Saints names of women by month. Choosing a name for the child. Naming in the Orthodox Church

Saints. Choosing a name according to the calendar (church calendar)

Once upon a time, our ancestors did not think much about what name to choose for a newborn. They came to the temple, and the priest, opening the calendar, offered them several names of saints, whose memory is honored on the baby’s birthday.

Saints (Monthly) is a church calendar in which all the holidays and memorial days of saints are indicated.

The calendar contains mainly names with Latin, Hebrew or Greek roots.

In the modern world, parents often argue when choosing a name, because mom, for example, likes the name Apollo, and dad likes Sunny. But choosing a name is a serious matter. It is given to a person once and for the rest of his life.

But every year more and more old names began to appear, chosen according to the calendar. This depends not only on the desire of the parents to name the baby a rare name, but also on the fact that the number of believers is growing every day. The Orthodox tradition of giving a person a name is being revived.

When choosing a name according to the calendar, it is better to be guided by the following simple rules:

1) It is best to give the name of the saint whose memory is honored on the child’s birthday. Those. - first day. Most often, the memory of not one saint, but sometimes even a large number, is celebrated on one day;

2) if on the birthday of a boy (girl) they do not celebrate the memory of male (female) saints, or you don’t like any of the names, then you can choose the name of the saint whose memory is celebrated on the 8th day from birth, because on this day in ancient times given the name because the number eight is a symbol of eternity;

3) if you couldn’t choose a name on the first or eighth day, then look at the period up to 40 days from birth. On this day, the child is supposed to be brought to church to perform the sacrament of Holy Baptism, and a cleansing prayer is read to the mother, after which she can return to church life again, begin confession and communion;

4) name as stated above. It is given once at baptism, and does not change again, even if the person changes the name in the passport, which sometimes happens. The only exceptions can be monastic vows or a change of faith;

5) It happens, on purpose or by accident, that a baptized person has two names: the worldly one and the one given at baptism. This can happen if the parents gave a name that was not included in the calendar, i.e. it is not Orthodox. Then the priest selects a name that is close in meaning and consonant with the worldly. This does not mean at all that he now has two Guardian Angels;

6) while in church, one must remember the Orthodox name;

7) when choosing a name, you should not be sad that this saint was not a venerable man, but a martyr. This has absolutely no effect on a person’s fate;

8) if the memory of a saint is honored several times a year, then Angel's Day - Name Day - is the closest in date to his birthday, but after it;

9) If somehow it turned out that a non-Orthodox name was given at baptism, then a new, Orthodox name is chosen, prayers of permission are read, but only after confession and during Communion of the Holy Mysteries. This is when, approaching the Chalice, a person names a new name, which will become his.

Modern parents are increasingly choosing a name for their child responsibly. The question of how to choose the most successful name for a child occupies the minds of young mothers and fathers. After all, the name is our most important companion on the path of life. It’s no longer a secret that it influences the formation of personality and the choice of life purpose.

Choose a name - choose your destiny

Choosing the right name for a baby is not an easy process. By choosing a strange or dissonant name, parents doom their daughter or son to the ridicule of their peers. The semantic meaning of the future name is also important, which always has a special energy, thereby purposefully influencing the formation of character.

It is believed that, having given the parents a child on a certain day, the Lord already tells him what to name him. The name is the main and very first property of a person, his spiritual component.

What to name the child? Names range from the common to the most unusual. They say that the more unique a name is, the more likely its owner is to stand out from the crowd. Such people often break the stereotypes accepted in society, become leaders, and lead a team.

Nowadays, mothers and fathers often name their child after their parents, or name their son or daughter after a relative, close friend, or deceased loved one. But before you do this, think about it. The child will grow up and find out that he was named after his father's childhood friend. The baby may feel that his own personality is not so important. In addition, there is a belief that this way you can transfer the karma of the deceased to the child.

Shouldn't we look at the calendar?

Among the many options to choose from, an old tradition accepted in Rus' is becoming increasingly popular - choosing a name according to the church calendar. It is generally accepted that along with the name, a newborn acquires his own guardian angel, who will take care of and protect the ward throughout his life’s journey.

Supporters of choosing a name according to the calendar are usually believers. They believe that the saint after whom the baby is named becomes his personal protector in heaven. That is why the ancient custom of choosing a child’s name according to the church calendar, where each day has its own patron saint, has a deep meaning.

In the current year 2014, according to the horoscope, there is a high probability of the birth of a large number of creative, extraordinary people. Let's turn to the saints. At first glance, most of the options offered by the church calendar are of little use for modern children. Names such as Emelyan, Savva, Prokhor, Gerasim are unlikely to arouse the enthusiasm of parents.

But if you look around carefully and remember all your friends who last years If you have children, you will be surprised how often babies are called by Russian names. This is truly fashion of the 21st century.

It is often unclear what motivates parents more - a return to Orthodox roots or an attempt to be original and stand out from their peers. Sometimes parents compromise, because older relatives often insist on choosing a name according to the church calendar.

What our ancestors did

The tradition of choosing a name according to the calendar dates back many centuries. In those days, parents did not have the right to name their child independently. The church calendar regulated what name a baby born on a certain day could be given. Moreover, the name was chosen only after birth. The parents of the newborn did not think about what to name the child - according to the church calendar or something else. They came to church, and the priest offered to choose one of the names of Christian saints.

In former times, people did not dare to go against the church. If it turned out that only one saint was revered on the day the child was born, the parents had no choice. Later these restrictions were no longer so strict. If there was no saint on the specified day or the names were not liked at all, it was allowed to take the name of the saint who “appeared” in the coming days.

If, in the opinion of the parents, there was nothing suitable on the calendar these days, they could choose a name in the next 8-40 days. Thus, the list of acceptable names expanded significantly, and the problem of choosing a name for the child did not arise.

In the old days, all parents wanted their children to receive the protection of the saints. Everyone wanted to give their son or daughter a heavenly patron who would guide him throughout his life’s journey, protect him from evil spirits and help him in everything.

Even under Soviet rule, children managed to be baptized and given church names. Often the sacrament of baptism was performed far from home, for example, in a village with relatives.

What are saints

The calendar is a list of names of saints revered in the Orthodox world. As a rule, several female and male names were associated with each day of the church calendar. Parents could choose their favorite one.

The Orthodox calendar contains names of Slavic, Greek, Latin, and Hebrew origin. Previously, truly church names were given only at baptism; over time, they acquired a more convenient sound for the Russian ear. Many of them have an Old Church Slavonic pronunciation (for example, Yuri is a “secular” version of the name George).

According to V.I. Dahl’s dictionary, the month book is a calendar in which church, as well as civil significance every month and day throughout the year.

Monthly words were officially used until the 1917 revolution. Under Soviet rule, with the beginning of the persecution of the church, this tradition was abandoned. New names for children have appeared, often formed from several words - modern concepts. Many of them were artificial and difficult to pronounce, such as Dazdrasen (or Long live the seventh of November).

But in recent years, parents are increasingly turning to the Orthodox calendar, although for many of them this is just a tribute to modern fashion, according to which an ancient name is the last word. Therefore, among modern babies you can often find Laurus, Varvara, Pelageya, Efim, etc.

Most of the names contained in the calendar are male. That is, it is much easier to choose boys’ names according to the church calendar than girls’ names. And in total there are about 1700 of them. Many names have already fallen out of use and seem modern people funny and discordant.

Saints - who are they?

Who are these saints, whose names are forever included in the Orthodox calendar?

According to legend, they were especially revered by various religions for their piety, righteousness and wisdom. The phrase “holy martyrs” tells us that the saints were subjected to endless persecution, persecution and torment. It was precisely by their steadfastness, unshakable faith, and ability to withstand any test that these people earned the eternal glory of holy martyrs and were canonized.

Thus, one of the most revered saints is Nicholas the Wonderworker, the patron saint of sailors. The day of his death - December 19 - became St. Nicholas Day. The tradition of celebrating a saint's day on the day of his death is widespread in Christianity, although there are exceptions.

Naming children according to the calendar is a tradition not only of Orthodox Christians, but also of other peoples, and the Slavs are no exception here. People have always believed that, having received the name of a saint, the baby will live a long, happy life. At the same time, they tried not to name children after the great martyrs, so as not to condemn them to a similar fate.

According to other traditions, the child could be named after the saint who was especially revered in the family, or the name of a particularly revered relative. Most often, the names of saints were proposed, taken from the next three days from the birth of the baby, according to the testament of Theophan the Recluse, who proclaimed the possibility of naming the child after the saint who was revered in the interval between the physical birth of the baby and his baptism.

There are certain rules according to which you should choose a name according to the calendar. It would be more correct to consider not the day the baby was born, but the eighth day from the moment of birth. Previously, in Orthodox Rus', it was on this day that a child was baptized, naming it with the name of a certain saint.

If you don’t have a suitable name for any of these days, don’t try to strictly adhere to formalities. It happens that parents reach out to a certain name with all their hearts. It happens that the name comes to the mother in a dream. Orthodoxy does not at all reject this method of choice, so you may well listen to yourself and your own feelings.

If you still can’t decide, find a special book - a monthly book, where all Orthodox names are listed by date and month.

How to name a child according to the church calendar or according to the calendar correctly? You need to purchase a church calendar in advance, where the names of all the saints are listed in order. This calendar has more than 1,100 names, that is, for each day there are several different names, which simplifies the task for parents.

Select either the eighth or the fortieth day from the child’s date of birth (since baptism was also allowed in Rus' on the fortieth day). From the proposed list, it makes sense to choose names that are most consonant with the baby’s middle name and last name.

What to consider when choosing a name

Before naming your child according to the church calendar, think carefully. When choosing a name, remember that it will leave a huge mark on his fate and character. Before you finally decide on the choice of name, study its meaning in all available dictionaries, choose the appropriate child’s name based on the date of birth. Also, do not forget to check it for compatibility with your last and patronymic names, religion and other important circumstances.

When choosing girls' names according to the church calendar, you should discard male options. For a long time, such a choice has been considered unsuccessful, allegedly leaving a male imprint on the character and fate of the newborn. It is common to believe that “male” names for a female child (Victoria, Alexandra, Evgenia, Valeria) bring a difficult fate for its owner, many difficulties and obstacles. It is also not recommended to choose a name from previous days.

The approval of relatives is important in this matter, so it is worth consulting with them in advance. Of course, it is impossible to please everyone, but it is better if the names for children chosen by parents are approved by the majority of relatives. This will have a beneficial effect on their attitude towards children in general.

If parents are not particularly delighted with the prospect of naming their child with an old and not always convenient name, but want to make concessions to the older generation, they can choose a name for their son or daughter of their own free will, but during the christening choose another one, according to the calendar.

Name day

In the future, the calendar day on which the choice of the newborn’s name occurred is considered the day of his angel or name day. On this day, it is customary to visit the temple and pray for the health of the chosen saint. Many people confuse concepts such as angel day, birthday and name day. Often people congratulate people on their birthday and vice versa. In fact, name day means the day of remembrance of the saint whose name the baby bears. Another name for them is angel day (or namesake day). Previously, these days most often coincided, now this happens rarely, however, many celebrate the day of the angel along with the usual birthday.

Name days in ancient times were celebrated by the whole world, but the actual birthday of the child was not given much importance. Thus, the baptism of a child was considered a more important holiday. The names assigned at baptism do not change throughout life, with the exception of cases of tonsure as a monk or a change of religion.

The saint becomes the heavenly patron of the baby after the baptismal ceremony. It is believed that the guardian angel prays to God for his ward and protects him from harm. His prayers are more pleasing to God than the prayers of us sinners.

The name given at baptism accompanies a person throughout his life and even after death. This name is used to remember the deceased in prayers for the repose of the soul.

Other days in memory of the saint are called small name days. If a child is given a non-Orthodox name, during the baptismal ceremony a consonant Orthodox version is most often chosen.

Name and Zodiac sign

Whether you choose a child's name based on the date of birth or not, it is worth checking it for compatibility with the sign of the Zodiac, and even better - that it slightly adjusts the effect of this sign. For example, for a boy born under the sign of fire (Aries, Sagittarius, Leo), it is better to choose a name with a predominance of vowels that soften a hard character (for example, Ilya or Pavel).

Representatives of the water elements (Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer) require a name that encourages decisive action, since these children are often inert and slow.

Earth signs (Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus) sometimes lack creativity. In this case, it is better to choose a name that stimulates creativity.

Air signs (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini) are shown names that carry determination and a strong position in life.

Don’t choose name options that are either too rare or too popular. The best choice- a moderately common name. If you need to make adjustments to the child’s character already in the process of life and upbringing, you can use a shortened version of the name that has a firmer or, conversely, softened sound (for example, Dmitry - Mitya).

Mistakes of modern parents

Since there are many saints with the same names in the Orthodox calendar, some parents mistakenly celebrate their child’s name day several times a year. Actually this is wrong. Each person has the same name day, just like his birthday, and they are celebrated only on the day of “their” saint.

In addition, many people confuse the concept of a guardian angel and a saint in whose name the child is baptized. According to church canons, a guardian angel is given by God to a newborn on the day of baptism.

Church calendar and modern times

The calendar continues to be replenished to this day. At first glance, the choice of names from the monthly book is very monotonous, but this is not so. Although many of the names have an outdated form and are not suitable for modern life, parents sometimes give the baby the most strange and dissonant names in order to stand out from the crowd. Thus, they go against the traditions of their ancestors, who tried to avoid strange and unclaimed names.

Both the names of girls according to the church calendar and the names of boys are quite diverse and there is always the opportunity to choose a classic, beautiful and euphonious name.

Nowadays, modern parents often give their children a double name - both secular and ecclesiastical. Sometimes this is done intentionally, sometimes it happens by accident. If at birth the baby was given a name that is not Orthodox, parents who come to baptize the child in church usually find out that the name given to the baby has an Orthodox version that is consistent with the passport name.

It is believed that an Orthodox Christian must have two names - secular and church.

In any case, choosing a name for a newborn is a purely personal matter for the parents. The main thing in this matter is love for the baby and concern for his future. We are only trying to explain how one can combine personal preferences with truly Orthodox values ​​that have deep meaning. Good luck to you, dear parents, happiness and health to your baby!

When choosing a name for a newborn, it is important to find out is it in the calendar, what names can be used at baptism. It is also very useful to figure out what the name you choose means (translated into Russian), look at the full list of diminutive (short) forms of the name, find out its place in p. name popularity rating. This is exactly what this guide was created for.“A Thousand Names” (look through the trial copy). If you find this book useful, in 2-3 days you will be able to hold it in your hands! (more information).

Birthday calendar. Women's names.Male names

January February March/April - June /July - September /October - December

On this page you can choose a name for baptism (godfather or baptismal name).

Here are the most famous and "popular" saints.

Some saints have several memorial days a year (2-3), which means there are several name days!

January. Names in alphabetical order:

Amelia, Amalia (see Emilia)

Anisya, Anisiya, godname: Anisiya

Apollinaria, godname: Apollinaria

Holy Venerable Apollinaria of Egypt, January 5/18

Notes: 1) St. Apollinaria had the gift of healing and miracles; carried out monastic service in a male form under the name Dorotheus, only after her death it turned out that she was a woman; 2) the name Apollinaria is sometimes chosen as a godfather for the name Polina

Apraxia (see Eupraxia)

Bogdana, Bozena (see Fedora)

Vasilisa, Vasilina, godname: Vasilisa

Holy Martyr Basilissa of Egypt, January 8/21

Dana (see Fedora)

D o mnika, Domnika, Dominika, godname: Domnika

Holy Venerable Domnica of Constantinople, January 8/21

Evgenia, godname: Evgenia

Eupraxia, Apraxia, godname: Eupraxia

Holy Venerable Eupraxia (Euphrasia) of Constantinople, Tavenskaya, Elder, January 12/25

Claudia, godname: Claudia

Leonia, Leonida, Leontina, godname: Leonilla

Holy Martyr Leonilla (Neonilla) of Langonia, January 16/29

Note: the name Leonilla can also be recommended as a godfather for the “non-calendar” name Eleanor (by “consonance”)

Maria, godname: Maria

Holy Venerable Mary of Radonezh (mother of St. Sergius of Radonezh), this saint has two days of remembrance per year: January 18/31, as well as September 28/October 11 (respectively, two birthday days)

Melania, Melania, godname: Melania

Notes: 1) the Russian folk forms of the name, now out of use, were Malaniya and Malanya, 2) the names Melania and Melanya should not be confused with the names Milena and Milana, which have a different origin.

Nastasya (see Anastasia)

Nina, godname: Nina

Saint Equal to the Apostles Nina, enlightener of Georgia, January 14/27

Ruslana, godmother's Orthodox name: absent

Note: In the Orthodox calendar there is no name Ruslan; a suitable name for baptism may well be the name Leonilla, since its meaning is “lion”, “lioness” (Greek)

Holy Martyr Leonilla (Neonilla) of Langonia, January 16/29 (optional)

Tatiana, godmother Orthodox name: Tatiana

Holy Martyr Tatiana of Rome, January 12/25

Ulyana (see Yuliana)

Fedora, Theodora (and also Bogdana, Dana, Bozhena, Dora), godname: Theodora

Holy Venerable Theodora of Caesarea, December 30 / January 12
- Saint Theodora of Constantinople (Constantinople), December 30 / January 12
Note: The name Theodora is not popular, but it may well serve as a godfather for such passport names as Bogdana, Dana, Bozhena (according to the general meaning of the name). The name Dora can also be considered as a passport name (as a truncation of the name Theodore)

Emilia, Emma (and also Amelia, Amalia), godname: Emilia

Holy Venerable Emilia of Caesarea (mother of Basil the Great), January 1/14

Note: The names Amalia and Amelia have a different origin, from the ancient German amal, amala - “hardworking”, “diligent”, “tireless”, but due to the similarity of sound it is good to use the godname Emilia for them

Holy Righteous Juliana Lazarevskaya, Murom, January 2/15
- Holy Martyr Juliana of Nicomedia, December 21 / January 3

Holy Blessed Princess Juliana of Vyazemskaya, martyr; this saint has two memorial days a year: December 21 / January 3, as well as June 2 / 15 (respectively, two birthday days)

January. Names by calendar days:

(dates according to new style)

3. Yuliana + Yulianna + Ulyana

4. Anastasia + Nastasya

6. Evgenia; Claudia

10. Agafia + Agafya + Agata

12. Anisya + Anisiya; Fedora + Theodora (and also Bogdana, Dana, Bozena, Dora)

13. Melania + Melania

14. Emilia + Emma (and Amelia, Amalia)

15. Yuliana + Yulianna + Ulyana

18. Apollinaria + Polina

21. Vasilisa + Vasilina; Domnika + Domni ka + Domini ka

25. Eupraxia + Apraxia; Tatiana

27. Nina

29. Leonia + Leonida + Leontina + Leonilla (and also Eleanor, Ruslana)

31. Maria + Marya (and also Marietta, Marietta)

February. Names in alphabetical order:

(the first date is according to the church calendar, the second is according to the new style)

Agathia, Agafya, Agata, godname: Agathia

Holy Martyr Agathia of Sicily, Palermo, February 5/18

Agnia, Agnessa, Inessa, godname: Agnia

Aksinya (see Ksenia)

Anna, godname: Anna

Holy Blessed Princess Anna of Novgorod (otherwise - Venerable Anna of Novgorod), February 10/23
- holy righteous Anna the Prophetess (daughter of Phanuel), February 3/16, as well as August 28/September 10

Afanasia, godname: Afanasia

Bogdana, Bozena (see Fedora)

Valentina, godname: Valentina

Holy Martyr Valentina of Caesarea (otherwise - Valentina of Palestine), February 10/23

Note: In recent years, the names Vitalin and Vitaly have been increasingly registered. Obviously, these are analogues of the male name Vitaly, which comes from the Latin vitalis (that is, “full of life,” “living,” “giving life”). Valentina could be a good godname for Vitalina and Vitalia - both in general meaning and in sound

Galina, godname: Galina

Holy Righteous Galina, February 10/23

Dana (see Fedora)

Dorothea, Dora, godname: Dorothea

Holy Martyr Dorothea of ​​Caesarea (from Cappadocia), February 6/19

Eudoxia, godname: Eudoxia

Eusevia, godname: Eusevia

Holy Venerable Eusevia of Milas (after baptism she received the name Xenia), January 24 / February 6

Zoya, godname: Zoya

Holy Venerable Zoe of Bethlehem, February 13/26

Inessa (see Agnia)

Inna, godname: Inna

Holy Martyr Inna Novodunsky, Slav, January 20 / February 2, and also June 20 / July 3

Note: the patron saint is the martyr Inna; in Russia the names Inna, Rimma and Pinna are considered feminine, but in the calendar they are contained in the section “Male names”

Holy Martyr Christina of Caesarea, February 6/19

Ksenia, Aksinya, Oksana, godname: Ksenia

Holy Venerable Xenia of Milas, January 24 / February 6
- Holy Blessed Xenia of Petersburg, January 24 / February 6, as well as May 24 / June 6

Maria, godname: Maria

Holy Venerable Mary of Constantinople, January 26 / February 8
- Holy Martyr Mary of Asia, February 6/19
Note: Possible passport forms of the name could also be Marya and Marietta (Marietta)

Martha, Martha, Martina, godname: Martha

Holy Martyr Martha of Asia, February 6/19

Oksana (see Ksenia)

Pelagia, godname: Pelagia

Polina, godname: Pavla

Holy Martyr Paula of Caesarea, February 10/23

Note: sometimes the name Apollinaria is taken as a godname for Polina (see January)

Rimma, godname: Rimma

Holy Martyr Rimma Novodunsky, Slav, January 20 / February 2, also June 20 / July 3

Note: the patron saint is the martyr Rimma; in Russia the names Inna, Rimma and Pinna are considered feminine, but in the calendar they are contained in the section “Male names”

Svetlana, godname: Svetlana (Photinia)

Holy Venerable Photinia (Svetlana) of Palestine (5th century), February 13/26

Holy Righteous Theodora, Queen of Greece (who restored the veneration of icons) (867 AD), February 11/24

Christina (see Christina)

Felicia, godname: Felicata

Feoktista, godname: Feoktista

February. Names by calendar days:

(dates according to new style)

2. Inna; Rimma

3. Agnia + Agnessa + Inessa

6. Eusebia; Ksenia + Aksinya + Oksana

7. Felicia

8. Maria + Marya (and also Marietta, Marietta)

12. Pelagia

13. Athanasia; Eudoxia; Theoktista

16. Anna

18. Agafia + Agafya + Agata

19. Dorothea + Dora;Christina + Christina; Maria + Marya (and also Marietta, Marietta); Martha + Martha + Martina

23. Anna; Valentina (and also Vitalina, Vitalia); Galina; Pauline

24. Fedora + Theodora (and also Bogdan, Dana, Bozena, Dora)

26. Zoya; Svetlana

March. Names in alphabetical order:

(the first date is according to the church calendar, the second is according to the new style)

Avdotya (see Evdokia)

Alena (see Elena)

Anastasia, Nastasya, godname: Anastasia

Holy Venerable Anastasia Patricia (Constantinople, Alexandria), March 10/23

Antonina, Antonia, Antonida, godname: Antonina

Holy Martyr Antonina of Nicaea, March 1/14, and also June 13/26

Bogdana, Bozena (see Fedora)

Victoria (see Nika)

Galina, godname: Galina

Holy Martyr Galina of Corinth, March 10/23, and also April 16/29

Dana (see Fedora)

Evdokia, Avdotya, godname: Evdokia

Holy Martyr Evdokia Iliopolskaya, March 1/14

Elena, Alena (also Elina, Nelly, Lina, Ilona), godname: Elena

Holy Equal to the Apostles Queen Helen of Constantinople, March 6/19, as well as May 21/June 3
Notes: 1) the godname Elena is also a good option (by consonance) for such passport names as Eleanor, Elvira, Ella, 2) sometimes the church Neonilla / Leonilla is used as a godfather for the name Nellie (see January, the name of Ruslana); Neonilla from Latin neon, Greek neos - “young, new”).

Ilona (see Elena)

Iraida (see Raisa)

Kira, godname: Kira

Christina, Christina, godname: Christina

Holy Martyr Christina of Persia, March 13/26

Lina (see Elena)

Marianna, Maryana, godname: Mariamne

Nastasya (see Anastasia)

Nellie (see Elena)

Nika, Victoria, godname: Nika

Holy Martyr Nike of Corinth, March 10/23, and also April 16/29

Note: in Ancient Greece, Nike was the goddess of victory, among the Romans she corresponded to Victoria.

Raisa, Iraida, godname: Raisa, Iraida

Holy Martyr Raisa of Alexandria, Antinopolis (the same saint is known under the name Iraida of Alexandria, Antinopolis), respectively, in her honor a girl can be called Raisa or Iraida, this saint has three days of remembrance - March 5/18; September 5/18; September 23 / October 6

Ulyana (see Yuliana)

Fedora, Theodora, godname: Theodora

Note: The name Theodora is not popular, but it may well serve as a godfather for such passport names as Bogdana, Dana, Bozhena (according to the general meaning of the name). The name Dora can also be considered as a passport name (as a truncation of the name Theodore)

Christina (see Christina)

Elina (see Elena)

Juliana, Julianna, Ulyana, godname: Juliania

Holy Martyr Juliana of Ptolemais, March 4/17, and also August 17/30

March. Names by calendar days:

(dates according to new style)

2. Marianna + Maryana

13. Kira

14. Antonina + Antonia + Antonida; Evdokia + Avdotya

17. Yuliana + Yulianna + Ulyana

18. Raisa + Iraida

19. Elena + Alena (Elina, Nelly, Lina, Ilona, ​​as well as Eleanor, Elvira, Ella)

23. Anastasia + Nastasya; Galina; Nika + Victoria; Fedora + Theodora (and also Bogdan, Dana , Bozena Detailed information about each of the names given

you will find in the book by Evgeny Vasiliev “A Thousand Names”

The information in this birthday calendar is given in the following format:

all possible passport forms of the name (for entry into the Birth Certificate) - godfather name (for entry into the Baptism Certificate) - full name of the holy saint - the saint’s day of remembrance (with the first date indicated according to the church calendar, and the second date is according to our modern calendar); the day of remembrance of the saint is the day of celebration of the name day; some saints have several days of remembrance throughout the year (2-3), which means there are several name days!

Key words: Name of the godfather. Baptismal name. Baptismal name. January. February. March. April. May. June. July. August. September. October. November. December. Baptize a child, a girl. Christening. Church name. Name by consonance. Name with meaning. Russian Orthodox Church. Russian saints. Belarusian saints. Calendar name. Non-calendar name. Canonical name. Non-canonical. Name according to the church calendar. Russian name. Christian name. For girl. Women's names. For a newborn. Naming. Naming. Church calendar. According to the new style. According to the old style. Monthsword. Orthodox. Saints. Name according to the calendar. Names according to the calendar. Name day. Name day. When to celebrate. Birthday calendar. Day Angel. Saint's Memorial Day. Popular, famous saints. Holy. Holy saints. Martyrs. Righteous women. Righteous. Reverends. The faithful. Blessed princess. Hieromartyr.

Orthodox people have been celebrating name days since the baptism of Rus'. It was then that the custom of naming a baby in honor of one of the saints appeared in Christianity. It is believed that the heavenly namesake will become the patron of the newborn and will assist in business throughout his earthly life.

Name day calendar on the Russian Orthodox Church website

Orthodox name days are a special holiday. It should remind us that we are named after a person who deserved to be called a saint by his pure thoughts and actions. Thanks to his bright deeds, he forever remains in the hearts of Orthodox people, and even being in heaven, he hears our prayers and knows our earthly sorrows.

On this day, it is customary to visit temples, offer prayers to your patron, and perform good deeds. Kindness to others, renunciation of self-interest, and the desire to receive forgiveness are considered obligatory on name days. Showing sincerity, repentance for our sins, repentance and humility are the qualities that we must show in order to be under the protection of the saint and receive the necessary help from him.

To find out name days according to the church calendar, just use the Russian Orthodox Church website and find your name using the alphabetical index. With our help, you will not only find the day of the Angel, but also receive a lot of other information:

  • a description of the life of your patron;
  • his earthly deeds for which he was canonized;
  • troparia in honor of the saint.

The name day calendar on our portal will help you find out the date of your celebration in advance and prepare well for confession and communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ on this significant day.

The names given at birth and baptism play a big role in the future fate of boys, so they are chosen in advance, guided, among other things, by church books. They most often try to choose a name according to the calendar, so that the child has a baptismal name and character strengths from birth.

A correctly chosen name gives its owner the necessary character qualities, such as leadership, perseverance, perseverance, and influences all life choices.

The names of all the saints whom the Orthodox Church honors have their own days of celebration. They have long been systematized by month and are called Saints. All names are listed in lists broken down by day and month. The calendar is used primarily during divine services, so it is easiest to find them in liturgical books: the Canon, the Prayer Book, and also in the daily church calendar.

The calendar contains the names of only historical figures who lived recently or many years ago and were canonized (canonized by the Church). These are not just names mentioned in books, but real people who have earned great recognition through their actions.

Canonized saints are equated to patrons by the Orthodox Church for people with similar names. You can read the names for children of both sexes in the church calendar. Names may be well-known or obsolete. Saint names for boys are most often chosen before they are born., having carefully read the biography of the chosen saint.

How to use the Saints when choosing a name

In former times, a child’s name was chosen only according to the Saints. The reference point was the date of the baby's baptism or birth. The names of the saints mentioned in the books of the church on this day became the only possible option for choosing a name for the newborn.

Now times have changed, but the name is still selected according to the calendar. There are about 1700 holy names in the calendar, both female and male. Many of them no longer call children. For example, Polyeuctus, Parmeus and Agapit. But among them there remained very sonorous, beautiful names, which are still widely used today.

Names according to the calendar for boys are most correctly determined by date of birth.

To do this, you need to open the calendar of Orthodox holidays for this date and select a name from the available list of honorable saints. If on the day of baptism or the birth of a baby none of the saints are honored, then you can start from the names of those saints who are mentioned a day later.

However, the available names may not be suitable or not to the liking of parents. If you have doubts, you can always consult with the priest, who will guide you to the right choice. After all, the name given at birth and baptism will remain with the child all his life. It can only be changed when converting to monasticism or changing faith.

It is best to choose names according to the calendar for boys taking into account the child’s date of birth

It is possible to give the child 2 names. One official name, assigned according to documents, and 2 names that the baby will receive upon baptism. Most often this happens when the name given to the child at birth is not included in the calendar. By agreement with the parents, the priest gives the child a name that only a few will know.

How to choose the right male name according to the church calendar by month

For a boy, you can choose a name according to the calendar, not only according to a specific date, but also within the month of birth. Almost every day in church one or a number of saints are commemorated at the liturgy. In the calendar for each month you can find many different options for choosing a name.

The names of the saints within the month are divided according to the dates of their commemoration and meaning.

The name for the boy is chosen to be sonorous and beautiful. It is better to make a list of the names of saints you like, and then carefully read their biographies. Each of them has their own destiny and has committed different actions that can push them to the right choice.

Saint names for boys largely depend on their fashion and popularity. For a long time, Alexander remains the most popular male name according to the calendar. This is what 80-85% of all boys are called. This name means winner and helps the child grow up more successful and strong-willed.

The name Alexey enjoys good fame, which gives its owner family, calmness and perseverance. When choosing, you should not name your newborn after a recently deceased close relative. It is better to choose a new name so that the child does not repeat his fate.

Church calendar of names

There are significantly more names for boys in the Orthodox calendar than for girls. The reason for this is that the church is mostly served by men. Therefore, you can find many options for male names in every month.

Name day in January

In the Orthodox calendar you can find all the sonorous male names for January:

  • On the 1st day of the year the following saints are honored: Elijah, Gregory.
  • On day 2, the name Ivan, Daniel can be chosen.
  • Leonty, Nikita are marked on the 3rd date.
  • On January 4, Dmitry and Fedor are honored.
  • On the 5th day of the year you should choose the names Macarius, Pavel, Vasily.
  • The less popular name Innocent and Sergei are honored on January 6.
  • On the 8th every year they commemorate Leonid, Alexander, Gregory, and Mikhail.
  • Stefan and Fedor celebrate their name day on the 9th.
  • On January 10, many saints are honored: Ignatius, Arkady.
  • A boy can be named on the 11th in honor of Ivan or Mark.
  • On day 12, David, Makar, Joseph are mentioned.
  • January 13 can be seen in the list of saints Peter and Michael.
  • On the 14th of the 1st month they remember Vasily, Alexander, Plato, Nikolai, Ivan, Vyacheslav, Mikhail.
  • On the 15th, the interesting name Seraphim can be found in the list, as well as Vasily.
  • On January 16, Vasily is honored.
  • The 17th is rich in names of saints. Here you can choose a name: Prokhor, Arkhip, Yakov, Denis, Mark, Luka, Artem, Alexander, Philip, Nikolai, Timofey, Pavel.
  • On January 18, Sergei, Gregory, and Micah are mentioned.
  • Vasily and Ivan are glorified in the calendar for the 20th.
  • On the 21st day, Ilya, George, Gregory, and Mikhail are honored.
  • On the 22nd, Peter and Philip are noted as birthday people in the calendar.
  • The 23rd can be named after the saints Makar, Anatoly, Arseny, Paul, Gregory.
  • Saints Feodor and Vladimir are marked on the 24th.
  • On the 25th they honor Savva.
  • And on the 26th of Peter and Jacob.
  • On January 27, you can take the name Savva, Makar, Stepan.
  • On the 28th the commemoration of Prokhor and Gabriel falls.
  • On the 29th, Maxim, Ivan and Peter are mentioned.
  • On the 30th you can only choose from Victor, Anton and Pavel.

On the 31st day of the 1st month in the Church calendar, Nicholas, Mikhail, Sergei, and Vladimir are glorified.

Name day in February

In the 2nd month of the year, canonized saints are glorified daily, so choosing a male name is much easier by birth number:

  • Arseny, Mark, Makar, Peter, Fedor, Nikolai, Savva and Anton are celebrated on the 1st.
  • On the 2nd of this month, Paul is honored.
  • On the 3rd day of this month is a holiday for saints Maxim, Eugene, Elijah.
  • On the 4th there is more choice of names: Yakov, Makar, George.
  • On February 5, you can call the child Seraphim or Gennady.
  • On the 6th, boys are given the names Timofey and Ivan.
  • The 7th is marked in the calendar by Vasily, Gregory, Philip, Vladimir and the rare name Vitaly.
  • The 8th is celebrated in honor of Semyon, Arkady, David.
  • The 9th day of the month is celebrated only by Ivan.
  • On the 10th, Vladimir, Ignat, Fedor were mentioned.
  • In the Orthodox calendar, day 11 is marked with the names of Roman, Ivan, Constantine, Luke.
  • On the 12th, among the names you can find Gregory, Vasily, Stefan, Vladimir, Peter.
  • On the 13th the names Ivan, Nikita, Kir can be selected.
  • On the 14th, Nicholas and Peter are honored.
  • On the 16th of this month you can see the names Semyon, Vladimir, Roman in the lists.
  • On the 17th of the 2nd month every year they remember Fedor, Mikhail, Dmitry, Peter, Seraphim, Ivan, Georgy, Alexander, Kirill, Andrey, Sergey, Nikolay, Alexey, Vasily.
  • On the 18th, you can choose from the names Mikhail and Makar for the baby.
  • Saints Julian, Maxim, Vasily, Ivan are marked on the calendar on the 19th.
  • On February 20, children are named after Saints Alexander and Luke.
  • On the 21st of the 2nd month Savva, Semyon, Fedor are mentioned.
  • On February 22, Vasily, Gennady, Innocent, and Ivan are remembered.
  • On the 23rd, only Peter is honored, and on the 24th, Dmitry is honored.
  • On the 25th day of the 2nd month, you can choose a name from 2 possible options: Evgenia and Anatolia.
  • For children, they take the names of saints on February 26 and baptize them with Pavel, Gavrila, Vladimir, Ivan, Stepan, Vasily, Mikhail.
  • On February 27, Kirill and Fedor are remembered.

What church canons need to be taken into account when choosing a name for a child:

Name day in March

In the 3rd month of the year, among other names of saints you can find mainly Ivanov and Vasiliev:

  • On the 1st day of this month you can take the male name Pavel, Daniel, Makar.
  • 2nd – Fedor or Mikhail.
  • Children on the 3rd are called Leo.
  • On March 4, you can choose among Fedor, Evgeniy, Makar.
  • On the 5th they give names: Pakhom, Lev, Tikhon, Ivan, Luka, Athanasius, Philip, Ignat, Anatoly, Nikolai.
  • On March 6, Timothy, Alexander, Constantine, George, and Gregory are honored.
  • On the 7th they choose among Fedor, Philip, Athanasius.
  • On the 8th, Anton, Nikolai, Ivan were marked.
  • On the 10th the child can be named Taras or Alexander.
  • Those born on the 11th day of this month were named after Peter, Sergei, Fedor, Ivan.
  • On the 13th, the list of names includes Arseny, Ivan, Vasily.
  • On March 14, you will have to take 1 name from the following: Anton, Alexander, Vasily, Peter, Ivan.
  • On the 15th, only Arseny was noted, and on the 16th, Mikhail.
  • On March 17, the holy children Daniel, Vasily, and Gregory are glorified.
  • On the 18th of the 3rd month they remember David, Ivan, Konstantin, Mark.
  • On the 19th, Arkady and Gregory are honored.
  • You can find the names Pavel and Nikolai on the 20th of this month.
  • Those born on the 21st of this month can be named after the saints Vladimir and Ivan.
  • On the 22nd you will have to choose from Ilya, Georgy, Kirill, Alexey, Dmitry, Sergey.
  • On the 23rd, newborns are named Leonid, Denis, Victor.
  • Vladimir and Semyon were marked on the 25th.
  • Alexander, Gregory and Michael are mentioned on the 26th, and the last name is also mentioned on the 27th.
  • On March 28, Denis, Alexander, and Mikhail are celebrated as birthdays.
  • On the 29th, Saints Julian, Trophimus, and Alexander are glorified.

On the 30th, children are called Victor, Alexey or Alexander, on the 31st, Kirill, Dmitry.

Name day in April

According to the calendar for April, names for boys are repeated more often; there are almost no rare names, so choosing them is more difficult:

  • On April 1, newborns are named after Ivan, and on April 2 - Sergei, Victor or Nikita.
  • You can choose 3 numbers from Vladimir, Kirill and Thomas.
  • On the 4th and 8th of this month, only Vasily is honored.
  • On the 5th you can find the names in the list: Ilya, Alexey, Andrey.
  • On the 6th, Stepan, Vladimir, Yakov were marked, and on the 9th, 12th, and 13th, only Ivan.
  • On April 10, Stepan can be found among the names.
  • The 11th day is marked by the name day of Kirill and Ivan.
  • Those born on April 14 are called Sergei, and those born on the 16th are called Nikita.
  • On the 17th of this month, Ivan, Veniamin, and George are mentioned.
  • On the 18th you need to choose from Nikolai, Fedor.
  • On the 19th, Ivan and Yakov are honored.
  • The 20th is celebrated in honor of George, Daniel, and the 21st - Sergei.
  • Children born on the 22nd can be called by the rare name Vadim.
  • On the 23rd you can find the name Yakov, Alexander, Maxim, Gregory.
  • On April 24, among the names there are Grigory, Yakov, Ivan, Peter.
  • On April 25, the name David and Vasily are chosen, which the children are named on on the 27th, along with the names Alexander and Anton.
  • On April 28, the choice is much wider. This is Victor, Trofim, Savva, Andrey.

Children are named on the 29th in honor of St. Leonidas, and on the 30th they are named Ivan and Alexander.

Name day in May

In May, most children are named after the frequently mentioned saints Sergei or Gregory:

  • May 1 Ivan, Grigory, Victor you can choose a name.
  • On the 2nd, children are named after Saints Ivan and George.
  • On the 3rd and 4th the boy can be named Fyodor and Nikolay, as well as Grigory, Alexander.
  • Vitaly and Fedor were marked on the 5th.
  • 6th Georgy, Anatoly.
  • Those born on May 7 can be called Alexey, Foma, Savva, and on the 8th only Sergey.
  • On the 9th you will have to choose from Vasily, Ivan, and on the 10th - Pavel, Semyon, Sergei.
  • On the 11th, children are given the names Maxim, Vitaly, and the next day Vasily, Artem, Ivan.
  • On the 13th you can choose the name Maxim, Nikita.
  • On the 15th, among the names you can find Roman, Gleb, Mikhail, Boris.
  • On the 16th, Nikolai, Timofey, Anton were marked.
  • In the calendar for the 17th day of the 5th month you can find in the lists of saints Cyril, Nikita, and on the 19th only Denis.
  • On the 20th, Saints Anton and Michael are remembered.
  • Boys on May 21 are called Arseny.
  • On the 22nd, the names include Nikolai and Vasily, and on the 24th, Mikhail and Kirill.
  • On the 25th they honor Peter, Denis, and the next day George, Alexander, Sergei.
  • On the 27th, among the names are Maxim, Georgy, Nikita.
  • On May 28 there is only the name Dmitry, and on May 29 Fedor, Georgy.
  • On May 30, children are called Stepans.

Name day in June

In the church calendar for June, the most repeated interesting names are Fedor and Nikolai, which can be a worthy choice:

  • On the 1st, the names Dmitry, Grigory, Ivan, Pavel, Sergey are marked.
  • On the 2nd, you can choose the name Alexey or Alexander, and on the 3rd, Fedor or Konstantin.
  • Children on the 4th and 5th are called Mikhail, and on the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 15th they are called Ivan.
  • On June 6, Semyon, Nikita, and Fedor can be found on the list.
  • On June 10, you can name the child Nikita, and on the 11th of this month - Ivan, Luka.
  • On the 12th and 14th the newborn is called Vasily, and on the 13th Nikolai.
  • On the 16th, Julian, Pavel, Denis were marked.
  • On the 17th, only Peter is present among the names.
  • On the 18th of this month the name Igor appears for the first time, as well as Fedor and Konstantin.
  • Most of the choice is on the 20th: Valentin, Veniamin, Alexey, Grigory, Nikolay.
  • Those born on the 21st can be called Konstantin, Vasily, and on the 22nd - Kirill, Alexey.
  • On the 23rd they choose among Ivan, Pavel, Alexander.
  • Children on the 25th and 26th are named after saints Ivan and Andrew.
  • On the 27th, Alexander and Paul are honored, and a day later Gregory and Feodor.
  • On the 29th they remember Peter and Constantine.

On the 30th the boy can only be called Maxim.

Name day in July

Saint names for boys in July are much more diverse than in previous months:

  • On the 1st and 11th, you can take the name Vasily, Sergey or Alexander for the boy.
  • Ivan is honored on the 2nd and 7th.
  • Gleb is the name given to children born on the 3rd of this month.
  • The 4th day in the calendar is mentioned by Maxim, Julian, Pavel.
  • On the 5th they remember Gennady.
  • On the 6th you can choose a name among Alexander, Alexey, Artemy.
  • The 8th day is marked with the names of Saints Nicholas and Basil.
  • On the 9th you will have to choose from the names of saints Ivan, Denis, David.
  • On the 10th, the names include Vladimir and Georgiy.
  • On the 12th of this month Pavel celebrates his name day, as well as on the 20th.
  • Those born on the 13th are called Thomas, Timofey.
  • The baby on the 14th can be named Arkady, Peter, and on the 16th Vasily, Arseny, Alexander, Philip, Mark, Konstantin, Anatoly, Ivan.
  • On the 17th, you can name a child after the names of Saints Dmitry, Andrew, and Feodor.
  • On the 18th, the names Sergei and Athanasius are present in the Orthodox calendar.
  • On the 19th, the children are named both Fedor, Anton and Vasily.
  • On the 21st and 22nd of this month, parents give boys the name Alexander.
  • On the 23rd, Nestor, Daniel, Peter, Anton, and George are honored.
  • On the 25th, newborns are named Arseny, Grigory, Semyon, Mikhail, and a day later Stepan, Gabriel, Yulian.
  • Stepan and Konstantin are marked on the 27th.
  • On the 28th, Peter and Vladimir were mentioned.
  • On the 29th, Fyodor, Ivan, and Pavel are honored.

Name day in August

In August, according to the calendar, the names Roman and Alexey are most often mentioned, which are what boys are called:

  • On the 1st and 6th the children are called Roman, and on the 2nd Ilya.
  • On August 3, children are named after Ivan, Semyon.
  • On the 5th the baby can be given the rare name Trofim, and on the 7th Makar.
  • On the 9th and 16th of this month, Nicholas is honored.
  • Those born on the 10th can be named Julian, Prokhor, Nikolai.
  • On the 11th they remember Anatoly, Seraphim and Pakhom, and a day later Ivan, Luka, Maxim.
  • Vasily and Yuri are mentioned in the calendar on the 13th.
  • On the 14th they celebrate in honor of Anton, Alexander, and on the 15th Stepan and Plato.
  • On the 17th you can name the child Konstantin, Denis.
  • Children are given the names Ivan and Semyon on the 18th.
  • Many names are noted on the 20th. This is Vasily, Mikhail, Dmitry.
  • The boy will have to choose a name on the 21st from Nikolai, Gregory.
  • On August 22, Julian, Mark, and Peter are honored.
  • You can name the child on August 23 in honor of Saints Vyacheslav and Roman.
  • Those born on August 24 are called Fedor, Maxim.
  • On the 25th, Savva, Ilya, Matvey, Vyacheslav, Yakov, Peter, Fedor, Vasily are honored.
  • On the 26th you can take the name Ivan, Konstantin, Tikhon, Ippolit, Alexey.
  • In the calendar for the 27th you can find the names Micah, Fedor, Arkady.
  • On the 29th, you can name a child in honor of Stepan, and on the 30th, Pavel, Philip.

On the 31st, the list of names includes Denis, Evgeniy, Georgiy.

Name day in September

Names according to the calendar for boys are selected in September mainly from the names Mikhail, Dmitry and Alexander, with which this month is full:

  • On the 1st and 5th, Andrei and Nikolai are honored.
  • September 3 and 12 are mentioned in the calendar by Alexander and Paul.
  • You can name the boy on the 4th of this month Fedor, Mikhail.
  • Children born on the 6th are baptized in honor of the saints by Arseny, Peter, and on the 7th by Vladimir.
  • Those born on September 8 are called Dmitry, George.
  • On the 9th, among the names you can find Ivan and Stepan.
  • On September 10, Vasily and Sergei are marked in the church calendar.
  • On the 11th and 21st, newborn boys are given the name Ivan.
  • On September 13, Gennady and Alexander were mentioned.
  • The 15th is rich in options for possible names for boys, including Vasily, Peter, Philip, Anton, as well as the next day, which is celebrated in honor of Roman, Nikolai, Ilya.
  • On the 17th, Stepan, Mikhail, Vasily are honored.
  • On the 18th you can name the child Zakhar, Gleb.
  • On the 19th you will have to choose from Konstantin, Dmitry.
  • On September 20, Saints Leo and Peter are mentioned.
  • On the 22nd, Zakhar, Alexey, Nikita were marked.
  • On the 23rd, you can name the child Peter, Evgeniy, Vasily.
  • On the 24th and 29th, newborns are named Sergei and Victor, and on the 27th and 30th, Ivan.
  • On the 25th, in the list of canonized saints you can see Nicholas, Ivan, Semyon.
  • On the 26th they choose from Stepan, Alexander, Ilya.

On the 28th, Maxim, Nikita, and Peter are mentioned in the calendar.

Name day in October

In October, name days are most often celebrated according to the church calendar by people with the names Dmitry, Peter, Ivan:

  • On the 1st day of the month, Konstantin, Alexei, Sergei, Peter are honored, and on the next day Trofim, Konstantin.
  • On the calendar on the 3rd of this month you can read the names of Alexander and Oleg.
  • Children are named on the 4th in honor of Dmitry, Vasily, Konstantin, Ivan, Peter.
  • On October 5th and 10th, children are given the name Peter, and on the 6th they are also given the name Ivan and Andrey.
  • On October 7, the names Vitaly, Vladislav, Andrey are highlighted in the church calendar.
  • On October 8, saints Sergei and Nicholas are commemorated, and a day later Nicholas and Vladimir.
  • You can choose a name from Peter, Dmitry, Mark on the 10th.
  • On the 11th you can choose a name among Alexander, Vyacheslav.
  • On the 12th, 16th and 19th the boy can only be called Ivan.
  • On the 13th, Mikhail and Gregory are honored, and on the 14th, Mikhail and Savva.
  • The 15th is marked in the calendar by David and Andrey.
  • For boys, on the 17th, names are chosen from the names Stepan, Mikhail.
  • You can give your child the rare names Dionysius and Philip on the 18th.
  • On the 20th, as well as on the 31st, newborn boys are called Sergei and Nikolai.
  • According to the calendar on the 21st day of October you can find the names Pakhom, Vladimir, but a day later Konstantin, Peter, Maxim.
  • On the 23rd, children are given the name Andrey.
  • On October 24, Lev and Alexander are mentioned in the lists.
  • On the 25th, Ivan and Nikolai are mentioned in the lists.
  • On the 26th, among the names of saints you can find Innocent, Nikita, and a day later Michael, Peter.
  • On the 28th, Semyon and Ivan are mentioned during church services.
  • The 29th is marked with the names of Georgy, Evgeny, Alexey.

On the 30th the names Alexander and Andrey appear in the calendar.

Name day in November

In November, in the calendar you can find rare names Nikon, Elisha and Rodion, which are increasingly gaining popularity:

  • Saints Ivan and Sergei are honored on the 1st and 6th.
  • On the 2nd day of the calendar for this month, you can see Artemy, Alexander, Mikhail in the list of names.
  • 3 numbers are mentioned in the calendar: Arkady, Konstantin, Dmitry, Anatoly.
  • Children are named on November 4th by the names Gregory and Denis.
  • On November 5, you can choose a name from among the names Elisha and Vladimir.
  • On the 6th, among the names you can find the names Nikolai, Alexey, and on the 7th, 9th, and 15th, Mark.
  • On the 8th and 10th, boys are given the name Dmitry.
  • On the 11th you will have to choose among the names Evgeniy, Alexey, Victor.
  • On the 12th, boys are given the name Leonid, Mark.
  • On the 13th, Anatoly and Alexander are mentioned among the names in the calendar.
  • Saints Alexander, Peter, Dmitry are marked on the 14th.
  • On the 16th, Saints Semyon and George are honored.
  • Newborns on the 17th of this month are given the names Alexander, Nikolai, and on the 18th Grigory, Gavrila.
  • On the 19th, in the calendar of commemoration of all saints, you can read the names Nikolai and Vasily.
  • On the 20th you will have to choose from the names: Evgeniy, Valery.
  • On the 21st, boys are called Mikhails.
  • Those born on the 22nd can be given a choice of names: Ilya, Konstantin, Victor, Alexey.
  • You can name the boy on the 23rd the names of Saints Peter, Rodion, Boris.
  • The 24th day in the church calendar is marked by Evgeniy, Stepan, Victor.
  • On the 25th, Dmitry, Matvey, Ivan are honored.
  • The 26th is mentioned as a birthday in the calendar for Anton and Ivan.
  • On the 27th, newborns are given the names Victor, Mikhail, Vasily, Alexey.
  • On the 28th you will need to choose from the names Nikita, Samson, Mark.
  • On the 29th they celebrate in honor of Ivan, Victor, Makar.

On the 30th, Saints Nikon, Gregory, and Sergius are remembered.

The most popular names in November and December:

Name day in December

In December, most of all male names are concentrated and saints are honored every day, so making a choice is not difficult:

  • On December 1, Plato and Nikolai are honored.
  • On the 2nd day of the month, saints Gregory, Sergei, Nicholas, Timofey, Adrian are mentioned, and a day later Makar, Alexei, Arseny, Vasily.
  • On the 5th day in the calendar of all saints, Jacob and Maxim are mentioned.
  • On the 6th, Saints Alexei, Boris, and Gregory can be found in the lists.
  • On the 7th, Evgeniy and Semyon are honored, and on the 8th, Ivan, Yaroslav, and Vasily.
  • Saints Daniel, George, Elijah, and Peter are marked on the 9th.
  • On the 10th day in the church calendar there are the names Roman, Andrey, Vasily, and on the 11th day Fedor, Gregory.
  • On the 13th, Ivan and Andrey are mentioned in the calendar.
  • In the list of saints on the 15th you can find Boris and Constantine.
  • You can name the boy Nikolai, Andrey on the 16th, and a day later Gennady, Alexey.
  • On the 18th, Ilya and Gennady were marked.
  • On December 19, the child can only be called Nikolai.
  • On the 20th, Michael and Peter are mentioned.
  • Kirill is honored on the 21st.
  • On the 22nd, Vasily and Vladimir are on the lists.
  • On the 23rd, among the names of saints, the names Stepan, Sergei, Evgeniy, Anatoly are mentioned.
  • On the 24th, Daniel and Nicholas are mentioned among the saints.
  • On the 25th the name Alexander is celebrated in the church calendar, the next day also Nikolai, Arkady, Vladimir.
  • Boys can be named on December 27 in honor of St. Nicholas.
  • On the 28th you will have to choose among Alexander, Vasily, Stepan.
  • On the 29th, Saints Paul and Elijah are honored.
  • Saints Peter and Stepan are marked in the calendar on the 30th.
  • You can name a newborn boy on the 31st: Mikhail, Ivan, Victor, Semyon.

According to the calendar, any names that are suitable for boys will benefit the newborn.

Each name is characterized by a number of positive characteristics, and was given to a real person, canonized by the church. In addition to the positive properties of the name itself, the child will have a strong patron saint, whose icon can be hung at the head of the child’s bed in order to protect him and develop religious education from early childhood.

Article format: E. Chaikina

Useful video about names according to the calendar for boys

A complete list of names for the calendar of each month can be found here: