Men's or women's glasses, unisex glasses. Differences. What is the difference between men's sunglasses and women's, what is the difference How to distinguish women's aviators from men's

The times have not yet gone so far into the past when one glance at optical glasses (about sunglasses is a separate conversation) was enough to determine whether they were worn by a man or a woman.

Now this is not entirely true - in last years“unisex” fashion is increasingly taking its toll. Women's and men's glasses, however, are not going away, but the boundary between them becomes more and more blurred.

How to distinguish such glasses?

First of all, you need to pay attention to the size. Men tend to have larger skull bones and wider-set eyes, so men's frames are usually larger than women's frames. But this is not a hard and fast rule, especially since recently men’s glasses have become smaller than before.

In addition, the shape of the frame matters. But here, too, many changes have occurred compared to previous decades. Once upon a time, men preferred rectangular glasses, as well as teardrop and aviator types. Women's glasses were oval, and of the butterfly and cat-eye types.

Nowadays, women and girls willingly wear aviator glasses. But still, the general trend remains: the stronger sex gravitates towards angular shapes, the fair sex - towards rounded ones. However, “butterflies” with “cat eyes” also remained with him. And men are still not too fond of oval-shaped glasses.

Frames of dark and “strict” colors do not have a strict gender identity - they are worn equally by men and women. But bright and warm colors are traditionally considered feminine; in this regard, customs have not yet changed. As a rule, fashionistas try to choose frames that match either the color of their eyes or the color of their lipstick.

The same applies to frames with all kinds of decorations, from hearts to rhinestones.

But many consider the unisex style simpler and more convenient. Perhaps the attraction to him will continue in the future.

How to tell if glasses are men's or women's? The most visible differences In fact, it is not so easy to answer your question unambiguously. Just ten to fifteen years ago, the “signs” of men and women were quite definite. Among women's frames, oval shapes and cat-eye or butterfly shapes predominated. Men were left with rectangular shapes and drop or aviator glasses. If the collections of women's frames included bright colored models, the color range for men was limited to gray, brown, as well as classic “tortoiseshell” and tobacco colors.
Nowadays, everything has changed - both women's and men's frames have become smaller and at the same, and their forms are much more diverse. A unisex style has appeared. Just as women have adopted trousers and pantsuits from men's wardrobes, they have also laid claim to rectangular glasses, and the Aviator has become a hot item for women's glasses over the last couple of seasons.
On the other hand, men's collections have become no less colorful than women's, and a man in bright blue or poisonous green glasses today does not shock anyone.
However, some patterns can be identified:
- women's glasses are smaller;
- women's glasses are more decorated with various finishes;
- among men's glasses there are practically no oval-shaped glasses;
- the “cat’s eye” or “butterfly” shape remains exclusively “female”;
- if the corners of a rectangular frame are very smooth, most likely it is a female model;
- there are collections that contain only men's or only women's glasses. For example, "Alfred Dunhill" is a purely men's collection. "Escada" - 100% female;
- almost all sports glasses are unisex;
- women's sunglasses tend to have a square shape, men's - to a rectangular shape;
- a significant part of the glasses-masks are unisex. If the mask is decorated with roses, hearts or Swarovski crystals, these are women's glasses;
- the color of the frames of corrective glasses, lenses and frames of sunglasses have nothing to do with the “gender characteristics” of their owner.

What is the difference between aviator, butterfly and dragonfly frame shapes?

The “aviator” shape is also known in Russia as “drops” - that is, glasses whose shape is close to rectangular, but is gently narrowed at the bottom of the nose. This shape provides good protection for the eye and corresponds to the anatomical structure of the human face.
Butterfly glasses are a form of women's glasses, narrow at the bridge of the nose and evenly widening towards the temples. This shape is also sometimes called a "cat's eye".
The name of the “dragonfly” shape is not yet generally accepted; today it is most often understood as a somewhat exaggerated and avant-garde version of the “butterfly” shape with narrower lenses.

Are glasses purchased at a discount during the seasonal sale subject to return and exchange?

From the meaning of Articles 18, 25 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the Protection of Consumer Rights" it follows that the consumer is in any case guaranteed the exchange of such goods -
1) or due to the presence of defects in it (even if the warranty period for this product is not established),
2) or within 14 days, if the product does not fit in shape, dimensions, style, color, size or configuration.
The salon has the right to stimulate the sale of glasses from previous seasons by providing discounts, but such a sales policy cannot infringe on the rights of consumers provided for by law.

However, if a discount is provided due to the fact that the goods have been used, or if the goods contain defects and the consumer has been warned by the seller about these circumstances, the return of such goods can be carried out by the consumer only on the second basis (Article 25 of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights).

Why do some sunglasses magnify?

Indeed, some opticians note such a phenomenon, especially with “mask” glasses and glasses with monolenses, which are fashionable today. Unfortunately, there is nothing to recommend here. Just try to choose sunglasses with the flatst possible lenses.
The effect of space distortion and image magnification is observed in glasses of an adjacent shape, afocal spectacle lenses for which are made from blanks with a high radius of curvature of the base surface - 8.0; 10.0 D A strong prismatic effect is formed in the peripheral zone, causing distortion. As Ms. Nikolaeva, an ophthalmologist at the Vision-Service company, told us, people tolerate this effect differently. There are very sensitive clients who cannot wear such glasses, and there are those who do not experience any discomfort. If you are one of those clients who experience the effects of distortion and zoom very strongly in close-fitting glasses, then wearing them can lead to headaches. You may also miss a step or trip on the stairs. At the same time, according to Ms. Nikolaeva, wearing such glasses should not affect vision.

It seems that it is quite simple to distinguish men's accessories from women's ones, but in modern stores it is not always possible to do this with accuracy, which is due to the development of unisex style. A Louis Vuitton belt, glasses, bag or scarf - often some of them lead the buyer into a dead end: are they men's or women's...

Differences between women's sunglasses

Sunglasses for women have many additional details. These are drawings, metal patterns or rhinestones. Often female models are made in color. Their frames can be painted in any color: from green to leopard print. Actually, the same thing happens with lenses. This is not to say that women’s glasses are not characterized by the rigor of colors and shapes. An example of this is Louis Vuitton Evidence, but the thorough penetration of unisex style into our lives has led to the fact that the fair sex can wear glasses with purely masculine shapes.

Other features of female models

There are other signs in which women's glasses differ from men's, but they are not mandatory. Firstly, this is the form. Butterfly, cat's eye or fox. The shape of the lenses can be oval or rounded. Secondly - sizes. Most often, for women, this accessory is smaller in size, but there is an exception here: “dragonfly” shaped models. In other words, stylish and oversized glasses will always be feminine. Another sign is that the shape of the frame is closer to the proportions of a square than a rectangle. This rule applies to traditional style models. Women who prefer unisex can safely wear the “male” version of this accessory. For example, “drops”, previously considered a strictly masculine classic, will look great on a woman’s face.

Male models

Most men are always subconsciously afraid of buying a women's accessory, so they should pay attention to those models that are decorated with a minimum of details. The main differences remain size, shape and darker lenses. However, you shouldn’t be afraid to ask the seller: do girls buy this model? Unisex is in trend now, so you can buy LV glasses in any shape you like and not worry about their gender. If this accessory really suits the style, quality and convenience, then the conventional division into “male” and “female” models should not become an obstacle.

Today, even small children know that glasses are optical instrument, designed to correct vision and protect the eyes from bright sunlight.

Today we wear them without any particular practical purpose, using them only as a stylish, elegant accessory. But it was not always so.

Glasses appeared in the 13th century, but until the 19th century only men used them. In the 19th century, only strict classy ladies of the institutes of noble maidens occasionally used lorgnettes and monocles, and only at the beginning of the twentieth century glasses gradually began to appear among educated intelligent women.

During the same period, men's sunglasses appeared and quickly gained wide popularity. The ladies did not lag behind; they immediately introduced into their everyday life a fashionable accessory that emphasized their belonging to a narrow circle of the elite - these were women's sunglasses.

How to choose sunglasses

Before the onset of summer, the choice of sunglasses becomes relevant. They are an accessory that not only protects the face from the sun's rays, but also emphasizes the style and originality of their owner. Therefore, choosing glasses is quite a difficult task even for women, since today there is a huge selection of them.

What is the difference between men's and women's sunglasses?

It would seem like a simple product consisting of a frame and two lenses, but how much can it tell about its owner and how many functions it performs. Firstly, how do women's sunglasses differ from their counterpart - men's sunglasses? Nothing but design. Frames come in plastic and metal, even gold. Lenses, both corrective and simple with zero diopters, are colorless or tinted, including colored and “chameleon”. And if earlier, before the advent of contact lenses, both men and women used glasses more often as an attribute of business style, today their purpose has expanded significantly.

Today a woman knows how to choose sunglasses to look elegant in some cases, and mysterious or playful in others. To create a strict, elegant and businesslike look, fashionable rectangular sunglasses in plastic frames in black or brown with smoky lenses, reminiscent of the horn-rimmed glasses worn by teachers of the 50-60s of the last century, are suitable. A translucent blouse with a deep neckline will add special charm to your look. If sunglasses of this model do not suit you, then you can replace them with an accessory in a thin “gold” frame from a famous world brand.

What is the main thing in choosing?

Sunglasses Material

When purchasing sunglasses, you need to pay attention to the material that is used to make them. It should not transmit sun rays, and also greatly distort the image and tire the eyes.

The best option is to purchase sunglasses with, this material protects from ultraviolet rays and practically does not change the image. These glasses are also scratch resistant. However, glasses with glass lenses should not be purchased for children or athletes, since the glass is fragile and can burst with certain movements, thereby damaging the eye.

An excellent alternative to glass lenses are sunglasses made from high-quality plastic coated with a special film. This material is characterized by excellent protection from the sun's rays, however, the image in them is greatly distorted. Glasses made of high-quality plastic are light and practical.

Sunglasses color

When purchasing sunglasses, it is important to choose the right color. In this case, in addition to personal preferences, it is necessary to find out how shades of different colors affect a person.

The best choice is dark gray or dark green glasses. In the first type, the least distortion of the image occurs, and in the second, less eye fatigue.

When buying glasses with red lenses, the image changes greatly, and their long-term exposure to the eyes can lead to poor orientation in the area. Yellow or orange lenses are great for weather when the sun is not shining brightly.

It is also worth paying attention to the mirror nature of this accessory. Thus, glasses with a mirror effect will be indispensable for people relaxing at the seaside or in the mountains; they prevent the appearance of various glares. But models that are darkened only at the top and have a lighter shade towards the bottom can protect only from the upper rays, however, such glasses contribute to visual fatigue quite quickly, so you should purchase models with a uniform darkening.

Lens quality

The lenses of inexpensive sunglasses are tinted - they do not allow sunlight to pass through, but ultraviolet rays easily penetrate through them. When darkened, it expands and receives much more UV rays than if you did not wear sunglasses at all. Then there would be a role "curtains" would create squinted eyelids and a reflexively constricted pupil. UV rays can cause a burn, which absorbs light on the inside of the eyeball. The result of a burn is a narrowing of the retinal vessels, which then develops as a consequence. These diseases can lead to blindness.

Frame quality

The frame of glasses is also important. The plastic from which the frame is made must be as safe as possible, not emit harmful substances, and not have deformations or cracks.

Are sunglasses necessary for children? Without a doubt. Children, just like adults, need to wear sunglasses. Especially if the child spends a lot of time in the bright sun. Let us remind you that their parents should select them. The most suitable colors for children's sunglasses are gray, green and brown shades. Orange and yellow lenses excite the nervous system, violet and blue are generally harmful.

Glasses, and in particular sunglasses, are a fashionable and stylish accessory that influences the image of the owner. But is it really beneficial to wear them? Frequent and long-term wearing of sunglasses can cause "photophobia" - photophobia. At the same time, even indoors a person becomes uncomfortable, he begins to squint. Therefore, it is not recommended to use sunglasses on cloudy days, indoors or in transport.

Listen to the advice of doctors: do not get carried away with sunglasses unless absolutely necessary.

The diffused morning light and the twilight of the evening are even good for the eyes. And another important fact - through the pupil our body "charging" ultraviolet light, which is transformed into vitamin D3, which is actively involved in the absorption of calcium.


Today glasses are worn at any time of the year, if the day is sunny. They can be combined, for example, with the color of a coat. A frame in black, blue or chocolate color to match the coat, with an inner "lining" scarf colors. And in the summer, the color of the frame of sunglasses and the color of the glasses can be combined with sundresses, sandals, jewelry, and only a sense of taste and intuition can tell how to choose sunglasses for each specific occasion, so that they become the necessary touch that will make your image flawless.

The armies of some states care not only about the security of their country, but also about appearance their fighters. It is thanks to this that the legendary aviator glasses once appeared in the world, which are still very fashionable today. Such models today can be found among both the male and female parts of the population.

A little history

In 1936, an optical company entered a competition to create sunglasses that could be worn by US Air Force pilots and won first place. This company carried name Baush & Lomb. The company later creates a subsidiary called Ray Ban. It is under this brand that the production of special men's glasses begins, which could protect the eyes of military personnel from the sun's rays during flight.

In those days, special helmets with protective glass had not yet been invented for pilots, so aviator glasses became a mandatory attribute for them. Pilots began to use this model not only during their service, but also during normal times. Many media photographers often managed to take pictures of pilots and generals wearing aviator glasses. Of course, after such photographs were published in well-known newspapers and magazines, society showed some interest in such a fashionable novelty for military pilots. Literally a couple of years later, the production of glasses for ordinary citizens began.

Initially, aviator glasses were produced only for the male population. Women's aviator models appeared only after some time and almost immediately began to enjoy enormous popularity.

Key Features

The main difference between aviators and other models is that they have fairly large lenses. There are also lens sizes that can cover almost half of the face. However, the shape of the lenses itself has not changed since the first production of the models. Only the lens size, glass composition and color may differ. It is also worth noting that the glasses were originally made from green-colored glass.

Classic model had a thin metal frame. Most often this metal was:

  • Titanium
  • Steel

Currently, metal frames have begun to be replaced with:

  • Durable plastic
  • Tree

What to wear with it?

If the model fits the person in size, then it can be combined practically with any style of clothing. World stars boldly combine this accessory with all possible wardrobe items, from T-shirts and ripped jeans to business suits. Aviator sunglasses will pair stylishly with your main outfit, even if you choose it with your eyes closed. For comparison, we can recall how they perfectly sat on both the biomechanical cyborg and the fragile socialite Paris Hilton.

It is not clear how, but the aviator has managed for so many decades not to lose its popularity and relevance among both the female and male parts of the population. These models almost always occupy leading positions in the fashion collections of many world designers.

Some models are available exclusively in a sports version. These glasses are distinguished by their strength and audacity. When purchasing such an accessory model, it is worth considering that it will not be combined with a romantic or classic style.

If we talk about hairstyle, then aviators will look more harmonious with hair that is pulled back. In this case, a traditional ponytail is suitable for women.

When choosing glasses with glamorous additions in the form of rhinestones or an unusual print, the look can be complemented with a scarf or bag in the same style.

When choosing bohemian aviator models, it is worth considering that they will look great in combination with light spring or summer clothes. In addition, such an accessory will fit perfectly into a vintage look.

Who might it suit?

Aviator glasses are considered to be universal model that can be combined with any clothing. In addition, these glasses are suitable for any face shape. Despite this, it is still worth paying attention to some nuances. If a person has a square face shape, then such an accessory will make it softer. Glasses with classic lens shapes are able to distribute attention on a face with uneven forehead and chin sizes. Glasses make the face more proportional.

Those people who have an oval face shape can choose any model. Those with an elongated face should choose models with thick frames and decorative trim on the temples of the glasses.

When buying glasses you should also pay attention color choice. The color of the lenses should be harmoniously combined with the shade of the face and hair.

Fashionable aviator models today: current shades of frames and lenses

As mentioned earlier, aviators were originally produced with green lenses. A little later, they began to produce models made of black glass or with mirror lenses. However, nowadays there are a huge number of color options for frames and lenses. For several seasons in a row, aviators with colored lenses have not gone out of fashion. In addition, it is worth paying attention to chameleon models, which have the ability to change their color depending on the angle of sunlight.

Frame color also plays an important role when choosing points this season. Particularly popular are models with classic gold frames. But it’s worth noting that this color may not suit everyone. A golden frame will harmoniously combine with dark skin and dark hair.

Aviator glasses from world brands

Models can currently be purchased from almost any well-known manufacturer. Aviators are presented in a wide range by the Ray Ban brand, which, as mentioned earlier, is their creator. In addition, there are many other well-known brands that have included the aviator model in their product range. These global brands include:

  • Rodenstock
  • Polaroid
  • Prada
  • Emporio Armani
  • Porsche Design

Aviator glasses - photo