Vomiting after taking water. What can you eat after vomiting - products for nausea. What Not to Do

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  • Diet
  • All mothers and fathers are well aware that vomiting in children is not such a rare occurrence. However, in practice, faced with an attack, many simply get lost and do not know how to give the baby first aid, what to do and where to call. Authoritative children's doctor Yevgeny Komarovsky, the author of numerous articles and books on children's health, tells why vomiting occurs and what adults should do about it.

    About vomiting

    Vomiting is a protective mechanism, a reflex eruption of the contents of the stomach through the mouth (or through the nose). During an attack, the abdominals contract, the esophagus expands, the stomach itself relaxes and pushes everything in it up the esophagus. This rather complex process regulates the vomiting center, which in all people is located in the medulla oblongata. Most often, vomit is a mixture of undigested food debris and gastric juice. Sometimes they can be observed impurities of pus or blood, bile.

    The most common cause of children's vomiting is food poisoning. Vomiting can be observed in various infectious diseases: rotavirus infection, scarlet fever, typhoid.

    Less commonly, this problem is triggered by accumulated toxins, this condition can occur with serious kidney disease.

    Other causes of vomiting include diseases of the stomach and intestines, neurological diagnoses, and head injuries.

    In children, vomiting can often be triggered by strong emotional upheavals.


    Doctors distinguish several types of children's vomiting:

    • Cyclic vomiting (acetonemic).
    • Renal.
    • Hepatogenic.
    • Diabetic.
    • Cardiac.
    • Psychogenic.
    • Cerebral.
    • Bloody.

    In most cases, vomiting in children begins at night. The baby wakes up with severe nausea. In this situation, it is important not to be afraid and not to get confused. The actions of parents should be calm and confident.

    The younger the child, the more dangerous vomiting is for him, since dehydration can occur, which can be fatal for babies.

    A single vomiting (without any additional symptoms) in a child should not cause much concern for parents, Yevgeny Komarovsky believes. The fact is that in this way the body is “cleansed” of accumulated toxins, food elements that the child could not digest. However, parental inaction can be fraught with tragic consequences in cases where vomiting is repeated, and also if there are other symptoms that indicate disorders in the body.

    The most common cause of vomiting in children is food poisoning. Poison in the body of the crumbs can get with different products: dairy, meat, seafood, vegetables and fruits.

    In the vast majority of cases gag reflex caused by nitrates and pesticides, used to process fruits and vegetables. Even very high quality products of meat origin can cause severe poisoning if they are cooked incorrectly.

    Yevgeny Komarovsky emphasizes that the first symptoms of food poisoning usually begin to appear between 4 and 48 hours after eating. Quite often, you can stop vomiting, which is provoked by food, on your own, at home.

    However, Yevgeny Komarovsky recalls that there are situations in which mothers and fathers should not engage in independent healing. Medical assistance is required:

    • Children from 0 to 3 years old.
    • Children who vomit occurs against the background of elevated body temperature.
    • Children who have vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain (all or part of the symptoms) have lasted more than two days.
    • Children who are not "alone" in their illness (if others in the household have similar symptoms)

    There are situations in which a child needs urgent medical attention as soon as possible. An ambulance should be called under one or more of the following conditions:

    • Vomiting occurred after eating mushrooms.
    • Vomiting is so intense that the baby cannot drink water.
    • Vomiting is accompanied by clouding of consciousness, incoherent speech, impaired coordination of movements, yellowing of the skin, dry mucous membranes, and a rash.
    • Vomiting is accompanied by a visual increase (swelling) of the joints.
    • Against the background of repeated vomiting, there is no urination for more than 6 hours, urine has a dark tint.
    • In the vomit and (or) feces there are impurities of blood, pus.

    While waiting for the arrival of the doctor, the child should be placed on its side so that during the next vomiting attack the child does not choke on the vomit. The baby needs to be held in his arms, on his side. You don't need to give any medication.

    In order for the doctor to be able to quickly understand the true cause of the child's condition, parents should remember in as much detail as possible what the baby ate over the past day, what he drank, where he was and what he did. In addition, mom and dad will have to carefully examine the vomit, so that later they can tell the doctor about what color they are, the consistency, whether there is an unusual smell, whether they contain blood or pus.

    Analyzing color

    Dark vomit (coffee ground color) may indicate serious problems with the stomach, up to peptic ulcer.

    If there is an admixture of bile in the masses and there is a bittersweet smell, you can suspect a malfunction in the gallbladder and biliary tract.

    Green color vomit may indicate the neurological nature of the reflex, the same happens with vomiting in a strong stressful situation, when the child cannot cope with excitement and feelings in a different way.

    It is recommended to leave samples of vomit and feces of a sick child until the doctor arrives in order to show them to a specialist. This will contribute to the most rapid and accurate diagnosis of the true cause of the condition.

    Vomiting in an infant may be a completely natural process for the formation of digestive functions, but it is better if a doctor states this. Komarovsky emphasizes that often in infants, vomiting is a completely expected cause of banal overeating if parents are too zealous in their desire to feed their child more and more calories.

    Vomiting can also be of a different nature - allergic, traumatic, and also inflammatory. In other words, this reflex accompanies a great variety of various diseases, some of which require prompt hospitalization with subsequent surgical care, and therefore vomiting attacks should not be underestimated.

    So, parents should make every effort not to stop vomiting at any cost and try to treat something folk remedies but to observe closely. It will be just fine if they can provide the following data to the doctor who came to the call:

    • The frequency and frequency of attacks (at what intervals does vomiting occur, how long does it last).
    • Does the child feel better after the next attack, does the pain in the abdomen decrease.
    • What is the approximate volume of vomit, their color and whether there are any impurities.
    • What hurt the baby for Last year, over the last two weeks.
    • What did the baby eat, do the parents also suspect food poisoning.
    • Has the child's weight changed in the last 2 weeks?

    If the child has some of the above symptoms, but there is no vomiting, Komarovsky advises calling the reflex on his own. To do this, let the baby drink 2-3 glasses of warm water or milk, and then gently insert your fingers into the oropharynx and move them slightly. You can use your fingers or a spoon to lightly press on the root of the tongue.

    There is no need to feed the child. However, drinking is a must. At the same time, you should know that soldering a child with vomiting is a whole science, it must be carried out strictly according to the rules. Firstly, says Yevgeny Komarovsky, drinking should be fractional, but very frequent. One-time amount - a few sips. Secondly, the temperature of the water should be similar to body temperature, so the liquid will be absorbed more quickly, which will protect the child from dehydration. When asked what to drink, the doctor replies that oral rehydration solutions or home-made saline solutions are the best option. If desired, you can give the child non-carbonated mineral water, tea, compote.

    In no case should you add sugar, jam, honey to your drink. If the child flatly refuses to drink what is supposed to, offer him what he likes - juice or a sweet drink, but at the same time dilute it with water so that the resulting drink is as clear as possible.

    It is useful to give activated charcoal, but only in strictly indicated proportions - 1 gram of the drug per kilogram of the child's weight, no less. If the temperature rises, you can give the baby an antipyretic, Paracetamol is best.

    Most holidays are accompanied by the drinking of alcoholic beverages, if you do not maintain your own norm, then the next day or the same, the person may be overtaken by the consequences. Vomiting after alcohol is one of the most common symptoms of poisoning, in some cases this symptom can be dangerous, so you should know what to do if a person has drunk too much and starts to feel sick.

    This is a reflex that is caused by contractions of the abdominal muscles, the contents of the stomach are ejected through the esophagus, the oral cavity. This process is accompanied by a pain syndrome, a person is covered with cold sticky sweat. The larynx, soft palate rise, the epiglottis descends, which protects the airways from getting vomit into them. This is a complex reflex. For which the vomiting center is responsible, it is located in one of the ventricles of the brain.

    Vomiting with alcohol poisoning

    The process itself occurs due to poisoning of the body with toxic substances, they are released from ethanol. Vomiting from alcohol appears, as a rule, the next morning after the feast (if it began in the evening). The gastric mucosa is irritated and the digestive system tells the body that it is necessary to cleanse itself of toxic substances. This is what causes nausea and vomiting after alcohol.

    If this is ordinary vomiting of stomach contents (food debris, stomach acid), then it is not recommended to stop it. This is a natural detoxification process or a response to alcohol if there is an intolerance to alcoholic beverages. It is also contraindicated to treat the gag reflex with beer or vodka, because this will aggravate the person's condition and may aggravate the hangover syndrome. If there are impurities of bile, blood in the vomit, you should immediately go to the hospital to see a doctor for help.


    Vomiting occurs after alcohol due to the intoxication effects of ethanol decay products: fusel oils, methanol, acetaldehyde, acids, etc. Individual sensitivity to alcohol determines the degree of poisoning. For the characteristic symptoms of alcohol intoxication, some people need 1 bottle of beer, but there are people who can drink a bottle of vodka on their own and not experience anything similar. Vomiting occurs in people, as a rule, in the morning, but with high sensitivity, it can appear soon after drinking.

    black vomit

    Depending on concomitant diseases, manifestations of the reflex may be accompanied by additional symptoms. If vomiting after alcohol has dark shades or bright red impurities of blood, then this is a very dangerous phenomenon that requires urgent medical attention. This color of discharge indicates the presence of bleeding in the esophagus or in the digestive system, which can lead to very serious complications.

    Nausea after alcohol the next day

    This is a standard reaction of the body to intoxication after the breakdown of ethanol. Vomiting as a result of a hangover syndrome does not contain additional impurities. The body is cleansed of the remnants of the decay of alcohol, food. After that, the person immediately feels better, the general state of health improves, the hangover syndrome proceeds more gently. A person needs to drink more liquid during this time to avoid dehydration.

    Vomiting bile

    Such impurities with nausea indicate a violation of the biliary tract. Vomiting of bile after alcohol has a bitter taste and a greenish-yellow hue. If you notice such impurities, then you may need medical attention, because such symptoms may indicate the appearance of inflammatory processes in the pancreatic cavity. Bile-acid vomiting may occur the next day or shortly after drinking alcohol.

    Danger of vomiting while intoxicated

    Immediately after the feast, if a person feels nausea, vomiting, he should not go to bed immediately. There is a danger that during sleep, lying on his back, vomiting will begin and he will choke. Someone from those around should follow the sleeping person and turned him over in time. A serious threat is posed by cases with an admixture of bile and blood, which indicate the development of comorbidities. To do this, you should be able to distinguish the classic hangover syndrome from the alarming signs of pathologies.

    What to do if you vomit after alcohol

    The urge should be stopped only if there are impurities of blood, bile in the masses. If only the remnants of food are visible, then you need to help the body and carry out gastric lavage immediately. How to stop vomiting after alcohol poisoning:

    1. You need to drink mineral or boiled water in large quantities in order to fill the stomach as much as possible.
    2. A person must always lie on his side, laying on his back during vomiting is contraindicated. The ideal option would be to seat a person even with painful sensations in order to avoid getting into the respiratory tract.
    3. You can buy antiemetic medicines at the pharmacy, but doctors do not recommend drinking them during the urge.
    4. Folk recipes help the body cleanse itself faster.
    5. Sleep is the best medicine for a sick person, if there is no active urge to vomit.
    6. After stopping the gag reflex, you need to give the person more water-salt solutions to avoid dehydration.

    Antiemetics for alcohol poisoning

    If a person is sick for a long time and there is no longer any discharge other than stomach acid, it is necessary to take medical preparations to help alleviate the condition. The following effective drugs are distinguished:

    1. Motilium. This medicine helps to eliminate all the symptoms of dyspepsia, including heartburn, nausea, and belching. According to the instructions, you should dissolve 1 tablet 30 minutes before meals.
    2. Cerucal. Helps to normalize the work of the stomach, eliminates vomiting, heartburn, nausea. The dosage of 10 mg (1 tablet) should be washed down with boiled water and eat in half an hour.
    3. Zofran. Helps relieve nausea, blocks vomiting. Take 1 tablet, dissolve 30 minutes before meals.

    Folk remedies

    The main thing is that a person does not go into a binge, because some people try to relieve a hangover syndrome with a small dose of alcohol. This often causes the person to drink again by the end of the day. If you do not want to wait for the vomiting to end on its own, you can use folk recipes for home treatment. Here are a few proven ones:

    1. Egg white. Separate it from the yolk of two eggs, mix well and drink in one gulp.
    2. Melissa. Take a dessert spoon of raw materials and put in a glass of boiling water. Drink half a glass until you feel better.
    3. Mint tea. Take a couple of leaves of the plant, brew in a glass of boiling water for 30 minutes. Drink the entire glass in small sips.
    4. Rosehip decoction. You need to take a tablespoon of fruits, grind them well and pour boiling water over them. The remedy should be infused for 6-7 hours.

    Folk recipes should be used after consulting a doctor, because the composition of medicines can cause negative reactions when taken with home remedies. It is recommended to choose only one direction of treatment: medication or folk recipes). You can not use the above remedies if bleeding occurs due to the effect of alcohol on the body. In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance.

    What can you eat if you feel sick

    If a person has obvious symptoms of a hangover and there are no alarming signs of bleeding or bile in the masses, then you should make the right meals to get rid of bouts of vomiting. Nausea can be relieved with strong tea, honey should be added to it. To alleviate the condition, rich broth is well suited, vegetable broth will be an excellent option. To restore the vitamin balance, berry fruit drinks are well suited. Cranberries, currants and lingonberries perfectly cope with toxins, help restore balance in the body.

    To restore the natural microflora of the gastrointestinal tract, it is necessary to consume fermented milk products. Be sure to exclude citrus fruits and juices from them from the diet. The acid contained in them will irritate the gastric mucosa, which is already seriously inflamed after alcohol. It is strictly forbidden to remove the signs of a broom with another dose of alcohol. This can provoke new libations and lead to severe intoxication. The decay products of alcohol will act on the body like a poison.

    Treatment in a hospital

    If a person drank heavily and became so ill that strong vomiting began, which cannot be stopped, an ambulance should be called. Employees will check the pulse, pressure. Saturation and conduct a visual examination of the patient. If severe dehydration occurs, general malaise is accompanied by headache, nausea, the patient will be put on a drip, painkillers and antiemetics will be administered.

    If there are dangerous signs that indicate liver disease, internal bleeding, the patient is hospitalized in the toxicological / surgical department, where additional diagnostic methods will be carried out and the necessary measures will be determined. The amount of assistance will depend on comorbidities and the condition of the patient. With acute pancreatitis, patients undergo surgery in the first hours of hospitalization. If severe alcohol intoxication is diagnosed, blood purification (hemodialysis) is performed.

    What to do to not feel sick after alcohol

    If poisoning occurs after alcohol, it makes sense to induce vomiting on your own in order to clear the stomach of toxins. It often gets easier after that. If the condition is accompanied by nausea, but there are no obvious urges, then some measures can be taken to alleviate the condition:

    1. Vitamin B6 is a good prevention of a hangover syndrome. It is necessary to take pyridoxine hydrochloride 12 hours before the festivities, then again 4 hours before. This will greatly reduce hangover symptoms. This is due to the ability of the vitamin to enhance the enzymatic activity of the liver and simplify the process of processing incoming alcohol for the body.
    2. Enzyme medications will help to cope with the urge after alcohol, for example: Pancreatin, Wobenzym, Mezim-forte, Creon. It is not recommended to take Festal, because it contains dried ox bile, which will reduce the active work of the liver.
    3. The protective effect can be provided with the help of sorbents, take Filtrum, activated carbon, Enterosgel. Be sure to then remove all the contents of the intestine so that all toxins come out.
    4. Anti-hangover drugs also have a positive effect. The first dose can be taken before meals, the second - in the morning. You should not do this together with the sorbent, choose one drug (this is an important condition). You can drink Zorex, Alka-Seltzer, Bison.
    5. If you are not afraid to cause a gag reflex yourself, then you should still do it. After that, the pronounced symptoms of a hangover stop and it is easier for a person to recover, and the stomach will be clear of toxins.


    Nausea is an unpleasant sensation in the upper part of the stomach that leads to vomiting. When a person vomits, a disease-causing bacterium is exported from his body, which provokes nausea.

    However, nausea is not always accompanied by vomiting, which leads to prolonged discomfort that does not go away all day. Why is this happening? Let's figure it out.

    In most cases, nausea is a sign of intoxication. A bacterium, virus or toxin enters the human stomach, and this negatively affects the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

    When a person is sick, but does not vomit, all day long - there is nothing wrong with that, because the causes of this phenomenon are associated with irritants of the internal environment. Removing the irritant will bring the desired relief to the patient.

    However, there are cases when, without vomiting, a person feels sick for a week. An attack of prolonged lightheadedness can be triggered by diseases of the stomach, heart and other organs.


    If we ignore the diseases that provoke nausea, we can distinguish the following causes of its occurrence:

    1. First trimester of pregnancy. Most pregnant women feel sick in the morning due to morning sickness. Discomfort in the stomach they can feel all day. Toxicosis is an absolutely normal phenomenon, not caused by any pathology. In most cases, with toxicosis, a pregnant woman does not vomit.
      While the body of a pregnant girl goes through the physiological stage of preparation for motherhood, she will face this problem.
    2. Sensitivity of the vestibular apparatus. Some people have an increased susceptibility of the vestibular apparatus. This can lead to the fact that a person cannot move in any transport. A person with this problem rarely vomits while driving, but the feeling of nausea does not leave him throughout the trip.
    3. The stench. Any unpleasant odors are noted by the nerve center, which is located in the brain stem. This leads to the start of the process of nausea.
    4. Wrong nutrition. Non-compliance with the rules healthy eating leads to malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract. Why is there a violation of the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract? This violation may be the result of long-term consumption of fatty foods by a person. Also, a malfunction in the digestive system can cause banal overeating. A person often feels sick after feasts. The best prevention of discomfort in the stomach after a feast is to take a medication that promotes better digestion of food by the stomach. For example, you can take Mezim or Festal.
    5. Psycho-emotional shock. When people are frightened or upset about something, in a word, they experience a strong negative emotion, this can lead to feelings of nausea. Usually a person is sick after a tantrum.
    6. Side effect after taking medication. Discomfort in the stomach area is one of the most common side effects of an overdose of a particular medication. In most cases, a person will feel sick after not following the prescribed dosage of antibiotics. The ailment may continue on the second day.
    7. Individual intolerance to the substance. If a person takes a medicine whose active ingredient is contraindicated for medical reasons, he may begin to feel dizzy without vomiting. The same effect is given by eating foods that are contraindicated for humans.

    All these reasons provoke the appearance of the so-called feeling of "safe" nausea. It cannot be called long. This ailment worries a person from several hours to several days.

    If nausea occurs systematically and it is not associated with a person’s wrong lifestyle, a medical examination should be performed to determine the cause that provokes its appearance.

    When this disease is dangerous to health

    In some cases, a person feels sick due to serious complications occurring in his body. In these cases, the patient must be given first aid.

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    A patient suffering from a feeling of nausea should induce vomiting only if his illness is associated with intoxication of the body.

    In this case, there is indeed a need for the occurrence of vomiting, since together with the vomit, toxins are exported from the patient's body, which provoke the disease.

    The sooner the release of toxins, the sooner recovery will come.

    When the occurrence of discomfort in the upper chest was preceded by any pathology associated with the functioning of the internal organs, vomiting will not bring the desired relief to the patient.

    Therefore, there is no need to call it.

    Methods for inducing vomiting

    When a toxin is present in a person's body, while his stomach is empty, it is more difficult for him to provoke vomiting.

    If the patient is sure that his illness is associated with intoxication of the body, he should provoke vomiting as soon as possible. You can do this by implementing the following methods:

    1. The patient needs to drink water. Water is the best natural medicine to cleanse the stomach. After he drinks the water, you should go to the toilet, lean forward and press with two fingers on the tongue root. It is important to act very carefully, as nails can easily damage the larynx.
    2. There is a category of people who have a very low vomiting threshold. It is much more difficult for them to provoke vomiting and, most likely, pressure on the tongue root will not bring them any result. In this case, they should drink a large amount of water, namely 1.5-2 liters. It is advisable to drink warm water. After that, a vomiting urge should appear. Tip: to quickly remove the toxin from the stomach, you need to dissolve potassium permanganate in warm water.
    3. A glass of black tea with milk can help provoke vomiting. However, instead of sugar, salt should be poured into tea. It may not be a very tasty medicine, but it will help to immediately induce vomiting. Enough to drink two glasses of salty milk tea.
    4. It is possible to help the patient remove the toxin from the body with the help of the release of vomit, thanks to the syrup of the emetic root. You can find such a syrup in a pharmacy.

    If a person suffering from this ailment cannot leave the house on his own and go to the pharmacy, due to poor health, he should ask one of the family members to purchase this medicine.

    Useful video

    Nausea brings an unbearable feeling of discomfort, and sometimes completely deprives one of working capacity. Loss of strength, fever, general weakness - this is an incomplete list of all the accompanying symptoms. It is important to know what causes them in order to take action in time.

    Nausea after eating

    It happens that a person experiences an unpleasant feeling of nausea immediately after eating. This can happen to a perfectly healthy organism in the form of a single attack. Then you need to determine what can make you sick, exclude fried, fatty foods from the diet, monitor the freshness of the products, and do not overeat. If the symptom of nausea is permanent, then most likely there are problems or diseases in the body that provoke its occurrence.

    For those who are often worried about nausea while eating, the reasons may be as follows:

    • inflammation of the pancreas;
    • appendicitis (an important sign - pain in the side bothers);
    • infections, food poisoning (fever, indigestion, profuse vomiting);
    • thyroid disease (sudden drop in body weight, lack of appetite).

    In the morning

    A day started with such a symptom cannot be a good one. Attacks of nausea can occur on an empty stomach, immediately after waking up, or after eating. If you regularly feel sick in the morning, the first thing to do is take a pregnancy test. In the first trimeter of a child's development, nausea begins from the manifestation of toxicosis. This is a completely healthy reaction that pregnant women show, there are no deviations in this. If the reason is excluded, it is worth figuring out why you feel sick in the morning. The following factors can lead to this:

    • low blood pressure;
    • hypertension;
    • gastritis (accompanied by pain, burning in the abdomen);
    • acute heart failure (hiccups, pale skin, chills);
    • problems with the middle ear (occurs with sudden movements, causes dizziness);

    Constant nausea - causes

    If the sensations of weakness and nausea are permanent, the head begins to feel dizzy throughout the day, it is necessary to go to the hospital for examination. For a more accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to take into account the presence of vomiting, body temperature, and a change in diet. Perhaps poor health is associated with frequent travel in transport, with a tendency to motion sickness (seasickness). However, there is a visible list of influencing factors - their presence explains why you constantly feel sick. These include:

    • taking antibiotics;
    • vegetovascular dystonia;
    • anemia;
    • after radiation, chemotherapy.

    Bitterness in the mouth and nausea

    Even a slight bitter taste in the mouth, combined with vomiting, can be the aftertaste of a stormy evening, drinking alcohol, spicy and spicy foods, and heavy food. If the day before was similar, then it is best to solve the problem by arranging a fasting day for your gastrointestinal tract: more water, cereal, vegetable soup, yogurt. Your health should improve. If this does not happen, you regularly suffer from bouts of nausea with a bitter aftertaste, you should pay attention to the condition of the liver and gallbladder.

    If you are concerned about bitterness in your mouth and nausea, the reasons can be varied:

    • stagnation of bile;
    • cirrhosis of the liver;
    • pathology of the biliary tract;
    • the use of antibiotics, antihistamines.

    With menstruation

    It happens that nausea and diarrhea accompany a woman for the entire period of menstruation, these unpleasant sensations are caused by a change in the hormonal background or its imbalance. Conditions are pronounced in adolescents. Nausea is caused by an excess of serotonin, when it jumps, the pressure in the head changes, accompanied by dizziness, weakness, fainting and loss of coordination. Another reason is the onset of pregnancy, in which case the girl takes spotting for an offensive critical days, and the fetus is already developing in the uterus.

    If you feel nausea during menstruation - the reasons, as a rule, are as follows:

    • hormonal imbalance (sometimes found in men);
    • high water level;
    • algomenorrhea (diagnosed by a doctor).

    Nausea and belching

    Belching is the release of excess air from the stomach cavity. Nausea with belching can occur when overeating, drinking carbonated drinks, certain foods (legumes, seeds, melon). If such manifestations have become permanent, it is worth checking the gastrointestinal tract, visiting a gastroenterologist and a neuropathologist, and determining why a person is sick. The prerequisites for this are different, many of them turn out to be complex diseases that require intervention by the attending physician and an appropriate medical decision.

    If nausea and belching of air occurs, the reasons are as follows:

    • dysbacteriosis;
    • pancreatitis;
    • pathology of the intestines, diaphragm and esophagus;
    • smoking;
    • stomach cancer;
    • psychosomatic disorders;
    • late pregnancy.

    Heaviness in the stomach and nausea

    Such complaints are common. The pace of life provokes improper and untimely nutrition, fast food snacks, supermarkets are less and less likely to offer a normal choice of food without chemical impurities. Added to this is the stress bad habits. It is natural that young people begin to suffer from problems with digestion and nausea, however, difficulties become noticeable when poor health becomes chronic.

    If you feel heaviness in the stomach and nausea, the reasons are usually the following:

    • smoking or excessive alcohol consumption;
    • pancreatitis;
    • unhealthy intestinal microflora;
    • gastritis;
    • irregular meals;
    • fried, fatty foods;
    • kidney or bladder stones.

    Nauseous in the evenings

    Many patients are interested in doctors, which can make them feel nauseous in the evening. The main prerequisites may be violations of the diet. This is an incorrect distribution of calories during the day, long breaks between meals, large amounts of food at night. Also, eating heavy-to-digest foods after 6:00 pm can also cause nausea. These include:

    1. potato;
    2. legumes;
    3. pork;
    4. pears or grapes;
    5. flour and muffin;
    6. food that is poorly digested;
    7. dishes that create an additional load on the digestive system.

    If you feel sick in the evenings, the reasons are simple:

    • incorrect meal time;
    • overeating, junk food;
    • inflammation of the mucous membranes of the stomach and esophagus;
    • hypotension;
    • meningitis, concussions, sunstroke;
    • diabetes.

    Sick of smells

    Intolerance to odors is not the most pleasant phenomenon. If it has arisen, then it is necessary to determine which aromas cause such a reaction. It can be a specific smell or all sharp. The body has the property of self-preservation, and why it makes you feel nauseous is simply explained - this is a defensive reaction to products that are not suitable or contraindicated for a person.

    If you feel sick from smells, the reasons are:

    • frequent smoking or inhalation of tobacco smoke, rejection of the smell of coffee;
    • inhalation of harmful, toxic substances;
    • allergy to certain substances;
    • in cases of food poisoning earlier;
    • with toxicosis.

    On empty stomach

    Sometimes a painful feeling occurs on an empty stomach, on an empty stomach. It may be accompanied by vomiting, vomiting of bile, since the empty intestines in the morning have nothing more to reject. This feeling can occur singly, in violation of the usual diet, or complicate life constantly. In such cases, it is necessary to conduct diagnostics to identify diseases.

    If nausea is noticed on an empty stomach, the reasons are usually the following:

    • gastritis;
    • dyskinesia;
    • esophagitis;
    • early fetal development.

    With stomach pain

    Factors that cause pain with vomiting often indicate the presence of serious disorders of the digestive system. To diagnose or prevent the development of abnormalities, you must contact the clinic. Analyzes and examinations will help to establish or stop the development of pathologies, determine the correct diet and diet.

    If you suffer from nausea and pain in the stomach, its causes are as follows:

    • stomach and duodenal ulcer;
    • pancreatitis;
    • inflammation of the appendix;
    • gastritis;
    • stomach cancer.

    Headache and nausea

    Specific signs are a signal of the brain, a warning about violations and failures. Poor health makes a person look for a way out of the situation, seek medical help, because such symptoms should not be overlooked or self-medicated. There are a number of diseases that can cause these discomforts, all of which require professional therapy.

    When headache and nausea are felt - the reasons are as follows:

    • abnormal blood pressure;
    • migraine development;
    • anemia;
    • head injury;
    • heatstroke;
    • tumors;
    • intoxication from taking drugs;
    • depressive states, stresses (temporal pain, nausea, trembling in the limbs).

    Nausea and diarrhea - causes

    Only the attending physician can make a definite diagnosis in case of manifestation of such signs. Heartburn is not only unpleasant, but also harmful to the esophagus. The release of gastric juice into the esophagus irritates the mucous membrane, destroys it. Nausea with heartburn can be painful when a person chews poorly or eats quickly, or when the diet is dominated by fatty, spicy or salty foods.

    If there is heartburn and nausea - the reasons:

    • the initial stages of gastritis;
    • peptic ulcer;
    • aerophagia (swallowing air with food);
    • dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus;
    • problems with the gallbladder;
    • stressful conditions.

    Nausea while eating - causes

    The most unpleasant accompaniment to a meal is nausea. The temperature of food, its volume, frequency of eating, smell and taste - all this can affect the occurrence of unpleasant sensations. Vomiting occurs when toxic or poisonous components are found in food. Such a reaction can be caused by stress and acute conditions. If nausea is noticed while eating, the reasons are as follows:

    • ENT diseases;
    • intoxication of the body;
    • cholecystitis, intestinal obstruction;
    • in the presence of a foreign body in the intestinal cavity;
    • chronic fatigue syndrome (weakness, dizziness, pain in the back of the head, drowsiness);
    • overwork, panic attacks, nervous breakdowns.


    Vomiting may be caused by a serious illness or may occur as a side effect of a medical treatment or condition. Drinking a lot of water or any other liquid after vomiting can cause more vomiting. Although vomiting is not harmful, it can lead to dehydration, which is potentially dangerous, especially for children and the elderly.

    Video of the day

    How to Moisturize After Vomiting


    Eat chips after vomiting to slowly replace fluids.

    Do not drink liquids for one or two hours after vomiting. If your mouth gets dry or you have a bad taste in your mouth, you can suck on ice chips or rinse your mouth with water. 1-2 hours after vomiting and after the nausea has subsided, start rehydrating slowly. Spill clear liquids every 15 minutes for three to four hours. If you start vomiting again, restart the hydration process from the beginning.

    Acceptable fluids after vomiting


    Avoid drinking milk, caffeine, citrus juice, and alcohol after vomiting.

    After vomiting, drink clear liquids that do not contain caffeine or alcohol. It is normal to drink water or liquids containing sugar. Liquid ale, fruit juice, sports drinks, and pure brews are acceptable liquids. Avoid fruit juices that are acidic, such as orange juice or lemonade. You can also eat food or gelatin snacks. Avoid drinking milk or fatty liquids. If vomiting is accompanied by diarrhea, limit sweetened drinks, which can make diarrhea worse. Instead, choose products specifically designed to replace electrolytes, which are available in liquids and essences.

    When to See a Doctor


    Watch children in close contact for signs of dehydration after vomiting.

    In some cases, vomiting can be treated with self-care, but in other cases, you may need to see a doctor. Dehydration can be caused by fluid loss during vomiting, an inability to drink fluids, or a combination of the two. Children and the elderly are most at risk of dehydration after vomiting. Because children cannot tell you their symptoms, watch them closely for signs of dehydration. These include dry mouth, fast heartbeat, sunken eyes, lack of tears, dizziness, and a feeling of lethargy. Urinating less than once every eight hours is also a sign of dehydration. Call your doctor if you suspect dehydration, or if you experience nausea and vomiting that continues for more than 24 hours. Children need to see a doctor if they vomit for more than 12 hours. Seek immediate medical attention for a child who is having a severe bout of vomiting; dehydration can happen very quickly with babies.

    Other serious symptoms that require a visit to the doctor include vomiting accompanied by abdominal pain and vomiting of blood.

    Nutrition after vomiting


    Wait at least 12 hours after vomiting to eat solid food. Start with some crackers, dry toast, pretzels, bananas, white rice, potatoes, or applesauce. Eat only foods that are bland, avoiding spicy and fatty foods. Also avoid raw fruits and vegetables if vomiting is accompanied by diarrhea. Stop eating if nausea or vomiting returns.

    Gagging begins to appear in a person after a special signal arrives in the stomach from a special center located in the medulla oblongata. Irritation of the vomiting center can be caused by impulses from the digestive organs, the vestibular apparatus, or a direct effect on it in the brain. In this regard, the causes of vomiting can be:

    • food poisoning;
    • intoxication with chemicals or alcohol;
    • binge eating;
    • seasickness;
    • side effects from taking medications;
    • high body temperature at the beginning of the development of infectious diseases;
    • brain diseases (meningitis, trauma, migraine, the presence of neoplasms, etc.);
    • early toxicosis of pregnant women;
    • diseases of the digestive tract;
    • increased intracranial pressure;
    • disorders of the nervous system.

    In order to find out the reason for the doctor to decide what to do with vomiting, the patient first collects an anamnesis. At the same time, it is necessary to evaluate:

    • the time of onset of vomiting and the duration of persistence of symptoms;
    • the relationship of vomiting with food intake;
    • the presence of other symptoms that appeared simultaneously or some time before the vomiting attack;
    • color, smell and consistency of vomit.

    Vomiting is often one of the symptoms of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, while it is accompanied by a feeling of pain in the abdomen. With gastritis, vomit contains recently eaten food and bile. With peptic ulcer, tumors, damage to blood vessels in the digestive tract, vomiting with blood is noted. In the case of intestinal obstruction, the vomit secreted acquires a specific smell of feces. Vomiting with copious secretion of bile is observed during exacerbation of cholecystitis. Also, vomiting can be observed in patients with acute appendicitis.

    There are many reasons for morning sickness. The most common are the following: evening overeating, morning hunger, excessive intake of alcoholic beverages, taking medications on an empty stomach.

    Sudden nausea in the morning can be the first sign of pregnancy

    One of the harmless reasons why there are bouts of nausea in the morning is pregnancy. Many women suffer from this symptom of early toxicosis. As a rule, the condition stabilizes by the beginning of the second trimester.

    What helps with vomiting and how to prevent an attack? Vomiting is always preceded by a feeling of nausea, increased salivation and increased respiration. In some situations, the occurrence of a vomiting attack can be prevented at this stage using fairly simple methods. However, this is not always necessary. If vomiting is the result of drug intoxication, chemical compounds or spoiled food, then it is necessary to give the body the opportunity to cleanse itself, and only then take measures to prevent repeated vomiting.

    For mild nausea that is not accompanied by vomiting, the following actions are recommended to alleviate the condition:

    • drink small portions of cold water with the addition of lemon juice;
    • provide fresh air and breathe deeply;
    • take a comfortable position of the body, it is advisable to sit down or lie down even better;
    • suck on lozenges or drink special medicines if nausea is caused by motion sickness;
    • drink water with a tincture of mint or take sedatives if the cause of nausea is nervous stress.

    If, with nausea, a person has intense vomiting, then it is necessary to induce vomiting by pressing on the base of the tongue. After cleansing the stomach, the condition improves almost immediately.

    Help with vomiting

    First aid for vomiting is not to interfere with the cleansing of the stomach and not to try to forcefully stop the vomiting process. What to do after the onset of vomiting? It is necessary to ensure a comfortable position of the patient's body, putting him in a chair or on a bed. In case of repeated attacks, a bowl or basin, a towel are placed nearby, and the chest is covered with oilcloth. After each release of vomit, a person is given a glass of water to rinse his mouth.

    If the person is unconscious, an ambulance should be called. Before her arrival, the patient is placed on the bed on his side so that his head is below the level of the body. Make sure that the outgoing vomit does not create obstacles for breathing.

    After an attack of vomiting, it is recommended to drink more fluids to prevent dehydration. It can be ordinary boiled water or mineral water without gases, glucose-salt solutions (Regidron, Gastrolit, Trigidron, etc.) They will help cleanse the body of toxins and restore water and mineral balance. You need to drink in very small portions, starting with 10 ml, gradually increasing the volume so as not to provoke a new attack.

    What to drink in case of poisoning and vomiting? In case of intoxication of the body, enterosorbents are usually prescribed. These include activated charcoal and its analogues, Enterosgel, Smecta and other drugs. In case of poisoning, in no case should you try to suppress vomiting, toxins that have entered the body should be able to exit.

    The patient, first of all, should not be hindered in the process of self-purification of the stomach. After this process of vomiting is over, you can begin to provide first aid. The patient must be seated in a comfortable position and cover the chest with a towel or a piece of polyethylene. A container is brought to the mouth, into which it will be possible to vomit if the attack recurs.

    What to do if there is vomiting, severe nausea and frequent urge to vomit? You can soften the urge to vomit with frequent and severe vomiting and delay the approaching vomiting with ice cubes and mint, or a couple of drops of peppermint infusion. With "seasickness", the patient is allowed to take scopolamine, cerucal or motilium.

    When taking medications, you should follow the recommendations of the attending physician and the instructions, having previously studied the possible contraindications. Self-treatment in this, as in the vast majority of other cases, is not welcome, since it can have unpredictable negative consequences for human health and life.

    A patient suffering from bouts of vomiting should not be given food. Reception allowed activated carbon or other enterosorbents aimed at accelerating the elimination of toxins from the body. To prevent dehydration, the patient is shown to drink plenty of fluids, in particular, glucose-salt mixtures.

    Nausea and vomiting are the body's natural response to toxins and toxins that have entered it. The reaction to irritants by the digestive system does not include vomiting resulting from severe stress, disorders of the vestibular apparatus and injuries.

    Severe vomiting in children and adults, followed by nausea and repeated several times, requires a mandatory call to the house of an ambulance. Before her arrival, you need to be ready to provide first aid to the patient.

    1 The basic rule is to let the vomiting act end and only then begin to provide assistance. The stomach should empty itself completely, without outside interference.

    2 The patient is seated or placed in a comfortable position. The chest is covered with a towel or oilcloth. In the case of laying down, it should be ensured that the head is lower than the body and turned to the side. This is to prevent vomit from entering the respiratory tract.

    3 After the complete end of the vomiting attacks, the patient is given water to rinse the mouth, and then a sorbent.

    Vomiting is almost always a natural way to cleanse the body of poisonous substances. Not associated with poisoning or infection, only the release of the stomach from the contents after a concussion, severe stress or nervous tension, or motion sickness. If a person has undergone such an ailment as vomiting, it is necessary to help him so that the unpleasant condition passes as soon as possible and does not happen again.

    First of all, the vomiting act must be completed without outside interference. You should not try to take any action until the end of vomiting. After this, the patient should be comfortably seated, avoiding pressure on the stomach, and a clean, damp towel or oilcloth should be placed on the chest. In this case, a container is brought to the mouth, into which you can vomit when the attack returns - a basin or a bucket.

    If a person cannot sit on his own, you can help him lie down, while the head should be slightly hung to one side, and be slightly lower than the torso. If the victim has lost consciousness, it is recommended to place him only in a supine position, so that the vomit can freely exit the body and does not clog the airways. When the stomach is cleared, the patient can be given water to rinse the mouth from the remnants of vomit.

    After that, it is allowed to put him to bed and give him antiemetics, for example, Motilium or Cerucal. In such situations, mint drops are an effective way to prevent a relapse. Scopolamine allows you to stop vomiting during motion sickness. When vomiting is overcome, try not to eat for several hours.

    It is allowed to receive a sorbent - activated carbon or its analogues. After helping the patient, carefully examine his vomit. Your next steps will depend on this. If the substance rejected by the stomach has blood inclusions or looks like coffee grounds, call an ambulance immediately.

    Simple steps

    There are some pretty simple tips that will help you feel much better:

    • eliminate the remnants of vomiting by taking a warm bath.
    • clean the nasal cavity, in order to avoid the development of infection.
    • make a rinse to eliminate the taste.
    • drink plenty of fluids.

    What to do next?

    1. The first thing to do after throwing up is to remove the remaining fluid from the body. This will help reduce nausea and help the body recover.
    2. Should take a warm bath to remove the remnants of superficial vomiting and clear the sinuses, which may also be clogged with contents.
    3. Before getting out of the bath, blow your nose well. The steam clears the nose and is fairly easy to do. To do this, keep the handkerchief fairly close, if something goes wrong, you can always pull it out.
    4. Rinse your mouth to eliminate odor. You should avoid brushing your teeth right away because it can irritate your stomach.
    5. If the nausea is not intense, then take care of the hydration of the body. Because vomiting causes the body to lose a lot of water and becomes easily dehydrated. To prevent nausea, you need to drink slowly. First, you should start with a tablespoon of water, and then increase the dose every half hour.
    6. Avoid strong odors that can cause nausea again. If you need to cook something, then ask someone else to do it. Stay away from foods with strong odors.

    What can you eat?

    If there is a desire to eat something, then there are some foods that are suitable after this state. You need to start with small portions so as not to irritate the stomach.

    Proven Foods That Prevent Vomiting:

    • pasta without oil;
    • dry bread;
    • water;
    • White rice;
    • potato;
    • banana, only an hour after vomiting;
    • soups with light ingredients such as rice and boiled potatoes;
    • tinctures of chamomile or cumin.

    After eating, you need to remain in a sitting position or slightly inclined for at least an hour. This position will allow the stomach to digest food more easily.

    If possible, go outside for fresh air. Also, it would be useful to watch TV or a movie, it can distract the brain from the desire to vomit.

    What can you eat?

    Vomiting in children

    Poisoning in children is common. Usually the reason is associated with low-quality products. Vomiting in a small child must be treated with special attention, to ensure proper care. If the case is not isolated, accompanied by diarrhea and high fever, the baby complains of pain, consult a doctor.

    Drinking regime

    The first thing to do during and after vomiting is to provide the child with plenty of fluids. Drinking regimen is important, as for adults: water helps to remove toxins faster. A saline solution will help get rid of vomiting. The volume of liquid is calculated based on the weight of the child - 150 ml per kilogram. For small children, water at room temperature is given in a teaspoon every 10 minutes.


    When the nausea has stopped, it is better not to eat immediately. It is recommended to wait for the next day. Products should be selected easy for digestion. Babies do not need other nutrition, mother's milk normalizes the activity of the stomach. The mother must follow the diet. You need to choose foods that are easier to digest.

    From a year old, start feeding cereals in milk diluted with water, gradually introducing children's cottage cheese, vegetable puree, juices into the diet. Older children are initially recommended to give rice, buckwheat porridge on the water. Suitable oatmeal. Porridge should be boiled, unsweetened. If desired, dried fruits are added instead of sugar, focusing on well-being.

    The work of the stomach will improve products:

    • banana puree (bananas are an indispensable source of trace elements);
    • baked apples remove toxins, reduce nausea;
    • decoction of dried fruits;
    • boiled vegetables (carrots, broccoli);
    • yogurt without additives;
    • non-acidic kefir.

    Products should not irritate the gastric mucosa, it is better to cook semi-liquid food, grind solid food with a blender. Food is cooled to a comfortable temperature. If the child is not hungry, it is not necessary to force him to eat. The body will independently determine the optimal amount and frequency. After one or two days, meals can be varied with low-fat dishes, boiled or steamed.

    It is extremely important to replenish the content of animal protein. Liquid chicken broth perfectly soothes the mucous membrane, saturates the body with nutrients. Gradually, the menu includes stewed vegetables, familiar dishes. It is recommended to consume food in small portions, but often. Gradually increase portions and intervals.

    Recovery takes up to three weeks, depending on the duration of vomiting. During this period, the body needs vitamins and minerals. The doctor may prescribe medications with a high content of vitamins A, B and C to improve metabolism, increase the body's resistance. In case of prolonged vomiting, a vitamin complex is required.

    To avoid re-poisoning, check the expiration date, the quality of the products. If the diet does not help, nausea does not go away, you need to drink medicine, call a doctor. After prolonged vomiting, severe dehydration occurs. Prolonged vomiting can lead to serious consequences, chronic disease, and death.

    Helping a person with nausea and vomiting

    Vomiting is a natural human reaction to irritating or poisonous substances entering the stomach. In addition, in this way we react to severe or prolonged stress, motion sickness or "seasickness", hormonal changes during pregnancy (toxicosis), concussion, etc. The occurrence of vomiting is primarily associated with diseases of the digestive system, poisoning unsuitable for eating food or incompatible products, ingestion of viruses, in a hypertensive state. Therefore, it is very important to know how to provide first aid for vomiting, how to help the patient if he often vomits, what to do if severe vomiting begins.

    Seizures in the evening and at night

    Most often, conditions that are uncomfortable for a person are formed in the evening and at night, nausea is no exception. Severe evening nausea can be a sign of significant physical overwork. The reason can be, for example, an irregular working day.

    The next likely cause is overeating in the afternoon. With the onset of the evening, the rate of metabolic reactions decreases, which leads to a slow work of the digestive tract. Food stays in the stomach for a long time, which causes nausea.

    To avoid the development of an uncomfortable condition, it is necessary to refrain from eating foods that are difficult to digest. Food should be light and portions small. The causes of evening and nighttime nausea can also be pathological conditions, in particular, dysbacteriosis or inflammation of the appendix.

    Provoke an attack of lightheadedness in the evening or at night may be late taking medications

    What threatens inducing vomiting after eating

    This period is characterized by especially intense diarrhea and vomiting.

    Therefore, in addition to the medicines prescribed by the doctor, you can take:

    • rice decoction;
    • lean broths;
    • rosehip jelly;
    • apple juice or compote.

    Gentle nutrition begins on the second day after a hungry pause, when the severity of symptoms decreases somewhat, the work of the gastrointestinal tract improves, the symptoms of poisoning are removed, and the gag reflex does not work.

    Chemical sparing involves special cooking methods that limit fats, reduce sugar levels, and maintain sufficient amounts of proteins.

    On the second day after vomiting, you can eat crackers with tea or gelatin jelly. From the second day, rabbit meat, chicken or sea fish are introduced. On an individual basis, the doctor decides whether to put the patient on a dropper or not, whether he needs to be hospitalized.

    Those who nevertheless dared to embark on this path of losing weight are often interested in: how long after eating can you induce vomiting? Assimilation of food begins already in the oral cavity, therefore, if you already empty the stomach, then you need to let the body draw out at least a few nutrients from it so as not to become emaciated before our eyes.

    One way or another, if vomiting after eating has become a habit, you can’t do without the help of a qualified psychologist and gastroenterologist. There are times when nausea is pestering after eating. If this is not poisoning, most often this symptom haunts those who have problems with the digestive system and pregnant women.

    As a rule, only a frustrated person with an obsession with losing weight can come to induce vomiting after eating. The effectiveness of this method is on top, and it will get rid of weight very quickly. You can eat anything: flour, sweet and fatty - anyway, this food will not have time to digest if immediately after it is taken, everything returns mechanically.

    Here are the consequences of inducing vomiting after eating:

    1. As soon as addiction to constant vomiting sets in, the sphincter that does not allow food to get back into the esophagus weakens. As a result of this, vomit begins to stand out uncontrollably. Immediately after eating, the stomach, trained by weeks of bullying, will be freed from it by unconscious vomiting. Further, the woman expects anorexia and dystrophy. Exhaustion is not exactly what a woman wants when trying to lose weight. However, vomiting leads her to just such a state. Organs and systems cease to function normally, and when the weight drops below forty kilograms, menstruation stops.
    2. First of all, this method causes significant damage to tooth enamel. Under the influence of aggressive hydrochloric acid, constantly splashing into the oral cavity with vomit, the teeth are destroyed almost instantly.
    3. If you induce vomiting after eating, there is a risk of getting sick with such a dangerous disease as bulimia. This is a neuropsychiatric disorder, which is expressed in constant overeating, obsession with counting calories and body weight. Appetite thus grows uncontrollably. A person does not consider himself sick and continues to overeat, and then induce vomiting. The arguments of relatives and friends for him are an empty phrase. As a result, the body is completely depleted, since it practically does not receive proper nutrition, and the patient is expected to be hospitalized and acute heart failure.
    4. Lethargy, loss of strength, fatigue - this is what awaits the fairer sex, who regularly causes vomiting after eating, dreaming of losing weight. The reasons for such conditions are obvious. A woman does not receive any useful substances, since food simply does not reach the intestines. And the health of the gastrointestinal tract is the key to strong immunity and a source of vitality. The consequences of such torture will remind of themselves for the rest of their lives, even after a full recovery.
    5. Artificial vomiting leads to dysfunction of the liver and kidneys. The stomach stretches and can no longer digest food, but simply gets rid of it immediately. At the same time, all the organs that are involved in the process of digestion remain unused, and gradually the metabolism completely disappears.
    6. Many could notice how the sharp weight loss worsens appearance, even if it is not caused by this method, but, for example, by stress. The elasticity of the skin deteriorates with age, and after such executions, the woman is covered with wrinkles. The face becomes dull, it has a grayish color. Nails and hair begin to delaminate and break, which indicates a violation of the balance of minerals.
    7. The desire to deal with kilograms through vomiting leads to obsession. The patient no longer understands what is beautiful and what frightens. The obsession completely kills the concept of aesthetics. Only one thing remains - an irresistible desire to dump more and more.

    This is what happens to a woman's body and psyche if she nevertheless decides to induce vomiting after eating for the sake of losing weight.

    To relieve an attack of nausea, you can use the following methods:

    • Cut a lemon and breathe in its aroma. Relief will come in about 2-3 minutes. The breath should be deep and slow.
    • Pour a teaspoon of fennel seeds with a glass of boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes. Filter and put a little honey and lemon juice into the drink. Drink throughout the day in small sips. Prevents the development of nausea. The drink is allowed during pregnancy.
    • Wrap ice cubes in a soft cloth and put on the neck (back) and forehead.
    • Apply 2-3 drops of peppermint ether to the fabric and inhale the aroma. Oil can be added to the aroma lamp.
    • With constant morning sickness caused by lack of sleep or pregnancy, you need to prepare a mint drink in the evening. To do this, a spoonful of herbs is brewed in 150 ml of boiling water and left overnight. In the morning, the drink should be drunk in small sips without getting out of bed.
    • Good in eliminating nausea helps ginger. On a grater, you need to grind a small root and pour a glass of boiling water. Leave to brew, filter and add a little honey to it. Drink warm. The recommended amount is 3 glasses a day. Ginger drink can not be combined with taking anticoagulants - heparin - and appendicitis.
    • Cloves will help to quickly get rid of nausea. You need to chew a small umbrella or drink tea, in which add 1 piece of cloves. A good result gives an aroma session with clove ether. A few drops should be applied to any fabric and breathe a little with the spreading aroma.

    Cloves are one of the remedies used in folk recipes to relieve attacks of nausea and dizziness.

    Nausea is a very unpleasant condition that requires urgent action. If it becomes permanent and is accompanied by the development of additional pathological symptoms, it is recommended to get qualified medical advice and undergo a full medical examination.

    If the disease state greatly weakened the person, wipe his mouth with a disposable cotton swab dipped in boiled water or a special disinfectant solution (sodium bicarbonate, two percent, solutions of boric acid or potassium permanganate). To stop vomiting without the use of medications, you can use peppermint oil or drops, a piece of ice that needs to be absorbed, or cool water.

    When the above methods fail to stop vomiting, it is advisable to resort to drug therapy. The patient is intravenously administered m-anticholinergics, antispasmodics or metoclopramide. This will stabilize intestinal motility. Some drugs are administered intramuscularly. With non-stop vomiting and the ineffective use of other medical means, antipsychotics are used as extreme measures.

    The action of Regidron is aimed at preventing the loss of fluid by the body and restoring the optimal ratio of water and vital salts in it. In order not to lead to excessive filling of the body with salts (which is also not useful), the intake of Regidron should be alternated with the intake of tea without the addition of sweeteners.

    The advantage of Gastrolit is the presence in the composition, in addition to salts, of chamomile extract. With its anti-inflammatory and soothing action, the intestines quickly get rid of tension and spasms. In order for chamomile to infuse and give maximum benefit, the drug is diluted with boiling water and cooled to room temperature, and only then taken orally. The beneficial effect of Gastrolit on the body is noticeable already on the second or third day.

    Helping a patient with vomiting may require the use of medications designed to stop the gag reflex. For these purposes, Cerucal and Motilium are widely used. If the deterioration of well-being is caused by motion sickness, you can take Scopolamine. In severe cases, the doctor may prescribe injections of m-anticholinergics, antispasmodics and metoclopramide. Some are administered intravenously, others intramuscularly. Even if these actions did not bring the desired result, the use of antipsychotics is allowed.

    Is there anything worse than vomiting? This is always an unpleasant phenomenon, whether it is pregnancy, food poisoning, stomach disease, intestines or even a hangover.

    Apart from the horror, vomiting can also cause other unpleasant symptoms such as fatigue and dehydration. In this condition, the stomach becomes very sensitive and weak, it is necessary to take certain measures so that the body can recover.

    The reflex reaction of the body to irritation of the stomach is vomiting when it is released from the contents of pathogens. Vomiting water is rare, occurs with intoxication, diseases or drug overdose.


    Appears due to colds. For children, this is typical when teething. Vomiting of water occurs if the last meal took place 5-7 hours ago and there is only liquid in the stomach. Other reasons are possible:

    • diseases of ENT organs;
    • viral diseases and colds;
    • rhinitis.

    These diseases lead to the ingestion of a large amount of mucus into the stomach, causing vomiting.

    Pregnant women have the following reasons:

    • toxicosis due to fetal development;
    • smells can provoke vomiting at any time of the day;
    • ulcer or gastritis of the stomach;
    • chronic gallstone disease;
    • cholecystitis.

    If vomiting with water is accompanied by a temperature, this indicates the presence of pathologies:

    • acute respiratory viruses and infections;
    • acute appendicitis;
    • colds, bronchitis or pneumonia;
    • intestinal infection;
    • intoxication of the body with alcohol;
    • acute gastritis.

    Often, this symptom, along with fever, occurs due to infectious pathologies of the intestine or in case of poisoning.

    First aid

    First, nausea appears, then vomiting, in order to prevent it and alleviate the condition, you need to follow these steps:

    • drink cold water in small portions with the addition of lemon juice;
    • dissolve lozenges or drink antiemetic drugs;
    • lie down or sit down in a comfortable position and relax;
    • provide fresh air, take deep breaths;
    • drink mint tincture or take sedatives.

    When severe nausea is present, but vomiting does not occur, it is self-induced. To do this, click on the base of the tongue. When the cleaning of the stomach has taken place, the state of health improves.


    Based on the cause of the symptom, a method of elimination is selected. When a factor that provoked vomiting is found, symptomatic drug treatment is used. When vomiting is caused by motion sickness due to dysfunction of the vestibular apparatus:

    • Ciel - 1-2 tablets before meals 2-3 times a day.

    The drug Ciel should not be taken while driving a car due to a decrease in concentration.

    If appeared after radiation or chemotherapy:

    • Emetron - 4-8 mg of solution intramuscularly or intravenously 2-4 times a day;
    • Setronon - 4-8 mg solution intramuscularly or intravenously 2-4 times a day;
    • Ondansetron - 1 tablet 8 mg orally 2 times a day.

    If a symptom occurs due to stress or nervous strain:

    • Motilium - 1-2 tablets 3-4 times a day, but not more than 8 tablets a day;
    • Cerucal - 1 tablet up to 3 times a day, but not more than 6 per day and two at a time.