What is greatness? The greatness of man. See by faith the incomprehensible

Conflict or tolerance, cooperation or opposition, love or hate - these are questions that arise both in everyday life and in international relations. In this article, published in the spring of 1966, L. Ron Hubbard examines the question: When a person is hated, how can he be happy?

The most difficult task for a person is to continue to love his neighbors, despite any reasons why he should not do so.

And the true sign of mental health and greatness is to continue to love.

Anyone who is capable of this has a great future.

For those who are unable, there is only sorrow, hatred and despair; and this is not what mental health, happiness, greatness consists of.

The main trap is to give in to temptation and hate.

There are those who assign you the role of their executioner. Sometimes - for the safety of others - it is necessary to act. But at the same time, there is no need to hate these people.

“Genuine greatness simply remains the same despite the bad actions that have been done to a person, and a man of true greatness loves his fellow men because he understands them.”

To do your work without becoming frantically angry at others - those who seek to interfere - is a sign of greatness and mental health. And only then can you be happy.

Striving to achieve any desired quality is a noble endeavor. The quality that is most difficult to achieve and most necessary to achieve is love for your neighbors, despite any temptations not to love them.

If there is a certain quality inherent in a holy person, then the ability to forgive is not it. By “forgiving,” you admit that the action is evil. There's no reason to allow this to happen. In addition, you will have to call the action evil in order to forgive it. “Forgiveness” is an action of a much lower order; it is rather a type of condemnation.

True greatness simply remains the same despite the bad actions that have been done to a person, and a person who has true greatness loves his neighbors because he understands them.

In the end, they are all in the same trap. Some do not notice it, some, having fallen into it, go crazy, some become like those who betrayed them. But everyone, they are all in the same trap: generals, janitors, presidents, and crazy people. They act the way they do because they are all subject to the same brutal pressure from this universe.

Some of us are subject to this pressure and still continue to do our jobs. Others have given up long ago and are now going on a rampage, causing suffering and all the while strutting around like the crazy people that they are.

We can at least recognize the fact that neither brutal wars nor fame lead to greatness. The preservation of personal integrity by a person, the constant assistance of other people, no matter what they do, no matter what they think or say, despite any cruel acts committed against him, loyalty to his course of action without changing the general attitude towards people - this is which leads to greatness.

In a sense, true greatness is determined by absolute wisdom. They act the way they do because they are who they are - creatures trapped and crushed by an unbearable burden. And if they are mad because of this, and if they order entire nations to be wiped out from the face of the earth, resorting to erroneous explanations, you can still understand why this happens, and also understand to what extent their madness reaches. Why would you change and start hating just because others have lost themselves and their own fate is too cruel for them to face?

Justice, mercy, forgiveness - all this is not important compared to the ability not to change, despite provocations or demands prompting it.

You must act, you must maintain order, and you must remain decent. But there is no need to hate or seek revenge.

It is true that people are morally unstable and do bad things. A person is fundamentally good, but can do bad things.

He acts badly only when his actions to ensure order or the safety of others are carried out with hatred, or when the discipline he imposes is aimed only at ensuring his own safety, without regard to anyone else's interests, or, what it's even worse when he acts based only on the fact that he likes to be cruel.

Not maintaining any order at all is madness. You only have to look at the things that belong to a madman or that surround him to realize this. Capable people maintain good order.

When cruelty in the name of maintaining discipline prevails in a people, it means that the people have been taught to hate. And he is doomed.

What you really need to learn is love.

Anyone who wants to go through life unharmed must learn this. Never use the bad things done to you as a basis for hatred. Never desire revenge.

You have to be really strong to love people - to love in spite of any provocation, in spite of any temptation not to do so, in spite of any reason why you should not love.

Happiness and strength continue to exist only in the absence of hatred. Hatred alone is a recipe for disaster. Love is the path to strength. Loving no matter what is the secret of greatness. And it may very well be the greatest secret in this universe.

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Blaise Pascal
Mathematician, physicist, writer and philosopher
Article II. Greatness of Man

Answer from Maigda[guru]

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... The true greatness of the soul, which gives a person the right to respect himself, lies most of all in his consciousness that there is nothing else that would belong to him by greater right than the control of his own desires.
Reme Descartes
The hardest thing is to continue to love your fellow human beings despite all the reasons why you shouldn't.
And the true sign of intelligence and greatness is to continue to do so, no matter what
Because for those who can achieve this, there is hope. For those who cannot, only sadness, hatred and despair remain. And this is not what greatness, intelligence and happiness consist of.
The main trap is to succumb to the provocation to hate. There are those who appoint their own executioners. Sometimes, for the safety of other people, execution is necessary. But you don’t have to hate them at all. To carry out your task without becoming enraged at the sight of those who interfere is a sign of greatness and intelligence. And only in this case can a person be happy.
Achieving the desired quality in life is a noble endeavor. But what is much more difficult and much more necessary is to achieve the goal of loving your fellow human beings despite all provocations to do otherwise.
A man of real greatness simply refuses to change when bad acts are done against him - and a truly great man loves his fellow men because he understands them. Ultimately, they are all in the same trap. Some are oblivious to this. Some have gone crazy because of this, some behave exactly like those who betrayed them. But everyone, everyone is in the same trap - generals, scavengers, presidents and crazy people. They all behave this way because they are all subjected to the same cruel pressure of this Universe. Some of us are subject to these pressures and yet continue to do our work. Others have long since sunk down and are raging, tormenting, or strutting around like the crazy souls that they are.
Saving some of them is a dangerous undertaking. Have you tried to suggest to the rulers of the world to make them free and they will attack you violently, call the police and cause a lot of trouble.
As we become stronger, we can be completely open to helping. But even before receiving help, one can understand at least one thing, that greatness does not begin with brutal wars or fame. It begins with the fact that a person remains true to his integrity, with the fact that he continues to help others no matter what they do or think or say, despite all the cruel actions they take against him. He stubbornly adheres to this and does not change his attitude towards these people.
Thus true greatness is based on complete wisdom. People act the way they do because they are trapped, crushed by an unbearable weight. And if because of this they went crazy, Man can understand why this happened and what their madness is. Why do you need to change and start hating others just because others have lost themselves and have no sense of self-worth?
Justice, forgiveness - everything is not important, next to the ability not to change because of the provocation of others or because of demands to do so. A person must act while maintaining order and self-respect. But at the same time, there is no need to hate or look for ways to take revenge.
It is true that human beings are morally unstable and commit evil. But at his core, a person is good, although he can do bad things.


Noah is the man thanks to whom humanity survived. It was Noah who God found and entrusted to him with such an incredibly important mission.

Thinking about this man, one draws the image of a strong, strong-willed, purposeful man who was without flaw or vice. But was this really the case? I suggest you not to fantasize, but to read how the Bible describes Noah.

“Noah began to cultivate the land and planted a vineyard. And he drank wine and became drunk, and lay naked in his tent. And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw his father's nakedness, and went out and told his two brothers. Shem and Japheth took the clothes and, putting them on their shoulders, walked backwards and covered the nakedness of their father; their faces were turned back, and they did not see their father’s nakedness. Noah woke up from his wine and learned what his youngest son had done to him, and said: “Cursed is Canaan; he will be a slave of slaves to his brothers.” Then he said, “Blessed be the Lord God of Shem, and Canaan shall be his servant” (Genesis 9:20-26).

It’s invigorating, I just can’t believe that this story happened in the life of such an outstanding person! Incomprehensible, but true. We have probably forgotten that perfect people do not exist, and Noah, like all of us, had his shortcomings, I would even say vices. It turns out that he planted vineyards in order to produce wine. Moreover, Noah not only drank alcoholic beverages, he drank wine to the point of unconsciousness! This is exactly what the Book of Genesis tells us about.

On the other hand, we all know that God called Noah righteous. And thanks to him, people can still enjoy life on earth to this day.

“By faith Noah, having received a revelation of things not yet seen, fearfully prepared an ark for the salvation of his house; by it he condemned (the whole) world and became heir of the righteousness that is by faith” (Hebrews 11:7).

So, on the one hand there is a drunkard, and on the other there is a righteous man. How can such a thing be combined in one person, that God saw such a special thing in Noah that he called him righteous? This is exactly what we will try to figure out with you.

By human standards, Noah should not have been included in the list of righteous people, which the 11th chapter of the Epistle to the Epistle describes to us, because he stumbled and was greatly disgraced.

How can you be righteous if you drink? Yes, no one denies that you can’t get drunk on wine. Now I am in no way promoting such a lifestyle. Understand, it’s just important for you and me to realize that Noah committed unseemly acts, but he also somehow managed to make the Lord himself pay attention to him and entrust him with the most important mission - to save the rest of humanity from the flood.

What could be the greatness of a person, what does God see in such an ordinary person, as it seemed to us, and, moreover, not a very positive character, to call him righteous not only at the beginning of his path, but also to declare this for subsequent generations.

To understand the greatness of Noah, let's read the 6th chapter of Genesis.

“But Noah found grace in the sight of the Lord [God]. This is the life of Noah. Noah was a righteous man and blameless in his generation. Noah walked with God. Noah gave birth to three sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth. But the earth was corrupted before the face of God, and the earth was filled with atrocities. And [the Lord] God looked upon the earth, and behold, it was corrupt, for all flesh had perverted its way on the earth. And [the Lord] God said to Noah: “The end of all flesh has come before Me, for the earth is filled with evil from them; and behold, I will destroy them from the earth. Make yourself an ark of gopher wood, make compartments in the ark and tar the inside of it and outside. And thou shalt make it thus: the length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits; its breadth shall be fifty cubits, and its height shall be thirty cubits. And thou shalt make an opening in the ark, and thou shalt make a cubit of it at the top; and thou shalt make a door into the ark at the side of it. Build it in the lower, second and third [dwellings]. And behold, I will bring a flood of water on the earth to destroy all flesh in which is the spirit of life under heaven. Everything that is on the earth will lose life. But with you I will establish my covenant And you, and your sons, and your wife, and your sons' wives with you, shall enter into the ark. You shall also bring into the ark [of every livestock, and of every creeping thing, and] of every living creature, and of every flesh, in pairs, so that they remain with you alive; male and female let them be” (Genesis 6:8-19).


So what is Noah's greatness? First of all, he was able to believe in God, by faith to see the incredible, something that does not yet exist.

Understand that at that time there was no such thing as a flood on earth. You and I have already heard what a flood is, read about it, we constantly see on television that floods are happening somewhere. In a word, we already have an idea about it. But in the time of Noah, even such a word did not exist. And it was then that God came to Noah to warn about an event that would destroy all of humanity, describing it in detail. After this news, Noah tried to convince people of the impending danger. But those around him simply mocked him, and besides, they probably considered him crazy, since he was describing something that no one had ever seen. As you can see, no one believed him.

Noah gained greatness in the eyes of God because he believed in the seemingly impossible. Are you capable of believing the impossible? Are you able to believe in God despite common reasoning and logic, to hold on to God when everyone convinces you that this is not worth doing?

“Here is the life of Noah. Noah was a righteous man and blameless in his generation. Noah walked with God" (Genesis 6:9).

God called Noah righteous and blameless. Incomprehensibly, this is said about an ordinary, sinful person. Indeed, as long as we live in the flesh, we will have some mistakes, bad habits, and we will definitely fall and sin someday. After all, only Jesus lived on earth without sin and vice. We know that the flesh is sinful, and there is no escape from it. But because of his demonstrated faith, God considered Noah blameless.

God evaluates a person not by works, but by faith, through which the ability to walk before God is manifested. And He justifies the one who is able to see the invisible.

By faith Noah received the revelation. The first step that he took on the path to his greatness - being surrounded by sin, lawlessness, depravity, Noah was able to create another reality, another reality by faith.

The future must be open to you. It is important to think about it, it needs to be planned, it cannot be feared, but, on the contrary, the future must be desired. You cannot get bogged down in the quagmire of today's problems. After all, at all times, only those who are able to see not only the problematic surrounding reality, but those who are able to see another reality, survive.


The situation that we can observe today all over the world is a kind of flood that is approaching all of humanity. But our task is to receive a revelation about what the future will be and how we can fulfill the revelation received from God.

If you don't have revelation, if you don't see another reality, you simply won't be able to get there. Only those who see the future beyond the flood will be able to live. And the one who lives only in reality will be swallowed up by the flood. By faith you can see the future that God has in store for you.


How did Noah manage to build the ark and not give up building for such a long time?

First. Noah was able to take his eyes off reality and by faith receive a revelation of the future that God had for him. By faith he was able to see the future. We must be able to see beyond today. The future must be seen in God, who has plans for every person. These plans are already prepared for us. Therefore, all you have to do is to receive these revelations and plans for your life by faith.

Second. He was able to overcome the opposition of the surrounding reality and at the same time continued to build the ark.

“By faith Noah received a revelation of things not yet seen...” (Hebrews 11:7).

No one had ever seen the ark before, much less built it. And Noah was able to create the revelation that he received from God. He was able to build the ark, despite the pressure from others. He managed to overcome public opinion, tear his gaze away from reality and see the invisible. The ability to see the unseen is something that God greatly values.

Third, what led to success was careful, scrupulous adherence to God's plan.

“Make yourself an ark of gopher wood, make compartments in the ark, and coat it with pitch inside and outside. And make it this way: the length of the ark is three hundred cubits; its width is fifty cubits, and its height is thirty cubits. And you shall make a hole in the ark, and make a cubit at the top, and make a door to the ark at its side. Make in it a lower, a second, and a third [dwelling]” (Genesis 6:14-16).

Sometimes we have a general idea of ​​what God is saying, but we don't even bother to look into the details. This is very dangerous because we will not be able to move towards God's purpose. Details are a path that must be overcome step by step. Without scrupulously following God's plan, you will not achieve your goal. Someone, for example, dreams of building a hospital. But for this to happen, you need to see where this hospital will be located, how many people it will accommodate, what building material you need, whether the project is suitable... There are many questions that need professional answers.

Look, God gave Noah precise construction instructions that would allow him to build the ark step by step. If Noah had not been obedient to the word he received from God, instead of the ark he could have ended up with a completely different creation of human hands. So know that by following God's plan, you will undoubtedly move closer to success.

So, don't forget to pay attention to details.

“Bring also into the ark [of every livestock, and of every creeping thing, and] of every living creature, and of every flesh, two by one, so that they may remain alive with you; Let them be male and female. Of [all] birds according to their kind, and of [all] livestock according to their kind, and of every creeping thing on the earth according to their kind, of all of them two by two will come in to you, to remain alive with you, male and female]. Take for yourself all the food that people eat, and gather it for you. And it will be food for you and for them." And Noah did everything as [the Lord] God commanded him, and so he did" (Genesis 6:19-22).

Imagine if Noah had somehow generally carried out the instructions from God, what inevitable consequences this could have led to! For example, he knew that it was necessary to take animals on the ark, but did not pay attention to the fact that there should be a pair for each creature, and decided to fill the ark with any animals or, for example, only sheep. If this happened, the flood would destroy the entire animal world. As you can see, paying attention to details is very important. The success of any enterprise depends on this.

Fourth What made Noah great was that he was obedient. For many years he continued to obey God and built the ark. Obedience to what God has shown you will give you the same result that Noah had. You will be successful.

It’s not enough to just believe; you need to create your dream step by step and go towards what you see. You can't just proclaim faith and do nothing. If Noah had simply believed God that there would be a flood without starting to build the ark, he would have died. Moreover, humanity would have no future. But thanks to Noah's obedience, you and I are alive.


So, what is the greatness of Noah, why did God honor him? What does the Lord value, and why was Noah able to become great, although there were many more decent and pious people than him? Why did Noah become great? This was facilitated by another important aspect - Noah had the fear of God, thanks to which he fulfilled his destiny. The fear of the Lord preserved him and allowed him to reach the end.

It is written: “By faith Noah, having received a revelation of things not yet seen, fearfully prepared an ark for the salvation of his house...” (Hebrews 11:7, emphasis added).

Reverence is the fear of God, which helped Noah to cling to God.

You know, it's difficult, God didn't come to Noah every year. No. Perhaps God came once every decade, or in general the Lord only told Noah about the flood once. And all these years he had to be focused on building the ark. And for this you need the fear of God. Therefore, if you want to become great, you need the fear of God. And then God's promises will be fulfilled in your life.


Noah is the man thanks to whom humanity survived.

Noah gained greatness in the eyes of God because he believed in the seemingly impossible.

God evaluates a person not by works, but by faith, through which the ability to walk before God is manifested.

Noah was able to take his eyes off reality and by faith receive revelation about the future.

It is necessary to overcome the opposition to the surrounding reality.

It is important to follow God's plan even in small things.

It is very important to pay attention to details. The success of any enterprise depends on this.

Obedience to what God has shown you will lead you to success.

Through the fear of God you will fulfill your destiny.

Chapter 6



Many people live one day at a time and often do not even suspect which path they are following. But this is not how Christians should be.

“He showed His ways to Moses, and to the children of Israel His works” (Psalm 103:7).

The majority of believers, like the people of Israel, see the works of God, and a few, like Moses, see the ways. How are these two concepts different? What's the difference between them?

When you know how another person thinks, how he acts, how he lives, what his character, principles and lifestyle are, it means that you know the person's ways. And the things that the Israelites saw were the signs and wonders with which the Lord accompanied them.

Many witnessed God perform the ten signs in Egypt through Moses to free his people. But no one except Moses knew what needed to be done for God to reproduce such miracles. When the next problem came, the people began to grumble, because the situation they found themselves in seemed hopeless to them. They did not know what to do, forgetting that there is an Almighty God who is able to part the Red Sea, give them water from the rock or manna from heaven.

Only Moses understood what needed to be done. When the people despaired, Moses knew what to do. When the people of Israel grumbled, Moses stood before God with faith and waited for His action.

God needed a man who knew Him. God needed a person who could turn to Him. A person who could please Him.

Who are you? To those who see, know and experience God's works? Or a person who wants to know God's ways?

It is better to be knowledgeable in God's ways, because that is the kind of person who produces God's works. And the one who knows the works, but not the ways, will not be able to independently perform a miracle.

Whenever you see God doing a miracle, at that moment you just need to focus on God and investigate this work of God. A journey through the history of the people of Israel will help you understand what led to the miracle that God performed. How people behaved, what God did, and at what moment the miracle happened. Analyze all this and see His ways.


The path to a miracle can be long. Let’s say you can pray fervently, but understand that God does not answer the call of your heart. You pray about a problem, wander in the desert and do not receive deliverance, God seems to not want to solve anything. By observing such a situation, you can understand God more deeply and discover Him in a completely new light. As you examine the matter, you will realize that He teaches you His ways, but you only know His works.

Therefore, you should take a closer look at the life of Moses and understand that his mission was to deliver the people from slavery, so God revealed His ways to him.

If you want to bring deliverance and become a liberator for the people, your reputation before God is first important. When you kneel before God, tell me, is this just a law for you, a tribute to fashion, or will the Lord still see your contrite heart and soul, which you agree to lay down for people? God doesn't need religious people; He wants the fire of love for people to burn in your heart.

If you carefully read Deuteronomy 9, you will realize that Moses did more than just pray. He had a prayer of fire. He stood in the gap and fought for the future of the people of Israel, while not agreeing with the decision of God Himself, who was going to destroy this stiff-necked people. Do you dare to disagree with God’s opinion, and besides, will you persistently demand that He cancel His sentence? Can you fight God? Will you wrestle in spirit with God? Do you stand and fight like Jacob, or do you give up? How long can you resist? Day, week, month, forty days?

Moses was a man who could stand before God as long as necessary and persevere in waiting for the required result. He interceded for the people and at the same time was in God's presence only in order, firstly, simply to be alone with Him, to know Him more deeply and absorb His glory into himself, and secondly, to release God's mercy for the people and become liberator for the Israelis. By having a prayer life like Moses', you gain weight in God's eyes and He begins to respect you because all your actions are aimed at helping people, being their deliverer and being in God's presence, giving Him all the glory and honor.

Only such a life position will help you to be powerful before God. Amazing miracles begin to happen. A radiance flows from you, like from Moses, who descended from the mountains after communicating with the Creator. You can look simple, ordinary, inconspicuous. But when you start speaking, people will see the difference between what you say and what other people say. Because you have weight in the spirit, and through your prayer God's presence comes.


To be a deliverer and Moses to any nation, you must decide to be fully baptized into the life of the people.

“...I prayed as before forty days and forty nights...” (Deuteronomy 10:18).

You need to love this people so much that your own life becomes insignificant for you, and you are ready to sacrifice it for the sake of saving the people.

If you are willing to give your life, then you will easily fast or pray, interceding before God for the people. You will be ready to sacrifice whatever is necessary for the people. Your life will be dedicated to these people. You will fight for them until your last drop of blood. And all this only in order to achieve one goal - to become a liberator.

“And [a second time] I cast myself down before the Lord, and prayed as if in righteousness...” (Deuteronomy 9:18).

Why did Moses continually return to God and pray all the time? Look at Moses. He had just finished forty days of fasting and prayer and heard from God that there was no chance for the people of Israel to be saved. What did he do after that? Moses began to pray and fast again. And this again lasted forty days! This is the only way to become a deliverer for the people - to agree only with this salvation and liberation, and with nothing else.

Moses was so baptized into his people, as much as he was in love with this people, that for their sake he was ready to work from morning to night and pray as much as necessary. He agreed to belittle himself, to humiliate himself, if necessary. He was ready to fight. He wanted to do everything to make these people feel good! Just so that awakening and salvation come!

We often think that we worry about our people, that we love them. But sometimes it’s just self-deception! If you truly love the people, then you will beg them to repent and be reconciled to the Lord. Don't be afraid to be radical. Start doing something. Don't rest until you see changes. Find the cause of the people's suffering.


Are you able to defend the rights of the people before God when He has already decided to destroy them?

“And the Lord said to me: [“I told you once and again]: I see this people, behold, they are a stiff-necked people; do not hold Me back, and I will destroy them and blot out their name from under heaven, and from you I will make a people who He will be greater, stronger and more numerous than they are" (Deuteronomy 9:13-14).

Not only was Moses the deliverer of Israel from slavery in Egypt, but he also defended the people of Israel before the Lord when they strayed from God's path. It was only because of Moses that God suspended His judgments and showed mercy to Israel.

“And the Lord said to me: [“I told you once and again]: I see this people, behold, they are a stiff-necked people; do not hold Me back, and I will destroy them and blot out their name from under heaven, and from you I will make a people who there will be more, stronger and more numerous than them." I turned and left the mountain, and the mountain was burning with fire; The two tablets of the covenant were in both my hands. And I saw that you sinned against the Lord your God, you made for yourself a molten calf, and you quickly turned away from the path that the Lord commanded you to keep; And I took both tables, and threw them out of both my hands, and broke them before your eyes. And [a second time] I prostrated myself before the Lord, and prayed as before for forty days and forty nights, without eating bread or drinking water, for all your sins which you have committed, having done evil in the sight of the Lord [your God], and having provoked His; for I was afraid of the anger and rage with which the Lord was angry with you and wanted to destroy you, and the Lord listened to me this time too. And the Lord was very angry with Aaron and wanted to destroy him; but I also prayed for Aaron at that time. But your sin that you committed—the calf—I took, burned it in the fire, smashed it, and ground it all down until it became fine as dust, and I threw the dust into the stream flowing from the mountain” (Deuteronomy 9:13-19).

Every nation needs a deliverer. But being a deliverer is not so easy! You can claim that you are a deliverer, but if in fact you are not, then these will be just the empty words of a frivolous person.


Moses was the true deliverer. He was so great before God that he was able to protect and justify an entire people before Him! He was so great before God that he completely covered Israel and was responsible for this people before the Lord. Thanks to this prophet, God changed His mind.

God said: “This is the most cruel people, so they must be destroyed!” But Moses did not agree with this, he argued and proved to God that this should not be done! When God was disappointed in the whole people, there was a man who decided to be a deliverer not in words, but in deeds. He stood before God's face, won the fate of an entire people and refused to accept defeat! Moses didn't want to hear "no" from God! He believed that the Israeli people had a future. And God was simply forced to listen to Moses’ request and postpone His judgment. And all this happened because Moses was great before God, and the Lord respected him and also listened to his opinion.

Each of us, like Moses in his time, who freed an entire people from slavery, was sent by God into the world to become a liberator for some people.

Why have we become so ineffective and ineffective? Our problem is that we have not risen to where God reigns! We are not at His throne of grace. We do not cry out to heaven and do not long for the Lord to shake the earth through us and radically change the world around us!

There is no people that cannot be conquered for God, it is simply necessary for Moses to take it and do it.

Every believer should have a certain weight before God. How much weight does your opinion have before God? Does God respect you? Does He take your opinion into account? If the answer is yes, then through your prayers many people can be liberated.


God showed Moses that sin stood between Him and the people. This is where the problem was hidden. Do not forget that only sin can separate you from God, there is no other reason. But the issue of sin can become insignificant if there is a person who will take responsibility for the nation! If you can take responsibility for a city or country and stand in the gap before God, sin will lose its power. Consequently, the distance separating people and God will decrease.

An entire city or even a country is set free from the bondage of sin when there is a person who can stand in the gap and pray for deliverance day after day. Now, and indeed, as before, the question remains urgent for believers: why is there no awakening and revival in America, England, Ukraine, Russia, Holland and many other countries? The fact is that sin stands between God and the people. God says: “The people have sinned, for this reason I can no longer do anything - sin stands between us.” God needs a person who will agree to intercede for the people, stand in the gap for them and, in the end, like Moses once, will lead this people out of the slavery of sin.

How serious are you before God? Make the decision to take responsibility for someone else's destiny and you will gain authority with God. If you do something for the benefit of people, God begins to respect you, He considers your opinion, and you become great before God. It is not easy. But it is better to live for people than for yourself.

Unfortunately, not everyone has the thirst for change for the people. You want a big church, but you don't pray for the nations. You need to take the example of the Apostle Paul, who said that it would be better for him to die, for God to blot out his name from the Book of Life, than for him to know that his people, Israel, would not be saved.

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It is well known that the most striking and noticeable is the external position of a person - her place and role in the surrounding world and society. But external greatness is worth almost nothing if it does not rely on the inner strength of a person, on the qualities of his character, which, regardless of external position, in themselves constitute human greatness. And what is the spiritual greatness of a person? I believe that first of all - in the human mind, but not only in it.

The soul of every person is also majestic, and this greatness is not so bright and can be completely invisible at first glance. We always treat with love those people who sincerely believe and truly love those who are distinguished by fidelity to their duties, tenderness and kindness towards loved ones, selflessness, generosity and selflessness. A striking example of the spiritual greatness of people can be the heroes of A. Gonchar’s novel “The Cathedral,” the main theme of which is the depiction of spiritual beauty, the exposure of negative manifestations in human relationships and the preservation of the “cathedrals” of the soul. The heroes of the novel appear to readers as majestic, spiritually rich people with pure thoughts. While developing, a person must improve not only his mental abilities, otherwise it will destroy morality and become cruel, callous and selfish.

Man, humanity, humanity - these cognate words mean something unusual, specific and majestic. Each of us considers himself a real person, but those around him do not always think so. Not everyone is able to understand this, but they are born just a person, and you can only become a real person with a capital “H”. And a large layer of ordinary people who are not capable of achieving human greatness is proof of this.

The lifestyle we choose permeates our existence like a red ribbon until the end of our days. If you look closely, in our society, most people understand the importance of observing moral and ethical standards and striving to achieve the desired results. This is how human greatness can be achieved. And that’s not all, because it depends only on us whether they will call him a great man or not. Only we ourselves are capable of making decisions and in any cases acting according to our own understanding, or even going against everyone, showing our soul, exposing it to others and withstanding all this. Some of us can live like this, can go against the grain, overcome all the obstacles in our path and change our self. Some of us are able to prove that we are right, the feasibility of any invention, and defend the sacred right to our lives.

Today there is even a science that deals with the problems of social development and studies the relationships between people, between each individual and society, and also aims to study the human spiritual world. But no science can evaluate the true greatness of a person, for these are the privileges of those close to her and her acquaintances. Only a real person is able to overcome all the obstacles in his path, sometimes seem, sometimes rest, but again and again get up and climb up. In my opinion, the greatness of a person is synonymous with the title of a real person. In addition, the greatness of a person lies not in career, not in fame and not in luxury, but in the perfection and generosity of the soul. Therefore, for the greatness of man, both moral and mental, there is a limitless field of human activity and its constant development. But moral greatness is still broader, because it is accessible to everyone, while the heights of mental greatness are the lot of the talented.