Ramson: growing from seeds. What is wild garlic, how is it useful, what does it look like and where does it grow, photo of the plant When and how to plant wild garlic with seeds

Growing wild garlic on summer cottage will help you always have healthy greens under your nose. It's rare that you have the opportunity to head into the wild for wild onions. And such a trip can be very expensive: the plant is listed in the Red Book, and there is a fine for collecting it. Why do you need shame and financial costs? The plant is unpretentious, caring for it will not take much time, but in early spring you will have vitamin-rich greens that you can pull out at any time, and at the same time not hide from foresters and rangers.

Description and types of wild garlic

Ramson is classified as a perennial herbaceous plant of the onion family, but its taste and aroma are more like garlic. Its leaves are often confused with lily of the valley, but this is until the wild garlic begins to bloom in a single arrow with an umbrella flower in the shape of a small ball consisting of snow-white small flowers.

It has triangular fruits in the shape of a box, in which black round seeds ripen by the end of June. The plant can reach a height of 40–50 centimeters and has snow-white bulbous roots.

Types of wild garlic

Ramson has been remembered and loved for a long time, usually in those regions where it grows in natural conditions - in the Caucasus, Far East, Siberia, Europe. Ramson is a perennial herbaceous plant of the genus Onion (Allium), and two species are called so: victory onion (Allium victorilis) and bear onion (Allium ursnum).

In almost every territory it has a second popular name: chenzeli, kalba, levurda, wild garlic, bear onion.

Bear onion

A small-sized plant 20–50 centimeters high, leaves (2–3 pieces 3–5 centimeters wide) on a long narrow petiole appear in March-April, when the snow has completely melted and the ground has warmed up.

In May-June, small white flowers bloom on a small peduncle, arranged in an umbellate (beamed or hemispherical) inflorescence. Flowering lasts 2–3 weeks. After the seeds form (June-July), the leaves die little by little. In mixed and deciduous forests, wild garlic grows in entire clearings, which are popularly called “bear meadows.”

Today, due to deforestation, deteriorating ecology and uncontrolled collection, the number of wild wild garlic is greatly reduced. Therefore, the plant is listed in the Red Book in various regions, territories and republics of Russia.

Types: “Bear Cub”, “Delicacy”, “Bear Delicacy”, “Bear Paw”, “Bear Ear”. The names lack creativity and variety.

Victory bow

It reaches 70 centimeters in height, the inflorescence is an umbrella (hemispherical or spherical), the flowers are pale green. Young leaves grow early - with the first gentle days. It blooms in May-July, seeds ripen in July-September (based on the climatic zone and atmospheric conditions).

It can be found on sale as “Siberian wild garlic”. Can grow on slightly acidic soils. It is more frost-resistant than bear onion. Suitable for growing in Siberia, Altai, and the Far East.

Benefits of wild garlic

This is useful because this plant is not only medicinal, but also nutritional. In the past, when difficult times began, wild garlic acted as a devoted ally of quinoa and nettle, saving a huge number of human lives. In the post-war period, in particular, it was salted in huge wooden barrels.

Today the situation, of course, is not considered nearly as extreme, but it is better to have constant readiness, right? Moreover, even in normal conditions, wild garlic has enormous culinary potential.

To plant wild garlic and other garden crops for the winter, you must definitely make beds, as recommended by the site, with the help of an indispensable motor assistant - a country cultivator. But before you buy, go through reliable online stores and choose, based on the given characteristics, the model that will most satisfy you. After all, with the help of good technology, work on a summer cottage can be done twice as quickly.

Growing wild garlic

When designating a place for planting wild garlic, you should not forget that this crop loves fairly fertile lands, shading from direct sunlight and moisture. That is why it is better to place it under a fence or trees - where there is no hot sun, there is no stagnation of water, and the soil is not overly acidic.

There are two ways to propagate wild garlic: planting bulbs and sowing seeds, and each method has its own characteristic features.


Planting grains requires warm weather. The best germination is observed at a temperature of approximately +20. It is advisable to do this work in the spring or late summer. The newer the seeds, the more of them will be viable. Buy them the day before planting and be sure to pay attention to the packaging date. It is advisable to collect grains from existing plants immediately before planting.

Advice. To extract seeds, cut off the capsules when they begin to turn yellow. If the shell has become hard, it means that the plant has switched to a dormant state and the activity of the embryos has decreased.

If planting occurs in September, make furrows one centimeter deep, 20 centimeters apart. Seeds should not be sown frequently; the distance between plants should be at least 10 centimeters. Sprinkle with soil and a thin layer of black soil. There is no need to mulch yet, since the mulch layer should be no thinner than 5 centimeters.

The seedlings will not be able to break through such a thickness; they do not have enough light to develop. You can cover the bed with leaves by winter, but be sure to clear the soil in the spring. During the cold season, certain grains will lose their viability and will not sprout; such places can be sown in the spring. When seeding is planned for May, it is necessary to stratify the seeds in the winter. Keep the grains at 0 for three months. When warm days arrive, plant them in the same way as in the fall.


Gardeners prefer to grow wild garlic bulbs. It is best to plant wild garlic bulbs in early spring, at a time when young shoots are visible from the ground. Many gardeners prefer to plant bulbs in the fall. Ramson has a short growing season, like tulips and daffodils. By mid-summer, the above-ground part of the wild garlic dies off. Plants selected for replanting should be marked so as not to damage the bulbs in the future.

The prepared area is filled with organic matter and compost. Plant the bulbs at a distance of 10–15 centimeters and 20 centimeters between the grooves. The planting depth for large bulbs is 5–7 centimeters, small bulbs are buried 2–3 centimeters. The planting is completely covered with loose soil with a layer of up to 7 centimeters.

Caring for wild garlic

The main care for wild garlic consists of weeding, constant watering, and mulching.


The best option for wild garlic is frequent but moderate watering. The soil between them should dry out 4–5 centimeters deep. This can be easily measured by digging a small hole in the garden bed and trying to squeeze the soil into a ball.

If it crumbles between your fingers, now is the time to water. When the weather is cold and cloudy, once every 4–6 days is enough; during prolonged drought and hot weather, the intervals between waterings are halved.

Top dressing

The vegetative period of wild garlic is quite short, so it is advisable to give preference to natural organic fertilizers or purchased products based on vermicompost.

Feed the plants with infusions and mixtures every 3–4 weeks. The cyclicity of applying store-bought fertilizers and the density of the solution are determined by the instructions provided in the manufacturer's instructions.

Once every two years, in the spring, to increase soil fertility, during the first loosening process, humus or rotted compost (2–3 l/m) is incorporated into the soil. Similarly, you can apply nitrogen-containing fertilizers (urea, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate) in dry form or in the form of a composition (8–10 g per 1 meter or 10 liters of water).

You should not overdo it with these supplements. Excess nitrogen in the soil has a bad effect on the plant's immunity; the leaves darken, become coarser, and nitrates that are harmful to health are concentrated in them. And at the end of the growing season, sifted wood ash (a glass per 1 meter) is annually scattered over the garden bed. It is a natural source of potassium and phosphorus.

Dolomite flour or another substance with similar properties is added to acidic soil every 3–4 years. Dolomite flour is a soil deoxidizer that has no side effects when the recommended dosage is followed.

For feeding, infusions are made from fresh cow manure, bird droppings, nettle greens, and dandelion leaves. In fact, you can use any other weeds growing on the site. A deep container is filled with raw materials to about thirty percent, topped up with water, and covered tightly.

Then it is thrown into the sun for 3-4 days until a specific smell appears. Before use, the finished fertilizer is filtered and diluted with water in a ratio of 1:10 or 1:15 if dung was used as a raw material.


After the wild garlic has faded (this does not always happen in the first year) and all the leaves have fallen off, you can seal the container in perforated film and place it in a cool, dark place. The container with wild garlic bulbs should not freeze and the soil should not dry out.


Ramson can be affected by rust, which infects the surrounding plants. Externally, rust is immediately visible - the leaves are covered with brown or light yellow blistering spots. Rust is extremely dangerous for wild onions; it can destroy them. To prevent the disease, you should not plant wild garlic too thickly. Infected leaves must be pulled out and destroyed.

For healing, a solution of copper oxychloride is used (one tablespoon per 10 liters of water), to which two tablespoons are added. l. laundry soap. Spraying is carried out twice. The treated leaves should not be eaten for two weeks. But even then the wild garlic will need to be thoroughly washed under running water to avoid poisoning.


It will be possible to collect wild onion leaves only 3–4 years after planting is completed. At this time, the bulbs collect sufficient mass, the plant becomes mature. The first harvest is harvested, depriving the wild garlic of the tallest leaves. All leaves should not be cut off, since they will not have time to grow over the summer; ultimately, the plant will not accumulate nutrients, and a new bulb will not be able to form.

Every year, an adult plant develops new bulbs instead of old ones, and wild garlic nests grow. That is why every 5-6 years wild onions need to be transplanted to a new place.

Ramson is a rather tasty and healthy plant. Planting it is not very difficult, the main thing is to remember some rules. Also, wild garlic does not require special care; it can be grown in a wide variety of climatic conditions.

When harvesting wild garlic, do not cut off absolutely all the green mass from plants growing nearby. This will weaken the bulbs, the leaves will become smaller, and some plant specimens may not renew themselves.

Collect seeds for planting when they are ripe, but not yet in open boxes. Fresh seeds have excellent germination. Therefore, wild garlic reproduces well by self-sowing.

In early spring, scatter a little urea directly on the snow over the area where the wild garlic grows. Nitrates will not have time to accumulate in the leaves, but will feed the plant bulbs. The wild garlic leaves will grow large, juicy, and tasty.


Ramson is one of the first plants that supplies humans and animals with fresh vitamins at the end of a long winter. Due to its global collection, it is under threat of extinction in many areas. In addition, the season of its occurrence occurs simultaneously with the period of tick activity. Don’t put yourself at risk, leave the forest greens for the bears that have grown thin over the winter, and for yourself you can raise wild onions at home on a windowsill or garden plot.

How to “tame” a bear bow


Bear's onion is a perennial plant 10-15 cm high. The leaves of adult wild garlic emerge from the ground rolled into a tube and then unfold. Their length is 15-20 cm, width – 3-6 cm. The flower arrow is triangular, 15-40 cm high. The flowers are small, collected in a rather dense spherical umbrella. The plant blooms in the 4-5th year of life in late May - early June. The seeds are large, black, and ripen in July. In August, the above-ground plant organs die off.

This is a plant with a short growing season. In the spring, wild garlic begins to grow even before the snow melts; sometimes the tips of the leaves turn yellow due to frost, but it continues to grow. Already in the first half of April, green leaves begin to develop.

Two approaches to growing

Natural thickets of wild garlic in last years are gradually declining, as a result of which many vegetable growers are trying to cultivate this plant in their summer cottages and garden plots.

There are two approaches to growing wild garlic in summer cottages: in shaded areas of the garden, under the crowns of fruit trees, between outbuildings and in open, well-prepared beds as an independent vegetable plant.

The first method of growing wild garlic

The first method of growing wild garlic is of great interest.

Thanks to its biological characteristics, wild garlic takes root well in the dampest low corners of the garden, where nothing else grows. except for the weeds. Until now, amateur vegetable growers are looking for crops that can withstand such conditions and are capable of producing vitamin products in the very early spring, immediately after the snow melts, and later - raw materials for storing products for long-term storage. Wild garlic will help solve this problem, at least partially. This plant is capable of growing in strong shade and close groundwater, that is, where plots of garden cooperatives are usually located, especially in suburban areas of large cities. With this method of cultivation, almost no care is required; there would be enough moisture in the spring.

Growing wild garlic - the second method

When growing wild garlic as a garden plant, fertile, well-filled soils with a soil solution reaction close to neutral are required. They must be well aerated and loose, since the bulbs are located at a depth of 7-15 cm. This crop can be grown both in the open and in lightly shaded areas with fruit trees.

It is better to plant in places where the soil warms up faster in the spring. During the period of active growth and development, plants also need a favorable water-air regime in the soil. Even during the summer dormancy period, this plant does not tolerate drying out of the soil. In general, the technology for growing wild garlic is the same as for perennial cultivated onions.

Sowing wild garlic (planting with seeds)

Ramson becomes capable of seed and vegetative propagation only in the fourth year of life. Like many wild onions, wild garlic seeds germinate only when sown before winter or after stratification (freezing for 80-100 days at a temperature of 0-3 degrees).

In the first year of the plants’ life, it is better to leave them in boxes, and transplant them to a permanent place in the second year of life. The seeding depth is 0.5-1 cm. Shoots will appear in April next year. With this growing method, cutting leaves can only be done 5 years after sowing.


Seeds sown in spring and stored indoors germinate only after a year. Therefore, it is better to sow the seeds after collecting them or before winter in boxes.

Propagation of wild garlic by bulbs

The first experiments showed that it is better to propagate wild garlic from bulbs. They are planted in August-October or the next year in April-May. The main disadvantage of the vegetative method is the low reproduction rate: every year each shoot forms only one replacement bulb. With this method, the leaves are harvested in the third year of plant life.

Ramson - care

Wild garlic is grown in one place for up to seven years. Care consists of timely watering, weeding, fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers and loosening the rows. After the end of the growing season, the area is mulched annually with peat. Then the bushes are divided and moved to a new place.

Harvesting wild garlic

The first collection begins after the snow melts, the flower shoots are the last to be collected, until the seeds reach milky-waxy ripeness, and the shoots are tastier than the leaves and pickle well. In the third year after planting, at a density of 25-30 plants per 1 square meter. m leaf mass reaches 1.5 kg.

To prevent wild garlic from leaving your site, it is cut off in mid-early May. leaving the bulbs in the ground. Cutting in the same place can be carried out no more than once every 2-3 years. Continuous collection of wild garlic leaves is the main reason for the death of plantings among inexperienced gardeners. Bulbs for harvesting for future use are dug up shortly before the above-ground parts of the plants die.

With strong growth, wild garlic can also be used in winter, for which the bulbs are transplanted into flower pots and placed on the windowsill at the end of October, and bright emerald greenery appears in January.

Ramson on the table

Young shoots and leaves are eaten: fresh, salted, pickled, and also as a seasoning for meat dishes. To prepare for future use, the best specimens are selected, rinsed in cold water, crushed and, after salting well, poured into a wooden barrel, compacted, and pressed, as when sauerkraut is being sauerkraut. The barrel is placed in the cellar and after some time the wild garlic can be served as a side dish for various dishes. It should be noted that when fermented, vitamin C is well preserved in the leaves. Young leaves and bulbs are used for salads. Chopped onions can be mixed with red pepper and sour cream to make a delicious seasoning for fish and meat.

Ramson can grow perfectly in the garden!

And these are not empty words, everything has been tested from our own experience, and over several years.

Back in 2006, out of curiosity, I bought two bunches of wild garlic with roots at a small market and planted them in my garden in a regular bed. The plants took root well and grew normally there for three years: they bloomed and produced seeds at the right time. When they grew, I decided to transplant them to another place. But even there the wild garlic has settled down well - there are even more seed shoots.

In 2013 I had to buy another one garden plot, closer to home, so an “evacuation” of my favorite plants was carried out. I also took with me several bushes of wild garlic, planting them among the black currants, where they grew well and every year generously pleases me with their greenery with a piquant taste.

So from this alone it is clear that wild garlic tolerates transplantation well (I also distributed its seedlings to many neighbors, and they were well received by everyone, no one has complained yet). What else does she like? And she loves partial shade, and also so that the soil does not dry out (then her greens are juicier). In the summer I occasionally water it with a solution of fermented nettle - it is very responsive to this feeding.

Some gardeners complain that they cannot grow wild garlic from seeds. I myself once tried to do this for two years in a row, but I didn’t see any shoots. I couldn’t understand what was going on until I read in specialized literature that if you don’t stratify the seeds during the winter, then you can’t even dream of spring seedlings. That's the whole answer.

Now I do this: I collected the seeds, scattered them over the surface of the bed (without burying them) and forgot them until spring. And in the spring the shoots appear on their own - a solid green brush is pleasing to the eye! So here nature itself carries out stratification, I have nothing to worry about. Moreover, wild garlic overwinters without any shelter, withstanding severe frosts. And in the spring, as soon as the snow melts, the plants begin to hatch and their leaves begin to grow quickly.

This is how another very healthy and easy-to-care perennial crop was added to my garden collection (see photo), which feels great in my garden.

Galina KOSTAREVA. Lesnoy


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Growing wild garlic in the country will help you always have healthy greens on hand. It is not always possible to go into the wild for wild onions. And such a trip can be very expensive: the plant is listed in the Red Book, and collecting it can result in a fine. Why do you need shame and financial costs? The plant is unpretentious, caring for it will not take much time, but in early spring you will have vitamin-rich greens that you can pick at any time, without having to hide from foresters and rangers.

Preparatory work

In the wild, wild garlic grows in forests and meadows under deciduous trees. This symbiosis is very important: plants receive the sunlight necessary for development before the leaves bloom on the trees. In summer, the above-ground part withers and the entire colony of bulbs goes into hibernation. By that time, the forest is covered with dense foliage, and the light does not disturb the calm state of the rhizomes. That is why wild onions are not found in coniferous forests: pines and fir trees do not create a comfortable environment for them.

Ramson has adapted to any conditions; it does not need to look for a special place on the site. Select a corner where crops that require lighting, soil composition and moisture cannot grow. The shade is even better: without bright light, the foxes will be large and juicy, and caring for the plantation will become much easier.

Convenient places for garden beds:

  • under fruit trees;
  • along the fence;
  • between rows of bushes.

Although the plant is not very demanding on the soil, in order to obtain rich harvests it is necessary to create comfortable conditions for it. Dig up the soil with a shovel full, apply fertilizer to the infertile soil, and the garden bed will delight you with tender spring greenery for several years.

When digging, for each m2 it is advisable to add:

  • organics – 1 bucket;
  • phosphorus fertilizers – 30 g;
  • potash fertilizers – 20 g;
  • ammonium nitrate – 15g.

Features of planting seeds and bulbs

There are 2 ways to propagate wild garlic: sowing seeds and planting bulbs, and each method has its own characteristics. Planting grains requires warm weather. The best germination is observed at a temperature of about +20⁰. It is advisable to do this work in the spring or late summer. The fresher the seeds, the more of them will be viable. Buy them before planting and be sure to look at the packaging date. It is advisable to collect grains from existing plants immediately before planting.

To obtain seeds, cut off the capsules when they just begin to turn yellow. If the shell has become hard, it means that the plant has entered a dormant state and the activity of the embryos has decreased.

If planting takes place in September, make furrows 1 cm deep, 20 cm apart. Seeds should not be sown frequently; the distance between plants should be at least 10 cm. Sprinkle with soil and a thin layer of black soil. There is no need to mulch yet, since the mulch layer should be no thinner than 5 cm. The seedlings will not be able to break through such a thickness; they will not have enough light to develop. You can cover the bed with leaves for the winter, but be sure to clear the soil in the spring. During the cold season, some grains will lose their viability and will not sprout; these places can be sown in the spring. When planting is planned for May, it is necessary to stratify the seeds in the winter. Keep the grains at 0⁰ for 3 months. When warm days arrive, plant them as you would in the fall.

Planting bulbs is much easier, but only one plant will emerge from each root, and not all of them will survive. This method is convenient if you decide to destroy a plantation at your dacha and arrange a garden bed in another place. This work needs to be done in the second half of summer, when the plants have already gone into hibernation. Make nests 30 cm apart from each other, plant 2 roots in each hole. Do not bury the bulbs; the dry shell of the feathers should be visible from the ground. In the spring, pull out weak bushes so that one specimen remains in each hole.

Caring for wild onions

The main care for wild garlic consists of watering during dry periods and weed control. Apply nitrogen fertilizer in early spring to promote vigorous green growth. During the flowering period, you need to feed the plantings with a complete complex fertilizer for the development of the bulbs. When the leaves begin to fade, caring for the bed can be considered complete; the plants do not need any watering or nutrients.

In the summer, carefully inspect the bed. Every year the bulbs rise slightly to the surface of the soil. Mulch the entire soil with a thick layer of leaves, so the plants will feel at home in their native environment. If winters in your area are frosty and have little snow, cover the garden bed with straw before frost. In spring, the shelter must be removed.

For the first 2 years, do not tear the young leaves, let the plant develop and gain strength. If at this time the onion sends out a flower arrow, break it off so that the plant has more energy to develop the bulbs. If you grow wild garlic from seeds, when the plants mature, remove weak specimens to give the strong bushes more space.

Homemade wild onions

Growing wild garlic is also possible at home on the windowsill. Please note that although the height of the bulbs is very small, the roots of the plant go deep into the soil up to 20 cm. Take a container in which there will be room for the root system. You can buy it, or you can collect soil from a deciduous forest and add peat to it in half the volume of the brought soil. Do not dig under coniferous trees: wild garlic only grows under deciduous trees.

Planting seeds follows the same pattern as in open ground. After sowing, moisten the soil and cover the container with film. In a warm place, seedlings will appear in about a month. When the sprouts emerge from the ground, place the container in partial shade. When planting bulbs, they are buried 3-5 cm into the soil and watered well.

Caring for home garden beds is almost no different from growing in open ground. Water the soil so that it is always moist, loosen the crust that appears. In summer, it is advisable to take the containers out into the fresh air. It is believed that when grown at home, greens turn out even juicier and tastier than those harvested from the garden.


Ramson is one of the first plants that supplies animals and humans with fresh vitamins after a long winter. Due to massive collection in many areas, it is under threat of destruction. In addition, the season of its appearance occurs simultaneously with the period of tick activity. Don’t put yourself in danger, leave the forest greens for the bears who are hungry during the winter, and you can grow wild onions for yourself in your summer cottage or on the windowsill at home.

If it is possible to purchase a sufficient number of bulbs, plant rhizomes in the garden bed; this method is much simpler. When sowing seeds in spring, it is necessary to carry out stratification. When the plants take root, your main worries will end. Now all that remains is to water occasionally and feed the plantings twice a season. And the most pleasant work lies ahead in the spring - collecting juicy, tasty leaves.

Ramson is a herbaceous perennial plants onion family. Two types of crops are widespread and popular: victory onion and bear onion. IN natural conditions wild garlic grows in the Far East, the Caucasus and Siberia.

Bear's onion is a small bush, 20 to 50 cm in height, growing in clearings in mixed and deciduous forests.

Victory onion grows up to 70 cm tall and has an umbellate inflorescence with pale green flowers. It is also called Siberian wild garlic. It is more frost-resistant than bear's.

Ramson blossoms

The leaves of wild garlic are similar to lily of the valley: just as wide and green. But the plant does not throw out bells, but a peduncle with a spherical inflorescence consisting of many small white flowers.

  • Well-moistened soil;
  • Soil with sufficient calcium;
  • Place in the shade or with slight shade;
  • Mulching of plantings.

Important! In the northern regions (for example, Novosibirsk or the Urals), Pobedny or Kolba onions are chosen for cultivation. Any variety grows in the Moscow region.

How to grow wild garlic

Wild onions do not require care and the question of how to grow wild garlic in the country is not difficult. The garden bed can be laid out in the shade of fruit trees or bushes, near sheds and fences. If there is no such place, a site in the sun will also work, but in this case the plant will have to be watered more often. But in this case, the onion will grow faster, and more seeds will be produced. Onions love water, but cannot tolerate excess moisture, so they provide drainage in low, flooded areas. Acidic soil is not suitable for it; it needs to be limed. When the wild garlic leaves dry out, reduce watering.

Wild garlic flowers

Wild onions can be grown in one place for many years, and they gradually rise out of the ground. In spring or autumn, humus is added to the garden bed in a small layer. It will replace fertilizing and cover the plants with the required soil depth. Planting seedlings and wild garlic seeds is done in autumn and spring.

How does wild garlic reproduce?

There are three ways to propagate wild onions:

  1. Seeds;
  2. Bulbs;
  3. Dividing the bush.

Vegetative propagation is the most effective. The planted bulbs should be juicy, with roots and without damage. A distance of 20 cm is left between the planting holes, the bulbs are buried 2-3 cm into the ground, and the beds are mulched with fallen leaves of trees (but not fruit trees). Mulch will retain moisture in the soil for a long time. To propagate the bushes, carefully dig up and separate the bulbs so as not to damage the roots. They need to be planted separately. The bulbs can be replanted in October.

Buying bulbs for planting is difficult. But if they can be found, the quality of the planting material and roots are checked. They should not be dry. Wild onion wild garlic reacts painfully to lack of moisture.

If you collect seeds from your own plants, take into account that the wild garlic seeds do not ripen at the same time, so they are planted periodically and the plants are shaken so that the ripe seeds fall into the prepared container. When sowing seeds, they are not buried in the ground, but scattered over the surface and mulched on top with a small layer of soil.

Ramson growing from seeds

It is difficult to propagate bear onions from seeds, so this method is rarely used. But if you couldn’t get the bulbs, you’ll have to use it. For wild garlic plants, how to grow from seeds is a serious question. The fact is that if the seeds are not very fresh or were stored incorrectly, they may not sprout. In nature, seeds that ripen in mid-summer fall and remain dormant in the ground all winter. Stratification is taking place. Only in the spring do they begin to emerge. Therefore, at home you need to buy and sow seeds in the summer in order to wait for sprouts in early spring. How to plant wild garlic if the seeds were bought late in autumn or early winter? They are placed in the refrigerator for three months to stratify. They are planted early in the spring after the snow melts, and then in May-June they can wait for germination.

Ramson grows

It is very convenient to sow seeds in a box or pot and bury it in the ground in partial shade. This will allow you not to lose the planting site, and it will be easier to get rid of weeds. The pot must have drainage and be filled with fertile soil. Before sowing, you can soak the seeds in a growth stimulator or germinate them.

The container for sowing should be deep (young plants will have to grow here for two years). The seedlings are watered regularly and only after two years can they be transplanted to a permanent place. It will be possible to cut off leaves during seed propagation only after 5 years.

If the seeds do not germinate, there may be several reasons:

  • Loss of germination due to long storage;
  • Failure to comply with sowing rules;
  • Washing out by rain or melt water.

The seed propagation method has the advantage that many plants are obtained at once. The disadvantage is that it is troublesome and takes a long time to wait for the harvest.

Growing seedlings

Summer residents often ask: when and how to plant wild garlic in order to get a faster harvest. When planting wild garlic bulbs, the most favorable time is autumn. The necessary conditions are created for seedlings:

  • Place in the shade: near fences, outbuildings, fruit trees on the north or east side. Fragrant wild garlic will attract pollinating insects and increase the yield of berries and fruits;
  • It is not forbidden to plant wild garlic in the beds between vegetable crops; in this case it will just have to be watered more. But it will save tomatoes from late blight and repel pests;
  • Places with stagnant water are avoided, and in the flooded area drainage is made from pebbles, crushed stone and sand;
  • The soil should be loose and breathable, so peat, compost or humus is added to the garden bed. This will give the plants additional nutrition, and there will be no need for fertilizing;
  • In the fall, the bed is mulched, and in the spring it needs to be opened, removing the mulch. Spring with slight frosts is not scary for wild onions;
  • Flowers on young seedlings are removed so that they do not deprive the plant of its strength and take away excess nutrition;
  • Only in the fourth year can you begin to harvest.

The soil in the garden bed for wild onions is dug up, weed rhizomes are selected, and humus is added.

For planting seedlings, holes are made with a distance of 20 cm, and between rows - 40 cm. The roots of the bulb are straightened, buried 2/3 and covered with earth. Water and mulch the plantings with compost and top with fallen leaves.

Ramson seedlings

In the future, caring for the plants is not difficult: you need to regularly water and weed. Loosening is not carried out to avoid damage to the root system, but the condition of the mulch is monitored, keeping the soil loose and moist.

If you plant wild garlic in the shade of trees and shrubs, almost no care is required, since conditions close to natural ones are created for it.

Ramson planting and care

Caring for wild garlic is easy. You need to ensure that the soil is moderately moist and water the beds when it dries out. From July to September, wild garlic rests; at this time, watering is reduced.

The mulching procedure is mandatory. Without this, wild onions will not grow. In the fall, mulch is poured onto the beds and removed in the spring.

Frosty winters do not frighten wild garlic, but it grows better in warmth. A hot summer can be disastrous for her.

Top dressing replaces humus and compost. In autumn and spring, you can feed the plants with ammonium nitrate and superphosphate. To add phosphorus and potassium, the arrows that appear give a signal. These fertilizers will help the seeds ripen better and the bulbs to form.

On a note. Weeds are not allowed to grow in the garden bed by removing them in a timely manner, but the soil around the wild garlic must be loosened carefully.


Ramson grows very slowly. Only one replacement bulb is produced per year (maximum two). Proper harvesting means not cutting off all the greens. One or two remaining leaves will help the plant recover faster. A large amount of planting material will allow you to make several beds. In this case, wild garlic is collected only from one bed, and in the second, wild onions are given time to recover and gain strength. After 5 years, the plants need to be replanted.

Ramson harvest

In spring (April-May), wild garlic leaves and arrows are cut for salads. You can dig up and pickle the onions or eat them fresh. There are several ways to preserve wild garlic for the winter:


Ramson has been used for medicinal purposes for a long time:

  • It increases appetite, helps the gastrointestinal tract, alleviates gastritis and colitis;
  • Wild onions are recommended to be included in the diet for high blood pressure, diseases of the thyroid gland, blood vessels, respiratory organs, heart disease, oncology, obesity and scurvy;
  • Ramson has a diaphoretic and diuretic effect, works as an anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agent, strengthens the immune system;
  • Bear onion cleanses the body of waste and toxins.

The unpretentious plant wild garlic deserves to be grown in the country. She will like the house in winter, since wild onions are not afraid of a window sill with insufficient lighting, and they do not need lighting. Home conditions are quite suitable for him. If you can’t find wild onion seeds in your city, you can order them on the website of companies that ship seedlings and seeds. The post office works well these days, and the order will be delivered quickly.

A representative of the onion family, wild garlic, has won the love of summer gardeners with its spicy and aromatic properties. This plant is actually wild, but it can also be grown in personal plot. The article will tell you how to plant this plant with seeds, as well as how to harvest it at your dacha.

There are several types of wild garlic. However, most often this word refers to the Bear Onion variety, which can be found in bunches on market shelves. This forest dweller resembles a lily of the valley in appearance and tastes like garlic. The bulbs of wild garlic are oblong, about 1 cm in length. The stem is triangular, up to 40 cm high. In the forest, wild garlic protects itself from destruction: it grows in swamps or thickets, and fades before haymaking begins. However, today the plant is still in the Red Book.

People value wild garlic for its taste and healing properties, which is why the fashion for growing it in a personal plot arose. The process is simple. You just need to take into account a few nuances. In dacha practice today there are two ways to cultivate bear onions:

  1. In shady gardens or in partial shade near outbuildings.
  2. In beds next to vegetables and other plants.

Wild garlic bush

The task of the first option is to reproduce the natural growing environment of wild garlic: in the shade, dampness, lowlands - places where only the weed usually grows. The plant requires almost no care and gives a vitamin harvest in early spring. To grow garden bear onions, fertile neutral soil is required. The bulbs will be at a depth of 7-15 cm - the soil should be loose and airy. In this case, the shadow is not necessary.

How to plant and grow wild garlic

The principle of growing wild garlic is similar to the cultivation of traditional perennials. You can propagate the plant when it reaches the age of 4 years. This is done:

  • seeds;
  • bulbs.

The disadvantage of propagation by bulbs is that one shoot will replace only one plant next year. Bulbs are rooted in late summer - early autumn or mid-spring. The foliage is harvested after 3 years. If you intend to dig up the bulbs, break off the flower umbrella during the budding period, and then you will get larger tubers.

If you want to plant wild garlic with seeds, remember: after flowering (the plant throws out an umbrella of rounded white flowers), the fruit with planting material will ripen in June-July. You can collect seeds in the forest, but, firstly, it is not easy to find the place where wild garlic grows, and secondly, it is illegal due to the fact that it is in the Red Book. Ideal seeds are those that have already ripened, but have not yet fallen off.

Advice. The shell of bear onion seeds hardens quickly, so they need to be germinated when freshly harvested. Otherwise they will lose their germination. It is rational to buy them from mid-summer to autumn. Please check the packaging date carefully.

Seeds can be planted immediately in mulched soil - they will appear by September, or they can be sown before winter. You can also do this after stratification at t 0...-3 °C for 80-100 days. The first year of wild garlic should be spent in a box. On the second one, you can plant it in the ground, deepening it by 0.5-1 cm.

To ensure that the plant takes root in the soil, choose a place that warms up well in the spring. All year round do not allow the soil to dry out. The plant will sprout next spring. You can cut the leaves after 5 years.

Attention! Seeds sown in the spring after stratification will sprout only a year later. For this reason, it is worth planting them before winter, in containers.

How to care for wild garlic and harvest

To grow bear onions, you need to be patient. One-year wild garlic is a small sprout with one leaf, two-year wild garlic is slightly larger in size. An adult plant is a small bush consisting of several leaves. Bear onions can produce a normal harvest in one place for no more than 7 years.

There are no innovative techniques in plant care:

  • water frequently;
  • loosen the soil;
  • keep plantings clean;

Ramson does not require special care
  • get rid of weeds;
  • Fertilize wild garlic with mineral fertilizers and organic matter.

Moreover, in the first year or two you won’t even need this. After the growing season is completed, mulch the beds with peat, divide the bush and move it to a new area.

Advice. When picking leaves, try not to damage the inflorescences. The seeds in them will ripen, fall nearby and increase your “plantation” next year.

When the wild garlic grows enough to cut the leaves, start doing this immediately after the snow melts. Collect the arrows last, until the seeds of the plant become milky-waxy. Arrows have a superior taste to leaves and lend themselves well to pickling. Harvest bear onions in May, remembering to leave the bulbs in the soil. Leaves should be collected no more than once every couple of years, and in no case should you touch everything at once. Bulbs for further harvesting should be dug up in late autumn.

Like cultivated onions, wild garlic can be grown in jars or pots in winter. To do this, plant the bulbs at the end of October: the harvest will already be around the Christmas holidays. Difficulties in the growing process and a long wait will be rewarded with the first spring greens on your table.

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