Veal roast beef! Step-by-step recipe for cooking roast beef

The recipe is personally tested! It turned out beautiful and tasty. The family and guests loved it!

Roast beef

- this is a large piece of beef, prepared in a special way, fried in a hot frying pan and finished in the oven. Properly cooked roast beef has a crispy crust and tender pink juicy flesh inside. There are many ways to prepare meat for roast beef. One of them is suggested in this recipe.


Veal - 1 kg;
Sunflower oil - 0.5 cups;
Grill seasoning - 0.5 tablespoon;
Ground black pepper - 1 teaspoon;
Salt - 2 teaspoons;

Cooking method:

We choose fresh, fresh meat, without veins and hymen. Thawed meat is not suitable for roast beef. Keep the meat in the refrigerator (not the freezer) for 8 - 10

A piece weighing 1 kg. Divide into two parts of 0.5 kg each.

Pour half a glass of sunflower oil into a deep container, add two teaspoons of salt, half a tablespoon of grill seasoning, and one teaspoon of ground black pepper.

We immerse the meat in the marinade, dip it on all sides, press lightly for maximum immersion, and put it in the refrigerator overnight.

You can start cooking roast beef in the morning, but you can keep the meat in the marinade in the refrigerator until the evening.

Fry the meat until a strong golden crust in a well-heated frying pan.

Place the fried pieces of meat into the oven, preheated to 220 degrees and bake for 15 - 20 minutes. After this, reduce the temperature to 150 degrees and cook for another 25 - 30 minutes. During baking, look into the oven once or twice and turn the meat over. At the same time, water it with the released juice.

Cut the finished roast beef into pieces 1.5 - 2 cm thick, decorate the plate with herbs or vegetables and serve.

Roast beef can be served either hot or cold.

Prepare veal roast beef using this recipe. It's beautiful and delicious!

Bon appetit!

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First you need to start preparing the meat; for this, a piece of veal is thoroughly washed with cold running water, then carefully and firmly tied with white twine, washed again and dried with a simple paper towel to remove excess liquid.

About 5-6 holes are made on a piece of meat from different sides. The garlic is peeled, cut into several cloves and placed in the cuts, then the meat is rubbed with ground black pepper and salt (do not use too many spices), you also need to make sure that the pepper and salt get into the cuts made.

The recipe for cooking roast beef is very simple, the main thing is to follow the recipe exactly. Place a small amount of butter in a flat saucepan, place it on the stove so that the butter can melt, then very carefully add the veal to the butter.

The meat must be well sautéed, turning from one side to the other from time to time so that the meat can be thoroughly fried on all sides. Before finishing sauteing, add one peeled onion to the meat in the pan and lightly fry it.

White wine is added to the pan in small portions, then tomatoes, previously peeled and seeded (that is, puree is prepared from the tomatoes), tomato paste diluted in two glasses of water, then another glass of water is poured and the pan is covered with a lid.

After the liquid boils, turn down the heat and simmer over low heat. When the gravy is thick and the onion has softened, the meat is transferred to a dish and left for a while to cool slightly. Then the twine is removed and the meat is cut into slices - the veal roast beef is ready and can be served.

Roast beef is a veal recipe that we suggest you try to cook, a very simple dish, but the meat turns out surprisingly tasty. For this dish it is very important that the meat is pinkish in color, with very white fat. Try pressing lightly on the selected piece with your fingers. Will it spring? This is what you want - fresh.

Roast beef is very easy to prepare. In fact, no special effort is required from you. It just takes at least two hours. But this dish is worth it!

Experienced chefs advise preparing it the day before serving. It must be well soaked, saturated with all the ingredients in order to truly reveal its taste and aroma.


  • balm - to taste
  • coriander (or three to four sprigs of thyme) - one tsp.
  • onions - two pcs.
  • any odorless vegetable oil – 3/4 cup
  • veal – one and a half kilograms
  • mixture of ground peppers - to taste
  • mustard - to taste
  • garlic - four cloves.

Step-by-step recipe for cooking roast beef:

The basis of everything is meat. It should be prepared for this dish, thoroughly cleaned of pleura and all kinds of impurities, and rinsed under running water. Pat the piece dry with a disposable paper towel.
Cut one onion into rings and place it on the bottom of the dish in which you will bake the roast beef.

Coat the veal on all sides with a thin layer of mustard and place on the onion. Sprinkle everything with spices, finely chopped garlic (or passed through a special press).

Then with the remaining onion (thin rings).

Pour oil over the meat. Add balm to the baking dish if you like a sweet-pepper flavor. If you are conservative, then it is better not to take risks and make do with traditional options: water, wine or broth.
Place the dish in the oven at 180 degrees for an hour. After 30 minutes, do not forget to take it out to pour the resulting juice over the meat. And after another half an hour, reduce the heat to 160 degrees. And keep it in the oven for 30–40 minutes.

It is recommended to cool the roast beef before serving. But it is no less good when hot.

Especially if you replace the boring traditional side dish with light asparagus or

Sous vide veal roast in a jar is an absolutely delicious appetizer that does not require the cook, in general, any special kitchen equipment or complex skills.

Veal is a rare and expensive meat; most people have no experience in preparing it. I won’t tell you how many times in my life I managed to ruin a good piece by drying it out. Veal sous vide is one of my definite favorites: a recipe with which nothing has ever gone wrong! So if you are preparing veal for a holiday and want everything to turn out absolutely perfect, just use this recipe. There is minimal work there.

Of course, you can also cook sous vide beef roast in a jar. On the contrary, large pieces of veal can be... All this is used when there is no vacuumizer and a real device for cooking using the sous vide technique. I want to show you both homemade options so that everyone can choose for themselves what is more convenient for them - a can or a bag. You just need special packages, they are not sold everywhere, but I think everyone can still find a jar.

How to choose a jar for sous vide cooking of meat?

Firstly, it should have the widest possible neck, i.e. The diameter of the jar should be only slightly larger than this neck, without wide “shoulders” or “belly”. Because the meat will take the shape of a jar during cooking and harden. Accordingly, if this shape is significantly thicker in diameter than the neck, it will be impossible to pull out the piece without damaging it.

The volume of the jar should also come as close as possible to the weight of the piece of meat. If there is a little more meat, then you can stuff it into a jar, compact it, letting out the air, and simply cut off the excess meat. My jar was, for example, 500 ml, and a piece of meat was 508 g.

After the veal is adjusted to the size of the jar, coat it on all sides with oil, salt and other seasonings.

Place the seasoned meat back into the jar and close the lid tightly.

Place the closed jar in a pan of water, in which the jar will be COMPLETELY covered with liquid. It should not stick out above the surface. Place the pan with the jar in the oven, turn on the oven at a temperature of 60-90°C and keep the veal in it for 2-3 hours. This determines whether the meat will be more or less bloody. I mean, veal, of course, won’t make you blush - it’s naturally pink. But it will contain more or less meat juice. What you see with me is 3 hours at 80°C in a 500 ml jar.

Remove the veal from the can by lifting it from the top with a fork. It is rational to do this over a deep plate, because a lot of meat juice will spill out along with the meat. By the way, the color of the juice shows how cooked your meat is. If it seems too bloody to you, you can fry the meat more intensively or even continue heat treatment. I don’t recommend bringing it to full transparency - you never know, you might still manage to dry out a good piece.

Fry the meat on all sides in a frying pan.

Even if you are going to eat the veal roast hot, you still need to let it rest in foil for at least five minutes. If you plan to eat the meat cold, cool it in foil to room temperature, drain the juice and place it in the refrigerator (preferably overnight).

Well, this is what we got. Dense pale pink veal, cuts well, neatly shaped pieces.

Here you can better see that the meat is pink, not gray.

Bon appetit!

Roast beef is the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about English cuisine. The dish achieves excellent taste with a minimum of time and effort.

This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age

Have you already turned 18?

The secret to cooking the right roast beef lies in two things - the choice of meat and the way it is cooked. Only fresh meat is selected for the dish, not frozen. The piece should be at least one and a half kilograms, and ideally 2-4 kg. The ideal choice is a thick edge on the ribs, from which you need to cut off all the films and excess fat. Juicy marinated roast beef steak can be cooked in a slow cooker.


  • fresh beef (veal) - 2 kg;
  • olive (vegetable) oil - 50 ml;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

  1. Ideal beef should be marbled. Before you begin the cooking process, you need to remove the meat from the refrigerator and leave it for 1 hour so that it warms up to room temperature. In fact, to prepare roast beef, you can take a piece of meat from any part of the animal. But the fat content of the dish and its toughness will depend on this. Cut off thick films and fat - without them, the finished roast beef will look more appetizing. Then grease the prepared piece of beef with oil on all sides and rub with salt and spices. This is how you get marinated roast beef.
  2. Set the oven to 200 degrees. The baking sheet can be covered with foil, greased with oil. Place the meat, preferably in the center. The beef is baked for about 45 minutes. An oven with a “Grill” function copes best with this task. You can check readiness in a simple way: After 40-45 minutes, pierce the meat with a thin sharp knife. There should be no blood leaking out, but the beef should be soft inside.
  3. Remove the finished dish from the oven and leave to cool for 15-20 minutes. To prevent sudden cooling, you can cover the meat with foil.
  4. Serve the meat cold or slightly warm, cut into thin slices. The dish will acquire its real taste only after 3 hours, when it has cooled well. The meat should not be overdried. If a small amount of juice is released, you know that you have cooked the perfect roast beef.

To prepare a roast beef steak, you may not need a marinade. It all depends on your wishes. Calorie content is 173 kcal per 100 g.

How to cook beef roast with spicy Russian sauce

The recipe for roast beef from marbled beef will not leave anyone indifferent. Adding hot sauce will add original notes and highlight the taste of the meat dish.


  • beef - 1.5 kg;
  • olive oil;
  • salt, spices.

For the sauce:

  • fresh horseradish - 100 gr.;
  • spicy mustard - 2 tbsp;
  • salted (pickled) cucumbers - 2 pcs.;
  • fat sour cream - 150 gr.;
  • cream - 100 gr.;

Step-by-step cooking recipe

  1. To prepare the sauce, finely grate the horseradish root. Cut or grate the cucumbers. Mix all ingredients in a deep bowl. The sauce is ready.
  2. Set the oven to convection mode, heat to 250 o C.
  3. The beef should “breathe” for an hour at room temperature.
  4. Mix oil, pepper and salt. The ideal option is to use only ground black pepper. Other spices can overpower the taste of beef. Rub the mixture over a piece of beef. Place the prepared meat on a baking sheet and bake for about 20 minutes.
  5. After the crust has formed, turn off the heat to 160°C and bake until done.
  6. Place the finished dish on a plate. To ensure gradual cooling, cover with foil for 20 minutes.

Cooking roast beef is not as difficult as it seems. The main thing is to choose the right meat and follow the recipe when cooking. According to the technological map, the calorie content of the dish is 296.67 kcal per 100 grams. and contains 42.53 g. squirrel.

Roast beef in the oven: classic recipe


  • beef tenderloin - 1 kg;
  • garlic - 2 teeth;
  • English mustard with seeds - 1 tbsp;
  • ground black pepper - 1 tsp;
  • olive oil - 1 tbsp;
  • salt - to taste.

How to cook

  1. Prepare the so-called marinade by mixing pepper, salt and oil.
  2. Wash the beef thoroughly, trim off the film and fat.
  3. Coat the beef well with the marinade and fry in a hot frying pan for 3-4 minutes, turning several times.
  4. During this time, mix the garlic and mustard passed through a press. English mustard can be replaced with any other, but the taste will be brighter.
  5. Remove the meat from the pan and place on a plate so that the juices are evenly distributed.
  6. Preheat the oven to 220 o C.
  7. Coat the meat with the resulting mustard mixture and place it in a deep baking container.
  8. Place the meat in the oven. After 10 minutes, reduce the temperature to 160 o C and leave to bake for 40 minutes. Roasting time depends on the size of the piece of meat (this process may take longer).
  9. Hot roast beef can be served with a side dish of potatoes.

During cooking, the meat releases a large amount of juice, which can be used as gravy. Cold roast beef can be wrapped in foil and stored in the refrigerator. Thin slices of meat are great for sandwiches. Place the beef on a piece of bread, garnish with a slice of tomato, and you have a great breakfast.

Roast beef in a frying pan

It has already become commonplace that roast beef is a whole piece of beef, baked on the grill or in the oven. We recommend moving away from the usual classic recipe and cooking roast beef in a frying pan, fried in breadcrumbs. An ideal side dish would be prunes stewed with sweet peppers.


  • beef tenderloin - 1 kg;
  • vegetable oil - to taste;
  • olive oil - to taste;
  • breadcrumbs - 100 gr.;
  • salt, spices - to taste;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • fresh herbs - to taste.
  • sweet pepper - 2 pcs. large;
  • prunes - 1 cup;

Step-by-step cooking recipe

  1. Chop the greens, place in a deep bowl, add garlic, passed through a press, oil, and spices.
  2. Cut the beef into thick steaks.
  3. Rub the beef with the garlic mixture and leave for an hour.
  4. After marinating, roll the steaks in breadcrumbs, fry to the desired degree of doneness in a heated frying pan, adding a small amount of oil.
  5. Prepare a spicy side dish. Cut the bell pepper, remove the seeds, cut into strips. Pour a small amount of vegetable oil into a deep frying pan. Put the peppers to simmer.
  6. When the pepper becomes soft, add salt and pepper. Rinse the prunes well, cut into strips, place in a frying pan with the pepper, and stir. Simmer for about 10 minutes until the peppers are ready.
  7. Serve roast beef with a side dish, garnished with herbs.

Grilled beef roast

Cooking roast beef on the grill is quite difficult due to the fact that you need to maintain a constant temperature. A gas grill will perform this function best.


  • beef tenderloin - 2 kg;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • lemon juice - 100 ml.

Step-by-step cooking recipe

  1. Before grilling roast beef, marinate the meat: mix lemon juice, salt and pepper, rub the beef well with this mixture and refrigerate overnight.
  2. Chefs recommend baking grilled roast beef in foil. Before wrapping the meat, tie it with a cooking rope and shape it into a barrel. This way the beef will not lose its shape during baking.
  3. The easiest way to grill meat is on a gas grill, since you need to maintain a constant temperature. Set it to 130°C and place the meat on the grill. Now all that remains is to wait for the beef to cook.

Grilled roast beef will differ from oven-cooked beef in a brighter and richer taste. You can also cook over charcoal, but this will require a little effort as it will be difficult to maintain a constant temperature during cooking.

Classic roast beef can also be prepared in a slow cooker. You can choose any cooking recipe.

Bon appetit!