How to choose a treadmill. How to choose a treadmill for your home? Choose an electric treadmill for your home

Swimming and cycling - on these three pillars stands the city with the coveted name of “How to lose weight quickly” for many. Agree, the combination of these three words sounds like music. Our article talks about how to properly lose weight on a treadmill. Correct treadmill we will help you choose. And then, of course, to the pool and bike!

Treadmill or running outside

To be completely honest, running outside is, of course, healthier, more effective and... more difficult. Your body, on the one hand, is happy - it receives natural aerobic exercise, your lungs are filled with the right oxygen, especially if you do not live in a concrete jungle, but next to a river, flowering meadows and fields strewn with cornflowers. Or, as a last resort, not far from the Croisette, along which crowds of half-asleep residents of the French Cannes run in the morning. On the other hand, your body works to its fullest - after all, you have solid ground under your feet, and not a running surface that supports you and helps you train.

But not everyone is born a hero. There are also us, ordinary residents of megacities. And with the beautiful sea coast, which is nice to run along, there are some problems. Treadmills were invented for us. This simulator allows you to run in any weather, walk quickly or slowly in sports shorts and a T-shirt, without leaving your favorite apartment or no less favorite gym. Moreover, you won’t be blown away in winter, you won’t breathe in the cold air in late autumn, and if you sweat from the summer heat, you’ll immediately dive into a hot shower. Hooray?

The answer to the question why treadmills are preferred to running outside is obvious: it’s easier and more convenient.

About the benefits of a treadmill: bending your fingers together

Before you start bending your fingers, remember that only regular comfortable exercise brings benefits, and not rare forays into the exercise machine and running at crazy speed. There will be no benefit from this, but it will be harmful to your one and only heart.


  1. Acute period of viral and colds, high temperature.
  2. Heart defects, arrhythmias, chronic pulmonary heart failure.
  3. In general, exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  4. Joint diseases, untreated injuries, some forms of osteochondrosis.
  5. Attacks of bronchial asthma.
  6. Varicose veins

Treadmills for home and gym

Everyone knows in general terms what a treadmill is:

1) this is the canvas on which you walk or walk, and 2) the handrails that you will have time to grab onto if something happens. There may be a motor under the belt (if you have an electric treadmill), or if there is no motor, your legs do everything themselves (mechanical treadmills).

Depending on the purpose, treadmills can be used for home exercise or for the gym. This is a rather arbitrary gradation, since no one can forbid you to bring a professional cardio machine (electric treadmill) into your home.

We will assume that modern fitness clubs are equipped with the latest technology, that is, the treadmills installed there are powerful, stable, with a large set of sensors and training programs, made of high-quality materials - in a word, expensive, branded. It would be nice to have one like this at home! But there are nuances.

Treadmills for home and gym differ:

  • sizes;
  • operating (constant) engine power;
  • load levels;
  • the maximum user weight they can support;
  • the presence and level of equipment of the on-board computer (display system, number of training programs, ability to independently create training programs);
  • the materials from which they are made (cheap plastic or very high-quality material, almost for airplanes);
  • noise level;
  • at a price.

How to choose a treadmill: electric, mechanical, magnetic

The first thing you need to know when you go shopping for a treadmill is that they come in three types - mechanical, magnetic (a type of mechanical), and electric.

What it does:
load level: adjustable by changing the angle of the blade;
control Panel: there are either no sensors, or there is a basic set of parameters (pulse, distance, speed, calories);
training effectiveness: depends solely on your integrity.

Magnetic (the blade rotates more smoothly)

What it does: at the expense of your legs when you walk or run (does not require an electrical connection);
load level: adjustable by magnetic systems without changing the angle of inclination (several load options and smooth braking system);
control Panel: a basic set of parameters (heart rate, distance, speed, calories);
training effectiveness: depends largely on you.

What it does: driven by an electric motor (requires connection to the electrical network);
load level: it is regulated by changing the angle of inclination of the blade and speed in a huge range, so the number of load levels tends to infinity;
control Panel: an on-board computer with many sensors and built-in programs for training (based on your age and weight, the program can create an exercise plan);
training effectiveness: depends on the selected training program.

Whatever type of treadmill you choose, it should be durable, efficient for your purposes, and quiet. Believe me, this is very important if you are with her seriously and for a long time.

Pros and cons of different types of treadmills


Magnetic (versus mechanical)


According to reviews, the magnetic type of treadmill is more convenient than a simple mechanical one, and the electric type is more convenient than both of them. But you always need to listen to others, take into account the pros and cons, and choose individually. By the way, the places in the top 3 treadmills were distributed as follows:

  1. electric (this is happiness!),
  2. magnetic (this is the optimal price-quality ratio, but it is far from electric),
  3. mechanical (this is a blessing for a garage or loggia).

Treadmill shock absorption system

This is exactly the built-in option (almost all electric models and some mechanical ones have it) that will take care of reducing the impact load on the joints and ligaments of your precious legs. You may not immediately feel this care, but it is there, believe me. Global manufacturers of exercise equipment are very proud of their patented shock absorption systems. Naturally, the better the shock absorption system, the more expensive the treadmill. But the pleasure and benefits from the classes are maximum!

You don’t have to worry about this, but if you are buying a treadmill for rehabilitation, to recover from an injury, then a good shock absorption system is a must on your list of preferences.

Engine power to user weight ratio

The motor is the kryptonite of the electric treadmill. Not her weak point, but her strength. The more powerful and heavier it is, the better it is for you, the more durable the exercise machine will be, the smoother the movement of the belt will be. Don’t even think about saving on this main item for your friend’s happy and long life. After all, during exercise, the electric motor takes on a load twice your weight.

If you've already tried to choose a treadmill for yourself, you've probably come across terms like peak and continuous motor power.

What is important is the constant power of the engine, which it maintains in operating mode (look for the treasured number on the engine itself). If your weight does not exceed 80 kg and you are not going to outrun the world legend Usain Bolt on your treadmill, a power of 1.5 liters is sufficient. With. (optimally 2 hp). And if you are going, choose a more powerful unit.

Running belts: size still matters

Before we give you a couple of numbers you need, we will give two useful tips.

Tip one: the wider the running belt, the more enjoyable it is to exercise. However, the wider should be the apartment and the pocket where the money comes from. Or is comfort more expensive?

Tip two: be sure to pay attention to the density of the running surface (the more layers, the higher the shock absorption, which means less stress on the joints). If the canvas is double-sided, it will last you 2 times longer.


Controls, or How to use a treadmill

Agree, if you are far from technology, then the presence of all kinds of buttons on the control panel of the treadmill causes slight discomfort. In fact, there is nothing complicated there, but you still have to figure it out the first time. Sometimes in fitness clubs you can find ancient treadmills, on the control panel of which caring instructors glue entire “sheets” indicating where and how many times to go in order to finally find the “on” button.

Forget about it. Modern electric treadmills typically have a built-in touchscreen display, so all you have to do is swipe the screen to make it come to life and touch the Quick Start icon. This is a warm-up program that will prepare you for your workout. And after the main workout, choose “Cool Down”.

Treadmill training programs

Mechanical treadmills do not have built-in programs and do not allow you to create customized training programs.

Electric cardio machines support this function, and their capabilities are amazing: choose standard programs if you want, or create your own individual programs.

Progress has reached the point where on the console of more expensive treadmills you will see not just a boring list of programs: “Weight loss”, “Cardio training”, “Interval training”, “ Artificial hump", "Constant Pulse", etc. The program will offer you to climb under its strict guidance, for example, to the dome of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome or to the Eiffel Tower, it's clear where. Agree, any variety will brighten up an ordinary morning. On the display, thanks to the display system (the “Scanning” program), you can always see the distance traveled, elapsed time, the number of calories burned, pulse, etc.

Types of heart rate sensors

When exercising on a treadmill, be sure to constantly monitor your heart rate. This can be done by holding the metal plates on the handrails with both hands (built-in heart rate sensors, heart rate monitor). If the pulse is significantly higher than normal, the icon in the form of a pulsating heart next to the sensor readings will be red; if the pulse is slightly higher than normal, it will be yellow; if it is normal, it will be green.

If there is no such “heart” on the simulator, there is a simple way to find out what heart rate will not only be normal for you, but will also contribute to maximum excess weight burning: subtract your age from 222 (for example, 222 - 30 years = 192), 55 –60 percent of 192 is the optimal heart rate for you: 192: 100 x 55 (60) = 105–115 beats per minute.

If built-in heart rate sensors annoy you, you can use wired or wireless ones.

Who needs a portable treadmill?

You - if you, firstly, are very busy with work and have a catastrophic lack of time to go to the gym, and secondly, you are not used to sitting in one place for a long time and often leave (business trips, travel, etc.).

A portable treadmill is a gym in your pocket. It is compact, practically weightless and easy to transport. Do you want to fold it and hide it under the bed, do you want to lean it against the wall, or take it with you to the dacha in the trunk. In general, there is no hassle, but a lot of benefits: your figure is happy, your heart is happy, and stress will slowly disappear with the help of this portable baby.

The fly in the ointment: many models have only a couple of modes and angle options. If you want a portable treadmill that resembles a full-fledged one as closely as possible, be prepared to part with a significant amount of money.

Do you want to skip to every workout and remove a whole kilogram from your own “bins” every week? Don't hesitate to buy an electric treadmill. If this advice immediately puzzles you, because there are a lot of models and brands, read on for the specific instructions and follow them unconditionally:

  • Choose the width and length of the running belt depending on your height;
  • electric motor power - at least 1.5 hp. , if your weight is no more than 80 kg. If you are a good big person, choose a machine with a more powerful motor;
  • If you are not very strapped for money and are hesitating between a semi-professional and a professional model, choose a proven brand and practice with it for many, many years. Such manufacturers even give a lifetime warranty on their exercise machines!
  • Pay attention to the warranty: engine - at least 6 years, frame - at least 30 years. The minimum warranty period for service is one year;
  • a good shock absorption system is a must, otherwise you will simply hate your treadmill (relevant for everyone, but especially for people with problem backs, knees, joints, and excess weight in large quantities);
  • the safety key - let it be if you are a very injury-prone person and even before reaching the skating rink you break your arm. This cute little thing will immediately stop the machine if you try to fall in any direction (just don’t forget to fasten the safety key lanyard to yourself);
  • A water stand is a must! If you want to lose weight, 3 liters of water per day is the norm for you. This starts metabolic processes.

Big final helpful tip

Everyone knows that those who do not give advice live long. And we will take a risk!


Running or treadmill. What's better?

A treadmill is a machine that can be used to do a lot of useful things. By using a treadmill correctly, you can increase the endurance of the entire body and strengthen the cardiovascular system.

Also, the use of this cardio machine has a positive effect on the state of the central nervous system. The consequence of this “passive mental training” is good tolerance of hard mental work and preservation (or correction) of the figure.

The treadmill has several advantages over just running.

  1. You can practice in any weather without leaving your home. For those who just like to run in nature, this is not really necessary. But for those who don’t want to attract other people’s attention and get up an hour earlier to run, a home exercise machine is a must.
  2. You can adjust the load. For those who need to lose weight and strengthen the body, it is necessary to run long distances. These problems can be solved without a home exercise machine. But for those who need to correct the shape of their legs and buttocks, a treadmill will come in handy. Turning the intensity adjustment lever on the “track” is much easier than putting weights on your legs.
  3. For those who are accustomed to speeding up the recovery of morale through running, running at home will also be much more enjoyable. Running outdoors is definitely more enjoyable. But, unfortunately, the city, in addition to fresh air, is also full of unpleasant phenomena. Suddenly it started to rain, which for some reason was not warned about on the radio. A curiosity that you can accidentally witness. And there are a lot of other undesirable phenomena that will not only interfere with active recreation, but will also tire the tired psyche even more.

Average prices of treadmills

Along with its advantages over street running, the “track” also has some nuances. The first nuance is its cost. The cheapest treadmill costs approximately 6.5 thousand rubles. The most expensive is over 600 thousand.

The cheapest is mechanical, folding, with a liquid crystal display, which records speed, running time, distance, heart rate and the number of calories burned during the workout.

The most expensive treadmill is electric. In addition to the computer and high-quality material, this simulator has technical advantages over its low-cost counterpart. The engine power is 5 horsepower, and the maximum weight of a person who has the right to run on it without fear is 182 kg.

The best treadmill for home

It is very difficult and incorrect to single out one single track. If you really need a recommendation, check out the treadmill ratings below.

The second nuance of a treadmill is its dimensions. The average length of treadmills is 1.5–2 m, and the width is 0.5 m. The exercise machine takes up a decent amount of space and is not suitable for small apartments. Anyone who is not concerned about the issue of living space, but does not have the means to purchase the most expensive “path”, needs to choose the “path” correctly - taking into account its dimensions and needs. Choosing a specific simulator among inexpensive ones is not entirely simple.

The best treadmill for your home is one that not only fits well with your decor and has a beautiful design, but also meets your goals technically.

Treadmill rating

Currently, the main manufacturers of fitness equipment are Italy and America. The companies "Matrix", "Torneo", "Unix" and "Horizon Fitness" are very popular. They produce the best quality exercise equipment. Exercise machines from these brands are the main equipment of the best sports complexes in Europe.

House Fit, Torneo, Horizon Fitness and Matrix treadmills are high quality and durable. That's why they became brands. When choosing a “path” for your home, it is advisable to stick to the brand. In general, when choosing an individual exercise machine, you need to focus not only on its brand.

The bestseller is the Horizon Adventure CL treadmill, it belongs to the leading brands. Its cost is from 64 to 72 thousand rubles. The power of the “track” is 2.7 liters. With. For large individuals, it will not be the best option, but for athletes and amateurs weighing up to 90 kg, this is what you need.

In second place in terms of sales is the EVO Fitness Jet treadmill. This model is an excellent home option. It is not suitable for long and frequent use in the gym. Power 2.25 hp Withstands up to 130 kg. It costs much less - 36 thousand rubles.

Another exception is the Swedish "track" Applegate T30. It surpasses the previous one in functionality, although it is also intended for home use, but it has a more powerful motor, which at its peak produces 3.6 hp. With. In addition, it is quieter in operation and has high-quality build materials. That's why it costs more - 40 thousand rubles.

Unix ST treadmill - has a less powerful 1.4 hp motor. There is no tilt adjustment, like the previous models above, but the build quality is consistent. Price: from 24 thousand rubles.

MATRIX T1X is a professional model, which, despite the fact that it costs several times more (600 thousand rubles) than its cheaper comrades, sold less well, but still with success. The whole secret of success is the Matrix brand and “eternal” assembly materials, which are intended for intensive use in fitness centers.

You need to try any product to feel its quality. But at present this does not have to be done - insofar as online stores practically solve this problem for customers. It is enough to use the links of the most popular online stores -, Online shopping centers have a wide range of sporting goods, including a large selection of treadmills. On these sites it is quite easy to find a simulator that will satisfy any needs.

Treadmills and ellipsoids of these sports services are the main attributes of most sports complexes. That is why the online stores and DomSport are leaders in the sale of sports equipment.

All characteristics of each simulator are described on the electronic pages. You just need to choose your favorite brand, price, and choose a machine that suits your goals and physical parameters.

When choosing a running machine, you need to look at the power of the motor and the main parts - the deck and running belt. For simple moderate-intensity running, these details are not very important, but those who are purchasing a treadmill for serious purposes should consider these factors.

The deck should be thick enough. The depreciation of the simulator and the strength of its base depend on this part. It is also very desirable that the deck be saturated with lubricant so that it is subject to wear as little as possible.

The running belt (belt) must be made of two layers. Single-layer tape is of lower quality; it will last very little with regular and long-term training.

You also need to know the shock absorption level of the treadmill. Exercise equipment with high degree shock absorption is good for those who are recovering their legs after injuries. For individuals with full legs, this “convenience” is not at all necessary. Excessive shock absorption does not provide sufficient stress to the joints and muscles, which only prevents you from achieving serious goals.

Exercises for figure correction

Individuals interested in body shaping do not need to take special medications or use anti-cellulite creams and ointments. Working out on a treadmill is hard enough. But you don’t need to start exhausting training for wear and tear right away.

The first week is “introductory”; the individual exercises for 6 days in a row; every workout until you feel slightly tired. Then - one day of rest.

The second week is “almost hard.” This week you need to exercise for 5 days in a row, trying to run a little more every day.

After these two weeks - two days of rest. Then run once a day, three days a week. Each time the trainee runs twice the distance that he ran on the last day of the second week, and the third time he runs until he is completely exhausted. Rest between sets – 3.5 – 5 minutes.

There is no need to try to exhaust yourself by running several times a day. This method, if it helps to remove extra pounds, will be not only the disappeared fat, but also muscle tissue. Loss of muscle tissue is accompanied by a sharp increase in metabolism and has a negative impact on the body. Other authors

The popularity of such cardio equipment as the treadmill is only growing. This is due to the fact that walking is accessible to everyone, everyone can train, and there is no need to learn complex techniques. To choose a treadmill for your home, you need to pay attention to the main characteristics. Knowing about the intricacies of the simulator, you can quickly choose the appropriate model.

Types of tracks

There are several types of tracks:

  • mechanical,
  • magnetic,
  • electric.

The mechanical model is one of the most inexpensive options. The movement of the canvas occurs due to the effort of the athlete. The structure of the mechanical treadmill itself: running belt, rotating rollers, hand support. To start moving, you need to exert force, which means the speed of movement depends only on the athlete’s capabilities.

The second option differs from the mechanical one in that the movement occurs with the help of magnets. The device is more complex and expensive. Movement occurs smoothly thanks to magnets.

An electric treadmill is even more expensive; it is equipped with an electric motor that ensures the movement of the belt and sets its speed. Here you can adjust the speed and program. Depending on the model, it can display the athlete’s pulse on the screen and change the angle of inclination. Electric exercise machines are better than others; they have a number of advantages. All of the following characteristics apply to electrical tracks.

Main settings

How to choose a treadmill? It’s not difficult, just know a few basic characteristics:

  • power,
  • deck size,
  • running belt,
  • control panel and all functions,
  • depreciation,
  • cardiac sensor,
  • optimal weight for a training person.

More details about each of them

Power. The engine is the main part in every track. Thanks to the electric motor, the movement of the web is ensured. Power is indicated in the specifications in horsepower, usually an interval is indicated: for example, from 1 to 2 horsepower. Power determines the maximum weight of an athlete.

Deck size matters for tall people. The deck is the base of the exercise machine, located under the running belt. The deck can be made of wood or artificial materials. Its thickness is responsible for shock absorption, respectively, the stronger and stronger it is, the better. Cushioning ensures safe walking or running. A thin deck will last less and will be more rigid in motion.

The running belt itself is more susceptible to wear and tear than others. The more layers there are, the stronger and longer it will last.

The control panel is the track's computer. Depending on the capabilities, the control panel can show speed, pulse, time, distance, average speed. The control buttons are also located here.

Not all treadmill models have a heart rate sensor (or heart rate monitor). You can control your heart rate on the simulator or independently of it (using a fitness bracelet).

Possible options

How to choose a treadmill for your goals? Knowledge of the characteristics provides a minimum set of knowledge to determine the model. To determine which model is right for a particular person, you can consider all possible options.

  1. User weight. Most tracks are designed for the average weight of a person, with a maximum load of up to 150 kg. There are models that can operate with a load of up to 250 kg.
  2. Engine power. Average engine power is up to 2.5–3 liters. With. These values ​​are sufficient for home use.
  3. Speed. Models may differ in the maximum possible speed. This parameter must be taken into account when choosing if you plan to run regularly and increase your speed. The average walking speed is 4.5–7.5 km/h, transition to running is from 8 km/h (slow jogging).
  4. The dimensions of the canvas are important for tall people. There are small tracks. They will be comfortable for people of small or medium height.
  5. Tilt angle. It is desirable to have this function, since changing the height of the belt increases the load and adds variety to training. Accordingly, look at the maximum value (in degrees) by which the canvas can rise.
  6. Depreciation system - yes or no. It is better to choose an option with depreciation.
  7. Does the simulator fold or not? At home, this is an important parameter.
  8. The control panel is different for all tracks. The following functions may be offered by the manufacturer:
    • 1. calorie consumption on the screen,
    • 2. time,
    • 3. speed,
    • 4. number of installed programs,
    • 5. cardiac sensors,
    • 6. fitness test.

These are the main characteristics that you should pay attention to when buying a treadmill.

You can look at the programs in more detail. Different treadmills offer a choice of programs. The difference is not only in the number of programs, but also in the built-in capabilities. Some tracks can automatically calculate your training heart rate, while others don't. Usually there is a separate label on the control panel with symbols. You need to look at and determine your pulse yourself, based on your age and training experience. Additionally, some models are equipped with a program such as a fitness test. You can be tested regularly and see the results of your workouts on the screen. To conduct testing, the track must be equipped with a heart rate monitor. Or the simulator should be able to connect an external heart rate monitor.

Choosing the right model is not difficult. It is enough to determine how the training on the simulator will take place.

Model selection

The mechanical treadmill can be used for all of the listed training purposes. Since it is inexpensive, it is accessible to everyone. The simulator works due to the efforts of the athlete, therefore it is more difficult to move than others, but it will be useful for those who want to bring the training conditions at home as close as possible to real ones. After all, in life, walking and running are accomplished through human efforts.

The motorized walkway can be equipped with all possible functions. It will be convenient for anyone. Simple control, the movement of the blade occurs due to the engine.


The trainer can be used for different types training:

  • health promotion,
  • development of endurance,
  • increase in speed and strength indicators,
  • weight loss.

The treadmill can be used as a fitness machine to improve your health. For various diseases, physical activity is indicated for people. And this cardio machine is one of the best options for this.

Health promotion involves monitoring your condition, which means that the track model should have a heart rate monitor. With its help, you can control your heartbeat and train at the desired interval. On the control panel of some models you can see a table with ready-made heart rate values ​​that a training person should have. There are models in which, when installing the program, it calculates what the pulse should be and displays it zonally in a special window. If the heart rate exceeds the required value, the treadmill automatically reduces the load.

To increase qualities such as endurance or speed, when choosing a suitable simulator, it is better to take into account the presence of shock absorption, power, size, and maximum speed. A properly selected option will ensure safety during training.

To lose weight, it is better to use a model that has a heart rate monitor and a variety of programs with heart rate control. If you train without taking your heart rate into account, you can either give yourself less load than necessary, or too much.

To walk correctly on the path, you need to follow the following rules:

  • lower the foot, starting from the toe and the outer side of the foot,
  • watch the pelvic bones, they are at the same level,
  • each leg takes a step forward (without moving to the side).

Proper walking should provide such movement that the hips remain in place and the legs make a clear movement forward.

Choosing a track can be enjoyable if you know the basic characteristics. When choosing based on them, you can take into account the weight of the simulator, its design, the presence of cup holders, and the ability to connect gadgets.

In any case, the chosen option will definitely bring only benefits and health.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!

Mar 22 2017


At home, you can use a running machine to increase your body's endurance, strengthen the functioning of your heart and blood vessels, and achieve weight loss. Unlike traditional running, exercise on a treadmill can be done in comfort. The correct training technique will help you achieve results and improve your health.

Treadmill for home

Depending on the design and technical features of the mechanism, the following types of treadmills are distinguished:

  • electric – powered by a motor;
  • inertial – set in motion by pushing off the athlete’s legs;
  • A subtype of inertial ones are semi-professional magnetic ones - instead of tapes and levers, their operation is carried out by a powerful magnet, the movement in them is smoother than in classic ones.

Mechanical treadmill

A mechanical treadmill is considered a cheap exercise machine because it operates without electricity and begins to move under the influence of the runner’s legs. The device weighs little, has small dimensions, and is easy to transport. The simplest simulators determine the level of training by the angle of inclination, more complex ones - by braking the front shaft with magnets. Compared to electric ones, they may produce less results because when the runner gets tired, the belt slows down.

Magnetic treadmills

A subtype of mechanical exercise equipment is considered to be magnetic treadmills similar to a cardio machine. The devices are distinguished by their moderate weight, compactness, low price and simple, silent design. The speed of movement of the canvas in them depends on the speed of movement of the athlete. They differ from ordinary ones in their smooth running, the presence of a computer with a choice of running programs and heart rate meters. Due to the magnets, the canvas provides resistance when walking, which leads to additional energy expenditure for the runner, helping him lose weight and achieve his goals.

What is the difference between a mechanical treadmill and an electric one?

Cheap cardio equipment is popular in the ratings, but for effective results it is recommended to use modern and high-quality ones. A mechanical treadmill differs from an electric treadmill in the absence of a motor, low smoothness of movement and reduced cost. A powered sports trainer is bulky and poses a danger if used carelessly.

The following tips and principles will help you choose a treadmill for your home:

  • a small mechanical exercise machine is suitable for budget-conscious people who want to diversify their fitness activities, without any health contraindications;
  • You can run on the magnetic silent one in an apartment or in a country house without access to electricity; according to tests, the device is safe for children;
  • The electric version is suitable for those who need a variety of training, exercise regularly, keep a log of exercises, and strive to reduce the harmful effects of increased load.

Which treadmill is better - mechanical or electric?

To understand which treadmill is best for home use, read the information from the review with the difference, advantages and disadvantages of each type:

Electric version


Smooth running, maximum comfort, silent

Inexpensive models, small sizes, light weight

Built-in computer with heart rate, distance, calorie counting

The pace is set by the user, low probability of breakdowns, ease of repair

Selecting a training mode

No need for electricity

High price (how much it costs depends on the store)

Minimum functionality

Attachment to electricity, high costs

Increased weight, large size

Complex device, time consuming and expensive to repair, moving parts can cause injury

Which treadmill to choose for your home

The choice of a treadmill for the home depends on the needs of the runner and his capabilities. When a person is going to exercise periodically, a mechanical one is suitable for him, which is convenient to take with him to the dacha or repair. Professional athletes are better off choosing an electric one, which has several training modes, built-in sensors for monitoring heartbeat and time spent, and an activity log.

Which treadmill is better is up to everyone to determine for themselves, but there are general criteria for choosing the optimal device:

  • The convenient device has a wide canvas;
  • the deck (the part on which the canvas slides) must be at least two centimeters thick, durable, and absorb shock well;
  • It is better to choose a control panel that is simple and understandable, so that it is suitable even for the elderly;
  • when choosing an electronic version, it is good to choose a model with a minimum power of one and a half horsepower with a quiet motor, the ability to select a standard or programmable mode;
  • For safe operation, you should choose a model with a safety mechanism for children;
  • the optimal length of the canvas is from 120 cm, width – from 43 cm;
  • The purchased home treadmill has a minimum one-year warranty.

How to choose the right treadmill

You can buy exercise equipment for your home on the Internet or in specialized stores. To ensure that the device serves for a long time and reliably, choose trusted sellers with a large assortment. There are several criteria for the process that will tell you how to choose the right treadmill:

  • the deck should be saturated with lubricant - this way it wears out less;
  • The running belt ideally consists of two layers; if the belt is single-layer, it will last less;
  • Athletes with injuries or during the recovery period are better off running on machines with an increased level of shock absorption.

Rating of treadmills for home

Today, the TOP manufacturers of fitness equipment are the American and Italian companies House Fit, Torneo and Horizon Fitness. The rating of treadmills for home looks like this:

  • Torneo Performa Efold – optimal for practicing at home, it is an electric folding type;
  • Discuss