What God created in 7 days briefly. Six days of creation according to the Bible and science. Days of creation of the world by God

According to the biblical account, on the third day of the act of creation, God created the earth. And in seven days the whole world and man were created by him. This act represents one of the fundamental tenets of the Jewish and Christian faith.

The account of how God created the earth and the heavens is found in the first book of the Bible, called Genesis. But its interpretations among believers and non-believers are very different from each other. We will talk about this, as well as in detail about how many days it took God to create the earth, man and the world around us, later in the article.

About the error of literal reading

Anyone who reads the Holy Scriptures without much thought into its essence, that is, trying to perceive it in the literal sense, may become very perplexed. John Chrysostom wrote about this. The clergy are talking about this today.

They warn that when analyzing biblical texts, one must keep in mind that the Bible is not a textbook and does not present scientific truths. It has a religious perspective as well as an allegorical aspect.

Taking into account these comments, we will try to consider chapter 1 of the biblical book “Genesis,” which tells how long it took God to create the earth, sky, man, plants and animals. Although the narrative is quite simple in form, its content is not always easy to understand.

Creation: the first three days

The first chapter of Genesis begins with God first creating the earth and the heavens. And this picture looked like this: the Earth was empty and waterless, there was darkness over the abyss, and the Spirit of God was flying over the water. Then the following happened.

On the 1st day God willed there to be light and it appeared. The Almighty liked this, and he separated light and darkness. He called the light day, and the darkness he called night.

On the 2nd day, God commanded that a firmament be formed in the middle of the expanse of water, and it separated the water that was above the firmament from that which was below it. And the firmament was in the midst of water, and was called heaven.

The account of the third day of creation tells how God created the earth. The water that was under the heavens flowed in one place, and dry land appeared, which God called earth. Then the Creator uttered a command that the earth should grow all kinds of greenery and grass that produces seed according to its kind and likeness, as well as fruitful trees. And all this happened.

Creation of luminaries and animals

On the 4th day, the Lord created celestial bodies in the firmament so that they would illuminate the earth. And also to separate day from night, make signs, mark times, days and years.

On the fifth day, at the direction of the Lord, the water produced reptiles and birds that flew over the earth, along the firmament. Then God created large fish and all kinds of animals.

Having considered what Scripture says about how God created the earth, the sky, the stars and planets, birds and animals, let us move on to

In the image and likeness

And God decided to create man in his own image and likeness. And he made him ruler over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the air. And also over animals, livestock, over the whole earth and the reptiles that creep on it. And the Almighty created man and woman and, having blessed them, commanded that they be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth and rule over the animal world.

After six days, the Almighty looked at everything he had created and decided that it was very good. At the beginning of the second chapter of Genesis it is said that on the seventh day the Creator rested, that is, he rested from his work. He blessed the seventh day by making it holy.

Having outlined the biblical events that tell how God created the earth and the world around it, as well as humans and animals, let us move on to the question of interpretation of the act of creation.

Creation from nothing

When reading the ancient narrative, at first glance it may seem that it contradicts modern scientific ideas. But, as already mentioned, the Bible is not a textbook on any natural science discipline. And it does not describe how God created the earth from a physical, scientific point of view.

But, as the fathers note christian church, it contains one of the important religious truths, which says that it was God who created the world and he did it out of nothing. It is very difficult for human consciousness, based on its life experience, to understand this truth, because creation is beyond our experience.

Even among ancient philosophers, there were opinions that the Creator and his creation are one and the same, and the world is an emanation of God. He “poured out” into this world, forming physical reality. Thus, God is everywhere - this is the opinion of pantheists.

Other philosophers - dualists - believed that God and matter existed in parallel, and the Creator created the world from eternal matter. Atheists deny the existence of God in principle; they claim that there is only matter.

We will consider the explanation of the supporters of the first of the above versions.

1 day is like 1000 years

According to the story of the Holy Scriptures, God created the earth, the whole world, the Universe out of nothing. He did this through His Word, Almighty power and Divine will. The act of creation is not instantaneous, one-time, it occurs over time. Although the Bible speaks of 7 days of creation, a day here is not equal to 24 hours, our earthly day. It talks about other time periods. After all, as stated above, the luminaries appeared only on the fourth day.

The Second Council of Peter says that the Word of God proclaims to us that with the Lord 1 day is like 1000 years, and 1000 years are like 1 day. That is, God is beyond our understanding of time, so it is not possible to judge how long the act of creation took place.

However, the following is clear from the biblical texts. The Lord himself says: “Behold, I am creating everything new.” That is, the act of creation is not yet finished, it continues in an invisible and incomprehensible way for us. God maintains with his energy the structure of the Universe in a state of balance and vitality.

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The story of the creation of the world in the Bible is known to almost every person, even those who do not particularly believe in the Lord. The depth of such knowledge lies solely in the power of faith and the study of the details of the sacred scriptures. Some of the information is passed on to us from generation to generation. For example, we all know that on the last day of the week it is necessary to drop everything and rest.

Creation of the world by the Lord

There is no indication of the exact year of the creation of the world according to the Bible, but there are references to the fact that the first man was created 7509 years ago. Since this book indicates that the creation of the planet took place at the same time, we can assume that the dates are very close. When reading this story, we learn that all the miracles of the Lord were divided into several days:

  • In the first, He created light and separated it from darkness.
  • On the second day He made the firmament and called it heaven. I placed it between the water that was on the ground and above it.
  • It took Him the third day to open the seas, oceans, other waters, as well as continents. Even then, He made the entire plant world in order to somehow lay the foundation for the organic world on the surface.
  • On the fourth, two celestial bodies were produced, which became known as the sun and the moon. After them the stars appeared.
  • He spent the fifth day creating birds, fish and reptiles. but I did all the rest the next day.
  • The sixth day was also marked by the birth of the first people. The man was made in the likeness of God from the dust of the earth, but the woman was made from the rib of a man, in order to obey him and submit in everything. He settled them in the Garden of Eden, from where they were eventually expelled for disobedience.
  • On the last day, the Almighty decided to simply rest and contemplate what had happened to Him.

This is a brief description of the 7 days of the creation of the world in the Bible that everyone can find.

Creation History and Evolution

The description of this creation is described in the Book of Genesis. The statement of this fact is attributed to Moses. It is the first narrative that speaks about the creation of the world according to the Bible, day by day. This text occupies the first and second chapters of the book. The narration comes in the form of a description of the work week. A large number of us think that the last day is Sunday. But this is where many of us are mistaken. The text indicates Saturday as a day off.

Scientists note that the earth was initially unstructured and empty. It was covered in darkness and for life to appear on it, some more time had to pass.

But not all scientists were of the opinion that the creation of the world was the work of the Lord. Atheists who are quite skeptical about this issue. They compare the creation of the world according to the Bible and the theory of evolution and find great differences in them. A large number of studies have been conducted that tend to favor the view that life on earth appeared after some changes, but not God’s intervention.

They do not deny the possibility of something higher, but it is unlikely that it somehow influenced the development of life on earth. In the natural sciences, the origin of life on the planet had a slightly different development. It is in connection with great strides in the field of knowledge of the world that the discussion between these two warring camps has somewhat intensified.

Friction on this issue has been going on for decades and will continue for a long time. Scientists will defend their point of view, and believers will strongly affirm the hand of the Lord that he put into this matter.

How one feels about this fact is purely personal. But we should not forget that no matter what knowledge we have and no matter how far progress has gone, sometimes it is worth bowing before the greatness of the miracle of the Creator.

May the Lord protect you!

world creation

In the beginning, God created the earth and heaven.

The earth was shapeless and empty. She was not visible. Only water and darkness all around.

Is it really possible to do anything in the dark?

And God said: “Let there be light!” And there was light.

God saw how good it was when it was light, and separated the light from the darkness. He called the light day and the darkness night. That's how it went first day.

On second day God created the firmament.

And he divided the water into two parts. One part remained to cover the entire earth, while the second part rose to the sky - and immediately clouds and clouds formed.

On third day God did this: he collected all the water that remained on the earth, and let streams and rivers flow, lakes and seas were formed; and God called the land free from water earth.

God looked at the work of his hands, and he was very pleased with what he did. But still something was missing.

The earth became green and beautiful.

On fourth day he created the luminaries in the sky: the Sun, the Moon, the stars. So that they illuminate the earth day and night. And to distinguish day from night and designate seasons, days and months.

Thus, according to the desire of God and his labors, a beautiful world arose: blooming, bright, light! But... empty and silent.

In the morning fifth During the day, fish splashed in the rivers and seas, all kinds of fish, big and small. From crucian carp to whales. Crayfish crawled along the seabed. Frogs croaked in the lakes.

The birds began to sing and began to build nests in the trees.

And then the morning came sixth day. It was barely dawn when the forests and fields were filled with new life. These animals appeared on earth.

At the edge of the clearing a lion lay down to rest. Tigers are hiding in the forest thicket. Elephants slowly went to the watering hole, monkeys jumped from branch to branch.

Everything around came to life. It became fun.

And then, on the sixth day, God created another creature, the most important creature on earth. It was a man.

Why do you think man is considered the most important thing on earth?

Because God created him in his own image and likeness.

And God punished man that he would rule everything on earth and have dominion over everything living and growing on it. And so that a person could do this well, God breathed soul and mind into him. The first person on earth was a man named Adam.

And on seventh the day God rested after his labors, and this day became a holiday for all times.

Count the days of the week. A person works for six days and rests on the seventh.

Only after hard and useful work can there be real rest. Is not it?

This text is an introductory fragment.

Creation of the World At the beginning of all times, God created heaven and earth. The earth, starting from insignificance, was completely empty - without trees, without fruits, without any decoration; darkness was over the abyss of waters, with which the earth was, as it were, swallowed up, and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters, preparing

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CREATION OF THE WORLD And God said: Let there be light! LIGHT In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was formless and empty, only the Spirit rushed over the waters. And God said: let there be light! And there was light. And God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. And God called the light day, and the darkness night. And

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Creation The first two chapters of Genesis are also the first chapters of the Bible as a whole. It is not surprising, therefore, that they have always attracted special attention from readers. To understand them, one must understand them in the light of certain ancient liturgical traditions associated with

Creation of the World The most famous account of the creation of the world is found in the Bible in the book of Genesis. Here we find a story about 6 days in which God successively created light (first day), sky and water (second day), land and plants (third day), stars (fourth day),

§142. God and the creation of the world E. WiLH. M?ller: Geschichte der Kosmologie in der griechischen Kirche bis auf Origenes. Halle I860. P. 112–188; 474–560. Much of this learned work is devoted to the cosmological theories of the Gnostics. When it comes to church teachings, we must not forget that Christianity did not enter the world as

Creation of the world “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” [Genesis 1:1] The concepts of heaven and earth are fundamental to the first chapters of the Bible. They form the starting point. And here heaven and earth are not the heaven and earth familiar to us, but abstract concepts that designate, respectively,

Creation of the World Taking a broader view of things, the very existence of the universe turns out to be an amazing fact. Why does something exist at all, instead of nothing? Is there a satisfactory explanation of existence as such? In philosophical circles they go

6. CREATION OF THE WORLD God is the Creator of everything, and in the Bible He gave the true message about His creative activity. “In six days the Lord created heaven and earth” and everything that lived on earth, and on the seventh day of that first week “he rested.” Thus He established the Sabbath as permanent

CREATION OF THE WORLD - see Biblical creationism; Nature and the Bible; Six days; Natural scientific evolutionism and

Creation of the World In that fabulously distant era from us, when Kohelet lived and created (and many centuries later, and in some families even today), everyone Jewish child, having reached the age of “childish questions” and began to pull his father or grandfather’s beard: “Tell me where everything comes from.”

Creation of the World 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth a. 2 The earth was empty and featureless, darkness was over the deep, and the Spirit of God hovered over the waters b.3 God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good and separated it from the darkness. 5 God called the light day and the darkness night.

Creation of the World The blue sky stretches above us without boundaries. On it, like a ball of fire, the sun shines and gives us warmth and light. At night, the moon comes out to replace the sun, and around, like children near their mother, there are many, many stars. Like clear eyes, they blink in height and, like gold

Creation of the World In the beginning, God created the earth and heaven. The earth was formless and empty. She was not visible. There is only water all around and darkness. Is it possible to do anything in the dark? And God said: “Let there be light!” And there was light. God saw how good it was when it was light, and separated the light from the darkness.