Tarot card meaning 4 of pentacles. Four of Pentacles tarot card meaning. General meaning of the Four of Pentacles card

“The toad strangles to give to Caesar what is Caesar’s.”

This card signifies achieving something through hard work. Minor Arcana The Four of Pentacles Tarot card can indicate business, a relationship with a partner, health, or some kind of project. In this article we will look at the description and meaning in relationships of an upright and inverted card, interpretation and combination with other cards in layouts for love, health, career and work.

The Four of Pentacles is a card that is primarily associated with the material sphere and finances.

General meaning of the Four of Pentacles card

Your goal, to which you have been working hard and for a long time, is actually fragile and not viable. A person directs all his strength to maintaining what he has achieved; he has been achieving this for a very long time. The Four of Pentacles Tarot symbolizes prudence, a planned plan of action.

A person has stability, but the fear of losing everything forces him to defend his borders and rights, sometimes very aggressively, which alienates others. Blockage and stagnation occur. Selfishness, greed, the desire to save what one has acquired in any way.

Income growth is possible, but very slowly and difficult. A person dwells in the past, fixated on past achievements. There is no desire to move on, there is no development, stagnation, which can lead to sad consequences and the loss of what you have now.

The person has achieved his goals and no longer wants to do anything. He is happy with what he has received, with what he has, content with little. He has no desire and energy for new achievements, there is no energy or very little of it. A person needs to overcome his laziness, apathy, and then he will achieve more than he does now. Success achieved is the result of effort. Man has taken his place in this world and is trying to stay and gain a foothold there.

Four of Pentacles, the meaning of the card indicates stability and order, the person gains control over what bothers him. The card symbolizes security, but the person feels a lot of anxiety, as he is afraid of losing everything he has acquired through hard work. Therefore, a lot of energy is spent on protection and security. A person does not allow accidents. There is no flexibility of thinking and the ability to accept reality. Tight control.

The Four Denarii gives energy to get out of difficult and confusing situations. Helps to maintain borders, strengthen his position, and protect him from external threats. But a person feels that he is in a vicious circle, no matter what he does, he always stumbles upon some reservations and unexpected little troubles. The card indicates court cases, clashes with the bureaucratic system, and red tape in business.

In ancient interpretations, the Four of Coins symbolizes an expensive gift, the receipt of an inheritance, benefits, rewards, favor from an influential person or life, profitable transactions with property. Order, absence of worries and sorrows. In modern times, it means a meeting with a stingy person from whom you don’t expect anything good.

Personal Description

The card indicates obsessiveness, wariness, anxiety and fear. The person is the owner. Fear of life, a person is afraid of losing a source of income, being left alone with life, afraid of losing ground under his feet. This is all expressed in suspiciousness, fear of taking risks, undertaking, doing something new, unusual.

Positive features

The Four of Pentacles personifies a person who stands firmly on his feet, is conservative, does not accept any innovative ideas and does not allow novelty into his life. The card indicates practicality, organizational skills, a person relies only on his own strength, the ability to cope with a difficult situation, maintains composure and control over emotions.

The map shows that a person has a talent that has been present in several generations of the Family. If this is a creative person, then the Four of Coins shows that the person clings to his laurels, shields himself from reality with them and thereby blocks the energy of life. Accustomed to working with old methods and does not recognize new ones. It works along a well-trodden rut and thereby blocks the energy of creativity. Obsession with one idea throughout your life.

Negative traits

The person walks in circles, the energy is fixated. The idea of ​​security and stability has become obsessive. Fear overwhelms thoughts, prevents action, and fetters strength. Selfishness. A person only cares about his own values ​​and ideals and does not take into account the opinions of others. Doesn't value the opinions of loved ones.

It is difficult for a person to give up old ideas. He lives in the past. He drags his “suitcase without a handle” and does not see failure in his actions. He is terrified of losing his acquired treasures. A miser and a tyrant.

A person is afraid of losing his place in life, leaving his comfort zone. He is tormented by nightmares about losing his job or the destruction of his business, and the fear of being alone due to death or the loss of loved ones. Perhaps a person is currently fighting for a place in the sun; he is constantly on guard and waiting for attacks in his direction.

The card shows selfishness, greed, conservatism, stagnation. A person lives within his own framework according to a long-adopted plan and is not going to change anything in his life. An inflexible approach in the struggle for order, stability and structure. Maintaining these standards seems more important than being cheerful and humane.

Greed, distrust of others and the world, victory at any cost, everything translates into money. Man does not know what compassion and nobility are. Constantly looking for excuses for his insignificance and fears. Constant increased caution. Especially if the Seven of Swords is present in the scenario.

Degradation of consciousness if a person is fixated on only one of his ideas or problems. All conversations come down to one thing: he is not interested in anything in life except himself and his ideas. Selfishness. It is difficult to agree on anything with such a person.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

On a deeper level

The Four of Pentacles represents firmness, stability, and decency. Indicates a conservative person who does not want to accept anything new. He lives in his illusions. This image suggests that power and prosperity are achieved through the concentration of resources and thrifty attitude towards what has been achieved.

Too much attachment to things and money. A person cannot think about anything except his ideas and money, he lives by it. He idealizes things and attaches himself to them with all his soul. Consumption becomes a cult. A person needs to understand his goals and motivation.

The card asks the question: what is important to you, where is your place in this life? Do you live for money and wealth? What is your purpose?

The Four of Pentacles reveals Cancer, Jupiter and the Moon. Jupiter gives gifts, patronage, help. The moon is a symbol of home, family, reliability, family values. All signs together symbolize attachment to material things. A person goes to church, atones for sins, gives money to those in need, thus trying to justify his wealth.

The Four of Coins indicates the achievement of real material results, hope, firmness in one’s decisions, conviction in one’s rightness and the correctness of one’s path. A person is characterized by practicality, the correct use of his resources and talents, and an objective understanding of the situation. Before the questioner, the card poses the question of how to correctly distribute the material benefits that life gives.

A man rushes between two fires. Either he, out of fear of remaining in poverty, literally saves on everything and saves, or he does not know where to go from this wealth and what to do with it. Wealth weighs on him. A perfectionist by nature, he does not know how to be satisfied with little, he always goes to the end. Able to act and make decisions in extreme situations. A person achieves everything he strives for, but he needs to go further so that there is no stagnation.

The meaning of the Four of Pentacles in various layouts

For career and work

The card symbolizes the fence. A person lives by the principle “my house is on the edge.” The four Denariev indicates the collapse of a company, dismissal from a disgusting job, a person goes out into the world and starts an independent business. It also indicates the team’s hostility towards the questioner due to his superficial and arrogant attitude towards people. To improve the situation, you need to concentrate resources, order and consistency in actions, and protect your interests.

Corruption, corruption. State systems in which stagnation and degradation occur. A sea of ​​rules and laws that are outdated, but they don’t want to admit it. Bureaucracy. The Four of Pentacles may indicate the head of a small department in a government structure. He clings to his laurels, which have long since withered.

Profession according to this card: merchants, bank employees, museum workers, financial analyst, government agencies, security companies, insurance companies.

For finances and property

The four Denariev represents inheritance, strengthening the state of affairs. Concentration of money and resources, but at the same time a feeling of their lack. The person has a modest income. Financial stability. Let it be a little, but always.

The card signifies financial success, material wealth and stability. Accumulation, strengthening positions, successful operations with investing money. But at the same time the person lacks a sense of security. The Four of Pentacles indicates life in the city. Successful real estate transactions, although the questioner will think that he could have bought better, but the house will be good.

The person rightfully received his money, property and real estate. It is difficult to take anything away from such people or deceive them. The card indicates a person’s greed; due to his stupidity and impatience, he can get into an unpleasant situation or take out a loan at a high interest rate.

If the Four of Pentacles is inverted, then do not expect good things, it is bad for money matters. High expenses, instability of financial situation. Things end in failure, capital runs out, waste, ruin, bankruptcy. Pettiness, fear of loss. Stupor, lack of flexibility in decision making, strong-willed person, does not know how to give in. Narrow views on life. Selfishness, self-defense, strict control, establishing and protecting boundaries.

For love and relationships

The Four of Pentacles Tarot has a negative meaning in relationships. A person does not want to create a marriage; he finds a million excuses for his bachelor life. He resists change and does not accept new life, believes that he is right and he does not need anything different or new. Individualist.

A person's dreams and desires are limited. His surroundings tell him to take a new step forward, but he refuses. A person does not know how to share, does not know how to build relationships and does not want to.

The symbol of the Four of Pentacles is a closed circle, boundaries.

Moreover, if such a person falls in love, then his soulmate is his property. He does not want to give her to anyone, he is constantly jealous. Depriving a partner of freedom and personal space. If there are Swords and the Devil in the layout, then this indicates an oppressive tyrant, domestic violence. He keeps his partner under control, controls his every move, and does not allow him to live his own life.

Such a person is suspicious, gullible and constantly suspects his partner of treason. His partner must constantly prove his love, give guarantees that he will not leave him and will love him forever. There is no passion in the relationship. Stingy feelings and only agreements, clarification of relationships. The partner is constantly indebted to such a person.

The Four of Pentacles indicates an arranged marriage. Money plays a major role in such relationships. Loneliness together, boredom, pettiness and greed. There is no place for love here. But at the same time, the partners are faithful to each other. For him, love is a deal, and agreements cannot be broken.

The person does not accept any uncertainties. Even in love, everything must be clearly planned 20 years in advance. Rules, boundaries and boundaries are the true love of the Four of Coins. He does not show his feelings, he suppresses them. He considers this a sign of weakness and does not need them.

Giving is not in the principles of the Four Denarii; such a person wants to have, possess, he has a developed sense of ownership. A person is inherently frigid, there is no desire for sex. Indifference to a partner. This card appears when a relationship is fading, it symbolizes intimate stinginess. All due to excessive control, fears, blocking, selfishness.

The person does not want to do anything to develop the relationship. He needs a partner “for show.” Family life is stable, orderly, lack of novelty, stagnation in relationships. The relationship is strong, but like in prison. Stagnation, stagnation and swamp, movement in a vicious circle.

For health status

A person has spent a lot of energy and health to achieve material wealth. There is still health left, but you have to preserve it and not get scattered about trifles. Many chronic diseases. The norm is on the verge of pathology. The body is “slagged”; a person has blocked all his energy channels and does not want to clean them. Excess weight.

The card advises the questioner to protect what has been achieved, to protect himself and his property. Stand firmly on your feet and maintain equanimity, avoid risks, and clearly think through your actions. Don’t retreat, act, agree with the plan.

The Four of Pentacles indicates excessive consumerism, do not acquire too much. Treat people as equals, not just when you need something from them. Don’t rest on your laurels for too long, this risks stagnation and loss of what you have acquired. Stop being afraid of the future and seeing life as your enemy. Let go of your thoughts and go with the flow for a while. The river of life will take you to the right bank. Through the destruction of the past comes a bright future.

The meaning of a reversed card

The Four of Pentacles reversed indicates financial losses and discord in the family. Property disputes, issues. Loss of stable income. Extravagance, useless purchases, waste of money. Inability to organize, laxity, lack of a clear plan in action. Obstacles, delay of money. There is a blockage in life from all sides. Failure in exams. The loan was refused or it was taken at high interest rates.

At the same time, the card indicates new discoveries, a person learns to live again, overcome his fears, barriers, clear blockages and stagnations in life. Manage your fears and panic. A man comes out of his shell. This is a refusal of security and stability. The possibility of successful risk in good deeds. But there is no need to gamble with life and destiny. A person learns to express his feelings, remove blockages and clamps.

Combined with other cards

  • With the Tower - retribution for clinging and stagnation, an unexpected loss of what you managed to achieve;
  • With the Moon - a cowardly life position;
  • With the Seven or Nine of Wands - the motive of protection and protection is enhanced;
  • With the Two of Swords - a gift from friends;
  • With the Four of Swords - advice to attract as little attention to yourself as possible;
  • With the Nine of Swords, the effect of the Four of Pentacles intensifies;
  • With the Knight of Pentacles - a useful gift;
  • After the inverted King of Cups - the need to give a bribe.

He is the ruler of stability. The card depicts a man clutching a gold coin to his chest. Two more are under his feet, and one is threaded into the crown on his head. With his entire appearance, he shows that he does not intend to share what he owns.

In the astrological aspect of the Four of Pentacles, Saturn is present in the second house of the horoscope, as a symbol of a person’s need to protect his property from encroachment. The meaning of the Tarot 4 of Pentacles changes depending on the position of the lasso and how it is combined with other cards.

Description of the minor arcana

Straight position

The Four of Pentacles symbolizes all the property that a person owns. and the desire not only to preserve it, but also to increase it.

In the Thoth Tarot deck, the lasso symbolizes stability, security and control. But in a deck of 78 doors, the card means a hopeless situation, meanness and devastation.


In this position, the Four of Pentacles may indicate that the fortuneteller is too strongly attached to material things. He tries to surround himself with all sorts of amenities and accumulate some capital for the future, while practically forgetting to pay attention to his personal and social life.

The person is in a state of severe nervous tension, which sooner or later will result in quarrels and conflicts with others.



The Four of Disks says that at the moment the person is quite healthy, but if he continues to pay so much attention to work, then his health may deteriorate sharply. He should devote more time to rest. This is especially true for older people. Household responsibilities and work moments will wait, allow yourself to relax a little.

Inverted meaning may indicate slagging in the body, blockage of blood vessels and problems with excess weight.

Close relations

In personal life scenarios, the lasso most often gives a negative interpretation. The Four of Pentacles speaks of a person’s reluctance to be in a stable, serious relationship. He does not want to change anything in life; he remains faithful to his own habits in everything.

In an inverted position it will mean feelings of jealousy and possessive behavior.. The fortuneteller tries to hold on to what he has, but does not want to give the relationship further development.


If a person turns to the cards with a specific question, then the Four of Pentacles will indicate that the situation is in limbo.

One wrong move or casually thrown phrase can either take you to the top or throw you off the map. Perhaps it is worth letting go of the problem and looking from the outside to see how events will unfold.

In an inverted meaning, the lasso means conflicts with loved ones, which your activity may lead to. The appearance of feelings of resentment and powerlessness.

Affairs and career

The Four of Coins speaks of the material stability that you have achieved thanks to your diligence. At the moment, there will be no big downturns or upswings in your life financially; you will be able to enjoy the position you have already achieved. Things will go smoothly at work, without causing concern.

The inverted position indicates a person's fear of losing comfort and stability. Severe stress can lead to inattention, causing problems in business.

4 of Pentacles with other Tarot

Combination with the Major Arcana:

  • With the card "Jester"- a loved one may disappoint you.
  • With the "Mage" card- greed will negatively affect your financial situation.
  • With the "High Priestess" card is a good time to think about opening and developing your own business.
  • With the Empress card- do not put your personal life on public display.
  • With the "Emperor" card- Be more careful about what you spend your money on.
  • With the Hierophant card— relatives may need your help and support.
  • With the card "Lovers"- there will be a need to protect your relationship from other people’s interference.
  • With the Chariot card- you will have to show callousness in communicating with colleagues.
  • With the "Strength" card- large financial expenses await you.
  • With the Hermit card- a good time to restore your energy balance.
  • With the Wheel of Fortune card- there will be a period of calm in business.
  • With the "Justice" card- they will try to deprive you of your earned profit.
  • With the Hanged Man card— you should not sacrifice yourself or your means to correct the mistakes of others.
  • With the "Death" card- you can lose everything you have.
  • With the “Moderation” card— the ability to save and calculate your budget correctly will play into your hands.
  • With the "Devil" card- you will be in a state of financial dependence on another person.
  • With the Tower card- difficult times await you, which will negatively affect your financial situation.
  • With the "Star" card- it's time to start saving money to make your old dream come true.
  • With the Moon card— avoid dubious investment offers.
  • With the card "Sun"- receiving easy money, a bonus or winning a lottery.
  • With the "Court" card- cash profit from past investments.
  • With the "World" card- a loved one will ask you for a favor.


  • With Ace of Wands- unreasonable expenses that will have a bad effect on the general state of affairs.
  • With the Two of Wands- you will have to give up job prospects in order to maintain peace in the family.
  • With the Three of Wands– financial stability will be far-fetched.
  • With the Four of Wands– self-control will be the key to your success.
  • With the Five of Wands– disorder in personal life, misunderstanding and conflicts with a loved one.
  • With the Six of Wands– this is not the time to relax, you will have to gather your strength and devote a lot of time to work.
  • With the Seven of Wands- not the best time to take on new responsibilities.
  • With the Eight of Wands– you may be suspected of selfish intentions, control your words and actions.
  • With the Nine of Wands— you will have significant resources at your disposal, don’t get lost and use them correctly.
  • With Ten of Wands– the inability to rationally perceive unpleasant situations will only worsen the situation.
  • With the Page of Wands- This is not the time to indulge in idleness.
  • With the Knight of Wands– because of your own whim, you can lose a loved one.
  • With the Queen of Wands– avoid unplanned expenses.
  • With the King of Wands– not everyone around you will approve of your actions, do not pay attention to this and continue to move towards your goal.


  • With Ace of Swords– minor troubles can develop into major conflicts and problems.
  • With Two of Swords– your dissatisfaction with your personal life does not allow you to sensibly assess the situation.
  • With Three of Swords– restraint will help to deal with the disorder in business.
  • With Four of Swords– control the behavior of your loved one, he needs your help.
  • With Five of Swords- all things are moving towards a successful conclusion.
  • With the Six of Swords– You should devote more time to your personal life rather than your career.
  • With the Seven of Swords– disinterest in and unwillingness to deal with circumstances.
  • With Eight of Swords– your emotions will not have the best influence on the decisions made.
  • With Nine of Swords- meeting a person who will take advantage of your kindness.
  • With Ten of Swords– others can trick you into believing a lie.
  • With the Page of Swords– you should not suspect someone who has not given any reason for this before.
  • With the Knight of Swords– inability to adequately perceive criticism.
  • With the Queen of Swords– a clear understanding of your goals and actions.
  • With the King of Swords– you will encounter mysterious circumstances.


  • With Ace of Cups- a good moment to arrange a holiday for yourself and your loved ones.
  • With the Two of Cups– you will be in control of the situation.
  • With the Three of Cups- your confidence in own strength will allow others to see you as a leader.
  • With the Four of Cups– a stable situation in life, no need to worry in vain.
  • With the Five of Cups– you can easily survive difficult times thanks to your frugality.
  • With the Six of Cups– You should take better care of your health.
  • With the Seven of Cups– you are under too much stress, give yourself a break.
  • With the Eight of Cups– good prospects await in your personal life.
  • With the Nine of Cups- you have a long trip ahead of you that will end in trouble.
  • With Ten of Cups– Before you start acting, carefully consider your strategy.
  • With the Page of Cups– your financial stability is at risk.
  • With the Knight of Cups– drastic changes in life will not benefit you.
  • With the Queen of Cups– you will not be able to come to terms with the fact that someone can influence you.
  • With the King of Cups– be prepared for hostility from a loved one.


  • With Ace of Pentacles– a deceptive feeling that you are in control.
  • With the Two of Pentacles– achieve harmony between family and work.
  • With the Three of Pentacles– when making decisions regarding your personal life, you should not be guided by emotions.
  • With the Five of Pentacles- you will not be able to foresee everything that fate has in store for you.
  • With the Six of Pentacles– unexpected changes in relationships with friends.
  • With the Seven of Pentacles- everything will turn out completely differently than you planned.
  • With the Eight of Pentacles– don’t be afraid of change, act spontaneously, loves the brave.
  • With Nine of Pentacles– a good time to smooth out existing conflicts.
  • With Ten of Pentacles– paranoia and obsessions can push your loved one away from you.
  • With the Page of Pentacles- inattention to other people's weaknesses will lead to trouble.
  • With the Knight of Pentacles– you may find yourself in a difficult situation when faced with an unusual situation.
  • With the Queen of Pentacles– don’t forget to share your joy with your loved ones.
  • With the King of Pentacles– it’s never too late to change everything.

Today you should not expose yourself to any risk. You will be determined to get what you want, so remember to remind yourself to be careful. In the end, everything is unlikely to turn out the way you planned, but you shouldn’t be upset. Don't focus on one situation.

Inverted meaning The Four of Pentacles recommends not trusting others on this day. You may get hurt because of your own kindness.

Meaning of the Four of Pentacles in the upright position

The new venture will bring great profits. Success in financial affairs, successful investment of money, stability, reliability, prosperity. Lasting family happiness, love, harmony, devotion, comfort in the home.

  • reliability, contentment
  • confidence born of wealth, gift, inheritance

The correct four of pentacles tarot card predicts a period of financial and material security based on the receipt of a substantial gift or inheritance, as well as on the successful commercial activities of the Client. His hard work and business acumen led to increased status, power and financial rewards. All material and emotional needs of the Client are satisfied.

The four pentacles tarot card means property, talent, gift. Preserving what belongs to you. Inheritance. Satisfaction with personal status. In addition, an established situation in business or personal life; no worries. Good feelings about the future.

Meaning of the Four of Pentacles Reversed

Attachment to material things for the sake of one's security. Stinginess, fear of losing one's status, money, position. This condition is fraught with nervous tension, breakdowns, quarrels, scandals. Suspense, uncertainty, fear.

In relationships, the card describes strong excesses towards the material joys of life instead of spiritual rapprochement. At best, this is a successful relationship of convenience without any feelings on either side. In the worst case, the card foreshadows quarrels, squabbles over money, misunderstandings, resentment and a possible breakup.

  • confrontation, moving away from the goal, inability to control the situation
  • stinginess, fear of loss, greed, indecisiveness, obstacle
  • loss of control, loss of financial stability, powerlessness

In the wrong orientation, the Four of Pentacles Tarot indicates problems of excessive commitment to material wealth and property: greed, selfishness and stinginess. Fear of losing power or wealth is the main concern in the Client’s life, which prevents him from making urgently needed changes (the surrounding cards will show in which areas of life).

The reversed tarot card four of pentacles means opposition, uncertainty, delays, obstacles. Possible loss. Possible quarrels, especially with people close to the Questioner (for example, quarrels over property or inheritance).

Inner meaning. Given to understand the straight position of the map

The four of pentacles tarot card is a card of owning and preserving what belongs to you. The property is yours by right, you earned it or inherited it. (Note that "inherited" assets include skill and talent.)

The Four of Pentacles also suggests that the Questioner feels the need to defend or protect his property. Other cards in the layout will indicate whether this feeling is justified or not. This card also warns that resting on your laurels may be nice, but it will prevent you from moving forward and preparing yourself for the future.

The 4 of Pentacles Tarot card shows a man sitting on a throne or ledge. There is no one around him, only the city can be seen in the distance. The man is dressed in a blue and red robe, in his hands is one huge coin, another above his head and two more under his feet. He clearly does not intend to share his wealth with anyone, the expression on his face is greedy and jealous.

Main meaning of the card

This card describes some achievement that a person spent a lot of time on and now would not want to lose. Whatever it is - work, family, health, outlook on the world - it is dear to the owner and he is afraid of losing it. He is completely satisfied with the current situation, in addition, he appreciates the efforts that he spent. Therefore, he decides not to move anywhere, not to increase wealth and not to improve the situation further, because he fears that he will only worsen the situation.

A person can remain in such a situation forever, but it does not bring comfort. The need to protect hard-earned gains comes from a sense of threat from others. Having achieved what I wanted, I would not want to lose everything, and this thought causes a feeling of constant anxiety and readiness for battle. Associated with this feeling is a greedy reluctance to transfer even a small part of wealth to anyone. Their owner is terrified of losing them, since this loss is equivalent to the lack of a roof over their head or soil under their feet.

Traditional interpretations of this card also included in it the meaning of increasing income and improving one’s position in society, but such an interpretation is not the best option. Still, its main meaning is that, having achieved a lot, a person freezes at the highest point of stagnation, afraid to move, lest he inadvertently fall. His financial situation is sufficient for a good, rich life, but he has gone through a lot of troubles to get what he has, so he will jealously protect his stability.

In older interpretations, this lasso was considered more favorable, since it meant everything that most people never dreamed of - high position, wealth, a well-fed and calm life. According to the ideals of that time, it was possible to stop there, and the idea of ​​​​sharing honest labor acquired with anyone did not seem attractive then. In our time, the meaning of the card has shifted towards greed and selfishness.

In addition, the Four of Tarot Coins also has the meaning of acquiring something without effort. For example, receiving an expensive gift, inheritance, outside services, unexpected enrichment. All this is connected in one traditional way - stability, improvement of financial situation, state of reliability and tranquility. Nowadays, however, it is also mixed with anxiety due to the need to maintain the current level of finances.

Relationship building and family

Stagnation, jealousy, selfishness, reluctance to do anything are the main motives of the 4 of Pentacles Tarot card. Thus, her meaning in relationships will almost always be negative. A person is afraid to change his life and let someone new into it, and after finding the desired union, he is afraid of losing his partner and tries to limit him, to tie him to himself by force.

One of the facets of the meaning of this arcana is stuffy, selfish love, in an effort to retain which a person behaves possessively, believing that besides him, the partner should not communicate with anyone else, and preferably not leave the house. All this is fueled by a distorted understanding of well-being in the family, which means the absolute dependence of spouses in all areas of life.

Such a person may come to the conclusion that love does not exist, and will enter into the next union, guided by the concepts of money and profit, rather than feelings. In fact, this will be a transaction, not a marriage, and you should not expect from her such components of a romantic relationship as expression of feelings, fantasy, pleasant surprises, care. But there is also a positive point: this person will strictly fulfill his part of the contract, will not abandon or betray. The word “loyalty” has great meaning for him.

It is also possible for the Four of Pentacles to completely abandon relationships for the sake of stability and selfishness. Not wanting to change the usual order of things, adapt to a partner and adapt to him, a person decides to live alone and not share his internal and external wealth with anyone.

If the card appears in fortune-telling about the family, then this is a strong, long-term relationship in which there is no room for change, even if the spouses are not satisfied with anything. In order to maintain what they have, they can sacrifice their feelings and comfort. These people are afraid of change because they are afraid of losing what they have. Often in such a family everyone is unhappy in their own way.

Career success and finances

The Four of Pentacles is traditionally associated with the concept of career restrictions. This applies to both a reasonable approach to the division of responsibilities and more negative concepts. For example, it is associated with the reluctance of colleagues to cooperate on the path to a common goal - everyone is engaged only in their own business and does not want to help others or even notice them. Sometimes this lasso also points to more global processes of disintegration - for example, the destruction of entire companies and concerns caused by the desire of each of the partners to start their own business.

The company that the Four of Coins describes has an unhealthy atmosphere. In it, bureaucracy is more important than production results, and it’s easy to get lost in a series of endless rules and instructions. Sometimes this state of affairs leads to corruption. Development in such a climate is impossible.

The person the card points to is most likely a petty boss. Perhaps he has his own small business or a small area under his control. Areas of activity associated with this map:

In the financial sphere, the Four of Pentacles is associated with stability and prosperity. However, for the owner, on the one hand, they are not enough and he would like more, but on the other hand, he is not sure that this will last forever. His position is quite stable, but does not bring satisfaction.

The card indicates a person who owns something with dignity and has achieved it in an honest way. He may have received his property by inheritance or as a gift, but he did not steal it or obtain it in any dishonest manner. He is also in no hurry to part with him - an attempt at robbery, even if there is one, will most likely end in failure.

At the same time, if the alignment was for the possibility of borrowing, credit, or receiving money from someone, then the card indicates greed on the part of the owner of the money. You will get what you want, but he will not give it away very willingly: for example, you will have to pay huge interest.

Health and Wellness

As in other areas of life, this card has a dual meaning in relation to health. On the one hand, a person is usually not sick with anything special, feels well, and can continue to live and work. On the other hand, it cannot be said that he was completely satisfied with his condition. He may feel bad from time to time, but he is not going to see a doctor, because it seems that he can endure it, and basically everything is fine. The most common health problems indicated by this card are:

The Four of Pentacles indicates not only various stagnant processes in the body, but also problems associated with energy blocks. However, in most cases, a person just needs to see a doctor - there is no need to delay, otherwise periods of poor health will lengthen, which can affect performance and quality of life.

Combination with other arcana

Any card interacts with others in the layout. Depending on which arcana surround it, For the 4 Coins Tarot card, the meaning may vary:

Most of the combinations of cards with the Four of Coins indicate the approach of bad events or the need to solve problems, but do not be upset if you come across a bad combination. It only means that the time has come to reconsider your approach to certain areas of life, start acting differently, and then you will certainly succeed in what you want to achieve.

Reversed Four of Pentacles

In this position, the entire negative meaning of the Four of Pentacles is revealed. Inverted, this card symbolizes everything that a person fears: financial losses, job loss, senseless spending. There may also be family feuds over issues related to inheritance or other financial problems. Another option is lack of composure, inability to organize and achieve what you want, not knowing how to cope with the situation.

The one who got this card will face financial problems. This could be a refusal to issue a loan or non-payment of wages. If you are taking exams in the near future, then you may fail in them too.

In relationship readings, the 4 of Pentacles reversed indicates problems due to finances. One option is that you pay too much attention to money and work and devote little time to your family. Another - due to excess or lack of finances, quarrels and, possibly, a break in relationships await you.

This lasso is interpreted as an indication of imminent losses, failures, strife and obstacles. On the way to the goal, unexpected problems may arise that prevent you from resolving the situation at the moment.

The questioner’s internal attitude towards money can also become a hindrance. The possible loss of what he has acquired interests him more than other aspects of life in which problems arise from this.

The reversed Four of Pentacles also has a positive meaning.: you have finally stopped being afraid of risk and are ready to change your life by letting change into it. Fears will be cast aside and you will embark on a new path. You can find out what this will lead to by looking at other cards in the layout.

Attention, TODAY only!

“The toad strangles to give to Caesar what is Caesar’s.”

This card signifies achieving something through hard work. Minor Arcana Tarot card Four of Pentacles can indicate business, relationships with a partner, health or some kind of project. In this article we will look at the description and meaning in relationships of an upright and inverted card, interpretation and combination with other cards in layouts for love, health, career and work.

The Four of Pentacles is a card that is primarily associated with the material sphere and finances.

General meaning of the Four of Pentacles card

Your goal, to which you have been working hard and for a long time, is actually fragile and not viable. A person directs all his strength to maintaining what he has achieved; he has been achieving this for a very long time. The Four of Pentacles Tarot symbolizes prudence, a planned plan of action.

A person has stability, but the fear of losing everything forces him to defend his borders and rights, sometimes very aggressively, which alienates others. Blockage and stagnation occur. Selfishness, greed, the desire to save what one has acquired in any way.

Income growth is possible, but very slowly and difficult. A person dwells in the past, fixated on past achievements. There is no desire to move on, there is no development, stagnation, which can lead to sad consequences and the loss of what you have now.

The person has achieved his goals and no longer wants to do anything. He is happy with what he has received, with what he has, content with little. He has no desire and energy for new achievements, there is no energy or very little of it. A person needs to overcome his laziness, apathy, and then he will achieve more than he does now. Success achieved is the result of effort. Man has taken his place in this world and is trying to stay and gain a foothold there.

Four of Pentacles, the meaning of the card indicates stability and order, the person gains control over what bothers him. The card symbolizes security, but the person feels a lot of anxiety, as he is afraid of losing everything he has acquired through hard work. Therefore, a lot of energy is spent on protection and security. A person does not allow accidents. There is no flexibility of thinking and the ability to accept reality. Tight control.

The Four Denarii gives energy to get out of difficult and confusing situations. Helps to maintain borders, strengthen his position, and protect him from external threats. But a person feels that he is in a vicious circle, no matter what he does, he always stumbles upon some reservations and unexpected little troubles. The card indicates court cases, clashes with the bureaucratic system, and red tape in business.

In ancient interpretations, the Four of Coins symbolizes an expensive gift, the receipt of an inheritance, benefits, rewards, favor from an influential person or life, profitable transactions with property. Order, absence of worries and sorrows. In modern times, it means a meeting with a stingy person from whom you don’t expect anything good.

Personal Description

The card indicates obsessiveness, wariness, anxiety and fear. The person is the owner. Fear of life, a person is afraid of losing a source of income, being left alone with life, afraid of losing ground under his feet. This is all expressed in suspiciousness, fear of taking risks, undertaking, doing something new, unusual.

Positive features

The Four of Pentacles personifies a person who stands firmly on his feet, is conservative, does not accept any innovative ideas and does not allow novelty into his life. The card indicates practicality, organizational skills, a person relies only on his own strength, the ability to cope with a difficult situation, maintains composure and control over emotions.

The map shows that a person has a talent that has been present in several generations of the Family. If this is a creative person, then the Four of Coins shows that the person clings to his laurels, shields himself from reality with them and thereby blocks the energy of life. Accustomed to working with old methods and does not recognize new ones. It works along a well-trodden rut and thereby blocks the energy of creativity. Obsession with one idea throughout your life.

Negative traits

The person walks in circles, the energy is fixated. The idea of ​​security and stability has become obsessive. Fear overwhelms thoughts, prevents action, and fetters strength. Selfishness. A person only cares about his own values ​​and ideals and does not take into account the opinions of others. Doesn't value the opinions of loved ones.

It is difficult for a person to give up old ideas. He lives in the past. He drags his “suitcase without a handle” and does not see failure in his actions. He is terrified of losing his acquired treasures. A miser and a tyrant.

A person is afraid of losing his place in life, leaving his comfort zone. He is tormented by nightmares about losing his job or the destruction of his business, and the fear of being alone due to death or the loss of loved ones. Perhaps a person is currently fighting for a place in the sun; he is constantly on guard and waiting for attacks in his direction.

The card shows selfishness, greed, conservatism, stagnation. A person lives within his own framework according to a long-adopted plan and is not going to change anything in his life. An inflexible approach in the struggle for order, stability and structure. Maintaining these standards seems more important than being cheerful and humane.

Greed, distrust of others and the world, victory at any cost, everything translates into money. Man does not know what compassion and nobility are. Constantly looking for excuses for his insignificance and fears. Constant increased caution. Especially if the Seven of Swords is present in the scenario.

Degradation of consciousness if a person is fixated on only one of his ideas or problems. All conversations come down to one thing: he is not interested in anything in life except himself and his ideas. Selfishness. It is difficult to agree on anything with such a person.

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On a deeper level

The Four of Pentacles represents firmness, stability, and decency. Indicates a conservative person who does not want to accept anything new. He lives in his illusions. This image suggests that power and prosperity are achieved through the concentration of resources and thrifty attitude towards what has been achieved.

Too much attachment to things and money. A person cannot think about anything except his ideas and money, he lives by it. He idealizes things and attaches himself to them with all his soul. Consumption becomes a cult. A person needs to understand his goals and motivation.

The card asks the question: what is important to you, where is your place in this life? Do you live for money and wealth? What is your purpose?

The Four of Pentacles reveals Cancer, Jupiter and the Moon. Jupiter gives gifts, patronage, help. The moon is a symbol of home, family, reliability, family values. All signs together symbolize attachment to material things. A person goes to church, atones for sins, gives money to those in need, thus trying to justify his wealth.

The Four of Coins indicates the achievement of real material results, hope, firmness in one’s decisions, conviction in one’s rightness and the correctness of one’s path. A person is characterized by practicality, the correct use of his resources and talents, and an objective understanding of the situation. Before the questioner, the card poses the question of how to correctly distribute the material benefits that life gives.

A man rushes between two fires. Either he, out of fear of remaining in poverty, literally saves on everything and saves, or he does not know where to go from this wealth and what to do with it. Wealth weighs on him. A perfectionist by nature, he does not know how to be satisfied with little, he always goes to the end. Able to act and make decisions in extreme situations. A person achieves everything he strives for, but he needs to go further so that there is no stagnation.

The meaning of the Four of Pentacles in various layouts

For career and work

The card symbolizes the fence. A person lives by the principle “my house is on the edge.” The four Denariev indicates the collapse of a company, dismissal from a disgusting job, a person goes out into the world and starts an independent business. It also indicates the team’s hostility towards the questioner due to his superficial and arrogant attitude towards people. To improve the situation, you need to concentrate resources, order and consistency in actions, and protect your interests.

Corruption, corruption. State systems in which stagnation and degradation occur. A sea of ​​rules and laws that are outdated, but they don’t want to admit it. Bureaucracy. The Four of Pentacles may indicate the head of a small department in a government structure. He clings to his laurels, which have long since withered.

Profession according to this card: merchants, bank employees, museum workers, financial analyst, government agencies, security companies, insurance companies.

For finances and property

The four Denariev represents inheritance, strengthening the state of affairs. Concentration of money and resources, but at the same time a feeling of their lack. The person has a modest income. Financial stability. Let it be a little, but always.

The card signifies financial success, material wealth and stability. Accumulation, strengthening positions, successful operations with investing money. But at the same time the person lacks a sense of security. The Four of Pentacles indicates life in the city. Successful real estate transactions, although the questioner will think that he could have bought better, but the house will be good.

The person rightfully received his money, property and real estate. It is difficult to take anything away from such people or deceive them. The card indicates a person’s greed; due to his stupidity and impatience, he can get into an unpleasant situation or take out a loan at a high interest rate.

If the Four of Pentacles is inverted, then do not expect good things, it is bad for money matters. High expenses, instability of financial situation. Things end in failure, capital runs out, waste, ruin, bankruptcy. Pettiness, fear of loss. Stupor, lack of flexibility in decision making, strong-willed person, does not know how to give in. Narrow views on life. Selfishness, self-defense, strict control, establishing and protecting boundaries.

For love and relationships

The Four of Pentacles Tarot has a negative meaning in relationships. A person does not want to create a marriage; he finds a million excuses for his bachelor life. He resists change, does not accept a new life, believes that he is right and he does not need anything different or new. Individualist.

A person's dreams and desires are limited. His surroundings tell him to take a new step forward, but he refuses. A person does not know how to share, does not know how to build relationships and does not want to.

The symbol of the Four of Pentacles is a closed circle, boundaries.

Moreover, if such a person falls in love, then his soulmate is his property. He does not want to give her to anyone, he is constantly jealous. Depriving a partner of freedom and personal space. If there are Swords and the Devil in the layout, then this indicates an oppressive tyrant, domestic violence. He keeps his partner under control, controls his every move, and does not allow him to live his own life.

Such a person is suspicious, gullible and constantly suspects his partner of treason. His partner must constantly prove his love, give guarantees that he will not leave him and will love him forever. There is no passion in the relationship. Stingy feelings and only agreements, clarification of relationships. The partner is constantly indebted to such a person.

The Four of Pentacles indicates an arranged marriage. Money plays a major role in such relationships. Loneliness together, boredom, pettiness and greed. There is no place for love here. But at the same time, the partners are faithful to each other. For him, love is a deal, and agreements cannot be broken.

The person does not accept any uncertainties. Even in love, everything must be clearly planned 20 years in advance. Rules, boundaries and boundaries are the true love of the Four of Coins. He does not show his feelings, he suppresses them. He considers this a sign of weakness and does not need them.

Giving is not in the principles of the Four Denarii; such a person wants to have, possess, he has a developed sense of ownership. A person is inherently frigid, there is no desire for sex. Indifference to a partner. This card appears when a relationship is fading, it symbolizes intimate stinginess. All due to excessive control, fears, blocking, selfishness.

The person does not want to do anything to develop the relationship. He needs a partner “for show.” Family life is stable, orderly, lack of novelty, stagnation in relationships. The relationship is strong, but like in prison. Stagnation, stagnation and swamp, movement in a vicious circle.

For health status

A person has spent a lot of energy and health to achieve material wealth. There is still health left, but you have to preserve it and not get scattered about trifles. Many chronic diseases. The norm is on the verge of pathology. The body is “slagged”; a person has blocked all his energy channels and does not want to clean them. Excess weight.

The card advises the questioner to protect what has been achieved, to protect himself and his property. Stand firmly on your feet and maintain equanimity, avoid risks, and clearly think through your actions. Don’t retreat, act, agree with the plan.

The Four of Pentacles indicates excessive consumerism, do not acquire too much. Treat people as equals, not just when you need something from them. Don’t rest on your laurels for too long, this risks stagnation and loss of what you have acquired. Stop being afraid of the future and seeing life as your enemy. Let go of your thoughts and go with the flow for a while. The river of life will take you to the right bank. Through the destruction of the past comes a bright future.

The meaning of a reversed card

The Four of Pentacles reversed indicates financial losses and discord in the family. Property disputes, issues. Loss of stable income. Extravagance, useless purchases, waste of money. Inability to organize, laxity, lack of a clear plan in action. Obstacles, delay of money. There is a blockage in life from all sides. Failure in exams. The loan was refused or it was taken at high interest rates.

At the same time, the card indicates new discoveries, a person learns to live again, overcome his fears, barriers, clear blockages and stagnations in life. Manage your fears and panic. A man comes out of his shell. This is a refusal of security and stability. The possibility of successful risk in good deeds. But there is no need to gamble with life and destiny. A person learns to express his feelings, remove blockages and clamps.

Combined with other cards

  • With the Tower - retribution for clinging and stagnation, an unexpected loss of what you managed to achieve;
  • With the Moon - a cowardly life position;
  • With the Seven or Nine of Wands - the motive of protection and protection is enhanced;
  • With the Two of Swords - a gift from friends;
  • With the Four of Swords - advice to attract as little attention to yourself as possible;
  • With the Nine of Swords, the effect of the Four of Pentacles intensifies;
  • With the Knight of Pentacles - a useful gift;
  • After the inverted King of Cups - the need to give a bribe.