How to make a pendulum for dowsing with your own hands. How to make your own dowsing pendulum Nilson g Polyansky e the magic of the pendulum

Even before our era, a person resorted to the help of a pendulum: the device was actively used in Mesopotamia and Babylon, in Ancient Greece and Rome. Everywhere, practicing dowsing pendulum operators were honored and respected as possessors of secret knowledge. Level Tool thin bodies interacts with the energy of the owner, helping him lift the veil of uncertainty and look into the future and the past, make diagnoses and heal, search for missing people and treasures.

In this article


In fact, the most important rule for acquiring a pendulum is that the future owner must like it, literally ask for it in hand. We do not recommend purchasing a product if it involves difficulties or a long wait - such a tool is clearly not for you, and the Universe simply protects you from unnecessary purchases.

One of the most popular forms is teardrop, it was used by medieval practitioners. It is ideal for predictions and dowsing sessions.

teardrop pendulum

Simple and unpretentious in use, devices of an oblong shape, similar to a rectangle, they can be classified as universal tools, like pendulums-crystals. When purchasing a spherical tool, you need to be prepared for difficulties in working with the Ouija board and cards: their main purpose is to work on the ground.

The new pendulum must be held under running cold water.(so it will be cleansed of extraneous energies). After water procedures, it must be worn in a breast pocket for several days so that it gets used to the energy of the owner.

Olga Borovskikh will tell you in detail about how to choose a pendulum for yourself in the video of her master class:


In this case, experts resort to using a simple topographic map: it can be a world map or a map of a specific locality, depending on the purpose. Before starting work, the pendulum must be asked a specific question, and then slowly and carefully begin to move it over a flat surface of the map and observe its behavior.

The pendulum, like a magnet, will attract certain places and repel others. If a specialist works according to the “yes-no” system, you need to stop at each specific point and ask the instrument: “Here?”, To which he will react with rotations, answering “yes” or “no” in a standard way for himself.

When working with a pendulum, maintaining impartiality is key.

If the owner of the instrument, asking a question, dreams of a specific answer, with a high degree of probability he will receive it - the pendulum will react in this way to the energy message of a person.

If the question on which the operator resorted to the help of the pendulum is too exciting, it is worth instructing another person to ask questions or do it with your eyes closed, moving the pendulum blindly across the table.

There are 2 classic schemes: table 1 will help in questions, the answers to which lie in percentages. The level of compatibility with the pendulum, the level of energy, the probability of obtaining one or another material resource.

Table 2 is more suitable for advanced users, as it is very difficult to read the results and work. But the results that can be obtained with its help are amazing: these are specific names, and accurate answers to questions, and even communication with spirits.

Olga Borovskikh will demonstrate how to work with fan charts:

To compile worksheets, you can use the special computer program Pendulo - with its help it is possible to create maps with any number of sectors and labels that are right for you.

An alternative to working at a desk is to place the map on the floor. In this case, the operator stands and holds the pendulum on a lowered arm, or it can be bent at a right angle. The length of the thread of the tool should not be less than 30 cm, and it is best to work with heavy pendulums in this way.

How to ask questions

The art of asking questions is one of the most difficult in the theory of communication. The ability to correctly put a question before the pendulum is the key to successful and fruitful work, having mastered it to perfection, the operator can solve extremely complex problems from any area of ​​life. In no case should you ask a question built with the help of a union or: in this case, most likely, the owner of the device will not wait for absolutely no answer.

It does not matter at all whether the operator asks questions aloud or to himself: what is really needed is only maximum concentration and the absence of extraneous thoughts in the head. The only thing that should bother the owner of the pendulum at the moment of pronouncing the question is the question itself.

The question "Will a green or red jacket bring me good luck?" can be divided into 2 parts, first asking: “Will a green jacket bring me luck?”, And then “Will a red jacket bring me luck?”, so the chance of a correct answer will be much higher.

The possibility of a positive answer of the pendulum to both questions at once is not ruled out; in this scenario, one more manipulation with the question is assumed: “Will I be more successful if I go in a red jacket, and not in green?”, And then the second question with a change of colors. If the question is really important, it is worth including other color options in the list of questions.


If you have a pendulum recently, you should not start asking him about too complicated things: limit yourself to the domestic sphere and even elementary questions that you know the answer to. The main goal of such work is to study the habits of the instrument, its tuning.

Putting a burning question in front of the device, you must completely abstract from your own emotions about this, otherwise, with a high degree of probability, the pendulum will give out wishful thinking.

For example, you want to ask about the possibility of marriage with a particular person. If you wish with all the strength of your soul that the answer be in the affirmative, the pendulum will not go against your will, although in fact it may turn out to be untrue.


Many practitioners sharply ignore simple everyday issues, considering them unworthy of efforts, and completely in vain.

Firstly, daily work with the pendulum is a great opportunity to debug the energy connection between a person and an instrument.

Secondly, it can make life more diverse and brighter: a pendulum placed above a movie poster in a newspaper will certainly tell you which movie will bring maximum pleasure and whether it is worth going to see it today, thus saving the owner from unnecessary doubts and worries.

About future

One of the most controversial categories for working with a pendulum. On the one hand, the pendulum can give you a fairly complete forecast of upcoming events for you on a number of leading questions. On the other hand, if you are interested in the answers to these questions, they may not be entirely accurate.

Maintaining neutrality is the main virtue when working with a pendulum.

About Me

Asking the instrument questions about itself, the owner of the pendulum is most at risk of encountering inaccuracies. It's all about the system of the device: it connects to the subconscious of a person, and not only facts live in the subconscious, but also dreams and desires.

There is a great risk that the device will simply tell what the operator vividly described to himself, fantasizing and reflecting on certain events. It is better to entrust such questions to an outside person who is not at all interested in the answers of the device.

About the weather

Having gained a close connection with the pendulum, you can forget about the forecasts of meteorologists: you can literally find out whether Thursday will be rainy with a wave of your hand.

Leading specific questions will help expand information about the coming day: “Will it be colder than today? Will there be hail? and so on.

Connection with the subconscious

In fact, the dowsing pendulum is only a transmitter. He is able to take out the answers already stored in the subconscious and transmit them to the central nervous system: it is the subconscious that acts on the muscles of the hand, moving it in the right direction. The suspension of the device is a catalyst that enhances the ideomotor reaction, which a person simply does not catch without the device, it is so thin.

Thus, it is not the device that supplies you with information at all - all the answers lie in your own subconscious, but in order to get them from the hidden depths, third-party energy intervention is required, a conductor, the role of which is played with great success by the dowsing pendulum.


Since it is not the tool that controls the man, but the man controls him, the operator is able to influence the pendulum. To verify this postulate, you can organize an easy-to-perform experiment.

Take a completely stationary pendulum in your hand, dampen its oscillations with your free hand, if necessary. Now mentally give a command to the device to start moving: the order is repeated again and again, a specific direction is set. Surprisingly, within a few seconds, the device will begin to behave exactly as it was ordered to.

Coue's experiment

The French scientist of the XX century Emile Coue, many may know by the famous phrase

“Every day my life is getting better and better”

The well-known optimist loved this phrase and repeated it to himself and those around him daily, sometimes several times a day.

The psychologist's favorite experiment was to check the concentration of attention: for this he took a circle with a diameter of 15 cm, lined into equal sectors by two vectors intersecting in the center, and a dowsing pendulum.

French psychologist Emile Coué

Suspended above the very center of the circle, the pendulum, at the will of the owner, begins to move first along one of the axes. After a complete stop of the oscillations, Coue directed his movements along the pattern of the opposite vector.

The experiment was sure to garner rave reviews from the crowd, and a practitioner with a pendulum today can easily follow the path of the famous psychologist and test his ability to focus on the task.

Schedule for work

For any procedure with energy flows or with the subconscious, there is a favorable and unfavorable time: the readings of the pendulum will be more accurate at one hour and may be depressing with their inaccuracy at others. In fact, there are no clear rules in choosing the time and day of work, but based on the experience of operators actively practicing with a pendulum, hours and days were noted when work would bring more benefit and pleasure, and vice versa.

Working with a dowsing pendulum is not fortune-telling, it does not involve turning to otherworldly forces, so the device can be safely used both on major religious holidays and fasting.

Good and Bad Hours

Happy Hours:

  • 10-12 noon;
  • 16-17 pm;
  • 00-01 am.

Unfavorable hours:

  • 18-19 pm;
  • 22-23 hours of the night.

Prosperous and unsuccessful lunar days

Favorable lunar days: 8, 11, 14, 16, 21, 25.

Unfavorable days: 3, 5, 12, 13, 29.

What not to do at work

There is a strict taboo system: if these rules are violated, not only incorrect readings of the device are possible, but also its complete failure.

In case of an urgent need for a forecast, it is more correct to use a percentage card and formulate a question to the pendulum as follows: “What is the percentage probability of a certain outcome of events, based on the existing circumstances?”

  1. Try to guess the future: firstly, the pendulum will not show 100% of the result, and secondly, there is a danger of self-programming. Having fixed the readings of the device, a person gradually begins to behave in such a way that the predicted comes true, and positive predictions are far from always.
  2. Work with the pendulum, being in extremely emotional states. Whether these are positive feelings or negative ones, they interfere with the accuracy of the readings.
  3. Ask the same questions many times, pulling out of the pendulum the necessary solution for the operator. Most likely, with a certain attempt, the device will catch the desired solution and point to it, simply lying.
  4. Hurry. The pendulum needs to tune in, it will give an answer when it is ready.
  5. Trying to solve complex problems without having enough experience: a beginner cannot in any way diagnose a patient and determine diseases. You need to start small, simple household tasks are well suited for this.
  6. Turning to the pendulum too often and on petty issues. It is better to ask a mirror or a friend in which dress to go on a date. The pendulum is useful for solving more important problems. Operators should remember that this is not a magic wand, and it’s still not worth uncovering the pendulum and cards every time without special need.
  7. Discussing patients' problems with other people: This is more of an ethical issue. Like any doctor, the operator of the dowsing pendulum soon after starting the practice is faced with a large flow of personal information from strangers. Do not share it with friends and acquaintances.
  8. Do not use your skills: having acquired the ability and skills to work with the pendulum, you need to apply them.
  9. Use someone else's pendulum or give your own to work with other people: a pendulum is a thin device that tunes to its owner, stores part of its energy. Before transferring the pendulum to a new owner, it is cleaned from the remnants of energy.

Eugene Green will tell about incorrect work with a dowsing pendulum:

A novice dowsing pendulum operator must remember that this is just an instrument that mediates between the energy of man and the universe. If the work does not go well, the problem is not always in the device: it is worth looking deep into yourself.

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the keys to success in a perfect ritual. I will provide you with the information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But do not worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

As we already know, the simplest and only true in the art of dowsing are the pendulum and the frame, the prototype of which was a vine or a slingshot carved from wood. And if the ways of using these devices are quite similar, then appearance they are as different as heaven and earth.

First, let's look at how to make a pendulum.

The easiest way, of course, is to buy a ready-made one or order it in an online store. But... Where is the guarantee that so many hands through which the pendulum passed - a metal miner, a turner, a packer and others involved in the manufacture of this magical object - did not bring their portion of energy into it, frankly, not always positive? Nevertheless, if due to circumstances, limited time or lack of the necessary metal, you still decide to buy a ready-made pendulum, it is recommended to purify it energetically. How? Just rinse and dry? Yes, but don't limit yourself to just that. Such purification is only physical, but not energetic. For the most complete cleaning, hold your purchase for 5-10 minutes in running water or dip it in salted water for several hours. You can also sprinkle the pendulum with holy water and read any prayer over it. Another argument in favor self-manufacturing such a device is that a purchased pendulum is not sold everywhere. In addition, even if the price is low, it is not available to everyone.

If there is a need to get some information using the pendulum immediately, but there is no ready-made device, take an ordinary button (but not too small), tie a thread to it and ... the simplest pendulum is ready! And then, if you have time, you will make a more serious, according to all the rules, indicator. What are the rules for its use? In fact, there are a lot of options and no one from the experts will give clear, unambiguous recommendations. However, there are general provisions that must be followed.

First, let's talk about such a component of our indicator as a thread. It can be made from any material except synthetic (wool is also undesirable), cotton and linen are best. For home, domestic needs, any length within 10–30 centimeters is suitable. Some experts recommend a length equal to the distance from the eyebrows to the end of the human chin, others - equal to the circumference of the head at the level of the frontal part. If you intend to work primarily at a desk, choose a length from the elbow to the wrist.

It should only be taken into account that the shorter the thread, the greater the amplitude and the number of swings of the load attached to it. For example, with a thread length of 10 centimeters, it will fluctuate three times more often than with a length of 100 centimeters. These parameters are also affected by the weight of the weight itself, but we will talk about this a little later.

The thread can be made double or triple, tie a few knots on it - this will make it denser and easier to bring the pendulum to a calm state (which is necessary before starting work). Some experts in this field recommend using a chain instead of a thread. Well, this is quite a suitable option, but here we must also take into account the fact that the sensitivity of the pendulum is inversely related to the length of the chain.

We figured out the thread, now it's time to think about the load to which it is attached. The easiest option is to take a simple nut: it will be your reliable assistant in all cases, except, perhaps, one. Remember, we talked about how the ancient augurs guessed? If you are going to stand in the center of a huge circle on which equally large letters are drawn, then such a weight, tied to a thread equal in size to your height, will do just fine. And in the case of the desktop version, when is it necessary to fix the indicator's reaction to small letters? You understand that no: here you need an object with a pointed tip. True, the use of the "witch's circle" ("witch board", "spirit board" - this is how this method is also called) is by no means obligatory, although it is very interesting, and there will be more talk about it. And at first, your pendulum will have a lot of work to do. But in general, the shape of the pendulum is a matter of your taste: it can be very different. Here are the most typical:

Rice. 1

And what item to take as cargo is your own business. It can be a large bead, and a bolt, and a stone, and a coin, and a gold or silver ring. The main thing is that a thread can be attached to it without problems, for which a hole is drilled in metal or stone. Both an ordinary sewing needle and a carnation work great ... I even know one person who, with great success, uses an empty tube of toothpaste rolled up like a fire hose for this purpose. This gentleman knows his business perfectly, and his skill does not depend on what material the tube is made of - metal or plastic.

Recently I came across an article where the authors make arguments in favor of wax and propolis. Unlike metals, which absorb information well and store information for a long time, these bee products immediately get rid of it without absorbing or remembering it. And with prolonged use of such pendulums, they even accumulate positive energy in themselves, which is their additional indisputable advantage.

And now I will tell you about my own pendulum, which has served me faithfully for many years. I took a small piece of copper wire and twisted it like a spiral, so that I got a cone with an upper diameter of 2–3 centimeters, gradually tapering downwards, with a sharp lower end. Its length is 4 centimeters, but there are no strict canons here either: you can make it bigger or smaller. I tied a triple cotton thread about 25 centimeters long to the top of the spiral, and a match to the free end of the thread (perpendicularly) so that it would be convenient to hold the pendulum with your thumb and forefinger. You can do without a match, but then the thread can slip out, and it will be more difficult to hold it. The result is this design:

Some experts recommend using a metal or stone that matches your zodiac sign. In my opinion, this is not at all necessary, and the cost of a gem of the required weight now “bites”, and drilling a hole in it can be quite difficult ... But still I bring to your attention the calculations of astrologers on this subject: who knows, maybe you will use them though would be within their capabilities. However, after carefully reading the material, you will understand that it is not difficult to follow some of the tips.

First, metals corresponding to the sign will be presented, then stones.

Aries - iron and gold; diamond, diamond, cubic zirconia.

Taurus- copper, gold; diamond, rock crystal, turquoise, sapphire.

Twins- silver and gold; agate, chrysoprase, beryl.

Cancer- silver; emerald, moonstone, chrysoberyl.

a lion- gold; ruby, tiger's eye, amber, topaz.

Virgo- gold, bronze; topaz, jade, carnelian.

Scales- iron and gold; aquamarine, tourmaline, lapis lazuli, sapphire, opal.

Scorpion - iron, gold; garnet, aquamarine, coral.

Sagittarius - gold, tin; turquoise, yellow topaz, amethyst.

Capricorn- gold, lead; ruby, onyx, malachite.

Aquarius- gold, lead; amethyst, zircon.

Fish- tin; moonstone, pearl.

For predictive purposes, a pendant on a chain or ribbon that you wear is quite suitable. Moreover, it is quite possible that it is selected in accordance with your sign, that is, it serves not only as an ornament, but also as a talisman or talisman. And it will be very cool if you have repeatedly felt his strength and ability to provide assistance. Such a thing is saturated with your emotions, biofield, positive currents, fluids - you can call it whatever you like, but the essence is the same: this thing seems to have grown together with you, making up a single whole. Moreover, it is not at all necessary that the type and shape of such a pendulum be identical to the traditional ones - as we have already said, this is not of fundamental importance, especially for domestic purposes. In the end, you can just look in stores, even if not a gem according to your sign, but just a beautiful pebble with a hole in the upper part, close in color to “your” stone.

Now - about the weight of our pendulum. It depends on where you intend to use it. If at home, for domestic needs, then 10–30 grams are enough, and if on the ground, then up to 150 grams. In this regard, advice: if you decide to seriously do dowsing, make two different pendulums.

I know several ardent adherents of the art of dowsing who have not even two, but many more pendulums. Here, for example, is what my former classmate Olga B. said:

Life, alas, didn’t make me happy with gifts: sometimes problems at work, sometimes disagreements with husbands leading to divorces, sometimes health brings ... To whom I just didn’t go: to fortune-tellers, and to energy correctors, and to psychics. I paid a lot of money, but to no avail. In the end, I was advised a device that I had hardly heard of before: a pendulum. I sat in the library for a couple of days, studied books on bioenergetics, made copies of the necessary pages for myself - and what? I found a friend and adviser, and completely disinterested, free. And for different occasions I have different pendulums. Threads, for example, for love questions are red, and I make the pendulum itself from red wax, for financial questions - “everything is so green” and so on. It is not always possible to get wax of the right color, but in this case I simply cover the metal pendulum with paint of the right color. I don’t know, maybe the color doesn’t matter to anyone, but it helps me! I am grateful not only to the person who advised me dowsing, but also to the authors of books that explained in detail the essence of this method and its application ...

Well, in conclusion: choose the material yourself - the one that your intuition tells you, which one is closer to your soul. I can only remind you that neither the material, nor the color, nor the weight play a significant role, because, as A. Stangl said, "not so much the pendulum as the person himself is an instrument that perceives the smallest vibrations."

For the past two decades, I have periodically visited my distant relatives living in a remote Russian village. These respectable people have long been accustomed to "conveniences on the street". They live in abundance (by their standards) - they feed and sell pigs and other living creatures, take care of the garden, earn extra money wherever possible. For example, the daughter of my relatives got a job at an unprecedented "profitable" position: as a rural postman, where the salary is 1,200 rubles (about fifty dollars). For many years in a row, they were forced to carry buckets of water for their household, and not from the yard, but from a source located almost a kilometer away. This, however, did not diminish their optimism and cordiality.

They always received us in such a way that the table was bursting with food, and jokes and anecdotes, in our opinion, perhaps not entirely decent, always looked organic and caused an outburst of laughter.

Once it happened that due to a serious breakdown of the car and some other circumstances, for about a year we had to give up thinking about a trip to the Russian outback. And last spring, we finally drove, met by the joyful barking of Barbie dogs, into the familiar yard. The first thing that caught our eye was a solid well built according to all the rules - the subject of an old dream of the owners! It turned out that one day the head of the family simply took a vine in his hand and slowly walked around their rather large plot (20 hectares). It is unlikely that he read special literature - he just heard from fellow villagers about such a method ... and now, the slingshot turned only in one place, and, as it turned out, for a reason: that was where the water was!

We already know that our ancestors - the ancient dowsers - used a vine in the form of the letter Y, which was held either by the “tail” or by one of the branches. Hazel branches have traditionally been used for this purpose. Why exactly him? The fact is that hazel was attributed magical properties: it reliably protected from evil spirits, black sorcerers and all other evil spirits. In addition, the nut in many cultures, including the Slavic, was considered a symbol of wisdom and knowledge.

But as the hazel vine was used, it turned out that it dries up and loses its wonderful properties. Therefore, over time, instead of the traditional wooden slingshot, they began to use similar metal indicators - frames.

For the manufacture of the frame, almost any metal that can be bent at right angles is suitable. So, for example, you can give an ordinary wire hanger a second life by cutting off the unnecessary and bending the rest - I know several examples of the use of such frames. It turns out quite suitable for the frame! Similarly, you can bend a thin knitting needle.

The wire should be up to 3.5 millimeters in diameter, it is bent in the form of the letters G or P. The most optimal dimensions of the short part are up to 15 centimeters (like a clenched fist), and the long ones are up to 40 centimeters. Suitable materials are stainless steel, copper, aluminium. The first material is preferred. On the ground, U-shaped frames are most convenient (they are not so affected by the wind), and at home - L-shaped.

The simplest indicator frames

Do not forget about such a parameter of your tool as weight. Heavy, clunky frames can be difficult to communicate with, especially outside the home. Always keep U-shaped frames with the same ends up (you can mark them with the letters “B”)

The question is natural: how to hold this indicator in order to ensure its free deviation? At the end of the frame, which we hold in our hand, we must put on a tube that is not in close contact with it. It can be an empty spool of thread, or a bearing, or even a cocktail tube. The frame should rotate freely - blow lightly on it to check. If it deviated to the side, consider that you successfully coped with the task of manufacturing the device.

Sometimes two identical frames are used, holding them in both hands.

But in my opinion, it’s better to start with the usual, single one, and then look at your feelings whether you need to complicate your device, or the simplest one is quite enough (but no less accurate from this). More specifically, for simple household, domestic needs, a single frame is quite suitable, but for work on the ground, in the field, two are most preferable. Why? Because the two frames have much more options for deviations, which, if interpreted correctly (everything will come with experience - I do not get tired of repeating!) will allow you to get much more information. The frames can deviate parallel to the right or left, stand still, connect at the ends, one can be turned in one direction, and the other can remain motionless, etc.

If you want to achieve high professionalism, you can purchase or construct a special device with a telescopic effect, the length of which varies depending on the purpose. There are many other complicated options for frames: “energy sensor”, spring, S-shaped ... The Russian folk craftsman G. L. Kutsenko, who has been fond of dowsing for many years, invented a device that combines both a frame and a pendulum. It consists of three parts, made of aluminum wire. The horizontal "shoulder" of the device can be moved to a vertical position, and then the device works like a pendulum. The second part is connected to the handle by means of a ring. Both the horizontal part and the handle are the same size. If it is desirable to use a frame as an indicator, the upper part is placed in a fork located in the handle. In general, it is better, as they say, to see once than to hear or even read a hundred times. But those who have actually seen this miracle device say that it is very convenient to use, moreover, it folds up and takes up very little space in your pocket.

Remember: neither the frame nor the pendulum can be given into the hands of anyone - they are yours and only your helpers. Just as there are prayer rooms in houses, so your instrument, tuned to the energy of only one person, becomes, as it were, a part of you and only you should “obey” too.

Hold the newly made pendulum or frame in your hands, get comfortable with them. You can even put the device under your pillow for several nights - let it soak with your biocurrents. Carry it with you more often - for the same reason, and also just in case: what if you need it? After work, thank the assistant, rinse thoroughly in running water and wipe dry. If this is not possible (for example, you are working on the ground), run your palm along it, and then shake it, dropping the negative. Do not store appliances in plain sight or together with other things. It is good to sew a separate bag for each. But we will talk about these and other rules in the course of the story and after we have mastered dowsing, at least in general terms.

Practical guide for:

A dowsing pendulum is an object suspended on a string that sets the human biofield in motion. With the help of such a pendulum, you can get answers to most of the exciting questions. Even measuring blood pressure or finding out the level of hemoglobin in the blood is not difficult when you have mastered working with a pendulum.

Such an example from life. We found an interesting technique for self-development, we are testing it - it suits me, my wife does not. Further, through testing, we found out how many times a day I need to do this to achieve the fastest effect. The result of the implementation of the technique according to these recommendations was excellent.

Working with a pendulum can become a lifesaver in many circumstances. Master this work, and your life can change 180 degrees.

Where can I use a dowsing pendulum

I will give a few examples where you can use the dowsing pendulum. The simplest and most accurate measurement with a pendulum is the diagnosis of human chakras (the strength and direction of their rotation with an accuracy of 2-5%).

Identification of diseases and their causes, the source of human problems, difficulties with money, in family relationships, identification of car breakdowns, search for missing things. With the help of a pendulum, you can determine whether a person loves you or not, the strength of his love, and also what he loves: with his soul or mind, on which chakra is compatibility with a spouse or partner, whether it is worth making a deal, the reasons for selling a car or a house, and much, much more other.

The pendulum can be applied almost everywhere, but there are a number of reasons why the pendulum may lie or not respond at all.

Where Not to Use a Pendulum

Definitely, the pendulum cannot be used in lotteries, gambling and to satisfy negative and base feelings, for example.

If a person begins to use pendulums for selfish or base motives, there is an automatic connection to the lower worlds, which will control the pendulum. Of course, in the future this will negatively affect the fate of the person himself.

Why the pendulum may not answer or lie

There are several reasons for this.

  1. You need to understand that the pendulum is just an object on a string. It is rotated by a biofield. But who or what influences the biofield in order to set the pendulum in motion? Yes, anything. These can be Light forces, the subconscious or soul, guardian angel, dark forces, various fallen spirits, etc. It can be anyone from the subtle world.

What frequency a person is tuned to, those entities are connected. In order for the forces of Light to work through the pendulum, you need to be in the flow of Light yourself, and you need to learn this. If the dark forces are connected, then the pendulum will show correctly with unimportant questions, and lie with important ones. How to find out what forces work through the pendulum, see below.

  1. You are not supposed to know the answer. If a person is in the flow of Light forces, but the pendulum does not show, then he does not need to know the answer to this question. Each person follows his own path of development, and the answers to some questions can disrupt the harmony of this path. Therefore, the pendulum may not show.
  2. For beginners, this is the main reason - inability to relax the body and remove emotions. Tension in the body or emotions will block the work of the pendulum.
  3. The desire to get the answer you want. While working with the pendulum, one must completely renounce the outside world and free oneself from all desires. If this is not done, the pendulum will not show the truth, but what the person wants.

How to choose a pendulum for dowsing

The pendulum can be used in any material you like. Many people choose a pendulum of their semi-precious stones, but it's not so simple here. Each stone has its own energy, and even if it is fully compatible with you, a stone pendulum may not always work. According to my observations, such pendulums often work for certain areas, and not for the whole range of problems. I do not recommend pendulums made of semi-precious stones to a beginner.

Those people who are professionally engaged in dowsing, as a rule, have several pendulums for different areas.

In my opinion, it is best to make a propolis pendulum with your own hands. Propolis does not accumulate negative energy in itself, and it will not need to be cleaned. He worked for us in all areas that we encountered. Pendulums made of other materials need to be cleaned periodically.

Pendulum cleaning

If you bought a pendulum in a store or did not make it from propolis, it is advisable to clean it from energy-informational dirt. To do this, you need to hold it for several minutes (5-10) under running water, put it on the street on the ground under the rays of the sun for the same time. Thus, there will be a purification of all 4 elements. It would be enough.

Establishing contact with the pendulum

We relax, calm thoughts and desires. Remember the moment when you open your eyes after waking up. Your mind has not turned on yet, and for the first second you are just looking. At this moment, there are no thoughts, desires, emotions. You are here and now, in a state of .

It is necessary to enter into such a state. Take the pendulum in your hand. The length of the thread should be approximately 15-20 cm. Hold the pendulum in front of you freely . The hand must be relaxed. . Ask the pendulum: show me what will be the answer "yes". And begin in a state of thoughtlessness to observe the movement of the pendulum. It usually begins to rotate clockwise or counterclockwise.

If the pendulum is standing, help it the first time by swinging it forward a little. This will greatly facilitate the first contact. Wait until the pendulum begins to rotate clockwise or counterclockwise (sometimes there is a simple swing without rotation).

Stop it. Now ask a question: show me how will the answer be "no". See how the pendulum starts to behave with this question. Usually it starts to rotate in the other direction.

Stop it again. Ask: show me how to answer "I don't know". With this response, he usually either stands still or sways without rotation.

We agree with the pendulum

It is generally accepted and convenient when, when answering "Yes" rotation is clockwise, and when answering "No", counter-clockwise. If it’s different for you, you can agree with the pendulum and tell him, let the answer "Yes" will rotate clockwise, and the answer "No", counter-clockwise. After that, check again how it reacts to " Yes" And "No".

Who do we get answers from?

Now a very important point. The accuracy of the pendulum's answers and the understanding of who the answers come from largely depend on it.

When you learn to receive answers to " Yes and no", you need to find out what forces drive the pendulum. Take it in your hand and ask a question: Do Higher Powers communicate with me? And we are waiting for an answer. Then ask: Do dark forces communicate with me?

Practical guide for:
development of the brain, sensitivity to energies, solving problems related to health, gaining the skill of working with the energy of love, relieving psychological problems and mastering methods for changing fate.

You can ask the following: Is the Creator of my soul communicating with me? Is my subconscious talking to me? Is my guardian angel talking to me? Do dark spirits communicate with me? Are the forces of Light communicating with me? Or choose your question if you didn't see it in the list above.

Thus, you will find out what forces are communicating with you now. If these are dark forces, immediately stop working.

The will to work with a pendulum

If the following work through the pendulum: the Creator of the soul, the Higher powers, the guardian angel, the subconscious, then you need to ask: whether there is a God's will to work with a pendulum?

If yes, then start asking questions that interest you. If not, put down the pendulum. You may be ready to go in an hour or a day. There may be various reasons for this.

Only after finding out what forces act through the pendulum, and whether it is God's will to work with the pendulum, you can start diagnosing.

This should always be asked, regardless of whether you are doing the diagnosis for the first time or the thousandth.

Only when you clearly learn to feel the Divine flow, you yourself will understand and feel that the need for such questions has disappeared.

Pendulum accuracy

Sometimes the question is asked, what is the accuracy of the pendulum? There is no clear answer here. Accuracy can be either 5% or 100%. Everything depends on the person himself. Many people think that the answers from the subconscious are accurate, because it is connected with the subtle world, but this is far from always the case.

It is best when the answers come from the Creator of the soul or the Higher powers, in some directions from the guardian angel. This does not mean that the answers from the subconscious are false, they are just not so accurate, and many receive an answer from the subconscious.

Everywhere you need training. In well-established directions, accuracy is usually high, but in untested without practice, it can be low. Everywhere you need practice and experience, the achievements of the channel.

How to ask questions

It is very important to learn how to ask the right questions. What a question, such an answer. An ambiguous vague question will generate the same answer or no answer at all.

Examples of wrong questions, to which there will either be no answer, or the readings will be 50/50.

Will the weather be good today? Will the bus arrive on time? Is my lost car key in the house? Should I spend my vacation in Crimea?

Maximum precision and a clear, unambiguous meaning are required. From the example: Will the weather be good today? Even if the weather is good for 15 minutes a day, the pendulum can show "Yes".

Will the bus arrive on time? Which bus, what time, which stop - all this needs to be invested in this issue.

Is my lost car key in the house? In which House? If the key is in the garage, on the energy level it can also be a house, just as a fence and a gate can be one object from the point of view of subtle energies. I encountered such an error.

Should I spend my vacation in Crimea? Better than what?

Examples of correct questions.

Is it going to rain from 13:00 to 14:00 today? Will bus number 13 arrive at the Severnaya stop from 13:10 to 13:15? Is my lost car key in this house, where am I now? Should I spend a vacation in the Crimea?(and a couple of clarifying questions about vacation. Perhaps it’s better to draw a sign, write different vacation options and choose the best one. It’s worth clarifying whether a favorable vacation will be for the body or for the soul, or for the body and soul at the same time.)

If you are not sure about the accuracy of the question, ask it in several ways. This helps a lot in avoiding mistakes.

Checking products, things ...

Start checking with the pendulum everything you encounter in life: food, clothes, objects, etc. Place a pendulum over an object and see which way the pendulum rotates. If clockwise, everything is fine. If counterclockwise, better get rid of this item.

This is especially true for products. Never consume products with left-hand pendulum movement. Don't forget to test the water.

Such a check is considered easy and is often obtained by beginners on the first try.


Tables with a list of problems, a very handy help when working with the dowsing method. I have selected for you two dozen basic tables that you may need and a blank blank so that you can make the necessary tables for yourself.

To work on a table, place the pendulum in the center of the table, ask a question, and push the pendulum slightly to give the initial movement. Then wait. The pendulum will oscillate back and forth and begin to move through the cells of the table. The hand must always be at the center point of the table. After waiting a bit, you will see how the pendulum will stop moving along the table and will swing over a certain cell. The entry in this cell will be the answer to your question.

One of the most common methods of "communication" with the subtle world is the use of a pendulum. There is quite a lot of literature on the principles of working with magic pendulums in bookstores. We will tell a little in this article.

The pendulum can be built from the most common items. To make it, you will need a piece of thread and a weight. A ring, a nut or some small pebble can be used as a load. Very detailed information about the manufacturing methods and materials for the pendulum is written in the books of Anton Stangl. Moreover, he writes not only about the pendulum itself, but also about how a person should behave when handling it. That is, how he should eat, how to breathe, what to think, how to be dressed, and so on. In his book, he writes that the result that the pendulum gives out in response does not come from some external forces but from the very soul of the questioner. He recommends using the pendulum first when dealing with health issues.

As you can see, all of the above believe that the pendulum can be used to obtain objective information. Although there are those who express the opinion that a variety of answers to questions can be found from the pendulum, up to the weather after a certain period of time or the winning numbers of a lottery ticket.

Now let's move on to the manufacture of a magic pendulum with your own hands.

Any object can be used as a load, although some recommend using only a stone that suits a person according to a horoscope. It is best that the shape of the load is spherical. Pendulums are also suitable in the form of a cone and in others. You can choose any thread.

A very important condition is the need not to give your pendulum to someone else. It must be filled with your energy. After all, you work with him. It is also very useful to carry it with you so that it constantly has contact with your energy, thoughts, emotions.

To work with a pendulum at home, a light weight is suitable, and if you need a pendulum to search for something on the street, then of course you need more weight.

Now let's move on to how to use the pendulum.

The pendulum is quite easy to handle. For example, sitting at a table, you need to take the pendulum in your hand by the rope so that the weight hangs above the table at a height of five to ten millimeters. In this case, the hand should lean on the table with the elbow, otherwise, holding the hand on weight, you will create unnecessary vibrations, and the pendulum will not give accurate information. The thread of the pendulum is passed between the index and thumb.

You should calm the pendulum and start asking your question. Nothing should distract you from the question. It should not be that you are asking about health, and at this moment you yourself are thinking about work or food. Also, the question should be asked in such a way that it can be answered "Yes" or "No". After the pendulum has been asked a question, one should look at its oscillations.

If the pendulum oscillates back and forth relative to the human body, then this means the answer is “Yes”. On the contrary, when the pendulum moves left and right, it means "No". If the magic pendulum began to spin, then this means that there is no answer. At least at the moment it is not clear what to answer. The pendulum seems to say: “I don’t know.” However, the direction of the circular movement indicates which answer is closer. If it moves clockwise, then closer to the answer "Yes", if against - then to the negative. Also, sometimes you should take into account the strength of vibrations, but here it is better to rely on your experience.

Homemade dowsing pendulum
A dowsing pendulum is a small weight attached to a chain, thread, or cord. Many people use a wedding ring tied to a string as a dowsing pendulum.

A dowsing pendulum made of a thread and a paper clip also works well. Try experimenting with different homemade pendulums. Many people prefer to work with a pendulum that they have made by themselves. By creating such a pendulum, you put some of your own energy into it. In this case, the choice of material requires special attention. Great care should be taken when choosing a metal pendulum. Metal usually acts as a conductor, and this can adversely affect the results of your research. Copper and aluminum rarely make good pendulums. If possible, try to choose materials that are not conductive, such as wood, glass, plastic.

Ideally, the load should be symmetrical. This creates a good balance, making the pendulum more receptive and comfortable to handle. It is best to choose pendulums that are round, spherical or cylindrical (see fig.).

Rice. Types of pendulums: a - classic drop; b - Merme pendulum; c - glass pendulum with a hollow compartment; g - crystal pendulum

But you can buy a ready-made dowsing pendulum in the store. Their range is currently striking in a variety of shapes and sizes.

The choice of dowsing pendulum.
The best for you will be the dowsing pendulum, which is convenient to use and looks good to you. Ideally, the dowsing pendulum should weigh about 100 g and have a rounded shape. When you start choosing your dowsing pendulum, you will be surprised at how many of the most different items can be used for this purpose. A lead weight purchased from a hardware store is fine. Equally successful would be the decision to tie a simple button to the thread. You can cut a dowsing pendulum out of some soft material, or you can adapt any object that suits your shape and weight for this purpose. Perhaps it will be a regular float or a spool of thread. Some prefer something unusual and exotic, while others pay attention primarily to the purpose of the subject. As a rule, the chosen object either attracts you externally, or has some special meaning for you.
A very good dowsing pendulum will be a crystal attached to a chain.

Crystal dowsing pendulums.
Most people prefer to use quartz crystals as they conserve natural energy. For the same purpose, you can adapt the pendant that you usually wear as jewelry. Crystal dowsing pendulums are very good for healing and healing.

Hollow dowsing pendulums.
Some of the dowsing pendulums that are sold in stores have a hollow space inside. This is done so that you, before starting work, put a small sample of what you intend to find inside the dowsing pendulum. If you are looking for water, put a few drops of water inside this hollow part. Or put a drop of oil there if you are looking for oil, or a grain of gold if the object of your search is gold. Such a hollow space is also found in the Merme dowsing pendulum. This is by no means an obligatory part of a dowsing pendulum in general, but sometimes it can be very useful to you.

A lot of items can play the role of a dowsing pendulum, but it would be nice to have a special tool for dowsing research or magical experiments.

Still, it is better to work with special dowsing pendulums, since they are very convenient to use and are designed specifically for this job.

When choosing a dowsing pendulum for yourself, take it in your hand and ask: “Is this dowsing pendulum in harmony with me?” - and buy it only if you get a positive response.

Dowsing pendulum suspension
After you have chosen the load, you need to find something on which it will hang. Usually, cotton or silk thread, various cords, ropes and chains are used for this purpose. I have also seen dowsing pendulums attached to a leather strap, macramé, and woven plastic. Thread, cord and rope are good because they can be easily replaced if necessary. The load must necessarily hang freely on the thread, and the thread or cord must in no way interfere with the movements of the dowsing pendulum. Tie your weight to the cord and you can get started with the dowsing pendulum.

How to store a dowsing pendulum
You may wish to purchase or make a small pouch in which to store your dowsing pendulum. In this form, it is easier to carry with you, and there is less chance that the thread or cord will get tangled. A dowsing pendulum protected in this way is also less susceptible to negative energies. If you made your own dowsing pendulum, you can also make a bag for it. Otherwise, you can easily buy it from the same shop that sells dowsing pendulums.

How to work with dowsing pendulum.

It is best to start experimenting with the dowsing pendulum alone. Even if your friends share your interest in this issue, the presence of outsiders in the very first classes can negatively affect your results. By starting to experiment alone, you will achieve success faster. You will have plenty of time later to demonstrate your abilities to others after you have practiced with the dowsing pendulum for a number of weeks and gained some skill with it.

Which hand to hold the dowsing pendulum
Most people prefer to hold the dowsing pendulum in the same hand they use to write. Experiment with both hands, but start your experiments with the right hand if you are right-handed, and with the left hand if you are left-handed.

How to hold a dowsing pendulum
If you are sitting, lower your elbow on the table, and hold the chain or thread of the dowsing pendulum between your thumb and forefinger, trying to squeeze it very lightly. Make sure that your stomach or other hand does not inadvertently touch the table. The palm of the hand holding the dowsing pendulum should be facing down, while the dowsing pendulum itself should hang 30 cm from you. If you're standing, it's best to bend your elbow at a 90-degree angle so that your forearm is parallel to the ground.
Also make sure that your arms and legs do not cross. If you unconsciously protect yourself in this way, you will unwittingly have a certain effect on the dowsing pendulum, thereby reducing its effectiveness. You can check this fact yourself. Hold the dowsing pendulum straight in front of you, allowing it to swing freely. Then cross your legs or move your feet tightly. And you will see that the dowsing pendulum will stop moving.

The length of the dowsing pendulum suspension.
Gently rock the dowsing pendulum back and forth to get comfortable with this tool. Let him swing in different directions. Intentionally translate his movements into circular motions. You can also experiment with the string by letting it go to different lengths and seeing at what point the dowsing pendulum moves the most freely. For most people, the optimal length of the thread is 10-12 cm. But it is better for you to determine for yourself what length will be ideal for you. For example, a friend of mine works with a dowsing pendulum only while standing, since the length of the cord to which the weight is attached is about 120 cm (it would be nice if you tied a knot in the place where the length of the thread would be most suitable for you).

Movements of the dowsing pendulum.
Once you get used to the movements of the dowsing pendulum, stop it with your free hand. After the dowsing pendulum is frozen in place, ask him to indicate what movement indicates the answer "yes". It makes no difference whether you say your question out loud or mentally. For most people, the dowsing pendulum will immediately begin to answer the question asked. But if you've never used a dowsing pendulum before, it may take you a while to get the right answer. Keep patience. It may move almost imperceptibly at first, but if you continue to concentrate on a positive response, the range of motion of your dowsing pendulum will gradually increase.

The first experiments with dowsing pendulum.
In the end, it doesn't matter if your first experiment takes 5 seconds, half an hour, or even a week. Once you get into the habit of working with the dowsing pendulum, it will begin to move as soon as you hang it over the table. Over the years, I have taught many people to work with the dowsing pendulum. If they have some difficulty at first, I suggest they concentrate on the load and imagine it moving back and forth. And as a rule, the dowsing pendulum really starts to swing.

Difficulties when working with a dowsing pendulum.
There is a way to help people who have difficulty in the early stages of working with a dowsing pendulum. Ask a specialist in this field to put a hand on the shoulder of the beginner (on the right shoulder if the person holds the dowsing pendulum in his right hand). Thanks to this simple action, the dowsing pendulum will immediately begin to move. If there is no one nearby who could help you with this, put the dowsing pendulum aside for a few minutes, and then try again.
Any person is able to work with a dowsing pendulum
So don't worry about how long it will take you to try to set it in motion. To do this, you do not need to be especially gifted or be seven spans in the forehead. The dowsing pendulum will begin to work faster in the hands of someone who has a good imagination and is receptive to new ideas. A person of a logical mindset, methodical or pedant will experience much more difficulties in this case. And yet, hard work and a sincere desire to overcome his own distrust will eventually make him a true professional in working with a dowsing pendulum.

Methods of movement of the dowsing pendulum.
Experiment for 5 minutes each time until your dowsing pendulum begins to move. And once that happens, know that you won't have any more problems with it.
Your dowsing pendulum will move in one of four ways: forward and backward, side to side, or in circles - clockwise and counterclockwise.

Interpretation of the movements of the dowsing pendulum.
Remember which movement indicates the answer "yes". Then ask the dowsing pendulum what will correspond to such values ​​as “no”, “don't know”, and “don't want to answer”.
Most likely, these answers will remain unchanged for the rest of your life. Still, it makes sense to check them regularly. You may experience changes in the responses of your dowsing pendulum. It is best to recheck such conditioned movements after you have not touched your dowsing pendulum for a while. If you use it every day, then its answers are unlikely to change. But if you have not worked with him for a month or two, you will need to find out if his movements have changed, corresponding to one or another answer.


Preparatory part:

1. Get your pendulum. . You can also take a thread or a thin rope about 20 cm long and attach a small weight to it (you can use a regular bolt). The weight is necessary for the pendulum to swing. Hanging a heavy weight is not worth it, unless you want to simultaneously develop the ability to predict and physical strength.

2. Draw a chart on a piece of paper as shown.

3. Lay the paper on the table and hold the tip of the thread with your fingers so that the weight is just above the intersection of the lines.

4. Exit to the ASC with your eyes open.

5. Intentionally move the pendulum in the "yes" direction.

6. Say out loud: "I want the pendulum to move in this direction when the correct answer to my question is yes."

7. Now deliberately move the pendulum in the "no" direction.

8. Say out loud: "I want the pendulum to swing in this direction when the correct answer to my question is 'no'."

1. Place a weight over the intersection of the lines so that it rises 2 cm above the paper. The pendulum should not swing. The hand holding the thread must be motionless.

2. Ask a question aloud, the answer to which can be "yes" or "no". The hand holding the thread should still remain motionless. Soon the pendulum will begin to move on its own without any effort on your part.

3. If the pendulum has moved in the direction of the "yes" line, the answer to your question will be "yes". If it moves in the direction of the no line, the answer is no.

4. If the pendulum begins to move in a circle, this means that the Higher consciousness is not willing to help you find the answer to the question. For reasons that we, small particles higher consciousness, not known. It may also mean that the question is asked incorrectly and the answer to it with the words "yes" and "no" cannot be obtained.

For example, you ask the question: "Will my career be successful if I go to work at the Alex Corporation?" Most likely, you will get a clear answer - "yes" or "no".

Now suppose you ask, "Should I move to Alex Corporation to get a quick promotion, or should I stay at my current job?" Most likely, the pendulum will go in a circle, since it is simply impossible to answer this question with "yes" or "no".

Pendulum predictions are a good exercise to develop your intuition, and they will lead you to amazing discoveries. Your mind is actively involved in the process of divination through this exercise.

You will have the opportunity to see over time how useful and accurate this exercise can be.

How to ask the dowsing pendulum questions.

You are now ready to ask the dowsing pendulum questions that can be answered in one of the four ways above.

Start with questions you already know the answers to. You may ask: "Am I a man?" And if so, your dowsing pendulum should say yes. Of course, if you are a woman, the answer is no. You can ask similar questions about your name, age, marital status, number of children, etc.
The purpose of such a survey is to study properly the movements of the dowsing pendulum and to verify the validity of its answers. You will most likely find that it makes no difference whether you ask your questions out loud or just think about them.
Answers dowsing pendulum.

The connection of the dowsing pendulum with the subconscious.
Once the dowsing pendulum has answered these questions, you can start asking it about things that really interest you. The dowsing pendulum is also capable of answering more complex questions, as it can "read" the necessary information from your subconscious, then transmitting it to your consciousness. Consciousness is able to contain only a certain, limited amount of information, while the resources of your subconscious are much larger. The mind can be compared to an iceberg. Consciousness is limited to that small part that is visible above the water, and a much larger part of it, the unconscious, is hidden from view.

Choice of questions for the dowsing pendulum.
At the beginning, be especially careful with the choice of questions. Do not forget that you are able to influence the movements of the dowsing pendulum with your own will. Let's say you want to know the sex of an unborn child. If you secretly hope that it will be a girl, the dowsing pendulum can reflect your inner desire and tell you that it will be a girl, even if it really is not.
Therefore, if you are very interested in the results of an event, ask someone you know to ask these questions for you. This will help you maintain the necessary neutrality.

Impact on the dowsing pendulum
You are able to influence the dowsing pendulum.
There is a simple way to make sure that we are really able to influence the dowsing pendulum with the power of our thought. Take the dowsing pendulum in your hand and stop it from swinging. Now that it is completely still, mentally ask it to swing in a certain direction. After a few seconds, it will actually start moving in the direction you thought it would. Now mentally imagine another direction, and the dowsing pendulum will immediately begin to follow your thoughts, changing its oscillations.

The dowsing pendulum is not a toy.
You can influence the dowsing pendulum in another way. If you ask him: "Can I be considered God's gift to women?" - then the dowsing pendulum will either answer you honestly (maybe “yes”, or maybe “no”), or give an evasive answer (“I don’t know” or “I don’t want to answer”), or it will answer, following your inner desire . Keep this in mind when asking the dowsing pendulum questions.
The dowsing pendulum is not a toy and therefore should not be approached with frivolous questions. If you ask seriously, you will surely get an honest and truthful answer. If you are just playing with a dowsing pendulum, it will answer you what you want to hear from it.
Experiments with dowsing pendulum.

Coue's experiment with dowsing pendulum
The French psychologist Emile Coue, who lived in the first half of the 20th century, gained fame thanks to his life-affirming formula: “Every day my life is getting better and better” .
The French psychologist liked to demonstrate the following experiment to test the concentration of attention.
First of all, you will need a circle with a diameter of about 15 cm, divided into four parts by two intersecting lines.
Hang the dowsing pendulum over the center of the circle and watch it move along one of the two lines. Watch his movements, which will become more and more intense.
Then imagine how the movements of the dowsing pendulum slow down a little and it stops completely, after which it begins to move along another straight line.
If you wish, you can repeat this experiment with your eyes closed. When you open your eyes, you will find that the result will be the same: the dowsing pendulum will swing in exactly the direction you imagined. This experiment will not only test your concentration, but also demonstrate your power over the dowsing pendulum. You can make it move in any direction you want. There is no need to move the dowsing pendulum by hand. Your mind is quite capable of handling this task.

Using the dowsing pendulum with eyes closed
Another experiment involves using a dowsing pendulum with eyes closed. Mentally order him to move, clockwise. Wait 15 seconds, then open your eyes. You will find that the dowsing pendulum does move clockwise. Stop it and close your eyes again. This time ask him to move counterclockwise or side to side. And when you open your eyes after some time, you will find that he followed your mental request, despite the fact that you did nothing to consciously set him in motion.

How to ask questions to the dowsing pendulum.
What is the question of the dowsing pendulum, such is the answer of the dowsing pendulum.

Many people tend to ask the dowsing pendulum questions that it is unable to answer due to quite natural limitations. For example, a dowsing pendulum will not be able to answer your question: “Should I spend my summer vacation in Paris or in Dubki?” In this case, you should break the question into two parts and ask about each city in turn. You could also reformulate your question as follows: "Will I get satisfaction from the holiday if I spend it in Paris?" Then ask the same about Dubki.
It is possible that in both cases you will receive a positive response. Then you should ask a more specific question: “Will my vacation be more fulfilling if I spend it in Paris and not in Dubki?” Whatever answer you get, it's a good idea to refine it by asking the same question about another city to see what happens.
Concentrate on the question of the dowsing pendulum
When holding the dowsing pendulum, concentrate on the question. Repeat it over and over again to yourself. If an extraneous thought comes to your mind, discard it and again concentrate on the question. This is necessary because the dowsing pendulum can answer a random thought, and not the original question.

Benefits of dowsing pendulum.
The dowsing pendulum can be of great benefit to you in terms of your work and career. Eat good way save time by asking the dowsing pendulum questions that include phrases such as "instead of", "better" or "preferably". For example: “Should I go back to university and finish my education, or is it better to continue working, being content with the current salary?” If the dowsing pendulum gives a positive answer, you will know what to do. If the answer turns out to be no, you can ask in another way: “Should I continue to work in my corporation instead of returning to the university?”
In general, it is better to ask a whole series of simple questions than to formulate one complex one that includes all aspects of the problem you are interested in. The difference in time will be quite insignificant, but the answer in the first case will be much clearer.
Correctly formulate a question to the dowsing pendulum
Sometimes the dowsing pendulum will convey to you with its movement: "I do not want to answer." If this happens, look at the form in which you asked him your question, and see if you can formulate it in some other way. It is possible that by dividing your original question into two or three simpler ones, you will eventually achieve the desired answer.

Possibilities of using the dowsing pendulum.

The possibilities of the dowsing pendulum are almost limitless. You can ask him questions about the earliest time of your childhood. And the dowsing pendulum is able to tell you a lot of things that you have long forgotten about. If your parents are still alive, you can easily check the accuracy of this information. And over time, when you are convinced of the reliability of the information received, your faith in the capabilities of the dowsing pendulum will certainly increase.

Dowsing method for the curious.
You can also ask the dowsing pendulum other questions about you personally. “Am I afraid to be too frank?” or “Am I worthy of the respect of others?”. Of course, you need to evaluate each of the answers received to such questions. As you already know, your desires can affect the movements of the dowsing pendulum. Accordingly, one cannot exclude the possibility that you will receive not a truthful answer, but one that you hope to hear.

Household questions dowsing pendulum.
It is no less interesting to ask the dowsing pendulum about your loved ones and relatives. If you're going to the movies but don't know which movie to watch, you can also seek advice from a dowsing pendulum. Hang it above a poster in your daily paper, or ask it questions about each movie.
All these experiments are very simple and unpretentious, but they help to make your life richer and more interesting. And the more often you use the dowsing pendulum, the more possibilities you will find for its use.

Questions to the dowsing pendulum about the future.
Questions to the dowsing pendulum about yourself.
Nothing can stop you from asking the dowsing pendulum about your future. But if you start asking him questions about yourself, the dowsing pendulum will most likely tell you what you want to hear. This answer may or may not be correct.

Questions dowsing pendulum about the weather.
Let's say you want to know what the weather will be like next Thursday. Ask the dowsing pendulum if the day will be sunny. Once you figure this out, ask about temperature, wind, etc.

As soon as you learn how to work with a dowsing pendulum, your friends will want to know with your help the outcome of certain events.

They will not ignore various competitions and gambling. The dowsing pendulum does not like these kinds of questions and prefers not to answer them (or else it will give you the wrong information).

When can a dowsing pendulum be used?
No schedule for dowsing pendulum work
There is no "schedule" for operating a dowsing pendulum. You can refer to it any time you need it. Therefore, you can work with your dowsing pendulum whenever you want. Usually people use this tool very often at the beginning of their work with it, but gradually their interest in it weakens, and in the end they turn to it only in exceptionally important cases. Some consult with the dowsing pendulum all the time. It makes no difference how often you use the dowsing pendulum. It's just a tool and you can work with it whenever the need arises.
How dowsing pendulum works.

Dowsing pendulum and the subconscious.
For at least the past two centuries, people have known that the dowsing pendulum is set in motion by unconscious movements of the hand. Our subconscious acts on the muscles of the hand, forcing them to respond to the received impulses. This is called "ideomotor reaction" ("ideo" means "idea, thought" and "motor" means "movement"). The dowsing pendulum enhances a reaction that would otherwise be almost imperceptible. Therefore, the answers come to us from the depths of our subconscious.

Michel-Eugène Chevrel studied the dowsing pendulum for twenty years, and one of his experiments convincingly proves the above. He supported his arm with a wooden block in different places - from the shoulder to the hand. And the closer this bar was to the hand, the weaker the oscillations of the dowsing pendulum became. They stopped completely when the fingers of the hand holding the dowsing pendulum rested on a wooden support.
Chevrel also found that when contemplating a dowsing pendulum, he entered a trance-like state. This allowed him to conclude that there was a definite connection between his thoughts and the movements of the dowsing pendulum. The experiments made a tremendous impression and had a huge resonance in society, and even today they often talk about the “Chevrel pendulum”.

Dowsing pendulum - access to the subconscious.
The dowsing pendulum gives us access to our subconscious. We can say that it is an extension of our central nervous system. Consequently, it is not the dowsing pendulum that supplies us with information. This information is extracted from our subconscious and enters consciousness through the central nervous system. The dowsing pendulum “manifests” these messages of our subconscious.

Criticism of the dowsing pendulum.
You can often hear the following criticism of the dowsing pendulum: if we are able to influence this tool with our consciousness, then the information received with its help must be extremely doubtful. In reality, something quite different is happening. The dowsing pendulum allows us to make contact with our subconscious mind whenever we wish. The subconscious of each person is connected with the cosmic consciousness, to which any information is available. That is why we sometimes go to bed with an unresolved problem and wake up in the morning with a ready-made solution. While we were sleeping, our subconscious became active and turned to the cosmic consciousness for help, and in the morning gave us the correct answer.
Therefore, we can ask the dowsing pendulum any question and get the answer from the "database" of cosmic consciousness. The best result is obtained if we really need an answer. It is not at all necessary that your questions concern life and death, but they should touch on subjects that are unconditionally important to you.
You can hone your abilities by doing sometimes not too serious experiments with a dowsing pendulum. Still, you are likely to be more successful in finding your lost car keys than in trying to find out which of the seven coins your friend touched. The dowsing pendulum will give you the answer to both questions, but will provide information more readily in serious cases.

The art of owning a dowsing pendulum.
We master the method of dowsing.
The dowsing pendulum is deceptively easy to use. But if you want to become a real pro, you need to practice a lot. At first, you will inevitably make mistakes, but as your skills improve, there will be fewer and fewer of them.

You can achieve great success if you follow these simple rules.

Rules for the use of dowsing pendulum.

1. Never use a dowsing pendulum unless absolutely necessary. If you can make a decision on your own, do so.

2. Don't ask the same question twice in a session. This creates doubts. You must trust the answers that the dowsing pendulum gives you.

3. Never brag about your skills with a dowsing pendulum.

4. Ask someone else to operate the dowsing pendulum if you are emotionally interested in the answer.

5. Use the dowsing pendulum only for good purposes.

Do not allow others to use your dowsing pendulum.
Do not allow other people to use your dowsing pendulum. It is tuned exclusively to you, so you should not allow someone else's energy to mix with yours. Keep the dowsing pendulum in your purse or pouch, keep it close to you. This will help you keep it safe from harm.

Prospects for working with a dowsing pendulum.
In doing so, you will master the art of working with the dowsing pendulum. You will soon find that using the dowsing pendulum makes you more receptive, insightful, and self-confident. In accordance with this, your ability to handle the dowsing pendulum will increase.

The possibilities of the dowsing pendulum are truly endless. With wise handling of it, you will achieve real success in various areas of your life.

An important addition to working with a pendulum

Everyone has heard about favorable and unfavorable days or times of the day. Different traditions have different opinions and recommendations on this matter. The specialist builds his work based on what is close to him and based on his own experience. For example, my grandmother said that you can’t guess on major church holidays, but if I practice runic, then I don’t care about Christian holidays. Here - this is once again about the filters of perception - I did not focus attention, since in my worldview these periods do not really matter, but for others - this can be very important.

And yet, since there is a division into "favorable / unfavorable", then this makes sense.

So good times:
10-12 am,
16-17 days,
24-01 at night.

Bad time:
18-19 pm,
22-23 nights.

Favorable lunar days, when any knowledge is also well absorbed: 8,11,14,16,21,25.

Unfavorable lunar days: 3,5,12,13,29

L. Puchko or A. Stangl spoke about this. For example, Ludmila Puchko strongly recommends not to use the pendulum when the Akash is acting, because this entrance is for a narrow circle of people. After all, no one can say for sure: what or who turns the pendulum. Some authors say that this is the human subconscious. You respect others - they say that the Higher Powers ......