The desire for separation, isolation; movement of national minorities for separation from the state entity and the formation of an independent state. The desire for separation, isolation; movement of national minorities for separation from the state

I’ve been waiting for a year and a half for someone in my feed to finally talk about this topic, but it looks like I’ll have to do it myself.

“Separatism is the desire for separation, isolation.
Separatist - supporter of separatism"

S. I. Ozhegov. Dictionary of the Russian language, 1988

So let’s, armed with this knowledge, probably hitherto unknown to the majority of Ukrainians talking about “separatism,” let’s look at the current situation in our area - what it is simply in fact

1. The entire modern official interpretation of the history of Ukraine extols the desire for separatism and supporters of separatism as national heroes

Because the struggle for the independence of Ukraine, which has become the core of the modern interpretation of Ukrainian history, was based precisely on desire for separation, isolation- that is... on separatism. Simply by definition

And all the brightest supporters this "historical" separatism"were... separatists (abbreviated as “separatists”). And also - by the definition of this word

So we can simply say in fact: exactly separatism(as the desire and struggle for isolation, separation into one’s own state) - runs like a red thread through all, revered by the current government, the history of the territory of Ukraine

Expositions of national historical museums are dedicated to it - Ukrainian separatism. Streets and squares in villages and cities of Ukraine are named in honor of his main supporters - the separatists (abbreviated: “separov”). Monuments are erected to them and pages of school textbooks are dedicated to them.

Mazepa -- “...having pursued a course towards renovation Cossack state of the Weiska Zaporozky with the cordons of the Khmelnytsky region"

Ukrainian Wikipedia:

That is, on department, separation Ukraine from Russia - for which they now erect monuments to him, as a national hero of Ukraine

2. In light of the above, it becomes unclear to me, as a naive amateur: why in modern Ukraine the word “separatist”, abbreviated as “separ”, began to be endowed with a negative and almost abusive meaning?

Because those who use this term in a negative sense, thereby extend this negative meaning to the entire history of the desire of Ukrainians to separatism. That is - to department, isolation- with the aim of creating their own, independent state. (Moreover, it does not matter at all whether the citizens of Ukraine, who assign a negative meaning to the word “separ”, “separatist”, are aware of this or not)

Well, think for yourself, if a country erects monuments to “separatist” heroes, dedicates exhibitions to them in museums, names streets and squares in villages and towns after them... - is it possible to give this word a negative meaning? (I'm not even talking about abusive language!!!)

3. It also becomes unclear why residents of the same self-proclaimed DPR and LPR are offended when they are called separatists - abbreviated as “separatists”?

They really are trying secede, separate yourself from today's Ukraine - and that means they are precisely separatists, abbreviated as “separas”. Simply by definition

Moreover, all those who voted for such separation, separation in the referendum on May 11, 2014. Because all those who voted for this became precisely separatists, abbreviated as “separatists” - already, one might say, quite officially, having personally confirmed this with the corresponding cross in the ballot

Head of the DPR Alexander Zakharchenko - do you think that in the referendum on May 11 he voted for department, separation Donbass from Ukraine or against?

In relation to Ukraine, all residents of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea who voted in the referendum on March 16, 2014 for department, separation from this country. And also - simply by definition (which has not yet been meaningfully expressed in the languages ​​of the whole world NOT canceled). Whether they like it or not, the fact remains

4. Moreover, you may be very surprised, but exactly separatists, abbreviated: “separami” - is the order 90% (ninety percent!) of the population of Ukraine aged 42-43 years, who took part in the 1991 referendum. All those who voted in the 1991 referendum per department, separation Ukraine from the USSR (at that time it was still a legally legitimate state that had a legitimate president and legitimate authorities). And thus... supported - as his supporters separatists - Ukrainian separatism

We can say that on the day of that memorable referendum All these residents
Ukraine steel separatists, abbreviated as “separatists” - quite officially, having personally confirmed this with crosses in the corresponding column of the ballot

And to this day they - the separatists - remain

Including the majority of modern Ukrainian politicians over 42-43 years old. Regardless of their views and party affiliation. And the majority are members of the government. And so on... Including, of course, the most ideological Ukrainian patriots, who not only voted “yes” in the 1991 referendum, but also fought for the holding of this referendum itself as ideological separatists

An outstanding Ukrainian separatist was, for example, the first President of Ukraine, who personally signed separatist agreement on department, isolation Ukraine from the still legitimate at that time Soviet state in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. Together with the separatists Yeltsin and Shushkevich

By the way, this separatism of theirs did NOT prevent them from becoming presidents later seceded, isolated new separatist territorial entities: Russia, Ukraine and Belarus

Kravchuk Leonid Makarovich - the first President of Ukraine

And as far as I know, none of them in their future lives turned away from this desire for territorial separation, isolation from each other NOT renounced, thereby continuing to remain conscious separatist

5. I would also venture to guess that it is this legitimization separatism and the massive transition of the population of the former USSR to the ranks of separatists (as I already reported, on the territory of Ukraine, for example, about 90% of the population who took part in the referendum joined their ranks) - opened a wide way for the further march of separatism in the post-Soviet space

Because if the majority of the population of Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Azerbaijan, the Russian Federation could become separatists, abbreviated as “separatists”... then why not take an example from them for the population of Nagorno-Karabakh, Transnistria, Gagauzia, Abkhazia, South Ossetia, Crimea, Donbass...?

In territories almost entirely populated by separatists, what else could flourish if not separatism?

Well, concluding this short essay about historical Ukrainian and mass post-Soviet separatism, I will emphasize once again. Although I myself voted in referendums both times against this phenomenon and thus I am just rare for the territory of Ukraine enemy separatism, I don't care NOT I understand that such an offensive, “negative” and even “abusive” thing was suddenly found here in this ordinary, meaningful word?

After all, separatism is, by definition, just a desire for department And isolation. An aspiration without which there would never have been any state of Ukraine. And Russia would NOT exist. And Belarus, and Croatia, and Slovenia, and the Czech Republic and Slovakia, and the Baltic countries... And in general, all the CIS countries. And - can you imagine this! - even the USA, Canada, Australia, Mexico, New Zealand, all Latin American republics, South Africa, Belgium, the Netherlands...

And now, for example, many residents of Catalonia, Scotland, and even Great Britain itself, in relation to the EU, are quite convinced separatists, abbreviated as “separatists”...

And what - because of this, you began to treat them “negatively”, “abusively” and with contempt? How about “separatists” and “separatists”?

Well, then I can only recommend that you remember those outstanding separatists who have already saturated the pages of the history of modern times in a purely positive sense. The story, by the way, is quite acceptable to you... Starting at least with George Washington... and ending with the first president separated, isolated Ukraine - Leonid Makarovich Kravchuk

Do you recognize? -- George Washington - the first President of the United States who led the fight for the separation of the United States from Great Britain

Photo source:

See also `Separatism` in other dictionaries

m. The desire for separation, isolation.

(French separatisme, from Latin separatus - separated) is one of the most dangerous trends in the socio-political life of the country for any state. S.'s soup consists of the rush to dismember a single state into a number of unviable pseudo-state formations (the dismemberment of a single state is the usual goal of almost all wars waged against a given state by hostile powers). As a result, peoples suffer damage and states are weakened. The winners are only representatives of national elites (several tens of thousands of people, usually largely corrupt), for whom the implementation of the principle of ethnocracy (i.e. the primacy of the collective interests of the nationality over the rights and interests of the individual) is a means of ensuring personal power and personal well-being .














(Source: “Complete accentuated paradigm according to A. A. Zaliznyak”)


(French separatisme, from Latin separatus - separated) is one of the most dangerous trends in the socio-political life of the country for any state. The essence of S. is the desire to dismember a single state into a number of unviable pseudo-state formations (the dismemberment of a single state is the usual goal of almost all wars waged against a given state by hostile powers). As a result, peoples suffer damage and states are weakened. The winners are only representatives of national elites (several tens of thousands of people, usually largely corrupt), for whom the implementation of the principle of ethnocracy (i.e. the primacy of the collective interests of the nationality over the rights and interests of the individual) is a means of ensuring personal power and... .


noun, number of synonyms: (1)

Tribalism (3)

ASIS synonym dictionary, Trishin V.N. , 2010

Separated - the desire for separation, isolation. This became especially evident after the collapse of the USSR. Often leads to local conflicts and wars, for example in Transnistria, Chechnya, in Georgia - between Abkhazia and Georgia. S. seeks to separate one part of the state from another, to create a new state entity, or fights to grant autonomy to part of the country. In contrast to the national liberation movement, it usually expresses the interests of a certain political or nationalist group or party.

separatism, plural no, m. (from Latin separatus - separated). The desire for separation, isolation from the majority for one purpose or another (book). || A political movement aimed at separating something. regions from the state (political).


so called in history, a political movement aimed at achieving autonomy or political independence for a separate region of a given state.

Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - S.-Pb.: Brockhaus-Efron 1890-1907

(new Latin, from Latin separare - to separate, separate). The desire to separate from the majority; defection in matters of faith or politics, schism, heresy.

(Source: “Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language.” Chudinov A.N., 1910)

the desire to break away from the church or from the state to form a separate society, religious or political.

(Source: “Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language.” Pavlenkov F., 1907)

novolatinsk., from lat. separare, to separate. Spirit of renegadeism in religious or political affairs.

(Source: "Explanation of 25,000 foreign words that came into use in the Russian language, with the meaning of their meaning...

A, m. (book). The desire for separation, isolation. Politics of separatism. And adj. separatist, -aya, -oe.


SEPARATISM a, m. séparatisme m. The desire for separation, isolation. BAS-1. The desire to separate from the majority and form your own strike; osprey, strike, community. Dahl. The desire to separate from the majority; dissent in matters of faith and politics, schism, heresy. Chudinov 1902. This moment is separatism and individualism; This moment is the general awareness of everyone’s loneliness, their unsecured old age as a merchant. Case 1868 8 2 19. Only the Convention with Robespierre could preserve in the then France the centuries-old centralization principle, undermined by the federalist teachings of the Girondins and Vendée separatism. Case 1879 11 1 67. This separatism led to an irreparable decadence of journalistic...


the desire for isolation, manifested, as a rule, among national minorities in multinational states and aimed at creating independent states or national-state autonomies.

see also Particularism, National Idea

Librarian's terminological dictionary on socio-economic topics. - St. Petersburg: Russian National Library. 2011 .


-A , m.

The desire to separate, separate from someone or something.

[French separatism]

Small academic dictionary. - M.: Institute of Russian Language of the USSR Academy of Sciences Evgenieva A. P. 1957-1984


SEPARATISM -A; m.[French séparatisme] The desire to separate, separate from someone or something. (usually national minorities advocating the formation of an independent state, or some kind of public organization, party). Politics of separatism. Economic s.

Separatist (see).

Great Dictionary of Russian language. - 1st edition: St. Petersburg: Norint S. A. Kuznetsov. 1998

(from Latin separatio - separation) -English. separatism; German Separatismus. 1. The desire for isolation, separation. 2. Movement towards independence of a certain group, organization, striving for separation from a large association.

SEPARATISM (French separatisme - from Latin separatus - separate), the desire for separation, isolation; a movement for secession of part of the state and the creation of a new state entity or for granting autonomy to part of the country. Unlike the national liberation movement, separatism usually expresses the interests of certain circles of the local bourgeoisie. At the same time, it may also reflect the desire of national minorities in bourgeois multinational states to act independently and create independent states or autonomous regions.


(from lat. separatio - separation) - English separatism; German Separatismus. 1. The desire for isolation, separation. 2. Movement towards independence of a certain group, organization, striving for separation from a large association.

Antinazi. Encyclopedia of Sociology, 2009

Post-industrial society(or post-industrial civilization) is a stage of social development that replaced industrial civilization, which the leading industrial countries of the world entered in the last quarter of the 20th century.

Main features post-industrial society:

1) formation of a computer-technological structure of production. The basis of production 2) is knowledge-intensive, resource-saving, waste-free technologies;

2) minimization of human physical labor in the production process, activation of creative abilities, mental costs;

3) development of small and medium-sized businesses, increasing the role of small enterprises and their “soft” forms of association (associations, trade and industrial groups), deconcentration (unbundling) of production;

4) the process of de-urbanization - the outflow of population from cities. This allowed workers in megacities not to suffer from overcrowding, air pollution, excess transport and other problems, as they preferred to live in suburbs far from large cities.

The formation of post-industrial society is a complex, uneven process, riddled with contradictions. These are contradictions between man and modern technology in the social, economic and psychological aspects, a conflict between the trend towards globalization and the traditional principles of national-state sovereignty.

Globalization– the process of increasing the integrity of the world. Many scientists see globalization as a sign of the beginning of the formation of a single planetary civilization.

Throughout the 20th century, economic, political, and cultural ties between different countries became increasingly stronger. The interdependence of all countries, which today can no longer lead an isolated existence, has noticeably increased.

The process of globalization entails:

1) the formation of a world economic system with a “division of labor” between countries and continents;

2) creation of a world market. World market this is a single set of international trade-monetary, trade-economic and credit-financial relations of countries;

3) the increasing role of regional economic unions (such as the European Union);

On modern stage development of the world economy, new directions of its progress have appeared:

1) international cooperation of states is built on the basis of their material interest. Now the former non-economic coercion of countries and peoples is excluded;

2) the global market space is expanding. Many economically backward countries that had natural or semi-natural production are moving to market relations;

3) all forms of economic relations between countries are developing. Economic relations between countries are becoming increasingly diverse and include not only foreign trade, but also the exchange of scientific and technical information, international credit and foreign investment, currency relations, integration, movement of labor from one country to another, etc.

4) The downside of the globalization process is world wars, major economic crises, the danger of using weapons of mass destruction, etc.

The process of globalization is opposed by the exact opposite tendency – separatist.

Separatism- desire for separation, isolation. The desire to secede is usually caused by the desire to preserve political, cultural, and religious independence. The collapse of the USSR and Yugoslavia, Islamic fundamentalism and other events are striking examples manifestations of separatism.

On May 9, 2014, a new article 280.1 came into force in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, providing for liability for public calls for actions aimed at violating the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation.

Calls disseminated in the media or via the Internet are punishable by compulsory labor (free community service) for up to 480 hours or imprisonment for up to 5 years. A journalist or editor is held liable in his personal capacity, as an individual.

1. Separatism- the desire to separate, to stand apart; a movement for secession of part of the state and the creation of a new state entity or for granting autonomy to part of the country.

2. Call presence in the publication will be considered appeals to any group of citizens, in any form(oral, written, visual, visual demonstration (poster, photograph, signature under the photograph), using technical means), which expresses the desire to unite citizens with the goal of influence on their consciousness, will and behavior, induce them to action (not necessarily violent!), aimed at violating the territorial integrity of the country.

3. Calls for separatism will be punished if we are talking about the division of Russia, not other countries and territories . For example, at the moment, calls for action to return Crimea to Ukraine will be considered separatism, because Crimea is officially declared part of Russia.

4. It doesn’t matter if any actions were taken as a result of the call, responsibility comes for the very fact of publishing the text (video) with the call. The call may well be addressless and absurd - the main thing is that the purpose of the call is to divide Russia into different parts or transfer some territory to another state.

5. Formally, an appeal is a manifestation of purposeful activity (that is, as part of a conceived plan), which should be distinguished from the expression of opinion, judgment, evaluation, criticism, including the political activity of certain public figures, politicians and the state as a whole.

6. The call is formulated in the form of an incentive proposal. For example: “Guys, let’s take up arms and defend our right to live as we want!” “Let's protect our traditions, create our own state!” Deputies State Duma, commenting on this norm, indicate that calls to return Crimea to Ukraine should also be considered as separatism within the meaning of Art. 280.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Thus, in order to avoid criminal liability, you should not publish materials that contain appeals to citizens (on behalf of any person or organization):

- on the possibility (necessity) of dividing the territory of the Russian Federation into separate states (autonomous republics);

- on the detachment (secession from the Russian Federation), including through a referendum, of certain territories;

- on the annexation of part of the territory of the Russian Federation to other states;

- about any other violation of the territorial integrity of the Russian Federation.

It seems that any publication that criticizes or questions the advisability of maintaining Russian territory within its current borders, supporting statements about the separation of the Caucasus, or even expressing doubt about the annexation of Crimea to Russia can be potentially dangerous and entail the risk of criminal prosecution. Unfortunately, the article of the Criminal Code on separatism is formulated rather vaguely, which leaves wide scope for abuse in practice.

SEPARATISM SEPARATISM (French separatisme, from Latin separatus - separate) - the desire to separate, separate; a movement for secession of part of the state and the creation of a new state entity or for granting autonomy to part of the country. The difference between S. and the national liberation movement is of a subjective (evaluative) nature.

Large legal dictionary. - M.: Infra-M. A. Ya. Sukharev, V. E. Krutskikh, A. Ya. Sukharev. 2003 .


See what “SEPARATISM” is in other dictionaries:

    - (new lat., from lat. separare to separate, separate). The desire to separate from the majority; defection in matters of faith or politics, schism, heresy. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. SEPARATISM desire... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    separatism- a, m. separatisme m. The desire for separation, isolation. BAS 1. The desire to separate from the majority and form your own strike; osprey, strike, community. Dahl. The desire to separate from the majority; dissent in matters of faith and politics, schism,... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    - (French separatisme from Latin separatus separate), the desire for separation, isolation; a movement for secession of part of the state and the creation of a new state entity or for granting autonomy to part of the country. Unlike national... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    SEPARATISM, separatism, many. no, husband (from Latin separatus separated). The desire for separation, isolation from the majority for one purpose or another (book). || A political movement aimed at separating a region from the state (polit... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    SEPARATISM, huh, husband. (book). The desire for separation, isolation. Politics of separatism. | adj. separatist, oh, oh. Ozhegov's explanatory dictionary. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 … Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

    Noun, number of synonyms: 3 desire for isolation (1) desire for separation (1) ... Synonym dictionary

    - (from Latin separatio department) English. separatism; German Separatismus. 1. The desire for isolation, separation. 2. Movement towards independence of a certain group, organization, striving to separate from a large association. Antinazi. Encyclopedia... ... Encyclopedia of Sociology

    - (from the English separates separate) policy of the regional economy, the desire to create your own independent market, to gain complete economic independence and independence from the center, Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B.. Modern... ... Economic dictionary

    - (French separatisme, from Latin sepaiatus separate) 1) theory, policy and practice of isolation, separation of part of the territory of a state in order to create a new independent state or obtain the status of very broad autonomy; 2) movement for... ... Political science. Dictionary.

    Separatism- any act aimed at violating the territorial integrity of the state, including separating part of the territory from it, or disintegrating the state, committed by force, as well as planning and preparation of such... ... Official terminology


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