Three denarii tarot meaning. Three of Pentacles Tarot: meaning. Tarot Three of Pentacles: card interpretation. tarot pentacles - combination

The meaning of the 3 Pentacles card in the classic Waite deck and other similar systems is useful to know for a novice tarot reader. Experienced users are constantly improving and adding their own developments to the glossary. The Three of Coins, or Pentacles, is called a positive card by some, while others talk about negative aspects. Let's figure it out.

In this article

General meaning of the card

On the one hand, 3 Coins symbolizes experience, reaching a new level of consciousness. On the other hand, it indicates that the questioner is too dependent on material values, hence all the troubles. Depending on the purpose of the alignment, experienced fortune tellers consider both interpretation options.

Pentacles (Coins) symbolize the material side of the world, wealth in the literal and figurative sense. But a person is rich not only in money, but also in knowledge.

Take a closer look at the classic three of a kind from the Raider-Waite deck: it depicts people enjoying life. They stand under the arches of a mythological temple, their gaze directed upward. Look carefully: the picture shows a jester, a clergyman and a young man in the clothes of a craftsman. The figures symbolize spirituality, lightness of worldview and hard work.

The general meaning of the card is reaching a new level of development. A person has accumulated a wealth of life experience and continues to learn. But he should remember: knowledge must be shared with others, without this there is no forward movement.

The card speaks of material well-being, mental balance and good mood. In long-term plans, it means the beginning of a new stage in life, the end of a difficult period.

The Three of Coins is a symbol of discovery, progress and success. But this can only be achieved through hard work. Happiness will not come on its own, it must be earned.

The video is dedicated to Minor Arcana, namely all threes of the Tarot:

Direct card position

In the upright position, the card indicates that the person is in his place. He is a responsible and positive worker, ready to take on any job. The Three of Pentacles means that the time has come to put knowledge into practice. Experience cannot be kept to yourself, share it with others, and they will appreciate you.

  1. In fortune telling about relationships, the card means the appearance of a life partner, symbolizes a sensitive, caring and kind partner.
  2. In a reading of the professional sphere, it can indicate a craftsman in the high sense of the word: experienced, talented, creative. This is a map of jewelers, watchmakers, artists, designers.
  3. Troika Coins recommends going in for sports, increasing vital energy and improve yourself. Be active, purposeful and energetic.

Three of Pentacles from Nikolai Kolesov (ABC Tarot).

When fortune telling a question that requires a clear answer “yes” or “no,” the card means a positive outcome.

Reversed card meaning

In a reverse position, the card speaks of a lack of talent for crafts, weak imagination, and inability to generate ideas. Appearing in a work scenario, it indicates routine, laziness and reluctance to move towards the intended goal.

  1. If the question concerns career prospects, then the card indicates the questioner’s dishonesty. He doesn't like what he does and lacks motivation. It means things that have been shelved.
  2. The reversed Three of Pentacles means that a person is too interested in the physical side of life. Building muscle mass comes at the expense of self-education.
  3. In a relationship chart, the reverse position of the three indicates stagnation. If the question concerns the future fate of the marriage, then most likely it does not have a positive outlook.

The inverted three of Denariev advises you to look at yourself critically. You may not notice obvious flaws. Don't take on commitments you can't fulfill.

Meaning for fortune telling about business and work

The 3 that appears in the scenario, Dinariev, says that it is time to think about advanced training. You have been doing the same monotonous job for too long, which does not require special intelligence and talents. It's time to learn. Don't miss this chance: sign up for courses and educate yourself.

The card may signal that you are afraid to take responsibility for your actions.

For students and applicants, the appearance of 3 Coins in a layout is a good sign. He says that you are busy doing what you like, symbolizing a positive result in exams.

Meaning when divining relationships

The transition to a new level of relationship with a loved one and the completion of a certain stage in life. This is how the meaning of the 3 of Pentacles in fortune telling about family and marriage is briefly described.

The card requires the questioner to have a clear understanding of goals, maturity and responsibility. You should take family values ​​seriously. Have a heart-to-heart talk with your partner, find out what issues concern him, what doesn’t suit him in the current state of affairs in the family.

3 Monet says that the most difficult stage in life is already in the past. The main thing is to set priorities correctly and not repeat previous mistakes.

People and places

If the Three of Pentacles acts as a significator, it denotes a person of a creative profession, a talented person, a craftsman in the good sense of the word. The questioner knows how to work with his head and hands, and is ready to take on any task.

When divining to determine a place, the three of Coins symbolizes an artist’s workshop, a jeweler’s shop or another specialist who knows delicate and painstaking equipment.

Psychological state, personality analysis and 3 of Pentacles

From the point of view of the psychological state, the card speaks of upliftment, the desire to act, create, create. A person is ready to learn, make discoveries, he is interested in living. The card says that the questioner is talented. The main thing is to find a scope for application of the skill.

Neighboring symbols will tell the fortuneteller which direction to move, what slows down progress or promotes development. The Major Arcana dropped nearby enhance the meaning of the three Denarii.

Classic combinations with the Major Arcana

Three and Major Arcana.

In layouts for work, relationships or a psychological portrait of a person, you will definitely encounter the following combinations.

  • The Jester (Fool) and the Three of Pentacles speak of the meaninglessness of any undertakings, wasted work and wasted time.
  • The Magician and 3 Denariev advise you to boldly get down to business; with your actions you are laying an excellent foundation for future success.
  • The High Priestess advises to submit to the opinion of the leadership. An option is pressure from the powers that be.
  • The Empress falling next to the Three of Pentacles speaks of a successful completion of affairs. Everything will work out.
  • The Emperor symbolizes successful business. It is possible to create a strong marriage union.
  • The Hierophant reminds that work should bring joy, and not just profit. Option - you pay too much attention to the material side of life.
  • Lovers next to 3 Coins warn of a difficult choice ahead. The second meaning is stable and strong relationships with the opposite sex.
  • The chariot and the three Denarii speak of the need to control thoughts and actions.
  • The Force says that the time is coming when you will have to gather your will into a fist.
  • The hermit that appears next to the three is a signal that it’s time to be alone with yourself. Friends and colleagues are unlikely to help you with anything. Don't listen to outside advice.
  • The Wheel of Fortune does not promise stability. The result will be 50/50. You can lose everything you have saved for so long. The forecast concerns not only the material, but also the spiritual sphere.
  • Appearing next to 3 Denarii of Justice is a good sign. Depending on the issue, it means making a profit, a favorable outcome of legal proceedings, encouragement and reward.
  • Hanged. It's time to reconsider your priorities. Option - all efforts are in vain.
  • Death symbolizes changes that cannot be avoided. Events are developing rapidly and are beyond your control. Humble yourself.
  • Moderation and the Three of Coins say that a person will receive a well-deserved reward.
  • The devil warns of possible temptations and dishonesty on the part of colleagues or friends. Be careful.
  • The Tower next to the Three of Pentacles is a symbol of change. Swift and inevitable, destructive. Option: you will face global losses.
  • The star advises to hope for the best.
  • Luna does not recommend deluding yourself. Illusions and delusions should not take precedence over reason and logic. Perhaps your colleagues and friends are hiding the real picture of the world from you.
  • The sun is a good sign. The efforts will be rewarded.
  • The World card neutralizes negative aspects and speaks of the successful completion of planned affairs.

Classic combinations with cards of your own suit of Pentacles

With cards of your own suit.

What does the same suit mean: an enhanced effect or that it’s time to look in a different direction?

  • The Ace and Three of Pentacles symbolize a breakthrough in the material sphere. Guaranteed reward for work, bonus, monetary well-being.
  • Two warns about the need to concentrate on one thing and not scatter ideas.
  • Four says that the questioner is too greedy, he should reconsider his views on life. Learn to part with money easily; what you spend will come back a hundredfold.
  • Five and three Coins nearby speak of missed opportunities and health problems. Perhaps it's time for you to rest.
  • Six - successful completion of affairs, a good reward for work performed.
  • The seven dropped next to the three Denarii is a symbol of discontent. The fortuneteller is not happy with life, work, or the people around him. Probably, the material reward in the service does not correspond to the efforts expended.
  • An eight indicates a persistent person who knows how and loves to work for the benefit of others.
  • Nine and three of Coins - receiving a good reward. Successful completion of the project.
  • Ten - prosperity and prosperity in the house is just around the corner, but you will have to work hard.
  • Page and Troika advise you to think about studying. You probably haven't upgraded your skills for a long time. An option is an advantageous offer for cooperation in the intellectual sphere.
  • The Knight of Coins and the Troika say it's time to clean up the workplace.
  • The queen next to the troika guarantees a material reward for a well-executed project.
  • The king and three characterize the questioner as a good organizer. Option – support from management. Green light for any endeavors.

Classic combinations with the suit of Wands

Three of Coins and Wands.

What will the Wands add to the Three of Pentacles?

  • Ace of Staffs and Three of Pentacles are good prospects for cooperation.
  • The Two warns against hasty actions; the time has not come to trust partners.
  • The Three of Pentacles and the Three of Wands are the key to successful teamwork. Don't go it alone.
  • The Four of Wands heralds a lucrative contract, a partnership agreement.
  • Five warns of misunderstandings on the part of colleagues and friends.
  • Six and Wands and 3 Denariev - success.
  • Seven says that you will have to face tough competition in your field.
  • Eight is a competently executed order, a satisfied employer. Professional growth.
  • Nine warns that there are people around you who doubt your competence.
  • The appearance of the Ten of Wands next to the Three is a reason to be wary. You may be tired and have a tendency towards professional burnout.
  • The Page of Wands symbolizes proposals in the field of work. Favorable contract, business cooperation.
  • A knight next to the Three of Pentacles speaks of an imminent break in relations.
  • The Queen advises to approach professional responsibilities carefully.
  • The king presents a person of authority in his field, worthy of trust and attention.

Classic combinations with the suit of Swords

Will the Three of Swords be able to soften the impact of such a difficult suit?

  • Ace of Swords and Three of Coins - take care of the protection of intellectual property. In the personality scenario, it reveals a person in a creative profession: writer, artist.
  • The Two of Swords and the 3 of Pentacles say that the questioner faces a difficult choice.
  • A three falling nearby warns of the collapse of a relationship with a loved one. Don't be sad, you did everything to keep him.
  • Four advises taking a vacation and temporarily stepping away from work.
  • Five of Swords and Three of Coins - failures, lack of money.
  • Six says it's time to change something. In a long-term scenario, it symbolizes a new place of work.
  • Seven - beware of scammers. Option – one of your colleagues wishes harm and wants to take your place.
  • Eight says that you are too relaxed and have lost interest in work. This interferes with career growth and moving forward.
  • The Nine and Three of Pentacles are a symbol of disappointment, dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs.
  • The Ten of Swords and the Three of Swords indicate a person who completely devotes himself to work.
  • The page advises getting down to business without delay. Success guaranteed.
  • The knight testifies to the high professional level of the questioner.
  • The Queen warns of open or secret confrontation from colleagues. Take a closer look at your surroundings.
  • The King of Swords and the Three of Coins characterize the querent as a jack of all trades. Option – try yourself in new areas of activity.

Classic combinations with the suit of Cups

In general, the combination is beneficial, but there are also warnings.

  • Ace of Cups and 3 Denarii – success and complete self-realization.
  • A deuce guarantees a fruitful and rich relationship with the opposite sex.
  • Troika advises you to arrange a holiday for yourself. Option - soon the questioner will be invited to a celebration.
  • Four warns of emotional decline. Leave problems outside of work, rest more.
  • Five says that the person asking is going through a difficult period in his life. It will not end until a person pulls himself together.
  • Six guarantees that the fortuneteller will receive a good reward for his work. An option is spiritual joy upon completion of tasks.
  • The Seven of Cups in combination with the Three of Denarii is a signal to be wary. Perhaps they want to deceive you of money for a completed project.
  • Eight says that business has become stagnant. The person is dissatisfied with the results of his work and is apathetic. Lack of initiative.
  • The Nine of Cups next to the Three says that the querent is on the verge of success.
  • Ten is moral and material satisfaction from the work done.
  • The Page of Cups and the Three of Denarii are the harbingers of change. You may have to learn a new activity. If the Major Arcana Death card appears nearby, there is a high probability of enterprise closure, layoffs, and unemployment.
  • The Knight of Cups says that the querent is characterized by optimism and professional zeal.
  • The Queen of Cups combined with the Three of Pentacles indicates a conscientious worker. As advice to a manager: such a person should be regularly encouraged.
  • The king is the support of an honest and hardworking ally.

In this video, Julia Tur talks about the suit of Pentacles in the Tarot deck:

Importance in health matters

When guessing your health, pay attention to the position in which the card fell: in the usual or reverse position.

In the direct position, the 3 of Pentacles indicates that a person carefully monitors his well-being. This applies to physical and mental state.

In the reverse position, the card is a symbol of neglect and laziness. The illnesses that the questioner suffers from are the result of inattention to body signals.

Overall, the Three of Pentacles is a positive card. It does not promise that rewards for your work will be received immediately; it motivates you to work, study and improve your professional skills. It is impossible to count on bright prospects without preliminary investments. Three of Coins is a card of people of business, professionals, responsible executors.

A little about the author:

Tarot reader Esoterics for me is a universal key that opens many doors behind which new knowledge, opportunities and prospects are hidden.

More than 20 years ago I first picked up Tarot cards. Since then I have used them for more than just predictions. The world of Tarot is an amazing reality, immersing yourself in which you will find answers to questions and be able to change your life.

The main controversy regarding the plot of the 3 of Pentacles revolves around the figures depicted on it. Let me remind you that Waite considered cards from ten to one. And for him, the three depicts the same character that we saw on the 8 of Pentacles - the apprentice has become a master.

One of the two remaining characters is undoubtedly a monk. The role of the second is not entirely clear, but it is probably an architect. The most exotic version I've heard of this map is Michelangelo painting Sistine Chapel and various kinds of assistants and advisers with their meaningless advice and instructions. The upper part of the card, that is, the pentacles and the rose, has been repeatedly attributed to a connection with Masonic symbolism. I am not an expert in Masonic symbolism. For me this connection is not obvious.


  • Collectivism
  • Cooperation
  • Collaboration
  • Cooperation
  • Role on the team
  • Contribution to the project

Key Ideas

  • Technical knowledge
  • Practical skills
  • Skill in trade and craft
  • Attention to detail

Basic meaning

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Waite gives rather strange meanings for the Tarot card 3 (Three) of Pentacles (Coins or Denarii). On the one hand, he gives the meaning of “skilled labor” for this card, and on the other hand, “nobility and aristocracy.” The problem is that those who can work skillfully are extremely rarely aristocrats.

But Waite gives an even stranger meaning to the Tarot for the inverted Three of Pentacles: mediocrity, immaturity and pettiness.

Modern meanings of the card are associated with cooperation, joint activities, cooperation. The special formula of the card: “You can’t build a temple alone.” The card directly indicates that no matter what you do, you cannot cope with this work yourself.

Video: Tarot card meaning - 3 of Pentacles

Meaning in relationships

Now let's talk about the interpretation of the meanings of the Tarot card 3 (Three) of Pentacles in matters of relationships and love.

Open - hole card

The Three of Pentacles is an open card, but also a hierarchical one. It establishes and defines relations not between people, but between their social and production functions. In order for a person to have a chance to get into a certain group and gain a foothold there, he must have a certain set of positive qualities. Moreover, in different groups the same qualities can be assessed both positive and negative. In a team of card sharpers and primary school teachers, different sets of personal qualities will be valued.

Relationship intensity

The card describes an even, calm, stable relationship. High emotional intensity is contraindicated for relationships in this card. But it can indicate a resonance effect with energy from the cooperation of efforts and the associated feeling of pleasure - the “Hey, let's go!” effect.

Map as a scenario for relationships: love, family, relatives, work

The main scenario in this map is cooperation. Those who know how to dig holes team up with those who know where to dig and why. Having taken his place in the team, a person fulfills his role without pretending and without envying others who have taken other places.

To describe this card, the concept of “artel” is very suitable, uniting craftsmen who have not one, but several specialties, who can easily replace each other, come to the rescue, and redistribute responsibilities in accordance with the current situation.

It is very important to note that in this map, the solution to almost all issues, including appointment to a position, is determined not by personal likes and dislikes, but by production necessity.

  • 3 (Three) of Pentacles Tarot in combination with the card: Teamwork gives good profit
  • 3 (Three) of Pentacles Tarot in combination with the card: Team roles can change quickly
  • 3 (Three) of Pentacles Tarot in combination with the card: Despite the joint efforts, the project faces collapse.

Psychological condition

Things are going smoothly, no one is working carelessly. The pleasure of coordinated work and the anticipation of obtaining a positive result.

In combination with the suit of Wands

  • with: Potentially beneficial cooperation
  • c: Uncoordinated actions
  • s: Tired of colleagues

Importance in health matters

Typically, the meaning of the Tarot card 3 (Three of Pentacles) indicates good health, coordinated work of all organs and systems. According to this card, it is important to follow the regime and carry out planned health activities. The card may also indicate that the health situation will improve.

  • in combination with: Lies between colleagues.
  • in combination with: Excellent relationships within the company
  • in combination with: Egoists and egocentrics in a team

Business and finance, in professional activities

Stability, controllability, controllability

The 3 of Pentacles indicates a stable, controlled, manageable situation. There are no surprises in it, only planned work.

In this technological process, the entire chain of actions has already been built, everything is debugged. Take it and do your part of the work. This is not the time to take the initiative - do as told, from now until now. For example, the warehouse volume and metal reserves are designed to produce six nuts. And your task is to make exactly six of them. Not four or eight. Nuts, not screws.

Ways to Increase Income (Key to Increasing Income)

The meaning of the Three of Pentacles Tarot suggests that this is teamwork, everyone clearly fulfills their role. The absence of the human factor in this map is important: it does not indicate the manifestation of emotions - neither positive nor negative. There is no reasoning or assessment of whether we like the work or not.

Income grows because, coinciding with the demands of the common cause, a person does what he is good at.

Every person is in his place.

General state of finances and trends of changes

Very good. Stable job, stable salary. The economics of socialism was not written because they did not know how profit is generated under conditions of cooperation. This is cooperation, not competition. The trends are the most encouraging: a stable, stable financial situation in the foreseeable future.

Positive and negative impact of the card on income

The card provides guarantees of stability. Everything is solid, fundamental. All rights and obligations are spelled out for many years in advance, income is distributed once and for all according to the staffing table. If a person does not expect any changes in his work, if he is satisfied with the lack of career growth, then this is an excellent forecast! On the other hand, you have taken a place in the structure and are unable to change your position. Income growth or movement up the hierarchical ladder are not included in mandatory social benefits. plastic bag. What some call stability is a hard-to-bear routine for others. In addition, the administrative hierarchy gives rise to social inequality. Not everyone is ready to accept the role of a cog, without rights, but with a stable salary.

Three of Tarot Coins in Upright Position

In the upright position, the three of pentacles of the tarot speaks of a highly qualified worker who knows exactly what he is doing and understands it. Events governed by the card: receiving a new project, improving one’s abilities, improving one’s qualifications.

Basic values:

  • Playing sports, strengthening the immune system, improving health, understanding the inner self through some physical exercise(for example, yoga classes). No surgery, but improved appearance.
  • Handmade products, getting pleasure from being busy, a high-class specialist, sometimes symbolizes the profession of a designer, jeweler, stylist, watchmaker.
  • The appearance of a sensitive partner, beautiful and caring, harmonious relationships.

Next to you is a very quiet, sophisticated person who pays attention to every little detail, very neat, working with some small details. . The magical attribute advises doing your job to the end, flawlessly, without harming your reputation.

If the card was used in the “Yes-No” layout, then the answer is yes.

The magical attribute advises doing your job to the end, flawlessly, without harming your reputation. If the card was used in the “Yes-No” layout, then the answer is yes.

Three of Pentacles in Relationships

Straight position. The origin of feelings, the beginning of life together, unification or reunion. The emergence of feelings as a result of unification. A joint project that will lead to feelings. Elimination of formalities.

A person has the right to make his own happiness. Your happiness is only in your hands, and you can dispose of it as you wish. You are able to build your own destiny. Only for this you will need a reserve of tolerance and the need to be persistent.

Seriousness and responsibility of relationships. The desire to become better, to improve, not to put relationships into a state of routine.

Inverted position. Inability to surprise and delight a partner, lack of knowledge of how to act in difficult situations in a couple. The partner is capable of cunning. A refined nature that hides under the dullness and inconspicuousness of its appearance. Pragmatism, belittling the meaning of romance in relationships and courtship rituals.

Two of Pentacles

On the card there is a man resembling a clown, he is playing with two coins united by the number eight, and in the background a ship is visible rocking on the waves. The Two of Pentacles Tarot shows a person with a frivolous attitude towards life, who perceives it as a game, and therefore does not think about tomorrow. He seems to be surrounded by strong passions, but at the same time he is indifferent and takes the position of an observer. Turmoil, excitement, confusion, darkness accompany this card. Inverted, it carries the meaning of ostentatious joy, weak self-confidence. Reversed 2 indicates that a person is surrounded by too many events; it also means the collapse of plans and bad news.

As for finances, this card is a good sign, but a warning that you need to be frugal with available opportunities.

3 of Pentacles Tarot in combination with other cards

In any layout, it is necessary to take into account the combination of the Three of Pentacles with other tarot cards. Depending on what is located nearby, the basic interpretation may change. 3 coins combined with a major arcana card:

  • The jester is vain labor;
  • Magician - laying the foundation;
  • High Priestess - unquestioning submission to superiors;
  • Empress - excellent result, receiving an award;
  • Emperor - the beginning of doing business, starting a family;
  • Hierophant - awareness that spiritual aspects are important in work;
  • Lovers - stable relationship;
  • Chariot - you should not make responsible decisions;
  • Strength - show perseverance and will.
  • Hermit - people are bad advisers for you now;
  • Wheel of Fortune - the results are very unstable;
  • Justice - getting the reward you deserve;
  • Hanged Man - all efforts are in vain;
  • Death - transformations are inevitable;
  • Moderation is pleasure, consolation;
  • Devil - fraud, poor quality work, unreliable employee;
  • Tower - losses, wasted efforts.
  • Star - faith;
  • Moon - the true state of things is hidden from you;
  • The sun is a brilliant future;
  • Court - help from an outsider;
  • Peace - successful business management.

Combinations with the suit of Swords

Having drawn out a card with the image of a three of coins, you need to carefully consider its immediate surroundings. Often, near this card there are arcana with the image of swords.

And then its meaning is interpreted as follows:

  • Two of Swords - talks about a temporary world;
  • Three of Swords - indicates colleagues capable of causing trouble and causing significant emotional trauma;
  • Four of Swords - represents a world that may turn out to be fictitious;
  • Five of Swords - speaks of some kind of enmity;
  • Six of Swords - portends a quick move;
  • Seven of Swords - acts as a symbol of insincerity;
  • Eight of Swords – recommends trying not to always do exactly what you want;
  • Nine of Swords - indicates an evil fate;
  • Ten of Swords - talks about loss of status and a destroyed world;
  • Page of Swords - recommends caution when communicating with certain people;
  • Knight of Swords - speaks of war and military battles;
  • King of Swords - symbolizes the magistrate and power in all its manifestations;
  • Queen of Swords - indicates quarrels and conflicts leading to discord in the family and work;
  • Ace of Swords – talks about victories, achievements and successful plans.

Thanks to the presented combinations of cards, absolutely any fortune telling will no longer be so mysterious and incomprehensible. And it will be quite easy to interpret it.

Interpretation of the Three of Pentacles in combination with the suit of swords

With an ace. Drawing up an estimate or financing project.

With a deuce. Inconsistency.

With a three. Conflicting actions. Broken hearts.

With four. Obedience to circumstances. Thoughts on the scope of activity.

With an A. Fight for place. Competition.

With six. Finding a way out of a difficult situation.

With seven. Cunning. An action plan is needed.

With eight. Doing something you don't love. Go against your will.

With nine. Suffering, wrong specialty chosen.

With ten. Mistake, defeat. Failures at work.

You have to be careful with some people.

With a knight. Readiness to implement your plans.

With the queen. A better outcome.

With the king. Selfishness, desire to work alone.

General meaning of the card

The general interpretation of the card is quite simple.

  1. In the upright position, the Three will indicate some work that has already been worked on, will be worked on, or is in the process. The card has a neutral position and does not give a clear answer about the outcome, but hints at some potential. This Arcanum indicates gradual but continuous progress, in which there are no sharp ups, long stagnations or regression
  2. Another meaning of the Three in the upright position is success through joint efforts. This card in the layout can be interpreted as an instruction not to be guided by arrogance and relying on own strength, as well as a hint of the need to accept someone’s help and support from an influential patron
  3. If the 3 of Coins is turned upside down in fortune telling, then it will indicate laziness and lack of necessary motivation, followed by low work performance and some small but unpleasant financial difficulties

Meaning of the Three of Pentacles in the upright position

Honor, glory, admiration, successful career, recognition, increased social status, serious material success, achievement of a goal.

In relationships, the card foreshadows the fulfillment of plans, meeting a worthy person and or the development of an existing connection. Family, pregnancy, birth of a child. Love, harmony and happiness.

  • your work is bearing fruit, success and prosperity are ahead
  • teamwork, success, satisfaction
  • skilled labor, nobility, aristocracy, glory

The Three of Pentacles of the Tarot in the correct position mainly speaks of work, the success it brings and legitimate recognition for the Client. Clarity of purpose, personal mastery and harmony will lead to success and great satisfaction.

The three of pentacles tarot card means enterprise, commerce. Skilled work or acquisition of qualifications; ability, dexterity. Success in trade or business. Personal merits; rise in prestige; fame and glory.

Meaning of the Three of Pentacles in reversed position

Problems, obstacles, delays, apathy, weakness, mediocrity, mediocrity. The work is going on somehow, everything is falling out of hand, nothing is working out. Plans are on the verge of failure. We need to shake ourselves up! There is always something or someone to wake up for in the morning.

Lack of incentives for the development of relationships, squabbles, quarrels, feelings lose their former brightness.

  • mediocrity, weakness, low position in society
  • difficulties at work, dissatisfaction, resentment
  • unskilled labor, pettiness, weakness

When reversed, the Three of Pentacles tarot card also indicates hard work, but in this case the result will not be as successful and will not bring reward to the Client. There will be misunderstandings and delays due to poor planning, incompetence of commissioners, and lack of experience. The client will be criticized (fairly or due to misunderstanding), which will make him feel indignant at the rude treatment.

The reversed tarot card of the three of pentacles means mediocrity both in work and in everything else; limitation, weakness.

Inner meaning. Given to understand the straight position of the map

The Three of Pentacles Tarot is another success card, but in a different aspect. The Three of Pentacles describes professionalism, skill in a craft, trade or other occupation and predicts that this skill can bring reward. If this card represents the Questioner, then he (or she) is ready (or is preparing, depending on the position in the layout) to earn a good life; the presence of the Three of Pentacles in a reading indicates that the choice of profession will lead to success. If this card describes a situation or upcoming event, you are told that acquiring a profession that has market demand will lead to ultimate success. It is also assumed that the Querent has the potential to learn such a craft, which in many cases is not bad news at all!