches a new emotional level. A marriage in which partners are guided by selfish goals is doomed to failure. People will not be able to find a common language.

A girl, surrounded by care and attention from her husband, blossoms. If a man gives her a little freedom, he himself will be surprised at how strong her dedication will be. They complement each other perfectly.

In general, the prognosis is favorable. The main thing is that partners learn to make concessions to each other and do not skimp on personal space. There are no barriers to real feelings. In families built on love and mutual respect, harmony always reigns.

Compatibility between a Rat man and a Monkey woman is one of the most contradictory and intense. Both partners prefer not to wash dirty clothes in public, so the external picture of the relationship does not correspond to the internal one. This union can become one of the happiest, but there is a fairly high probability that the partners will be completely disappointed in each other.


They are attracted to each other by similar thinking and ability to feel a partner; they are intellectual, inquisitive and very mobile. They like to be in the company of friends and close relatives, gather in noisy groups on holidays, travel a lot and generally lead a social lifestyle.

The Rat man is a somewhat detached person and rarely immerses himself in a relationship so much as to forget about his interests, needs and plans. It is not difficult for him to break off a love affair if he considers that there is no practical meaning in it. The Monkey woman also easily lives an independent life and perceives love as a special game that she will gladly play if desired, and will just as easily leave the field if she becomes bored. None of them are concerned about taking care of their partner and do not want to delve into other people's problems and, by and large, do not get attached or get stuck in a love relationship.


For these men and women, the external impression of their couple is more important in principle. They easily create luxury and comfort in their home, and will try to give their children the best education so that they can be proud of their successes. However, in the pursuit of external beauty and well-being, they may lose the main thing - the sincerity and subtlety of their love union, without which any serious test may be the last and a decision will be made to separate.

The Rat man is somewhat secretive and suspicious, and also has a tendency to play behind-the-scenes games. Perhaps it will seem to him that the Monkey woman is very similar to him - a dynamic and cunning person, together with whom they can move mountains. He's partly right, but this woman is much more cunning than he imagines. Therefore, playing the role of a wife, she will guide him in the right direction.

It is very important that she does not manipulate or use her beloved man, otherwise sooner or later she will be exposed and a serious conflict will arise. Often the tricks of the Monkey girl resemble the pranks of a little girl, and not the strategic plans of a person hungry for power.

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The Chinese horoscope contains information about your personal characteristics, as well as the degree of your compatibility with representatives of other signs.

If you are a Rat, then you are very diligent and incredibly hardworking. You will do everything possible and impossible for your family - in this regard, you strive for perfection. In fact, when it comes to the interests of your clan, you are even capable of selling other people's secrets for the maximum price. People around you willingly share their secrets with you. You are great at keeping them as long as it suits your interests.

You are very observant and have an analytical mind. You are cautious and suspicious and, as a rule, do not fall for various tricks. Because of these character traits, you have developed a somewhat negative attitude, and you often plunge into the abyss of anxiety. You have a well-developed intuition; you sense danger on an instinctive level and manage to get out of a situation before circumstances change for the worse. You are constantly on guard, and this constant state of alertness can have negative consequences.

You are excellent at planning a budget and managing financial flows. You should exercise some caution in relation to various bets and profitable transactions, which in the end may not bring you the benefit that you hoped for. As a rule, you play the role of the family breadwinner and cope well with your responsibilities.

A monkey is quite suitable for you as a life partner. Representatives of this sign are known for their cunning, but you are a master at recognizing their tricks, and this skill of yours inspires respect for the Monkey. In fact, the Monkey sincerely admires those people whom he cannot fool. The Monkey is incredibly charming and seductive, and you also have a fair amount of natural charm. Your relationship is likely to become playful and passionate. You both are quick-witted and witty. While communicating with each other, you will be able to practically demonstrate your sharp mind and incomparable sense of humor and get incredible pleasure from this process.

The Monkey is an incorrigible optimist. She can really encourage you and give you support in those moments when you are feeling anxious or negative. The monkey is accustomed to the luck and constant success that accompanies it. Your partner will definitely take a break from the process of implementing her complex schemes in order to cheer you up in those moments when you feel depressed. Despite the fact that the Monkey is frivolous and fickle, you are smart and interesting enough for him. You are able to constantly maintain her interest in your person and will not let her leave you for another man.

Both you and your Monkey partner are unable to maintain concentration on a specific object or enterprise for a long time - this is your only common weakness! You are both incredibly energetic, but you tend to waste your energy on a number of different tasks at the same time. The monkey is not able to concentrate for a long time on performing a single task. She constantly switches from one scheme to another, from one plan to another, at some point losing interest in solving a particular problem. You need to constantly remind each other of the need to maintain concentration - this is the only way you can achieve at least some results.

In this relationship, you may have the role of homemaker, but some Monkeys find it quite difficult to hold down a job - in this case, you will have to become the breadwinner of the family. You have a wide range of skills and talents and don't mind at all taking care of your family in any way you can, so this arrangement could work. You will get along wonderfully with each other - of course, if the Monkey manages to keep himself within limits and does not make too frequent attempts to fool you.

Compatibility between a Rat man and a Monkey woman is one of the most contradictory and intense. Both partners prefer not to wash dirty clothes in public, so the external picture of the relationship does not correspond to the internal one. This union can become one of the happiest, but there is a fairly high probability that the partners will be completely disappointed in each other.

Rat-man and Monkey-woman: in this pair, the woman must decide everything for both of them, otherwise over time she will feel deceived and will be left with nothing. Everything, down to the smallest detail, should rest on the woman; she should work on relationships, solve problems and be understanding of the character of her other half. In such relationships, everything depends on the perseverance and love of the Rat, because it is she, on her fragile shoulders, who will bear all the burdens.

Rat-Man and Monkey-Woman form a fairly successful union, and this applies to both family life and business. The most important thing is to be understanding of the characteristics of the Rat. He is very closed, capricious and mysterious. The most important thing for the Monkey in this relationship is to try to get used to the secrecy of the spouse, especially since there is nothing to suspect him of, he is an excellent family man and a loving husband, who dotes on his Monkey and is ready to endure all her ridicule. It is necessary to solve problems in such an alliance together, but the Rat should not forget that the Monkey is more hot-tempered and sometimes incorrect; at such moments it is enough to calmly explain what is not satisfactory, and there is no point in scandals.

Rat man and Monkey woman in love

A pair of Rat men and Monkey women have good compatibility, since these signs have a lot in common. They are sociable, have good intelligence, attract attention in society, and strive for everything new. It seems to them that they understand each other perfectly. At the same time, this union is one of the most controversial in the Chinese horoscope.

The thing is that both the Rat man and the Monkey woman are self-sufficient and are not particularly obsessed with their partner. They do not show care, which is sometimes necessary, but at the same time they do not expect it too much from the other. Neither the Rat nor the Monkey finds it difficult to break off a relationship if they do not see any prospects.

The Monkey woman may seem to the Rat man absolutely the same as himself: businesslike, purposeful, and he will think that together they will move mountains. And here it is important that his chosen one is really honest with him, because such women often play a double game, are cunning and direct the Rat in the direction that is beneficial to the Monkey. This trick sooner or later comes to the surface, and the alliance falls apart.

Partners surround themselves with luxury and play to the public, creating the impression of an ideal couple. But this is not always the case: sometimes spiritual closeness leaves a family, and any serious trials can destroy it.

Rat man and Monkey woman in a relationship

They are attracted to each other by similar thinking and ability to feel a partner; they are intellectual, inquisitive and very mobile. They like to be in the company of friends and close relatives, gather in noisy groups on holidays, travel a lot and generally lead a social lifestyle.

The Rat man is a somewhat detached person and rarely immerses himself in a relationship so much as to forget about his interests, needs and plans. It is not difficult for him to break off a love affair if he considers that there is no practical meaning in it. The Monkey woman also easily lives an independent life and perceives love as a special game that she will gladly play if desired, and will just as easily leave the field if she becomes bored. None of them are concerned about taking care of their partner and do not want to delve into other people's problems and, by and large, do not get attached or get stuck in a love relationship.

For these men and women, the external impression of their couple is more important in principle. They easily create luxury and comfort in their home, and will try to give their children the best education so that they can be proud of their successes. However, in the pursuit of external beauty and well-being, they may lose the main thing - the sincerity and subtlety of their love union, without which any serious test may be the last and a decision will be made to separate.

Compatibility of Rat and Monkey in marriage

In a marriage where a Rat man and a Monkey woman, the spouse turns from a born Don Juan into a devoted lover. It’s not surprising, because he finally met his only and best Monkey woman. The feelings between the partners will be mutual, so we can safely say that the Rat man and the Monkey woman are well compatible. But it doesn’t hurt to be careful in relationships! After all, even such an ideal union is not stable. The Rat man will eventually begin to resist his position as a servant in the family, which can lead to a nervous breakdown.

Rat + Monkey = love and creativity

The compatibility horoscope of the Rat and the Monkey is one of the most promising. The attraction between the signs is so strong that these two literally cannot live without each other. And it doesn’t matter at all in what area the Monkey and Rat come into contact - the compatibility of this couple will manifest itself in any area of ​​human relations: be it love, friendship or business partnership.

What do they have in common?

First of all, the Rat and the Monkey are a powerful creative tandem, in which the Rat inspires the Monkey to achieve feats, and the Monkey supports the Rat in all its endeavors. This is how the Rat receives much-needed support, and the Monkey receives a vector of development and the opportunity to realize their own talents. Thus, the most extravagant plans of these two are easily translated into reality. It is noteworthy that these plans most often concern profit.

Similarities: talkativeness, selfishness, creativity, ambition, cunning, developed sense of possessiveness, materialism.

Differences: The Rat is wise, and the Monkey is thoughtful, the Rat is a strategist, and the Monkey is a tactician, the Rat loves solitude, and the Monkey prefers company.

Of course, there are many more similarities and differences; the most important ones for this pair are given.

Monkey and Rat: love or addiction? Compatibility of signs in love and marriage

The Monkey takes the Rat unceremoniously and seeks to manipulate. The Rat subtly senses such notes in relationships and adapts only if this state of affairs is beneficial to it. Therefore, sometimes the Monkey should let go of the situation and hand over the reins to the Rat. In general, this couple has many common points of contact. You just have to stay out of other people’s territory and give each other free space. Do you hear, Monkeys?

Adviсe. It would do well for both signs to be more tolerant of each other, to give in more often and to give more dedication, or at least occasionally to show altruism towards their other half. After all, marriage is not only about mutually beneficial cooperation, but also about caring for your partner.

Is there a friendship between the Rat and the Monkey?

Friendship between Rat and Monkey? It may very well be. The foundation, of course, is a community of interests, views and aspirations. The sophistication of these two knows no bounds. As a result, this couple is never bored in each other’s company.

Rat and Monkey: compatibility horoscope at work

It is the business relationships between these animals that are the strongest. Provided that each of the signs pursues not only its own interests, but also respects the interests of the partner. As they say, the game is “at both ends”. In this case, productivity in a joint business will be high.