Brass alloy ls59. Brass l63 and ls59. difference between brands, application, characteristics. rods, sheets. guests Mechanical and physical properties

Brass L63 is a popular copper alloy that belongs to the two-component category. The characteristics of this alloy, which make it possible to use products made from it in many fields, are determined by its chemical composition, which contains 62–65% copper and 34.22–37.5% zinc. Thanks to the reduced amount of copper, which is replaced by zinc in the chemical composition of the alloy, brass of this brand is also distinguished by its low cost, which can also be attributed to its advantages.

The high popularity of L63 brass is also facilitated by the fact that products made from it have a very beautiful color, which makes it possible to use them not only for purely practical, but also for decorative purposes.

You can familiarize yourself with the GOST requirements by downloading the document in pdf format from the link below.

Structure and possible processing methods

The mechanical characteristics of brass of the brand in question, like any other material, are determined by the phase state of its internal structure. In the structure of L63 brass there is no second so-called b-phase, which, if present in a copper alloy, makes it harder and more brittle and significantly impairs the ductility of the base metal. It is the single-phase structure of the alloy of this brand that explains the fact that products made from it are perfectly amenable to pressure processing using almost any of the technologies used today (rolling, drawing, drawing, embossing, bending).

Casting methods and cutting technologies are also used for the manufacture of L63, which significantly expands the scope of its application. At industrial enterprises engaged in the production of metals, brass grade L63 is produced in the following form:

  • rolled sheets, strips and plates;
  • rods with various shapes cross section;
  • pipe products;
  • wire.

The entire range of products made from L63 brass is specified by GOST 15527-70 (new edition - GOST 15527-2004). In addition, as GOST 15527-70 prescribes, manufacturers can produce blanks from a modification of this alloy (L63A), which are distinguished by antimagnetic properties. This alloy, having similar characteristics to L63 brass (specific gravity, density, etc.), has better fluidity in the molten state, but products made from it are not very well processed by cutting.

Anti-corrosion characteristics

All brass alloys (and therefore L63 brass) have high corrosion resistance. They are also distinguished by lower thermal and electrical conductivity when compared with the base metal - copper. Alloy L63 exhibits its corrosion resistance best under the following conditions:

  • when in an air environment, including one saturated with salt vapor (sea air);
  • when operating products in fresh water;
  • while in sea ​​water characterized by low mobility;
  • in an environment containing a large amount of halogen gases;
  • when exposed to steam whose humidity is low;
  • in a liquid medium consisting of antifreeze, freon and alcohol solutions.

The corrosion resistance of those L63 brass products that have been pre-processed by cutting is significantly reduced. This is explained by the fact that when performing such processing, the crystal structure of the alloy is disrupted, and significant internal stresses are also formed. Corrosion cracking may occur on the surface of products made from L63 brass, the main causes of which are:

  • excess humidity;
  • heat environment;
  • the presence of sulfur dioxide and ammonia vapors in the environment in which the product is operated.
To avoid such a phenomenon, which leads not only to worsening decorative properties products, but also to a decrease in its performance characteristics, experts recommend that parts made of L63 brass be subjected to preliminary annealing, performed at low temperatures.

Regardless of the brand, factors that significantly reduce the corrosion resistance of brass are:

  • contact with fatty acids;
  • finding the product in so-called mine waters;
  • interaction with hydrogen sulfide;
  • exposure of the product to high pressure and saturated wet steam;
  • interaction with oxidizing solutions and chlorides;
  • contact with acids of mineral origin.

Of all the products for the production of which L63 brass is used, those made from thin-sheet material are most susceptible to oxidative corrosion processes. This, in particular, includes tanks and tanks for various purposes, which are widely in demand in almost all industries.

Application area

Almost the entire range of products made from L63 brass, which is described by GOST, is widely used in many areas. Wire made from this alloy, which, as GOST prescribes, can be produced in hard, semi-hard and soft versions, is characterized by high ductility. Thanks to this, this wire is excellent for the production of rivets. In addition, it is often used as solder; electrodes are made from it to complete electrical discharge machines.

L63, as GOST indicates, can be of two types: pressed and obtained using cold deformation technology. Such pipes, which have high corrosion resistance, are also popular. L63 is also widely represented on the modern market, the range of which is also introduced by the corresponding GOST. Such rolled products, used for the manufacture of containers for various purposes, are distinguished by a good ratio of strength and ductility.

GOST indicates that rods made of L63 brass can be produced in solid, semi-solid or pressed versions. Such rods, actively used as blanks for the production of products for various purposes, are produced in the following diameter range: 3–180 mm.

Brass fittings belong to the category of high-quality components used for organizing water supply systems, water and steam heating

Brass LS59-1 is a multicomponent copper alloy, chemical composition which is specified by GOST 15527-2004. This GOST indicates that such an alloy may contain 57–60% copper, 37.05–42.2% zinc and 0.8–1.9% lead. Other chemical elements present in the LS59-1 alloy as impurities may be contained in it in an amount of no more than 0.75%.

Although the alloy of this brand belongs to the category of brass, which is well processed by pressure, most often products made from it are processed on high-speed metal-cutting machines. Because of this, LS59-1 is also classified as an automatic weapon. The characteristics of brass of this brand are determined by lead, which is included in its composition as an alloying element.

You can familiarize yourself with the GOST requirements for brass alloys by downloading the document in pdf format from the link below.

Mechanical characteristics

Due to the presence of lead in LS59-1, when processing products from it by cutting, small chips are formed, which allows such processing to be performed at high speeds. A distinctive feature of the alloy in question is that lead constitutes a separate phase in its internal structure. This makes such a material highly susceptible to plastic deformation. Meanwhile, if we compare LS59-1 brass with two-component alloys, it is significantly inferior to them in its ductility, so it is better to process such material by cutting.

The range of products made from LS59-1 brass includes:

  • rods with different cross-section profiles;
  • sheet material – strips, sheets, plates;
  • wire;
  • profile rolled products;
  • pipe products.

Brass of the LS59-1 brand is distinguished by good anti-friction characteristics, which allows the use of such material for the manufacture of products operated in conditions of high friction. From this alloy, in particular, sliding bearings are produced, used to complete various mechanisms and machines. In addition, the abrasion resistance that LS59-1 is characterized by allows this brass to be used for the manufacture of guides for machine tools for various purposes.

Since brass of this brand has a multiphase structure, products made from it are characterized by increased fragility. Parts made from LS59-1, on which surface cuts are made, cannot be used as load-bearing elements, since they can break under significant pressure. In addition, the increased fragility of this brass leads to the fact that when exposed to shock loads, the surface of products made of this material can become covered with cracks, which does not allow them to be processed using such a technological operation as forging.

Corrosion resistance

Due to the presence of lead in the chemical composition of brass of the brand in question, a separate phase is formed in its internal structure, which has a positive effect not only on its workability, but also on its resistance to corrosion. Compared to other brass alloys, LS59-1 is more resistant to corrosion. are not subject to cracking and oxidation when used in conditions of high humidity and temperature changes.

However, there is no need to talk about the exceptionally high corrosion resistance of LS59-1: in this parameter, this alloy is similar to brasses of other brands. In particular, it is not recommended to use it in cases where it will come into contact with products made of iron, aluminum and zinc. In addition, the corrosion resistance of LS59-1 will be poor when:

  • simultaneous exposure to high humidity and high pressure;
  • contact with fatty acids;
  • operation in hydrogen sulfide environment;
  • contact with ore waters and mineral acids;
  • constant interaction with oxidized solutions and chlorides.

LS59-1 demonstrates its corrosion resistance well under the following operating conditions:

  • atmospheric air, including that saturated with sea salt vapor;
  • dry steam;
  • liquid medium characterized by a very low content of salts and acids;
  • freon, alcohol solutions and antifreeze;
  • salty sea water in a sedentary state.
It should be borne in mind that the interaction of LS59-1 brass with a gaseous or liquid medium characterized by a high content of ammonia, oxygen and carbon dioxide has a very negative effect on the corrosion resistance of the alloy.

Rental products

Various rolled metal products are manufactured from the brass of the brand in question, the requirements for the chemical composition and mechanical characteristics of which are specified by GOST 15527-2004. The range and parameters of the latter are regulated by other regulatory documents. Pipes for the manufacture of which this alloy is used can be produced either by plastic deformation or by continuous casting. At the same time, the production of pipes from brass LS59-1 by casting is much cheaper than the production of similar products obtained using deformation processes.

The plastic deformation method for brass of this grade is used in the production of wire and rods, which can have a round, hexagonal or square cross-section. In this case, the manufacturing material itself must also meet the requirements established by GOST 15527-2004 (for products that are made from it, the standards are specified by GOST 1066).

Sheets are produced from LS59-1 brass, characterized by high density, hardness and, accordingly, wear resistance. Due to their characteristics, they are successfully used in the manufacture of guide machines for various purposes. In addition, special technologies make it possible to produce soft, semi-hard and hard sheet materials from such brass. In this case, both the density and specific gravity of such products will correspond to similar parameters of the source material.

Rods with different cross-sectional shapes made from LS59-1 brass are very actively used in industry. Their distinctive features are high strength and good machinability. It is also important that the production of such products (for this purpose, rolling or drawing technology can be used) is characterized by low cost. Depending on the manufacturing technology and scope of use, rods made of LS59-1 brass can be produced in soft, semi-hard or hard versions.






1 DEVELOPED by the Russian Federation, Interstate Technical Committee for Standardization MTK 106 “Tsvetmetprokat”

2 INTRODUCED by Gosstandart of Russia

ADOPTED by the Interstate Council for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Minutes No. 17 of April 1, 2004, by correspondence)

State name

Name of the national standardization body





State Standard of the Republic of Belarus


Gosstandart of the Republic of Kazakhstan

Republic of Kyrgyzstan


The Republic of Moldova


Russian Federation

Gosstandart of Russia

The Republic of Tajikistan



Main State Service "Turkmenstandartlary"



Gospotrebstandart of Ukraine

3 By Order of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology dated October 25, 2004 No. 42-st, the interstate standard GOST 15527-2004 was put into effect directly as a national standard Russian Federation since July 1, 2005



Pressure treated copper zinc alloys (brasses). Grades

Date of introduction 2005-07-01

1 area of ​​use

This standard applies to pressure-processed copper-zinc alloys (brass).

When designating brass, the brand should be indicated in accordance with this standard.

2a Normative references

2 Stamps

2.1 The grades and chemical composition of brass must correspond to those given in tables 1 - 3.

Table 1 - Chemical composition of simple (double) brasses

Mass fraction, %

Application example

Sum of other elements


Sheets, tapes, strips, pipes, rods, wire for parts in electrical engineering, for medals and badges




Sheets, tapes, strips, wires, art products, bellows, gauge tubes, flexible hoses, musical instruments


Radiator tapes, strips, pipes, heat exchangers, musical instruments, deep-drawn parts


Wire mesh, radiator tapes, pipes for heat exchangers, deep-drawn parts


Sheets, tapes, strips, pipes, rods, foil, wire, deep-drawn parts


Stamped parts, accessories


1 In brass grade L68, intended for the manufacture of special-purpose products, the mass fraction of elements should not be more than: iron - 0.07%, antimony - 0.002%, phosphorus - 0.005%, arsenic - 0.005%, sulfur - 0.002% (sum of other elements - 0.2%).

2 In brasses of grades L96, L90, L80, L70, L68, L63, L60, a mass fraction of nickel of up to 0.3% is allowed due to the mass fraction of copper, which is not taken into account in the sum of other elements.

3 In brasses of all grades, by agreement with the consumer, the mass fraction of tin, aluminum, manganese and silicon can be determined, the values ​​of which are taken into account in the sum of other elements.

4 In brass grade L70, used for the production of condenser tubes and heat exchangers, a mass fraction of arsenic of up to 0.06% is allowed due to the mass fraction of copper, which is not taken into account in the sum of other elements.

5 In L63 grade brass used in the food industry, the mass fraction of lead should not exceed 0.05%.

6 For antimagnetic alloys, the mass fraction of iron should not exceed 0.03%.

9 Impurities not listed in the table are taken into account in the sum of other elements, the list of which is determined by agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer.

Table 2 - Chemical composition of lead brasses

Mass fraction, %

Estimated density, g/cm 3 , approx.

Application example

Sum of other elements



Tapes, strips, rods



Tapes, strips, rods, wire



Sheets, tapes, strips, rods, profiles, pipes, wire, forgings


Strips, rods, wire





1 In lead brasses, the mass fraction of nickel is allowed to be no more than 0.5%, in brasses of the LS59-1, LS59-1V, LS58-2 and LS58-3 brands - no more than 1% due to the mass fraction of copper, which is not taken into account in the total amount other elements.

2 In brass grade LS59-1, the sum of the elements tin and silicon should be no more than 0.5%.

3 In brasses of all grades, the mass fraction of tin, aluminum, manganese and silicon can be determined.

4 In brass grade LS58-2, the mass fraction of antimony in the manufacture of rods is allowed to be no more than 0.1%.

5 The calculated density is indicated for calculating the reference theoretical mass of products.

6 The sign “-”, placed simultaneously for the upper and lower limits of the mass fraction of an element, means that this element is not standardized and is determined only according to the consumer’s requirement specified in the order, and in this case, the content of this element is included in the sum of other elements.

7 Impurities not listed in the table are taken into account in the sum of other elements, the list of which is determined by agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer.

Table 3 - Chemical composition of complex alloyed brasses

Mass fraction, %

Estimated density, g/cm 3 , approx.

Application example

Sum of other elements




Tapes, strips, wire







Sheets, strips, rods for instrument making, pipes for condensers and heat exchangers



Wire, rods

Aluminum 0.05




Wire, rods






Seawater-resistant machine parts, highly loaded fittings




Strips, pipes



Strips, pipes



Wire, rods


Pipes, rods for plain bearings, shipbuilding and instrument making


Rods, pipes


Strips, pipes, rods, wire


Sheets, tapes, strips, rods, wire for instrument making


1 In complex alloyed brasses, except for grades LAN59-3-2, L75mk, LA77-2u, a mass fraction of nickel of up to 0.5% is allowed, which is not included in the total amount of other elements, but is counted towards the mass fraction of copper.

2 In LMts58-2 brand brass, at the consumer’s request, the mass fraction of manganese is set within 3.0% - 4.0%.

3 In brass LKBO62-0.2-0.04-0.5, the mass fraction of boron content should be in the range from 0.03% to 0.10%, which is not included in the sum of other elements.

4 In LA77-2u grade brass, the mass fraction of iron less than 0.03% is not a rejection criterion.

5 In brass grade LAMsh77-2-0.04, the total mass fraction of phosphorus and arsenic should not be more than 0.04%.

6 The production of brass brand LOMsh70-1-0.04 is allowed without arsenic mass fraction.

7 The calculated density is indicated for calculating the reference theoretical mass of products.

8 The sign “-”, placed simultaneously for the upper and lower limits of the mass fraction of an element, means that this element is not standardized and is determined only according to the consumer’s requirement specified in the order, and in this case, the content of this element is included in the sum of other elements.

9 Impurities not listed in the table are taken into account in the total amount of other elements, the list of which is determined by agreement between the consumer and the manufacturer.

Keywords: copper-zinc alloys (brass), grades, chemical composition, mass fraction

LS59 (LS59-1) is lead brass, since it contains 1% lead. The main components of this alloy are copper and zinc, the ratio of which is selected in such a way as to obtain brass that can be easily processed by pressure. The full chemical composition of LS59 brass looks like this (according to GOST 15527):

  • Cu – 57.0-60.0%
  • Zn – 37.35-42.2%
  • Pb – 0.8-1.9%
  • Fe – no more than 0.5%
  • P – no more than 0.02%
  • Sb – no more than 0.01%
  • Bi – no more than 0.003%

This combination makes it possible to achieve sufficiently high strength and excellent wear resistance from the alloy. At the same time, LS59 brass is well processed by removing a thin layer of small loose chips.

Mechanical and physical properties

Brass LS 59 (or LS59-1) is characterized by relatively high hardness - HB 10-1=150-160 MPa, while the melting point of the alloy is at 900°C. The remaining properties of this material are presented in the table:

Since this brass alloy is initially intended for pressure processing, the type and characteristics of the latter can determine the subsequent performance properties of the brass product. Thus, the characteristics of hot deformation, namely the magnitude of pressure, can make the alloy hard, semi-hard or soft. The use of hot annealing additionally gives the alloy greater corrosion resistance and wear resistance.

Despite the fact that we are dealing with a multicomponent substance processed by pressure, the main practical name for LS59 brass is an automatic alloy. This is due to the inherent good electrical and thermal conductivity of the material. As for corrosion resistance, after proper processing, thanks to lead, the LS59-1 alloy becomes more resistant to cracking that occurs due to increased humidity or ambient temperature. In this respect, this grade is significantly superior to alloys L68 and L63.

Brass LS59-1: application

A wide range of various hardware is produced from this alloy: bolts, nuts, bushings, gears, gears. Due to the excellent technological and operational properties of brass, all kinds of decorative elements and semi-finished products for their manufacture. Brass LS59 is supplied to production in the form of ingots, blocks, ingots or round blocks of any size.

Brass alloy LS59 has good anti-friction properties, so small parts that operate under high friction are often made from this material. An example of such products are plain bearings.

The range of products made from brass LS59-1 also includes the following products:

  • rods
  • circles
  • tapes
  • stripes
  • sheets
  • profiles
  • slabs
  • wire
  • pipes, etc.