The political system of the countries of the world is the main object of the political map of the world. Presentation "the state is the main object of the political map" What is the main object of the political map of the world

Test No. 1

A political map of the World

Government system of the countries of the world

  1. The main object of the political map of the world is...

  1. At the end of the 20th century, the number of countries and territories reached:
a) 120

  1. Politically independent states are called:
a) colonies

B) sovereign

B) metropolises

D) “key” countries

4. Arrange the following countries in descending order of area:

A) Canada

B) Australia

In Russia

E) Brazil

5. Microstates of Europe include:

A) Vatican

B) Monaco

B) Brunei

D) Portugal

6. Indicate the correct option for ranking countries by population:

A) China, India, USA

B) India, Brazil, China

B) China, USA, Indonesia

7. The following countries have a coastal position:

B) Sweden

B) Switzerland

D) Afghanistan

8. Archipelagic countries are:

A) Indonesia

B) Japan

B) Iceland

D) Sri Lanka

9. The following countries have a peninsular position:

A) France

B) Italy

B) Greece

D) Norway

10. Landlocked countries of Foreign Europe:

A) Switzerland

B) Hungary

D) Sweden

  1. An indicator characterizing the cost of all products produced in a given country per year (in US dollars) is called...

  2. The following countries are not included in the G7:
a) USA

B) Canada

B) Japan

D) France

D) Russia

13. “Key countries” do not include:

B) Brazil

c) Republic of Korea

D) Mexico

14. NIS include the following countries:

A) Singapore

B) Taiwan

B) Thailand

G) The Republic of Korea

15. Oil exporting countries are located in the area:

A) Persian Gulf

B) Bay of Bengal

B) Mediterranean Sea

D) Arabian Sea

16. Russia belongs to the countries:

A) "key"

B) countries with economies in transition

International relationships.

Political geography and geopolitics

1. What form of government provides for the transfer of power by inheritance?

A) republic

B) monarchy

B) federation

D) unitary republic

2. Which continent does not have monarchies?

A) Europe

B) Africa

B) South America

3. Which of the following countries is a constitutional monarchy?

A) Great Britain

B) Vatican

B) Finland

D) Bangladesh

4. Which country is an absolute monarchy?

A) Norway

B) Belgium

B) Saudi Arabia

D) Hungary

5. A theocratic monarchy is:

A) Monaco

B) Romania

D) Vatican

6. In which part of the world did the largest number of new states appear at the end of the 20th century?

A) in Africa

B) in Asia

B) in Europe

D) in North America

7. Which state in the 20th century were the following countries part of: Belarus, Ukraine, Georgia, Azerbaijan?

B) Russia

8. A form of administrative-territorial structure in which there are no self-governing units within the state state entities, called

A) monarchy

B) federation

B) a republic

D) a unitary state

9. A federal state is not:

A) France

B) Belgium

In Russia

10. NIS includes:

A) Serbia

B) Russia

B) Singapore

11. Establish a correspondence between giant countries in terms of population and their capitals:

4. Indonesia

5. Japan

A. JakartaB. Washington

B. Beijing D. Tokyo D. Delhi

12. Indicate the options in which the capital of the state is indicated incorrectly

A) India - Bombay

B) UK - Manchester

B) Italy - Rome

D) Poland – Krakow

13. Which of the following countries are developed countries with a federal form of government?

A) Italy

B) Germany

D) Belgium

Part 2

IN 1. Match a country with its capital

A country


1) Türkiye

A) Cairo

2) Peru

B) Ankara

3) Egypt

B) La Paz

D) Lima

Write the letters in the table




AT 2. Match the country with its capital.

A country


1) Canada

A) Tehran

2) Iran

B) Baghdad

3) Iraq

B) Ankara

D) Ottawa

Write down the letters corresponding to the selected answers in the table.




AT 3. Establish a correspondence between the state of Central America and the letter with which it is indicated on the political map.



1) Panama

A) A

2) Jamaica

B) B

3) Honduras

B) B

D) D

Write down the letters corresponding to the selected answers in the table.




AT 4. Establish a correspondence between the state of foreign Europe and the letter with which it is indicated on the political map

Write down the letters corresponding to the selected answers in the table.




C1. Identify the country by its brief description
This peninsular country's form of government is a constitutional monarchy (kingdom). In terms of economic structure, it is an agricultural country with intensively developing industry, the share of which in GDP is almost a third. Priority industries: electronics, light industry; High technologies are developing. Wonderful sea coasts, protected islands, palaces and Buddhist temples attract many foreign tourists.


C2. Identify the country by its brief description.

This archipelago country's form of government is a constitutional monarchy. The ethnically homogeneous population of this country is distinguished by its large size: it is among the top ten largest countries in the world by population. The country has a very large and most modern merchant marine fleet, since 9/10 of the raw materials and fuel used are imported


Test No. 1

Grade 10

Practical work.

  1. Using the atlas maps and textbook, create a classification of countries (5 each):

    • The size of the territory

    • Population size,

    • Features of the geographical location,

    • Socio-economic development.

  1. Make a table of countries with different forms of government system (5 each):

Final test.

  1. What is the diversity of the modern world?

  2. List the main types of countries.

  3. A new stage of international relations and its reflection on the modern world map.

  4. Basic forms of government and administrative-territorial structure.
  5. Group of oil-exporting countries.

  6. North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

  7. Countries that made huge leaps in development in the 80s and 90s are called “Asian dragons.”

  8. An indicator of socio-economic development recently used by the UN.
Geography 10th grade

Test No. 2 10th grade

"Natural Resources of the World"

Contents of the test

Questions for an interview.

Natural resources and environment.

  1. The role of natural resources in the life of society.

  2. Define geographic environment.

  3. Allocation of resources and availability of them

Mineral resources.

  1. Distribution of minerals.

  2. Fossil fuels.

  3. Ore and non-metallic minerals.

  4. The problem of depletion of mineral resources and ways to solve them.

Land resources.

  1. Structure of the land fund.

  2. Reduction and expansion of the area of ​​cultivated land.

Contents of the test

Questions for an interview.

Water resources.

  1. The ratio of salt and fresh water resources.

  2. World water consumption.

  3. Fresh water problems (ways to overcome shortages).
Forest resources.

  1. Inventory and placement.

  2. Forest management.

  3. Rational use of forest resources.

Resources of the World Ocean.

  1. The role of the ocean in human life.

  2. Biological resources.

  3. Mineral resources.

  4. Energy of the waters of the World Ocean.

Test No. 2


Part 1

A1. Which of the following natural resources are exhaustible and renewable?

1) tidal energy

2) solar energy

3) biological

4) wind energy

A2 . An example of a recoverable non-renewable natural resource is

  1. hydrothermal energy

  2. nuclear power

  3. coal

  4. sea ​​water
A3. What resources are exhaustible and renewable?

  1. solar energy

  2. oil

  3. wind energy
A4. The bulk of proven natural gas resources are located in countries

1) North America

3) North Africa

4) Southeast Asia

A5. Large diamond deposits in Russia are concentrated in the Republic

  1. Komi

  2. North Ossetia

  3. Sakha (Yakutia)

  4. Altai
A6. Which of the following Latin American countries has the largest forest resources?

  1. Brazil

  2. Peru
3) Argentina

A7. Which of the following countries has the largest forest resources?

1) Canada

2) Argentina

3) Australia
4) Great Britain

A8. Combustible minerals include:

A9. Which of the following countries are among the top ten countries in terms of oil reserves:

B) Saudi Arabia

D) Canada

A10. Which region has the largest oil reserves?

A) Foreign Asia

B) Africa

B) Europe

D) North America

A11. The country has the largest oil reserves:

B) Saudi Arabia

D) Russia

A12. The first place in terms of gas reserves is occupied by:

B) Russia

A13. The world as a whole is best provided for:

B) oil

A14. The top three countries in terms of coal reserves are:

A) Australia, India, Germany

B) USA, South Africa, Ukraine

B) USA, China, Russia

A15. The world's "Copper Belt" is located in the region;

A) Andean countries

B) Central Africa

B) Southeast Asia

A16. Country with the largest supply of arable land:

B) Australia

B) Japan

Textbook for 10th grade


Topic 1. Objects of the political map of the world

As a rule, regional reference books indicate that there are more than 200 states in the world. Why can’t we name their exact number?

Counting the number of states is really not that easy. Should non-self-governing territories be considered states? What to do in cases where a territory has declared itself an independent state (for example, Kurdistan, Nagorno-Karabakh), but international community was she not recognized in this capacity?

It also happens the other way around: there are states recognized by the UN, whose territories are not yet on the political map. For example, in the Middle East, by decision of the UN in 1948, two states were proclaimed - Israel and Palestine. However, as a result of the expansion of Israeli territory, the Palestinian state did not have its own territory until 1993. Only in September 1993, through the mediation of the international community, was an agreement signed to grant the Palestinian Arabs the territories of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip with autonomy.

The complete list of countries and territories of the world contains 265 countries and territories with formalized and unregistered state status; they differ in area, population, forms of government and government, and level of socio-economic development (Fig. 18). As of January 1, 2012, 197 of them had the status of independent states, including Abkhazia and South Ossetia, 193 were members of the UN.

Detailed solution to paragraph § 21 on geography for 10th grade students, authors Yu. N. Gladky, V. V. Nikolina 2013

  • Gdz Geography simulator for grade 10 can be found

1. A. In which part of the world are there the most monarchies?

B. How can we explain the fact that absolute monarchies are almost all located in Asia, and constitutional monarchies are almost all located in Europe?

Asian countries are very conservative, so they are reluctant to try to limit the sole power of the monarch, while European states are more dynamic in development, including in terms of the form of government.

2. How are maritime boundaries drawn?

The maritime boundaries of a state are the outer limits of its territorial sea or the demarcation line of the territorial seas of adjacent or opposing states. The external limits of the territorial sea are established by the legislation of the coastal state in accordance with generally accepted principles and norms international law. The 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea established that each state has the right to determine the width of its territorial sea up to a limit not exceeding 12 nautical miles. The boundary of the territorial sea when demarcated between opposing or adjacent states is established by agreement between them.

3. What forms of government exist in modern states?

On modern stage In the development of society and the state, there are two types of monarchies - dualistic and parliamentary. A characteristic feature of a dualistic monarchy is the formal legal division of state power between the monarch and parliament. The executive power is directly in the hands of the monarch, the legislative power is in the parliament. The latter, however, is actually subordinate to the monarch.

A parliamentary monarchy is distinguished by the fact that the status of the monarch is formally and actually limited in all areas of the exercise of state power. Legislative power belongs entirely to parliament, executive power belongs to the government, which is responsible for its activities to parliament. Examples of parliamentary monarchies include England, Holland, Sweden, etc. Parliamentary monarchies in scientific literature are often called constitutional monarchies.

In parliamentary monarchies, which are the most common forms of monarchy today, the government is formed by the party that receives a majority of votes in parliament during the general election, or by parties that have a majority of votes in it. The party leader with the majority of parliamentary seats becomes the head of government. The power of the monarch is very limited in all spheres of state life and activity, and above all in the legislative and executive. Moreover, this restriction is not of a formal legal nature, but of a factual nature. The ruling strata view the constitutional monarchy as a kind of reserve means of influencing other segments of the population, as an additional means of protecting their interests in the event of extreme aggravation of social-class conflicts.

In a constitutional monarchy, laws are passed by parliament and approved by the monarch. However, this prerogative of the monarch, like most of his other powers, is of a formal nature. Due to established political practice and constitutional customs, the monarch, as a rule, does not refuse to sign bills adopted by parliament.

In relation to the republican form of government, the grounds for dividing it into subtypes may include differences in the level of their development, the unequal degree of involvement of the entire population or part of it in the process of exercising state power, the dominant position in the system of supreme bodies of state power of certain institutions, in particular institution of presidency or parliament, etc.

Depending on the named and other features of republican forms, modern republics are divided into two types: parliamentary and presidential.

The distinctive features of a parliamentary republic are the following: the supremacy of parliament; the government's responsibility for its activities is before parliament, and not before the president; formation of a government on a parliamentary basis from among the leaders of political parties with a majority of votes in parliament; election of the head of state either directly by parliament or by a special board formed by parliament. In a parliamentary republic, the head of state does not play any significant role among other government bodies. The government is formed and headed by the prime minister. Parliamentary republics currently exist in Austria, Germany, Italy, Switzerland and other countries.

A presidential republic is characterized by such features as the combination in the hands of the president of the powers of the head of state and government; absence of the institution of parliamentary responsibility of the government; extra-parliamentary method of electing the president and forming the government; the government's responsibility to the president; concentration of enormous political, military and socio-economic power in the hands of the president; Parliament often lacks the right to declare a vote of no confidence in the government. The most typical examples of a presidential republic are the United States and France. A presidential republic is sometimes called a dualistic republic, thereby emphasizing the fact that strong executive power is concentrated in the hands of the president, and legislative power in the hands of parliament.

4. What forms of government do you know? Why are they directly related to the territorial organization of the state?

Because they are formed on the basis of the territorial relationship of parts to the whole. Unitary states are single states consisting only of administrative-territorial units (regions, provinces, governorates, etc.). Unitary states include: France, Finland, Norway, Romania, Sweden. Federal states are union states consisting of a number of state entities (states, cantons, lands, republics). A confederation is a temporary union of states created to jointly solve political or economic problems.

5. Which countries most often have a federal form of government and why?

The federal form of state-territorial structure assumes that such local entities transfer part of their own sovereignty to central government bodies. Thus, there are actually two levels of the state apparatus here: the highest - federal, whose power extends to the entire country, and the power of the territorial subjects of the federation - it extends only within the lands of each subject. Similarly, laws can be divided into those that are subject to mandatory implementation only within limited territories of subjects (as in the American states), and into universal ones - federal ones. The federal form of state-territorial structure prevails, as a rule, in countries that are ethnically heterogeneous (Belgium), countries that arose by uniting previously independent territories (such as Switzerland, Germany, the USA), as well as those with a very large territory or a large population (for example, for this reason, Russia also has a federal form of state territorial and political structure).

6. Which countries are unitary? a) Japan b) India c) Finland d) USA

Japan, Finland

7. Federal states include: a) Brazil b) Hungary c) Russia d) France

Brazil, Russia

8. Match: 1) monarchy 2) republic a) USA, Argentina b) Spain, Denmark c) France, Brazil d) Bahrain, Qatar

2-a, c, 1- b, d.

9. Give examples of two or three European countries whose state borders and territories underwent great changes in the 20th century. What explains this?

Yugoslavia - in the 90s Serbia, Montenegro, Bosnia, Croatia, etc. were formed. Czechoslovakia - the Czech Republic and Slovakia Austria-Hungary - as a result of WWI ceased to exist and was divided into two states.

10. Why do you think there are more republics than monarchies on the political map?

The republican form of government is more flexible compared to monarchies, in which power does not depend on democratic will.

4. Main objects of the political map of the world

Currently, the main objects of the political map are the world's sovereign states and non-self-governing territories. There are about 230 countries and territories, of which more than 190 are sovereign, i.e. these states are politically independent and have independence in all their affairs (external, internal).

Countries are grouped according to certain characteristics. Currently, countries are classified according to population, size of territories, and characteristics of their geographical location. Based on the size of the territory, the 7 largest countries are distinguished: Russia, China, USA, Canada, Brazil, India, Australia. Their area is more than 3 million km2. These countries together occupy approximately half of the earth's landmass. In terms of population, there are 10 largest countries, in which the number of inhabitants is over 100 million people: China, India, USA, Indonesia, Brazil, Russia, Japan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nigeria. Together, these countries account for about 60% of the world's population.

The political map of the world is dominated by large (discussed above), medium and small countries. Microstates are the smallest countries: Luxembourg, Monaco, Liechtenstein.

Under sovereignty of the state understand the fullness of the legislative, executive and judicial power of the state on its territory, which excludes any foreign power.

The sovereignty of the state must always be complete and exclusive - this is one of the main properties of the state.

The principle of sovereign equality of states, the principle of mutual respect for state sovereignty, and the position of non-interference of countries in each other’s internal affairs is based on the concept of state sovereignty.

The most complex historical processes are the formation and development of states, which is determined by many external and internal factors: social, political, economic, ethnic, etc.

There are more than 30 non-self-governing territories in the modern world. They can be divided into groups:

1) colonies that were officially included in the UN list;

2) the territories are actually colonies, but not included in the UN list, since, according to the states governing them, they can be “overseas territories”, “overseas departments”, “freely associated states”, etc.

The colony- a territory or country that is under the authority of a foreign state, deprived of economic and political independence and governed on the basis of a special regime.

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Managing the political dynamics of cultural change Any process of changing the way of thinking and working methods in a company has two important sides that should be clearly separated: political and emotional. Managing the political side of change

Subject.Objects of the political map of the world. Independent states.

Goal: to form a concept about the objects of the political map of the world.


    Introduce the concept of a political map of the world, objects of the political map of the world, independent states.

    Develop skills in working with reference literature, the ability to isolate the main thing, and analyze.

    Foster a culture of educational work.

Forms of work: frontal, individual, in pairs.



    Explanatory and illustrative

    Partial search

Teaching aids: scientific literature, multimedia presentation, Internet resources.

    Org moment.

Entering the lesson.

Parable of the Pebbles

Three nomads were settling down for the night in the desert, when suddenly the sky lit up with a magical light, and the voice of God was heard:

Go to the desert. Collect as many pebbles and stones as you can. And tomorrow you will be raptured.

That's all. The light faded and there was complete silence. The nomads were furious.

What kind of God is this? - they said. – He invites us to collect garbage?! A real God would tell us how to eliminate poverty and suffering. He would give us the key to success and teach us how to prevent wars. He would reveal great secrets to us.

But still, the nomads went to the desert and collected several stones. Carelessly throwing them at the bottom of travel bags. And then we went to bed. In the morning they set off. Not immediately, one of them noticed something strange in his bag. He put his hand in there, and in his palm was - no, not a useless stone! - a magnificent diamond. The nomads began to take out other stones and discovered them. That they all turned into diamonds. They were delighted - until they realized how few stones they had collected the previous evening.

    Studying a new topic.

    1. Introductory conversation.

What is a political map of the world?

What objects do you think are depicted on the political map of the world? (states, territories, countries)

What states do you know?

Conclusion: A political map is a geographical map that shows states, their borders and capitals.The political map, like any other, shows states, their borders, administrative-territorial divisions, and largest cities. What is understood from all this is something much more - the patterns of distribution of forms of government in the countries of the world, relationships between states, territorial conflicts associated with the drawing of state borders.The political map of the world is in the process of constant changes occurring as a result of wars, treaties, the collapse and unification of states, the formation of new independent states, changes in forms of government, loss of statehood / political sovereignty /, changes in the area of ​​states / countries / - territories and waters, their borders, replacement of capitals, changes in the names of states / countries / and their capitals, changes in forms of government, if they are shown on this map.

    1. Acquaintance with the objects of the political map of the world. (slides)

    1. Work on compiling a glossary. Students work in pairs using encyclopedic literature.


    Independent states

    Self-proclaimed territories




    Mandatory territories

    Associated States

    Overseas territories


    1. Independent work. Assignment: study the list of independent states. Determine: what form of government and territorial-state structure prevails in them, where the most independent states are located.

193 independent states

1. Australia - Commonwealth of Australia
2. Austria - Republic of Austria
3. Azerbaijan - Republic of Azerbaijan
4. Albania - Republic of Albania
5. Algeria - Algerian People's Democratic Republic
6. Angola - Republic of Angola
7. Andorra - Principality of Andorra
8. Antigua and Barbuda - Antigua and Barbuda
9. Argentina - Argentine Republic
10. Armenia - Republic of Armenia
11. Afghanistan - Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
12. Bahamas - Commonwealth of the Bahamas
13. Bangladesh - People's Republic of Bangladesh
14. Barbados - Barbados
15. Bahrain - Kingdom of Bahrain
16. Belarus - Republic of Belarus
17. Belize - Belize
18. Belgium - Kingdom of Belgium
19. Benin - Republic of Benin
20. Bulgaria - Republic of Bulgaria
21. Bolivia - Republic of Bolivia
22. Bosnia and Herzegovina - Bosnia and Herzegovina
23. Botswana - Republic of Botswana
24. Brazil - Federative Republic of Brazil
25. Brunei - Brunei Darussalam
26. Burkina Faso - Democratic Republic of Burkina Faso
27. Burundi - Republic of Burundi
28. Bhutan - Kingdom of Bhutan
29. Vanuatu - Republic of Vanuatu
30. Vatican City - Vatican City State
31. Great Britain - United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
32. Hungary - Republic of Hungary
33. Venezuela - Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela
34. East Timor) - Democratic Republic of East Timor
35. Vietnam - Socialist Republic of Vietnam
36. Gabon - Gabonese Republic
37. Haiti - Republic of Haiti
38. Guyana - Cooperative Republic of Guyana
39. Gambia - Republic of Gambia
40. Ghana - Republic of Ghana
41. Guatemala - Republic of Guatemala
42. Guinea - Republic of Guinea
43. Guinea-Bissau - Republic of Guinea-Bissau
44. Germany - Federal Republic of Germany
45. Honduras - Republic of Honduras
46. ​​Grenada - Grenada
47. Greece - Hellenic Republic
48. Georgia - Republic of Georgia
49. Denmark - Kingdom of Denmark
50. Djibouti - Republic of Djibouti
51. Dominica - Commonwealth of Dominica
52. Dominican Republic - Dominican Republic
53. Egypt - Arab Republic of Egypt
54. Zambia - Republic of Zambia
55. Zimbabwe - Republic of Zimbabwe
56. Israel - State of Israel
57. India - Republic of India
58. Indonesia - Republic of Indonesia
59. Jordan - Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan
60. Iraq - Republic of Iraq
61. Iran - Islamic Republic of Iran
62. Ireland - Republic of Ireland
63. Iceland - Republic of Iceland
64. Spain - Kingdom of Spain
65. Italy - Italian Republic
66. Yemen - Republic of Yemen
67. Cape Verde - Republic of Cape Verde
68. Kazakhstan - Republic of Kazakhstan
69. Cambodia - Kingdom of Cambodia
70. Cameroon - Republic of Cameroon
71. Canada - Canada
72. Qatar - State of Qatar
73. Kenya - Republic of Kenya
74. Cyprus - Republic of Cyprus
75. Kyrgyzstan - Kyrgyz Republic
76. Kiribati - Republic of Kiribati
77. China - People's Republic of China
78. Comoros - Federal Islamic Republic of Comoros
79. Congo - Republic of the Congo
80. DR Congo) - Democratic Republic of the Congo
81. Colombia - Republic of Colombia
82. DPRK
83. Republic of Korea
84. Costa Rica - Republic of Costa Rica
85. Cote d'Ivoire - Republic of Cote d'Ivoire
86. Cuba - Republic of Cuba
87. Kuwait - State of Kuwait
88. Laos - Lao People's Democratic Republic
89. Latvia - Republic of Latvia
90. Lesotho - Kingdom of Lesotho
91. Liberia - Republic of Liberia
92. Lebanon - Lebanese Republic
93. Libya - Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
94. Lithuania - Republic of Lithuania
95. Liechtenstein - Principality of Liechtenstein
96. Luxembourg - Grand Duchy of Luxembourg
97. Mauritius - Republic of Mauritius
98. Mauritania - Islamic Republic of Mauritania
99. Madagascar - Republic of Madagascar
100. Macedonia - Republic of Macedonia
101. Malawi - Republic of Malawi
102. Malaysia - Federation of Malaya
103. Mali - Republic of Mali
104. Maldives - Republic of Maldives
105. Malta - Republic of Malta
106. Morocco - Kingdom of Morocco
107. Marshall Islands - Republic of the Marshall Islands
108. Mexico - United Mexican States
109. Mozambique - Republic of Mozambique
110. Moldova - Republic of Moldova
111. Monaco - Principality of Monaco
112. Mongolia - Republic of Mongolia
113. Myanmar - Union of Myanmar
114. Namibia - Republic of Namibia
115. Nauru - Republic of Nauru
116. Nepal - Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal
117. Niger - Niger Republic
118. Nigeria - Federal Republic of Nigeria
119. Netherlands - Kingdom of the Netherlands
120. Nicaragua - Republic of Nicaragua
121. New Zealand - New Zealand
122. Norway - Kingdom of Norway
123. UAE - United Arab Emirates
124. Oman - Sultanate of Oman
125. Pakistan - Islamic Republic of Pakistan
126. Palau - Republic of Palau
127. Panama - Republic of Panama
128. Papua New Guinea - Independent State of Papua New Guinea
129. Paraguay - Republic of Paraguay
130. Peru - Republic of Peru
131. Poland - Republic of Poland
132. Portugal - Portuguese Republic
133. Russia - Russian Federation
134. Rwanda - Republic of Rwanda
135. Romania - Romania
136. El Salvador - Republic of El Salvador
137. Samoa - Independent State of Samoa
138. San Marino - Republic of San Marino
139. Sao Tome and Principe - Democratic Republic of Sao Tome and Principe
140. Saudi Arabia - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
141. Swaziland - Kingdom of Swaziland
142. Seychelles - Republic of Seychelles
143. Senegal - Republic of Senegal
144. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - Saint Vincent and the Grenadines
145. Saint Kitts and Nevis - Saint Kitts and Nevis
146. Saint Lucia - Saint Lucia
147. Serbia - Republic of Serbia
148. Singapore - Republic of Singapore
149. Syria - Syrian Arab Republic
150. Slovakia - Slovak Republic
151. Slovenia - Republic of Slovenia
152. USA - United States of America
153. Solomon Islands - Solomon Islands
154. Somalia - Somalia
155. Sudan - Sudanese Republic
156. Suriname - Republic of Suriname
157. Sierra Leone - Republic of Sierra Leone
158. Tajikistan - Republic of Tajikistan
159. Thailand - Kingdom of Thailand
160. Tanzania - United Republic of Tanzania
161. Togo - Togolese Republic
162. Tonga - Kingdom of Tonga
163. Trinidad and Tobago - Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
164. Tuvalu - Tuvalu
165. Tunisia - Tunisian Republic
166. Turkmenistan - Turkmenistan
167. Türkiye - Republic of Turkey
168. Uganda - Republic of Uganda
169. Ukraine - Ukraine
170. Uzbekistan - Republic of Uzbekistan
171. Uruguay - Eastern Republic of Uruguay
172. Federated States Micronesia - Federated States of Micronesia
173. Fiji - Republic of Fiji Islands
174. Philippines - Republic of the Philippines
175. Finland - Republic of Finland
176. France - French Republic
177. Croatia - Republic of Croatia
178. CAR - Central African Republic
179. Chad - Republic of Chad
180. Montenegro - Republic of Montenegro
181. Czech Republic - Czech Republic
182. Chile - Republic of Chile
183. Switzerland - Swiss Confederation
184. Sweden - Kingdom of Sweden
185. Sri Lanka - Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka
186. Ecuador - Republic of Ecuador
187. Equatorial Guinea - Republic of Equatorial Guinea
188. Eritrea - State of Eritrea
189. Estonia - Republic of Estonia
190. Ethiopia - Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
191. South Africa - Republic of South Africa
192. Jamaica - Jamaica
193. Japan - Japan

3.5. Conversation based on the results of independent work.

4. Summing up the lesson. d/z- Know the objects of the political map, records.