Sliding wardrobes in the hallway of the apartment. Sliding wardrobe in the hallway: the best ideas for implementation. Subtypes of wardrobes in the corridor

You need to take the choice of a built-in wardrobe seriously, as a small mistake in the design will annoy you for years. The topic of this article: design of a wardrobe in the hallway, photo examples, ideas for filling, as well as external design in a modern style.

The article is very extensive and touches on all aspects that are important when ordering this furniture. There are no trifles here and there cannot be!

How to find the right place in the hallway to install a wardrobe

It happens that you look at some corner in the hallway and the thought comes: it would be nice to put a wardrobe here! And it will look great, and there is already a place. But don’t rush to call a specialist.

First you need to decide, what exactly and in what quantities do you plan to store there.

And it may well turn out that this corner is too small and by building a closet in such a place, you will simply throw away money in vain, since half of the things will remain unattached.

And you will spend a lot of money, since there is not too much of a difference in price between a small and medium-sized cabinet.

Maybe it would be much more reasonable to place a wardrobe in place of a wall? Or equip a storage room for it? Leave a small corner for some other furniture.

But, let's take it in order. First, let's look at all the successful options for placing such cabinets in typical hallways.

Small hallway or lack thereof

In small apartments, especially on the secondary market, hallways, as a rule, are not just small - miniature.

In the same Khrushchev apartment buildings, for example, not only is there nowhere to turn around, but also the shape of the corridor is not even, more like a triangle.

In one-room studios there is no corridor at all. How to place a wardrobe in this case? And so that it not only decorates the interior, but can also store many necessary and unnecessary things?

First, look at the wall adjacent to the adjacent room (usually the living room). If its length is suitable for placing a large cabinet, then it is much more reasonable to break it and put it in this place.

Even if you have to “steal” some 40 centimeters from the living room, you will get full-fledged storage, and not a dummy for beauty.

Of course, this is only possible if the wall is not load-bearing and can be removed without any problems. If the demolition option is completely excluded, then other options will have to be invented.

You can expand the useful area of ​​the cabinet using its shape.

If you choose a radius instead of a standard rectangle, then there will be more space inside due to the increase in the size of the shelves.

If a rectangular one fits a couple of sweaters, for example, then this one already holds four or five. But this design is quite original, unusual and not everyone likes it.

Also, a good option for placing a closet is around the front door, as shown in the photo below. Usually this space is still empty or occupied by an unsightly open coat rack with a shoe rack underneath.

And this is an excellent solution for housing in which the front door leads directly to the living room. But, again, this is possible if the width of the wall allows.

Another great solution is to place the cabinet at the junction of the wall and interior door. Only in this case you need to remove it, and you will get a large free space and a partition in the form of a cabinet.

In the photo below you can clearly see how it looks in the living interior of the hallway.

The corner location of the wardrobe is also suitable for a small area. Look at the photo below, maybe you like it?

Well, the most practical option for a small hallway is a double-sided wardrobe.

From the side of the corridor, for example, you can hang outerwear and put shoes in it, and from the side of the room you can fold linen and other clothes.

Of course, such a model is not cheap, but the comfort is worth it.

Long and narrow hallway

This is simply the scourge of all three and four-room apartments built during the USSR. The corridor is so narrow and long that it looks like a passage in a compartment carriage.

If you also place a wardrobe along this wall, cutting off a good 50 centimeters, then the look will be completely sad. And mirrors won’t save you... What to do?

We suggest you break down the wall adjacent to any room and push the closet there.

Believe me, you will enjoy this decision for a long time. The corridor will not be reduced and you will not have to sacrifice valuable centimeters inside the closet.

After all, you can push 10-15 centimeters into the corridor, and “hide” the rest in the adjacent room. So you will get a full-fledged, deep closet, and not a narrow one. The price for which, by the way, is the same, no less.

Look at the photo below. It shows a narrow and small hallway. But the owners went deeper into the closet into another room and now only mirrors are visible from the entrance.

As you can see, the hallway looks quite spacious and comfortable. And if they had installed the cabinet without breaking the wall, then you yourself understand how such a structure would look.

Sliding wardrobe in place of a pantry

Also, quite often there is a storage room at the end of the hallway. Why not a dressing room? And most importantly, making a wardrobe out of it will be much cheaper than ordering the entire frame and doors from scratch.

Here you only need to equip the walls of the pantry with shelves and install doors. See what this looks like in an example.

With proper planning of the interior space, the result will exceed all expectations, since such “hozzones” are usually quite deep.

Examples of successful placement of sliding wardrobes in the hallway interior

Let's look at a few more interesting ideas so that you can finally form an initial idea about the correct location of this piece of furniture, and then we'll talk about functionality and other important things.

Using this example, you can take note of the idea of ​​equipping wardrobe doors with hanging hooks.

And what’s interesting here is that not only was the wall removed and a cabinet placed in its place, but they also made a radius shape for the rear part.

Here's a cabinet that looks like a feature wall, and not like regular clothing storage.

There are a lot of options! And you simply cannot list them all in one article.

Therefore, let's talk more specifically and look at the most creative ideas using specific examples.

Optimal sizes of hallway cabinets

Typically cabinets are made with a depth of 60 centimeters. The deeper inner part is inconvenient, as you will have to stretch hard for things, and they will be difficult to see.

But, if you have very little space, then you can make the depth 40 centimeters.

In this case, the brackets for things are placed not along the cabinet, but across it. Just like it is shown in the photo. They can be either stationary or retractable.

So, the most optimal dimensions of a rectangular structure are from 40 to 60 centimeters inside.

You shouldn’t do anything more or less, as it will be inconvenient for you to use such a design, and if the depth is significantly reduced, things will simply fall out on the floor.

Which form should you prefer?

The shape of the cabinet is of great importance not only from the point of view of external beauty.

Non-standard cases can significantly save space on the outside, while remaining as spacious inside as conventional rectangular ones. So, which one to choose and what are their advantages?

Corner wardrobe

The angle is different. It’s one thing for a corner to be more than a meter deep and at least one and a half meters wide, but quite another thing is for a small cabinet on the front, but at the same time extended inwards.

Also, two rectangular boxes connected at the junction by a jumper can be called corner.

Look at the photo, we will show you their contents from the inside, so you can understand whether the game is worth the candle.

This is a very small cabinet and at first glance, a lot can fit in it! But this is only at first glance, believe me.

The shelves in it are very narrow and low, and so is the bracket.

All the clothes you hang on hangers will definitely not fit there. Or a couple of fur coats, or summer dresses...

By and large, this is a closet for one person, and even then it is too small. And in the hallway it is better to place such furniture so that you can place as many things as possible for all family members.

Or, as an option, make a closet in the hallway designed for outerwear and bed linen, and build another closet in the room where you put everything else.

And this cabinet is also corner, it occupies almost the same area, but at the same time it cannot be compared with the first one in terms of spaciousness.

This is actually a great option. You can enter the closet, which means that in front of you is a full-fledged, capacious dressing room, and not ordinary furniture.

And despite the fact that there are fewer shelves there than in the first option, much more things will fit, since they can all be perfectly hung on numerous brackets.

They will be clearly visible and will not get wrinkled in tight cells. And if desired, a shelf on top for storing large blankets and bedspreads will fit perfectly.

So, as you already understand, the absolute advantage of corner cabinets is the ability to fill the always “walking” space with the necessary compartments for things, while everything will be hidden behind a small door.

The downside is that it’s not very convenient to stretch to the very extreme point of the corner, especially on the top shelves. There you can only store “unnecessary” things that you don’t need to use, but it’s a shame to throw them away.

Rectangular wardrobe

The good thing about a rectangular cabinet is that its shape is familiar and many people like it. And planning the interior space is much easier.

And in this case, you can choose almost any external design. Mirrors from the ceiling to the floor, for example, look great on a flat surface.

We give you an example of a couple of successful rectangular wardrobes, since there is no point in talking a lot about them: everything is already clear.

Pay attention to how well the mirror was positioned in the second option. The cabinet is essentially a two-door one, but thanks to the reflection, it looks like a four-sectional one and is very large!

Spherical wardrobe

As we said above, the spherical shape is very much for everyone. But, if you like this option externally, then in the internal content it has solid advantages.

Despite the fact that it occupies a very small area, you can equip a full-fledged dressing room in which you can lock yourself and change clothes.

But here it should be noted that semicircular doors and fittings will cost you much more than traditional elements.

Sliding wardrobe in the form of a square

Also an interesting option for a dressing room.

This is not just a wardrobe, but a room, and as you understand, in order to equip it you need a sufficient hallway area. But it’s convenient, to say the least.

Door systems: we consider all options

Once you've chosen your shape, it's time to think about which doors to choose. Or rather, a system for opening them. Let's look at all the options and you will understand what is best for you.

Swing doors

The most inexpensive, quite convenient and durable option. There is one drawback to such doors - the dead zone that forms when the doors open.

But on the other hand, additional fittings can be attached to such doors, on which it is convenient to hang belts and belts, for example.

So, if you don’t have an urgent question about preserving useful space down to the centimeter, such a system would be a good solution.

But, do not forget that floor-length mirrors on such doors will not look good, since handles need to be attached.

Sliding doors

There are no dead zones outside, yes. But it is inside!

If you order a two-door compartment version, then be prepared for the fact that, having opened one door, you will have to reach deep into the closet for some things that are closed by the second door.

Or frantically swap them every two minutes, which is very inconvenient. A sliding system is good if the closet is large and has at least four doors.

Also, do not forget that for a compartment system you need to purchase expensive fittings, which fail much more often than simple hinges.

Accordion doors

The option is convenient, no doubt. There are no dead zones at all. One minus is that the price is steep and the fittings “fly” quickly if you are greedy.

But here it’s up to you to decide what’s more important to you: savings or comfort.

Planning the internal arrangement and number of shelves

This is the most important thing you should think carefully about before ordering it. This determines how useful the closet will be. Indeed, it is installed for convenience, and not for beauty.

Let's figure out what to distribute where with the least loss of usable space inside.

Upper shelves for blankets and bed linen

Height is also important. It is much more convenient to make separate shelves for various types linen, rather than then pulling out some kind of under blanket from piles of them, and at the same time, what was lying on top will fall on your head.

Brackets for outerwear

You definitely need two of them: for long fur coats and short windbreakers and jackets. Making one for everything means losing useful space where the clothes don’t reach the floor, but you can’t put anything under them either.

Brackets for light clothing

It's better to make them larger than to cram folded clothes into piles on shelves. There should be few shelves: for T-shirts, T-shirts and sweaters. And it’s more convenient to keep the rest on hangers.

Pull-out cabinets for small items

Don’t skimp on them and be sure to make them closed. It’s very easy for socks and other accessories to go missing in the depths of a large closet.

Shoe shelves below

Here, too, do not skimp on special devices and be sure to purchase special grilles with holders. Much more shoes will fit than if you stacked them on top of each other.

Popular mistakes in the layout of wardrobes

And now we come to the most interesting part. It is necessary to know these things in order to avoid annoying mistakes during planning.

1. If you are making a wardrobe with a sliding system, do not forget that it takes up 10 cm inside. This means that if you order a cabinet width of only 40 cm, then you will have shelves inside that are 30 cm wide, which is very small.

2. Do not make shelves longer than 50 cm, since over time (and very quickly) they bend. Be sure to install vertical supports - partitions.

3. Don't forget to put stoppers on compartment doors, otherwise, at the slightest slope of the floor, they will open when they want.

Well, that's all we wanted to tell you. Our review has come to an end. Topic: wardrobe in the hallway, photos, design, ideas and recommendations - is fully disclosed, and we hope that our information will be useful to you.

It is from the hallway that the first impression of the interior of the house and, of course, its owners begins. Therefore, it is very important to think through the design and organization of this area. After all, a mini-room at the entrance is a limited space where functionality and aesthetics must be perfectly balanced. One of the faithful assistants in decorating this part of the home with the least time and material costs is a multifunctional and universal wardrobe.

Advantages of using a wardrobe in the hallway

The sliding wardrobe can be cabinet or built-in. Unlike a regular wardrobe, the doors of a sliding wardrobe move and do not swing outwards.

From the point of view of practicality and economy, a built-in wardrobe is considered optimal for arranging a hallway. In this case, one or a couple of sides are missing, usually the side or back walls. Such a cabinet is most often installed in a special niche, which is built into the wall, which allows:

  • rational use of limited space;
  • save money by eliminating side or rear walls;
  • give the room a more well-groomed and aesthetic appearance, since all shelves with shoes, accessories, hats and clothes will be hidden behind the facade;
  • hide flaws - cover a niche, pipe or defective wall.

In addition, you always have the opportunity to order a model of a wardrobe for your hallway: plan the placement of hangers and shelves, equip it with drawers and rods in accordance with the needs of all household members.

How to choose?


First of all, you need to decide on the material for making the future wardrobe:

  1. MDF - wood fiber board - is a harmless, environmentally friendly material, more durable and resistant to moisture. Such a wardrobe will last a long time, but will cost more.
  2. Laminated or veneered chipboard is a chipboard with high characteristics in terms of strength. This material is lightweight and easy to maintain and use; chipboard is cheaper than other materials.

Having chosen the appropriate material for the manufacture of such furniture in the hallway, you should determine its dimensions, which must correspond to the dimensions of the room. So, the height of the cabinet is limited only by the ceilings of the hallway. However, if the ceiling is suspended, it is important to provide a small gap between the cabinet and the ceiling, at least 50 millimeters.

Advice! The most convenient optimal cabinet depth is 60 cm, when the hanging rod is placed in the standard way, and the cabinet itself will ultimately be more spacious. For a narrow hallway, it is better to reduce the depth of the wardrobe to 40 cm using end rods.

It is important to remember that built-in wardrobes may not have a top panel, floor, side or back wall, and the structural elements and all the contents can be attached to the wall itself. Therefore, here you need to understand that wall decoration should not be made of plasterboard, because this material is quite soft and is not able to withstand loads.

Also keep in mind that the built-in wardrobe will be placed permanently and it will be impossible to move it to another room or move it, because such cabinets are designed for a specific area of ​​the room or niche.


A significant advantage of any wardrobe is, of course, the doors. The sliding mechanism, unlike the swing mechanism, does not require additional space, while allowing for the most efficient use of all the useful meters of the room. And a large number of finishes, styles, and colors makes it possible for the cabinet to fit organically into any interior.

The most popular and current design options for the facades of sliding wardrobes are designs with 2 or 3 doors. In such cabinets, the doors move left and right with the help of attached rollers that ride on a “rail” inside a metal frame; the door and frame can also move on a special monorail. This mechanism requires the presence of aluminum or steel components.

Important! Pay attention to the width of the sliding doors; it should be no more than 1 meter. A wide door is not only inconvenient to move, but it can also quickly damage the fittings and guides, because such a design places a fairly high load.

Various materials are used to decorate facades: stained glass, mirrors, natural materials, plastic, decorative glass. But when choosing the external design of the doors, remember that:

  • mirror mosaics and mirrors visually expand the space;
  • glossy surfaces give the interior nobility and some depth;
  • Decorative solid panels without decor make the interior heavier.

As for the color palette, it is obvious that in a small corridor it is better to install a wardrobe in light shades, and vice versa, facades of dark deep tones are better suited for spacious hallways.

Filling the wardrobe for the hallway

Beauty is beauty, but an equally important component is the internal filling of the wardrobe, and for this you need to plan in advance the list of things that will be stored in it. As a rule, built-in wardrobes designed for hallways consist of:

  • mezzanines for storing large items of secondary necessity: travel bags, boxes of household appliances, sports equipment, etc.;
  • open shelves and narrow cells up to 32 cm high;
  • drawers and baskets;
  • rods for hanging clothes or pantographs installed at the very top of the closet, which can be lowered to the desired position using a lever;
  • retractable shelves for shoes;
  • hangers for belts, scarves and ties.

By choosing the right closet design for your hallway, you will provide a reliable and convenient place to store clothes and shoes for all seasons.

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A closet or hanger for storing clothes is needed in the hallway. An ordinary closet is inconvenient because of the swing doors that block the passage, and a hanger with a bunch of clothes does not look as aesthetically pleasing as we would like. That’s why lately more and more often they are putting a wardrobe in the hallway. This type of furniture allows you to rationally use the entire useful volume - through shelves, baskets, hangers, etc.

Types of structures

There are three types of sliding wardrobes. Built-in ones differ in that they occupy some kind of niche and do not have their own walls, floor and ceiling. A similar design is made when it is possible to fence off part of the room from wall to wall. In this case, simply order a façade (door) for a sliding wardrobe with a roller system and guides. Partitions are placed inside and the filling is attached/installed. In some hallways, a built-in wardrobe is made in the place of a former storage room; with another layout, it is possible to fence off a part at the end.

If this is not possible, install a sliding wardrobe. This is a full-fledged large cabinet with a back wall. sides, floor and ceiling. It differs in door design and content. Another difference is that they try to make this type of storage system right up to the ceiling in order to make maximum use of all the space. Yes, and it looks more organic.

Design ideas

First, let's talk about what sliding wardrobes are made of. The entire structure can be divided into a body and a facade (doors). The body is made of laminated chipboard or. The option with chipboard is cheaper, but the resulting structures are only rectilinear - this material does not bend and its manufacturing technology does not allow obtaining curved surfaces. MDF is a more environmentally friendly and expensive material. Here you can form rounded edges from it.

Fronts or doors for sliding wardrobes are made from different materials, framed in a profile frame. Use:

  • Laminated chipboard and MDF. The laminating film can replicate the texture of wood, leather, be plain matte or glossy, with a geometric or floral pattern.

    The texture can be any - up to imitation crocodile skin

  • Glass. Transparent glass is almost never used, but colored or frosted glass can be found.

  • Mirror. Very common material. Drawings are applied to the surface using sandblasting technology. They can cover the mirror almost entirely, leaving small fragments of the untouched mirror, or they can be applied only in fragments.

  • Separately, it is worth mentioning photo printing. This technology allows you to transfer any image to film. This film is then glued to the facade.

But most often you can find combined facades. Various combinations of the materials listed above provide an incredible number of design options. You can develop a design to suit any interior and taste. Some examples are in the photo below.

Read how to make sliding doors for a wardrobe yourself.

Horizontal division is a widely used technique.

Three textures at once - fiberboard, mirror and sandblasting pattern

Sliding wardrobe with lighting - convenient

Floral ornament is one of the common themes

Imitation of a wooden surface, but an unusual combination with different directions of “fibers”

Simple and tasteful - frosted glass with horizontal division

Even using the space above the doors is a good idea for a small hallway

Choosing a wardrobe is an important component in creating a beautiful and original style in the hallway. Therefore, each person must navigate not only the main types of such products, but also the rules for their selection or independent installation.

Modern interior design is very different from what it was before. This is due to human needs to achieve maximum comfort. Therefore, the replacement of ordinary furniture with new and comfortable ones came. Classic wardrobes began to become less popular, so sliding wardrobes appeared. They are much more convenient than conventional products, since they do not take up much space and are built into special openings in the room.

The main advantage of sliding wardrobes for hallways is their compact size. Such specimens look much better than ordinary hangers and chests of drawers. They are also considered roomy and comfortable, especially in cramped conditions (a fairly narrow corridor). The product is made with a width of 40 cm, where there is very little space, but the standard width is 60 cm. An excellent option was the installation of end rods, which allow you to hang clothes not from the side, but from the front. This saves space.

There are also two more types of rods: retractable and stationary. Such wardrobes are not quite spacious, however, they are definitely enough for several family members. To increase the volume, you can install an element longer than the standard parameters. It is also convenient to make a large number of drawers, in which it is convenient to store not only shoes, but also various hats, gloves or scarves. This is why sliding wardrobes were invented: giving the hallway a beautiful appearance, creating comfortable conditions for the people living in the house. Other interesting ideas read the interior.

An interesting option is to equip the product with a special place where you can sit. This is true for older people, small children or disabled people. It is desirable that such equipment be mobile to achieve maximum convenience.

An acceptable decoration for a wardrobe is a mirror neatly fitted into the door. With it, you have the opportunity to fully examine yourself before going outside. This is a very useful decorative element.

Materials used to make wardrobes

The main thing that should be done before purchasing a product for the hallway is determining the materials. They are playing important role, not only the beauty, but also the durability of the wardrobe and its reliability depend on it. Types of materials:

  • Chipboard (laminated) is the most widely used material; it does not have the best properties, but it has the advantage of low cost. The main harm to the body is caused by the binder; formaldehyde is released as fumes. But thanks modern technologies, edging is used, which reduces the amount of harmful fumes. They still haven’t completely removed themselves, so there is some health risk.
  • Laminated chipboard is used as a material for the production of sliding wardrobes with a thickness of about 16 mm. However, not everyone uses this resource due to its negative effects on humans. An ideal addition is the installation of mirrors with chipboard inserts. You should just avoid sandblasting patterns, because during use the stains are quite difficult to wash off.

Filling a wardrobe in the hallway

For convenience and comfort, high-quality and complete filling of the wardrobe is required. Therefore, the following must be provided:

  1. Tubes for placing clothes on hangers. They will be located perpendicular to the walls of the product.
  2. Shelves should consist of high-quality materials, most importantly without the use of melamine, which will not last long.
  3. Retractable hangers are a very convenient option for narrow closets; they save space in the room, but the standard version is still more spacious.
  4. Shoe nets can come in a wide variety of options - single-level, retractable or multi-level.
  5. Drawers are a very convenient product for storing personal items. The best option is ball guides.

There are many other filling products, but they significantly increase the cost of the wardrobe.

Types of wardrobes

It is impossible to leave the hallway without a wardrobe, because it is a definite advantage, performing two functions: practical and decorative. It is impossible to imagine any living space without it. There are three main types of such products, all good in their own way:

  • Cabinet - the most classic and standard type, requiring a large amount of space in the hallway. This is the most complete option, consisting of all elements, it is possible to move it.
  • The built-in version is characterized by the presence of only front sliding doors, or one side one. It can be installed if there is a niche in the wall or free space.
  • A semi-built-in wardrobe has a distinctive feature - the absence of several structural parts. This is ensured by installing the product close to the wall, due to which its cost is low.

A huge advantage is the ability to develop a unique and original design of a sliding wardrobe that will suit the style of a specific hallway. It’s worth taking a closer look at the interesting options.

Built-in wardrobe

The main difference between this product is the absence of side elements (walls), ceiling and floor. The structure is held in place by being attached to the wall, which saves materials. All this directly affects the cost of such a wardrobe, which is relatively low. There are a huge number of different options, they can be selected to suit a specific style and design. All of them will look great not only in large hallways, but also in limited spaces.

Corner cupboard

It is simply impossible to express in words just how many options there are for hallway wardrobes, so you should provide the main options for such products that can facilitate the choice for each person. They consist of a variety of materials, with all sorts of inclusions, patterns, and built-in mirrors.

Thanks to numerous ideas and ideas, designers are inventing an increasing number of wardrobes. Copies are made exclusively according to the customer’s requirements, his financial capabilities, and needs. If a large number of people live in a room, then items with the appropriate number of shelves, drawers, and other things should be provided. Even more photos of wardrobes in the interior.

All this should be provided for at the design development stage. And the attached photos will help each person understand their wishes and preferences.

There are many options for sliding wardrobes, which are made specifically for a specific hallway. Quite often, everything is done together: the development of the product and the style solution for the hallway itself. This is an interesting process that requires the work of several specialists who are well oriented in their work. However, it is impossible to immediately understand what you want from the project. Therefore, to simplify the process, you should help everyone and provide photos of original and beautiful designs of sliding wardrobes.

Prices for a wardrobe in the hallway

In terms of cost, built-in and corner wardrobes are the most expensive options, which are distinguished by a large number of structural elements. They are considered more complete, requiring a large amount of materials. The price also depends on the quality of the resources used.

To order

The ideal option for each person is to have a product made to order. It will be more expensive, but the result will be positive if you choose the manufacturer responsibly. All work will be carried out only at the time desired by the customer, and only with high quality and knowledge of all the basics. From the very beginning, you should decide on the style, the number of sections and departments, the color scheme, and only then seek advice from the craftsmen.

The approximate price is shown in the following table.

If you make a cabinet with your own hands

Making a wardrobe yourself is a huge job, which not every owner can undertake. Only one thing is known - all work will be carried out with maximum efficiency, one hundred percent high quality. Before starting work, it is necessary to study a huge amount of information that is available in abundance on the Internet. There should definitely be no problems with this issue, because there are many videos with phased construction, articles and pictures. The video will be interesting to watch

It is thanks to them that you can build a beautiful and high-quality wardrobe. However, there is still an advantage to ordering a product from professionals who have taken on this task more than once.

Before purchasing a wardrobe, or ordering its manufacture, you need to familiarize yourself with some instructions that will help you choose the right product.

  • Functionality. You need to decide: for storing what things, in which compartments, in what way, and so on. One section will not be enough, which is why there is a need for a pre-designed system of shelves and drawers.

  • Material. In terms of composition, it should cause the least harm, be environmentally friendly, and not emit any fumes. However, such a resource will have a cost significantly higher than chipboard or laminated chipboard.

  • Color and design. These characteristics are selected strictly to match the style of the hallway. It is possible to create some contrast, make the wardrobe lighter or darker. A mirror is a must for this type of room.

The following video will help you decide even more on the option of a wardrobe for the hallway.

In the small hallway

If, then it is better to focus on a narrow version of the product, with non-standard characteristics of the depth and location of the forestay. All the main advantages of such specimens were described above. Of course, it is possible to make other options, but they will serve to reduce the free space in the hallway and create some discomfort.

Sliding wardrobe as part of a furniture group

One of the new options is a furniture group that has a wardrobe. This is an interesting, original and multifunctional type of product that will decorate any hallway. It can be manufactured exactly according to the wishes of any client. For example, some people prefer to have a place to sit, while others dream of built-in lamps. This and much more can be discussed with a designer who will be happy to develop a unique wardrobe design as part of a furniture group.

For a small apartment, it is a big task to arrange a spacious, stylish and comfortable hallway. But it is this place that meets and escorts us from home. A spacious and beautiful wardrobe in the hallway will solve all design problems, and will also indicate your sense of style and demanding taste. Before buying, you should think about what and how you want to store it, how much space you can allocate for it in the interior, as well as what color, design and material is best suited. This article will serve as a source of inspiration for you: in it we will compare corner, built-in models and sliding wardrobes for the hallway, and present ideas for their design in 25 photos.

Modern design of hallway cabinets: trends 2016

There are corner, straight, trapezoidal and L-shaped cabinets in the hallway. Straight ones are ideal for narrow hallways, while trapezoids and L-shaped ones allow you to save space in wider and square rooms.

  • Hallway wardrobe with open shelves and hooks for clothes;
  • The presence of a built-in banquette with a storage box under the seat;
  • Built-in cabinet models that visually merge with the walls;
  • Wardrobe systems and shelves installed in the hallway niche and equipped with sliding doors.

We invite you to look at a few photos and move on to a review of sliding wardrobes, built-in and corner solutions.

Also read:

Sliding wardrobe in the hallway - photos of interiors and filling ideas

What could a corner cabinet be like in a hallway and its advantages?

A corner wardrobe in the hallway can be built-in, classic, trapezoidal or compartment. In any case, it allows you to conveniently place almost all your existing outerwear. A corner wardrobe has many advantages. First of all, it provides maximum useful volume with a minimum occupied space, and secondly, it will not restrict movement in a small hallway and will not create clutter in the space.

See what a corner cabinet in the hallway can look like in the final 5 photos in this article!

updated: November 25, 2016 by: Evgenia Elkina