Melania Trump black dress. Blue on black: Melania Trump's new outfits. Outfit for Melania Trump

She is called the bravest first lady of the United States. Her style is alternately compared to Jacqueline Kennedy and Princess Diana herself. Some people make fun of her because of her excessive seriousness and inability to smile, while others, on the contrary, admire her endurance in the difficult role of the wife of the country's first person.

Biography of Melania Trump

A simple girl from Eastern Europe who became the full-fledged mistress of the White House. This story is about Melania Trump, the only non-American woman in the last hundred years to become the first lady of the country, admired by the entire fashion world.

Melania Knavs was born on April 26, 1970 in the provincial town of Novo Mesto in Yugoslavia. She spent her entire childhood and adolescence in the city of Sevnitsa with a population of no more than five thousand inhabitants.

Now in Sevnitsa they show the house of Melania’s parents to visiting tourists, but in the 70s the life of the Knavs family did not promise them anything unusual. His father sold used cars, and his mother worked in a textile factory. A family huddled in the most ordinary high-rise building.

Now the parents of the first lady of the United States have moved to New York, but neighbors still remember them and Melania with great warmth.

School teachers echo the neighbors, recalling what a diligent student Melania was. Always polite, courteous and reserved. It was as if from childhood she felt what role was destined for her. By the way, being a girl, Melania was even embarrassed about her appearance. Until she was sixteen, she was quite thin and lanky, but later she truly blossomed, which was visible even to the naked eye.

After school, young Melania entered the Ljubljana Institute at the Department of Design and Architecture.

In her first year, she met photographer Stane Erko. Without guile, we can say that this meeting was fateful! Yerko was amazed by the girl’s appearance and simply begged her to act as a model for him. Without thinking twice, Melania agreed to this adventure and was right.

After the first photo test, it was clear that the girl simply needed to think about a modeling career, she looked so organically in the frame. This is exactly the advice that Yerko, enchanted by her beauty, gave to Melania.

Being a far from stupid girl, Melania listened to her friend’s advice. After finishing her first year at the institute, she changed her last name to “Knaus,” which sounded more European, and headed to Milan to conquer fashionable Olympus.

By the way, America is still heatedly debating the education of the first lady. Rumor has it that when Melania realized that she could earn much more from her beauty than from architecture, she never returned to study.

In Milan, the newly minted Knaus was not unemployed for long and plunged headlong into all the delights of modeling life. Endless castings, photo shoots for glossy magazines and defiles for fashion shows followed at cosmic speed.

To consolidate her success, Melania did not disdain to go under the surgeon’s knife. And again I made the right decision.

After successful rhinoplasty and breast augmentation, her “target audience” only expanded. The girl began to be invited to shoot in men's magazines.

Filming in GQ and MAXIM magazine dotted all the i's in the model's career, and her name became known not only in Europe, but also beyond its borders. In the mid-90s, Melania decided that since she had conquered Europe, now it was time to try her luck overseas. In 1996 she moved to New York.

In the USA, Melania continued to build her modeling career and was also successful.

At one of the parties at the New York club KitKat in 1998, she met Donald Trump - very rich and very married.

In an interview, the billionaire admitted that that day his friends wanted to set him up with a model. In those years, Trump was the owner of the Miss Universe beauty contest. And the girls were ready to do a lot to get to know him personally with all the consequences. Approaching the table where the model with whom Trump was supposed to be introduced was sitting, he was speechless, staring at her companion. It was just Melania. That evening Donald never left her side again.

When asked “can I get your phone number,” Melania refused, demanding that he give her his. She understood perfectly well who Donald Trump was and that he was married. And she didn’t want to become his next “girl on call.”

History is silent whether Melania called Donald back, but the fact remains a fact. From 1998 to this day they have never separated.

Their relationship received loud publicity in the media after Trump called Melania “the love of his life” live on the radio in 1999. Before that he was married twice already :-)

After the relationship was declassified and Trump divorced his wife, Melania became the official girlfriend of the billionaire. In 1999, they even starred in a provocative photo shoot for New York Magazine, where they said with all their appearance: “Yes, we have a big age difference, but now we are together and we don’t care what you think!”

Since Melania's name began to be associated with Donald Trump, her career has taken off significantly. Harper's Bazaar, Ocean Drive, In StyleWeddings, New York Magazine, Avenue, Allure, Vogue - all these publications wanted to see only Melania Knaus on their covers.

Just then, in the early 2000s, she starred in that famous erotic photo shoot completely naked. It was this that, almost 20 years later, Trump’s opponents tried to use against him during the election campaign.

But this was not the first and not the last provocative photo of the future first lady. In the 2000s, its popularity grew, and there was no shortage of offers from magazines. One of these proposals was an advertising campaign in GQ magazine.

Melania's photo appeared on the cover, but it didn't stop there. The entire photo shoot was included in the issue.

By the way, photographers who worked with Melania in those years noted that despite the fact that she was not actually a TOP model and she had quite a lot of competitors, on the set she always gave her best and behaved very professionally , and was generally quite a pleasant person.

Fashion critics believe that in the 2000s, Melania committed, perhaps, all the fashionable crimes.

But who didn’t make them in the 2000s?! I think a woman who is rightfully called a style icon today can be forgiven a lot!

From too deep necklines...

...before experimenting with hair color.

The main thing is that Melania quickly returned to the right color!

After a six-year candy-bouquet period, Donald Trump finally proposed marriage to his beloved. They say that Melania, tired of waiting, even suggested that Trump break up, but he realized that he was not ready to lose this woman and quickly put an engagement ring with a 12-carat diamond on her finger for almost $2 million.

After such a sincere impulse, Melania could not resist!

The Trump wedding surprised everyone - both the media and the guests. The celebration cost the billionaire $45 million, which placed their wedding among the most expensive in history, along with the wedding ceremony of Princess Diana, and later Prince William and Kate.

Melania's Dior dress was decorated with a four-meter veil and a five-meter train. It was real couture. It was hand-embroidered with 1,500 pearls and cost about 200 thousand dollars.

The wedding was widely covered in the press and on television, and VOGUE even featured happy bride Melania on its February cover. Melania was 34 years old at that time.

A year later, Melania gave birth to her first child, son Barron. This was Donald's fifth child.

She had to give up her modeling career and Mrs. Trump devoted herself entirely to family affairs and social activities.

In 2006, Melania Trump finally received her long-awaited US citizenship.

2008 2009

Donald Trump's announcement that he is going to compete for the presidency of the United States created a sensation.

During the election race, he had to face many troubles. Competitors were looking for incriminating evidence absolutely everywhere they could find something. Melania got it too.

In the summer of 2016, an American blogger and the British newspaper Daily Mail wrote that in the late 90s, the future first lady worked part-time as an escort. In August of the same year, Melania Trump filed a lawsuit for libel. An apology followed immediately. Both the blogger and the management of the Daily Mail offered her a public apology and retracted their words.

But the persecution of Trump through his wife did not end. That same summer of 2016, the New York Post published an issue with a naked Melania and the slogan “You’ve never seen Melania like this before.”

It later turned out that these photos were taken before meeting Trump in the mid-90s.

Donald reacted like a real politician, saying: “Yes, such photos were very popular in Europe in those years, there is nothing wrong with that. In the end, it’s even beautiful.”

No more incriminating evidence was found on the wife of the future president. But they didn’t stop poisoning. The Slavic accent, which even stars like Gigi Hadid did not hesitate to parody on stage, and the dubious modeling past - all this only provoked the public, which was sharply opposed to Trump.

But we must pay tribute to Melania, who supported her husband in every possible way throughout the election race and proudly walked past the baseless accusations that poured on their family like from a cornucopia. Even their son, whom the tabloids called autistic, got it. But Melania did not stand on ceremony, but again filed a lawsuit for libel and won.

Later, at one of the press conferences, Mrs. Trump even stated that the first thing she would deal with as First Lady was the situation related to bullying on the Internet. Especially among teenagers.

When the election results were announced, she accompanied her husband in an immaculate white dress. The fabric was not very thick, which once again emphasized that the president’s wife was in brilliant shape!

Meanwhile, in Sevnitsa, Melania’s homeland, Trump’s election victory was celebrated by the entire town. Overnight, Melania Knaus became the property of now Slovenia.

A cake has already been named in her honor and the day is near when one of the streets will be named after her. At the school where she studied, her photo is already hanging in the most visible place. Of course: a simple girl practically from a village is now the wife of the president of one of the most powerful countries!

Melania's image at the presidential inauguration literally put everyone on edge. In a matter of minutes, the photo of the first lady spread all over social networks. The elegant blue suit captivated both fashion critics and mere mortals.

The image of Melania was clearly inspired by the image of the wife of the youngest US president. Trump, by the way, is the oldest.

The color, the style, the gloves, and even the hair at the back of the head were reminiscent of the famous pill at the inauguration 56 years ago.

Having chosen for herself an image dear to MILLIONS of Americans, Melania hit the mark!

Legend and style icon Jacqueline Kennedy had to make room for her throne.

During the change of families in the White House, Melania presented Michelle Obama with a box of the coveted turquoise color. Netizens spent a whole year wondering what was in the box. There were even suggestions that jewelry from the Trump house was there and congratulations to the first lady on an excellent publicity stunt. A year later, Michelle herself revealed the “secret” in an interview with Ellen DeGeneres. She admitted that there was indeed Tiffany in the box. It was a "very frame" :-)

At a party in honor of the president, Melania again captivated the audience with her outfit. Shortly before this, she hired stylist Evre Pierre (before that he had worked with Balmain, Oscar de la Renta and other famous fashion houses). Together they came up with a dress in a delicate cream shade, with open shoulders and an asymmetrical pleat. European polish, packaged in an American shell.

Fashion critics applauded, Trump's opponents fell silent in shame. No one could take their eyes off the First Lady.

And the first lady took another right step by hiring a French stylist with American citizenship. The president's wife should consume only domestic products :-)

By the way, in November 2016, all the newspapers trumpeted that designer Sophie Thealle, who once dressed Michelle Obama, refused to provide similar services to Melania Trump and called on her colleagues to do the same.

Melania didn’t show it, but I think she laughed in her heart. Being Sophie Theallet's client is another pleasure. Do you still remember Michelle's outfits? And I'll remind you :-)

Pierre Evreux dresses the First Lady of the United States to this day. And, it should be noted, he does his job perfectly. Melania looks PERFECT!

After the presidential ball, Melania was in no hurry to move to the White House, but returned to her apartment - the Trump Tower on 5th Avenue. For my son's sake. She drops him off and picks him up from school herself, cooks his lunch herself, and helps him with his homework herself.

She is in no hurry to get to the White House, putting New Yorkers in a disadvantageous position. Traffic on the street is constantly blocked, and the White House spends $1 million every day to ensure the safety of the president's family.

After the elections, Melania began recruiting personnel for her team. She chose her old friend Stephanie Winston, a former employee of Vogue magazine, as an adviser and personal assistant. Who else could the style icon employ? Only people from Vogue, no less!

Melania understands perfectly well - they are greeted by their clothes, and escorted by their intelligence. And she does it very well. If everything is obvious with “clothes” (Melania is beautiful), then no matter how evil tongues argue about the first lady’s incomplete higher education, she has never yet given reason to doubt her intellectual abilities.

Patriotic Melania prefers American designers to all others: she happily wears Michael Kors Collection, The Row and Calvin Klein at official events. And even though Karl Lagerfeld himself sews custom dresses for her, most of the time she remains faithful to the domestic product.

The best images and outfits of Melania Trump

Let's take a look at the first lady's best looks!

By the way, she looks great in jeans too!

Trying on the first lady's wardrobe

Tell me honestly, would you like to become the president's wife? Personally, I don't. In general, publicity makes me terribly nervous; I’m homely and shy.

But trying on the First Lady’s wardrobe was interesting! It’s just a pity that my legs didn’t grow from my ears :))))

I have two style icons among status wives - Melania Trump and Meghan Markle. These girls are burning, leaving the dull style far behind, deftly maneuvering between modern clothes and a draconian protocol dress code :-)

For the first official portrait of the First Lady, Melania Trump chose a Dolce & Gabbana jacket, April 2017

Without exaggeration, the entire planet is following Melania Trump’s style, and most of it is waiting for a fashion blunder from the First Lady of America. The tabloids revel in the comments: “Melania is wearing a skirt two centimeters higher than it should be,” “She is copying the style of the heroine of the series “House of Cards,” or “Mrs. Trump’s new suit costs 10 thousand dollars,” as if looking for confirmation of her husband’s failure not only in politics, but also in the choice of the rear. In fact, these judgments turn out to be far-fetched, and the accused herself demonstrates an excellent sense of style. At least Melania has never lost the title of fashion star, awarded to her after the presidential inauguration.

John and Jacqueline Kennedy on Presidential Inauguration Day, January 1961

Donald and Melania Trump in Ralph Lauren on the day of the presidential inauguration, January 2017

In 2000, when she was just starting to date Trump, the model recklessly declared: “If I ever become First Lady, I will be very traditional - like Betty Ford or Jacqueline Kennedy.” These words were remembered to her along with a sudden change in social status, which required updating her wardrobe and abandoning her favorite neckline. However, Melania's first appearance as the hostess of the White House proved that she is capable of answering for what was said: the Ralph Lauren suit repeated the inauguration outfit of Jacqueline Kennedy, which became a kind of example of the style of the 60s.

Elegance, uniformity and minimalism, taken as the basis of his design, later developed into the three main principles of all Melania’s clothes: they helped not to provoke experts to criticism, withstand the necessary officialdom and at the same time not look boring.

Jacqueline Kennedy in India, 1962

Jacqueline Kennedy in Canada, 1961

Melania Trump in The Row at the United States State Department Awards in Washington, March 2017

Melania Trump in a Givenchy dress, Christian Louboutin ballet flats and a Chanel bag in Washington, February 2017

During Jackie-O's time the only way To brighten up a student-style buttoned-up shirt, or a classic sheath dress, there was a pillbox hat, which on special occasions was complemented by a dramatic veil. Mrs. Trump has many more fashionable toys - from square Gucci glasses to a leather Steve McQueen belt - and all of them allow her to emerge victorious even from the strict confines of the dress code. For example, at the meeting of the presidential couple with the monarchs of Jordan, Melania appeared in an emerald Hervé Pierre dress and a matching scarf, which was neatly tucked into a belt and looked like an element of drapery. Thanks to this detail, the former fashion model eclipsed Queen Rania herself, a recognized trendsetter of European fashion. But she, obviously, did not even think of being offended: the color of Trump’s outfit paid respect to the culture and religion of her country, being considered truly Muslim.

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For her meeting with the royal couple from Jordan, Melania Trump ordered an emerald dress from her clear favorite, designer Hervé Pierre.

Even Melania Trump's haters were forced to admit that the First Lady unexpectedly managed to outshine the recognized style icon, Queen Rania.

Melania Trump truly looked like the star of the meeting, standing out against the backdrop of the black and blue suits of the rest of the meeting participants.

Melania Trump at a meeting with the King and Queen of Jordan, April 2017

Melania continued her cunning roll call of shades literally the next day, when Chinese President Xi Jipping and his wife Peng Liyuan arrived in Palm Beach. Knowing that the Chinese associate red with great luck and happiness, she greeted the guests in a ruby ​​dress from the Valentino resort collection, managing to win them over in the first minute of the reception. Interestingly, for the occasion, the midi length presented in the lookbook was altered into the canonical “10 centimeters below the knees” for the wife of the politician, which emphasized the colorful Trump pumps from Christian Louboutin.

Not a random choice: a red Valentino dress and Christian Louboutin shoes for a meeting with Chinese President Xi Jinping and his wife Peng Liyuan; April 2017

Speaking of Christian Louboutin. Lately, she prefers this brand even to the previously adored Manolo Blahnik, buying from its main competitor not only extravagant shoes, but also modest patent leather ballet flats. Low-top shoes help Melania, who is 6ft 1in tall, appear smaller and more in tune with her surroundings, whether it's an afternoon stroll in Florida or reading stories at Easter. Michelle Obama or even the democratic Kate Middleton, with whom Mrs. Trump is often compared, neglect this technique, remaining faithful to the wedge heel or at least a small glass heel. Melania, on the other hand, is not afraid to sacrifice efficiency for the sake of relaxation and a sense of comfort, thereby setting new standards for how the First Lady should look.

New look of the First Lady: Melania Trump in a dress from her favorite Hervé Pierre; April 2017

In this pink fairy guise, Melania read a story at the White House Easter children's reception; April 2017

Melania is not afraid to sacrifice heels for comfort, setting new standards for what a First Lady should look like.

In general, the ability to select clothes depending on the formality of the occasion is her strong point, which has been noted more than once by the fashion press. Melania knows when to dress formally (a visit to the Cathedral or a US State Department awards ceremony) and when to play with texture. But she does this very carefully, balancing between the desire to add zest to the outfit and diversity. Thus, at the first session of Congress, her black suit from Michael Kors Collection, richly embroidered with beads, distracted the attention of the assessors from the speech of Donald Trump. “Politics aside, I just love this sparkly blazer!” the NBC correspondent tweeted during the TV broadcast.

Melania Trump made a lasting impression at the US Congress wearing a Michael Kors Collection suit worth $9,590; February 2017

“Politics aside, I just love this sparkly blazer!” the NBC correspondent tweeted during the TV broadcast.

It seems that this is the strategy of the newly-minted American rulers: while the president makes decisions catastrophic for the country, his wife distracts and blinds the public, who are almost ready to forgive her the fabulous cost of fashion performances.

In addition to Michael Kors and Ralph Lauren, who dress Melania for important events not for service, but for friendship, she also wears other American brands: Oscar de la Renta, Calvin Klein, The Row and Hervé Pierre. It was the latter who owned the triumphal dress for the inaugural ball, which, according to critics, should have been made by Karl Lagerfeld. But Trump decided not to irritate the already dissatisfied Americans by involving a foreign designer in the business and patriotically gave the order to the former art director of Carolina Herrera.

At the ball in honor of her husband's inauguration, Melania Trump appeared in a Hervé Pierre dress. She is said to have taken an active part in the creation of its design; January 2017

Melania Trump in a $2,490 Ralph Lauren little black dress at the International Women's Day luncheon; March 2017

She saved Lagerfeld's talent for an equally solemn event - a meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Then the Kaiser made a white “two-piece” from cashmere, consisting of a pencil skirt and a double-breasted jacket with a raised collar.

Melania Trump in a suit specially created for her by Karl Lagerfeld and Donald Trump meet the Israeli Prime Minister, February 2017

Melania Trump in a suit specially created for her by Karl Lagerfeld at the White House, February 2017

It must be said that the first lady uses the services of not only the recognized elite of the industry, but also little-known brands - for example, Alice Roi. It has existed for almost 20 years, but only became popular after Trump’s “red” appearance on a trip to the Marg-a-Lago residence. The coat dress, in response to the seasonal trend, piquantly billowed with every breath of wind, playing with the folds of the wide skirt and directing the media lenses towards itself. They immediately recognized Roy as the new star of American fashion and tripled the label's sales. However, clients who were looking for a coat like Melania’s in the online store were quickly disappointed: it, like many other things from her wardrobe, was made to special order.

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Thanks to this coat dress, in which Melania Trump appeared in front of journalists and photographers in March, designer Alice Roi became a new star of American fashion; March 2017

After celebrating US Independence Day, American President Donald Trump and his charming wife went on a tour of European countries.

In addition to the political aspects, the press, as usual, focused attention on the outfits of the First Lady of the United States, who has recently had several frankly disastrous appearances (a parka with the inscription “I really don’t care. Do you?” at a meeting with migrant children, a luxurious pink dress with voluminous sleeves worth $3000 for giving a speech on child protection, etc.).

This time, the woman’s images are impeccable - Melania has chosen simply excellent stylish solutions for Europe!


On July 10, 2018, before flying to Belgium, Trump gave an interview to reporters. Melania, of course, was next to her husband.

The First Lady appeared before reporters in a carmine-red jumper, a beige Martin Grant safari-style skirt and Christian Louboutin shoes, the soles of which matched the shade of the jumper. By the way, Donald's tie also matched Melania's bright top.

But after the plane landed in Brussels, Belgian journalists were able to enjoy the elegant appearance of the First Lady of America in a beige Burberry raincoat and black Christian Louboutin pumps.

In Belgium, Mrs. Trump attended a chocolate tasting and classical music concert at the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel. By the way, here Melania met with the wife of the French President Brigitte Macron, with whom, according to the press, she established warm friendly relations.

Melania's daytime look consisted of a black Calvin Klein fitted midi dress and pointed white pumps.

The American First Lady wore a more sophisticated dress for an evening event. A pristine white Elie Saab cocktail dress with lace appliqué paired with beige stilettos looked absolutely stunning!

Great Britain

After attending the NATO summit in Brussels, the Trumps made an official visit to the UK.

Melania stepped off the plane in a laconic beige dress from Roland Mouret, below the knees, and large sunglasses.

The most talked about and definitely the best outfit of the European tour is the lemon yellow silk Greek-style dress by J.Mendel, which Melania wore to a gala dinner with British Prime Minister Theresa May and her husband Philip.

The most fashionable shade of this summer, lemon yellow, looks incredible on the First Lady of the United States! And the intricate cut of the dress with a long train and complex draperies literally turned Melania into a fairy-tale princess! By the way, netizens have already compared the image of Donald Trump’s wife with the cartoon Belle from the film “Beauty and the Beast.”

The Western press decided to keep silent about Trump’s fashion “prank,” but they found fault with the colorful print on the dress with particular vigor.

Melania Trump met the South Korean delegation in June in a soft cream Roland Mouret dress, which beautifully emphasized her breasts and... lack of underwear.

The Trumps' first international tour was remembered not only for the vibrant diplomatic meetings of world leaders, but also for the stylish images of the first lady of the United States. This Dolce & Gabbana dress is one of them.

Viewers of the second Trump-Clinton political debate in 2016 could not take their eyes off the luxurious Melania Trump in a fuchsia Gucci blouse. And we can guess why.

In 2016, Melania Trump actively supported her husband during the presidential race and helped fight for voter support using proven means - spectacular and partly provocative outfits.

Melania attended the national convention of the US Republican Party in July 2016 with Donald Trump. Photographs of the married couple show with the naked eye that the future first lady did not wear a bra under her snow-white Roksanda dress.

Mrs. Trump demonstrated a similar image at the same convention just a few days later.

In 2015, Melania Trump already wore plain coats and trousers with arrows. But now she wears a bra much more often under her favorite things.

A sheath dress, pointed pumps and a Birkin bag are the perfect outfit for business meetings, which Melania Trump demonstrated in 2012. But a true businesswoman would certainly wear a bra or at least special nipple stickers under this dress.

An emerald dress, pointed pumps and a minimum of accessories - Melania Trump still prefers a laconic style. But a bra in this look would clearly be superfluous - it’s difficult to wear it unnoticed under such fabric (pictured: in 2012).

Melania Trump wore this scarlet dress in 2011, complementing it with thin belts and elegant sandals. But I didn’t wear a bra under it. Apparently, to make the image more impressive.

We were very surprised to see Melania Trump in a completely transparent dress. It turns out that in 2005, Trump's wife wore very provocative outfits. I wonder what Donald himself thought about this then, and what his PR team thought about it now?

Even in very minimalistic and discreet dresses, Melania Trump has always managed to look very sexy.

Donald and Melania Trump at Shaquille O'Neal's birthday party in March 2005.

This image of Melania Trump may now seem too frank to some, but in 2005, Trump, choosing such outfits, attracted everyone's attention, which was clearly the intention.

By the way, before her marriage, Melania was not afraid to show off her toned stomach, open cleavage and lack of bras.

Melania Trump is the first lady of the United States and the president's wife. In the past, Melania was a famous model, but she has not lost her status even now. Naturally glamorous, Melania now chooses an elegant style, and sticks to it skillfully.

However, her elegance does not in any way resemble the style of the “Queen Mother,” and the mood created by the images is far from the image of Jacqueline Kennedy, which is attributed to her. Her style has both sides: elegance and sexuality! And these two aspects play effectively in her favor.

Evolution of style

We all learned a little something and somehow - as the classic said. And Melania didn't always look the way she looks now. Of course, her style has evolved. And, I can say, for the better.

The relative consistency in her look is her hairstyle. And this, in my opinion, is very cool. It is precisely because Melania wears her natural hair color that she now looks much younger in adulthood than many of her peers. And this once again confirms the fact that the natural hair color given by nature plays in a woman’s favor!

What do you think of her style evolution? Like?
At first it was like this! Lots of glitter, fringe, fairly short dresses. However, I don’t want to seem like a prude, she was beautiful at her age.

For a certain period of time, Melania wore pink tops, which were then replaced by fur jackets, as well as jackets made of velvet, corduroy and other textured fabrics. These were mostly trouser looks, or looks based on a denim theme.

Fur jackets were followed by fur coats and slip dresses. While I was studying the evolution of style, I really thought about who put together all these outfits? Are these really the stylist's recommendations? It is clear that the format here was still a model, and not a first lady, however, many images and concepts raise many questions.

And this is what the current first lady came up with in her style. I like. Calm, stylish, and confident!

Long dress (maxi)

Let's look at some variations of the looks that Mrs. Trump wears at events. She wears long dresses both as an element of the dress code for black tie and for daytime outings. In fact, I really like the way she plays with style, skillfully and boldly using color, print and texture!

Sheath dress

The sheath dress often gets a place at formal daytime functions. It is mostly monochromatic, just like formal evening wear. In general, I want to say that plain versions look much more interesting and impressive than dresses with prints, creating the integrity of the image and perception.


Perhaps no first lady has ever had so much courage to go out in a jumpsuit. Melania did it. And what’s especially nice is that this piece of clothing also looks stylish on her.
And the more I look at her looks, the more I like her choice of current stylist.

Midi length coat

The selection of midi coats is also captivating! Particularly pleasant is the fact that the coat is chosen effectively and tastefully, regardless of the occasion or outlet. These include official events, promenade versions, and going out to a party or cocktail. Each image deserves special attention, and gradually we are convinced of the impeccable taste of Melania, and, of course, the team of image makers who create all this splendor!


Here's another bold decision for the first lady - a pantsuit! Melania wears it everywhere: to formal events, to evening outings, and to less formal events, pairing it with a T-shirt. In one of the examples we also see the skillful use of a trend - trousers with stripes.

Total White style preference

One of the most interesting and noticeable images of Melania is total white! It often appears in various shades of white. This, as you have already noticed from previous examples, is suits, dresses, and coats. I suggest you look at a few more images, made in such a simple and such a complex color.


Perhaps the main characteristic of the first lady's hairstyle is well-groomed and healthy hair. Melania prefers loose hair during the day, occasionally choosing an updo for evening events. The hair color, as I said earlier, is natural.


Natural shades are also present in makeup. As a rule, this is a calm lipstick in natural shades (pink, coral, nude, beige) and daytime makeup (gray-brown shadows, black mascara, foundation). Stylish makeup completes the look.
I will be glad to see you at consultations!