Ratio of marriages and divorces. The number of marriages in Russia has dropped to its lowest level since the beginning of the century. Why do divorces happen?

The number of registered marriages per thousand residents of Russia in 2018 was 6.2, as follows from Rosstat data. This is the lowest level since the beginning of the century. The indicator can begin to grow only after 2025, says the expert

The number of registered marriages in Russia at the end of 2018 decreased by 12.7% compared to 2017 and amounted to 917 thousand, according to Rosstat data. A year earlier, 1.05 million marriages were registered. RANEPA experts drew attention to this in their latest monitoring of the socio-economic situation and well-being of the population.

The marriage rate (the number of registered marriages per 1 thousand people) was 6.2 last year, while in 2017 the figure was 7.2. This coefficient (as well as the absolute number of marriages) dropped to its lowest value since 2000, when the figure was the same 6.2.

The overall marriage rate very much depends on the age structure of the population, Ramilya Khasanova, a senior researcher at the Institute of Social Analysis and Forecasting of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, explained to RBC. “Marriages are now taking place among the small generations born in the 1990s, so it is not surprising that the overall marriage rate is declining,” the expert said. According to her, the number of registered marriages will continue to decline in the coming years.

Meanwhile, the number of births, after falling in the 1990s, gradually began to increase from the beginning of the 2000s, noted Anatoly Vishnevsky, director of the Institute of Demography at the National Research University Higher School of Economics. When the generations born in the 2000s begin to enter the age of marriage, then the marriage rate will begin to rise, he told RBC. According to him, an increase in the number of registered marriages should be expected from the mid-2020s.

The number of registered divorces at the end of 2018 decreased by 4.5% and amounted to 584 thousand. The overall divorce rate decreased compared to 2017 to four divorces per 1000 population. This is the minimum value of the indicator since 1990. The divorce-to-marriage ratio (divorces per 1,000 marriages) rose to 637, the highest since 2004, due to a sharper decline in the number of marriages.

Risks to the quality of demographic statistics

Since October 2018, the Unified State Register of Civil Status Records (USR Civil Registry Office) began operating in Russia. From this moment on, Rosstat receives information on the registration of marriages and divorces from the Unified State Register of Civil Registry Offices. The transition to an automated system certainly meets the modern challenges of digitalization, but at the start stage it causes certain difficulties, the authors of the monitoring indicated.

The deadline for publishing operational data has been increased, and monthly operational information on the vital movement of the population (data on the number of births and deaths, natural increase, etc.) is published with a note about the possibility of their subsequent adjustment. “Not only the timing of the provision of operational data is at risk, but also the quality of the information provided,” analysts warned.

Fewer marriages and fewer births

The natural population decline in Russia at the end of 2018 amounted to 218.4 thousand people, which exceeds the same figure for 2017 by 62.5% (by 84 thousand people), RANEPA experts indicated. The migration influx of the population of Russia in 2018 was the lowest in the entire post-Soviet history of the country, the authors of the monitoring emphasized. “The decline in migration growth occurred quickly; in every quarter except the first, the figure was almost half as much as a year earlier,” they pointed out. At the end of 2018, the migration increase amounted to 124.9 thousand people.

Thus, the migration influx could not compensate for the natural decline, and the total population of Russia decreased for the first time in ten years. According to preliminary data from Rosstat, as of January 1, 2019, 146.7 million people lived in Russia, and the average for 2018 was 146.8 million people.

The reason for natural population decline is both a significant reduction in the birth rate and a slight decrease in mortality rates. The number of births in 2018 amounted to 1.599 million people, which is 5.4% less than in 2017. A decrease in the fertility rate was demonstrated by almost all regions of Russia, the maximum drop in the rate was observed in the Magadan region (12% reduction), the Komi Republic (-11%), the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (-10.5%), Stavropol Territory (-9.5% ), Kostroma, Smolensk regions and Sevastopol (-9%).

Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova on the need for additional measures to support the birth rate in Russia. “It is obvious that, most likely, we will need to take additional measures in order to motivate families to have children. This is connected with many aspects, including the topic that you mentioned: the need to ensure the preservation of the nation,” said the Deputy Prime Minister. According to her, the government is discussing the idea of ​​providing maternity capital at the birth of the first child (now a family can receive maternity capital in the amount of 453,026 rubles at the birth of the second child).

There may be some differences between the values ​​of marriage in different countries of the world. In Russia, over the past hundred years, the way of life has changed so much that it has led to terrible divorce statistics. Just a few decades ago, destroying a social unit was a moral crime. Couples who actually separated did not file for divorce. Today there is nothing wrong with the destruction of a family. Therefore, the divorce rate in Russia has been steadily growing over the past three years.

Reasons for divorce in numbers

Social research and psychological surveys on the topic “Causes of Divorce” are conducted annually. About 40% of broken up couples claim that they were hasty in their choice. Therefore, sociologists have derived a marriage formula:

  • A few months of relationship + a year of living in the same area = after that marriage.

This way, the lines of age are erased, and the couple can fully recognize each other’s character. This ensures an increase in the duration of marriage. Other reasons for family breakdown include:

  • Harmful craving for alcohol – about 40%;
  • Presence of relatives of one of the spouses – 15%;
  • Difficult living conditions or lack of their own housing – 14%;
  • Reluctance to have children or impossibility of having children for various reasons (incompatibility, infertility, drug addiction, serious illness) – 8%;
  • Spouses living in different cities – 6%;
  • Imprisonment of one of the spouses – 2%;
  • Incurable disease – 1%.

The given figures change every year. For example, the problem of alcoholism is only getting worse in the country. Therefore, the percentage of broken families for this reason is growing. There are also statistics on the reasons that spouses themselves indicate when filing for divorce.

  • Approximately 25% indicate infidelity;
  • 15% of divorced couples report sexual dissatisfaction with their partner;
  • About 13% cite personality incompatibility;
  • 7% indicate alcohol dependence.

The fact of the birth of a child changes the attitude of the spouses. Not all couples can survive the first months of sleep deprivation. Nervousness and irritation appear.

Therefore, the birth of a child can both unite a family and destroy it.

But there are couples who can live in the same territory, but not be a full-fledged family. Sometimes spouses even start parallel families. The reasons for such situations may be:

  • Keeping the stamp in the passport for the sake of the child;
  • The inability of one spouse to move out;
  • Dependence of the material plane;
  • Disagreement with divorce (most often women);
  • The age of a child is up to 1 year according to the law of the Russian Federation.

Statistics of marriages and divorces for 15 years in Russia

Divorce table in numbers:

Year Marriages Divorces % of divorces
2000 897327 627703 70
2001 1001589 763493 76
2002 10019762 853647 84
2003 1091778 798824 73
2004 979667 635825 65
2005 1066366 604942 57
2006 1113562 640837 58
2007 1262500 685910 54
2008 1179007 703412 60
2009 1199446 699430 58
2010 1215066 639321 53
2011 1316011 669376 52
2012 1213598 644101 53
2013 1225501 666971 55

The period from 2000 to 2004 is characterized by the highest percentage of divorces. Approximately 700 out of 1000 couples broke up their families. From 2005 to 2012, the situation improved noticeably. Sociologists associate this with the strengthening of the country's economic condition. Statistics from recent years show that the number of divorces is growing. According to UN research, after 2012 the Russian Federation ranks first in the world in the number of divorces. The number of divorces over the past three years has reached almost 70%. Since 2013, the number of divorced marriages has been growing significantly. Scientists attribute this increase to the fact that children born in the early 90s are getting married. This was a period of instability in the country.

Every year the number of broken families increases significantly. There is an opinion that by 2020, 850 out of 1000 couples will divorce.

Divorce rate by years of marriage

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Data on years lived together:

  • Most often, people who have been married for 5 to 9 years get divorced. The number of such divorces is 28%;
  • Further, 22% disperse after 10–19 years. Most often, the cause is infidelity;
  • 18% of couples divorce within 3 to 4 years of marriage. This is the time of the “first crisis of family life.” The birth of a child can be a salvation for a family;
  • 16% of young people separate after 1-2 years of marriage;
  • After a long marriage of more than 20 years – 12%;
  • And 4% of couples dissolve their union without living in it for a year. Most often due to the transience of marriage.
  • What is the outcome for married couples? A large number of spouses decide to separate before 4 years of marriage.

Marriage statistics by age

Among men, approximately 33% get their passport stamped at the age of 25–30. The second place in the number of marriages is occupied by young people from 20 to 25, and the third place is 35. For women, the picture is a little different. The age group is from 20 to 25 years, i.e. girls born between 1900 and 1995 make up 40% of all marriages. Girls from 26 to 30 years old – 27%. And the group of 30–35 years old accounts for only 12% of the total number of marriages. The overwhelming majority of unions are concluded by men and women whose ages range from 20 to 35 years.

This trend appeared relatively recently. In Russia, before the 90s, it was customary to enter into an alliance at a younger age. However, values ​​have changed, the lines between the sexes have blurred, women have become emancipated, and age has also ceased to matter much. Marriage unions began to be concluded after 25 years. At this time, both spouses have education, social status and a mature worldview. But early marriages also occur. They are the ones who very often fall into the 16% barrier of divorced people who have not been married for even 2 years.

Civil marriages

About half of all couples choose not to officially marry. Main reasons:

  • Uncertainty about the partner;
  • Lack of housing for young people;
  • Fear of responsibility;
  • Absence of a child;
  • Prejudice. Some couples are confident that after registration their lives will change dramatically.

This trend came to Russia from Europe. France and Sweden are the world leaders in the number of civil marriages. So, the statistics of divorces in Russia is growing every year. There are more and more unregistered marriages.

People have stopped fighting for their relationships and believe there is nothing wrong with divorce. The ratio of divorced and new marriages in 2014 is 60/40%.

There are no exact data for 2015 yet, but the approximate figure is 70/30%. There are plenty of reasons for official breaks in relations. One of them is the unstable situation in the country, which prevents people from developing and becoming financially independent. In addition, personal contradictions, alcoholism, the inability to have a child and infidelity literally attacked the country.

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The authorities of Tatarstan may fail the demographic development program if the generation of “zero” generations following the “millennials” does not change their opinion about marriage

The analytical service of Realnoe Vremya, having analyzed data on marriages and divorces in Russia for 2017, learned that in terms of the number of marriages, the country has returned to the levels of the early 2000s. Tatarstan also rolled back there, again losing the “family struggle” to the more populous Bashkortostan. Having become interested in the “marriage crisis,” we studied the situation with the birth rate in 1990-2007 and found out that Tatarstan may fail its program to improve the demographic situation after 2010 if the number of marriages per 1,000 population remains at the 2016-2017 level. Among other things, from the text you will learn how St. Petersburg became the marriage capital of Russia and, together with Moscow and four regions (including three “Muslim”), turned out to be a leader in the ratio of the number of marriages and divorces. These indicators are quite comparable with the general situation in the USSR. In Tatarstan there are also such “Soviet” areas, but here too, family values ​​fade over the years.

Russia returned to the early 2000s

In 2015-2016, for the first time since the crisis years of 2008-2009, there was a decrease in the number of registered marriages in Russia (primarily, of course, due to economic reasons). However, the new marriage crisis turned out to be much more significant than 10 years earlier. If in 2008 the number of marriages decreased by 6.7%, and in 2009 the dynamics again became positive, then in 2015 the number of family unions decreased by 5.3%, and in 2016 as many as 15% of couples came to registry offices less than a year earlier: 985.8 thousand marriages versus 1.16 million. In fact, this was the worst figure in 10 years, and for the first time the number of marriages broke the 1 million mark.

In 2017, the indicator crept up again, but the trend reversal has not yet been able to erase the negative consequences of the two previous crisis years: just over 1 million marriages were concluded in registry offices. Similar trends have persisted and continue to exist in almost all regions of Russia. In only two subjects of the Russian Federation in 2016, the number of marriages did not fall, but even increased slightly: in Chechnya (4.27%) and Tyva (0.1%).

Number of marriages by regions of the Russian Federation, 2017

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Russian Federation 1 113 562 1 262 500 1 179 007 1 199 446 1 215 066
Moscow 78 761 88 060 84 028 92 322 91 140
Moscow region 54 077 60 936 56 298 59 267 58 086
Saint Petersburg 39 830 44 460 46 610 49 121 49 363
Krasnodar region 41 173 47 558 42 712 43 552 44 870
Sverdlovsk region 34 867 39 256 36 458 36 428 38 675
Tyumen region 32 602 36 749 33 959 34 652 36 426
Rostov region 32 824 38 940 33 898 34 198 34 133
Republic of Bashkortostan 30 915 35 635 32 649 34 348 34 801

... Tatarstan also fell back there in terms of marriage indicators

It’s sad, but among the five worst regions for this indicator in 2016 were three subjects included in the Volga Federal District: Udmurtia (-24.5%), Chuvashia (-24.6%) and Mari El (-27.5%). Tatarstan fell by the average Russian percentage - 15%. In absolute numbers, the registry offices of the Republic of Tatarstan issued almost 5 thousand fewer marriage certificates in 2016 (or 25.7 thousand). In 2017, the number of marriages in Tatarstan increased, but the dynamics are not as impressive as in most regions of the Russian Federation (only 59th place): there were 4.6% more marriages (or 1.2 thousand) - almost 27 thousand This, not counting the disaster of 2016, is the worst indicator of the Republic of Tatarstan since 2006. Impressive growth was demonstrated by Tyva (27.5%), Oryol region (18.6%), Belgorod region (18.5%). Among the regions of the Volga Federal District, Bashkortostan felt the best, where 10.3% more marriages were concluded (27.9 thousand), and Udmurtia (+12%).

Let us note an interesting fact: Bashkortostan has been ahead of Tatarstan in terms of the number of marriages since 2006, which was also explained by its larger population, but at the end of 2016 it was second to its western neighbor for the first time: then only 25.3 thousand marriages were concluded in the Republic of Belarus, and 25.7 thousand .marriages in the Republic of Tatarstan. But in 2017, everything returned to normal: 1 thousand more marriage acts were issued in the registry offices of Bashkortostan than in Tatarstan.

The largest number of marriages last year were concluded in Moscow (90 thousand), Moscow region (58.5 thousand), St. Petersburg (52.5 thousand) and Krasnodar Territory (44.4 thousand). Bashkortostan took 8th place in the ranking, Tatarstan - 9th.

“The marriage capital” of Russia, St. Petersburg has only in recent years lost the palm to Sevastopol

With different population sizes, to compare similar indicators between regions, it is worth recalculating the absolute number of marriages per 1,000 population. And here the indicators of both Bashkortostan and Tatarstan are no longer so impressive. Sevastopol has the highest rate: there are 10 marriages per 1,000 people per year: 4.3 thousand according to 2017 data. And if in the case of Sevastopol we can refer to a smaller number of marriages in absolute numbers, then what to do with St. Petersburg? Since 2013, there have been some of the highest rates in the country. Four years ago, there were 10.8 marriages per 1,000 people (first place in the Russian Federation); since 2015, the Northern capital is inferior to Sevastopol, but still its indicators are unattainable for other economically developed regions: here, per 1,000 people last year, 9.9 marriages. The top three is closed by the Kamchatka Territory (8.8 marriages). Next come Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug (8.5), Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (8.5) and Irkutsk region (8.4).

Note that the top 10 includes only the northern and Far Eastern regions, where life, frankly speaking, is not very comfortable (Irkutsk, Magadan, Sakhalin regions, Chukotka, Primorsky Territory). Nevertheless, the first southern region that is generally able to somehow compete with Siberians and residents of the North - the Krasnodar Territory - ranks only 12th: in 2017, there were 8 marriages per 1,000 people here. As a result, the leaders were the Far Eastern (7.9 marriages) and Northwestern federal districts (7.9). For comparison, in Moscow the figure was only 7.2 at the end of last year.

Number of marriages per 1000 population by regions of the Russian Federation, 2017

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Sevastopol 0 11 11,5 9,5 10
Saint Petersburg 10,8 11,1 10,9 9,6 9,9
Kamchatka Krai 9,9 9,6 9,4 8,6 8,8
10,5 10 9,3 7,8 8,5
9,6 9,7 8,9 7,7 8,5
Irkutsk region 9,2 9 8,9 7,3 8,4
Chukotka Autonomous Okrug 8,4 8 8,3 7,1 8,4
Magadan Region 10,1 9,2 8,5 7,4 8,3
Tyumen region 10,2 9,7 8,9 7,6 8,2

How much did the demographics of the 1990s impact?

The Volga Federal District in terms of relative indicators (number of marriages per 1,000 people) is second only to the North Caucasus Federal District - 6.7 versus 5.4. Tatarstan is only in 57th place on the list; in 2017, there were only 6.9 marriages per 1,000 people. Moreover, since 2013 this figure has fallen by a third - from 8.8. Of course, this can be attributed to an economic factor. But we must not forget about the demographic factor of the 1990s in the Russian Federation as a whole. According to only official data, the extinction of the Russian population (lack of population growth, mortality higher than the birth rate) began in 1992 and continued, alas, until 2007, reaching record catastrophic indicators in 1999-2005, on average the population decreased annually by 600-650 thousand. Human. Natural population decline, first recorded according to current accounting data in 1992, by the beginning of 2008, the cumulative total exceeded 12.4 million people.

However, it is worth paying attention to another important indicator: the number of births (which was much smaller than the number of deaths all these years). In 2000, 8.7 people were born per 1,000 population in Tatarstan, in 2007 - already 11.3. However, according to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan, in 1997-2007, the population of Tatarstan under working age decreased from 889.7 thousand people to 623.3 thousand (by 29.9%), which “was a natural consequence of a sharp reduction birth rate in the 1990s. Over the same period, the population over the working age increased from 758.6 thousand people to 764.0 thousand people (by 0.7%).” The 2009 resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan also noted that in Tatarstan “there was a decrease in the birth rate from 13.6 people per 1,000 population in 1991 to 9.3 people per 1,000 population in 1999, or by 31.6%” .

Tatarstan authorities may fail the demographic development program

It is interesting to compare current data on marriages per 1,000 people with data from 20 and 10 years ago. Thus, “the economic recession of 1991-1998 gave rise to a decrease in the number of marriages in Tatarstan over the corresponding period from 8.6 to 5.4 per 1,000 people (by 37.2%).” On the contrary, in 1998-2007 there was a “gradual increase in the marriage rate in the Republic of Tatarstan to 8.7 people per 1,000 people (by 61.1%).” It turns out that from 2007 to 2013 the “marriage rate” increased by only 0.1 points and then began to decline. And now it is at the level of the mid-1990s, despite seemingly more economically prosperous times.

Moreover, the current data actually ceases to meet the target indicators that the Tatarstan authorities hoped to achieve almost 10 years ago: for example, in 2010 the inertial indicator (worst case scenario) was supposed to be 7.42 marriages per 1,000 population, in 2015 - 7.69 , in 2020 - 7.89, in 2030 - 8.17. As a result, the crisis year of 2015 turned out to be the last year that met the program indicators, and if current trends continue, Tatarstan will not be able to achieve the target indicator of 7.89 in 2020. Not to mention the program - 8.06 marriages per 1,000 people.

From 2007 to 2013, the “marriage rate” increased by only 0.1 points, and then began to decline. Photo by Maxim Platonov

Why you shouldn’t hope for the growth of marriage unions of the “zero” generation

In 2009, the republican authorities themselves did not forget to note civil marriages that were excluded from official statistics and treated them with undisguised dissatisfaction: by that time their number had more than doubled in 10 years. As officials summarized, this, “along with extreme negative trends early start sexual activity and sexual promiscuity of a significant part of young people, provokes an increase in the number of children born out of wedlock.” Given that for the younger generation, the desire to get married at a young age is far from a priority, and the very concept of marriage has been quite devalued since Soviet times, one can hope and believe that statistical data on marriages will suddenly begin to raise the “post” in Stakhanov style. -millennials”, that is, those born already in the “zero”, is quite naive.

Finally, the last thing: the change in the demographic structure of the Republic of Tajikistan continues. Firstly, from 1990 to 2013, the decline in the rural population amounted to 42 thousand people. It is known that the rural population is more conservative in family matters than the urban population, and the percentage of marriages there is always higher. Secondly, for every 1,000 Tatarstan men there were 1,163 women.

It is interesting to compare the target indicators of the Tajik authorities with real data on divorces. Their number in Tatarstan has been falling since 2015, but in 2017 it grew slightly, reaching 13.5 thousand. However, the region reached record - that is, the lowest - indicators back in 2012 (12.7 thousand divorces). And here the reality turned out to be better than assumptions: by 2015, the authorities hoped to reduce the number of divorces to 15.4 thousand people, but they succeeded - to 13.5 thousand. In 2020, it was planned that 16.1 thousand divorces would take place, and if Judging by the trends of 2017, this program indicator can be achieved.

Tatarstan ranks 13th in terms of the number of divorces. In the first places are Moscow (45 thousand divorces), Moscow region (34.8 thousand), Krasnodar region (25.4 thousand), St. Petersburg (24.8 thousand) and Sverdlovsk region (19.9 thousand). ). In the Volga Federal District, the worst indicators are in Bashkortostan (15.5 thousand divorces), Samara (13.7 thousand) and Nizhny Novgorod regions (13.6 thousand).

Number of divorces by region of the Russian Federation, 2017

2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Russian Federation 640 837 685 910 703 412 699 430 639 321
Moscow 45 025 48 149 48 827 48 131 44 539
Moscow region 33 421 35 201 37 069 37 229 33 955
Krasnodar region 22 072 23 960 24 756 24 593 23 341
Saint Petersburg 23 871 25 794 26 814 26 285 24 712
Sverdlovsk region 19 748 21 910 22 765 22 318 20 262
Tyumen region 19 615 20 442 21 202 21 346 20 880
Rostov region 19 366 21 219 21 961 21 778 20 266
Chelyabinsk region 18 895 21 331 21 686 20 467 18 194

If we talk about the number of divorces per 1,000 population per year, then the outsiders are precisely those northern and Far Eastern regions that also lead in the number of marriages per 1,000 population: Magadan (6), Kamchatka (5.7), Sakhalin ( 5.6), Chukotka (5.6), Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug and Yamal-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (5.5). Tatarstan, fortunately, ranks only 83rd in terms of this “negative indicator” - here in 2017 there were 3.5 divorces per 1000 population. This is the best figure since 2013 so far. For comparison, in Bashkortostan in 2017 there were 3.8 divorces per 1,000 people, in Mari El - 3.6, in Udmurtia - 3.5, in Mordovia - 3.3, in Chuvashia - 3.2. Let us remember that the number of divorces increased between 1991 and 2007: according to official data, from 3.2 to 4.1 per 1,000 people (by 28.1%).

The authorities of the Republic of Tatarstan in 2009-2010 noted that the marriage-to-divorce ratio of 2.5 or more, “characteristic of the Soviet period,” will not be achieved in the foreseeable historical future. At the moment, by the way, in Tatarstan this ratio is almost 2. Curiously, the Soviet figure was achieved in 2017 in four regions of Russia at once. In three of them they traditionally profess Islam, in one - Buddhism: in Chechnya this figure is 6.7 (!), in Ingushetia - 5.14, in Tyva - 4, in Dagestan - 3.4. It’s amazing, but true: the best indicators, close to Soviet ones, are not only in Sevastopol and Crimea (2.2 and 2.12, respectively), but also in St. Petersburg and Moscow (2.1 and 2, respectively), despite popular opinion about these cities as being far from traditional values. Tatarstan, by the way, is inferior to all of the above and takes 9th place. In the Volga Federal District, the worst indicator is in the Kirov region (the number of marriages is only 1.4 times higher than the number of divorces), in the Russian Federation - in the Leningrad region (1.2).

In this sense, the Tatarstan authorities can triumph, although achieving a value of 1.94 times, which generally corresponds to the “trends of developed countries,” was planned back in 2010, and since then the improvements have been insignificant. Moreover, in 2015 this ratio was close to the Soviet value and was 2.3 times: for 30.5 thousand marriages there were only 13.4 thousand divorces. In the future, officials believed, the ratio of marriages and divorces of the population will vary in the range of 1.9-2, which, again, “corresponds to the normal ratio of marriages and divorces in developed Western countries - this kind of proportion does not pose a threat to the functioning of the family institution, the normal implementation of the latter reproductive and educational functions."

Number of divorces per 1000 population by regions of the Russian Federation, 2017

2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Magadan Region 6,9 6,9 6,2 6,4 6
Kamchatka Krai 7 6,5 5,7 6,1 5,7
Sakhalin region 5,7 6,6 5,9 5,7 5,6
Chukotka Autonomous Okrug 5,8 6 5,6 5,2 5,6
Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugra (Tyumen Region) 6,3 6,3 5,7 5,6 5,5
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug (Tyumen Region) 5,8 6,3 5,7 5,7 5,5
Murmansk region 6,3 6,2 5,4 5,5 5,3
Tyumen region 5,9 6 5,3 5,2 5,2
Khabarovsk region 6,1 6,2 5,4 5,2 5,2

“Like in the USSR”: the marriage/divorce ratio is best in the Baltasinsky district, but “liberal” Kazan also surprised

Let us now take a look at the situation from a regional perspective. 10 years ago, the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tajikistan spoke about it as follows: “the number of divorces in different cities and regions varies quite significantly, including in the direction of their growth. The latter is fully consistent with the general European trend, within which the institution of marriage is not perceived as a lifelong service, and in terms of starting a family, the population is quite mobile.” Considering the tendencies and mentality of the young generation of the “zero”, which we have already briefly written about above, and the conciliatory position of the republican authorities themselves in this regard, as well as in relation to the “millennials” (born after 1981), there is no hope for a change in the situation in the near future. costs.

So, in the terminology of that very resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan, which assured that there will be fewer divorces in the foreseeable future, “Soviet-style” they continue to enter into marriages and divorces in 11 regions of the Republic of Tatarstan at once. The undisputed leader is the Baltasinsky district, where there is only 1 divorce per 4.3 marriages (better than in Soviet times - 2.5 marriages per divorce). In Tyulyachinsky district the ratio was 3.6 in 2017, in Sabinsky - 3.5, in Kukmorsky - 3.3, in Aktanyshsky - 2.7, in Novosheshminsky - 2.6, etc. Surprisingly, to traditional rural “liberal” Kazan is also adjacent to areas with conservative, conditionally, family values! Here, for every 2.45 marriages, there is 1 divorce (and this is the best figure since 2015). For comparison, the average ratio in Tatarstan, let us recall, is 2. In Naberezhnye Chelny it is only 1.7.

Number of marriages and divorces by regions of Tatarstan, 2017

However, divorces have become more common in rural areas as well.

Family values, however, fade over the years and in rural areas. Just a couple of years ago in the Baltasinsky district there were as many as 6.2 marriages per divorce, a drop of more than 30%. In general, in the Republic of Tatarstan the slip from the “Soviet indicators” was 12.3%. Only in 8 districts did the ratio increase, and only in Spassky (economically disadvantaged, by the way) and Novosheshminsky did it increase significantly: by 35% and twice as much, respectively. In 37 districts over two years of crisis, the marriage/divorce ratio fell quite critically, by an average of 22%.

In absolute terms, there are no changes in the ranking - the most marriages, according to data for 2017, take place in the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan, Autocity and Nizhnekamsk: 11.4 thousand, 3.8 thousand and 1.8 thousand, respectively. These same cities are the leaders in divorce: 4.6 thousand, 2.17 thousand and 1.2 thousand, respectively.

In Kazan, after a catastrophic drop in the number of marriages in 2016 (by 13%), growth began again in 2017, which, of course, could not reverse the negative trend entirely: in total, 4.8% more marriages were concluded than a year earlier , or 11.4 thousand marriages against 10.8 thousand. In fact, the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan in 2016-2017 rolled back in terms of this indicator to the level of the post-crisis years 2009-2010, when 9.9 and 10.2 thousand marriages were concluded, respectively . On the other hand, since 2009, when the ratio of the number of marriages to the number of divorces was 2.13 (10.2 thousand marriages for 4.7 thousand divorces), the situation with divorces has stabilized and, on average, all these 8 years have been somewhere at that same “Soviet” level of 2.5. Kazan achieved its best indicators in 2011, when there were 2.6 marriages per divorce, and in 2015 - 1 to 2.7.

Sergey Afanasyev

Over the course of their development, different countries and different cultures develop their own traditions and norms of behavior, and they, among other things, relate to such a unit of society as the family. In the territory Russian Federation Every year the number of families that sooner or later break up increases.

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A little history

The problem of divorce did not always exist, for example, in the pre-revolutionary period Due to the lifestyle that most of the population led, divorces were rare.

Firstly, engaging in subsistence farming served as a kind of obstacle, after all, a woman could not do all the work herself, and a man would also need help, and work on the land was the only income, so leaving her other half was not profitable.

Secondly, The church dealt with the issue of divorce, who had a very negative attitude towards divorce.

Another limiting factor appeared in the USSR - the party. People who were members of parties were afraid of condemnation from their colleagues, and there was also the possibility of expulsion from the party due to divorce.

In the Soviet Union, all personal life was visible and under control, this reduced the number of divorces to a minimum.

After the collapse of the USSR, the lives of citizens were increasingly influenced by Western trends and the issue related to the collapse of such a unit of society as the family arose more and more often.

Table of marriages and divorces by recent years

This issue is of concern, and therefore it is subject to constant monitoring. They conduct various surveys and studies, which are later structured into statistics. Deals with statistics on the number of marriages and divorces in Russia Federal State Statistics Service.

So according to her number of registered marriages in Russia was the following:

Year Marriages registered Number of divorces
2010 1215066 639321
2011 1316011 669376
2012 1213598 644101
2013 1225501 667971
2014 1225985 693730

Based on these data, we can conclude that the quantity has remained practically at the same level for 5 years, only in 2011 there was a jump of 100 thousand. If we calculate the number of marriages per 1000 people, we get about 8.5.

Now let's see how things stand with divorces at the same time intervals. We see that within 5 years, the number of divorces ranges from 600-700 thousand. If you calculate the number of divorces per 1000 people, you get about 4.7.

Based on statistics on marriages and divorces, we get the following: half of all marriages break up. The statistics are very, very disappointing and this trend is becoming common in Russia.

Beautiful info-graphics according to Rosstat data for 2015:

Here's what the dynamics were like in past decades:

What about in other countries of the world?

The problem of divorce is acute not only in our country; other countries are also in a disappointing situation. According to statistics, Portugal takes the lead among all countries, where 67% of marriages fail, that is, for every 100 marriages, there are about 67 divorces.

The Czechs, Hungarians and Spaniards are not far behind the Portuguese, in these countries the average divorce rate hovers around 65 percent.

The situation with divorces in the United States is approximately the same as in Russia, where about half of marriages end in divorce. Things are a little better in Norway, Germany, Australia and Canada, where the divorce rate is 40% or slightly more.

The Irish can boast of the stability of their relationships; in Ireland, only 15% of marriages end in divorce.

As we can see, Russia is not the country that tops this list, but there are many countries in which things are much better, and we have room for improvement.

Statistics on age at marriage

What about the age of those getting married? Lately we can talk about increasing the number of marriage registrations between men and women over 25 years of age. This phenomenon is considered relatively new, since in the years after the war and up to 1990, the age of people who got married was lower.

The trend to marry after 25 years of age emerged in the mid-90s.

Since the early 2000s, marriage rates for people aged 25-35 have exceeded those of 25 years ago. A by 2010, the 25-30 age group overtook 18-24 year olds in the number of marriages.

And in general, among the young group of people there is a decrease in marriage activity, this is especially noticeable if we compare the statistics of our days and the statistics of 20 years ago. It should also be noted that marriages under the age of 18 among men and women in Russia have become statistically uninteresting, introducing a small number of early marriages.

Consider the age of men who marry. So the first place in this list is occupied by the age group of 25-30 years, it accounts for about 33% of marriages, i.e. about a third of all marriages. Together with this age group, the groups from 20-25 and from 30-35 years old make up about 75% of all marriages.

It turns out that if we take a wider range, it turns out that men aged 20-35 are the undisputed majority, because other older and younger groups only have 25%.

Marriages under 18 account for only 0.1%. Another interesting fact is that there are 0.5% more marriages among men over 60 than among men aged 18-19.

Data for women

As for women, the situation is as follows. The largest percentage was the group aged 20-25 years (about 38%), followed by the group aged 25 to 30 years (about 27%). The age group of 30-35 years old occupies 12% of the total, and thus it turns out that these three age groups of 20-35 years old occupy 77%.

Thus, we can say with confidence that almost all marriages that take place among both men and women are concluded between the ages of 20-35.

Information on civil marriages

There is another situation - civil marriage. More and more couples do not formalize their marriage, but simply live in a civil marriage.

A civil marriage is considered to be the cohabitation of citizens without registering the relationship with the registry office.

This trend again came to us from Europe. The leaders among civil marriages are France and Sweden.

As for Russia, the Institute of Demography presented data on which In Russia, about half of all couples live in civil marriages. These words are confirmed by the fact that the total number of people who were married recently decreased from 65% to 57%.

Common causes of divorce

There are many reasons for the breakup of couples, but according to sociological surveys, about 40% of couples get divorced due to the fact that at one time they made a hasty decision to register a marriage, often under pressure from relatives.

The next popular reason is treason, so just under 20% of Russians decided to end their marriage because of her. 15% of couples divorced because sexual dissatisfaction, another 13% broke up because they came to the conclusion that do not have common views on life, 7% of marriages are destroyed alcohol.

At the present stage in Russia, another reason for the breakdown of marriages has appeared - social media. According to statistics from the St. Petersburg Psychoanalytic Center, 15% of marriages break up because of social networks. And psychologists believe that this percentage will only increase over time, as more and more people plunge into social networks.

But in the end, 64% of couples believe that both are equally to blame in a divorce.

Statistics on time spent together

But as for the time spent together, then Most often, couples who have been married for 5-9 years get divorced (about 28%). Couples who have been married for 1-2 years and 3-4 years divorce in 17% of cases.

The smallest percentage, only 3.5%, are couples who could not live together for even a year. Also, not all couples who have lived a long life together manage to save their marriage; couples who have been married for more than 20 years get divorced in 13% of cases.

In our country, in recent decades, divorce statistics show a certain stability of this indicator, which remains at a very high level.

Since 1995, the divorce rate has not fallen below 600 thousand cases per year, while the number of marriages has been slowly declining. About half of all marriages break up, and this figure is constantly increasing.

General indicators for Russia over the past 5 years

In the world, it is customary to use such an indicator in recording marriages and divorces as the number of cases per 1000 people.

Divorce statistics in Russia as a percentage show how many marriages are formed or broken up annually in relation to the total number of citizens of the country.

And the table below shows that this figure fluctuates from year to year within the range of 4.2 – 4.7 cases per thousand people.

Is this too much? Compared to 2001-2003, when there was the highest number of divorces in the country, marriages began to break up less frequently. However, the difference is negligible, and for more than 10 years, a record number of marriages have been dissolved in the country.

Over the past five years, Russia has been among the top ten countries in the world showing the highest number of divorces.

Divorce statistics in Russia over the past 5 years:

YearsNumber of unitsNumber of divorces per 1000 people
2011 669376 4,7
2012 644101 4,5
2013 667971 4,7
2014 2) 693730 4,7
2015 611646 4,2

Statistics of marriages in Russia over the past 5 years:

YearsNumber of unitsNumber of marriages per 1000 people
2011 1316011 9,2
2012 1213598 8,5
2013 1225501 8,5
2014 2) 1225985 8,4
2015 1161068 7,9

2) Data from 2014 are calculated taking into account the population of the Crimean district.

Divorce statistics in Russia by year in tables

While there is some stability in general indicators, data on the reasons for divorce, the situation in the regions and other characteristics are constantly changing.

If earlier experts often referred to the large number of early marriages, which in their opinion led to a large number of divorces, now there are fewer and fewer such marriages. Meanwhile, the number of divorces is not falling.

However, even in these sad figures, trends towards stabilization and improvement of the position of the family institution in the country are visible.

For reasons

During a divorce, the initiator of the process indicates the reason why he wants. And this data is taken into account in statistics. However, these reasons are not always true, which is why sociological services at the state and non-state level often conduct social surveys on this topic.

Reasons for divorce:

Reasons for divorceApproximate percentage of the total number of divorces, %
Dependence of one of the spouses on alcohol or drugs40
Lack of comfortable living conditions (own housing, livelihood)23
Interference of relatives in family life14
Discrepancy between life interests, lifestyle and basic concepts9
Absence of children due to the fault of one of the spouses6
Separate living (frequent business trips, shift work and work in other cities of one of the spouses)6
Stay in prison, serious long-term illness of one of the spouses and other reasons3

There are also such serious problems as:

  • spouse aggression;
  • infidelity;
  • rudeness and neglect of a partner.

Many respondents consider them to be a direct consequence of the reasons indicated in the table.

In surveys, divorced people often report that they initially knew about potential problems, for example, about the future spouse’s addiction to alcohol, lack of prospects for buying a home, difficult traveling work, and others.

However, they took these difficulties lightly, which subsequently led to divorce.

The factors that really influence the situation in the family are: sexual dissatisfaction of one of the partners (most often men complain about this), infidelity, indifference of the partner, lack of common goals.

In a situation where the family is not the only source of survival, people are increasingly thinking about the importance of personal comfort in relationships.

By region of the Russian Federation

If we consider the situation by region, then the Central Region achieves the highest rates, while the least number of divorces is in such republics as Chechen, Ingush and Tatarstan. However, we are talking about the number of divorces in general, without comparison with other indicators.

And only in the North Caucasus Federal District the indicator is significantly lower. This is due to the fact that most of the population is Muslim, where divorce is traditionally not encouraged.

Number of divorces by federal district:

Name of the federal districtNumber of divorces in 2015Number of inhabitants, thousandNumber of divorces per 1000 inhabitants, %
Central Federal District*118083 26894 4,3
Northwestern Federal District63216 13847 4,5
Southern Federal District61392 14005 4,3
North Caucasus Federal District22673 9659 2,3
Volga Federal District117207 29717 3,9
Ural Federal District59015 12276 4,8
Siberian Federal District87662 19313 4,5
Far Eastern Federal District31710 6211 5,1
Crimean Federal District7303 2294 3,1

*Data for Moscow is not included in these statistics

Separately, we can highlight the “record holders” in this area: the Leningrad region leads in the number of divorces, and the Republic of Chechnya has the lowest rate when comparing the number of divorces and marriages concluded in 2015.

Around Moscow

In the capital, according to official statistics, things are a little better, and there are only 3.5% of divorces per 1,000 residents.

However, there are many people living in the city who are not officially registered, which makes assessing the data very difficult.

Thus, many residents of the Central Federal District work in Moscow, and get married and divorced in other cities. And the unit that should be attributed to Moscow in statistical calculations is attributed to the Central Federal District.

Number of divorces in Moscow:

It is interesting that it is in Moscow and St. Petersburg that social networks often give impetus to divorce. Indirectly, they distract people from real life and push them to search for “easy solutions.”

By age of spouses

Behind last years marriage has become “older”, that is, the number of people getting married before the age of 18 is decreasing. And even in the group from 18 to 24 years old, this trend is very visible.

However, the divorce rate is not decreasing, which partly refutes the stereotype that marrying later in life makes it more stable.

Age of marriage for Russians:

Years2011 2012 2013 2014 2) 2015
Total marriages1316011 1213598 1225501 1225985 1161068
According to the groom's age, years
before 181097 952 931 835 853
18-24 380457 327000 300195 273994 247588
25-34 633360 594126 619534 632025 606002
35 or more301045 291469 304826 319131 306625
not specified52 51 15 0 0
By bride's age, years
before 1811425 10569 9695 9180 8462
18-24 574707 496335 465626 436993 400952
25-34 514339 492239 521289 534702 513566
35 or more215505 214427 228879 245110 238088
not specified35 28 12 0 0

Regardless of the age at which spouses get married, the following can be noted:

  • already in the first four years of marriage, 40% of divorces occur;
  • by age ten this figure rises to 63%;
  • approximately 37% of divorces occur when spouses have been married for more than 10 years.

The following trend is also observed: among people who got married before the age of 30, their marriages, on average, last twice as long as those who found a couple after 30 years of age.

Experts believe that this is due to personality flexibility, which decreases with age. However, most divorces occur for spouses under the age of 35.

This means that when entering into a union after 30, a person often decides to divorce in the very first years of marriage.

Depending on the presence of children

Information on this issue is rarely collected, and the last reliable results were summed up in 2011. However, numerous studies conducted in individual regions indicate that now things in the country are about the same.

Photo: divorce in families with children

Divorces in families with common children:

YearTotal number of divorces, thousandProportion of divorces with common children, %Average number of children per divorce *
2009 669,4 50,5 1,20
2010 639,3 50,5 1,21
2011 669,4 47,8 1,23

*This refers to the ratio of the number of children affected by divorce to the number of divorces with common children.

The table shows that approximately half of families break up even if they have children together. And from the data reflected in the last column, it is clear that divorce in families with two or more children is also not uncommon.

However, the birth rate changes from year to year, and along with the decline in this indicator, the number of divorces with common children also falls. It is important to understand that the reason for this is not a positive change in the situation, but the usual decline in the birth rate.

In our country, the court can oblige spouses to wait for a divorce from 1 to 3 months, and on average 64% of couples who apply for divorce receive such an order.

During this period, 7% of them find a common language and withdraw the application. If there are children, divorce requires legal proceedings.

During research, experts ask citizens not only about the reasons for divorce, but also about the obstacles to it.

Thus, 35% of people who are dissatisfied with their family life consider divorce impossible because of children.

Shared property can hold on to another 30%, and 22% of respondents hold on to their unloved partner because of his material security.

In 80% of cases, women are considered to be the initiators of divorce. This is due to the fact that for the main reasons, most men are at risk, and social stereotypes hold them responsible for the material well-being of the family.

And yet, 64% of respondents believe that both spouses are to blame for the destruction of a marriage. That is, ex-husbands often understand and accept their wives’ decisions.

What is the Russian government doing on this issue?

Divorce is extremely rarely considered by the government as a topic for serious social decisions. There are practically no direct solutions to help people stay in marriage and develop it to a satisfactory state.

However, some government actions help married couples maintain their relationship:

  1. Maternity support and assistance in obtaining housing under the “Young Family” and “Maternity Capital” programs.
  2. Creation and support of psychological assistance groups, including on this issue.
  3. Holding trials and setting deadlines for conciliation, giving people time to resolve problems.

The regions have their own programs to improve the situation. For example, in Tatarstan more attention is paid to this, and in the Republic the divorce rate is significantly lower than in other constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Positive changes in the situation

In Russia, the institution of “civil marriage” is developing, which is a form of cohabitation. And although there is no official data on this topic, all large-scale surveys show that a preliminary “trial marriage” lasting 1-2 years has a positive effect on the family.

Couples who get to know each other better in conditions of an almost complete imitation of marriage get divorced significantly less often.

After the first divorce, half of men and women find a partner within the next 3-4 years. And during their later life, about 75% of people marry again.

It is interesting that in recent years, representatives of both sexes have equal chances of starting a family again. And quite a lot of children are born in remarriages.

That is, if a woman has a child from her first marriage, she can most likely find a spouse and give birth to a child from him. In general, this has a positive effect on both the birth rate and the psycho-emotional health of citizens.

Despite the figures presented, our country's performance is not unusual.

If we compare data for all economically developed countries, we can understand that Russia does not stand out from the overall picture.

However, most divorces happen because citizens often do not take the institution of marriage seriously, do not prepare for family life, and do not even have a clear idea of ​​why a family is needed.

And only the state, religious and social organizations can influence the development of the family institution.

Video: Russia in numbers. Marriages and divorces