The meaning of the word "fanaticism" How to get rid of fanaticism What does it mean without fanaticism

The brain of a healthy person is able to process up to 10 thousand thoughts per day. For fanatics, life circumstances and actions are subordinated to one dominant thought, which is why they cannot switch to everyday problems and needs. If they succeed, it is automatically and for a short time. Fanatics live in constant stress.

Fanaticism - what is it?

“Fanaticism” is translated from Latin as “frenzy.” People suffering from this pathology have atrophied doubt - they blindly believe in an idea or a person who excites and impresses them, and deify their ideal. Fanatics differ from ordinary people in their willingness to sacrifice their own and others’ lives, their denial of criticism, social norms and common sense. Such people are not aware of the destructive consequences of their behavior.

Fanaticism is a mental illness that can affect any area. IN international classification 7 types of disease are indicated, some of them are normally perceived in society:

  • political;
  • health;
  • ideological;
  • scientific;
  • religious;
  • sports;
  • cultural.

Signs of fanaticism

Fanaticism has two degrees - moderate and extreme. The middle degree is common and manifests itself in the fact that a person is subject to a dominant idea, but does not take it to the point of absurdity and does not impose it on others. The extreme degree is diagnosed less frequently and is expressed in the rigid imposition of one’s choice on other people, tyranny towards them, including torture and other types of physical violence. Symptoms of the disease manifest themselves in the following deviations from the norm:

  1. The fanatic takes events concerning his idol to heart. He suffers, becomes depressed, even to the point of committing suicide because of his idol’s marriage and the loss of his favorite football club.
  2. A person accompanies the object of worship on tour, is on duty at the house, and buys accessories and attributes associated with it.
  3. Fanatical people constantly talk about “idee fixes” - they are not interested in other topics.
  4. Interests and hobbies that used to be a joy fade into the background.
  5. A fanatic reacts aggressively to any attacks from others regarding the object or subject of his worship.

Fanaticism towards a person

This type of mental disorder differs from others in that a specific person becomes the object of persecution and worship of the fanatic. Often the victim of fanaticism is a popular singer, musician, actor or other famous person. The main danger of this state is its stability - the closer the idol, the more dangerous the behavior of his fans. The modern stage knows hundreds of cases when fans in ecstasy tore the clothes of celebrities, broke into their homes, and chased them on tour.

Fanaticism can manifest itself towards a person of the opposite sex. This form of disorder is often confused with love. A woman’s love for a man implies a sober assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of her partner, while fanatical infatuation idealizes and deifies him, worships him, does not notice his shortcomings, and justifies any words and actions of his deity.

Sports fanaticism

A sports fanatic is a person who is generally accepted by society. An army of football fans comes to other cities and countries to support their favorite team. Matches end peacefully or with fights started by fans. IN modern society such behavior is considered a fan movement, or part of a sports game. You can distinguish a fan from an ordinary fan by the following characteristics:

  1. Abuse of beer and other alcoholic drinks.
  2. Taking doping (soft drugs, pills, energy drinks).
  3. Permissiveness in words and actions during competitions and after their completion.

Religious fanaticism

Religious fanatics elevate their religion to a cult, denying the existence of other faiths. They and their like-minded people are driven by the desire to rule over people of other faiths. The group values ​​of fanatics are elevated to a cult of worship - they blindly believe in the religious leader, obey him unquestioningly and are ready to give their lives if necessary.

Muslim and Orthodox fanaticism are equally dangerous with extremist aspirations. New members of the sect are “brainwashed” in 2-3 weeks, and after 4-5 years of living according to the rules of the religious community, the changes become irreversible. Any cult shares the same characteristics:

  1. They have a leader who calls himself the messiah.
  2. They are ruled by a totalitarian system and philosophy.
  3. Cult members unquestioningly obey the rules of the community.
  4. Fanatics unquestioningly give property and money for the benefit of the community.

How do you become fanatics?

The psychology of fanaticism identifies 3 reasons that push a person to change.

  1. Envy of other people's successes.
  2. Low self-esteem.
  3. A famous person who has achieved everything and shines.

The psychology of religious fanaticism is based on the hopelessness of a person when he finds himself in a difficult life situation and sees no way out of it. At such moments, he goes into religion and, unbeknownst to himself, falls under the influence of the adherents of the sect. They instill in him knowledge of the “right path”, sympathize, express their readiness to support and talk about problems that they themselves have recently encountered. Fanatics flee from reality into religion not out of love for God, but from their own suffering and the indifference of others.

How to get rid of fanaticism?

Fanaticism as a psychological phenomenon appeared in the 17th century, when the Catholic Bishop Bossuet introduced this concept into use. Successful recovery from the disease is possible if:

  1. The fanatic will realize that his claims are false.
  2. Learn to analyze and look at the situation from the other side.
  3. Will switch to other events.
  4. Increase self-esteem.
  5. Seek help from a psychologist.

Films about fanatics

Fanaticism in love, religion, sports and any social sphere is a sign of emotional instability, impressionability, lack of leadership qualities, and suggestibility. Dozens of films have been made about fanatics - they talk about the consequences of blind faith and following idols, religious servility.

  1. "Fan" with Robert De Niro - a drama about the complex relationship between a professional athlete and his fan.
  2. "Master" tells about a sailor who got a job in a photo studio after the war. After a while, the former military man falls under the influence of a religious leader and begins to preach his precepts.
  3. "Die, John Tucker!" The plot of the film tells about a high school macho man, against whom his three ex-girlfriends want to take revenge. They are not stopped by the fact that the bait in the insidious plan is a girl who has just arrived in the city.

    I love you to tears
    Every breath is like the first time,
    Instead of lies, beautiful phrases
    This is a cloud of roses.
    White rose petals
    I'll make our bed,
    I love you to tears
    I love you madly.

    The whiteness of your alluring white skin,
    The beauty of your divine hair
    I admire you, you are dearer to me than anything else,
    Everything with you and I has just begun,
    I love you to tears.

    Maybe these are some kind of people crazy with their own pride? Well, as the monks, for example, joke on this occasion, “those of them will want to be the first in the monastery and will prove that their yoga is the most correct, the most true.”

  • Any fanaticism and insanity will not lead to anything good.
    Is irresponsible love something like the joke when a woman keeps saying during sex: “Not with me! Not with me!”?

    Fanaticism is manifested by faith in the truthfulness of cartoons, films, and subjective naive ideas about the world around us.

    In our world, everything is healed, even what is considered incurable by medicine, but quite harshly.


    Super pizza "Minutka"
    4 tablespoons of mayonnaise, 4 tablespoons of sour cream, 3 eggs, 9 tablespoons of flour, olives, sausage, cheese, pickled or canned cucumbers, canned champignons and whatever your heart desires.
    Mix mayonnaise, sour cream, flour, eggs. The dough should be liquid (not thick sour cream). Cut all the products you plan to put on the pizza. Place in a preheated oven. Keep in the oven until the dough is golden brown (7-10 minutes). Sprinkle grated cheese on top, put it in the oven again, wait until the cheese melts and take it out. The dough is very delicate, so remove it from the mold carefully. ITALIANS with their pizzas will be forgotten forever!!!

    Potatoes "VIENOAZ"
    5-6 potatoes, 1 tbsp. milk, 100-200g hard cheese.
    This recipe is not only delicious and tender, it is also easy to prepare and not at all expensive! There is NO oil or salt in this recipe! So! Peel the potatoes and cut into slices. Place the potatoes in layers in a rimmed oven-safe dish. Then fill it halfway with milk so that the potatoes are slightly peeking out. We put it on the fire and when the milk boils, let it simmer over low heat for literally 30 seconds. Then grate the cheese on a coarse grater and generously sprinkle the potatoes. The main thing is to sprinkle cheese around the edges of the mold, otherwise the milk will splash out. Place all this beauty in the oven until golden brown. When you cut the finished yummy, you will be surprised, because... There's no milk there anymore...

    Meat for the lazy
    500 g minced meat, 300 g cheese, 1 can of champignons, 150 g mayonnaise.
    Salt the minced meat and place it on a baking dish sprinkled with vegetable oil. Spread with mayonnaise and put champignons on top. Sprinkle all this with grated cheese and place in a heated oven for 40-50 minutes.

    Vermicelli casserole
    500g. vermicelli, 1 onion, 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 4-5 tomatoes, 100g. grated cheese, pepper.
    Boil the vermicelli, discard in a colander, rinse with cold water and drain. Chop the onion and simmer, add the tomatoes, previously minced in a meat grinder, and add salt. Grease the mold with oil, place the noodles there, pour tomato sauce and sprinkle with cheese. Bake in the oven for about 20 minutes. Sprinkle chopped herbs on top.

    v Latvii bolet ne umejut voob6e! slu6at na futbole rev dudok eto morazm! ;[ v vis6ej lige igrali v etom godu: Ventspils(4empion 2006),Metalurg,Skonto,Dinaburg,Ditton,Dizvanagi,Riga,Jurmala. V sbornoj znaju mnogih: Kolinko,Verpakovskij,Laizans,Kalnins,bleidelis,astafjev.... no bolet za lati6skuju komnadu net nikakogo smilsa! uroven sli6kom slabij ;[ i za sbonuju ne boleju tak kak igrajut toka ot oboroni! daze luksemburg ne vijgrali v sentabre:)))
    poslednij raz bil na Latvija 4:0 Islandija.

Fanatic: Any person who speaks passionately about things we don't care about. Lawrence Peter A fanatic is a man who cannot change his mind and cannot change the subject. Winston Churchill Fanatic: a man who does what he thinks... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

Giorgio Gaber Giorgio Gaber, concert performance Basic information Date of birth ... Wikipedia

This name was borne in France and Italy by Cistercian monks who adhered to the stricter Benedictine Rule in memory of St. Bernard of Clairvaux (see this next). In Poland and Lithuania, B. was called an order, which in relation to the observance ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Ephron

Type Home computer Released ... Wikipedia

ZX Spectrum Type Home computer Released April 23, 1982 Produced through December 1990 Processor Z80, 3.5 MHz ... Wikipedia

ZX Spectrum Type Home computer Released April 23, 1982 Produced through December 1990 Processor Z80, 3.5 MHz ... Wikipedia

ZX Spectrum Type Home computer Released April 23, 1982 Produced through December 1990 Processor Z80, 3.5 MHz ... Wikipedia


  • Zero Waste: conscious consumption without fanaticism, Potrekiy Yana Dmitrievna. The Zero Waste concept calls for conscious and responsible consumption. According to the principles of the philosophy of “zero waste living,” absolutely each of us can change the world, making it cleaner and…
  • Spiritual Warrior 6: The Quest for a Peaceful Solution to the Problems of Fanaticism, Terrorism and War, Bhakti Tirtha Swami. The Spiritual Warrior series is one of the first publications of a developing type of literature containing a holistic response to the challenge posed to us by the social system and human troubles. The sixth book in the series...

The section is very easy to use. Just enter the desired word in the field provided, and we will give you a list of its meanings. I would like to note that our site provides data from various sources - encyclopedic, explanatory, word-formation dictionaries. Here you can also see examples of the use of the word you entered.

Meaning of the word fanaticism

fanaticism in the crossword dictionary


Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Dal Vladimir


m. French German fanaticism; crude, stubborn superstition, a substitute for faith; persecution of dissenters in the name of faith. Fanatic, fanatic. Fanatical persecution.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


fanaticism, plural no, m. The way of thinking and acting of a fanatic is extreme intolerance. Religious fanaticism. He is blinded by fanaticism.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


A, m. The way of thinking and behavior of a fanatic. In adj. fanatical, oh, oh.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.


    m. The way of thinking and acting of a fanatic (1*); fanaticism.

    m. Exceptional devotion to smb. a cause or extraordinary commitment to something. idea.

Encyclopedic Dictionary, 1998


FANATISM (from Latin fanaticus - frantic)

    commitment to any beliefs or views taken to the extreme, intolerance to any other views (for example, religious fanaticism).

    In a figurative sense, passionate devotion to something.


(French fanatisme, from Latin fanaticus √ frenzied), commitment to any beliefs or views taken to the extreme, intolerance to any other views, for example, religious F.



Fanaticism(, - from “fanatic” - from “temple”) - blind, unconditional adherence to beliefs, especially in the religious, philosophical, national or political spheres; commitment to any ideas, beliefs or views taken to the extreme, usually combined with intolerance towards other people's views and beliefs. Lack of critical perception of one's beliefs. Fanatic- a fanatical person.

Examples of the use of the word fanaticism in literature.

It is also clear that anti-Semitism will flare up even more if it is fanned into a bloody fanaticism.

Sheikh Abu Bakr belonged to the type of people in whom religious fanaticism fostered genuine indifference to death.

What kind of moderation, what kind of mercy can be expected from, say, Burley, one of their main leaders, who has not yet cooled down, apparently, from some kind of violence he has just committed, Burley, whose remorse is so strong that it cannot be drowned out even his fiery fanaticism?

De Vilmorin brushed his hand aside and continued with even more fanaticism: - Don’t you notice that clouds are gathering, foreshadowing a storm?

Lopukhin, in a strange fit of scientific fanaticism, who easily swept away moral and social barriers, implicated, like almost everyone, in vanity, love for who knows whom, selfishness and selfishness, not caring about criminal conventions, in the unclear but desperate hope of obtaining an outstanding scientific result that will serve as an indulgence, forgetting promises, given by Fretu, together with Vavila that same night she sewed a vascular pedicle with the uterine artery and vein of an excised muscular-endometrial flap of the human uterus, together with an embryo that was not yet differentiated, into the corresponding incisions in the walls of the internal iliac vessels of the actor, declaring the operation as the application of a new arteriovenous shunt for hemodialysis to replace the thrombosed one.

The truth - if our friends the Girondins understood it - is that it is not known where French patriotism with all its eloquence would be at this moment, if this greatest inferno of Bedlam, fanaticism, popular rage and madness did not rise uncontrollably on August 10. French patriotism would have been an eloquent memory dangling from the Prussian gallows.

It would be wrong to draw conclusions regarding Goebbels’ personality based on the fanaticism his speeches, and imagine him as a man with a seething temperament.

I don’t remember which of the famous Russian actors of the twenties toured in our unpretentious theater then, but the image of Acosta, a fighter against Judaism, still lives in my memory. fanaticism, with dead dogmas, with spiritual inertia.

Primitive worlds, primitive visions of the world are widespread due to natural human conformism, rationalism, fanaticism, traditionalism, laziness.

Counting, in addition, on gullibility, ignorance and fanaticism their compatriots, the apostles began to claim that the death of their teacher was predicted in the Old Testament, that this death was the fulfillment of the eternal plans, that Jesus died in order to reconcile sinful people with God, that from now on God, having received satisfaction, will spread his mercies on earth.

Victims of the money changer fanaticism They were recruited in dozens, and the police officer, having received a bribe, walked along the street and pretended that everything was going well.

St. Bartholomew's Night, as Merimee shows, was generated not only by religious fanaticism, but at the same time with ulcers that corroded noble society.

Again - pumped up, but without excesses, without bulging veins and daily fanaticism in athletic halls.

He remembered, going back to history, that in the past, assassins had been able to overthrow or at least decapitate a government, but then it only required the elimination of one person, and for all that fanaticism For these inhabitants of a mountain fortress, the modern world would be too difficult for them.

Enlighteners waged an irreconcilable struggle against superstitions, fanaticism, intolerance, deception and stupidity of the people.



(French, from Latin fanaticus - frenzied, fanatic; from fanum - temple, temple). Fanaticism, gross superstition, exaggerated religious zeal, persecution of dissenters in the name of faith; excessive attachment to any party.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Chudinov A.N., 1910 .


intolerance of beliefs - blind faith in something, together with a hostile attitude towards everyone who holds different views and believes differently; often reaches the point of frenzy, fanaticism.

A complete dictionary of foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language. - Popov M., 1907 .


blind, ardent adherence to some beliefs, mainly political and religious, often reaching the point of frenzy.

Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. - Pavlenkov F., 1907 .


French fanatisme, from Lat. fanaticus, animate, from fanum, shrine, temple. Fanaticism, religious intolerance.

Explanation of 25,000 foreign words that have come into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their roots. - Mikhelson A.D., 1865 .


(lat.;cm. fanatic) passionate devotion to one's beliefs, combined with extreme intolerance of other people's views and aspirations; religious f. - frantic devotion to one's faith and intolerance to other beliefs.

New dictionary of foreign words. - by EdwART,, 2009 .


[] – passionate devotion to one’s beliefs, combined with extreme intolerance towards the beliefs of others

Large dictionary of foreign words. - Publishing House "IDDK", 2007 .


A, pl. No, m. (fr. fanatisme, German Fanatismus lat. - cm. fanatic).
Mindset and Behavior fanatic.
Fanatic, fanatical - characterized by fanaticism.

Explanatory dictionary of foreign words by L. P. Krysin. - M: Russian language, 1998 .


See what “FANATISM” is in other dictionaries:

    Fanatic: Any person who speaks passionately about things we don't care about. Lawrence Peter A fanatic is a man who cannot change his mind and cannot change the subject. Winston Churchill Fanatic: a man who does what he thinks... ... Consolidated encyclopedia of aphorisms

    fanaticism- a, m. fanatisme m. 1. The way of thinking and acting of a fanatic; frantic devotion to one's faith and intolerance towards other beliefs, those of different faiths. BAS 1. If superstition (fanatism) still exists in part, then this should be attributed to those deep roots... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    Fanaticism- Fanaticism ♦ Fanatisme “Fanatism,” wrote Alain, “is a dangerous love of truth.” A fanatic loves only his own truth. Fanaticism is a dogmatism filled with hatred and ready for violence, too confident in itself and its faith to manifest... ... Philosophical Dictionary Sponville

    fanaticism- (from Latin fanum altar) an individual’s unshakable and alternative-rejecting commitment to certain beliefs, which finds expression in his activities and communication. F. is associated with a readiness to sacrifice; dedication to the idea is combined with... ... Great psychological encyclopedia

    - (from Latin fanaticus frenzied) ..1) commitment to any beliefs or views taken to the extreme, intolerance to any other views (for example, religious fanaticism)2)] In a figurative sense, passionate devotion to something ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    FANATISM, fanaticism, many. no, husband The way of thinking and acting of a fanatic, extreme intolerance. Religious fanaticism. He is blinded by fanaticism. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Fury, fury, rage, fanaticism, intolerance, insanity, devotion, fury, commitment, riot, fanaticism, frenzy Dictionary of Russian synonyms. fanaticism noun, number of synonyms: 12 riot (20) ... Synonym dictionary

    The word fanaticus (in connection with fanum, sacred place, temple) had in Latin. a meaning similar to that which belongs to the words saint, bigot, and then it meant frenzied, fanatical, extravagant, furious, sometimes inspired (carmen fanaticum).... ... Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron

    - (lat. fanurn temple, altar) 1) complete absorption in some idea, worldview, religion, passionate and blind commitment to a cause, ideology. 2) commitment to any beliefs or views taken to the extreme,... ... Political science. Dictionary.

    FANATISM, huh, husband. The mindset and behavior of a fanatic. | adj. fanatical, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary


  • Fanaticism. Psychoanalysis of this terrible phenomenon, P. Konzen. “Without fanaticism, not a single great event has happened in history” (Peter Konzen). And in your hands is a most interesting attempt to describe this mysterious, and still unexplored...