How to summon a spirit that brings money during the day. Attracting wealth through witchcraft. So that goodness comes to the house

It is believed that with the help of money magic you can try to solve any financial difficulties. With the help of certain rituals, you can not only say goodbye to lack of money, but also never return to it.

Money luck attracted through witchcraft

An experienced sorcerer who is very familiar with these methods, has already performed them and is confident in his abilities, must perform rituals to attract money. Only then will the ritual be effective, and you will soon see the result. But never forget that money is not everything in life, you shouldn’t become a victim of it, it usually doesn’t lead to anything good.

If you become dependent on material goods, then expect other, more serious problems in the future. Money should help you live, but not become the meaning of life. Don't make money the dream of your entire existence. Make a simple wish: so that you have money so that you and your loved ones do not need anything.

This dream will be completely harmless and will not bring any bad things. You can dream about a lot, the main thing is to do it right.

Ritual for quickly attracting money

In order to carry out such a ceremony, you need to take one large banknote. On the right and left sides you need to bend its corners. You will get something like an isosceles triangle. Then you bend the bill in half, the axis is vertical, you can do this with either hand.

But then you take the bill, folded according to the rules of the ritual, into the fingers of your left hand, blow lightly on it and pronounce the words of the conspiracy. They will be as follows - “As a fast river attracts all small streams to itself, as it collects water from them and gives it to the deep sea. How a woman attracts men. How day attracts night, and night attracts day. So you, money, attract to me, the servant of God (your name), your own kind. Let what is said come true. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After performing the ritual correctly, you take the bill and put it in your wallet. You should always carry it with you. You can't spend it! You should also remember that no one should see this money, touch it, and so on. If you are given banknotes of the same denomination, put them in the “enchanted” compartment.

Method: how quickly you can attract money into your life

This fairly simple session should only be carried out on a day when the moon is full. To do this you need to go to the country or to Vacation home. There needs to be a garden or vegetable garden there. You need a sieve where you can put the small coins. Go with him to the garden.

As you go, shake the sieve lightly, as if you have flour in there that needs to be cleaned. Money needs to be sown in the garden like seeds. At the same time, you think that money will “grow” in your life like seeds. They will appear every day, no matter the circumstances. The main thing is confidence in a positive result.

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Appeal to the souls of the dead

Calling a recently deceased person

From the letter:

"I am 56 years old. When I was a child, my mother took me to a woman for treatment. It was necessary to undergo treatment for 12 days, and all this time we lived with the same healer. Maybe she felt sorry for me and my mother; there were no hotels there at that time, and we couldn’t pay money to stay overnight with people, since on the way to the healer we were robbed on the train.

While we lived with the healer, I saw a lot. For example, how she read to one woman on a wound, and a hair came out of her meat. A lot of people came to see her, and the healer gave me candies that the sick treated the healer with.

But this is why I am writing. As I remember now: my mother was sleeping, and I heard someone in a woman’s voice asking the healer to call her dead son. I couldn’t see, but I could hear everything well. The healer convinced the woman that this did not need to be done, but the voice cried and begged. From the words and sounds, I understood that this craftswoman was preparing to summon the dead. She said that she would draw a circle and the woman would enter it. She said that she would read the prayer until the woman’s son came, and that she would not leave the circle. If a woman leaves the circle, she may die, but the healer does not need this sin.

She lived her life, but a big disaster happened. We lost our only daughter. And now I'm going crazy with grief. I don’t know how I can ask you: teach me, for God’s sake, how to summon a dead person. Look at your daughter at least once. You promised in your books to teach us everything we ask. So I ask, no, I beg: fulfill my request for the sake of Christ. I understand that I do not have enough experience and knowledge, and perhaps my attempt will be empty. At least I’ll try, teach me!

With sincere respect to you, Lyudmila.”

Preparing to Summon the Spirit

In advance, before the start of the ritual, you need to fumigate with incense the place where the dead soul will be summoned. On the eve of the call, they do not eat meat and do not talk to anyone. Any animals should be removed from the premises as they react to those from outside, especially cats, cats and dogs. On the day of the call, they don’t sew or hem anything, so as not to “sew” a dead person onto themselves. Otherwise, there may be another coffin with the one who made the call.

They buy 40 candles in advance from different churches, and when they pay for the candles, they don’t take change. Make sure that the place where you subsequently draw the ritual circle is not reflected in the mirrors. Move them to another place or cover them with rags. The room where the ritual will take place must be square and absolutely clean. If there is a table in the room, then there should be no food, water or even crumbs on it, so that you do not “feed” the deceased spirit, otherwise the deceased will constantly appear to you.

If you succeed in the experiment and the one you called appears in your room, remember: you should not scream, show your surprise, cry, laugh, wave your arms or go beyond the circle. This is dangerous for your life.

Occultist mediums, as well as masters of High Magic, who master the art and gift of summoning spirits and souls, know real cases. They are never talked about anywhere, but everyone knows about them. Please remember: a small oversight or mistake can lead to disaster. No one should ever do this unless absolutely necessary, even seasoned masters.

I am giving you the simplest ritual so that, God forbid, trouble does not happen. With this call, certain forces appear that patronize wandering souls. They are obliged to accompany them back, not allowing them to stay, get lost among living people and wander restlessly, disturbing the peace of those who are alive.

The ritual circle should be drawn with chalk consecrated during the first quarter of the Moon, or with soap that remains after washing the deceased. A coal taken from the oven on Maundy Thursday may also be suitable for this purpose. They draw a ritual circle, moving on their knees, in a clockwise direction. If possible, try to keep your circle smooth and not interrupted at the joints.

It is advisable to prepare for the ritual, as well as perform the ritual, alone. The one who will make the challenge does it on an empty stomach, in clean clothes, without a belt. Hair should be free of clips. There should be no scarf on your head. The cross is never removed.

Light 40 candles, making sure they don't go out. If at least one candle goes out, this is a sign from above, from your guardian angel. This means that for some reason, known only to the guardian angel and God, the kingdom of the dead cannot be disturbed on this day. Old people say: there are such God-given days when even in hell people are released from torment, providing them with grace-filled rest. Apparently, this is in the rules and laws of those who mediate between living and dead people. In any case, while teaching me, my grandmother strictly punished me:

“If you see that even one candle has gone out, wipe the circle with a rag, and you won’t be able to do anything that day.” Don't bring trouble on yourself.

In a word, if your candle goes out, under no circumstances proceed with the ritual. Before the spell, read the “Our Father” 40 times. At the end of the call, close the book you will be reading from and freeze. Do not raise your eyes until the silhouette of the deceased disappears. Don't move or leave the circle. The spirit of a dead person leaves this world within 3-5 minutes. Only then, having crossed yourself, cross the line. The circle should be washed backwards, i.e. counterclockwise.

May Divine power descend upon me.
May heaven not be angry with me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Proserpine of hell, Hecate, guardian of dead souls,
You have keys and locks.
In the name of the Most Pure Blessed Trinity,
Heavenly Father, Creator and His creation:
Open your gates and let them out
The spirit of God's servant (name), to me, God's servant (name).
O Hecate, divine Proserpina of hell!
You sit on the throne of the kingdom of shadows,
And you are the supreme queen of the army of the dead.
Command with your royal word to obey
And immediately appear to me, God’s servant (name).
May your divine power descend upon me.
You, the darkness of the darkness of the suffering dead,
Make way and let the spirit of God's servant (name) through.
Go, spirit, and come!!!
And you, high and low legions,
Guardian warriors of the spirits of the dead,
Step aside and let me see you
God's servant (name), spirit of God's servant (name)
In the name of the Living God in the Triple Power,
Three angels, three geniuses, stand by the dead spirit
On the sides, on his cold hands,
Take him by the hand and bring him to me.
May my will be fulfilled this day, this hour, this minute.
Go and come to me, God's servant (name), spirit of the servant (name).
I command and challenge. I know the secret word
For all days, centuries, for all God's times.

For your information: There are also much more powerful spells. But I think it’s too early to pass them on to you, my dear students and readers. Over time, when you gain more experience and knowledge from me, I will definitely teach you more complex magical actions to summon a dead soul.

Thy destinies are inscrutable, O Lord, Thy ways are unsearchable! Give breath to every creature and everything from those who bring into existence, You send to him the angel of death on a day he does not know, and at an hour he does not expect; You snatch him from the hand of death, granting him life with his last breath; Be long-suffering to the new one and give him time for repentance; You cut it like a grain with the sword of death in one hour, in the twinkling of an eye; You strike him with thunder and lightning; You burn it with flames, and eat it as food for wild beasts; You commanded them to be swallowed up by the waves and abysses of the sea and the abysses of the earth; You kidnap them with a destructive ulcer, where death, like a reaper, reaps and separates father or mother from their children, brother from brother, husband from wife, tears the baby from the mother’s womb, casts lifeless the mighty of the earth, the rich and the poor.

What the hell is this? Your look is wondrous and perplexing to us, O God! But Lord, Lord! You are only one, knowing everything, weighing why this happened and why it happened, as if Your servant (Your servant) (name) was consumed in the blink of an eye by the gap of death. If you punish him (her) for his (her) many grave sins, we pray to You, O most merciful and all-merciful Lord, let not Your wrath. Convict him (s) and punish him completely, but, according to Your goodness and Your unconditional mercy, show him (her) Your great mercy in the forgiveness and remission of sins. If your deceased servant (thy servant) in this life, thinking about the day of judgment, recognized his own repentance and desired to bring you fruits worthy of repentance, but did not achieve this, he was called by you to be on that day not knowing even in an hour for which I was not waiting, for for this sake we pray to Thee, most kind and most merciful Lord, the unfinished repentance, which Thy eyes have seen, and the unfinished work of saving him (her), correct, arrange, complete with Thy ineffable goodness and love for mankind; The imams have only one hope in Your endless mercy; For You have judgment and punishment, You have truth and inexhaustible mercy; You punish, but at the same time you are merciful, you punish, and at the same time you accept; We diligently pray to Thee, O Lord our God, do not punish the one suddenly called to You with Thy Last Judgment, but have mercy, have mercy on him/her and do not cast him away from Thy presence. Oh, it’s terrible to suddenly fall into Your hands, Lord. And appear before Thy impartial court! It is terrible to come to You without gracious guidance, without repentance and communion of Your holy, terrible and life-giving Mysteries, Lord! If Thy servant (Thy servant) who has suddenly died, and is remembered by us, has committed many sins, is guilty of condemnation at Thy righteous court, we pray to Thee, be merciful and angry with him (her), do not judge him (u) to eternal torment, to eternal death; Be patient with us, give us the length of our days, so that we pray all our days for your departed servant, until you hear us and accept by your mercy the one who suddenly departed to you; and grant us, Master, to wash away his (her) sins with the tears of sin and our sighs before You, so that Your servant (Your servant) may not be brought down by his sins to a place of torment, but may he dwell in a place of rest. You Yourself, Lord, have commanded us to strike at the door of Your mercy, we pray to You, most generous to the King, and we will not cease to beg Your mercy and cry out with the repentant David: have mercy, have mercy on Your servant (Your servant), O God, according to Your greatness mercy. If You are dissatisfied with our words, with this little prayer of ours, we beseech You, Lord, with faith in Your saving merits, with trust in the redemptive and miraculous power of Your sacrifice, offered by You for the sins of the whole world. We pray to You, O Sweetest Jesus! You are the Lamb of God, you take away the sins of the world, you were crucified for our salvation! We pray to Thee, as our Savior and Redeemer, save and have mercy and deliver eternal torment from the soul of Thy servant (Thy servant) (name) whom we remember, who suddenly died (name), do not leave him to perish forever, but grant him I have reached the interior of Your quiet refuge and rest there, where all Your saints rest. Together we pray to Thee, Lord Jesus Christ our God, by Thy mercy accept all Thy servants (names) who suddenly turned to Thee, who were covered by water, who were embraced by cowards, who were killed by murderers, who were hit by fire, hail, snow, frost, hunger and a stormy spirit having been killed, thunder and lightning struck, struck with a destructive ulcer, or died with some other guilt, by Your will and permission, we pray to You, accept them with Your compassion and resurrect them into eternal, holy and blessed life. Amen.


In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Neither on the threshold, nor on the log,
Not on the water, but on a knife.
There is an end at the tip.
He cuts, he stabs,
He will not spare anyone or fawn over anyone.
You, knife, spin, spin,
Pierce my enemy in the heart.
Find him, my offender.
Rip out his tongue!
Rip out his eyes!
Repeat after me, my angel, three times:
Knife, go find the culprit,
Enter his filthy heart.
I bury him, curse him, and don’t let him go to the Lord.
Perish, die, be bled!
For now, for centuries, for all eternity.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Summoning Spirit Servants

From the letter:

“Dear Natalya Ivanovna. In my opinion, my aunt taught me a lot. But I am as far from your knowledge as from the Earth to the Moon. I have bought all your publications and always look forward to something new from you with great impatience. I bought your magical cards - they are incomparable. Now I have subscribed to your newspaper “Magic and Life”. Never in my forty years of life have I seen a better newspaper than yours. She is so beautiful, she has such wonderful drawings, and I am glad that I will have her. I will save them for my grandchildren. Such publications, and even from you personally, are unique. They will someday be worth their weight in gold.

Don’t think that I’m not telling you this out of flattery, I sincerely respect and adore you.

I am writing to you with a request as your reader and student. I have long wanted to have a plot to summon an angel who grants wishes. My aunt also told me about this. Maybe you've heard about her. Her name is Loskutova Alevtina Vasilievna. Now she lives in Poland. If only you knew what miracles she told about your grandmother Evdokia. With your permission, I want to write to you what I remember. Perhaps this will be useful for your book, which you are writing about your mentor, grandmother Evdokia. I'm really looking forward to this book.

Once again, accept my deepest bow from me and my request to teach you a conspiracy to fulfill your will through a ministering angel, or, as he is also called, a performer. Goodbye.

Hugging you. Ignatova G.N.”

Since you are studying from my books, I want to say right away that there are many ways to provide yourself with the help of a serving spirit. For example, you can agree with him in advance, while a person is still alive, that he will protect you from the other world, and not allow other dead spirits to harm you, if someone from those remaining on earth ever resorts to their help, having a “grievance” against you.

In order for the spirit of a still living but dying person to serve you as some kind of protection and a hint from the other world, you need to put a new gold ring in his mouth shortly before his death, on which three numbers “three” are carved, that is, three threes. Having placed the ring in the dying person’s mouth, they place three crosses on themselves and say: “Triple, Divine Trinity, through this ring give me the key to the doors between the living and the dead world. Let everything be as I ask.”

When the patient dies, remove the ring from the mouth. This ring must be fumigated with incense and, after pouring baptized water, cursed with the baptismal name of the one who died. When the sorcerer summons the spirit of the dead, the ring will be placed on a burning candle. At the same time, the corresponding summoning spell is read. And when the ritual is completed and the spirit answers all the questions, he is returned to the other world through this ring, asking him to leave and enter through the hole of the ring into the world of the dead. He will do this and will remain in it until the next call.

There are also other magical rituals that force those who will fulfill your desire to appear. But they act roughly and amount to coercive force through a spell. And this is burdensome because spirits, angels and geniuses, feeling their subordination to you, may be unhappy. That is why one should resort only to those spells, conspiracies and prayers that contain more of a respectful request than an order and coercion.

Today I will teach you a relatively simplified invocation, which is carried out through a respectful request to the genius of the executing angel. This challenge does not carry negativity or hostile forces. There are never any bad consequences from this ritual.

Psalm 103 David's Psalm on the Creation of the World

Bless the Lord, my soul! Oh my God! You are wonderfully great, You are clothed with glory and greatness; You dress yourself in light like a robe, you stretch out the heavens like a tent;

You build Your heavenly palaces above the waters, You make the clouds Your chariot, You walk on the wings of the wind; You create Your angels as spirits, Your servants as blazing fire;

You have set the earth on firm foundations: it will not be shaken for ever and ever;

You have covered it with the abyss like a garment; there are waters on the mountains;

They flee from Your rebuke, they quickly leave from the voice of Your thunder;

They ascend the mountains, they descend into the valleys, to the place that You have appointed for them;

You have set a limit that they will not cross and will not return to cover the earth;

You sent springs into the valleys: between the mountains [waters] flow;

They give water to all the beasts of the field; wild asses quench their thirst;

The birds of the air live with them, and from among the branches they make a voice;

You water the mountains from Your heights, the earth is satisfied with the fruits of Your deeds;

You produce grass for livestock, and herbs for the benefit of man, to produce food from the earth; And wine that gladdens a man’s heart, and oil that makes his face shine, and bread that strengthens a man’s heart;

The trees of the Lord are satisfied, the cedars of Lebanon which He planted;

Birds nest on them: spruce trees are the stork’s home, the High Mountains are the chamois’s home; stone cliffs are a refuge for hares;

He created the Moon to indicate the times, the Sun knows its west;

You extend the darkness and there is night: during it all the forest animals roam;

Lions roar for prey and ask God for food for themselves; The sun rises [and] they gather and lie down in their lairs;

A man goes out to his business and to his work until evening;

How numerous are Your works, O Lord! You have done everything wisely; the earth is full of Your works; This is a great and spacious sea: there are reptiles there, of which there is no number, animals small and large; There are ships sailing, there is this leviathan, whom You created to play in it;

They all expect You to give them their food in due time;

If you give to them, they accept; if you open your hand, they are satisfied with the good;

If you hide Your face, they are troubled; if you take away their spirit, they die and return to their dust;

You send Your spirit, they are created, and You renew the face of the earth;

May the Lord be the glory forever; May the Lord rejoice in His works!

He looks at the ground and it shakes; touches the mountains and they smoke;

I will sing to the Lord all my life, I will sing to my God as long as I am;

May my song be pleasing to Him; I will rejoice in the Lord;

Let sinners disappear from the earth, and let there be no more lawless people. Bless the Lord, my soul! Hallelujah!

Verbal challenge

Through Christ, in Christ and with Christ.
God who created the earth
Waters, sands, forests and skies,
Who created His Creation for His glory
And to serve us, our slaves.
I ask for the sake of Your ineffable name
Give gracious permission,
To appear to me, to God’s servant (name),
Servant angel, will executor,
Spirit of meekness, spirit of strength,
He who is able to do everything from heaven to earth.
And from earth to sky. Amen.
I am blessed by your invisible appearance.
O ministering angel and executor of wills!
I bow to the ground and pray to you.
I hope in you, All-Merciful.
Omnipotent, meek and mighty,
Servant and performer angel
I beg you to listen and not crush you,
For I humbly and bowingly ask
Execute you (list).
I have no other helper
I have no other supporter than you,
Meek, bright and powerful.
Angel, I hope for you, I pray and ask you
Lord God, Heavenly Creator,
His Highest will, His power.
For now, for centuries, for eternity.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Calling the Spirit to Attract Wealth

If you know a person who has already died, who loved you selflessly during his life on earth and who wished you well in every possible way and was ready to give his life for you, if this person was inveterate after his death and did not die from suicide, then you can turn to him with a secret verbal word. And he will become your patron in your earthly life. This is how one woman described a similar incident in her letter. Let's call her Tamara.

“When I was 12 years old, my mother went to a Serbian fortune teller, who, apparently, besides fortune telling, could do a lot more, but I realized this later. So this fortune teller told my mother that she would die at the age of 37 from a female disease. The fortune teller did not know how to prevent her death; she did not know the necessary prayer. She said that she knows how to bewitch, charm, cast and remove damage, knows how to predict the future and solve dreams, but does not know how to avert death. She said that her mother couldn’t do it either. She said that she could speak with the dead and knew many of their secrets. She gave her mother a prayer with which she can call upon a patron spirit to take care of the living.

“When the time comes and you feel that you are going to die, give your daughter the prayer that I will give you.” “The daughter will summon your dead spirit so that you will become her patron,” said the fortune teller.

When my mother fell ill, and this happened precisely at the age of thirty-seven, she took out from behind the icon the prayer that the fortune teller had given her and gave it to me.

After my mother died, I summoned her spirit. I didn't see her, but I clearly felt her presence. And even some light touch on me, as if a breeze was touching my skin. Everything I asked my mother to do when calling her spirit was fulfilled.

I entered college without difficulty. Got a great position.

She lived very happily and richly. I have a loving and devoted husband, I gave birth to a child easily, without any pain. I almost never had enemies, all people loved me.

But somehow I needed to call my mother, and I began to look for the prayer of that Serbian woman and did not find it. As it turned out later, my new housekeeper threw her out. She was surprised that I was so upset and said:

- But it was an old, worn and tattered piece of paper. I was putting things in order and thought it was just rubbish.

I don’t know, but since then I have lost peace and the opportunity to communicate with my deceased mother. And for my daughter I would like to keep this prayer. I would give anything to have her back.

I ask you, teach me the lost prayer.”

Significant servant of God (name)
The life-giving cross, the cross and with the cross:
In front, behind, in heads, from earth and in heaven.
In heaven is the kingdom of God,
Under the ground there is a dead state.
I call, God's servant (full name),
Lying in a coffin, not walking on the ground (name).
Castle of the earth, open up
The lid is on the coffin, rise up,
Spirit of God's servant (name), appear,
Here, to me, to God’s servant (name),
Come, appear to me (full name), submit.
Be my patron from now on,
In all my affairs I am a guarantor,
In my wishes the executor:
For all weeks, for all days, for all hours,
For all minutes, for all centuries,
For all my eternal times.
Spirit of God's servant (such and such),
Do (this and that) for me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

You can turn to the patron spirit with any request: for children, for a rich life, for health, for love affairs. About everything, but not about prolonging the century. For this purpose, there are other rituals associated with certain sacrifices. Such, for example, as a specially killed goat, cow, ox, or valuables left in a cemetery: money, expensive jewelry, or the word given in the Bible to forever go to serve in a monastery.

I will teach you this later, and some of it has already been said in my previous books.

Taking this opportunity, I remind everyone who asks me for some of the conspiracies that I have already written in my books. So that I do not repeat for you what I have already explained, I advise you to buy the missing books in stores and in places where literature is sold. You need complete knowledge, and this can be obtained by reading completely what is printed in my books.

To summon an unclean spirit

From the letter:

“Dear mentor, mother Natalya Ivanovna. Not only am I your regular reader, but I am also learning what was unknown to our healer family.

I am 58 years old. I received all my knowledge from my grandfather on my mother’s side, Matvey Filippovich Isherstykh. Maybe you and your grandmother have heard about this? Personally, I have heard many and many admiring stories about your grandmother Evdokia. And here's the joy! Now I have her granddaughter's books. I'm happy. And how my grandfather rejoiced, who through every word remembered your holy family with kindness.

Dear Natalya Ivanovna! I am turning to you with a request. Teach how you can summon an unclean spirit in special cases. You probably know this challenge. My grandfather didn't know this.

Thank you in advance. And if anything happens, forgive me. With sincere respect and bow to the ground,

Zakoduba N.A.”

The call of the unclean spirit is carried out at a crossroads, at night, in windy, moonless weather.

To call, you will need a completely black hen, to which the rooster is not allowed. They don’t just take the chicken, but catch it on the roost, at night, so that it doesn’t scream. Twenty minutes before midnight, go into the chicken coop, sneak up on the black chicken quietly, without noise, and, using some skill, grab it by the throat. Be careful not to crush her. Immediately go to a pedestrian intersection where people rarely walk. Exactly at midnight, without letting go of the chicken, draw a magic circle with an atame (knife). Stand in it facing east and say the spell. After the spell is cast, leave the circle, leaving a victim in it - a black chicken. You can’t look back, talk and go back. This is extremely dangerous.

The living God, the holy and eternally reigning God,
by the true God Christ,
I, (name), conjure you, unclean spirit,
Spirit of God High and Supreme,
Who created heaven and earth out of nothing,
Waters and seas, and everything that exists in them.
By the power of the most holy sacrament, the Eucharist,
By the power of the true Jesus Christ,
Son of the Almighty,
God, having suffered for our redemption,
Crucified, dead and buried
And on the third day of the risen
And now sitting at the right hand of the Father.
And that day will come
Judge the living and the dead.
And you, unclean spirit, with your slander,
Disobedience on your part -
The Lord will hold you through me.
I order you, I threaten and I conjure you,
So that now, without delay,
You appeared to me, God's servant (name).
Show yourself and appear humbly, bowing,
In a manner befitting a man
And fulfill my instructions quickly, promptly,
Without any deceit.
I conjure you, I challenge you,
And I tie you tightly
In the greatest name of God Himself,
Dominant over the mighty army of higher powers:
Adonai, Tetragrammaton, Jehovah,
Tetragrammaton, Otheos Tetragrammaton,
Athanatos Tetragrammaton, Ishiros,
Agla Pentagrammaton, Sadai, Sagrammaton,
Adanai, Ishiros, Athanatos, Sadai, Sadai, Sadai.
Kados, Kados, Kados, Edoi, Agla, Agla, Agla.
Adonai, Adonai, Adonai!
I conjure you, spirit, appear and submit.
And when necessary,
They left without complaint and without objection.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

To remove an unclean spirit from yourself, to which you have already expressed your will, you need to clearly say:

Go to your world in peace!

Money perfume by Edgardio Chilini

To make money perfume, you will also need a clean container - it is in it that the pre-prepared ingredients will be mixed. And to store your new perfume masterpiece, you should get bottles made of dark glass. It also doesn’t hurt to stock up on a few cardboard test strips - they will help determine how successful the combination of the selected flavors will be.

In the room in which money spirits will be created, it is necessary to create the most favorable environment for this process. You can light candles, turn on calm music and, of course, you need to tune in to the desired wave, visualizing images of money, prosperity and wealth in front of you. It is important to remember that the result of any undertaking depends to a large extent on the internal state of the creator. Once harmony has been achieved, you can proceed directly to the process of making perfume.

First, 30 ml of base oil is poured into a glass container, and then, carefully picking it up in your hands, turn the container counterclockwise several times. Only after this can you begin to add aromatic components: seven drops essential oil cedar, three drops of ginger oil, five drops of patchouli and two drops of vetiver.

And then it is important to fully concentrate on the desire for financial well-being and charge it with the finished aromatic mixture. To do this, it is enough to pick up a container with freshly prepared perfume and clearly imagine that in its place there is a huge amount of large bills and coins. You should try to imagine such a picture as vividly as possible - feel the rustle of bills, the clink of coins and feel the joy of their presence. As soon as money perfumes receive the appropriate emotional charge, you can safely pour them into a bottle intended for their storage.

Every time you apply such perfume to your skin, you need to imagine that it turns its lucky owner into a real magnet for money!


  • An excellent pair of fragrances for different moods from Edgardio Chilini, beauty portal
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  • Edgardio Chilini. A set of samples for seductive dating, beauty portal

The topic “Money” is becoming more and more pressing for people every year, pushing “Health” and “Relationships” into the background. People become more dependent on money and their suffering increases accordingly. In addition to direct ways of becoming dependent on money (traps), such as loans, slot machines, advertising, etc., there are now many different provocations that instill fear in a person and prevent them from thinking about the nature of money and recognizing the trap. For example, recently we have often heard accusations against spiritual people that they take money for the transfer of knowledge. You can also hear that investing money in your own spiritual development means “Giving money to a “sect”.” All these traps and provocations are created by the spirit of money Dzayan Dzayachi. How can you live in such a way as to have money, but not be a slave to it? How not to fall for the tricks of the spirit of money?

According to the wise shamanic model of perception of the world, there are four deities between whom the whole world is divided. Three of the deities rule the manifested worlds inhabited by spirits. The fourth God is Tengri, who looks into eternity, the contemplator, and is the supreme deity in charge of the world of eternity. An ancient legend says that only God Tengri has always existed. And once again he decided to create the manifested world, then he separated a part from himself and created a wife - the Goddess Umai, embodied the manifested world and gave it to Her. When their children were born, he divided the created world into three parts, one of which he gave to his eldest son Erlik Khan, this is the world of the past. The other part was given to his youngest son Ulgen-Khan - the world of the future. The world of the past and the world of the future are inhabited by incorporeal spirits, and in the world of the present, in which Umai rules, both incorporeal spirits and spirits in a physical shell live. To this day, this entire family harmoniously and wisely rules the world: Tengri-Khan watches with thousands of eyes what is happening from the world of eternity, Ulgen-Khan creates ideas and images, which then materialize in the world of the present of the Goddess Umai, in order to pass on to the world of the past after having lived out their term, the world of destruction of Erlik Khan.

The spirit of money is an incorporeal creature living in the world of the past, in the world of destruction of Erlik Khan. But its power is manifested in the world of the present, in our world. In the hierarchy of spirits, the spirit of money occupies a specific level. He is the right hand of God Erlik Khan, therefore, he has enormous power. The main task of the spirit of money, like any other spirit, is to obtain food for its existence. The food for Zan Zayachi is the energy of people's suffering. In different cultures, the spirit of money is an evil deity, very aggressive, cunning and destructive. The power of money also has destructive potential. This is confirmed by numerous sayings and expressions from our everyday life, such as “Money is evil”, “Woe is money, but twice without money”, etc., which state that money is from the world of destruction. This means that if a person does not know how to interact with the spirit of money, then it will destroy it. Since Dzayan Dzayachi controls money, he feeds on our suffering regarding money. The usual human reaction to money is suffering. People suffer endlessly: “to pay or not to pay,” “to buy or not to buy,” “where to get money and how to save.” We torment ourselves with negative emotions because of money situations every day, and at this moment we feed the energy of the spirit of money.

Sometimes people try to live without being tied to money, try to philosophize on the topic “How can you live without money,” like hippies, creating settlements, communes, etc. And in the case of such attempts by people, the spirit of money arranges for them a huge number of traps and checks, ultimately dragging the “dared ones” into complete collapse and dependence on material resources.

In Dzayan Dzayachi's arsenal there are such powerful traps and tools for enslaving people, such as advertising, the banking system, slot machines, casinos, stock exchanges, etc. He came up with this and initiated it through people on earth with one goal, so that when people fall into these traps they would suffer and suffer. , and therefore, the spirit of money had more food. The above market instruments are precisely traps, since they contain a huge amount of lies, presented to people as a panacea for solving their problems. In order to see this, you just have to look at such proposals more carefully, and it immediately becomes obvious that this is a lie and profanation. The system of enslaving people through money works very simply. Its driving force is human greed and envy. The only chance to escape from the string of traps and traps of the spirit of money is to stop being food for it. That is, stop suffering because of money and start rejoicing.

There is one good way to solve this problem. The answer lies again in the wise shamanic world order. In the shamanic map of the world, Erlik Khan and Ulgen Khan are siblings. God Ulgen, as the master of the world of the future, creates everything that then takes on physical form in the world of the present Umai, and sooner or later, being destroyed, goes to the world of the past to God Erlik. The brothers are very friendly, which means that the spirit of money, which serves Erlik Khan, will never act against the interests of his younger brother Ulgen. Thus, if a person finds himself under the protection of God Ulgen, then the spirit of money will treat him with respect. Under the protection of Ulgen-Khan stood people who created the future like Steve Jobs and Henry Ford. And also all people serving higher goals, which Ulgen realizes.

The conclusion is obvious: in order to become independent from the traps of the spirit of money, you need to engage in your spiritual development. Review all your goals and choose those goals that help people live better.

But simply reconsidering your goals is not enough. After all, the spirit of money is very strong, and it won’t just let go of its victim. When spiritual person begins to understand that he does not need unnecessary things, at that moment he ceases to support such helpers of the spirit of money as envy, greed, ignorance, fear and the spirit of consumerism. Dzayan Dzayachi tries to provoke such a person even more. He instills great fear in others, convincing them that it is scary when a person does not care about how to buy an apartment or a car, like everyone else. The fact is that it is dangerous when a person invests money in his spiritual development, undergoes spiritual practices, and goes to the Guru. It is very important to understand that these suggestions are just cunning manipulations by Zayan Zayachi, who does not want to miss out on his food.

So what should spiritual people do who constantly fall under the misunderstanding and violent negativity of the people around them? You can give up and become slaves to the spirit of money, and greed and envy will do their job. Then even the minimal light they have already found will end. Either hold on to your spiritual goals with all your might, and help spiritual people, realize the goals given by the highest teachers. That is, direct the energy of money to creation and positivity. And if you stay on the spiritual path, then after some time the spirit of money will understand that people who follow the path of spiritual development are strong, that such people are protected by higher beings, in whose interests they act. And then he will start helping. After all, it is beneficial for him that through spiritual people money begins to create, to do something good.

You just need to be patient and not give up, you just need to go through this difficult stage, persevere, endure, and then the spirit of money will help to do good in this world!

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Summoning spirits seems to be a dark, dangerous task, which only experienced warlocks can cope with. But that's not true. It is enough to evoke a cheerful entity at least once to be convinced of this. In order for you to have fun with her, you need to figure out how to evoke the spirit of laughter.

You can summon a cheerful mystical force at home, at school, in the middle of the street. To evoke a soul of laughter, do this:

  1. Take a clean, flat sheet of paper (preferably plain white without stripes or checkered areas). Draw a smiley face and write “laughter” underneath.
  2. Ask the spirit to come three times. Ask “Spirit, are you here.” If the ritual is successful, you will hear a knock on the door. This means that the spirit paid attention to the call.
  3. Ask the gnome to leave. At the end, ask if the spirit is there. If there are no sounds in response, it means that the spirit of laughter has safely left.

The spirit or gnome of laughter can be summoned anywhere.

How to make a woman laugh?

At home you can call on the grandmother of laughter. To do this you need:

  • Prepare for the ritual during the day. Take a saucer, a candle, an old grandmother’s scarf, a mirror and water.
  • At night, stand at the table and lay a scarf on it.
  • Place a candle on the scarf and light it.
  • Place a mirror in front of the candle, shiny side up, and place a saucer of water on top.
  • Tell a funny story or anecdote loudly. In this case, you need to laugh loudly yourself, stirring the water with your right hand.
  • Next you need to peer into the mirror. A woman with a stick will appear in it. The laughing old lady will approach the mirror. To prevent her from hitting you with an old stick, you need to turn on the light sharply, pour water from the saucer onto the floor and turn the mirror over. Grandma will leave.

If it seems that someone remains in the room after the ritual, hang it on the wall or place a protective amulet under the pillow.

They also cause laughter at the crossroads. To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. They go to a deserted asphalt intersection. They draw a circle on the asphalt, and in the circle - the granny’s face.
  2. The name is the grandmother of laughter.

A few seconds after the start of the ritual, someone's steps and loud laughter are heard. If there is no one nearby, but the noise is clearly audible, then the grandmother has come. You can laugh with her, then you should sketch the grandmother’s face on the asphalt with chalk. The spirit will leave.

Should we be wary of these spirits?

Spirits of laughter are considered the most friendly; they do not pose a danger to the person who called them. They are only capable of small pranks: they can turn things over, break dishes, tear off curtains - nothing more. As a last resort, they will lightly hit the person who is playing too much. Such perfumes do not cause tangible harm to humans. You cannot become one. The only thing to be wary of is other spirits that can be summoned through negligence if the sequence of the ritual is violated.

Why doesn't the spirit of laughter come?

Grandmother of laughter may not come for a number of reasons:

  • The ritual was performed incorrectly. The wrong place was chosen, the wrong text was chosen for the call, the sequence of actions to call the spirit, the grandmother of laughter, was broken.
  • There is no sincere desire to hear the grandmother laugh. The spirit's attempts to attract attention remain unsuccessful.
  • The wrong time and place for the ceremony was chosen. There are a lot of people nearby. This happens when trying to evoke a spirit on the street or school.

If you have tried various methods on how to make grandma laugh, but they did not give the desired result, postpone the ritual for a while. Maybe in a day you will be able to summon a cheerful mystical force.