Melissa how to grow in the garden. How to grow lemon balm at home from seeds? Thorough weeding of the soil

This herb is an interesting find for lovers of the culinary arts. Melissa contains honey and mint notes at the same time, which echo each other. It is thanks to this combination that lemon balm can be used to prepare salads and other dishes. You can grow this spicy plant yourself in your summer cottage or directly in a pot from seeds or seedlings.

What are the benefits of lemon balm?

Melissa herb is perennial with a tetrahedral stem. The height of an adult bush reaches from 40 to 80 cm. The leaves, depending on the plant variety, have different colors and shapes. Each leaf is covered with barely noticeable fibers that glisten in the sun. The rhizome of the plant is highly branched and has well-developed shoots located underground. During flowering, purple, pinkish or white flowers appear under the axils of the leaves, depending on the variety of lemon balm. And during the ripening period, very small round brown fruits can be seen on an adult plant.

If you pick lemon balm leaves and mash them in your hands, you can enjoy a pleasant, light lemon aroma. Melissa has a bitter taste.

The leaves contain large amounts of vitamin C and essential oils. Because of this feature, the cultivation of lemon balm has always been popular, since this herb is used as an additive to dishes, drinks, and also in medicine - lemon balm will help in the treatment of neuroses, heart and stomach diseases, increase appetite and relieve headaches.

If you pick lemon balm leaves and dry them according to all the rules, then it will not lose its aroma and spice even after a year.

People call lemon balm grass differently: honey grass, bee grass, lemongrass. In a sense, these names even justify themselves, because during the flowering period a large number of bees can be seen around the lemon balm, and a certain variety of the plant has a persistent lemon smell.

Plant varieties

There are many varieties of lemon balm in nature. Each of them differs in the size of the bush, the shape and color of the leaves, the duration of flowering and aroma. Common varieties of lemon balm:

  • lemon;
  • pearl;
  • Tsaritsynskaya,
  • lime;
  • freshness;
  • erect.

There are also varieties of the spicy plant in which the color is very different from ordinary lemon balm - this variety is called “pure gold” due to the fact that the leaves have a light yellow tint. And when the sun's rays hit them, the thin pearlescent fibers shimmer in the sun.

A popular variety of lemon balm that can be found in fields and grown even at home in an ordinary flower pot is Variegated lemon balm. It has a bright aroma and has dark green leaves with golden veins.

You need to know that some varieties are decorative, and some can be used for cooking, as a spice and for medicinal purposes.

If we compare Russia with other countries, then in Europe it is common to cultivate lemon balm en masse in fields, gardens and even on balconies. Melissa leaves are added to salads, soups and drinks. It has a light lemon aroma. Imagine how just a few lemon balm leaves can enrich the taste of spinach soup!

If you fall into the category of “beginner gardeners” and want to grow lemon balm from seeds, then you need to familiarize yourself with the process and learn how to grow lemon balm.

Growing lemon balm from its seeds

Since lemon balm is a frost-resistant plant, it can be grown even in the fall - it will overwinter well even in open ground. You can collect lemon balm seeds yourself or purchase a bag at a specialty store.

Melissa is sown at a convenient time - there are no clear restrictions. The plant will feel equally good in the ground (with the exception of the cold season). For example, you can sow lemon balm in the spring, during the summer months, in the fall and before winter.

When planting seeds, it is important to follow certain rules:

  1. The distance between rows should be at least 25-30 cm.
  2. According to generally accepted standards, the sowing density is 1.5-2 g per m 2 of land.
  3. You can bury the seeds only 1-2 cm.
  4. It is also necessary to take into account that the seeds are very tiny and they will take a long time to germinate. Therefore, so that the first shoots do not get lost among the weeds, lemon balm seeds need to be sown with other crops that serve as beacons. Mix lemon balm seeds with lettuce or radish seeds in a 2:1 ratio. Sow the mixture in one previously prepared furrow. When the first shoots appear, the radishes or lettuce will have already entered the ripening stage. It is at this time that they can be removed completely or replanted.
  5. Seed germination persists for 2-3 years.
  6. Seeds can be sown in spring open ground.

If you manage to grow lemon balm from seeds, then do not wait for flowering in the first year - the plant should gain strength.

The most acceptable option for growing lemon balm is to plant seeds for seedlings at home.

How to plant lemon balm:

  1. In the middle or at the end of the first spring month, it is necessary to prepare boxes or small cups for seeds.
  2. For seedlings, you can sow lemon balm seeds directly into a greenhouse, if you have one.
  3. Please note that the germination rate of lemon balm seeds is very low.
  4. When planting small seeds, try not to bury them too deep. Just 0.5 cm is enough, in this case the shoots will be simultaneous.
  5. After amicable shoots, you can defuse the plants so that they do not interfere with each other during development. The best option is the distance between each sprout – 5 cm.
  6. After the first shoots, seedlings need a large amount of light, so take care of this in advance. For example, you can place a box of seedlings on a bright windowsill, and on sunny days take them out onto the balcony. Artificial lighting is also a good option. You can make a lamp for seedlings yourself and turn it on on cloudy days.
  7. To ensure that the seedlings develop well, add a little nitrogen fertilizer to the ground or immediately plant lemon balm in peat pots.
  8. As soon as the leaves appear, the seedlings need to be thinned out. Melissa picking is not done.
  9. After 40 days, it is advisable to plant lemon balm in the ground or an empty pot in a permanent place.

When planting lemon balm in open ground, you must choose a suitable place in the shade of trees, but so that the sun hits the plants. Melissa does not like shade, and can die from too much moisture. It is best to plant seedlings in a place where there is partial shade.

The soil needs to be well drained. The ideal soil for growing lemon balm from seeds is sandy loam, slightly acidic or neutral.

When planting perennial herbs, it is advisable to prepare the soil in advance - in the fall. Dig it thoroughly, remove all weeds and apply mineral and organic fertilizers. Make sure that the soil in your area does not become sour. If this happens, then you should take care of drainage. This can be crushed brick and small crushed stone. Acidification of the soil is fraught with rotting of the root system.

If the soil on your site is clayey, then it is better to dilute it with sand. It is also necessary to make the beds high when planting lemon balm.

As soon as the soil begins to warm up, it’s time to get to work. First, prepare the area and remove the weeds. Then mark out the beds. The distance between the rows is 45 cm. You can plant seedlings grown from seeds in 1 or 2 rows, depending on the chosen location and purpose. It is advisable that there be free space between each plant, ideally 40 cm, then the bushes will not interfere with each other. If you have enough free space on your site, plant lemon balm at a distance of 60 cm from each other. The plant will look more aesthetically pleasing, and when it begins to reproduce, new bushes will quickly fill the empty space.

With the appearance of the first shoots, lemon balm needs to be divided (late spring), but this part of the work can be done at the end of summer. In the first year the plant strengthens, and in the second it will bloom and produce good greenery. The harvest must be harvested before the plant begins to bloom, that is, in the second year.

Growing lemon balm on a windowsill

Lemon balm - popular plant, used as a spice and folk remedy for the treatment of neuroses, vascular diseases, heart, stomach and allergies. You can grow medicinal lemon balm at home on a windowsill.

Plant propagation can be achieved in different ways:

  • dividing the bush - if lemon balm grows on your site, then it can be divided and replanted in a pot. The procedure is performed in the spring, when young shoots begin to grow from an adult plant. A small bush of herb is dug up, the soil is shaken off, and it is cut into small bushes with a sharp knife. The rhizomes are cut so that each sprout gets several young shoots with a bud. Then the young lemon balm is transplanted into a pot of soil;
  • layering - if you have an adult lemon balm bush, then you can propagate it much faster. There is no need to dig it up; the young shoots will take root perfectly right on the bush. This must be done before the plant begins to bloom, that is, in the middle of summer. Young shoots (10-15 cm long) are lowered down to the ground, fixed in any way and sprinkled with earth. The place is watered abundantly. After 2 weeks, the young shoot will take root and can be cut off with pruning shears and then transplanted into a pot. After transplanting, place the pot in a shaded place and wait for the shoots to take root in the new place;
  • If the above methods do not suit you, then you can propagate lemon balm from cuttings. This is easy to do: go to the store or market and buy a bunch of freshly cut lemon balm. We cut off the tops with scissors and place them in a container with water. We wait for the sprouts to take root (after 10 days) and transplant them into a pot;
  • propagating lemon balm by seeds is a long and troublesome task, but if you have patience, then such a lemon balm bush will be much stronger and more resilient than the spice grown using the methods described above.

Let's take a closer look at how to grow lemon balm from seeds:

  1. Before planting, the seeds should be well etched in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 1-2 hours.
  2. Plant the seeds in peat pots or boxes with soil to a depth of 0.5 cm.
  3. Containers with seeds are covered with film and placed in a warm place.
  4. After 15 days you can expect the first shoots.
  5. When the first 2 leaves appear, the seedlings can be planted in a large pot, 6-7 sprouts in each container.
  6. It is worth taking care of good drainage in advance.
  7. The height of the pot should be no more than 15 cm.
  8. After 7 weeks it will be possible to harvest the first harvest. During this time, the lemon balm will grow 6 leaves.

How to care for lemon balm

Melissa loves light, so you need to immediately choose a suitable place. This could be a well-lit windowsill. Although, if there is not enough light, the bush will not die, but will only slow down its growth and the color of the leaves will be paler.

Melissa loves moisture, so you need to water the plant generously, especially in summer. On cloudy days and cold seasons, watering should be moderate.

Do not allow the soil to become waterlogged, because the plant will begin to hurt. Also, you should not allow water to stagnate in the pot - the bush can get sick and rot. That is why you need to take care of good drainage in advance.

Melissa loves moist air, so in the summer the bushes need to be sprayed with cool water from a spray bottle. If you do this every day in the heat, the leaves will become larger and acquire a bright, juicy color.

Do not spare the lemon balm bushes - they need to be plucked as often as possible - timely pruning of the plant will help to delay the flowering period, during which the leaves become coarser.

For normal growth and development of herb, it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature, within 18-20 o C. The plant tolerates temperature fluctuations well, but this can affect the juiciness of the leaf. By the way, heat is detrimental to leaves, but lemon balm can tolerate cold.

In order for the bush to serve you for a long time, it is necessary to fertilize it in a timely manner, for example, Agrolife fertilizer - 1 tsp. into the top layer of soil 1, maximum 2 times a month.

Melissa has a subtle, unobtrusive pleasant aroma. It, like mint, has been popular among gardeners all over the world for many centuries. Already from the very name of the plant one can judge its magnificence, because lemon balm was named after the exquisite ancient Greek nymph - Melissa.
Melissa is a wonderful herb that is a real boon for the cook. Due to its aroma, the plant is used to prepare various dishes. In lemon balm, a thin thread intertwines honey and mint aroma, ideally complementing salads, compotes, and desserts.
You can grow lemon balm on your own plot and even in pots on the windowsill. According to professional summer residents, there is nothing easier than growing lemon balm at home.

Features of the plant

Melissa is a perennial herb up to 80 cm high. The plant, depending on the variety, has leaves ranging from green to silver in color and can have different shapes. It is worth noting that the leaves of lemon balm, regardless of the variety, are “pubescent” with barely noticeable fibers. The plant has a well-branched root. It blooms with small fragrant flowers of white, pink or purple. This exotic herb is capable of setting fruit - leave the flower until fully ripe and brown berries will certainly form in its place.
At the first breath, the leaves crushed in the hands have a lemony sound. But the more you enjoy the aroma of a culture, the more multifaceted the aroma becomes.
Melissa, the cultivation of which has become popular recently, is a spicy crop valued for its aroma. It tastes bitter.

Beneficial features

The fragrant plant not only has a unique smell, but it is also very useful. The tender leaves of the plant contain a large amount of vitamin C, essential for the immune system, and essential oils.
Due to its composition, the plant has always been popular not only in cooking, but also in medicine and cosmetology. Tea or tincture of lemon balm will help get rid of poor appetite, insomnia, eliminate headaches, relieve stress, and eliminate depression.
Melissa retains its medicinal and culinary properties for a long time. Even after 24 months, dried lemon balm herb will still be aromatic and healthy.

Features of varieties

Melissa is a popular aromatic plant. Today, many varieties have been bred, but the most favorite among summer residents are lemon, lime, erect, and pearl.
Breeders have also bred decorative varieties. For example, the Pure Gold variety has yellow leaves. In the sun they play with rays, shimmer and shine. These plants are used to create flower beds and rockeries. It is not suitable for use as food or for preparing medicinal tinctures.
The Variegated variety has a rich aroma. The plant is easy to care for and can even be grown in flowerpots on a windowsill. Variegated lemon balm has small leaves with a rich green color.
In European countries, lemon balm is grown on a field scale. It has become an indispensable spice. In our country, lemon balm is grown only for our own needs. If you have not yet planted lemon balm in your summer cottage, be sure to do so. Just a few leaves of this aromatic plant can add a special touch to a familiar dish.

Seed propagation

The simplest and most affordable way to grow this grass in your summer cottage is by seed propagation. Seeds can be collected from an adult bush or purchased at a specialty store. Growing lemon balm from seeds allows you to enjoy freshness throughout the warm period; it is not demanding on soil or moisture, and tolerates low temperatures well.

The plant is not afraid of frost and feels great even at sub-zero temperatures. That is why you can sow seeds at any convenient time - even in the autumn. There are no clear restrictions for sowing aromatic grass seeds. Seeds can be germinated in spring, summer and even late autumn.
Rules for sowing lemon balm seeds:

  • Grows in luxurious bushes. Therefore, it requires enough space for full development. When planting seeds in rows, it is necessary to ensure a row spacing of at least 30 cm.
  • It should be sown at the rate of 2 g of dry seeds per m2.
  • The seeds do not need to be deeply buried. They are sown to a depth of no more than 2 cm.
  • The seeds are long lasting. Even after 3 years of storage they will produce friendly and uniform shoots.
  • Dry seeds are sown in open ground. They do this in the spring. When planting in summer, it is recommended to use seedlings.

Melissa seeds are very small, and the seedlings are not very abundant at the first stage of growth. This is why professionals recommend mixing lemon balm seeds with other crops, for example, lettuce or radishes. The seeds are mixed 2:1 - 2 parts additional crop to 1 part lemon balm. This approach will prevent you from losing seedlings. Until the crop sprouts and grows to a noticeable size, the radish or salad can already be eaten.
In the first year of growth, young plants flower but do not set seeds. The aromatic crop takes time to gain strength and form a mature bush, ready before seeds form. Melissa is easy to grow and easy to care for, allowing you to enjoy aromatic tea and produces a full harvest only in the second year of growth.
The best option for planting lemon balm from seeds is to grow seedlings.

Growing seedlings

Planting seedlings in open ground

Melissa is picky about space. To plant a plant, you need to choose a space under the tree. But the place should not be dark; direct sunlight can also have a detrimental effect on the plant. The fragrant culture feels ideal in partial shade.
The soil for planting seedlings is prepared in advance. Melissa prefers slightly acidic sandy loam soil.
Preparing a place for planting lemon balm seedlings:

  • In the fall, the bed under the lemon balm is dug up, weeds and unnecessary roots are selected.
  • Mineral fertilizers and rotted manure are applied.
  • If the site has acidic soil, the area for seedlings is drained with bricks or small crushed stone. Acidic soil promotes the formation of root rot - the plant dies sooner or later.
  • Melissa loves high places. That is why the bed under the grass is made high.

Clay soil should be diluted with sand.

In spring, the prepared bed should be cleared of weeds. You can weed, fluffing up the soil after winter rest. Mark the rows at a distance of at least 30 cm between each other. The ideal row spacing is 45 cm. Seedlings are planted in one or two rows in a checkerboard pattern. The distance between plants should be 40 cm. If there is no need to save planting space, the distance between plants increases to 60 cm. In such “chic” conditions, lemon balm will be able to reveal all its advantages. Having room for growth will allow the formation of a strong and branchy bush.
The aroma of lemon balm is most intense and refined until the moment of flowering. That is why it is harvested before the formation of flower stalks, trying to obtain the most refined smell. .

Agricultural technology for sowing lemon balm seeds

Although propagation by lemon balm seeds is not an easy task, it is what professionals prefer. After all, a bush grown from seeds is more resistant to adverse environmental factors. With the seedling method, the lemon aroma reveals itself much deeper.

Seed sowing technology:

  • Melissa seeds are soaked for several hours in a weak solution of manganese. A simple procedure will ensure disinfection of seeds and elimination of fungi.
  • Seeds are sown in prepared containers 0.5 cm deep.
  • The crops are carefully moistened with settled water at room temperature.
  • The seed boxes are covered with plastic film or glass, forming a kind of greenhouse.
  • After 2 weeks, the first sprouts of fragrant lemon balm appear.
  • After the formation of 2 leaves, the crops are thinned out.

Using this technology you can grow lemon balm on a windowsill.

Caring for young plants

  • Melissa prefers bright places to grow. Provide her with such a place, and she will thank you with fragrant greens.
  • Melissa is demanding on soil moisture. In summer, during extreme heat, it must be watered abundantly. When the temperature drops, stop watering the plants.
  • Melissa responds favorably to timely pruning. In addition, removing greenery from the bush delays the flowering period.
  • Melissa loves rich soil and appreciates fertilization. You can use both mineral and organic fertilizers.

Melissa is an amazing plant that is very easy to grow in your own garden. With very little effort, you can achieve a high yield and enjoy the lemon-honey aroma of this exquisite plant all year round.

Many gardeners strive to grow as many useful herbs as possible in their dacha or at home. Among them, one of the leading places is occupied by lemon balm, whose medicinal functions are difficult to overestimate, and whose wonderful aroma is so popular in cooking. The desire to increase the population often leads to a deterioration in quality, because growing lemon balm from seeds is not as simple as it seems at first. It requires significant theoretical preparation.

Melissa lowers blood pressure, slows breathing and heart rate

General information about lemon balm

Melissa belongs to the Lamiaceae family; it has certain similarities with mint, but it is a separate plant with its own characteristic characteristics. Melissa has several varieties, including:

  • lemon;
  • lime;
  • Tsaritsynskaya;
  • erect.

In the Russian climate it is possible to grow only one variety - lemon balm, or medicinal. This herb has a peculiar spicy aroma that can be felt from afar. The smell of the plant is simultaneously reminiscent of mint and honey. The lemon aroma is noticeable when you rub the leaves in your hands. Not all varieties are suitable for food; some serve only a decorative function. The content of essential oils varies between types.

On average, the perennial plant reaches a height of 70-100 cm and has a powerful branching root. Quite around the edges large leaves the teeth are located. The color of some varieties is yellow or golden. The color of miniature flowers varies from snow-white to lilac.

Breeding process

Melissa reproduces in 4 ways:

  • seeds;
  • dividing the bush;
  • cuttings;
  • layering.

Propagation by seeds is the most reliable method, but it requires considerable effort. Not all gardeners who are thinking about how to grow lemon balm from seeds know that this can be done in two ways: in the open ground in the country and at home on the windowsill.

Planting seeds in open ground

The process of growing in open ground begins with the selection of seeds. It is better to purchase them in a specialized store or take them from a lemon balm bush. It should be borne in mind that their germination persists for 2-3 years.

Also, their peculiarity is their small size, approximately 1000 seeds per 60 g. You can plant seeds in open ground in any month of the year, because the plant is frost-resistant. Most summer residents prefer to plant in the spring, when the temperature is above zero and the soil is well warmed up, but this time differs in different regions.

To successfully grow lemon balm, you need to take care of the site. This should be a place where sunlight enters unhindered; partial shade may be suitable. Groundwater should not flow nearby. The best soil for lemon balm is sandy loam, with neutral acidity. If planting occurs in the spring, then the soil should be treated in the fall: destroy weeds, dig thoroughly, add crushed stone or brick as drainage.

Planting seeds is not difficult if you follow a number of rules:

  • seeds must be placed in the grooves;
  • the depression in the ground is 1-1.5 cm, sprinkle them with a little earth on top;
  • the distance between them should be 20-30 cm;
  • The sowing sites must be watered carefully so as not to wash away the seeds.

If cultivation proceeds correctly, the first shoots will appear after 2 weeks.

Growing seedlings

Growing lemon balm from seedlings makes it possible to obtain a stronger plant. You can plant it both in a greenhouse at the dacha and on a windowsill at home. The most suitable months for planting are April or May, when the sun is already quite hot. Wooden boxes or containers, the height of which is 8-10 cm, can be used as containers. They should be placed on the windowsill so that the sun's rays can easily reach the plantings.

Melissa is ready for planting in open ground

The order of planting seeds is as follows:

  • nutritious soil must be loosened well;
  • make grooves in which to place seeds to a depth of 1 cm;
  • Watering is not necessary, spraying is sufficient;
  • the seedlings must be covered with film if the box is on the windowsill, but do not forget about ventilation;
  • when the seedlings stretch out a little, it is necessary to make the distance between the seedlings 5 ​​cm;
  • When the first leaves appear, the bushes should be planted in separate containers.

Growing lemon balm from seeds at home involves further planting it in open ground. It is preferable to do this in May, when temperatures reach above zero at night and the danger of frost disappears. Transplantation must be done carefully so as not to damage the roots of the young plant.

Exact origin of the name Melissa is not clear due to disagreements among its interpreters. But it is known that the herbaceous plant of the Lamiaceae family called lemon balm, the cultivation of which is widespread as a medicinal raw material, is also called censer, lemon grass, lemon and bee mint. This inconspicuous herb is cultivated by gardeners, gardeners and even planters for industrial purposes, focusing primarily on the richness of biologically active substances contained in lemon balm.

Did you know?According to one version, the name lemon balm was formed from the addition of Greek words meaning honey and leaves. According to the second - on behalf of the nymph Melissa, who allegedly treated Zeus with honey and milk. According to the third, Melissa was the name of the beauty who was turned into a bee by the will of the Olympian gods.

Melissa: plant description

The height of the perennial can reach one and a half meters. Its basis is a strongly branching rhizome. Petiolate opposite leaves of complex shape, resembling both a heart and an egg and having large teeth, are located on a branched stem, as if faceted on four sides.

Short pedicels are topped with axillary tufts of small white flowers, which may also have pale pink or purple tones. The flowers have four stamens, the upper quadripartite ovary of the pistil on a long style. The flowering of lemon balm marks July and August of the second year of growth.

The large, black-shine, four-nut fruit, which gains maturity in August-September, has an ovoid shape. Before flowering, the grass smells like lemon. When flowering ends, the waning odor becomes unpleasant.

How to choose a place and prepare the soil for growing lemon balm

In order for lemon balm to grow well, it needs to create certain conditions.

Lighting for active growth

It is recommended to plant lemon balm in a place with good sunlight, which is especially important for the germination of naturally small seeds. Frosts can destroy new lemon balm bushes, so their cultivation should begin with planting in warm weather. In the future, the plant demonstrates fair resistance to cold, although the place where lemon balm grows is still better to choose on the south side, protected from air currents coming from the north.

Important!In an open, sunny place, lemon balm has a richer aroma.

Preparing the soil for planting lemon balm

The soil for planting must be fertile and free of weeds. Melissa prefers loamy soils, as they have high water and breathability, which makes it possible to grow a full-fledged plant. Loose sandstones are also possible. They need good drainage from small crushed stone or broken brick, which will protect the root system from rotting.

If the entire area is located on clay soil, then in the place where lemon balm is planted it must be mixed with river sand. The soil reaction to acidity should be slightly acidic or neutral. The first digging with weeding and fertilizing can be done in the fall, and in the spring the heated soil can be loosened and cleaned again.

Methods for propagating lemon balm, how to plant a medicinal plant

To understand how lemon balm propagates most successfully, you must first carefully study and only then choose seeds, lemon balm seedlings, cuttings or separated parts of the bush for planting.

Sowing seeds

A thousand seeds weigh approximately 0.62 g. Their germination persists for 2-3 years. Based on practical experience, it was concluded that plants grow stronger and more resilient from seeds. When is the best time to sow lemon balm depends on the planting material chosen for open soil.

Planting in open ground

Rapid seed germination will occur when lemon balm is sown in open ground at the end of May. Moreover, as close to the surface as possible, that is, lemon balm seeds should be planted to a depth of no more than 1-1.5 cm. For row spacing, a gap of up to half a meter is sufficient. Between the bushes, since they grow decently, it is advisable to leave at least 40 cm.

Gardeners who care not only about yield, but also about the aesthetics of the beds, recommend increasing both distances to about 0.6 m. The first shoots appear only after 3-4 weeks, so to the question: “Why doesn’t lemon balm sprout?”, the answer is simple. – the allotted time has not arrived.

Planting lemon balm seedlings

A rich harvest of fragrant lemon balm can be achieved not only by growing it from seeds, but by first obtaining seedlings from them. Planting seedlings should be done at the turn of March and April, and in May the resulting approximately 40-day-old material with four leaves on each seedling is planted in the soil.

Boxes with sown seeds, covered with glass, are kept in a warm room, the illumination of which is increased to the maximum after germination. Seedlings that have grown to 3-5 cm need to be thinned to five-centimeter intervals and then planted in separate small containers.

Growing lemon balm by dividing the bush

The shoots that began to grow towards the end of May signal that you can start dividing the bushes. Another, also favorable, date is the end of August. The dug out bush is cut into pieces of equal size. Each of them should retain at least 4-5 shoots and roots. The separated parts take root well and bloom beautifully. The limitation for this method of propagating lemon balm is its age - it must be at least 3-4 years old.

How to cut lemon balm

Cuttings for planting lemon balm are made from the apical part of its young shoots, which, after cutting, are placed in water. After the roots appear (this happens after about two weeks), the cuttings are grown in fertilized loose soil.

Rules for caring for lemon balm in the garden

There is no difficulty in planting lemon balm; in any case, it is unpretentious, and therefore caring for it does not require any special specifics. But in the first year, until the branched roots of the overgrown bushes begin to independently provide them with nutrition and moisture, the plant needs close attention. First of all, it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil and remove weeds.

Melissa can exist in one place for up to 10 years. But in the sixth year, winter-hardy qualities deteriorate, so in frosty climates after this period it is better to divide and plant.

Important!After five years, the winter hardiness of the plant decreases.

Watering and fertilizing the plant

Several waterings are necessary during the initial growth stage. It is necessary to water in case of significant drought. Watering must be supplemented by loosening the soil. A protective layer of mulch placed on top will help the soil stay moist longer and also serve as a weed preventative. Feed lemon balm after each cutting of greenery.

Complex liquid fertilizers are used (per 10 liters of water - 20 g of ammonium nitrate, 50 g of superphosphate and 15 g of potassium chloride) and mulching with organic matter - a significant layer of humus or compost. Before flowering, fertilizing is not done, as this prevents the timely ripening of seeds.

Pinching lemon balm

Pinching seedlings of lemon balm grown as seedlings is done at a height of 10-15 cm. The result of this procedure is compact bushes with greater branching.

Melissa pruning

Two or three times a season, lemon balm shoots are radically pruned at a 10-centimeter distance from the surface of the earth. Such an operation leads, in addition to a very rapid recovery, to a fairly active formation of a large number of new branches and dense, attractive bushes, so attractive that they are used as elements of landscape design.

The most popular medicinal herbs grown on the site are mint and lemon balm. Tea with these plants is always popular. And how to properly grow and use them, in addition to tea, we’ll look at in the article. In addition, let's figure out what medicinal properties they have and how to use them in group plantings.

Features of growing mint

This unpretentious plant has several species, but is valued for its taste and medicinal properties. peppermint. It is mostly grown by gardeners. A delicate, sweetish taste, with a rich mint aroma - this is exactly the case when taste and benefit are combined.

Mint is an unpretentious plant. It can grow both on chernozems and on sandy and clay soils. The main thing is watering. Don't forget to water, especially on hot days. Then, even sunny areas can be developed by this plant. But preference should be given to partial shade. But stagnation of moisture is contraindicated. Root rot can lead to the death of plantings. Mint reproduces:

  • By dividing the bush (rhizomes). To do this, at the end of April or beginning of May, you need to dig up several young shoots with rhizomes and plant them in the desired area. Such manipulations can be carried out at the end of August.
  • Propagation by cuttings proceeds as follows: break off branches 7-8 cm long, put them in water and wait for the roots to appear. Plant in the ground when the roots are at least 2 cm long.
  • Seeds. This method is the most complex and time-consuming. Seed germination is low, there is a lot of hassle in caring for seedlings. Therefore, for beginners, the first two methods are more suitable. When mint blooms, self-seeding is possible, then the young plants grow well on their own, they can be safely replanted when the height reaches 5 cm.

Features of mint:

  • Strong growth of rhizomes. Therefore, you need to be prepared for a massive seizure of territory. If the area around is empty, that’s only a plus. But with limited spaces this is a problem. But there is a way out: planting in large pots or making fences. To do this, limiters (pieces of slate, metal sheets or other pieces of durable material) are driven into the soil to a depth of 10-15 cm.
  • Excellent bushiness when long shoots are often broken off. This feature will help you make good preparations for the winter from a small number of bushes and pick fresh shoots for tea all season long. When the stems reach a height of 15 cm, you need to tear off the tops, 5 cm - 7 cm long. Then two branches will grow from each branch in a couple of weeks. And when these shoots reach 10 cm, pluck them too, leaving 5 cm for new branches. There is no need to wait for mint to bloom. The leaves become hard and bushiness decreases.
  • Mass cutting of shoots. When the length of mint stems reaches 15-20 cm, mass collection of raw materials can be carried out. To do this, all mint stems are cut off with scissors, leaving shoots 5 cm high from the ground. In a couple of weeks, new branches will appear, which, with good watering, grow quickly.

Features of growing lemon balm

Melissa has a number of popular names: lemon balm, bee balm, honey balm, lemon grass. And all because the subtle aroma of this plant resembles a mixture of mint with citrus zest. And the flowers are excellent honey plants, attracting bees with their aroma. But if it is necessary to prepare a decent amount of raw materials, then allowing flowering is unnecessary.

When it comes to growing lemon balm on personal plot or in the garden, then you need to pay attention to the following points:

  • It is better to propagate the plant by dividing the bush or cuttings. It is difficult to grow seeds. Although, it reproduces well by self-sowing. It is fashionable to transplant young plants when they reach a height of 5 cm.
  • The growth of lemon balm is not as strong as that of mint. It is more discreet, and the root system is kept within the bush.
  • It is recommended to pick raw materials as the branches grow to 15-20 cm. New shoots grow quickly.
  • Melissa does not like bright sunny places. Partial shade is her favorite place. Although the shade is more suitable than open sunny areas.
  • Moderate hydration. Without bright contrasts of waterlogging and drying out.
  • She is not picky about the choice of soil.

Knowing these features of growing lemon balm, you can not be afraid and safely grow this fragrant and healthy crop on your own plot.

Uses and medicinal properties of mint

When it comes to mint, tea and mojito cocktails immediately come to mind. But as a seasoning, I don’t remember this herb. Although, meat and vegetable dishes, seasoned with dry mint leaves ground into powder, have a very pleasant taste and delicate aroma. And fresh leaves can be added to vegetable and fruit salads.

Medicinal properties of mint:

  • Decoctions of mint leaves and stems are used for:
  1. headache;
  2. migraine;
  3. nausea;
  4. heaviness in the stomach;
  5. nervousness;
  6. flatulence;
  7. insomnia;
  8. as a choleretic agent.
  • In combination with other herbs, mint is used for:
  1. colds;
  2. cardiovascular;
  3. stomach cramps;
  4. as anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • Fresh leaves are used for:
  1. Migraines and headaches. Rub the temples or apply leaves.
  2. Skin itching from insect bites.
  3. If you have bad breath, it is recommended to chew a mint leaf.

The main thing is to remember that at home, without a doctor’s prescription, you need to use mint teas and infusions for preventive purposes. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, you need to consult a doctor.

Uses and medicinal properties of lemon balm

Melissa is used in cooking as a seasoning for summer salads, mushroom and pea soups, and meat dishes. Essential oils used in aromatherapy and perfumery.

Melissa, like mint, has a calming, antispasmodic effect. Therefore, teas and infusions of this plant are taken for:

  • headache;
  • nervous excitement;
  • nausea;
  • insomnia;
  • low appetite;
  • allergic dermatitis;
  • poor digestion.

For insomnia and headaches, you can make tea from mint and lemon balm. Also, this tea is suitable for difficult digestion.

Remember! Large quantities of herbs during periods of exacerbation of diseases are contraindicated.

Mint and lemon balm in group plantings

If the purpose of cultivation is not only the medicinal properties of these plants, but also decorative properties, then you need to take into account:

  • Mint can be planted in a flower bed in large containers. Melissa doesn't like space restrictions. It should only be planted in the ground.
  • If plants are needed only for decorative purposes, you can plant them in the center of the flowerbed and form tall, flowering bushes.
  • Mint can be planted at the edge of the flower bed, constantly cutting off long stems, thus creating ground cover bushes. Melissa will not grow much, so its bushes will be lush, but small.
  • Planting in the garden, between trees, should be done taking into account the fact that mint and lemon balm need at least a few hours of sunlight a day.
  • Mint can be planted along borders, as long as the long stems are regularly cut back. For beautiful bushes, constant watering is necessary.

For their aroma and calming, calming effect, lemon balm and mint are rightfully leaders among other medicinal herbs, summer cottages. Having mastered the simple principles of growing these plants, you can delight yourself and your loved ones with pleasant and healthy teas, aromatic dishes, and your flowerbeds with original compositions.