Choosing an excellent coffee maker: practical advice. Types of coffee makers Home coffee makers

How to choose a coffee maker for your home when the variety of types and designs makes your head spin? Let's look at all the pros and cons of modern coffee makers, and find out which produces the most delicious drinks.

If your morning really starts with coffee, then one of your favorite items in the kitchen is probably a coffee maker. It is pleasant to brew a noble drink in the evenings in an ordinary Turk, but in the morning, when you need to hurry, it is not very convenient to use it, and you hardly want to waste time scrubbing the stove from runaway foam. Don’t give up a normal drink in favor of a cheap granulate because of the morning rush! We’ll talk about how to choose a coffee maker for your home that can solve this dilemma.

Don’t be afraid that you won’t be able to handle modern technology: household models are much simpler and more user-friendly than. But they are so diverse that before going to the store you should familiarize yourself with all the nuances.

Primary requirements

When choosing a particular model, pay attention to its technical characteristics. Moreover, you need to compare them with the features of making coffee in a specific type of machine in order to find the best one for yourself. First of all, find out the power of the device - in some cases you should choose devices with minimal power consumption. And the point here is not at all about saving energy - a few minutes of heating will not give you any tangible benefits. What’s more important is that a low-power machine processes a portion of coffee more slowly, making its taste richer and stronger.

Do you like variety and multifunctional equipment? Then it’s worth looking for models with additional features:

  • Reheating – If your coffee maker brews your coffee slowly, it may cool down before you get the required amount. This will not happen with automatic temperature maintenance in the flask. However, models with a coffee pot-thermos do not need such an addition.
  • Drop-stop is a convenient option that stops preparation if you remove the container for the finished drink from the stand.
  • Timer - in these machines it is not responsible for the coffee preparation time, but works as a delayed start function.
  • Water indicator - by adjusting the amount of liquid, you can achieve the coffee strength you like.
  • Automatic shutdown or overfill protection will allow you not to stand over the coffee maker, waiting for the process to finish.
  • An adjustable thermostat is the only way to set the correct temperature for brewing coffee.

In addition to software options, the coffee maker can be additionally equipped with convenient mechanisms such as a mill or cappuccino maker.

Built-in coffee grinder

Why buy two separate devices to prepare one drink? It’s much easier to take a multifunctional model that grinds and brews coffee. By the way, the built-in mill usually produces a particularly fine grind - at least as fine as your machine needs. These models are called espresso combines and belong to the combined type of coffee makers.

Cappuccino maker

This addition is an expensive pleasure, but if you like coffee with delicate creamy foam, you can spend the money. The milk is foamed here under the influence of steam, after which it is fed into the cup with the finished product through a separate nozzle.

Geyser models

Some people still remember these stovetop coffee makers that look like tall teapots with a “waist”. Water was poured into the lower compartment, and ground coffee had to be poured into the central bowl. When boiling, the liquid rose through a special tube, scalded the powder, partially flowing into the upper compartment. The rest flowed back through the filter. This cycle lasted about 5 minutes, as a result of which a hefty portion of not too aromatic, but quite decent strong coffee, brewed several times, was collected in the container.

Such models, in a more modern version, are still sold today, and they are used to brew not only coffee, but also tea, as well as all sorts of useful herbs. True, now they do not need to be placed on the stove - heating occurs thanks to the built-in heating element with a power of 450-1000 W (depending on the volume of the coffee maker). Another difference between this technique is that there is no longer a water cycle. It passes through the coffee only once, causing the strength to be lost, but overall the taste of the drink improves.

When choosing a geyser coffee maker, decide on the required volume. As a rule, there are models on sale for 1-3 servings or larger machines: 6, 9 or 18 units. At the same time, check how many milliliters the manufacturer considers a single serving - the values ​​may differ for different brands.

Popular geyser models:

  • Delonghi EMKE 63 with a 600 ml coffee pot allows you to adjust the volume of the prepared drink. But in fact, the useful capacity barely exceeds 250 ml, so you shouldn’t count on the promised 3-6 cups. The model is pleased with the presence of a display and a timer with a delayed start, so you can prepare the coffee maker in the evening so that your coffee is ready for breakfast. The price is about 10 thousand rubles.
  • Endever Costa-1020 – a small 300 ml machine provides the ability to adjust the strength of the drink “to suit you”. Portions are prepared quickly, and the price is more than affordable - only 2,500 rubles.
  • Bialetti Mukka Express Elettrika is a nice miniature coffee maker with a capacity of 320 ml on a fairly wide stand. Despite the cost of 6 thousand rubles. There are no “goodies” here, except for the power indicator.


These are so-called filter-type coffee makers, for which it is advisable to select a power no higher than 750-800 W. The brewing process in them is already not ideal, and with increased productivity the result will be no better than an instant drink from a can. But such models are suitable for preparing Americano.

The principle of operation is that ground coffee is placed in a special mesh filter, and water heated to +87..+95 °C simply drips and seeps through it. At the end you get not too strong coffee without any sediment. Such coffee makers are considered easy to use and maintain, and they are relatively inexpensive. But get ready that you will have to wait quite a long time for your portion of the invigorating drink - one small cup will take at least 2-3 minutes. And, of course, with this “cooking” technology there is no need to talk about a rich taste and aroma.

For drip technology, it is necessary to purchase special filters separately. Most often these are disposable paper bags, so stock up on them. But real connoisseurs advise using reusable nylon nets. Some people strive for chic and purchase gold filters for drip coffee makers, which are a little more durable because they are made from the same nylon, but with titanium coating. In fact, the service life of synthetic nets is also quite long (60-80 cycles), and even replacing them will cost no more than buying disposable pods.

It is better to choose a drip coffee maker with a movable filter holder - once you open it, it will be more convenient to pour coffee inside.

Popular models:

  • Melitta Optima Glass Timer is a very stylish coffee maker with a good set of functions. These include descaling, portion control, delayed start and heating the coffee pot. This is a fairly compact machine, despite its useful volume of 1100 ml and the ability to serve two cups of drink at once. Price 5.5-6 thousand.
  • Maxwell MW-1650 is a budget, no-frills equipment at a very affordable price (about 1,600 rubles).
  • Philips HD 7457 is a nice model of decent quality, despite its low cost (about 3 thousand). The capacity of the coffee pot is 1200 ml, but thanks to the power of 1 kW it fills up quite quickly.

Carob (holder)

These rather powerful coffee makers (1-1.7 kW) seem to be specially designed for making espresso - an aromatic drink with a rich taste and magical soft foam. For true coffee connoisseurs, this is the best option. But for a carob coffee maker to work, you need a particularly finely ground powder (the required coarseness is indicated in the documents), so you will also have to buy a good mill to go with it.

The principle of preparation here is somewhat more complicated: the powder or pressed chalder is sent into a special horn, where it is carefully compacted with a tamper (included in the kit). Further heat treatment depends on the type of machine, but in general the technology is approximately the same. The water is heated in a sealed flask until the pressure inside rises so much that the steam opens the valve and escapes - straight into the coffee cone. Depending on its pressure, there are two types of holder coffee makers:

  1. Steam - here the water is heated to a boil and saturated steam is supplied under pressure into the horn. Everything would be fine, but proper coffee requires a temperature of no more than +90..+95 °C, so the result may seem imperfect to true gourmets. And the pressure created here is not high enough to open the valve - only 4 bar. The preparation time for the drink in low-power models reaches two minutes.
  2. Pump coffee makers – these coffee makers will definitely not disappoint you. Here, a special electromagnetic pump is used to heat the water so that its temperature meets the strict requirements of espresso preparation. Wet steam is supplied under a pressure of 15 bar, and now it will be real coffee. Pump units can have one or two outlet pipes for the finished drink; accordingly, they can brew 1-2 cups at a time. Processing usually takes no more than 30 seconds.

When buying a holder coffee maker, you should look for a model with a metal horn - in it the coffee warms up better and releases more aromatic substances.

The types of carob coffee makers discussed above differ from each other in terms of serving size. In steam ones you can count on only 200-600 ml of drink, in pump ones you can get up to 1.5 liters. True, all this is not done at once, but before the next time the car is filled with water and coffee.

Popular holder models:

  • Vitek VT-1514 is a semi-automatic pump coffee maker for two cups that pleasantly surprises you with its range of useful functions. Among them is a self-cleaning mode, which is a big plus for carob models, since they are quite difficult to maintain. The design includes a 1.3 kW boiler, a 1.5 liter water tank, and a cappuccino maker. But the price of this wonderful coffee maker is quite high - about 15 thousand.
  • Delonghi EC 155 is a more affordable unit for 8-9 thousand rubles, a little simpler, but also works for two cups at the same time. Power 1.1 kW, useful volume 1 liter.


Here, a somewhat unusual approach to brewing coffee is implemented, which is packaged in special capsules or pressed into pods (tablets) at the factory. There is no question of fresh grinding, and you can only prepare those varieties of the drink that you find on sale:

  • Cafein free;
  • Medium roast;
  • Deep roast;
  • Lungo;
  • Ristretto (very strong).

There are separate capsules with milk, cocoa and even tea.

This technique is relatively new, but already has its fans due to its ease of use. All you have to do is place the capsule with coffee powder in a special compartment and start the machine. Through the holes in the shell it will first drive air and then wet steam. Such units are always very powerful - their minimum consumption is 1 kW, but the same principle works here as in pump-action horn models, that is, an excess pressure of at least 15 bar is created in the chamber while heating the water.

Capsule models are also quite simple to care for and do not cause much trouble. They practically do not get dirty during the coffee preparation process, and the machine simply throws away the used capsule.

Popular models:

  • Bosch TAS 4301/4303/4302/4304EE Joy - has fairly simple controls, despite the lack of a display on the body. High quality and relatively affordable price compared to other capsule models (2.6-3 thousand). But you can only use Tassimo capsules here - in Russia they are presented in 11 varieties, of which only 6 are coffee varieties.
  • Delonghi EN 165 Nespresso is a fairly compact device, which is actually rare for capsule machines. In addition, with a power of 1.25 kW, the unit supplies a pressure of 19 bar to the coffee capsule. The price of the model is 13-14 thousand.

Electric Turk

In a sense, this is the same electric kettle, but with its own nuances and a recognizable handle. It looks like an ordinary cezve, which is heated not on the stove, but by electricity through a special stand. The average volume of such models is 250-400 ml, power 0.5-1 kW. True, like a real Turk, you will have to monitor her work so that the coffee does not run away. There is no automatic shutdown here, and even in this case it would hardly help.

People believe that coffee is brewed slowly, in a cezve. The rest is a surrogate. According to tradition, a vessel with a teaspoon of ground coffee, sugar and water is placed on the sand - the drink begins to prepare. A fragrant chocolate-colored seduction native to Africa (Ethiopia). In the country, shepherds were the first to use Datura: they needed strength to drive their flock for days. After chewing the grains, the shepherds were filled with strength, ready to keep vigil around the clock. Then they decided to make coffee. First, the grated meat was mixed with animal fat. No one knows for sure the source of the custom of using a cezve. Let's talk about coffee makers.

Types of Coffee Makers to Choose from

Each is characterized by disadvantages and advantages.

Capsule coffee makers: charging capsules

Capsules are expensive. But recently manufacturers have released reusable containers - costing 200 rubles. Empty, no coffee! You need to fill the vessel yourself: with a coffee spoon in your hand, a kitchen scale under your nose. Otherwise, you will calculate the dose incorrectly and you will confuse it.

Experts say: the amount of powder affects the result, but the degree of grinding of the beans depends on the type of coffee maker. Several systems for brewing coffee from capsules have been invented. Designed for a fixed temperature, duration of exposure, unique pressure, variety of Arabica, Rogusta, amount of drink. There are many subtleties: you need to study the issue persistently before filling one capsule.

It is recommended to open one capsule, evaluate the size by eye, take a photo of the powder in bulk, and weigh it. The variety is indicated on the label. Some capsule brewing systems include inscriptions regarding temperature, pressure, and other parameters. You can already try to make it yourself by purchasing a suitable filler in the store.

Then we grind the grains to the desired size: there are a dime a dozen equipment in the store. The difference between mechanical and electric coffee grinders has been discussed. Possibilities, advantages, and disadvantages were indicated.

In order not to buy expensive, albeit reusable, capsules, it is recommended to assemble one from two. Used ones will do: they have holes in them. The technique is simple:

  • the bottom of the capsule used is cut off;
  • the second capsule, on the contrary, has a lid cut out;
  • The two resulting halves are relatively easy to connect.

It turns out to be a reusable capsule, made independently: you can continuously refill it. Is it dangerous for the coffee maker? We do not recommend doing this in models with automatic waste disposal. It’s difficult to say what will happen when the capsule opens during the process.

Capsule coffee makers are not as expensive to operate as you might think. You can win big on the price. Coffee machines with semi-automatic preparation of cappuccino from capsules cost pennies. If you set up the conversion of used containers at home, things will go smoothly.

The first time you will have to buy capsules for the coffee maker. Pay attention to the cost. Capsule coffee machines are cheap: expenses are expected to supply the equipment with raw materials.

Drip and carob coffee makers

The two types of coffee makers are similar in appearance, but there are few similarities inside. The difference is not indicated in the reviews, we draw attention to:

The fundamental difference is the presence of a boiler. Carobs always have a tank: it creates sufficient steam pressure. The tension inside is colossal. The boiler is capable of developing pressure 4–5 times higher than the test pressure for the autumn start-up of the heating system. Carob coffee makers are often equipped with a cappuccino maker. Let's direct the steam in a different direction - into the tube.

The mode for manual preparation of cappuccino and latte is possible: it brings special pleasure to coffee connoisseurs. A coffee machine differs from a coffee maker in the highest degree of automation of the drink:

  1. Automatic grinding of grains with adjustable powder size.
  2. Dosing the amount of water, milk, foaming if necessary.

Cappuccino or latte are prepared easily, up to the complete automation of the process. But let's get back to coffee makers. Should I take drip or carob? The last option is more expensive, but better. But difficulties await the user of a carob coffee maker:

Regarding the cleaning cycle: a lot of deposits accumulate in the boiler. It is necessary to use clean water, or periodically carry out preventive maintenance. Some coffee machines have a special self-cleaning cycle, but coffee makers do not. The algorithm of actions when scale is detected is indicated in the instructions. There you will also find a detailed tour on choosing and analyzing the suitability of water. In drip coffee makers, part of the problem is neutralized. There is a flow-through heater inside: the problem of scale is not relevant. Cleaning will be easy. Use a special product for this purpose, which is attached to drip coffee makers. Flaws:

  • Coffee is poured into the filter. They are disposable - less fuss, more to pay. And reusable: roll up your sleeves when preparing the accessory for subsequent use in the coffee maker. In terms of operation, carob ones are more profitable. Paper filters for a drip coffee maker will become a separate expense item.
  • Difficult to dose. In the previous case, the horn served as the measure. Here we make do with a spoon and a scale for filling the drip coffee maker.

Carob coffee makers prepare to produce coffee within 3-5 minutes. Heat the boiler properly. In drips, the temperatures are not high: the process goes a little faster. Professional opinion: buy a carob-type coffee maker. Not very convenient, but the quality is excellent.

Geyser coffee makers

Previous models ran on electricity, but this one is placed on the hob. Unlike cezve, coffee does not run away. But leaving the device unattended is unsafe. There is no automation - just a piece of tin.

A geyser coffee maker consists of two chambers – lower and upper. Reminds me of an hourglass. Difference: the central narrow channel begins at the bottom and ends under the lid. A compartment is molded in the middle part: it is stored in a strainer or other coffee filter. The water level in the lower compartment reaches a boil - the liquid rushes upward through the capillary. Coffee is brewed along the way. The actually finished drink is poured into the upper chamber.

It foams and no longer tries to escape. True lovers say: the dense foam contains the lion's share of taste. Coffee won't be the same without it. How many designs of coffee makers were described - we returned to the beginning. You are supposed to throw coffee (without sugar) into a tin vessel, pour in water, and wait on the sand until it is ready. Shooting when the drink tries to escape is a quick process, like milk in time. Before you have time to look back, the most delicious things will remain on the sand.

A true gourmet will not buy an espresso coffee maker - he will take a copper Turk or something like that. By the way: the Italian drink is stronger than the Americano, despised by the descendants of Caesar. American soldiers thought espresso was too strong. I had to dilute it. Not everyone knows the nuances - a smart coffee machine knows. It contains programs for preparing various drinks. For more details on preparation, see the product card. When purchasing a coffee maker, read the instructions.

Don't forget about cleaning. Sometimes it’s smarter than expensive equipment to buy a Bialetti geyser coffee maker so as not to worry about scale.

Many of us cannot imagine our morning without a fragrant cup of coffee. In the modern world, every minute is very valuable to us, so often there is simply no time to prepare grains in the traditional way (using a Turk)! The instant drink is prepared quickly, but the pleasure from drinking it is very doubtful. How can you save time and enjoy real fragrant coffee every day? The answer suggests itself - you need to buy a suitable household appliance! In order not to get confused among the variety of models and types, the Electrician Himself website recommends that you familiarize yourself with current tips on how to choose a coffee maker for your home in 2017.


Drip (filtration) coffee makers are the most common and budget option for the home. These devices are inexpensive, easy to use and will delight you with more than one serving of an invigorating drink.

The operating principle of the device is as follows:

  • ground coffee is poured into the mesh (filter), which is located under the flask with water;
  • water is poured into the container, which is heated to 90-95 degrees;
  • hot water slowly drops onto the filter;
  • the drink falls into the coffee pot;
  • After 1-2 minutes, a cup of coffee is ready.

Such a simple system will give you a good drink, but for true connoisseurs of high-quality espresso or cappuccino, a drip coffee maker is not suitable. We can recommend this option to picky customers for whom the choice of product primarily depends on price.
If you decide to choose a good drip coffee maker in 2017, be sure to evaluate its main parameters. Pay attention to the power, the presence of overflow protection, the choice of strength of the drink being prepared and the type of filtration. All these little things will help you buy the best device:

  1. Power. A high-power coffee maker will heat water faster, but keep in mind that the slower the drink is brewed, the stronger it will be.
  2. Filter. Standard mesh can be made of paper, regular nylon, or nylon coated with titanium nitride. The paper version is suitable for use only 1 time, while nylon is suitable for use up to 60-80 times.
  3. Choice of strength. A useful feature in which you can independently choose how strong the coffee should be.
  1. Melitta Optima Glass Timer. This drip coffee maker has a lot of positive reviews on the Internet. At a low cost, it has all the necessary functions. Easy to use, compact and has a beautiful design. The bowl capacity is 1.1 liters, which is enough to make 3 cups of coffee.
  2. REDMOND SkyCoffee M1505S. A smart coffee maker that can be controlled via a smartphone. The quality of Redmond kitchen appliances is time-tested. Power 600 W, coffee pot volume is small - only 0.5 liters. There is an automatic heating plate and a built-in coffee grinder.
  3. Maxwell MW-1650. This device does not have a display, pressure gauge or other useful elements, but still, at a cost of 1,500 rubles, this is not critical. It copes well with its main function and is compact in size, which is especially important for a small kitchen. The quality of Maxwell products is time-tested.
  4. Philips HD 7457. Another inexpensive coffee maker, which we recommend choosing because of its low cost, but high quality. A spacious coffee pot and quick preparation of a coffee drink make it one of the best in its price segment.


A geyser or mocha coffee maker also has a fairly attractive price and functionality. Unlike the drip version, there is no need to periodically change filters; the device is durable and practical. In order to brew coffee in such a device, you need to pour water into the upper section. As it heats up, it will splash up towards the filter with coffee, and then return back through the holes. Thus, repeated brewing occurs to obtain a portion of coffee.

A big advantage when choosing a geyser coffee maker for your home is the ability to brew various herbs and teas. The device is almost universal, for which it has earned numerous positive reviews on online forums and ratings.

How to choose the right geyser coffee maker for your home and what should you pay attention to? As with the drip view, there are some nuances here:

  1. Material. If possible, choose an electrical appliance with a metal container and a glass lid. It would be good if the handle was insulated.
  2. Volume. Manufacturers produce products for 1, 2, 3, 6, 9 and 18 servings of the drink. Here you need to take into account the number of family members who love coffee.
  3. Power. The larger the volume of the coffee maker, the greater the power should be (from 450 to 1000 W).

Among the most popular models, I would like to highlight the following three, which have a lot of positive reviews on thematic forums:

  1. Delonghi EMKE 63. Very easy to use geyser model. Its main advantage is the presence of a timer, thanks to which you can set the preparation time in the evening so that aromatic coffee is waiting for you for breakfast. Many experts recommend choosing Delonghi EMKE 63 because... The quality of the device is at a very high level.
  2. ENDEVER Costa-1020. A relatively new coffee maker, which has been in demand since 2016 due to its low cost. Despite the fact that the price of the device is a little more than 2,500 rubles, the coffee is prepared quickly and does not affect the taste.
  3. Delonghi EMK 9 Alicia. This geyser coffee maker can be chosen if you do not find the Delonghi EMKE 63. Essentially, a very similar model, but without a display. As for obvious disadvantages, there are none, but the advantages include fast coffee preparation, compact size and neat appearance.

Capsule coffee makers are among the best in many respects. They are very convenient to use, because to prepare a drink, you need to place a coffee capsule in the machine and press the program button. The capsule is pierced in 3 places with a special needle, through which air and hot water enter this shell. A magnificent aromatic drink is ready!

This model has recently become very popular, but it also has its own characteristics. If you decide to choose this option, you will have to constantly buy special capsules, which are more expensive than regular coffee. In addition, you should take into account the fact that you will need to choose from the assortment that is presented in capsules.
Don't these features scare you? Congratulations, you will soon become the owner of an exclusive machine for home and office that makes excellent coffee. However, before choosing a capsule coffee maker in 2017, we advise you to listen to our useful recommendations:

  • the power of the product must be at least 1,000 W;
  • maximum pump value – 15 bar;
  • give your preference to a device with a removable compartment, it is quite convenient for washing the coffee machine;
  • Other useful features to look out for include automatic ejection of used sealed capsules and water level control.

The most popular models for 2017 are:

  1. Bosch TAS 4301/4303/4302/4304EE Joy. Despite the fact that there is no display, the controls are quite simple and intuitive. For such a price (about 5,000 rubles) it is difficult to find a worthy analogue, because Bosch build quality is very high.
  2. Krups XN 3005/3006/3008 Nespresso. Another inexpensive but reliable capsule coffee maker that we recommend choosing. The only downside is that the capsules are expensive, but otherwise it is a very easy-to-use model that quickly prepares coffee.
  3. De'Longhi Nespresso Latissima Touch. This coffee maker has an attractive design, easy to use controls and compact dimensions. Perfect for both home and office. For coffee lovers with milk foam, we recommend choosing De’Longhi Nespresso Latissima Touch, quite popular in 2017

Carob coffee makers are perhaps the best today, and if possible, we recommend choosing this type. This is confirmed by numerous reviews, ratings and video reviews. Ideal price-quality ratio that will be appreciated by real “coffee lovers”!

The operating principle of a carob coffee maker is as follows:

  • ground coffee is poured into special horns (an alternative to a mesh);
  • Under high pressure, water (in the form of steam or thanks to a special pump) is forced through the coffee beans.

Sometimes the kit includes a cappuccino maker, thanks to which you can treat yourself to a delicious cappuccino.

Before purchasing this horn-type electrical appliance, you should know some nuances that will help you choose the right product:

  • Pump or steam. In steam coffee makers, water boils and turns into steam, which does not have a very good effect on the quality of the drink (real coffee is prepared at a temperature of 85-95 degrees). In pump pumps, the pressure is created not by steam, but by a pump pump, so the water is heated to 90 degrees.
  • Pressure and power. One of the most important parameters of a horn type apparatus is hot steam. The more power the device has, the greater the steam pressure. At the same time, high pressure will ensure a quick preparation time for a wonderful drink. If you value your time, the ideal choice would be a coffee maker from 1,000 W with a pressure of at least 15 bar. In addition, high power and pressure are accompanied by a large volume of the flask, up to 1.5 liters!
  • Selecting the volume to be prepared. Some electric carob-type appliances have an excellent function for selecting portion sizes. You can choose how many cups of drink you want to brew, which is very convenient for a small group of coffee lovers.
  • Horn material. It is better to choose a metal cone, so the beans will warm up more and the taste will be richer.
  • Additional functions. As additional parameters, the carob coffee maker may have protection against overheating, the function of not turning on the device without water, or a quick shutdown.

  1. VITEK VT-1517. The main advantage of this device is its low price (about 12 thousand rubles in 2017). Despite this, it has an automatic cappuccino maker, cup warmer and other important functions.
  2. De'Longhi ECI 341 WH/BK/CP/BZ Distinta. Another budget model that does not lend itself to much criticism, because... at a cost of 13 thousand rubles, it has everything you need to make delicious coffee.
  3. Saeco Odea Giro Plus V2. The price of this coffee maker is much higher, but it fully justifies its cost. If you prefer whole grain coffee, we recommend choosing this device. The advantages include reliable Italian assembly, relatively quiet operation and beautiful design.

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Brewed coffee gives you a boost of energy and sets your mood for the whole day. But not every coffee lover knows what types of coffee makers there are: their pros, cons and differences.

Not every coffee lover knows what types of coffee makers and coffee machines for home there are: their pros, cons and differences

Functionality and features of coffee makers

Coffee makers can have manual or semi-automatic controls, depending on the device. These coffee making devices have a simpler structure and operating principle compared to coffee machines.


Manual models are filled with water and ground coffee. After this, they are installed on a gas or electric stove, since they do not have an independent heating element.



Devices with semi-automatic control have partial automation. They measure a portion of water themselves and turn off after the coffee is prepared. Some models allow you to maintain a certain temperature of an already prepared drink.

Cooking features

The principle of brewing the drink depends on the design of the specific coffee maker. Ready-made, pre-ground coffee is poured into some of them, while special capsules are inserted into others. The saturation of water with the aroma, color and taste of coffee beans occurs depending on the operating principle of a particular device.
The use of the number of cooking recipes in simple devices is very limited. Geyser and drip-type coffee makers allow you to prepare only one type of aromatic drink. In this case, the strength changes by the amount of ground coffee poured. Some carob-type machines have a cappuccino maker, which allows you to experiment with cooking recipes.

Coffee makers: model features

Standard coffee makers are designed to use pre-ground coffee.

Types of coffee makers differ not only in appearance, but also in their operating principle.


The popularity of types of coffee makers differs in different countries. For example, the geyser type is inferior in popularity to the drip type. But in Italy, 8 out of 10 families prefer a geyser device.
This structure has several compartments:

  • for ground coffee beans;
  • for water;
  • for prepared coffee.


The lower compartment is filled with water, which rises when exposed to temperature and passes under significant pressure through the layer of coffee, like a geyser. This is where the name of the coffee maker itself comes from – “geyser”.

The prepared drink goes into the compartment intended for ready-made coffee. Among the features of such models is the need to fill the water compartment completely.

Coffee makers of this type can be electric or designed to use a gas or electric stove. The brewing speed of the drink depends on the specific model, volume of liquid, material and power.

For your information! This type of coffee maker can also be used to make tea.



Among all the types of home coffee makers, capsule coffee makers allow you to prepare a drink very quickly. Ready-made coffee capsules are installed in the machine.

This has its advantages:

  • no filter cleaning required;
  • the coffee maker is compact in size;
  • it is possible to choose the type of preparation, since disposable capsules contain different types of coffee;
  • Preparation does not take much time.

For your information! The disadvantages include the need to have a supply of capsules of the desired type of coffee.


The operating principle of such a device is similar to the previous one. The difference is that instead of capsules, special compressed tablets from ground coffee are used.


This type of coffee maker has a horn that is well compacted with ground coffee. When heated, water passes through the horn under pressure. The result is a cup of aromatic coffee. A special feature of this machine is the need to use coffee powder of a certain grind.

Advice! The horn coffee maker is very good for making espresso.


The speed of preparation of the drink largely depends on the steam pressure. A pressure of about 5 bar ensures the preparation of a drink in just a couple of minutes. More powerful coffee makers, creating pressure up to 15 bar, allow you to prepare up to 1.5 liters of coffee in half a minute.


The principle of operation is based on the flow of boiled water through a filter with coffee. The resulting drink flows into the kettle. Drip coffee makers are the most common option and have a budget price. A feature of the model is the inability to vary the strength of the drink.


The stronger the coffee you want to get out of it, the more powerful the machine should be selected. The minimum indicator is from 800 W, if you need to cook up to 5-6 cups in one session of operation of the device. If you plan to prepare a large amount of coffee, then it is advisable to select a power of at least 1000W. The finished drink is heated using a heating disk located under the flask with liquid.

The grind of your coffee matters too. For a drip device, medium grinding of grains is considered the most acceptable. Large - does not allow the drink to acquire richness of taste, and too small adds bitterness.

The first drip coffee brewing device was invented in 1800 in France.

Popular coffee maker models

A large selection of coffee makers of various designs allows you to choose a model that will not only satisfy all operational requirements, but also fit organically into the interior of the kitchen.

BOSCH Tassimo

This line of coffee makers is represented by several capsule-type models with a power of 1500 W. Their cost ranges from 3000 rubles. The models have a streamlined body design. One of the disadvantages is the cost of replacement capsules, which ranges from 40 rubles each.


The German company Krups created an original stylish design and compact size. Cost from 7000 rubles or more. The water container is small, designed for 600 grams, which in some cases can be considered a minus.

To prepare coffee, special Dolce Gusto capsules are used, which are produced in an assortment of different flavors. The cost of capsules is approximately 25 rubles per piece.


Coffee maker from the famous company Bosch - drip type. It is designed to prepare up to 15 cups of drink. The cost of the unit is about 2000 rubles.
The advantages include the fact that the device does not make much noise during operation, is made of very high quality, has disposable filters, and maintains the temperature of the brewed coffee. The height of the device is 0.34 m, weight is only 1500 grams.

Delonghi EC 145

This semi-automatic carob-type machine allows you to prepare 2 cups of drink at a time. The water compartment is designed for 1 liter, power consumption is 1100 W. The operation of the machine is accompanied by vibration and noise, characteristic of coffee makers of this type. Product price – from 4000 rubles.

Bialetti Dama

Made in Italy, it costs about 2,000 rubles. A high-quality metal alloy, a safety valve and a silicone handle will allow you to conveniently prepare morning coffee.

Making morning coffee should be easy and enjoyable, and the purchased machine should not sit idle. To avoid mistakes when purchasing, you need to consider some tips:

  1. For those who prefer Americano, the best choice is a drip coffee maker.
  2. For those who cannot imagine their day without cappuccino with lush foam or espresso, it is advisable to choose a carob-type unit.
  3. The geyser type of device allows you to prepare a particularly aromatic drink, since water passes through a layer of coffee several times during the preparation process.
  4. For a horn type device, the horn itself must be made of metal and not plastic. This affects not only the service life of the part, but also the taste of the drink.
  5. The auto shut-off feature is a welcome addition to the device.
  6. When purchasing a capsule model, you need to make sure that the waste compartment is of sufficient volume. This will allow you to clean it less often.
  7. There are several types (paper ones - need to be changed often, synthetic reusable ones - designed for several months, “gold” ones with titanium coating - can be used for several years).
  8. The body can be metal or plastic. This does not affect the quality of the drink in any way.

Features of coffee machines

A coffee machine is a high-power coffee maker, has a significant size, and allows you to prepare drinks according to several recipes.

Almost all coffee machines are designed for automatic operation using whole coffee beans. The unit has high power, significant size, and allows you to prepare drinks according to several recipes.

It consists of several nodes, the description of which is presented below:

  1. Coffee container.
  2. Built-in coffee grinder.
  3. Compartment for filling water.
  4. Waste container.
  5. Built-in cappuccino maker.


Automatic coffee machines have a wide range of capabilities; their functionality is many times greater than that of coffee makers.

Among them:

  • grinding whole coffee beans;
  • the ability to vary the strength of coffee;
  • you can adjust the water heating temperature;
  • the milk is whipped, forming foam;
  • preheating coffee cups;
  • washing without human intervention.

In this case, human participation is reduced to a minimum. If necessary, the user of the coffee machine can change the degree of grinding of the beans, if necessary, set the desired temperature and create his own cooking recipes.

Advantages and disadvantages of application

Using coffee machines to prepare a drink has many advantages:

  • coffee is always prepared from freshly ground beans, which affects the aroma and taste of the drink;
  • coffee preparation is carried out quickly and practically without the participation of the consumer;
  • cappuccino requires heating the water to more than 100 degrees;
  • ease of use of displays on the device body;
  • it is possible to select recipes based on personal wishes while saving the appropriate settings.

In case of breakdowns, repair and replacement of parts will be quite expensive.

Such units also have disadvantages. One of the main ones is the very high cost of the device. In addition, coffee machines are large in size, for which you will have to allocate an appropriate area in the kitchen.

Its work is accompanied by noise, since many processes are performed in a compressed time with virtually no pauses between them. Like any kitchen appliance, the coffee machine needs periodic cleaning.

What is better for your home: a coffee machine or a coffee maker?

If you compare a coffee machine and a coffee maker, the difference is obvious: the first of them has a large list of functions and capabilities. This is an expensive technique that will not be used to its maximum at home. Coffee machines are mainly purchased by coffee shops and restaurants. The pros and cons of coffee machines are presented below.

Comparison optionsCoffee makersCoffee machines
Automated brewing processNoYes
Simplicity of designYesNo
Compact sizeYesNo
Matches most interiorsYesNo

The need for pre-grinding of grains

or purchasing special capsules and tablets

Using unground coffee beansNoYes
Changing coffee strengthNoYes
Change in water temperatureNoYes
Difficulty of repair workLowHigh
Number of drink recipesOne or twoA lot of

The choice of the best option for your home is individual. He must take into account the habits and needs of the owners of the house, their financial capabilities and the advisability of purchasing a powerful coffee machine. Different types of coffee makers allow you to choose the optimal model depending on your requirements.

Modern coffee makers are becoming more functional, their features and design are improving, and the price remains affordable. This allows you to give preference to them for home use.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of such a drink as coffee. For some, this is a means to quickly wake up, for others it is a whole ritual. Instant coffee will no longer surprise anyone, because every connoisseur of the drink has a coffee maker in his kitchen. Those who are just planning to purchase one and want to know what types of coffee makers exist on the market should read this publication.

There are the following types of coffee machines:

  1. The simplest, drip models.
  2. Complex horn-type devices.
  3. Machines running on capsules.
  4. Geyser models.
  5. Electric Turks.
  6. Combined options.

The choice of the type of future coffee machine largely depends on what kind of drink you prefer. Each of these devices has its own advantages, disadvantages and features.

Drip coffee makers

These models are the simplest of those on the market today. The principle of their operation is quite simple. You pour water into a special compartment in which it heats up and then condenses. Hot drops fall on the poured coffee and pass through it, falling straight into your cup.

To prepare one small cup of medium-strong coffee, you will need to add 3 teaspoons of powder.

In order to choose such a coffee maker, you must consider the following parameters:

  1. The presence of a plastic or glass vessel. Models with plastic jugs are cheaper, but glass does not give the drink an unpleasant aftertaste.
  2. Filter material. There are paper, metal and nylon options. There is no need to change the metal one, however, it gives the drink an unpleasant aftertaste and leaves coffee residue. Paper and completely disposable. The nylon filter has a capacity of 60 cups.
  3. Water filter. This feature is only important if you are using tap water.
  4. The importance of power for a coffee machine is greatly exaggerated. Only the speed of preparation of the drink depends on it.
  5. The presence of a drop control system, which allows you to stop the machine at any time.
  6. Volume. It all depends on how many people in your family will use it.
  7. The presence or absence of additional functions.

Carob coffee makers

The drinks prepared in this machine are made from milk. So don’t overpay and buy an expensive device if you drink black coffee. The principle of its operation is based at steam pressure. There are the following types of espresso coffee makers:

  1. Steam based coffee makers.
  2. Pump models.

This coffee machine is designed for only a few cups, but it doesn’t take much time to prepare them.

If you decide to buy such a device for your home, then you need to know the following:

  1. The horns for the device are made of metal or plastic. It is best to choose the first option, since the taste of coffee from it is noticeably better.
  2. Not only the speed of preparing the drink, but also its strength depends on the level of pressure in your machine.
  3. But power only affects speed, so this is not the most important indicator.
  4. How many cups you can prepare at a time depends on the volume.
  5. There is a function for whipping foam. It is necessary for those who prefer to drink cappuccino.
  6. The presence or absence of the possibility of using a pod.
  7. Additional gadgets that depend only on your wishes.

Pods are a disposable bag of coffee that is in a special package. Its main advantage is that after use you do not have to wash the machine to remove coffee powder.

Coffee pod makers

This is the most expensive device, but also fully automatic. All you have to do is place the capsule in the machine and press start. There are two types of capsule machines:

  1. Devices designed for preparing several types of drinks.
  2. Machines that can prepare dozens of different types of coffee.

When choosing a capsule machine, it is important to consider whether you are purchasing it for your home or an office machine. The type, volume, and cost of the device will depend on this.

When purchasing a capsule-type coffee maker, it is important to consider the following characteristics:

  1. By choosing between a plastic or metal model, you choose the lifespan of your machine.
  2. Not only the speed of operation of the equipment, but also the taste of the resulting product depends on the power declared in the passport. After all, it is known that the less coffee is brewed, the tastier the drink turns out.
  3. You should not choose models that indicate low pump pressure. This will negatively affect the taste.
  4. With capsule machines, it is important to consider the noise level produced.
  5. Coffee maker volume.

Geyser types

The name of the device reflects the entire process of its operation. When water boils, it produces steam that passes through the coffee mass. Existing types of geyser coffee makers are divided into:

  1. Those that work from the network.
  2. For manual ones, which must be used on the stove.

Today, most of the population prefers to use electrical appliances, but there are also connoisseurs who like not only the taste of the drink, but also the process of its preparation.

When choosing a geyser-type coffee machine, you should consider the following criteria:

  1. Volume calculated from how many people will use the machine.
  2. The power of the device, which is proportional to its volume.
  3. The quality of a machine, which is influenced by the material from which it is made.
  4. Additional functionality.

Electric Turks

This device is designed specifically for those who like the taste of Turkish coffee, but are unable to prepare it. There are various fancy types of coffee makers, but this model is best suited for home use.

By and large, the device works on the principle of an electric kettle. Only in this case, a Turk is installed on the heating element, and not a container of water.

When choosing an electric Turk, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. The optimal power of the device should be in the range of 700 – 800 Watt.
  2. Automatic shut-off function that saves you from standing over the device.
  3. The material from which the heating element is made. It is better to choose stainless steel.

Combined models

Combination coffee machines are a combination of several types in one. Finding such a device at home is very rare. But in a cafe or bar they are used very often. If you decide to purchase such a coffee monster for your home, then pay attention to the following parameters when purchasing:

  1. It is important to choose powerful machines, this affects both the speed of preparing the drink and its taste.
  2. For many types of coffee, it is important to choose the right steam pressure.
  3. You need to know that coffee is prepared at a temperature of about 95 degrees, so check this point when purchasing.
  4. Built-in coffee grinder.
  5. Container volume.
  6. Function for making cappuccino.

It is necessary to understand that a coffee machine and a coffee maker are slightly different devices. Each of them has pros and cons. It has its own characteristics and purpose.

Coffee maker: pros and cons

Coffee makers are designed to prepare black coffee directly. They have some advantages:

  1. These are quite simply designed machines, which makes them more reliable. And if they break down, they can be easily repaired.
  2. A budget option to get a delicious drink.
  3. Large selection of models.
  4. They don't take up much space.
  5. They have a pleasant appearance.

Speaking about the cost of the device, keep in mind that you will have to buy consumables and change some of its parts, such as the filter.

Among the disadvantages it should be noted:

  1. Making coffee is not a completely automated process.
  2. It is difficult to regulate the strength of the coffee.
  3. Some models require special grinding of beans.
  4. Typically used for only one type of coffee.

Coffee machines: pros and cons

For those who cannot decide on a choice, you need to familiarize yourself with the advantages of coffee machines:

  1. Fully automatic process.
  2. Has a built-in coffee grinder.
  3. Ability to track cooking stages.
  4. Ability to independently adjust settings.

There are also disadvantages that are important to consider:

  1. Cost of the device.
  2. They take up a lot of space.
  3. High noise level.
  4. Difficult to care for.


When choosing a coffee making machine, you need to decide whether you want a coffee maker or whether you need a coffee machine. For those who drink exclusively black coffee, it doesn't make sense to overpay for expensive equipment that you won't use 10 percent of.