Who is this careless person? What is carelessness What is human carelessness

Carelessness is another seemingly small flaw of a person that can create very big troubles. Carelessness affects irresponsible and inattentive people who are not trained to keep their attention on what they are doing and are not used to consciously controlling what is happening.

Often these are creative individuals or people of science, or those who are passionate about something, completely disconnected from reality and at that very moment ceasing to perceive and control what is happening.

What is Carelessness? Definitions

- lack of effort to prevent troubles. When a person does not perceive and does not record signs of possible troubles.

The main reasons for carelessness: naivety(“all people are kind, etc.”), ignorance(where and why there might be problems, etc.) and (“not my concern”, not caring, etc.).

– lack of understanding of the meaning of troubles, their causes and consequences (large losses). 78 percent of burglaries occur due to the carelessness of their owners. Fires also happen for the most part due to careless handling of fire.

Another definition of carelessness is a lack of caution.

What to replace Carelessness with:

– is replaced by Attentiveness and Responsibility.

One of the basic principles of a responsible person: “A disaster that has not yet occurred must be prevented”. At an early stage, the trouble can be eliminated - easily, at the final stage - difficult or even late, For example, when the house has already burned down due to the iron not being turned off and it’s too late to put it out.

  • – awareness and management.
  • Attentiveness– perception, photographic memory, the ability to sense danger (anticipate), classification of problems and their signs. Buddhists say - “Mindfulness is the path to immortality”.

Read about how to develop responsibility and attentiveness in subsequent articles.

Cm … Synonym dictionary

CAREFUL- CAREFULNESS, carelessness, plural. no, female distracted noun to carefree. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 … Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

carelessness- mature (Ertel); light (Grigorovich); frisky (Maikov); proud (Pushkin); sad (Polonsky) Epithets of literary Russian speech. M: Supplier of His Majesty's court, the Quick Printing Association A. A. Levenson. A. L. Zelenetsky. 1913 ... Dictionary of epithets

carelessness- rus negligence (g), negligence (g); inattention (g); carelessness (f) eng carelessness fra imprudence (f) deu Unvorsichtigkeit (f), Achtlosigkeit (f), Unachtsamkeit (f) spa imprudencia (f), descuido (m) ... Occupational safety and health. Translation into English, French, German, Spanish

Carelessness- (same root as sadness, cf. to worry and to grieve, not your sadness) - see Carefreeness. This plan, no matter how extravagant it was, seemed to us quite feasible... And yet we took the risk with the most reckless carelessness (A. Prevost, Manon Lescaut).... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Psychology and Pedagogy

Carelessness- and. distracted noun according to adj. carefree Explanatory Dictionary by Efremova. T. F. Efremova. 2000... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

carelessness- carelessness, carelessness, carelessness, carelessness, carelessness, carelessness, carelessness, carelessness, carelessness, carelessness, carelessness, carelessness (Source: “Full accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”) ... Forms of words

carelessness- carelessness, and... Russian spelling dictionary

carelessness- (3 f), R., D., Ave. carelessness... Spelling dictionary of the Russian language

carelessness- Syn: see frivolity... Thesaurus of Russian business vocabulary


  • , John Chrysostom. Approved for publication by the censor priest Alexander Gilyarevsky. Reproduced in the original author's spelling of the 1895 edition (publishing house 'Sergiev Posad: 2nd type. A. I. Snegireva').... Buy for 2290 UAH (Ukraine only)
  • The cause of sin is not nature, but our carelessness, John Chrysostom. Approved for publication by the censor priest Alexander Gilyarevsky. Reproduced from the original author's spelling of the 1895 edition (publishing house "Sergiev Posad: 2nd type. A.I. Snegireva"…

Carelessness is a certain set of human manifestations that form a stable characteristic or personality quality. A person’s carelessness manifests itself to those around him, as well as to himself, as an internal state of complete carelessness, reflected on the behavioral material level. Such behavior is admired when it comes to children and they envy, dreaming of returning to those periods of their own life when they did not have to think about daily problems, it also looks cute for lovers, but when a person has too much carelessness, they begin to attribute infantilism and inability to take care of him. own needs and the needs of others.

Carelessness, as a personality quality, has two poles of its manifestation. One of them is the ease that accompanies all life manifestations, the ability to renounce the bustle of the world and not bother your head with complex schemes; roughly speaking, this is the unique ability to live in the present moment, which is talked about so much in theological schools and the Gestalt direction. A negative manifestation of carelessness is a person’s inability to solve practical problems, and acquiring new skills, reassessing the situation, or even outside help cannot correct the situation, since the individual is not really interested in the world of things and tomorrow’s food while there are more important moments of pleasure or dreams.

What does carelessness mean?

The meaning of the word carelessness is considered in sociological, psychological and even religious concepts. If in social terms a description of human behavior in relation to his position in life is usually sufficient, then other sciences touch on the concept more deeply. In religious concepts, carelessness is compared with sins and the desire for continuous pleasure. In itself, this personal quality is completely passive, it is precisely this that leads to rapid personal decline, takes away the ability to keep oneself within the limits of what is permitted and gradually sinks to the moral and then spiritual bottom.

The need to comply with all religious instructions dictates that a person must do serious work or at least impose a number of restrictions on himself regarding his desires - all this is built on the fact that today is necessary in order to earn further salvation. Those who are careless about their fate do not think about the future and strive only for concepts that exist now. So in many schools of faith, carelessness is considered the germ of sin.

From a psychological point of view, everything is somewhat different, and this personal quality has both different manifestations and different assessments, both from an external social position and an intrapersonal one. So, if we start from the definition that a carefree person lives in the present day, does not worry about the future and strives to obtain maximum pleasure, then we get a rather joyful picture of existence. There is a certain Taoist approach to this, when a person does not have to worry about those problems that are not relevant at the moment, does not run around looking for gifts several months in advance and does not try to come up with plans of salvation for all occasions. This state is optimal for relaxation; it should, one way or another, be present in the life of every person for periods every day, but not turn into totality.

Negative manifestations of carelessness are usually not long in coming, since our world is structured on the principle of obtaining results based on the efforts made. A colorful example is the fable about the dragonfly and the ant - in the same way, carelessness can lead to negative consequences of accumulated debts, broken promises, even health problems.
Living in the pleasure of the present moment is the prerogative of children, as well as a sign of infantilism, which is why accusations of carelessness, but with a hint of envy, are so common. When a person grows up, reality begins to make new demands on him, where there is a need to do not always pleasant things in order to ensure at least his minimal survival.

The more serious matters are allowed to take their course due to carelessness, the more serious losses await a person in the future; the less effort is made now, the more seriously one will have to think about how to get out of the current situation later. Examples of children who were left with an inheritance when they still had no idea about the future, planning skills and anxiety about adult problems end up with fabulous sums being spent on meeting their needs and living a life resembling paradise. Unfortunately, such a cloudless period ends very quickly, since appetites always grow along with opportunities, and the resources to start receiving at least passive income have already been exhausted.

Carelessness is a quality that comes to the fore when the main problems of life are resolved and the individual understands that all areas of life are safe. It is important to note that the manifestation of carelessness does not mean fearlessness, inadequacy in assessing the situation due to insufficient information or its concealment, or complete peace of mind.

With carelessness, you can experience fear and these are not opposite states; you can be careless about the general safety of the world as such, but for quite objective reasons you can be afraid for your own life when the door is broken into. The lack of experience in a misinformed person cannot be considered carelessness, since in other conditions he will react differently. To make it easier to navigate, this is absolute inner peace, reminiscent of a child’s state, where there is confidence that even if something bad happens, your parents will immediately solve the situation, and you will continue to play your unicorn. Only for adults, parents become their own personal supports or faith in a higher power.

Examples of carelessness

It is sometimes difficult for an outside observer to trace the difference between inattention, carelessness, stupidity and carelessness based on just one actions. Identical situations can be caused by different internal states, which ultimately will mean different things personal quality, which served as the basis for action. Examples of situations along with an explanation of the internal meaning will help to separate these concepts.

An example of carelessness can be a classic situation before an exam, when instead of preparing, a student rests all the time, goes to clubs and friends, hoping that the session will be assigned to him automatically, by agreement, loyalty, or does not even remember its approach for interesting communication, and possibly bright falling in love. Then this can develop into such an attitude towards work, when procrastination becomes a habit, as well as surprise that they did not evaporate on their own. There is a lot of carelessness in children's actions, when children do not yet know that not everyone can be trusted and they tell everything about themselves to unfamiliar people or allow unknown animals into the house.

This quality can manifest itself not only in relation to others and future events, but also in relation to one’s own state.
For example, going out lightly dressed in cold weather, drinking an excessive dose of alcohol at a corporate party, refusing treatment because the drugs are bitter, while refusing proper therapy is fraught with complications. Mothers can be careless when they don’t supervise their children, thinking that since everyone is playing normally, nothing will happen (no one can rule out a child’s fight, a fall from a slide, a suddenly flying car, etc.).

In general, in family relationships there may be a lot of carelessness regarding their stability and inviolability, despite any of their behavior, so husbands do not notice the almost complete absence of their wife at home, even at night, and wives stop monitoring not only their appearance, but also in words.

Any lack of concern for tomorrow, be it money, paying bills, having a sincere conversation with important person, lights turned off are a manifestation of carelessness. And when there is someone who can be trusted with this, or when there are little things left that cannot significantly harm your future, then carelessness is quite in order and should be so that both the brain and soul relax from constantly resolving issues.

CAREFUL, careless, careless; careless, careless, careless. Carefree, not taking the necessary precautions. He who is careless easily gets into trouble. || Not associated with worries. Carefree life. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

careless- extremely careless incredibly careless unacceptably careless very careless amazingly careless completely careless terribly careless amazingly careless ... Dictionary of Russian Idioms

careless- Old Russian - carefree. Common Slavic – pekjъ (oven, guardianship, care). The word “careless” is native to the Russian language and came from Old Russian, where it was borrowed from Old Church Slavonic. “Careless” is a prefix derivative of “oven” (furnace) and... ... Semenov Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language

Adj., used. compare often Morphology: careless, careless, careless, careless; more carefree; adv. carefree 1. A person is called carefree if he is cheerful, does not worry about anything and has no worries. Just recently you were so carefree and cheerful... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

careless- Original. Suf. derivative on a base without a "no care" oven. Noun stove “care, troubles”, known in other Russian. language and dialects, formed with the help of suf. j from pitch tj. (kj h). See guardianship, sadness. Carefree literally “carefree”... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language

careless- frivolous, careless, frivolous, flighty Page. 0508 Page 0509 Page 0510… New explanatory dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language

I'm baking, sad... Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Vasmer

Adj. 1. One who doesn't care about anything; carefree. Ott. Characteristic of such a person. 2. transfer One who doesn't worry about anything; irresponsible. Ott. Characteristic of such a person. 3. Flowing without worries, not overshadowed by them... ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Efremova

Carefree, carefree, carefree, carefree, carefree, carefree, carefree, carefree, carefree, carefree, carefree, carefree, carefree, carefree, carefree, carefree, carefree, carefree, carefree, carefree, carefree, carefree... Forms of words


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