What is a magnetic treadmill for home. Magnetic treadmill working principle. What is the difference between mechanical and electrical

The decision to buy a simulator in most cases depends on the appearance of the product. Will it “enter” the room, will it be equally convenient for everyone who wants to study, can it be quickly assembled and placed in a closet? The packaging depicts a fit girl or a muscular man, clearly hinting that this is exactly what your body will become in the very first months of training.

We offer to evaluate exercise bikes, not relying on the shine of chrome parts and advertising slogans - only people's reviews of the best-selling models.

Magnetic or mechanical?

Treadmills, according to the principle of operation, are divided into 2 camps: mechanical (magnetic) and electric. The difference is that the electric track works as if by itself, and the tape of the mechanical simulator must be set in motion by body weight. On the one hand, such a mechanism allows you to save energy and money - magnetic projectiles are much cheaper. On the other hand, impressive loads on the legs are not recommended for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system.

The advantages of mechanical tracks include an abundance of programs and accurate training data - duration, calories burned, distance and heart rate.

Reviews about using a treadmill at home for weight loss

For health reasons, only a treadmill is suitable; fitness or other workouts are out of the question. I do somewhere from half an hour to forty minutes a day - the result is modest, but there is. Naturally, in parallel, you need to stick to a diet, otherwise no tracks will save you.

I work out on the treadmill with dumbbells. It’s also very good with leg weights, but if there are no shells at home, you can even take a volume of Tolstoy into your hands. It is more difficult to walk with a load, especially to run, but the effect is obvious and several times faster.

Now I run at home, before I only worked out in the gym. The instructor advised me to run for at least an hour! He says that only after 40 minutes does the metabolism change and the body begins to work in the right direction. I ran for an hour and a half with a short break, 8 kilograms left in 2 months.

Mechanical treadmill reviews

I use the track as a cardio machine to lose extra pounds. I took a mechanical one, focusing on the price and intensity of training - I was going to run no more than four times a week, but in reality it turns out even less often. I use Intensor T200 - it turned out to be rather cumbersome, but it performs its functions. The floor does not spoil, does not stagger.

I bought the Body Sculpture trainer. Of the benefits - the incredible noise that the track produces at high speed. It is better not to run at night, otherwise there is a risk of waking up the whole house. The maximum speed of 12 kilometers is enough, it develops well, but next time I will take the electric one.

I'm losing weight with HouseFit - a great treadmill! Compact, convenient, inexpensive. You don't need more for home workouts.

Magnetic treadmill reviews

The treadmill is great! I use Torneo Magic every day for at least an hour, the results are excellent. It folds very well, a comfortable model with a wide canvas, can withstand a weight of 100 kilograms - my husband is engaged and also likes it very much! There are no cons.

I'm going to change the track to electric. There are many programs and additional functions, but no one uses them, the unit only takes up space. I want to throw it in the pantry and forget it until the next workout, and not use it as a hanger for things.

Torneo Linia is a very good choice. I have been doing it for more than six months, not to say that I have lost a lot of weight, but I have tightened up and generally got prettier. And the design is very convenient - I put the tablet directly on the simulator and watch movies while I run.

treadmill rating

Which treadmill is best?

When choosing a treadmill, try to stick to a well-known brand - it doesn't matter if it produces budget models or professional "monsters".

5. Carbon Yukon (from 12,000 rubles).

Mini-sized budget simulator that saves space and money. The electric running belt allows you to reach speeds of up to 10 km / h. The black and white console displays data on the distance traveled, fat burned and running speed. Disadvantages: noisy, like all budget options, there are no set training programs, there is no pulse measurement function, weight limit is up to 90 kilograms.

4. Carbon T404 (from 16,500 rubles).

Compared to the previous model from the same company, the Carbon T404 offers more advanced cushioning, and rollers make it easier to transport. The display offers data on the distance covered, energy expended and training time, but the main plus is 13 modes (12 ready-made programs and manual settings). Weaknesses: Max weight threshold is 110 kilograms, design can feel “narrow” for larger runners.

3. CarFitness Sigma TS-550B (from 25,000 rubles).

A reliable treadmill in the middle price segment, which allows you to reach speeds of up to 12 kilometers. The functions are significantly expanded in comparison with the budget options: there are sensors on the handles that measure the pulse and display the data on the screen. The maximum weight threshold is 120 kilograms. You can study to the music - the model is equipped with multimedia outputs. Disadvantages: a relatively modest number of ready-made programs - only 9.

2. Oxygen Laguna II (from 26,000 rubles).

Powerful electric treadmill. The LCD display shows data on calories burned, distance, distance and speed, pulse measurements. The main plus of the model is 19 training programs. For clarity, the load is correlated with the type of territory: modes "rough terrain", "mountains", "valley" and other types of terrain. Built-in speakers and MP3 jacks let you run to music. Disadvantages: impressive dimensions.

1. Horizon Fitness Paragon 6 (from 67,000 rubles).

Semi-professional treadmill from a European manufacturer. Engine power - 2.5 liters, maximum speed - up to 20 kilometers per hour, while the level of inclination of the surface is regulated. The hydraulic system "hides" the unevenness of the floor. The decisive advantage over budget models is the maximum weight threshold of 160 kilograms. Disadvantages: the simulator weighs 110 kilograms, although it is easy to move around the room.

The price of a treadmill for home

The cost of a treadmill is mainly influenced by 3 factors: the reliability of the assembly, the number of training programs and the maximum weight that the treadmill can withstand.

To a lesser extent, the price depends on the country and the popularity of the manufacturer - but paying for a name means paying for safety and comfort.

The first price niche: the price in the sportmaster is from 10-12 thousand rubles. Even without looking at the product documents, it can be argued that the simulator was manufactured in China or Taiwan. This option is suitable for lovers of savings, as well as for those who do not like ready-made workouts and prefer to set the program manually. Pay attention to the maximum allowable weight - most likely, this mark will border on 80-90 kilograms.

The next segment is from 20-25 thousand rubles. The golden mean: as a rule, models do not make noise and are easy to transport. Chinese and European manufacturers offer from 5 to 20 training programs, smarter built-in computer and increased reliability for larger athletes.

How much does an elite treadmill cost? The price of such a simulator ranges from 25 thousand rubles to 300. As a rule, such shells are installed in gyms, but some models are suitable for home use. The simulators have an abundance of additional functions, a variety of designs, flexible settings and an extreme weight threshold of up to 150 kilograms - the most reliable and comfortable option.

Treadmills are strikingly different in quality standards, the number of functions and ease of use. But even in the niche of budget models, you can pick up a worthy copy - read the reviews and test the simulators yourself.


How this class of devices differs from other tracks. How their mechanism works. The most popular models.

Running is a universal exercise aimed at strengthening muscles, burning fat and improving metabolic processes. There is nothing better than going to a lake or park and jogging for half an hour. But what to do if there is no opportunity to run on the street, and there is not enough time to go to the gym. In such cases, the purchase of a magnetic treadmill is recommended. What are the features of the device? What is the principle of its work?


To begin with, it is worth understanding what treadmills are. There are two types here:

  1. Mechanical. Such products are equipped with a canvas that rotates due to the efforts of the athlete. When a person runs, the rollers with the canvas turn. As soon as the runner stops or slows down, the "track" follows. This type of training is close to natural running, because a person personally chooses a speed that is comfortable for himself. The advantages of such simulators are the absence of power consumption, lightness and availability. Disadvantages - the need to independently rotate the canvas and limited functionality.
  2. Electrical. The main difference between such tracks is the installation of an engine that rotates the web. The speed of movement is set by the runner. The adjustment range often varies and depends on a number of indicators - motor power, preset programs and other data. The advantages are obvious - extended functionality, a wide range of programs, the presence of an electric motor that rotates the canvas itself. But functionality also leads to a number of disadvantages, including high price, massiveness and serious weight.

Mechanical options are divided according to the features of braking and load. Two types are distinguished here - magnetic and classic track. Let's take a closer look at magnetic.

Main differences

In simple words, a magnetic treadmill is a transitional stage between a mechanical and an electrical version.

The main features of devices based on the magnetic principle:

  • Affordable price. The cost of magnetic tracks is lower than electric ones, but higher than that of "mechanics". The average price is in the range from 7-8 to 10-13 thousand rubles. Otherwise, the cost depends on the speed.
  • Ease. In terms of weight, the magnetic version of the product almost does not differ from the classical mechanical design. The same goes for compactness.
  • Movement speed. In this aspect, everything depends on the diligence of the person on the simulator. The difference is that thanks to the magnet at the heart of the mechanism, the rotation is smooth, without jerks.
  • Functionality. The magnetic type treadmill is not far behind the "electric" competitors in terms of options. Most of the devices have sensors for monitoring calories burned, speed, mileage traveled and other parameters.
  • The presence of a built-in magnet is the main feature that characterizes the principle of operation of the design. Thanks to him, it is possible to regulate the resistance of the track - to slow down the canvas or give it complete freedom.
  • Quiet and smooth operation. Due to the lack of a motor, such mechanisms rotate quieter than older "brothers".

The magnetic type of tracks is a simulator, the characteristics and cost of which are at an average level. If the frequency of running is 3-4 times a week, then such a product is enough.

Overview of popular devices

Because of their affordability and efficiency, magnetic tracks are in high demand. Among the popular models it is worth highlighting:

  • Brumer TF2001b. Thanks to the built-in sensors, this model measures the pulse and provides 8 levels of load. A panel is provided that displays the following information - calories burned, speed, heart rate, training time and distance traveled. The simulator does not need to be connected to the network - the display is battery operated. Additional options include lightness, ease of folding, the presence of transport rollers. In addition, the model is convenient, durable and has an impressive resource of work. The weight of the simulator is 32.5 kg. The maximum weight of an athlete is 100 kg.
  • body sculpture is a magnetic treadmill that stands out from competitors due to its compactness, ergonomics and functionality. A computer is provided here that displays the following parameters - time, distance traveled, number of calories lost, speed of movement. Keeping your hands on the handrail ensures that the pulse is fixed. The model is compact and easy to move (rollers for rolling are provided). The mass of the product is 36 kilograms. User weight - up to 100 kg.
  • Torneo is a well-known brand, one of the products of which is a magnetic type simulator Torneo T 111. Advantages - compactness, thoughtful design, the availability of insurance for novice athletes. The weight limit for a runner is up to 100 kg. The slope is manually adjustable. The mass of the device is 29 kilograms. Transport wheels are provided for ease of transportation.
  • Torneo Cross T 108- model for a small apartment. Advantages - ease of use, the presence of special sensors that measure the pulse (located on the handrails). The console displays parameters such as the distance traveled, time, pulse, calories burned. The weight of the product is 26 kilograms.
  • Housefit Ht 90332Hp- magnetic treadmill, characterized by a folding design, lightness (weight - 29 kilograms), increased resistance to the user's weight (up to 110 kg), the ability to adjust the angle of inclination, the presence of transport rollers and a pulse sensor.

Running is an effective exercise for maintaining the tone and health of the body. This is a natural sport, because a person begins to run from early childhood. It helps to reduce weight and keep the body in good shape.

The quality of training depends on the right choice. There are different types of sports cardio units:,. Knowing their characteristics, you can choose the best option.

How does a magnetic treadmill work

Treadmills are divided into:

  • Mechanical- move under the force of the user's influence. Training begins with a slow step and gradually accelerates, due to this the canvas is activated.

Braking occurs due to a smooth decrease in speed.

  • Electrical- suitable for professionals and amateurs. The built-in on-board computer serves as a personal trainer. The disadvantage is the high cost.
  • Magnetic- are driven by the user, but at the same time they have several load options and a smooth braking system. It is considered the best option in terms of price - quality.

They are divided into types of use:

  • professional- for use in gyms;
  • for home use small-sized mini-simulators are used;
  • rehabilitation- with a minimum load, which are used in re-centers.


- budget model

- easy to move

Magnetic - a kind of mechanical, but the quality of training is similar to electric. Differ in dimensions, loading. Magnetic models are suitable for home use.

They are compact and most varieties fold compactly, so they do not take up much space. Economical, as the mechanism is driven by the force of the user's movement.

It is not connected to the electrical network, so the device can be installed on the terrace or balcony. The load level is regulated by changing the angle of inclination of the web. Not equipped with a speed switch, it depends on the user's influence.

The principle of the mechanism is simple - when accelerating the movement of the user, the canvas rotates faster, and when the speed decreases, it slows down. To slow down the movement, the canvas is pressed down with your feet.

This sports apparatus is convenient for professionals, since the load generated is much higher than that of an electric simulator. It folds compactly and moves, while weighing a little.

The mechanical model is functionally close to conditions similar to natural running. After all, a person does not constantly run at the same speed, he accelerates or slows down the movement.

Training takes place on the same principle as running down the street. This sports equipment has the simplest mechanism, rarely subject to breakdowns and malfunctions.

The main distinguishing feature of magnetic from mechanical is smooth running and magnetic braking system. It is achieved by a magnet installed on one side of the upper roller, which rotates the web.

It has a blade tilt level adjuster. By adjusting the plane, the load increases or decreases. Rational option. In terms of running quality, it is not inferior to electric, and at a much cheaper price. Considered safe.

Advantages and disadvantages


  • compact dimensions allow you to install the simulator anywhere, even on the terrace or loggia;
  • low cost in comparison with electric;
  • the ability to set the pace with the natural load of the body;
  • when the load increases, there is less noise than mechanical;
  • smooth running and speed control;
  • cushioning for comfortable running
  • smooth braking.


  • the price is higher than that of a mechanical one;
  • no software;
  • Without pre-training, it is difficult to immediately start running.

How to choose a magnetic treadmill

The magnetic track is ideal for home use. It consists of a frame, a circular rubberized band, which is stretched between two rotating rollers and an on-board mini-computer. Due to its small size, it will fit into the interior.

The main advantage is the relatively low price and smooth running of the tape. What does a magnetic treadmill consist of and what should you pay attention to when buying:

Magnetic treadmill sheet

The canvas is a virtual road along which the athlete runs. An important part when choosing.

  • Web width must be at least 40 cm, and the length - 120-200 cm. The choice depends on the size of the foot, weight and stride length of the user. It takes into account who will use the simulator, height and weight.

If it is calculated for a family, then you need to focus on its largest user;

  • Tilt level and degree of regulation. If you set the canvas higher, then you need to run uphill, and this is difficult, respectively, the load is higher. This level is set manually, but there are options with automatic angle adjustment.

There is a "hills" program that simulates mountainous terrain, the load varies, which makes the run varied;

  • Presence or absence of depreciation. This factor is important, it is responsible for the comfort of running. If there is no depreciation, then it turns out running, as if on asphalt. In the case when the track is cushioned, running turns into the pleasure of jogging on the lawn;
  • Deca is the thickness of the tape, a criterion that is not indicated in the passport characteristics. The thicker it is, the longer the canvas is used. There are double-sided canvases.

When the outer rubber layer wears out, the canvas is turned over on the inside. In this case, the simulator will last longer.

Magnetic treadmill frame

When buying sports equipment, they pay attention to the strength of the frame and user friendliness. The fewer parts to take apart, the longer it will last. It is better that the frame is aluminum, then it is stronger and lighter. It costs more than a steel-framed machine.

But the steel frame is subject to corrosion, so storage in a garage or on a balcony is contraindicated due to the high humidity of the room. And the frame should also have an aesthetic appearance and please the user, this gives an additional incentive to train.

Integrated control panel

The control panel is a personal trainer. It is important that the training conditions are set by lightly pressing the buttons. The simpler the menu, the easier it is to manage. The panel must be at an accessible distance from the user while running.

If you need an effective workout with a result, you will have to overpay for additional functions. But on the other hand, the panel will contain all kinds of control and training modes.

Be sure to check with the seller that the warranty card provides service. It is important that, in addition to the characteristics, the simulator fits the user in appearance, this will further stimulate training.

Transport rules

When buying a simulator in a store, it is necessary to arrange transportation. It is desirable that this be done by the carriers of the point of sale. Otherwise, in case of self-transportation and any damage, the warranty card will no longer be valid.

  • transported exclusively in the original packaging;
  • the packaging is stored until the full expiration of the warranty period;
  • upon receipt, it is checked for damage;
  • the sports equipment is transported unassembled;
  • transported in closed transport or covered with polyethylene.


  1. Before use, you need to read the instructions.
  2. The sports apparatus is installed on a flat surface, retreating at least 5 - 10 cm from walls, mirrors or objects. When the track comes into action, the vibration will hit nearby objects. In order not to damage the floor covering, a rug lies down.
  3. It is recommended to store in a dry place at room temperature.
  4. In order not to get injured, you need to limit access to the simulator to children and animals.
  5. Do not allow users with a weight that exceeds the allowable rate in the data sheet.
  6. When running, make sure that clothing does not get caught in the moving parts, otherwise you may be injured and damage the machine.
  7. You can not use additional items during training.
  8. It is important to check the technical serviceability every three months.
  9. In the event of a breakdown, you cannot open it yourself. In this case, the warranty service will refuse to provide free service.
  10. Cleaning is done with a soft cloth moistened with a cleaning agent solution.

  • When running, sports shoes are required. If the shoes have laces, they must be carefully tightened or hidden inside the sneakers. It is better if the shoes are Velcro;
  • Running begins with a smooth walk, gradually increasing speed;
  • Before stopping, you need to gradually slow down so as not to fall and not get injured or damage the canvas;
  • You need to run in the center. If you run behind, you can fall back, and if you run ahead, then damage the track;
  • At the beginning of the workout, you need to hold on to the handrails until the user gets used to the incline and speed, otherwise you can stretch the ligaments and get injured;
  • You need to increase the speed and the level of the inclination of the canvas gradually, then the body can get used to the load.

Faults and repairs

To avoid malfunctions, you must strictly adhere to the instructions and operating rules on the training tracks. Magnetic running machines have the simplest mechanism, they are considered durable. But there are moments at which the simulator will malfunction:

  • the canvas can move away from the center, in this case it is enough to correct it manually, this can be done without calling service workers;
  • the on-board computer runs on batteries - if the display stops working, the batteries are replaced;
  • frame crin. If the frame makes sounds from vibration, then you can tighten the bolts yourself or adjust according to the instructions.

The health benefits of running are invaluable. It helps keep the body in good shape and lose weight. It often happens that after using it for two months, a person stops training.

Lack of motivation is one of the factors. But it is also believed that an additional incentive for training is a properly selected treadmill.

Most people want to have a toned body. This increases self-esteem, attracts the opposite sex, and, of course, has a beneficial effect on health, not without reason there is such a saying “a healthy mind in a healthy body”. But in the crazy modern rhythm of life, it is often difficult to find time for regular classes in a sports club.

An ideal way out for those who want to lose weight is jogging or brisk walking. But what to do if there is no desire to purchase a subscription to a club, and running on the street is not impressive? An excellent option would be to purchase a treadmill. They are different, but we dedicate our article to inexpensive popular models among the best magnetic treadmills.

What is the best magnetic treadmill to buy? The principle of operation of such a technique is quite simple and is mechanical: a person starts moving on the tape, thereby putting it into action. The magnetic drive allows the web to be magnetized and ensures smooth movement. Given the principle of the magnet, it can be called an additional belt regulator that increases the load for a running person.

Before purchasing, you will need to pay attention to the following points.

  • Canvas. The desired parameters for a runner of average build are the width of the road at least 40 cm, and the length can vary from 1.2 m to 2 m.
  • Angle of inclination and its adjustment. If you need an increased load, then keep in mind that the higher the angle of inclination, the more strength you will have to put out in training. The degree can be set manually, or it can be set automatically. For interval training, a technique with the Hills program will be good.
  • Depreciation. You need to pay attention to this factor if you take care of your joints.
  • Management Console. It is desirable that your virtual "trainer" is equipped with a clear menu with the necessary mode. The simpler, the more convenient.

Top Producers

Running belt manufacturers are constantly competing with each other, releasing more advanced products every year. The most famous companies are Brumer, Carbon, HouseFit, Clear Fit, Body Sculpture. In our ranking of quality products, we will talk about the most popular magnetic tracks.

Rating of the best magnetic treadmills

The Body Sculpture BT-2740 foldable model will be an ideal weight loss trainer. It supports a maximum user weight of 100 kg. The dimensions of the running belt are 40 × 110 cm, the number of load levels is 8, manual type inclination adjustment. The program shows the current speed, distance traveled and energy consumed. It is possible to measure the pulse.

The equipment is made of high quality materials and is characterized by increased wear resistance. The absence of noise allows you to train at any convenient time. To make transportation and use of the device more convenient, the package includes transport rollers and compensators for uneven floors.

The average price of the device: about 16,000 rubles.

Magnetic treadmill Body Sculpture BT-2740


  • Compact dimensions;
  • Excellent shock-absorbed surface of the canvas, which reduces the load on the spine and joints;
  • The presence of sensors that measure the pulse;
  • Possibility to select the load.


  • Difficult to find on sale
  • Not suitable for people over 100 kg.

A very good budget model for home use DFC T2001B. It has 8 load levels, the speed is unlimited. The size of the running belt is 32.6 cm x 92 cm. The display is monochrome, the console displays calories burned, heart rate, distance and time. The interface language is English. The bottle holder is included. If there is not enough space in the apartment, then after class the tool can be folded.

Cost: about 12,000 rubles.

Home treadmill DFC T2001B


  • There is a possibility of folding;
  • Has a bottle holder
  • Convenient transport rollers;
  • Budget price.


  • Lack of depreciation system;
  • There are no compensators for uneven floors.

If you don't feel like running down the street in any weather, then the FC-T806 ARIZONA Max Pro trainer will be a great way to keep your figure in perfect condition. The surface of the track is equipped with cushioning, so that the pressure on the feet is minimized. This means that the FC-T806 ARIZONA Max Pro is suitable not only for young people, but also for the elderly. The maximum user weight can reach 110 kg. At a comfortable level for the eyes, there is a monitor that displays training time, movement speed and, of course, calories burned. There are sensors on the handles of the device that allow you to measure the heart rate. The dimensions of the running belt are 33 cm, there is no inclination adjustment. The simulator folds easily and has a small weight, which makes it possible, even with a fragile weight, to calmly lift it and put it away in the right place.

At a price, the model will cost about 10,000 rubles.

Treadmill magnetic FC-T806 ARIZONA Max Pro


  • Compact;
  • Simple working principle;
  • Good running smoothness;
  • Suitable for older people too.


  • Difficult to find for sale.

Starfit TM-201 Versus

The Chinese track Starfit TM-201 Versus is a rather popular model among users and has earned a lot of positive feedback. The speed of the moving canvas depends on the person running or walking on it. The size of the running belt is 95 x 34 cm, suitable for people whose body weight does not exceed 100 kg. The LCD display shows distance, speed, elapsed time, calories and heart rate. Additionally, there are 8 load levels. The dimensions of the simulator are moderate: 60 cm wide and 119 cm long. The length of the running belt is 95 cm and the width is 34 cm. Special rollers are available to facilitate transportation.

You can buy equipment for 12,000 rubles.

magnetic treadmills Starfit TM-201 Versu


  • Cardio sensor on the handle;
  • Available at a cost;
  • Convenient display;
  • There are different load levels.


  • There is no way to program the workout.

The German model Brumer TF2002 has 8 load levels and can be an excellent helper for keeping fit. Running belt dimensions: 33×118 cm. There is a wonderful cushioning system that reduces the load on the joints and spine. Strong handrails are equipped with rubberized covers, they also have heart rate monitors. The functionality of the equipment works on 2 batteries. The display shows training time, calorie consumption, distance left behind and speed of movement. The work of the canvas begins when you step on it and start moving. After that, auto-shutdown will work, a squeak is heard and the parameters on the monitor are launched.

You can buy a device for 13,000 rubles.

magnetic treadmills Brumer TF2002


  • Compact and suitable for all muscle groups;
  • Excellent cushioning system;
  • Affordable price tag;
  • The presence of a heart rate monitor.


  • A little noisy.

Quite convenient folding model for running Sport Elite TM1596-01. It is equipped with 8 load levels and has a heart rate sensor on the handle. The display shows the current speed, distance traveled and calories burned. The size of the running belt is 33×119 cm, suitable for users whose weight does not exceed 100 kg. If desired, you can increase the angle of inclination using step adjustment. Unfortunately, the model does not have a depreciation system. For ease of transportation, there are wheels (they are also rollers). The total weight of the device is 28 kg.

You can buy Sport Elite TM1596-01 for 12,000 rubles.

Magnetic treadmill Sport Elite TM1596-01


  • 8 load levels;
  • Ability to adjust the angle of inclination;
  • The presence of a cardiac sensor;
  • Easy to use.


  • There is no way to program the lesson.

If you want to pamper yourself with professional expensive appliances at home, then you should pay attention to the AeroFit Run Pro model. Such equipment can easily withstand you, even if you weigh more than 100 kg, because the maximum user weight on the canvas can be 180 kg. The dimensions of the running belt are 55 × 153 cm, a fixed angle of inclination is 7. The number of load levels is a standard number of 8, a bonus is the built-in fitness assessment program. The pulse is measured using touch sensors. Depending on the frequency of the pulse, the backlight of the display maneuvers with the color, changing it from green to yellow. The monochrome LCD display shows the kilometers traveled, the energy used and the current speed. The canvas has an orthopedic effect and has a wear-resistant surface.

You can buy AeroFit Run Pro for 140,000 rubles.

AeroFit Run Pro Magnetic Treadmill


  • Withstands weight up to 180 kg;
  • Orthopedic effect on the canvas;
  • Adjustable console for angle of inclination;
  • Training programs;
  • Reinforced frame design.


  • Not everyone can afford such a luxury.

Which magnetic treadmill do you like?

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    Body Sculpture BT-2740 50%, 6 votes

    FC-T806 ARIZONA Max Pro 25%, 3 vote


Which technique is better magnetic or mechanical

First you need to clarify that the magnetic track is still the same mechanics, only a little more advanced. The difference between the magnetic from the canvas from the mechanical one is in a smoother course, that is, you can slow down more gently or increase the load. From this, a simple conclusion is drawn that the magnetic version of the simulator will be more convenient than the mechanical one.

Precautionary measures

Any sport, and even more so, with the use of simulators, requires precautions. It is better to know them in order to protect yourself from possible injuries.

To begin with, before regular classes, you should consult a doctor to find out if you have any contraindications to running, especially for people who have problems with the heart or pressure. You can start running on the canvas only if there is no damage to the device. You also need to make sure that the simulator is fully assembled.

You need to train in suitable sportswear, eliminating all options with dresses or flowing hemlines so that nothing gets into moving equipment.

Faults and repairs

Simulators, like any other technique, tend to fail and puzzle the owner with one or another mysterious error. Let's go through some of them.

  • Error E-0 means that the security key is missing, which means that it is either not connected or is faulty. It is required to check whether the fixation on the console is reliable, if so, and the error is not going to disappear, then the console will most likely need to be repaired.
  • Error E-1 indicates a speed sensor failure. Such a problem may occur due to poor transportation of equipment.
  • Error E-2 lets you know that there are problems with the engine.
  • Error E-3 demonstrates that there is a discrepancy between the moving belt and the indicated speed.

If the errors cannot be fixed on your own, then you should use warranty repairs.


Magnetic tracks for home use are an excellent chance not only to keep fit, but also a good way to get a rehabilitation effect, however, provided that there are no contraindications. The principle of operation of the device is such that you can independently decide what kind of training will be, complex or simplified. At the beginning, it may be unusual that you need to personally accelerate the movement of the surface, but gradually you get used to it and over time the sensations are as close to natural as possible.

The advantages of magnetic equipment are obvious. First, there is a great saving on electricity. Secondly, the dimensions of such devices are usually compact. Well, and, thirdly, the price is more profitable than electrical counterparts.

A good choice of the simulator, proper use and compliance with safety precautions will allow you to enjoy your own mini gym. When buying, be sure to take into account your mood and desire in order to get the maximum benefit from the purchase in the future and not turn it into a clothes hanger.

The presence in your own house or apartment of a simulator for sports today is not surprising to anyone. Manufacturers of such equipment strive to develop small, mobile and easy-to-use models that can be used independently without outside help. At the same time, despite the active entry into the segment of innovative technologies, traditional solutions remain relevant. These include the mechanical one, which emphasizes its reliability and efficiency. Of course, the usual principle of the simulator against the background of more modern analogues has some disadvantages, which should also be taken into account when buying equipment.

General information about the mechanical treadmill

The fundamental difference between models of this type is the complete elimination of power drive mechanisms, including an electric motor. This means that the movement of the walking belt will be driven directly by the user. This method of functioning determines the pros and cons that a mechanical treadmill has. Reviews, for example, note that the mechanical principle of operation contributes to increased stress on the joints. And on the other hand, getting rid of the need to connect to the mains allows you to use the equipment offline.

The main parameters that should be considered when choosing models of this type will be reduced to the size of the canvas and the configuration of the handles. Despite the extensive possibilities of adjustments, the issue of compliance with a specific model of the user's configuration always remains relevant. The brake that the simulator is equipped with also matters. The mechanical treadmill during operation is controlled by the force applied by the user himself, but the brake mechanism can also adjust the movement of the belt in accordance with the optimal specified rhythm.

Instructions for the maintenance of the simulator

Equipment should be installed on a level surface so that a free space radius of at least 50 cm is maintained around the training area. The treadmill should be securely fixed - if possible, it should be placed on gymnastic mats that will minimize noise and vibration during training. During operation, periodically check the reliability of the connections of individual parts of the equipment and the quality of the main attachment to the floor covering. The unit must also be cleaned regularly. The service life that a mechanical treadmill will last without repair depends on how well care products are selected. Reviews emphasize that it is best to use a soft cloth pre-moistened with a neutral mixture of washing liquid to care for surfaces. The manufacturers themselves do not recommend the use of aggressive and abrasive solutions based on white spirit, benzene, acetone, etc.

User manual

Classes should begin after a light warm-up and at a slow pace, which should gradually build up. It is advisable to refuse loose clothing, as its individual parts can be pulled into the moving mechanisms of the equipment. During the run, you should not swing the simulator around - despite the fixation, excessive vibrations contribute to the wear of the equipment. The exercises themselves must be performed in accordance with a previously thought out program. This applies to both the time of the lesson and the pace of the run. The typical manual for a mechanical treadmill warns against exercising with sets longer than one hour and notes that the treadmill is not intended for medical purposes. You should finish the running session smoothly, focusing on the rate of slowing down the speed of the canvas itself.

Reviews about Torneo models

The Italian brand Torneo is, if not the leader, then one of the leaders in the sports equipment segment. Fans of the manufacturer in this case pay special attention to the Sprint T-115 treadmill, which is suitable even for owners of small apartments. According to users, the unit is compact, easy to use and mobile. What is very important, this is not a classic mechanical type simulator. It is connected to the mains, but not for an electric motor, which is not in the design, but to provide additional functionality. Heart rate measurement, exercise time and speed tracking are just some of the indicators that this mechanical treadmill displays on the display. Reviews also note the richness of training programs, among which there are pulse-dependent ones.

Reviews of HouseFit models

There are also many interesting offers in the line of the American manufacturer HouseFit. The most modern and attractive model is the HT-9147HP. Again, this is an example of a hybrid solution that combines both touch sensors and a traditional mechanical trainer. The treadmill gets positive reviews for its long and wide belt, ergonomic handles and ease of assembly. This option is especially convenient for people of large build, although if desired, the design can be adjusted to suit the needs of short and thin users.

This simulator also has negative sides. So, in the course of classes, many owners note the noisy work of the rollers, which can only be eliminated by updating the system for fixing work items. However, this shortcoming is compensated by an acceptable price tag. On the market, a mechanical one is available on average for 12-13 thousand rubles.