Dream of eating eggs. Why do you dream about hatching from an egg? Why do you dream about eggs - Dream Book of the Wanderer

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing chicken eggs in a dream means you will meet a male representative who will surprise you with the volume of his manhood. If the person who has such a dream is a man, you should not be afraid of any homosexual claims: it is quite possible that the surprise that we just talked about awaits you in a public bathhouse or, say, a sobering station. If you dream of broken eggs, it means that you can offend some already complex person with some careless look or word. Even if you really want to express everything that is “boiling up”, it is better to remain silent. Eating an egg in a dream means a close relationship with someone around you, whom until now you knew only formally, for example, as a colleague. Painting Easter eggs means you need to take a new approach to your intimate life. Each time you just repeat what happened before without making any changes, and the feeling of “zest” leaves your sex. It’s not so difficult to correct the situation - to embellish the situation, to create something unusual. Turn on romantic music, lower the curtains so that no one and nothing can tear you away from each other, from your world for two; arrange a marriage bed on the floor, on the balcony or, say, in a bubble bath.

Why do you dream about an egg?

according to Vanga's dream book

An egg in a dream represents the world, the planet, all living things that surround you. A rotten egg in a dream foreshadows a threat to life on Earth due to the fact that more and more advanced types of weapons are being invented, means of destroying living things, from which there is no salvation and which are in the hands of unworthy people who are capable of destroying all living things and destroying human civilization. If you break an egg in a dream, it means that the planet is in danger from space. Perhaps, in the very distant future, a meteor shower will hit the Earth, which will split the planet into pieces, and all living things will die. There is an egg - such a dream suggests that all living things exist by devouring living things, and so it was, and so it will be. But a person must thank God for sending him a lot as food, and not forget that he owes everything to the Creator. Boiling an egg - such a dream suggests that a time will come when it will be very hot on Earth, and rivers and seas will begin to dry up, and plants and animals will begin to die, and people will begin to change in order to survive in the unbearable heat.

Egg in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The egg symbolizes the birth of a new life, rebirth. Watching a creature hatch from an egg in a dream is a sign that you will soon witness the appearance of a living creature on Earth. For a young pregnant woman, such a dream predicts a successful birth. Finding a large unusual egg in a dream means that in the future the egg of a large unusual animal will be found. Perhaps it will be the egg of long-extinct dinosaurs. If you dreamed that you broke an egg, then this dream prophesies that you will commit a crime. Perhaps take the life of some living creature. If someone breaks the egg, then in the future you will become an involuntary witness to a brutal murder.

Why do you dream of scrambled eggs?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

fry (anything at all) - quarrel.

I dreamed of an omelet

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing that you have prepared an omelette is a warning to you about flattery and deception, which can be used against you. Eating an omelette in a dream predicts that you will be deceived by someone who has enjoyed your trust for a long time.

Why do you dream about eggs?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

one, two - waiting for guests; a lot - success; to beat or see broken - loss; too much - endless petty worries.

I dreamed about eggs

according to Miller's dream book

Finding a nest with eggs in a dream portends wealth and a happy marriage. For women, this dream promises frequent hobbies. Eating eggs in a dream means that unusual anxieties will settle in your home. Seeing broken fresh eggs is a sign that fate is ready to generously reward you. An exalted mind and a high sense of justice will make you the favorite of many people. Rotten eggs - promise loss of property and decline in business. A basket of eggs means that you will be involved in profitable business transactions. Finding bird eggs in the forest means a possible inheritance from distant relatives.

The esoteric dream book considers eggs a symbol of fertility, prosperity, and family revival. Seeing them in a dream, choosing them on a store counter while making purchases, means pleasant chores and caring for loved ones. Although, there are also negative interpretations of the dream. Ancient interpreters, explaining why empty shells are seen in dreams, warn against losses and quarrels.

Dream book Enigma about eggs, chicks

Seeing the products of a poultry farm on the market and asking the price means receiving a generous gift. Selling or buying eggs means being in the center of attention, being able to wisely take advantage of your own glory and fame.

Seeing a chick that has begun to hatch before your eyes is a sign from above that you can start a profitable business.

When telling why you dream about visiting a chicken coop, the Enigma dream book gives meaning to the breed of birds that were there. Attention: if you dreamed of wild ducks, geese - gossip, gossip cannot be avoided.

Beating eggs means quarreling

Tsvetkov’s interpretations boil down to family squabbles, betrayals, tears, separation. The psychotherapist recommends being more careful in your words and actions, so as not to harm yourself and your loved one if you happen to throw eggs in your sleep.

Missing a basket with fragile goods means disappointment in your partner or companion. If the eggs remain intact and unharmed, consider that you have received a good sign. For both men and women, the dream means that the offender will soon come to make peace and will definitely ask for forgiveness.

See the nest according to Miller

Not only a bird can lay an egg in a dream. For Miller, some reptiles, for example, crocodiles, turtles are a symbol of the favorable development of the fetus.

Eggs of ants and spiders in a dream signal that a hardworking and generous person will become your life partner. Describing why a nest is dreamed of, Miller’s dream book gives the most detailed interpretations:

  • chicken - to a loud scandal;
  • dove - for reconciliation;
  • crocodile - to good health;
  • turtle - to making the right decision;
  • formic - to troubles;
  • spider - to prosperity.

Freud: cutting - getting away from complexes

Sigmund Freud's dream book curiously explains what bull's eggs mean in dreams. It turns out that they symbolize male strength and high potency. A couple desperate to have a child will have a rare chance of conceiving.

Castrating a bull in a dream, cutting the flesh with your own hands is the same as getting rid of complexes and stereotypes that interfere with full-fledged sexuality and attractiveness.

The psychotherapist guarantees that intimate life will turn from ordinary and insipid into a real holiday, take on a new meaning, and sparkle with bright colors.

What does it mean to hatch offspring?

The Muslim dream book warns of danger to everyone who happens to see a hen or hatch their offspring themselves. There is a risk of missing out on a good deal due to your slowness and laziness, and missing an important point in an explanation with your loved ones.

It’s even worse if the eggs in the nest were dirty, rotten, and emitted an unpleasant odor. Such a dream means loss of property, loss of physical and moral strength. You won't have to count on luck in the coming days. It’s better to be alone and not get involved in dubious activities.

Vanga: why do you dream of scrambled eggs?

Seeing yourself in the kitchen, grinding whites and yolks in a mortar, preparing your favorite dishes from eggs, drinking them is a sign of a showdown. And only frying eggs in a dream means a short but memorable romance.

In order to correctly interpret why you dream of peeling and eating an egg, Vanga suggests remembering what it was like in the dream:

  • fresh - to a happy marriage;
  • rotten - circumstances will be against you;
  • raw - to a short love interest;
  • soft-boiled - to the implementation of plans;
  • in the form of an omelet - to profit, replenishment.

Interpretations of the Islamic dream book

Bird clutches in the Islamic dream book have positive interpretations for women planning to give birth to a child. If you dreamed that a baby reptile was about to hatch, expect lucrative marriage offers.

Finding a cozy nest in the wild means purchasing real estate and improving the family’s living conditions. Seeing hungry and restless cubs in him means that unforeseen situations will arise for household members. There will be an urgent need to solve the financial problems of relatives.

If you dreamed of a bird brood

Duckling and chicken symbolize a successful start to trade, opening your own business. Picking up a frightened baby in a dream means being prepared for unforeseen circumstances in reality.

If there were several chickens, you will have a lot of hassle with paperwork. There is a risk of being drawn into litigation and family proceedings.

A parrot guarding its offspring in a dream represents a scandalous and talkative person. Beware of gossip and idle talk. Take care of your reputation - do not take on obligations that you cannot fulfill.

What does it mean to steal

Stealing a bucket of eggs in a dream means extraordinary luck. Your intelligence will be noted by your superiors. Negotiations with partners will take place without a single flaw. There will be a chance to make a career and climb the career ladder.

Also, stealing something from a neighbor’s chicken coop is an attempt to seduce a neighbor or neighbor in reality. Romantics will be able to enjoy mutual feelings. Pragmatic people will also not be left without generous gifts from fate. An unexpected inheritance from distant relatives will solve a number of financial problems.

Seeing Faberge in a dream

Faberge, Easter eggs, and painted eggs symbolize the dreamer’s refined taste. Talented, outstanding individuals can see bright, poisonous colors. Giving someone a red, brown, chocolate egg, or receiving it as a gift, is a creative boost.

The golden color represents the spiritual values ​​of a person. Everything related to studies, scientific projects, creative business trips will bring a lot of positive emotions. Dream Interpretation Enigma recommends taking this opportunity and taking your well-deserved place in the world of art.

Dreams on the topic 👇

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Now let's find out together whether your dream will come true? 🔮 Which I dreamed about today. Exactly this night️ 🌃.

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Questions to the author


    I dreamed of selling eggs, some were collected directly from under chickens, some eggs were taken directly from under chickens, some were cracked, several eggs were uneven.

    I was walking along the road in a dream, carrying many egg cells in my hands, turned back, I saw my bag standing, I put the eggs down, took the bag, my hands were full. But I know for sure that everything needs to be taken away. Then she hung the bag on her arm and took the cells with eggs. At the same time, 2 eggs fell and broke.

    • This friend will ask you for something, and you will dissuade him. Decide that his idea is stupid and will not bring him luck. And you will be right! So stand your ground. 😉

      • Such a dream occurs when money arrives! 😉 And you will correctly decide not to spend it right away, but to put it aside for some important purchase. I would generally advise you to put your money in the bank at interest!

        • They shouldn't have eaten! But in reality everything can be fixed. You are indecisive, and this trait prevents you from achieving success. When a tempting invitation arrives, agree immediately. Don't be afraid of difficulties, they will help you.

          I saw in a dream how a woman was carrying a lot of eggs in her hem and the feeling that she had collected it for me, someone wanted to help collect it too, but I refused.

          • Such a dream is for luck. Your family will not be in poverty. The main thing is not to become proud of unexpected success. Thank the person who supported you all this time, maybe even with money.

bird nest bird eggs easter egg

Dream Interpretation Egg The egg symbolizes the birth of a new life, rebirth. Watching a creature hatch from an egg in a dream is a sign that you will soon witness the appearance of a living creature on Earth. For a young pregnant woman, such a dream predicts a successful birth. Finding a large unusual egg in a dream means that in the future the egg of a large unusual animal will be found. Perhaps it will be the egg of long-extinct dinosaurs. If you dreamed that you broke an egg, then this dream prophesies that you will commit a crime. Perhaps take the life of some living creature. If someone breaks the egg, then in the future you will become an involuntary witness to a brutal murder. Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

Dream Interpretation Egg Seeing a basket of eggs in a dream means you have come to the conclusion that your sex life is too chaotic. Subconsciously, you strive to create a family and think about procreation. Intimate dream book

Dream Interpretation Eggs - seeing white eggs in a dream means that your cherished desires will come true. A red egg means an unexpected unfortunate circumstance that will greatly harm you. Clean, fresh eggs portend good news. Seeing a whole basket of eggs in a dream means participation in an unsuccessful enterprise. Broken eggs always dream of sadness. Ancient French dream book

Dream Interpretation Eggs A symbol of creation, emergence, unrealized human potential. The chick hatches from it, which means the birth, implementation, implementation of a creative idea, plan, idea. Throwing eggs means collapse, exposure. A lot of worries; broken - loss, collapse of all plans; abortion. Dream Book of the Wanderer

Interpretation of sleep Egg If you dream of eggs, then there will be some guests. Beating eggs is a misfortune. Eggs are a hassle. Losses. Argument. Eggs - visit. Eggs are an experience. If there are a lot of eggs in the nests, there is a quarrel, a nuisance.
Easter egg in a dream If you dream of an Easter egg or Easter eggs, it will be poverty. Easter egg - explanation. Ukrainian dream book

Meaning of the dream Eggs Eating eggs in a dream means unusual troubles in your home. If you dream of broken fresh eggs, this is a sign that fate will soon generously reward you. You will become a favorite of many people thanks to your sublime mind and high sense of justice. Finding a nest with eggs in a dream means wealth and a happy marriage. It is possible to receive an inheritance from distant relatives. For women, such a dream foreshadows frequent hobbies. A basket of eggs means that you will be involved in profitable business transactions. Rotten eggs portend loss of property and decline in business. Modern dream book

Dream Egg Finding a nest with eggs in a dream: a prediction of family happiness, wealth and many children. For women, this dream promises numerous love interests. Eating eggs: Expect unusual disturbances in the house. Seeing fresh broken eggs is a harbinger that fate will be favorable to you and will give you generous gifts. You will be loved and respected for your high spirit and commitment to justice. Seeing rotten eggs: a harbinger of loss of property and moral decline. Seeing a basket of eggs: a sign of profitable business deals. A dream in which you see bird eggs: promises you an inheritance from distant relatives or high profits from successful business ventures. Modern dream book

Dream Egg It is well known that the egg is a symbol of the origin of life and has the power of rebirth and renewal. In dreams, this symbol can have several meanings and interpretations. According to ancient legends, sorcerers and magicians whose actions were associated with evil spirits ate an egg in the shell to double their strength. You probably remember that the fairy-tale villain Koschey the Immortal kept his life in an egg. In some cases, the egg symbolizes immortality, longevity, and infinity. The custom of painting and eating eggs is still very popular. Folk wisdom contains many sayings and proverbs related to this symbol. They said about an empty and insignificant matter: “Not worth a damn.” In another case, the egg was considered a symbol of infancy. They said about a caressed and spoiled child: “A hatched egg is always a chatterbox.” It was believed that no serious actions should be expected from such a person. If you eat an egg in a dream, it means that in reality you are paying too much attention to an empty and unnecessary matter. A dream in which you dropped and broke an egg means that with your careless actions you can destroy your own happiness. Seeing broken eggshells in a dream is a sign that you need to take care of your health. Seeing in a dream how you collect eggs in nests means that significant changes for the better will come in your life. If you saw in a dream how you hatched eggs yourself, it means someone close to you will need your attention and help. A dream in which you treat someone to an egg dish indicates that a person will appear in your life who will change your whole life. Seeing rotten eggs in a dream is a bad sign. Seeing a two-yolk egg in a dream means an ambivalent situation. If in a dream you are trying to cook scrambled eggs, and a living chicken comes out of a broken egg, this is a sign that you are using your chance unwisely. Seeing a huge mountain of eggs in a dream means prosperity. A dream in which you saw a snake devouring an egg means evil and illness. To see a pike hatching eggs in a dream is a sign that you are overly passionate about your fantasies, which are replacing your real life. A dream in which you are waiting for a chicken to finally hatch from an egg means that you are too passionate about something that is long in the past. They say about this: “These are hatched eggs.” If in a dream you are trying to break and peel the shell of an egg, in reality you will have to be more careful. They will try to deceive you and involve you in significant financial expenses. People say: “They peeled off like an egg.” Aesop's Dream Book

Why do you dream about the Egg? Egg - (according to Freud, a symbol of male sexuality), in some cases the egg symbolizes immortality. In the usual interpretation, it means wealth, profit or something empty. Eating an egg in a dream means that in reality you pay a lot of attention to empty and unnecessary things. Breaking an egg means that by your careless actions you can harm yourself. A dream in which you are waiting for chickens to finally hatch from eggs means that you are too passionate about something that is no longer relevant to you. You are trying to break and peel the shell of an egg, they impose a business on you in which they will try to deceive you and involve you in financial expenses. Russian dream book

Dream Interpretation Egg Symbolizes a woman. And if the eggs are in a vessel, then this indicates girls, in accordance with the words of the Almighty, meaning: exactly guarded eggs (37:49) Whoever sees a boiled egg in his hand in a dream, things that have not been resolved for a long time and were difficult , will be resolved and improved. Seeing that you have purchased eggs and eaten them is a sign of wealth if they are boiled or fried. And if they are raw, then this means ill-gotten wealth (haram). Whoever saw his hen lay an egg will be blessed with a child. A boiled egg, peeled, symbolizes healthy eating, and the one who sees that he ate a raw egg, he consumes property obtained by unrighteous means, or he will be alarmed, or he will do something dissolute. Eating eggshells indicates that the person is grave robbing. If a man saw that an egg had come out of his wife, it means that she will give birth to an unbelieving child, in accordance with the words of the Almighty, meaning: He brings out the dead from the living (10:31) If he saw that he had put an egg under a chicken, and it cracked, and If a chicken appears, then something that had died out will be revived and a believing child will appear in it, in accordance with the words of the Almighty, meaning: He brings forth the living from the dead (30:19) Perhaps he will be endowed with sons equal to the number of chickens. If he put the eggs under the rooster and took out the chickens, then a teacher will appear in those parts teaching children. If he breaks the egg, it means he deprived his wife of her virginity, and if he failed to break the egg, then he could not deprive her of her virginity. Whoever hits the egg, if his wife is pregnant, will order her to terminate the pregnancy. If he saw another person who broke the egg and returned it to him, then this person will deprive his daughter of her virginity. If you see that he has a lot of eggs, it means that he has a lot of things and property, the damage of which he is afraid of. All of the above applies to raw eggs. Whoever saw a boiled egg will have a protracted and intimidated case resolved, and he will receive property, and something that had faded away will be revived. If he regurgitates an egg, then he will consume the woman’s property and waste it. If he ate it, he would marry a wealthy woman. The crane's egg symbolizes an unhappy child. The parrot's egg symbolizes a pious girl. It is said that whoever sees that he has been given an egg will be endowed with a noble son. If an egg breaks, the child will die. They say that eggs for cosmetologists, as well as for all those who live by selling eggs, are an indication of good. As for other people, a small number of eggs indicates benefits, since they are eaten. A lot of eggs indicates worries and sorrows, and in many cases, hidden things. It is said that large eggs symbolize sons and small eggs symbolize daughters. Islamic dream book

Dream Interpretation Egg Dishes made from eggs and meat: they speak of profits made without much effort. Pickles are always a sign of quarrels and troubles, and those who eat them in a dream should expect their appearance. Anyone who sees them without eating them will lose his capital by investing it in some business. Islamic dream book

Dream Interpretation Egg A dream with a broken egg foreshadows a sad event, which, however, will turn out to be unexpectedly positive. Cooking scrambled eggs - for the visit of guests. Boiled eggs promise insignificant success that does not justify the investment and effort spent. Seeing a dream with bird eggs in a nest predicts an unexpected find or a major purchase. An egg with two or more yolks is a symbol of prosperity, wealth and success in life. A lot of eggshells - to a quick marriage or addition to the family. Dream Interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation Egg EGG - to see an egg in a dream and break it, clearly distinguishing its three constituent parts - the shell, the white and the yolk - means that you are currently busy searching for the meaning of life, but philosophizing does not bring you peace. If the egg inside turns out to be rotten or with an embryo, then after 93 days you will fall into depression, as you will no longer believe in yourself and trust others, in addition, you will feel sorry for yourself and engage in soul-searching. If the egg inside turns out to be bright and fresh, then after 3 weeks you will find yourself a new activity and set a new goal. Dream Interpretation of Pythagoras

Dream Interpretation Egg Egg: symbol of male genital organs. Potential life, which must be primarily fertilized from the outside, is dark substance (matter), which must be permeated with the light of the conscious before the birth of a new one. Easter and Sunday. Archetype of probable individuation. A secret essence in which good and evil exist inseparably. Psychoanalytic dream book

Dream Interpretation Eggs EGGS - profit, guests will show up, harvest, // illness, shame, sin, tears, trouble, grief, death of loved ones, loss, something in the household will disappear or spoil, quarrel, troubles, fight, quarrel, worries; whole - good; a lot - success; in the nest - bad, quarrel, trouble; painted - thieves, family quarrel; red - good news; roll - good, harvest, profit, money // you'll break your head; to break - death (of a relative), loss, quarrel, annoyance, misfortune; broken - to the deceased, illness, loss, trouble, do not marry a plump girl; eat - to fever; eat without measure - illness, harm; yolk is a nuisance. Maly Velesov dream book

Dream Interpretation Egg Egg: symbolizes the birth of an idea that will soon hatch. Seeing a chick that has already hatched: portends a new calm period of life. Lots of eggs: anxiety, uncertainty of the situation. Breaking an egg: misfortune. Seeing the shell: unfulfilled hopes. ABC of dream interpretation

Dream Interpretation Eggs Eggs. Finding a nest with eggs in a dream portends wealth and a happy marriage. For women, this dream promises frequent hobbies. Eating eggs in a dream means that unusual worries will settle in your home. Seeing broken fresh eggs is a sign that fate is ready to generously reward you. An exalted mind and a high sense of justice will make you the favorite of many people. Rotten eggs - promise loss of property and decline in business. A basket of eggs means that you will participate in profitable business transactions. Finding bird eggs in the forest means a possible inheritance from distant relatives. Big dream book

Dream Interpretation Egg Eggs in a dream foretell success in any new business. Eating eggs in a dream indicates that you are in good health. The egg symbolizes the birth of a new life, rebirth. A nest with eggs seen in a dream foreshadows wealth and a happy marriage. After such a dream, a woman often behaves too frivolously. If you ate an egg in a dream, then anxiety associated with something unusual may settle in your home. Such a dream also symbolizes a close relationship with someone around you, whom until now you knew only formally, for example, as a colleague. When you see broken fresh eggs, know that fate is ready to generously reward you. You will be loved and respected for your extraordinary mind and high sense of justice. In addition, such a dream means that you can offend some already shy person with some careless look or word. Even if you really want to express everything that you think about him, it is better to remain silent. Rotten eggs dream of loss of property and decline in business. Seeing a basket of eggs is a harbinger that you will participate in profitable business transactions. Bird eggs found in the forest dream of receiving an inheritance from distant relatives. Painted Easter eggs - in reality you need in a new way treat your intimate life. Each time you just repeat what happened before without making any changes. It’s not so difficult to correct the situation - to embellish the situation, to create something unusual. Have a romantic dinner, turn on the music, draw the curtains - and then a new round in your relationship will begin. Nostradamus interpreted such dreams as follows: A young woman watched in a dream how a creature hatched from an egg - the dream prophesies a successful birth for her. If you dreamed that you broke an egg, then perhaps you will commit a crime. If someone breaks the egg, then in the future you will become an unwitting witness to a cruel crime. And the Bulgarian soothsayer Vanga interpreted dreams about eggs as follows: A rotten egg in a dream portends a threat to life. If you boil an egg, there will be a long drought. Large universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Eggs Dreaming of eggs means quick success in trade and love. If there are a lot of eggs, the dream foretells a happy marriage, good children and prosperity for many years. You can safely hope to get a better job; it will soon be yours. If the eggs are rotten, the dream foretells you the deceit of treacherous friends or the hypocrisy of unfaithful lovers. If in a dream you eat eggs with pleasure, it means. Pleasure and considerable joys await you ahead. Ancient English dream book

Dream Interpretation Egg Seeing an egg: for the birth of children. Lots of eggs: troubles associated with children. Easter eggs: joy from children, respect and help. Broken: to infertility, unsuccessful pregnancy. Esoteric dream book

Dream Interpretation Egg “Hatch, sit on eggs”: waiting with a specific purpose “throwing rotten eggs”: overthrow, protest against a self-proclaimed leader, speaker “energy egg”: cocoon “flying around like a hen with an egg”: petty egoistic worries, troubles “kick in the balls” ": specially vulnerable spot“to lay a golden egg”: a brilliant idea, a source of enrichment “is in the shell of one’s ideas and views”: limitation, isolation, narrow outlook. Idiomatic dream book

Dream Interpretation Egg Egg: a very significant sign symbolizing new life and new potential. In many ancient traditions, the egg is associated with immortality. In Egyptian hieroglyphs, the egg: means great potential and even the receptacle of the secrets of life. On one of the Egyptian papyri you can see an image of an egg hovering above a mummy. It is believed that this is a symbol of eternal life in the future. If this sign appears to you, then you are on the verge of entering your full potential. This is a time of new beginnings. Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Dream Interpretation Egg Eggs: profit, guests will appear, harvest, / illness, shame, blemish, tears, trouble, grief, death of loved ones, loss, something in the household will disappear or deteriorate, quarrel, troubles, fight, quarrel, whole experiences: a lot of good: success in the nest: bad, quarrel, trouble painted: thieves, quarrel in the family red: good news roll: good, harvest, profit, money / break your head break break: death (of a relative), loss, quarrel, annoyance, misfortune broken: to the deceased , illness, loss, trouble, don’t marry a plump girl there is: to fever there is without measure: illness, harm yolk: annoyance. Small dream book

Dream Interpretation Eggs EGGS are a symbol of creation, emergence, and unrealized human potential. The chick hatches from it, which means the birth, implementation, implementation of a creative idea, plan, idea. Throwing eggs means collapse, exposure. A lot of worries; broken - loss, collapse of all plans; abortion. Dream Interpretation Master of Dreams

Dream Interpretation Eggs The egg symbolizes the birth of an idea that will soon hatch. Seeing an already hatched chick portends a new calm period of life. A lot of eggs - anxiety, uncertainty of the situation. Breaking an egg is a misfortune. Seeing a shell means unfulfilled hopes. Dream Interpretation of Medea

Dream Interpretation Egg Eating eggs in a dream means unusual troubles in your home. If you dream of broken fresh eggs: this is a sign that fate will soon generously reward you. You will become a favorite of many people thanks to your sublime mind and high sense of justice. Finding a nest with eggs in a dream means wealth and a happy marriage. It is possible to receive an inheritance from distant relatives. For women, such a dream foretells frequent hobbies. Basket of Eggs: Means that you will be involved in profitable business transactions. Rotten eggs: portend loss of property and decline in business. Dream interpretation of a modern woman

Dream Interpretation Egg Seeing several eggs: the presence of pronounced extrasensory abilities (prophetic dream). Eating a soft-boiled egg means you won’t complete some important task, for which you will suffer and the disease will not be completely cured. Golden egg: upon awakening, make a wish Newest dream book

Dream Interpretation Egg Eggs: most likely, you fear for your past, you are afraid that some of your unseemly deeds will be revealed (what is hidden under the smooth white shell - your impeccable appearance) will become visible. Dream book of the past

Dream Interpretation Eggs Dream Interpretation Egg - (According to Freud, a symbol of male sexuality), in some cases the egg symbolizes immortality. In the usual interpretation, it means wealth, profit or something empty. Eating an egg in a dream means that in reality you pay a lot of attention to empty and unnecessary things. Breaking an egg means that by your careless actions you can harm yourself. A dream in which you are waiting for chickens to finally hatch from eggs means that you are too passionate about something that is no longer relevant to you. You are trying to break and peel the shell of an egg, they impose a business on you in which they will try to deceive you and involve you in financial expenses.

Dreams are a reflection of reality. In a dream, a person can see events from the past, present and even future. A dream in which eggs appear has many interpretations, but we can say with confidence that it does not foretell serious troubles in the near future. Broken eggs are a symbol that fate will generously reward a person for his work; he will feel his importance in society, love and respect from his immediate environment.

The female one also says that a person who sees a nest with eggs in a dream will soon strengthen his financial position. For a man, he promises the return of debts, an unexpected inheritance, etc., but rather, marriage and a strong marriage. Seeing a basket of eggs in a dream means an exciting proposal, for example, participation in an unusual project that may seem stupid at first glance. But rotten eggs are a negative symbol, foreshadowing a loss of strength, as well as their irrational use.

A rotten egg in a dream symbolizes the loss of a loved one or property. It is better for the dreamer not to take on risky business, otherwise it will lead to complete collapse.

Miller's Dream Book

In Miller's dream book, eggs represent the beginning of a new life. A woman who sees them in a dream will probably soon find out about her interesting situation -. Seeing several eggs in a dream means that in order to accomplish his plans, a person may need outside help, for example, colleagues, friends or relatives. Eating eggs in a dream means unjustified worries and fears that take all the dreamer’s attention and prevent him from concentrating on serious things.
Easter eggs in a dream are a harbinger of unexpected joyful emotions. The dreamer can confidently implement his plans; luck will accompany him both in work and in personal affairs.

Aesop's Dream Book

In Aesop's dream book, the situation with eggs is not as positive as we would like. He takes a dual interpretation. On the one hand, eggs are considered a symbol of the birth of a new life, a new idea. And on the other hand, an artifact of sorcerers and magicians, which helps them increase their power by taking away vital energy other's. For example, eggshells may be a sign of weakening of the body. This means that the dreamer should pay more attention to his health and devote all his efforts to its restoration. If a person sees in a dream how an egg hatched, most likely he is living in the past, not noticing that everything around him has changed - new opportunities and goals have appeared.

Numerological Dream Interpretation

Seeing an egg in a dream and breaking it, clearly distinguishing its three constituent parts, the shell, the white and the yolk- means that you are currently busy searching for the meaning of life, but philosophizing does not bring you peace.

Dream Interpretation of Medea

Egg- symbolizes the birth of an idea that will soon hatch.

See an already hatched chick- portends a new calm period of life.

Lots of eggs- anxiety, uncertainty of the situation.

Break an egg- misfortune.

See the shell- unfulfilled hopes.

Freud's Dream Book

Seeing chicken eggs in a dream- you will meet a male representative who will surprise you with the volume of his manhood.

If someone who sees such a dream- man, you shouldn’t be afraid of any homosexual claims: it’s quite possible that the surprise we just talked about will await you in a public bathhouse or, say, a sobering station.

If you dream about broken eggs- this means that you can offend some already complex person with some careless look or word. Even if you really want to express everything that’s “boiling up,” it’s better to remain silent.

There is an egg in a dream- to a close relationship with someone around you, whom until now you knew only formally, for example, as a colleague.

Dye Easter eggs- you need to take a new approach to your intimate life. Each time you just repeat what happened before without making any changes, and the feeling of “zest” leaves your sex. It’s not so difficult to correct the situation - to embellish the situation, to create something unusual. Turn on romantic music, lower the curtains so that no one and nothing can tear you away from each other, from your world for two; arrange a marriage bed on the floor, on the balcony or, say, in a bubble bath.

Egg- is a symbol of the female genital organs. Most often, such dreams are associated with the desire to have a child.

Lots of eggs- symbolizes your dream of a large and friendly family (unless such a dream is caused by a feeling of severe hunger).

Rotten egg- symbolizes health problems or complications during pregnancy.

Boiled egg- speaks of your frivolity in matters of procreation.

Broken or scrambled egg- symbolize your concerns about having a child. Often these concerns relate to restrictions on sex during pregnancy.

Vanga's Dream Book

Egg in a dream- represents the world, the planet, all living things that surround you.

Rotten egg in a dream- portends a threat to life on Earth due to the fact that more and more advanced types of weapons are being invented, means of destroying living things, from which there is no salvation and which are in the hands of unworthy people who are capable of destroying all living things and destroying human civilization.

If in a dream you break an egg- this means that the planet is in danger from space. Perhaps, in the very distant future, a meteor shower will hit the Earth, which will split the planet into pieces, and all living things will die.

There is an egg- such a dream suggests that all living things exist by devouring living things, and so it was, and so it will be. But a person must thank God for sending him a lot as food, and not forget that he owes everything to the Creator.

Boil an egg- such a dream suggests that a time will come when it will be very hot on Earth, and rivers and seas will begin to dry up, and plants and animals will begin to die, and people will begin to change in order to survive in the unbearable heat.

Aesop's Dream Book

It is well known that the egg- is a symbol of the origin of life, has the power of rebirth and renewal. In dreams, this symbol can have several meanings and interpretations. According to ancient legends, sorcerers and magicians whose actions were associated with evil spirits ate an egg in the shell to double their strength. You probably remember that the fairy-tale villain Koschey the Immortal kept his life in an egg. In some cases, the egg symbolizes immortality, longevity, and infinity.

You dreamed that you were boiling a chicken egg- know that you have a secret enemy, and it is a woman.

If you dreamed that one of your relatives or friends gave you a chicken egg as a gift- know that soon misfortune will fall on this person, which will touch you with the edge of its wing.

Buy a chicken egg- unfortunately due to your fault.

You lost or gave someone an egg- the troubles that were supposed to befall you will overtake this person.

If you dreamed that you stole an egg- beware, a dog may bite you.

Dream Interpretation of Denise Lynn

Egg- a very significant sign, symbolizing new life and new potential. In many ancient traditions, the egg is associated with immortality.

In Egyptian hieroglyphs the egg- means great potential and even the repository of the secrets of life. On one of the Egyptian papyri you can see an image of an egg hovering above a mummy. It is believed that this is a symbol of eternal life in the future. If this sign appears to you, then you are on the verge of entering your full potential. This is a time of new beginnings.

English dream book

Dreamed eggs- mean quick success in trade and love.

If there are a lot of eggs- a dream foretells a happy marriage, good children and prosperity for many years. You can safely hope to get a better job; it will soon be yours.

If the eggs are rotten- the dream foretells you the deceit of treacherous friends or the hypocrisy of unfaithful lovers.

If in a dream you eat eggs with pleasure- it means pleasure and considerable joys await you ahead.

Medieval dream book of Daniel

Cooking chicken eggs- to wealth.

See eggs or lay them out- to empty words.

See white eggs- to wealth.

Italian dream book

Egg- the symbol is rather negative, since an egg is “something” in a shell. A secret, unknown, unexpected creature that is hidden from direct perception. The floor of the shell can be anything: something alien to a person, separate from him, some other life that can influence the life of the subject, his behavior, development, sense of self, or something threatening that carries danger. In addition to this interpretation, a sexual interpretation of this image is also allowed, since the egg, due to its shape, symbolizes the male genital organs.

Dream book of lovers

If you dream about chicken eggs- this means that your new partner will surprise you with the size of his manhood.

broken eggs- dream that you can offend a person with your careless word. It is better to remain silent in such a situation.

Islamic dream book

Dishes made from eggs and meat- they talk about profits obtained without much effort. Pickles are always a sign of quarrels and troubles, and those who eat them in a dream should expect their appearance. Anyone who sees them without eating them will lose his capital by investing it in some business.

Dream Interpretation of Dashka

In some cases the egg- symbolizes immortality. In the usual interpretation, it means wealth, profit or something empty.

There is an egg in a dream- this means that in reality you pay a lot of attention to empty and unnecessary things.

Break an egg- means that with your careless actions you can harm yourself.

A dream in which you are waiting for the chickens to finally hatch from the eggs- means you are too passionate about something that is no longer relevant to you.

You are trying to break and peel the shell of an egg.- they are thrusting on you a case in which they will try to deceive you and involve you in financial expenses.

Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki

There are eggs- loss; put them under the hen- profit; and take them out- trouble.

Psychoanalytic dream book

Egg- symbol of male genital organs. Potential life that must be primarily fertilized from without; dark substance (matter), which must be penetrated by the light of the conscious before the birth of a new one. Easter and Sunday. Archetype of probable individuation. A secret essence in which good and evil exist inseparably.

Dream Interpretation Interpretation of Dreams

Eggs see- there is a sign of profit and benefit; crush eggs- means a quarrel with someone at home, annoyance and displeasure; get dirty with crushed eggs- means pursuit from enemies; collect white eggs- means profit; eat eggs in moderation- marks calmness and contentment; eat them without any measure- portends harm and illness.

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Eggs- a symbol of creation, emergence, unrealized human potential. The chick hatches from it, which means the birth, implementation, embodiment of a creative idea, plan, idea.

Throwing eggs- collapse, exposure. A lot of- worries; broken- loss, collapse of all plans; abortion.

Culinary dream book

Eggs in a dream- portend success in any new business.

Eggs you eat in your dreams- they say that you are in good health.

Modern universal dream book

If you see an egg in a dream, the most obvious meaning that the dream carries is– fertility. We all come from an egg fertilized by sperm. The Easter egg is also a symbol of fertility and resurrection.

If in a dream you are sitting on eggs and waiting for someone to hatch from them- it means you have to do a lot of work to achieve your goal.

If you walk on eggshells in your dream- means you should be more sensitive.

In a dream, you or someone else breaks a shell- this symbolizes the formation of personality and gaining independence. It could also be that the dream is telling you that you are being encouraged to do something you don't want to do or go somewhere you don't want to go.

Is the egg in your dream hard-boiled or soft-boiled? In the first case, in a dream- expresses your desire to be more persistent and clearly define your position. Also such a dream- may indicate that you have literally gone through fire and water and have strengthened your character.

If the egg is liquid inside- it means you lack gentleness in your life. Perhaps you yourself want to be more gentle or expect this from other people.

If in a dream your face or the face of another person is smeared in egg- this means that in real life you are in a difficult situation.

Dream book of a gypsy

Eggs- happiness in family love.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

Egg or eggs- consequences of your actions or thoughts that have not yet been realized, but no longer depend on your will.

See them, find them- wealth, profit.

Buy- misfortune.

Boil- gossip.

Give away- danger to life, especially for pregnant women.

smash- crime, murder.

Eat- sadness.

Eating or overeating a lot- deterioration of health, great harm.

Black, scary-looking eggs- evil fruits.

Colorful, dirty eggs- awareness that the results of your actions are unlikely to be as good as you would like.

Huge, monstrous, the size of a house– the future does not depend on your will.

See a lot of big ones- follow in the footsteps of other people's works.

Lots of empty shells- a certain completion / end of a certain period of life.

Collect bird eggs- your desire