How to get rid of bad habits? NLP “swing” technique. A few simple NLP techniques that will help you improve your life NLP swing technique description

The “waving” technique gives the brain direction in its work and can be used for anything: changing mood, getting rid of bad habits, such, for example, a syndrome as obsessive-compulsive disorder, etc. The method is based on the innate desire of a person from “unpleasant” to “pleasant”, from “displeasure” to “pleasure”. This desire ensures balance and homeostasis.


  1. Identify the problem that you will then work with. This could be a symptom, a bad habit, deviant behavior, etc.
  2. Go deep within yourself and identify the trigger picture (sounds, sensations) that precedes the unwanted behavior or symptom. Try not to include yourself in this picture (dissociation).
  3. Now create a second image, a second picture - as if you had already gotten rid of a bad habit or an unwanted symptom. Adjust this “picture” in size, color, contrast.
  4. "Swing." First, imagine the first “trigger” picture, large and bright. Then, in the lower right corner, place the still small and dim second image, the second picture. So the second small picture is inside the first big picture. Now “flip” the paintings, that is, instantly replace the large painting with a small one, and make the latter large, bright, and contrasting. Clear the screen (or open your eyes) and “wave” the pictures again. And so on five times.
  5. Examination. Call up the first unwanted image. If the “swing” was effective, then it will be difficult to do, and even if it succeeds, the image will be dull, blurry, distant and, most importantly, unpleasant.

Example. Suppose the problem you are going to work on is the habit (obsession, compulsion) of drinking alcohol. Imagine a picture associated with drinking or drinking ritual. This could be bottles, glasses filled with vodka, your hand holding a full glass, etc. Now put this picture aside for a while and create in your mind’s eye a situation or your own image, as if you had already given up a bad habit. He will probably be a healthy, self-confident person.

Now take the first picture, make it big, bright, clear and in the lower right corner place a small, dark, blurry second picture. Now quickly increase the size, brightness and clarity of this small painting until it covers the first painting. This is a “swing”.

Once you "swipe" these pictures, the screen will be completely cleared. You can open your eyes. Then “come back” inside yourself and do the “swing” again. And so on five times.

Now try to imagine the first picture. If the “swing” is carried out effectively, it will be difficult to do. The picture will constantly disappear, and if it appears, it will be dim, distant, and the sensations associated with it will be faded. In order for the “swing” to be effective, it is better that you do not see yourself in the first picture, even if you look unhappy and guilty there. But in the second picture it is advisable to be yourself.

In contact with

Many of us have long known this way of influencing an individual on his personality and on the personalities of the people around him, as a method of neurolinguistic programming. NLP is the most popular and one of the most sought after methods of achieving goals in this direction. Today, each of us can appreciate the effect of NLP, which can help a person better understand his nature, get rid of negative qualities, and acquire positive ones. NLP also allows you to make a favorable impression on those people with whom you need to interact, and therefore makes the communication process more enjoyable and effective. Today, psychologists and psychotherapists around the world successfully use NLP, but we should not forget that by using these techniques and techniques in everyday life, each of us will experience a positive effect. In order to start studying NLP, you can use various materials from the Internet, but do not forget that a detailed study of each subject requires not only theory, but also practice.

Changing submodalities

Submodalities- these are the elements that make up the picture of the perception of the world around us. Our attitude to everything that happens around us is encoded with the help of these very elements. Each of us should know that it is possible to change our attitude towards something using the technique of changing submodality, which can radically change our feelings and emotions from something happening. Also, with the help of this technique, it is possible to change the assessment of any situation that happened many years ago, that is, we can even change our attitude towards any person... How is the change in submodalities carried out? It's quite simple: Let's take into account an acquaintance with whom you need to change your attitude, and another acquaintance towards whom you only feel positive emotions. After this, it is necessary to find some differences between these individuals and their submodalities and “exchange” them with each other, thereby transferring your attitude towards one individual to another. The next thing to do is to check the result of this technique: if the situation turned out favorably, then the “exchange” went well, but if the final result is unsatisfactory, you need to return to the previous stage and do what is required again.

SMARTEF - correct installation

We should not forget that in order to achieve the goals we need vital role plays the ability to think through them correctly and understand what result we are achieving, that is, we must clearly understand what we really want. SMARTEF- this is one of the techniques that can help you correctly formulate your desires, which helps you achieve your goal in the easiest way.

Correct goal setting:

  1. Specificity— consider all the details of the desired result;
  2. Measurability- awareness of the factors of the period of time in the future when the goal will be achieved;
  3. Attractiveness - what you want to achieve simply must be motivation for you;
  4. Realism— it is necessary to think in advance about ways to achieve the goal (because if it is not realistic, nothing will work);
  5. Limited time - clearly establish the time frame that is given to achieve the desired;
  6. Environmental friendliness— it is necessary to consider the goal from different points of view in order to obtain greater benefits.

The formulation of the goal also plays an important role, because it can help you achieve success in a shorter period of time.

"Walt Disney"

From the work of Walt Disney you can take " for service” a technique that requires us to look at each problem from three different perspectives: the Dreamer, the Realist and the Critic. Indeed, to make an effective decision, you need to consider the problem from different angles. The author of this technique called this approach “ imaging". The dreamer will help you consider the whole picture of the future result, which is very effective at the initial stage of achieving the goal. The realist searches for solutions to achieve the set goal, i.e. a realist is able to help a person take action. The critic is needed to try to find missing moments in the actions of the Realist and the Dreamer.

This strategy helps you become more productive and achieve even more than you originally intended.

Logic levels

For those who work with NLP techniques, it is necessary to know that there are different levels of awareness of what is happening and its experience. These levels are parallel to each other and interconnected. The perception of what is happening at all levels, without exception, is a very important aspect in a person’s life, as it affects both our feelings and the events that occur. You should also know that the higher levels have the right to exist without the lower ones, and the lower ones are subordinate to the higher ones. Very often, people form goals only at lower levels, which means they begin to work on solving problems precisely at the lower levels. However, it is necessary to work through your goals at the highest levels, since in this case it will be possible to work with the goal directly.

To effectively interact with our goals, it is simply necessary to work with logical levels, because almost everything we desire must be in coherence with the higher levels. By working through our goals at the highest levels, we can identify the required resources and remove obstacles to achieving our goals.


To replace the destructive type of human response to something else, you will need a technique " swing" Changing the method of responding is not the only result that a person can get thanks to this technique, since it also effectively helps each of us to develop our own positive image. The technique can be used almost everywhere " swing”, because it helps eliminate bad habits and even corrects behavioral problems.

"Swing": at the very beginning we need to identify the situation to which we do not react as we would like; it is necessary to identify factors that contribute to the habitual reaction; Next, you should create the ideal state that you would like to achieve in this situation; the next stage is “ swing", which produces a rapid change from one state to another. The last stage is checking the already changed state.

Developing new behavior

To change the habitual reactions of our mind to those that we want to achieve, there is a technique called “new behavior generator”
It is thanks to this technique that each of us is able to develop confidence in the future, which will lead to an improvement in life. To perform the technique productively, it is necessary to go through several stages. First you need to identify a situation that requires processing, and then live it in your subconscious.

The next one requires imagining the situation as if it were a movie in which you are the main character. At the next stage, you must imagine that you are an operator who selects this tape for yourself. Then you need to imagine the same situation, but live it differently - how you would like to do it... The main thing is that the end result suits you! If you don’t like the result, you should rework the previous points. As a result, you will gain a new way of responding that will benefit you in the future. All that remains is to consolidate what you have learned by playing out different situations in your mind.

Step-by-step reframing

Each of us has experienced a situation where some problems are not resolved for a very long time. This happens because our subconscious does not allow them to be resolved, since we subconsciously think that the situation that exists at the moment is ideal. Reframing can solve this problem by changing the mood of our subconscious. We must achieve a special meditative state in which our consciousness is open to the flow of information.

Six-step reframing:

  1. First, you should lie down on the floor, tensing and relaxing the muscles of the body one after another, after which you just lie for 5 minutes, feeling your breath.
  2. Next you need to visualize a white screen
  3. After presenting the screen, you need to invite your consciousness to cooperate (the answer will appear on the screen)
  4. A positive answer opens the door to asking other questions that require a yes/no answer.
  5. When interacting with consciousness, you need to find out what benefits it receives from the situation that is tormenting you. You should also look for a new solution to the current problem.
  6. Relax, allowing your mind to process information. Slowly count to 10 and stand up.

This technique helps solve a large number of problems.

Personal History Census

This technique is needed when the behavior requiring change is associated with some events that have happened in the past and have a connection with the present.

With its help, it is possible to get rid of beliefs, habits and various methods of response that limit us.
First, you need to identify an undesirable situation and set an anchor on it. This anchor is required to guide a person to the period of life when this problem first appeared, taking into account the context of what is happening. After discovering similar situations, you need to lower the anchor and go with it to the very first experience about this problem and find the triggering factors for this problem.

Then you should anchor the existing resource and change the perception of this situation.

Curing phobias

In NLP there is also a technique for curing various phobias, which neutralizes anchors, that is, relieves a person of experiences and phobias. As a result, a person is freed from fears and frees up his energy for many other possibilities.

Treatment of phobias:

First you need to gain access to a positive state and carry out the anchoring process. After this, you need to get an analysis of your experiences, imagining yourself as you were before this situation, and then after it. Looking at yourself from the outside will also help in this matter. The next stage is watching a film in which these two events replace each other. Next, you should think about the phobia and its sources, while noting your physical condition. Having projected a negative situation into the future, it is necessary to imagine new methods of response.


“Imprint” means imprinting, that is, some experience after which a person developed certain beliefs. Often situations called “imprint” seem hopeless and cause only negative emotions. Imprinting is the search for resources that are necessary to change a person’s beliefs and the emergence of a new model of behavior.

One should focus on the initial emergence of experiences associated with these beliefs. Then you need to travel back to a time when there was no imprint yet, and then return to the present.

Reassessment of the past

This technique helps to change the assessment of some events that happened earlier. With its help, it is possible to influence the assessment of unpleasant events in connection with which certain beliefs arose. It is necessary to identify the period of time that needs to be changed.

To begin with, you should imagine this period of time in the form of a line that lies on the floor, then identify the most significant stages of this period and mark them on the line. Situations should be divided into positive and negative. The next stage is to imagine these situations, observing from the side during negative ones. Only a favorable reaction should be created and tested.

Timeline selection

The technique has perfectly presented itself as a necessary way to resolve controversial situations in which an individual doubts his choice. This technique can also predict the outcome depending on the choice.

First you need to realize that each of us has a choice, then you need to set a time frame for the line. After this, you need to determine the deadline before which the choice can be made. The next step is to travel into the future and try to find events that will be affected by your choices. Ultimately, you need to go back to the very beginning and evaluate the route you have taken, this will help you make the right choice.


Self-hypnosis is very effective, as it is able to invite the individual to work through all problems at various levels, because there is a connection with the subconscious in the most favorable state.

With its help, a person can change those qualities that he does not like, and can also influence the way he thinks and behaves in various situations.

First you need to take a comfortable position that will help you relax. Then you should indicate the time frame during which the person will be in a hypnotic state. For this dive, a clear goal that will be formulated in a positive way is very important. After this, you need to choose the state in which you want to find yourself after self-hypnosis. The process of self-hypnosis should be completely consistent with your perception of the world around you. You need to close your eyes and pay attention only to your feelings. This is a very complex procedure that requires a lot of effort and practice.

Let's fix the material:

  • Changing submodalities- using the technique of changing submodality, which can radically change our sensations and emotions from something happening. Also, with the help of this technique, it is possible to change the assessment of any situation that happened many years ago, that is, we can even change our attitude towards any person.
  • SMARTEF— correct installation; To achieve the goals we need, the most important role is played by the ability to think them through correctly and understand what result we are achieving, that is, we must clearly understand what we really want. SMARTEF is one of the techniques that can help you correctly formulate your desires, which helps you achieve your goal in the easiest way.
  • "Walt Disney"— requires us to look at every problem from three different perspectives: the Dreamer, the Realist, and the Critic. Indeed, to make an effective decision, you need to consider the problem from different angles.
  • Logic levels— there are different levels of awareness of what is happening and its experience. These levels are parallel to each other and interconnected. The perception of what is happening at all levels, without exception, is a very important aspect in a person’s life, as it affects both our feelings and the events that occur.
  • "Swing"— to replace the destructive type of human reaction with something else, you will need the “swing” technique. Changing the method of responding is not the only result that a person can get thanks to this technique, since it also effectively helps each of us to develop our own positive image.
  • Developing new behavior- to change the habitual reactions of our mind to those that we want to receive, there is a technique called “new behavior generator”. It is thanks to this technique that each of us is able to develop confidence in the future, which will lead to an improvement in life. To perform the technique productively, it is necessary to go through several stages. First you need to identify a situation that requires processing, and then live it in your subconscious.
  • Step-by-step reframing— each of us has experienced a situation where some problems are not resolved for a very long time. This happens because our subconscious does not allow them to be resolved, since we subconsciously think that the situation that exists at the moment is ideal. Reframing can solve this problem by changing the mood of our subconscious.
  • Personal History Census- this technique is needed when the behavior that requires change is associated with some events that have ever happened and have a connection with the present. With its help, it is possible to get rid of beliefs, habits and various methods of response that limit us.
  • Curing phobias— in NLP There is also a technique for curing various phobias, which neutralizes anchors, that is, relieves a person of worries and phobias.
  • Imprinting- this is the search for resources that are necessary to change a person’s beliefs and the emergence of a new model of behavior.
  • Reassessment of the past- this technique helps to change the assessment of some events that happened earlier.
  • Timeline selection— technology has perfectly presented itself as a necessary way to resolve controversial situations in which an individual doubts his choice.
  • Self-hypnosis- self-hypnosis is very effective, as it is able to invite the individual to work through all problems at various levels, because there is a connection with the subconscious in the most favorable state.

From the above we can conclude that the technology NLP is a tool that will help when working with any person. To start studying NLP You can use various materials from the Internet, but do not forget that a detailed study of each subject requires not only theory, but also practice. We have tried to outline each of these techniques above. It should also be noted that these techniques have an impact on many areas of human life. Of course, not all existing techniques have been examined in detail by us, but if desired, each of them can be studied in detail. Practice is also needed so that your abilities really influence those around you, since this way of influencing an individual on his personality and on the personalities of the people around him can radically change the life of each of us. NLP is the most popular and one of the most sought after methods of achieving goals in this direction. NLP also allows you to make a favorable impression on those people with whom you need to interact, therefore it makes the communication process more enjoyable and effective, because using these techniques and techniques in everyday life, each of us will feel a positive effect.

We all have different preferences and habits. For some, they are more harmless: overeating at night and biting nails, and for some, quite dangerous to health: alcoholism and smoking. But often, when it comes to getting rid of unpleasant and bad habits, many people cannot overcome themselves.

The question arises: how to get rid of bad habits?

To get rid of such addictions, specialists in the field of psychology have created many methods. A modern direction in psychology - NLP offers techniques that, unlike classical ones (coding, drug treatment), do not have a direct impact on the psyche and allow one to preserve the personal core of a person.

One such reprogramming technique is swing technique. And in this article we will consider in detail this technique of reprogramming the subconscious.

Techniques used by specialists in the field of NLP involve non-violent correction of unwanted behavior by modeling a desirable image. Most of the work is done by the patient himself, which allows him to sufficiently distance himself from the psychologist and not dedicate him to details that he would like to keep secret. The specialist’s task is to explain the technique and monitor the correctness and efficiency of execution, adjusting and directing the process if necessary.

Also, the advantage of this technique is that you can master it yourself

Most bad habits are of a reflex nature, that is, a person performs certain actions most often unconsciously, obeying the influence of some factors.

Swing technique has proven its effectiveness in the fight against such forms of addiction. Like most NLP methods, it is quite simple, logical and accessible to everyone.

Stages of working with the swing technique

Stage No. 1

The first step on the path to a new life is awareness of the problem and its negative impact on life. To do this, you need to answer yourself the following questions:

  • Why do I do what constitutes my habit (smoking, drinking, eating a lot, etc.)?
  • How does this affect my life?
  • What benefits does it bring me?

Stage No. 2

The second stage is determining the motive:

  • What do I want to achieve by breaking the habit?
  • What are the positive aspects of life without (cigarettes, alcohol, etc.)?

Stage No. 3

Third stage: identifying the image of the “trigger key” from which the craving for harmful actions starts (“I smoke because people around me get on my nerves or I get bored,” “I bite my nails when I’m nervous or have nothing to do,” “ I overeat when I sit in front of the TV"). It is necessary to create a clear image, a picture that symbolizes the “starting key”: a hand with a cigarette, a glass of alcohol, red fingertips from gnawed nails, a yelling boss, etc. - the image must be clear, convincing and appear undesirable.

Stage No. 4

The fourth stage is creating a “positive image” that should be obtained if you quit your addiction: a cheerful and healthy appearance, pride when you tell your friends that you quit smoking, clothes that you were able to fit into after you quit overeating, beautiful manicure, etc.

Stage No. 5

At the next stage, you need to evoke the image of a “starting key”, then replace it with a “positive image”, take a break and repeat everything from the beginning. The speed of changing images should gradually increase; you can help yourself with external stimuli: a click or a wave of your hand. Over time, the image of the “starter key” should become duller and less attractive, in contrast to the “positive” one. If this does not happen, then adjust the images used, make their emotional coloring brighter.

Thus, with the help of the swing technique, you can independently get rid of habits that negatively affect a person’s health or appearance, without raping your own psyche and without making titanic efforts to fight yourself.

NLP (neurolinguistic programming)a popular area of ​​practical psychology and psychotherapy, which has spread widely in various areas of life. A person who knows NLP influences the subconscious of his listeners or his own subconscious with the help of specially selected phrases - linguistic constructions. NLP has become one of the most popular psychological practices with the help of which a person can change his psyche and influence other people in order to model their behavior.

The influence of NLP on the subconscious occurs through soft Ericksonian hypnosis. It is very different from the classical technique, which completely turns off consciousness. A person proficient in NLP can put his interlocutor into a light trance by adjusting the breathing frequency, eye contact, metaphors and figurative phrases that correspond to the mental characteristics of a person. The trance state helps to shift attention to the inner “I” and facilitates the flow of information into the subconscious. The interlocutor’s consciousness does not turn off. But the speaker gets the opportunity to bypass his “filters,” which allows him to inspire sympathy and inspire trust.

Scope of application of NLP

In recent decades, NLP has been widely used in psychotherapy and everyday life.

  • NLP in psychotherapy and psychological counseling. Elements of NLP are used to treat: psychological trauma, phobias, depression, psychosomatic disorders, eliminating bad habits. It is used in family counseling and sports psychology. In psychological training to increase stress resistance and others personal qualities.
  • NLP in everyday life is widely used by training companies and coaches when conducting trainings and seminars on personal growth, increasing the efficiency of personnel of commercial companies, specialists working in the field of sales and advertising. Pickup or modern Art seduction was also based on the principles of NLP.

Basic concept in NLP is “subjective experience” - knowledge of the surrounding world through the organs of perception. It has three interrelated components: perceptions, ideas, and beliefs. Experience determines a person’s feelings, his way of thinking, and therefore his behavior. Based personal experience, everyone builds their own picture of the world, their own reality. By observing behavior, one can understand the subjective experience and gain the key to behavior change. Therefore, in NLP the approach to each person should be purely individual. The use of standard schemes and template approaches causes rejection and hostility towards the user of the technique.

The history of NLP

The technique was developed in the 60-70s at the University of California. Three specialists were involved in its creation: psychologist Richard Bandler, linguist John Grinder, and cyberneticist and anthropologist Gregory Bateson. They analyzed the work of three famous and very successful psychotherapists working in different directions: F. Perls, V. Satir and M. Erickson (the founder of Ericksonian hypnosis). After studying their methods of working with the conscious and unconscious, the researchers compiled algorithms that later became the basis of NLP.

How NLP was created

The authors of NLP, and later their followers, found successful psychotherapists and people who successfully dealt with psychological problems, and adopted their secrets. They analyzed the information received, decomposed it into components, and then created step-by-step instructions for solving this problem.

How Neuro Linguistic Programming Works

NLP gives practical advice and clear instructions, using which you can understand the motives of a person’s actions and convey your point of view to him, make him your supporter, arouse sympathy and change his command, and get rid of psychological problems.

Effectiveness of NLP depends from a number of factors:

  • Uncritical perception of the basics of NLP. Doubting people who are critical of presuppositions and demand scientific evidence of controversial statements will not be able to effectively influence their interlocutor. To convince your opponent you need to believe in what you do and say.
  • Individual approach to each person. There are no perfect NLP techniques that are suitable for all people and work in all situations. In each case, you need to analyze, be flexible and choose what is most suitable.
  • Correct selection of NLP techniques and their proper combination. Even when working with one person, several techniques are required. Some of them may turn out to be ineffective, others stop working over time, so you need to be fluent in many techniques.
  • Strict adherence to all details of the methodology. All the nuances of technology are very important. For example, if it is stated that during psychotherapy using NLP the patient must be in a trance state, then this rule cannot be neglected. Otherwise, the suggestion will not work.
  • Mastery and communication skills. People who know the basics of psychology, are used to communicating and do it at ease - psychologists, psychotherapists, teachers, coaches - can quickly master NLP. Those who do not have such skills will have to practice a lot.

Basic principles of NLP - presuppositions

Basic principles of NLP
(they are also called presuppositions) are statements and postulates that are the theoretical basis of the methodology. People who practice NLP accept presuppositions as axioms that do not require proof. These statements are designed to change a person's perspective on a situation to make it easier to solve problems.

  1. The map is not the territory. Just as a map of an area is not the territory it describes, so our vision of reality does not coincide with “ objective reality"that actually exists. Our vision depends on past experience, upbringing, mood, attitudes and principles. Therefore, the same situation is perceived differently by different people. NLP teaches us to understand that the real world is wider than the map that our experience has drawn. Each person has his own vision, and this must be taken into account. Nobody's map is genuine and correct, but the one that gives more opportunities to solve problems is better. Other people's pictures of the world can help you see a problem from a new perspective and find an unexpected solution. Understanding how a person sees reality helps to build an effective model of communication with him.
  2. The body and “consciousness” are a single system. Well-being depends on a person’s thoughts, and at the same time, well-being significantly influences the course of thoughts. Changes in consciousness and emotions affect bodily sensations, as they can relieve or increase muscle tone, improve or worsen blood circulation and innervation. For example, when remembering a vacation, a person experiences peace. Without noticing it, it relaxes the muscles, which helps relieve muscle spasms, improve blood circulation and relieve pain.
  3. At the core of any behavior is a positive intention that is associated with the original environment. A person always “wants the best,” that is, he is driven by a positive intention. But the actions that he takes to achieve his goal are not always approved by society. For example, in order to provide for the family, one will steal, and the other will work. The choice of action (behavior) depends on the situation in which the decision was made, upbringing, character, and moral standards. It happens that reality changes, and the model of behavior that was previously acceptable no longer works. In this case, it is necessary to understand what intention became the basis of this behavior, and then change the behavior to a positive one. For example, enuresis is based on the child’s subconscious intention to attract the attention of his parents. Therefore, in order to get rid of unwanted behavior, you need to help the child achieve the goal in a different way, offering a healthy alternative - communicate kindly with him, spend more time together.
  4. All life experiences are stored in the nervous system. Everything that has ever happened to a person is recorded in his nervous system and remains in memory, although sometimes accessing these memories can be difficult. In NLP, the past is not always seen as the root of problems. Past experience is a source of resources that help find solutions in difficult situations. Examples of successful behavior can also be found in the experiences of other people and fictional characters.
  5. Subjective experience is divided into sights, sounds, smells, sensations and taste. In NLP, there are five channels of information perception - visual, auditory, gustatory, olfactory and kinesthetic (body receptors and facial expressions). One of the senses is the leading one, through which a person receives basic information. Based on information, he builds his judgments and intentions, which influence behavior. Knowing a person’s modality, that is, which analyzer is his leading one, someone who knows NLP can more effectively convey the necessary information to him. Thus, it influences the behavior of the interlocutor. For example: in order to reach the subconscious of a person whose leading kinesthetic channel is, and convince him to go with you, you can construct a phrase in this way: “Feel how the hot sand burns your skin, how refreshing it is.” sea ​​water».
  6. There are no defeats, but only feedback. What people are accustomed to consider defeat or failure is actually new experience and useful information that makes a person better and brings him closer to success. For example, after an interview a person was not hired. The situation can be seen as a learning experience. After analyzing the mistakes, you can draw conclusions: how to behave next time, what skills and abilities are required for the interview to be successful.
  7. The meaning of communication is the reaction it evokes. When a person speaks, he has a specific intention: to convey or receive information, an emotional reaction, to motivate the interlocutor to action. It also happens that words cause a reaction opposite to that which the speaker was counting on. In response to a neutral phrase or praise, the interlocutor may be offended. This means that the action (statement) did not correspond to your intention. NLP offers a way out that will help you get the desired reaction from your opponent - change the action, choose a different tone, phrases, situation. That is, if it is clear from a person’s reaction that your arguments do not convince him, then you should change tactics. For example, don’t tell, but ask questions.
  8. Behavior – choosing the best option from what is currently available. A person in any situation chooses the best and most effective from what is available. Usually this choice is reinforced, and he behaves in a similar way in similar situations, even if the technique has lost its effectiveness. For example, a person may repeatedly respond to constructive criticism by yelling if it worked once. The greater his capabilities (mental, financial, physical), the richer the choice of behavioral strategies. The NLP technique is aimed at developing behavioral flexibility and new non-standard patterns of behavior in various situations. This increases the ability to adapt to constantly changing conditions, and thereby become more successful. Within the framework of psychotherapy, this presupposition helps us learn not to regret what we did in the past - after all, it was the best decision in that situation, and we were guided exclusively by positive intentions.
  9. Everyone has all the resources they need. Resources in NLP mean knowledge, skills, beliefs, abilities, time, finances, things and people. This is all that allows you to expand the choice of solutions to the problem. For example, the task is to make repairs. If you have enough resources, then you can choose one of three options: 1) you can do it yourself, spending time and effort; 2) you can attract friends; 3) you can pay hired workers. If there are not enough resources (no time, no money), then the number of options is reduced. The more resources, the wider the choice and the easier it is to cope with the problem. The presupposition states that everyone has the necessary resources. At first glance, it is difficult to agree with this statement. But NLP supporters argue that a person just needs to start acting as if he has resources, and they will actually appear.

  10. The universe is favorable to us and abundant in resources.
    The world around us is filled with resources. In the process of evolution, humanity learned to use them, which put man at the top of the pyramid. If people only avoided danger instead of trying to achieve more, this would not have happened. This presupposition tells us that we should trust in the good intentions of other people and boldly use all available resources. In this case, the universe will become even more friendly and generous.

These presuppositions are quite general and difficult to prove using scientific experiments. Therefore, NLP supporters suggest simply taking them on faith, or acting as if you are confident in the correctness of these theses. After a change in behavior, both the feeling of the world and the train of thoughts begin to change. Thus, NLP suggests taking conscious actions in order to influence the deep structures of the psyche to obtain subconscious results.

A large number of NLP models, techniques and techniques have been created based on presuppositions. Each author and trainer adds something different. This article will discuss the most popular techniques.

Application of NLP

Training on how to apply NLP in practice is carried out at seminars and trainings, but you can learn this on your own with enough time and persistence. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with NLP models, techniques and techniques, take online trainings and apply the acquired knowledge in practice.

NLP Models

NLP models are various options perception of situations. Models are ways of thinking, using which you can find original and effective approaches to people.


The “Tricks of Language” model allows you to change your opponent’s beliefs and work with his objections. Thus, it provides an advantage in debate to those who apply NLP in everyday life. Knowledge of its techniques makes it possible to improve your public activities, which is important for those working in the field of training, sales, and politics. And for psychologists and psychotherapists, these techniques allow them to change the client’s position on this issue, change their worldview to a more positive and healthy one.

Essentially, “Language Tricks” is a set of speech patterns that help quickly convince your interlocutor. With their help, you can make your opponent doubt the correctness of his judgments by shifting the focus of attention to new aspects of the problem being discussed.

There are fourteen focuses of the tongue. They are used depending on the situation and the type of nervous system of the interlocutor.

  • Focus of the tongue - intention

The essence of the method is to intuitively determine the goal that motivates a person, which is hidden behind his statement. The person is then asked to perform an action for this purpose.

– I appreciate your rationality and responsibility, which is why I think that you will cope with this task better than others.

  • Focus of language - redefinition

The essence of the method is to replace one of the words in the interlocutor’s statement with one that is close in meaning, but has a different context.

– I will not do anything that is not part of my job responsibilities.

– You cannot say: “I don’t want to do this” while at work.

Or more positive:

- Indeed, it is not your duty. But could you help me?

  • Tongue Focus – Consequences

The essence of the method is to outline to the interlocutor the consequences of his choice. They can be both positive and negative, depending on the manner in which the conversation is structured.

– I will not do anything that is not part of my job responsibilities.

– I would like to remind you that the distribution of bonuses to the best employees of the year is currently being considered. Your decision may affect this issue.

  • The focus of the tongue is separation

The essence of the method is to analyze in detail each element of the opponent’s statement.

– I will not do anything that is not part of my job responsibilities.

– What exactly is what I ask that is not spelled out in your responsibilities? Let's take it point by point.

  • The focus of language is unification

The essence of the method is to generalize part of the belief. This makes it possible to change the relationships between parts of the utterance.

– I will not do anything that is not part of my job responsibilities.

“We’re all going above and beyond the call of duty here.” Otherwise the work would stop.

  • Focus of language - analogy

The essence of the method is to choose an analogy that gives a different meaning to the interlocutor’s statement. It’s good if it’s an anecdote, a parable, a proverb. But any metaphor that is associated with a given situation will do.

– I will not do anything that is not part of my job responsibilities.

– And Noah was a winemaker. It was also not his responsibility to save the world from the flood.

  • Tongue Focus – Changing Frame Size

The essence of the method is to look at the situation from the point of view of the past or future.

– I will not do anything that is not part of my job responsibilities.

– If you were told that you would have to perform these functions when you got a job at our company? Would you still be interested in employment?

  • Tongue Focus – Different Result

The essence of the method is to show that a given action can have a more significant result than what the opponent claims.

– I will not do anything that is not part of my job responsibilities.

– This may not be stated in your job description, but it can increase our profits by an order of magnitude and attract more clients.

  • The focus of language is a model of the world

The essence of the method is to reassess the situation from a different point of view, to use a different model of the world. It is advisable to do this from the position of a person who is significant and authoritative for the opponent.

– I will not do anything that is not part of my job responsibilities.

“If Harrison Ford hadn’t gone beyond his duties, everyone would still be driving steam engines.”

  • Focus of language - strategy of reality

The essence of the method is appealing to real facts, which are comprehended through logic and analytical thinking. At the same time, speculation, intuitive conclusions and emotions of the opponent are swept aside.

– I will not do anything that is not part of my job responsibilities.

– Let’s leave the emotions and talk on the merits. In fact, this is your responsibility. This is stated in paragraph no.

  • Tongue focus is the opposite example.

The essence of the method is to find an exception to the rules and give it as an example. This makes the interlocutor's belief less powerful.

– I will not do anything that is not part of my job responsibilities.

– It’s not my responsibility to train employees either, but that’s what I’m doing now. In addition, many in our team have additional workload.

  • Focus of language - hierarchy of criteria

The essence of the method is to re-evaluate the interlocutor’s statement in terms of a more important criterion.

– I will not do anything that is not part of my job responsibilities.

“We are here to help people.” This is more important than following job descriptions.

  • Tongue trick - apply to yourself

The essence of the method is whether the interlocutor applies to himself the rule that he is currently guided by.

– I will not do anything that is not part of my job responsibilities.

– Then you should not ask for such exceptions as a flexible schedule or the possibility of remote work.

  • Focus of language - meta frame

The essence of the method is that time is changing, what was previously correct has lost its relevance.

– I will not do anything that is not part of my job responsibilities.

– This could have been the case before the crisis. Now we need to fight with all our might for the client and for our own workplace.


In NLP, the term “anchor” means stimulus causing a reaction or conditioned reflex. In turn, the stimulus for creating an anchor can be any word, object, person or anything else (gesture, posture, melody, smell) that triggers an emotion or state. If the anchor is installed on purpose, then something unusual is used as a stimulus, but which can be exactly repeated at the right moment: an unusual gesture, a new keychain.

Setting an NLP anchor has the same principle as the formation of a conditioned reflex. For example, while on vacation you started using a new eau de toilette. After this, holiday impressions are associated with this aroma. After some time, using this eau de toilette will, without meaning to, bring back memories of your vacation. So the aroma became an anchor that triggered pleasant emotions.

Depending on what experience the anchor causes, it can be positive or negative.

  • Positive anchor evokes pleasant emotions and resource states useful for solving problems. It helps to induce this state at the right time. For example, performance at work, energy at the end of the day, etc.
  • Negative anchor causes negatively colored experiences that complicate activities. It can be used to treat bad habits (overeating, smoking).

You can perform various actions with anchors:

  • Anchor overlay- an action as a result of which one stimulus causes two different states. So, to increase efficiency, a work tool (for example, a tablet) can be made an anchor that triggers vigor and interest.
  • Collapse of anchors is a state when anchors denoting opposing emotions and states (for example, fear and calmness) neutralize each other. As a result, both reflexes associated with them no longer work, and the stimulus itself does not cause any emotions.
  • Reanchoring- replacement of the state that was previously caused by the anchor with another. For example, if a school backpack caused anxiety in a child associated with possible troubles at school, then after re-anchoring it will arouse interest or confidence in his abilities.
  • Anchor integration– the combination of several positive or several negative states on one anchor. For example, after integrating anchors, a cigarette can become an anchor for disgust, nausea, and hostility, which will help a person cope with a bad habit.

The anchor model in NLP is one of the most popular. More details about installing an anchor and using this model in practice are described in the “Anchoring Resource States” technique.


Let’s imagine a situation: someone insulted you on the street. In this case, two options for perceiving the situation are possible.

  • Association– You see the situation with your own eyes and are a direct participant in it. You look at the flushed face of your opponent, hear his voice, feel how you are filled with anger and resentment, how the blood rushes to your face and beats in your temples. With association, you perceive what is happening with all your senses. Because of this, many emotions arise that can either help in resolving the situation or harm.
  • Dissociation- this is a way of perception when you see yourself in this situation from the outside. You look at yourself, in conflict, and at your opponent. You see and hear everything that is happening, but at the same time you do not feel emotions that would prevent you from making a rational decision. You can look at yourself from above, over your shoulder, or from the side.

What is the association-dissociation model used for? Association is needed when you want to evoke the emotions that you experienced in that situation. When talking with a loved one, on vacation, during sex, in a moment of triumph. These states are used to set the anchor.

Dissociation helps you look at the situation without unnecessary emotions. This can help at a time when you need to control yourself, for example, during a quarrel with your superiors. A detached view from the outside helps reduce anxiety. For example, when you suffer from insomnia because you worry about events that may (or may not) happen in the future. The dissociation method is also used in the fight against phobias and psychological trauma.


Metaprograms are filters that determine what information enters consciousness and what a person’s attention is focused on. By determining a person’s meta-program, you can predict his behavior, achieve understanding, effectively motivate him, and determine the position where he will be most useful.

It must be taken into account that meta-programs are not a stable phenomenon. The same person can manifest different meta-programs in different situations. For example, at work he relies only on his own opinion, but in family matters he listens to the opinion of his wife. The severity of the meta-program also depends on the state of health and other factors. Therefore, it is necessary to select an individual approach to the same person at each meeting.

Types of metaprograms:

At the moment there are more than 50 meta-programs. We will briefly describe the most common of them.

  1. Meta-program “motivation OT-K”

The OT-K motivation meta-program divides people into two groups.

  • Motivation K(in 30% of people). People who are characterized by K motivation are focused on success. They are leaders by nature. They are interested in what they can achieve, what they can acquire. For example, a person will be more interested in how to move up the career ladder. At the same time, the question: “how to avoid the anger of his superiors and the hostility of his colleagues” does not concern him.
  • Motivation OT(60%) is typical for people who avoid failures and negativity. They tend to set small goals that can be achieved quickly. They value stability. They do not like risk and changes that could lead to changes for the worse. They tend to get rid of problems and shortcomings. For example, they would rather buy a hypoallergenic shampoo that promises to get rid of dandruff and hair loss than a shampoo for beautiful lush and thick hair.
  1. Meta-program “WAY OF THINKING”

The meta-program “way of thinking” describes the way information is processed. People are divided into 3 groups, based on whether the person prefers to enlarge, disaggregate, or look for analogies

  • Generalization. These people tend to highlight common essential properties of objects and phenomena. Based on observations of small and individual cases, they draw conclusions about the entire category. For example, such a woman will claim that all men are polygamous, based on one betrayal.
  • Disaggregation. Humans are characterized by deductive thinking. From knowledge about the general, with the help of inferences, they draw conclusions about the particular. For example, parrots can talk, so any budgie can be taught to talk.
  • Analogies. People with this way of thinking draw conclusions based on the similarity of equivalents: if Masha is 10 years old, then her classmates are also 10 years old.
  1. Meta-program “MOTIVES”

Conventionally, people can be divided into 4 categories, according to the motives that drive them.

  • Power. These people are driven to action by power, the ability to influence the emotions and actions of others. They place their prestige, importance and respect from others above all else. They are good managers and natural leaders.
  • Involvement. Team players. They are always in the mood for communication, love to make new acquaintances, and maintain old connections. These people are always the center of attention and need recognition and communication. They work well in a group, are able to perform monotonous work for a long time, and do not strive to occupy responsible positions.
  • Achievement. People of this type prefer complex tasks, research, new projects that no one has tackled before. They do not need associates and assistants, preferring to work alone. Constantly strive for improvement and development. Must become better than others and better than themselves in the past.
  • Avoidance. These people value safety above all. They try to avoid all possible risks and often feel helpless. Their fear program is launched for the most insignificant reasons. They are efficient, but are afraid to take the initiative. They do not express their opinions, trying not to provoke a conflict.
  1. Meta-program “REFERENCE”

The “Reference” meta-program helps to divide people into two groups, taking into account which values ​​are leading in decision-making: internal or external.

  1. Meta-program “PREFERRED MODALITY”

The “Preferred Modality” meta-program describes through which channel a person prefers to receive information about the outside world. The leading channel can be: vision, hearing, feelings (tactile sensations, taste and smell) or internal dialogue. Knowing the preferred modality of the interlocutor makes it possible to adapt to his way of thinking, which gives advantages when communicating with him.






Population size

Leading channel

Bodily sensations, smell, taste, movement

Meaning, functionality

Predicates – keywords

Sit, watch, bright, colorful, colorful

Listen, loud, rhythmic, sounds

Feel, touch, warm, tender

Rational, efficient

Character traits

When communicating, they consider the interlocutor. Appearance more important than functionality. To remember and perceive, they need: diagrams, graphs, images.

Very sociable. They love to talk and listen. They often have a pleasant, expressive voice and a good ear for music. To memorize, say it out loud or to yourself.

When communicating, they tend to touch the interlocutor - shake hands, adjust clothes. Not too talkative. They value convenience and comfort. They are constantly in action, rarely sit still, and twirl something in their hands. Impulsive. They don't like to plan.

They prefer to reason, highlight what’s important, analyze the situation, and adopt other people’s experiences. Thinking critically, they believe only solid evidence. Outwardly calm, they try to avoid strong emotions, which are very painful for them.

What does he value?

View, see, image, layout, draw

Touch, feel, contact

Hear about all sides of the issue, discuss the topic

Evidence, certificates, certificates

The impact on a person using this NLP meta-program can be divided into 3 stages:

  1. Human analysis. Definition of its representative system. Which channel is his leading one: hearing, vision, feelings.
  2. Adjustment to the subject's representative system. For example, we say to the visual – “I see that you are right”, to the auditory – “Everything you say is correct”, to the kinesthetic – “I feel that you are right”, and to the digital – “You are right on all counts.”
  3. Influencing the subject using various techniques. After adjustment, choose a technique appropriate to the situation.

All meta-programs are inherent to each person to varying degrees. For example, your interlocutor exhibits 70% OT motivation, 80% internal reference, and 90% visual. But in other cases, he may show “to” motivation or kinesthetic properties. Therefore, when communicating, you need to carefully monitor the response your words evoke.

NLP techniques

NLP techniques are step by step instructions, which allow you to solve a problem without delving into the causes of its occurrence. Let's look at the most productive NLP techniques.

SWAP technique

The “Swing” technique is one of the most popular techniques that operate at the subconscious level. It helps to get rid of bad habits: smoking, alcoholism, overeating, nail biting.

Step one

  1. Clarifying Intentions: Why do you need this? What do you get from it? - I smoke to calm down and have fun.
  2. Identifying Secondary Benefits: What other benefits do you get? What do you use it for? – Smoking helps you communicate with colleagues and pass the time at work.
  3. Benefits from the new state: Why do you want to get rid of this habit? What benefits will you get if you quit smoking? – Health, self-esteem.
  4. Ecology check: Are there any negative consequences possible after quitting this habit? What are the consequences of refusing it? Is it possible to somehow reduce the negative consequences?

Step two

Drawing up representations. Depending on the person’s modality (what dominates – vision, hearing, sensations, etc.) two pictures are compiled. One symbolizes the image or feeling that occurs when an unwanted program is launched. The second is the image of a person free from a bad habit.

Let's consider an example, an attempt to get rid of nicotine addiction in a person with a leading visual analyzer.

  1. The first picture is a hand raising a lit cigarette to its mouth.
  2. The second picture is a photo of a happy and successful person who managed to quit smoking.

Step three

  1. Picture 1. It is necessary to present the picture of “a hand with a cigarette” in close-up, making it as clear, colorful, and contrasting as possible.
  2. Picture 2. In the dark corner of the first picture you need to place a second one - small and dim.
  3. Performing a "swing". The pictures instantly change places. The picture with the cigarette becomes black and white, dim and small. The picture with the ideal image unfolds, filled with colors and details. The action happens in a split second.
  4. Black screen. Once the perfect picture has been detailed, you need to “clear the screen.” Both images disappear, leaving a black background.
  5. Repeat changing pictures 12-15 times. Repeat the exercise daily until the craving for smoking completely disappears.


Using the “anchoring resource states” technique, you can evoke a state or emotion at the right moment. This makes it possible to manage feelings in any situation.

Step one

  1. Clarifying the goal: In what situation is an additional resource needed? - at work, when communicating with the opposite sex.
  2. Determining the Required Resource: What do you need in this situation to cope with it successfully? For example, calmness during an exam, courage during public speaking, inspiration during creative work.
  3. Ecology check: If you had this resource, would you use it? Would your behavior make the situation worse?

Step two

  1. Remember the situation, when you had the necessary resource: when you felt confident, calm, joyful. If you haven’t had such a positive experience, you can come up with a story in which you showed the right quality.
  2. Come up with an anchor. This may not be a gesture you are used to. For example, clasp the wrist of your right hand with the thumb and index finger of your left hand, or clasp your hands in a lock, straightening and connecting your index fingers.
  3. Anchoring. Recreate the selected situation in your imagination down to the smallest detail: who was present, what they said, smells, atmosphere. Remember the resourceful feeling that you would like to experience. When positive experiences reach their highest point, then at that moment it is necessary to attach an anchor. After anchoring, it is necessary to interrupt the reproduction of the situation.
  4. Securing the anchor. The chain: “reproduction of the situation – peak of the resource state – anchor – interruption of the situation” is repeated 7-10 times. This number of repetitions is usually enough for the conditioned reflex to become established.

Step three

  1. Anchor check. Go about your daily activities. After a while, perform an action that serves as an anchor. Following this, a resourceful state (calmness, confidence) should involuntarily arise. If it does not occur, then anchoring is repeated another 5-7 times.
  2. Replaying a problem situation. In your imagination, simulate a situation in which you previously lacked confidence. For example, you are at a table where exam papers are laid out, and a teacher is sitting opposite. You are filled with excitement and anxiety. Use the anchor to bring about the desired state.
  3. Strengthening the conditioned reflex. Use the anchor in practice as often as possible to reinforce the skill.

Using this technique, you can get rid of not only obsessive fears and phobias, but also any strong emotions: hatred, anger, envy.