All causes of nausea (nausea). Symptoms, treatment. Why do you feel sick when you're nervous? Why do some people's actions make you feel sick?

An integral element of everyone's life will be constant stress and anxiety due to various reasons. Therefore, if a person feels sick from excitement, then this is a completely natural reaction of the body.

Such symptoms are characteristic not only of people with an unstable psyche, but also of balanced ones. If such a sign appears, do not panic.

If the phenomenon has become chronic, you should consult a doctor who will give the necessary recommendations to reduce or eliminate symptoms.

Nausea during excitement

Nausea during anxiety and worry is a common companion for every person, but not everyone has the opportunity to eliminate this phenomenon on their own.

When the stressful situation is too great, the patient begins to feel sick. Nausea with excitement is considered a common phenomenon that is typical for all people without exception.


It is necessary to distinguish between nausea associated with stress and the same unpleasant symptoms, the provoking factor of which will be diseases of the digestive tract.

In a situation where unpleasant sensations inside the stomach and discomfort appear without objective reasons, which are associated with acute pain in the abdominal cavity, therefore, you need to undergo examination for disorders in the gastrointestinal tract.

When a person has an important event coming up, his nervous system feels high tension, and all thoughts are concentrated only on this moment.

Nausea is preceded by the following symptoms:

  • Loss of appetite. It is observed in the majority of the population during periods of high psycho-emotional stress.
  • Spasmodic pain inside the stomach, strong seething.
  • The patient feels nauseous, and unpleasant sensations occasionally creep up to the throat.

In addition, secondary symptoms appear:

  • darkening of the eyes;
  • dizzy;
  • noise in ears;
  • pale skin;
  • cold sweating;
  • stiffness of movements.

Varieties of nausea

It can be of 3 types:

  • Constant. This variety is observed extremely rarely. It is usually formed in connection with the loss of a loved one, separation, troubles at work and other similar circumstances. This condition is associated with apathy and severe depressive disorder.
  • Periodic. At the top of the abdominal cavity, painful discomfort appears in episodes. However, it does not go away on its own. It is necessary to find out the recommendations of a specialist; he determines the factor that preceded such a condition and prescribes an effective remedy.
  • Spontaneous. Not everyone is able to restrain their own experiences and control nervous processes. As a result, unpleasant sensations occur inside the digestive organ, in some cases associated with vomiting. In this regard, people periodically ask the question whether they can feel sick when they are nervous, when this happened to them for the first time.

To prevent the appearance of such unpleasant symptoms, you just need to stop worrying.

Although the last 2 types can go away on their own, persistent nausea during anxiety should be treated with medications. Directly those prescribed by the doctor.


The following provoking factors are identified that can cause a similar phenomenon during nervous tension:

  • Aerophagia. In the process of experiencing, a person begins to breathe more often, and the heart beats faster. This is an explainable biological process that occurs at the reflex level. The main part of the inhaled air enters the body through the oral cavity, penetrating in small portions into the digestive tract. The air that accumulates in the abdominal cavity tries to come to the surface. In this regard, the person feels nauseous and there is distension in the stomach. Intense belching occurs.
  • Hypertonicity of the skeletal muscles. When the patient is in the stage of acute anxiety, all his muscles become tense. This process is controlled subconsciously. A significant amount of adrenaline is produced, it is not consumed, the muscles harden. All organs become toned, including the stomach, where a similar sign of nausea can appear.
  • Physiology of a stressful situation. When the body feels psychological stress, it prepares for a possible attack. Therefore, in order to facilitate the fight, it is necessary to free the organs from unnecessary substances that can interfere with the battle. There is frequent urination and bowel movements, as well as nausea with a gag reflex.
  • Thoughts about possible nausea. When a person’s life has previously experienced psycho-emotional shocks with high psychological stress, resulting in nausea, the brain remembers a similar state and tries to repeat it again in another similar situation.

Therefore, when a responsible event is coming up or is observed constant pressure, you should not think about bad things. In this case, a person should think only in a positive way.

Nausea during periods of increased stress

Increased symptoms during stressful situations:

  • Activation of nerve centers. An impulse about a threat is sent to neurons, as a result of which the body will direct all its forces to counteract the aggressor. There is a loss of appetite, and the gastrointestinal tract will begin to remove food debris as soon as possible.
  • Lack of enzyme production in the gastrointestinal tract. Having received an impulse about a threat, the organs of the digestive tract stop their natural work (processing food products).
  • Loss of appetite. An impulse enters the brain, blocking the neurohumoral centers that cause appetite. The reaction is natural.

For most people, a stressful situation is a mental illness, but in reality the body is no less susceptible to symptoms. All the forces of the body are aimed at eliminating stress and aligning nervous processes.

For neuroses

Neurosis is a psycho-emotional disorder that has a large number of prerequisites. Often these are regular stressful situations, lack of proper rest, frustration and poor sleep.

During this, the person complains of feeling unwell, irritability and constant fatigue occur. The body begins to function in emergency mode, resulting in nausea.

In addition to making a person feel sick, this symptom is associated with loss of appetite, sudden weight loss and apathy.

The presence of nausea and a gag reflex may indicate that neurosis has affected large areas of the brain, disrupting autonomic functions.

It is virtually impossible to provide medical help to a person. In such a situation, it is wrong to expect nausea to disappear on its own.

A person needs the help of a highly qualified psychiatrist. To achieve harmony, you need to understand that all diseases and disorders, dissatisfaction with life are formed directly in the head.

Only positive, life-affirming thinking helps to counteract neuroses with minimal losses to the body.

For panic attacks and phobias

An increase in nausea in such a situation: a person feels a feeling of fear in a particular case, as a result of which the body subconsciously tries to help him, to overcome it by releasing the gastrointestinal tract.

A panic attack is a violation of the proper functioning of the psyche, but it does not provoke death.

A person feels high mental tension that arises inside the body as a reaction to an irritant.

A phobia is actually similar to a panic attack. A person, for example, experiences fear of some kind of animal, and when he observes it, the body begins to react sharply.

Blood pressure increases, tachycardia is observed, and the body itself feels anxiety and threat. The person begins to feel sick, experience cold sweating and stiffness of movement.

Without a doubt, the body does not feel a mortal threat during their presence, but such nervous changes can negatively affect the functioning of cardio-vascular system.

Cases that do not require treatment

Nausea is only a symptom that the central nervous system feels increased tension and in order to normalize everything vitally important processes inside the body you will need help from outside.

But not in all situations, stress and emotional distress require medical intervention and therapy. The following symptoms may indicate that treatment is not necessary:

  • Nausea does not have pronounced symptoms, and there is no gag reflex.
  • Unpleasant sensations inside the stomach go away on their own when the stress is exhausted.
  • She begins to feel sick only in a situation of severe psycho-emotional shock, but not during a quarrel.
  • The duration of the phenomenon is less than 60 minutes.

When a person can eliminate his own anxiety on his own, calm down and return to a normal lifestyle, therefore, the help of doctors is not required.

Patients often ask why such symptoms occur and what to do to get rid of them.

A mild form of VSD does not require drug therapy, but traditional medicine and physiotherapeutic procedures are used.

Decoctions of herbs that have a calming effect are used: chamomile, St. John's wort, hawthorn, peppermint, valerian.

A person must follow the following instructions:

  • walk outside every day;
  • maintain a set bedtime;
  • balance your diet;
  • eat fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • eliminate bad habits.

When anxiety provokes emotional distress, going to a specialist can bring significant benefits. The doctor will be able to fix the problem and teach him to switch the patient’s attention.

Many people wonder what to do to reduce the likelihood of nausea and other unpleasant symptoms during stress.

For these purposes, you need to be able to quickly switch your attention and forget about the problem.

In certain situations this is difficult to do. In this case, medications that reduce agitation will help. It is recommended to use them only with a prescription from a specialist.

Nausea is not an uncommon occurrence when the body feels stressed. If it continues for more than a day, then the help of a specialist is needed.

You should not endure and wait for the unpleasant symptom to go away on its own. The sooner the patient is examined by a specialist, the higher the chances of a speedy recovery.

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I have been endlessly thinking about suicide for the 3rd year now. I'm tired of this cruel life. I'm literally sick of her, of the people around me, of myself, of everything. I’m already sick of the fact that my every wish is fulfilled exactly the opposite. I'm sick of the fact that no matter how hard I try, the result is not up to me. It makes me sick that I can’t decide to die. Last week I tried, but my mother returned early, I had to quickly get down and open the door. Today I tried, but I couldn’t, you see I was scared of the pain. Does this pain compare with what my existence causes me? No, but I just couldn't die. After that I cried hysterically for about an hour. She cried because she couldn’t even take the last step. How stupid and low.
I wish I had never been born. I would like to die in early childhood, so as not to see all this abomination. I just want to disappear.
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Someone from planet Earth, age: no matter how much I wanted it, it’s already 17 / 19.02.2018


Dear, hold on my dear. I understand you are in pain, but you must hold on. This is life, and there is so much injustice in it. But the most important thing is that there is good in the world too. There are joyful and happy moments in life for which it is worth living. Suicide is It’s a sin, and there are unsuccessful suicide attempts. And this is the worst of all, my dear. You have a mother who loves you. Think about her. How will she be. Hang in there, my dear. There is nothing more precious than a person’s health. Take care of him, dear. Please hold on. you. Set goals and achieve them. Everything will be fine. Study well and everything will work out for you. I ask you to hold on.

Ice, age: 26 / 02/19/2018

Hello. What about your mother? She carried you under her heart for 9 months, overcame toxicosis, swelling, and terrible pain during childbirth. You have been together for so many years. And the first tooth, the first step, the first word...How many successes and victories over these 17 years and...You want to just leave. Abandon your loved one forever. For what? Read it. Think about it. Don't deprive yourself of the future. Don’t you really want to love and be loved, give life to your baby, study, find a decent job?! What will the coffin give you?! Calmness, security, what??? Suicide will not help you in any way. What if you remain disabled? It's no joke to turn from a healthy girl into a disabled person! Don't make a fatal mistake!

Irina, age: 30 / 02/19/2018

You know, I was very glad that you didn’t decide to do this today. I was sincerely happy, although I don’t know You. And not only for you, but also for your mother. She may be guilty of something, but she definitely doesn’t deserve such a severe punishment. Our life is just an interval, and it is unknown how long it will last. It's not too long to be cut off prematurely. No matter how difficult and painful it is, you still live. It seems to me that it’s generally a shame to leave like that. Whatever troubles there are, they will pass sooner or later. Any of them can be corrected, except for what you have been thinking about for three years. I agree that people often do not behave in the best way. There is a place for cruelty, lies, and betrayal, sometimes without any justification. And you give up when you encounter this again, you don’t know what to do or how to communicate further. But you don’t need to lose your life because of other people’s actions. Each of these people was brought up differently, lives in different conditions, and has a certain social circle. It is quite possible that he also encounters vile and evil actions, and then behaves the same way. Almost all people strive to live better than they actually live, regardless of age. But, for various reasons, they cannot afford it. That's probably why they're angry. Therefore, you should try to avoid communication with those who have offended you or betrayed you. The actions of others should not prevent you from being a normal and adequate person. Because these are other people, and you have your own life. You are an individual and deserve better treatment. You don’t have to do like them, it’s better to do good in general. This is not difficult as it may seem at first. There is no need to be ashamed of this, there is no need to be ashamed of being different from others. It changes your attitude towards yourself and makes life interesting. Not like those of people who do evil and do not know how to appreciate what they have. Good deeds give strength and additional motivation. Of course, our dreams do not always come true, but our efforts bring results. But it’s better to perceive failures differently, as a new challenge to yourself. Be patient and move on. This is much more correct than trying to give up everything. Otherwise, these thoughts can become a real problem over time. I don’t want this to interfere with your life, so leave them. Good luck.

Arina, age: 28 / 02/20/2018

Could you describe in more detail the essence of your problems? What exactly “everything” makes you sick, what’s wrong with the people around you, what exactly are your desires that are not being fulfilled?

Boris, age: 28 / 02/20/2018

On planet Earth there is also the sun, sky, smells, music, someone's participation, kindness. You have this too. This is given to you too. Everyone has troubles, sadness, mistakes, responsibilities, but is it worth being so upset about it? You are still learning to live, so sometimes things may not work out right away. Calm down. It’s difficult for everyone at this age, this period is so difficult.

Olesya, age: 38 / 02/20/2018

Hello! I really sympathize with you. Just don’t despair. Try to look at your life from the other side. What happens in life is sometimes not good for us.

Look here. Look here. Just don’t be discouraged, what should work out will definitely work out. Be sure to share with your loved ones what you feel. Try to understand yourself, why it all started for you. To make it easier for you, it’s better to consult a psychologist. You can already talk to a psychologist online) Well done for writing here, look for help and it will be found somewhere) No matter how hard it may be, I advise you to thank God for your life, then it will become easier) You can ask the Lord for help )God created you as a wonderful person, He loves you very much and will never leave you) Ask Him for help more often and you will feel better) He can get you out of any depression. If possible, go to an Orthodox church. I wish you the meaning of life, more patience and strength, good relationships in the family, success in studies, good health, always a good mood, happiness, more love, joy and peace in life and all the best! Hold on, God will help you! Guardian Angel to you!

Anastasia, age: 19 / 02/26/2018

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It is probably impossible to find a person who is not familiar with such a condition as nausea. Moreover, the causes of nausea are not always obvious at first glance. It is rare that this condition quickly goes away on its own, and it is completely unpleasant when nausea haunts a person constantly.

We will talk to you about what factors cause nausea, its causes (except pregnancy, among other things), and how to get rid of it.

If nausea constantly haunts you, the reasons for this most often lie in diseases of the digestive system, although, of course, there are cases of neurological disorders, disorders of the endocrine system and heart function, in which a feeling of nausea appears along with other symptoms.

Nausea - causes

As you know, you can get rid of any symptom if you influence the cause of its occurrence. Nausea is no exception.

  1. Ulcer and gastritis

If you experience nausea after eating, the reasons for this lie precisely in these inflammatory processes. Along with nausea, there will be the following symptoms: heaviness in the stomach, a feeling of fullness after eating. On an empty stomach, you may feel a burning sensation in the stomach area.

A specialist will help you determine the diagnosis by conducting a series of studies. And you should also forget about spicy, smoked and fatty foods for now and switch to a dietary diet.

  1. Problems with the gallbladder

In this case, nausea appears during the process of eating, along with a feeling of fullness from the inside. Associated symptoms: metallic taste in the mouth or bitterness, gas formation, pain in the right hypochondrium, heartburn.

  1. Symptom of poisoning or intestinal infection

After some time has passed after eating, a person begins to experience nausea, which results in vomiting. Pain is noticeably felt in the navel area, dizziness, weakness appear, and the temperature may rise to 37-38°. In this condition, it is imperative to take measures, because diarrhea and dehydration will be added to it.

First, drink a couple of glasses of warm water in small sips; you need to induce vomiting. Then your task is to replenish the missing fluid: drink water, fruit drinks, weak teas. Two to four tablets will also help you activated carbon. If you cannot get rid of vomiting and bile is found in it, dizziness begins - this may indicate that a serious infection has entered the body (salmonellosis, for example), in this case it is worth calling an ambulance.

  1. Inflammatory processes in the kidneys

This cause of nausea is not related to food intake. In some cases, nausea can result in vomiting. An important symptom that indicates that the cause of this nausea is inflammation in the kidneys is lower back pain and problems with urination.

  1. Pancreatitis is an inflammatory disease of the pancreas

In people suffering from this problem, nausea and bloating appear after eating, accompanied by pain in the right hypochondrium and the appearance of bitterness in the mouth.

  1. Hypertension

With this disease, constant nausea is possible, which most often appears in the morning. Then in the morning, a person with hypertension may experience swelling and redness of the face, increased fatigue, and often dizziness.

  1. Taking certain medications

If you read the instructions for the medications you purchase, you will note that many of them can cause nausea as a side effect. Such medications include antibiotics, anti-influenza and anti-inflammatory drugs, iron-containing drugs, some vitamin complexes, etc.

  1. Concussion

If you seriously hurt your head and feel dizzy and persistently nauseous all the time, consult a doctor immediately.

  1. Symptom of appendicitis

Regardless of food, nausea may occur in patients with appendicitis; in some cases, nausea will progress to vomiting. The pain will first appear in the upper abdomen, then it will gradually move to the lower right part. An increase in temperature to 37-38° is another symptom of appendicitis.

  1. Problems with the vestibular system

Severe dizziness and nausea are frequent accompaniments of a sudden change in body position when you roll over or get out of bed. Other signs include the appearance of tinnitus, problems with balance, “spots” in front of the eyes, and the inability to focus for a long time on a moving object.

  1. Symptom of heart attack and heart failure

With these problems, even after vomiting, nausea remains, accompanied by pain in the upper abdomen. In heart failure, the following symptoms are also common: pale skin, hiccups, and a feeling of suffocation.

  1. Migraine

Slight dizziness may be added to nausea. If you have nausea due to headaches, you can be “saved” by a quiet, dark room and taking a drug prescribed by a neurologist.

  1. Stress

Many have noticed how, with strong excitement and emotional arousal, they begin to feel nauseous. Once you calm down, breathe deeply, the adrenaline in the body decreases and the nausea goes away.

  1. One of the symptoms of meningitis

Nausea is accompanied by a high temperature - from 38°C, photophobia, and a feeling of constriction in the occipital region.

  1. Hypothyroidism – problems with the thyroid gland

Nausea may accompany you constantly, although not clearly expressed. There may be no appetite, but weight is still gained, a constant feeling of drowsiness, fatigue, cold in hot weather, and in some cases anemia is possible.

  1. Pregnancy

Although there is an opinion that nausea is a frequent companion of almost all pregnant women, especially in the first trimester, this is not so. Not all pregnant women suffer from bouts of nausea. But if you're unlucky with this, there is consolation that by 12-13 weeks the nausea will leave you alone.

  1. Tumors

Long-lasting nausea and vomiting are a characteristic symptom of a malignant tumor. Not only a tumor, but also a blockage, an inflammatory process in the gastrointestinal tract can cause an attack of nausea.

  1. Eating sweet foods on an empty stomach can also cause nausea. In this case, eat a piece of some unsweetened fruit.
  1. Hunger

Although nausea is usually caused by a lack of appetite, hunger can also cause nausea due to a sharp drop in blood sugar levels.

In addition to describing the causes of nausea, there is also a division into types:

Types of Nausea

"Cerebral Nausea", the cause is brain disorders (atherosclerosis, hypertension, brain tumor). In almost all cases it is accompanied by an increase in intracranial and blood pressure.

"Toxic nausea"- due to poisoning with food or endogenous poisons.

"Exchange nausea"- a consequence of unbalanced nutrition, starvation diets, hypovitaminosis, diabetes, metabolic disorders.

"Vestibular nausea"- as a manifestation of neuroses. This type of nausea is often characteristic of women during pregnancy and menopause.

"Reflex nausea"- a consequence of active irritation of receptors, as well as inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract. Appears regularly after eating in general or consuming certain foods.

Nausea during pregnancy

If a pregnant woman is accompanied by nausea, then most often it appears in the morning, although it can be present constantly throughout the day until the evening. Some pregnant women react with nausea to strong odors.

The causes of nausea during pregnancy in almost all cases include:

  • The habit of eating unhealthy foods, both before pregnancy and during pregnancy, is unhealthy nutrition.
  • Inflammatory processes in the genital organs.
  • Stress, lack of sleep and excessive fatigue,
  • Problems with the endocrine system,
  • Cold.

If a pregnant woman reacts with an attack of nausea to a sharp or strong smell, this is simply a sign of an increased sense of smell, there is nothing to be done about it.

Toxicosis and nausea of ​​pregnant women is, of course, not a disease. However, they can and must be dealt with, otherwise they can disrupt the normal course of pregnancy and harm the unborn child. And the harm is caused not so much by nausea as by vomiting, when useful substances are removed from the body.

The first thing a woman herself can do is switch to proper nutrition, which should be balanced, and if you really want to eat something that is not entirely healthy (chocolate, for example), then eat a piece, not the whole bar.

The second thing a pregnant woman’s environment can do is help get rid of all possible nausea provocateurs.

Most often, nausea occurs on an empty stomach (due to low blood sugar levels). Sometimes it is enough to eat something to fill your stomach at least a little, and the nausea goes away. But, unfortunately, this does not always help, so you can do something else:

If nausea comes to you in the morning, try, without getting out of bed, eat a piece of stale bread, a cracker or a dry cracker, as well as nuts, dried fruits or fresh fruits. Sometimes mint tea helps.

If, along with nausea during pregnancy, you suffer from dizziness, severe heartburn, fainting, sudden surges in blood pressure and excessive dry skin, consult your doctor.

Causes of nausea in children

Many parents mistakenly believe that their child cannot yet have health problems, because they experience nausea and vomiting only due to food poisoning. However, this is not the case.

  1. Children may have increased intracranial pressure. Then nausea appears in the morning along with a headache.
  1. Vestibular apparatus - if there are problems with it, children experience nausea in transport. You should not feed such a child before the trip; sit him closer to the driver, ask him to look straight ahead and let him drink water from time to time.
  1. Stress. Children often feel sick if they are very scared, offended or feel guilty - this is how they try to isolate themselves from troubles. Breathing exercises or a simple paper bag can help here.
  1. Allergic reaction. Nausea - as a result of intolerance to any product. An allergist will help you determine which one.
  1. Excessive absorption of food. Nausea from overeating occurs frequently in children. If the child does not want to finish eating, then forget about the “clean plate society.” You will force him to finish eating, you will feel pride from satisfying your parental will, and then the child will feel sick...
  1. Dehydration. Children often, after playing and sweating, may feel an attack of nausea; immediately give them a drink of plain water, this will help relieve the attack.

How to get rid of nausea using folk remedies?

  • First of all, many people remember ammonia - it is inhaled through the nose. You can put a validol tablet under your tongue or suck on a mint candy.
  • You can prepare this decoction: boil 250 ml of milk and put 1 tsp in it. nettle, boil over low heat for 5 minutes, take 1/3 of the broth immediately, and then drink 1 tbsp every two to three hours. this decoction until the nausea goes away.
  • A decoction of ginger root helps many: chop it and pour in 300 ml of just boiled water, let it sit for a while until it cools to room temperature, and drink it in small sips.
  • Collection of herbs will also help in the treatment of nausea: you need to take chamomile (2 tsp), rosemary (1 tsp) and sage (1 tsp), pour 500 ml of boiling water over them, 15-20 minutes. Infuse and drink in small sips every quarter of an hour.
  • At the first signs of nausea, many people find it helpful when mixed with 0.5 tsp. table soda juice of 0.5 lemon.
  • Or you can just mix 0.5 tsp. soda with 250 ml of warm water and drink in small sips.
  • You can also try to get rid of nausea by drinking 15 drops of mint tincture dissolved in water.
  • Peppermint is good for nausea in the form of an infusion: take dry mint leaves (1 tbsp), pour boiling water (250 ml) over them and let it steep for two hours. After which the infusion must be filtered. Use 1 tbsp three to four times a day.

As you understand, temporary attacks of nausea are not difficult to get rid of. However, if nausea is constantly and painfully haunting you, consult a doctor, he will be able to determine the causes of nausea and the best option for its treatment. There is no point in enduring this condition patiently. It is much easier to cope with such a relatively “mild” symptom of disorders in the body as nausea, until this disorder develops into a serious problem.

Nausea is a reaction to complex emotional experiences and conditions. It manifests itself in cases of indigestion, toxicosis of pregnancy, motion sickness when traveling by car, ship or plane.

The cause of nausea, from a psychosomatic point of view, is rejection of something or the desire to get rid of a person or problem.

The connection between soul and body is beyond doubt; the symptoms of various diseases and mental experiences are closely related to each other. One of the ways to express an emotional state in the science of psychosomatics is nausea.

How does nausea manifest itself?

Nausea is a symptom that every person has experienced at least once in their life. It is not an independent disease; it manifests itself as a companion to various conditions:

  • digestive disorders,
  • toxicosis of pregnancy,
  • “sickness” in transport, or “sea sickness”.

In rare cases, nausea can even be caused by intense positive emotion, no matter how strange it may sound.

The sensations associated with this pathology are a nauseating feeling in the stomach, the person feels sick, he feels like his insides are being turned inside out. Nausea may occur after eating, or may not depend on food intake at all.

It is not associated with the consumption of certain foods. Diet most often does not bring any relief to such patients. Drug therapy for nausea provides only short-term relief or no effect at all.

About psychosomatics as a way to solve health problems

In many cases, the root of health problems should be sought in one’s own unresolved emotional problems. This is what psychosomatics believes - the science of the psychological causes of diseases. The lack of mental resources to express strong feelings leads to their suppression. The next step on the path to illness is to transform these deeply hidden emotions into bodily symptoms.

Psychosomatics helps to reveal the meaning of painful or unpleasant symptoms and find ways out of this situation. Often a person is unaware of the underlying problems of his illness. Without eliminating the problem at the mental level, you should not rely too much on medication treatment; most often it will not give long-term results.

What does nausea signal from a psychosomatic point of view?

When a person feels sick, the subconscious is trying to convey to him that he cannot accept some situation.

Perhaps he feels hostility towards someone or is irreconcilable with the circumstances that have arisen. Psychosomatics illustrates this idea with such a striking example as toxicosis during pregnancy.

The woman seems to understand that she needs this child, she wants him to be born, but some part of her mind protests against the restrictions in her lifestyle, possible changes in appearance, she experiences a subconscious fear of a lack of funds.

An unplanned accidental pregnancy could disrupt plans for career growth and education. This child may be unwanted, and he is given birth only to solve some problems, so the body protests with nausea against such a pregnancy.

Another reason for this symptom, according to the psychosomatics of nausea, is subconscious fears:

  • before a new event,
  • before new ideas,
  • in front of some person
  • before disrupting your plans,
  • fear of leaving a safe and familiar place.

In the latter case, this fear, according to the psychosomatics of nausea, leads to motion sickness and nausea when traveling in a car, during sea travel, or air flights.

In addition to the fear of the unknown, the fear of new experiences can make you sick from mistrust of the person driving a car or at the helm of a ship or plane.

How to get rid of nausea?

To prevent your stomach from causing discomfort, you should learn how to get rid of nausea. Any situation in life is given to a person as a positive lesson.

New ideas, circumstances, people - all this needs to be accepted and assimilated into your life. Trust in yourself and others is what is needed in this situation.

You just need to relax and let events take their course.

Let new thoughts appear in your consciousness: “Life brings only benefits”, “The world of every person takes care of him as only possible”, “On a journey I learn a lot about myself”, “I trust the person at the helm (driving )".

Knowing how to get rid of nausea, you can not be afraid that the situation will get out of control, you will learn how to assimilate new thoughts and ideas. Nausea will not prevent you from “digesting” what you want to get rid of.

Constant nausea: causes and treatment

Quite often, people are faced with the problem of deteriorating health as a result of eating spoiled or too fatty food, overeating or motion sickness in transport. In the listed cases, the causes of the malaise are more than understandable and do not cause concern. Single attacks of nausea do not pose a danger to human health and are quickly eliminated without medical intervention. However, in case of persistent nausea, it is necessary to consult a doctor and visit the hospital for diagnosis and adequate treatment. The sources of nausea are different. They can be caused by many diseases that require treatment, sometimes long and multi-stage. This is especially true for advanced forms of diseases, when a considerable investment of time and money is required to restore the patient’s health.

A constant feeling of nausea can be observed as a result of fatty, salty and smoked foods in the daily diet. An incorrect ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, and an irresponsible attitude towards the concept of proper nutrition most often cause diseases of the digestive system. The most pronounced and one of the first symptoms is the appearance of nausea, leading to vomiting.

Frequent nausea, constant nausea and a feeling of nausea, why do you feel sick, what diseases can there be?

Gallbladder dysfunction and frequent nausea

Nausea, coupled with stomach discomfort, is most likely to occur in people with gallbladder problems. It is worth thinking about disorders in the gallbladder if you feel nausea directly during a meal. Also, painful symptoms are accompanied by pain in the right hypochondrium, heartburn, increased gas formation in the intestines, changes in taste preferences, and a feeling of bitterness in the mouth. Favorite dishes may not cause appetite, sweets may seem too cloying, etc., and frequent nausea and abdominal pain may appear as painful symptoms.

Detection of the disease is carried out through tests and ultrasound examination of the gastrointestinal tract. If a deviation from the normal functioning of the gallbladder is confirmed, stones are found in it. If their size is insignificant, it is possible to restore the patient’s health using conservative treatment methods, namely: proper diet and medications. With a favorable outcome of treatment, the stones resolve or shrink. If the gallbladder is filled with large stones, especially if their number is large, the only way to solve the problem is surgery. Gallbladder diseases are characterized by painful sensations in the abdomen (top right), nausea, which during exacerbation ends in vomiting.

Peptic ulcer, stomach ulcer - causes of nausea, something that often makes you feel nauseous and sick

Nausea is the first harbinger of gastritis, in particular in the morning or when hunger sets in, as well as after eating. Unpleasant sensations do not leave the patient until the evening, becoming weaker and stronger during the day. After eating, in addition to nausea, feelings of burning and bloating appear in the stomach, abdominal pain and a feeling of nausea may appear.

Revealed peptic ulcer the same way as gallbladder pathologies: using ultrasound and blood tests. A biochemical blood test helps identify bacteria that provoke the occurrence and development of stomach and intestinal ulcers. Treatment is carried out by taking the patient individually selected medications and strictly following the diet prescribed by the doctor, excluding the consumption of fatty, salty and spicy foods.

Pancreatitis and frequent nausea

This disease manifests itself through a feeling of nausea in combination with bloating and bitterness in the mouth. The appearance of these symptoms should prompt a person to definitely visit a doctor. If such manifestations of the disease are left unattended, the result can be serious complications and the development of pathologies. Secondary signs of pancreatitis are indigestion and pain in the right hypochondrium. At the same time, the patient loses weight quite rapidly. Since similar signs are also inherent in other diseases (in particular, diabetes), ultrasound examinations, blood tests for sugar and stool are necessary to make an accurate diagnosis. Based on the examination results, the patient is usually prescribed medication and a special diet.

Appendicitis (inflammation of the appendix)

The first symptom of an attack of appendicitis is nausea, which turns into vomiting. Only after this do other symptoms appear that clearly indicate the source of the problem: increased body temperature, abdominal pain localized on the lower right side, which intensifies over time. Suspicion of inflammation of the appendix requires immediate contact with a surgeon, since if the diagnosis is confirmed, it requires urgent surgical intervention. Ignoring appendicitis has serious complications and can be fatal.

Infections in the intestines as a cause of constant nausea and nausea

An intestinal infection that provokes poisoning is also detected primarily through nausea. Later, heaviness in the stomach, retching or vomiting are added to it. The patient may have a fever. If it is reliably known that the cause of a person’s deterioration in well-being is the result of eating low-quality or spoiled food, gastric lavage and an enema will be sufficient measures. It is recommended to drink as much fluid as possible, including chamomile tea, which has anti-inflammatory properties. Thus, the patient’s stomach is washed, nausea and vomiting stop.

If the actions described above do not help get rid of the painful manifestations, and the vomit is replaced by bile, you should immediately call an ambulance. Serious poisonings require medical intervention, since in some cases salmonellosis can be a consequence. Constant nausea in the presence of infections in the intestines requires a visit to a doctor and urgent examination.

Diseases of the vestibular apparatus

Disruption of this part of the body is accompanied by constant nausea, vomiting and other unpleasant symptoms. Sudden dizziness and inability to maintain balance are often observed, especially when bending or quickly changing position, or suddenly rising. To obtain advice and prescribe treatment, you should contact a neurologist. After the diagnosis, the doctor will be able to correctly determine the method of treatment necessary for the patient.

Myocardial infarction and frequent, constant nausea

The opinion that during a heart attack only the heart can hurt is far from the truth. One of the symptoms of this disease is nausea, which often turns into vomiting. The patient turns very pale, and pain under the ribs cannot be ruled out. At normal air temperatures, the patient may experience suffocation. Only experienced healthcare workers can provide proper assistance in case of a heart attack, so if you suspect this disease, you must urgently call an ambulance. Other causes of nausea. Pregnant women often experience constant nausea during periods of toxicosis. Nausea can also be caused by drug overdose.

In addition to all of the above diseases, constant nausea can be caused by the following reasons:

1 Side effects of medications, therefore, before using medications, you should carefully read their instructions.

2 Concussion.

3 Pregnancy and toxicosis during it, most often in the second trimester.

4 Constant headaches and migraines.

For any manifestations of nausea, especially if it is accompanied by other unpleasant sensations, it is necessary to seek medical help from specialists who can determine the feasibility of the examination and its type, and prescribe the treatment that is appropriate for you. You can try to eliminate nausea on your own only if you are 100% sure of its origin (for example, motion sickness), and have experience in carrying out similar actions in the past. Otherwise, self-medication can cause a deterioration in the patient’s condition and lead to serious complications.

If you constantly, often feel sick after eating or without eating, if there is a feeling of heartburn that leads to vomiting, what could be the reasons?

What types of persistent nausea exist?

Brain nausea

Appears in cases of disturbances in the functioning of the brain and various vascular diseases. In hypertension, nausea is not a constant phenomenon: it can either intensify or become less pronounced. Hypertensive nausea is accompanied by throbbing pain in the back of the head, swelling of the face and fingers, and redness of the eyes. With atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries, dizziness, tachycardia, chest pain, and weakness are added to nausea. With head injuries (concussions), nausea appears sharply and suddenly. The victim feels weak, dizzy, and has a throbbing headache in the back of his head. Coordination of movements is impaired. Loss of consciousness and partial amnesia are possible. Symptoms of a concussion may disappear quite quickly or over a significant period of time. This depends on the severity of the injury.

Toxic nausea

Occurs when toxic substances of various origins enter the body. With food poisoning, nausea does not appear immediately, but increases over two to three hours. Accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, chills and fever. For treatment, you should perform gastric lavage, take sorbents that remove toxic substances from the body, and drink enough fluid to prevent dehydration. For diarrhea, it would be appropriate to prescribe some kind of intestinal antiseptic to suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria in the intestines.

Acid poisoning causes severe nausea, vomiting mixed with blood, and severe stomach pain. Before the ambulance arrives, continuous gastric lavage with magnesium or almagel is recommended. It is advisable to cool the stomach area by applying ice packs. With alcohol poisoning, a person is first overly excited, and then significantly inhibited. The face first turns red, then turns pale. Breathing becomes difficult, coordination of movements is impaired. Alcohol poisoning with delirium or loss of consciousness requires an urgent call to the ambulance. Before the doctors arrive, you should try to revive the poisoned person using ammonia.

Vestibular nausea

Often accompanies women during pregnancy. Usually bothers in the morning and on an empty stomach. In severe cases, it lasts from morning to evening and is accompanied by frequent vomiting, dizziness, and low blood pressure. Many expectant mothers notice that nausea is caused by those smells that seemed very pleasant before pregnancy (the smell of mint toothpaste, the aroma of your favorite perfume, the smell of fried meat or onions). As a rule, nausea goes away by 13-14 weeks of pregnancy. Sometimes nausea occurs at a later stage. This is due to the baby’s growth and the pressure it puts on the mother’s internal organs. A more dangerous condition is gestosis, in which, in addition to nausea, swelling appears, protein in the urine, and blood pressure increases. These symptoms should become a mandatory reason for careful monitoring of a pregnant woman’s kidney function and prescribing the necessary treatment. During menopause, nausea is associated with a decrease in the level of hormones (estrogen and progesterone) in the body. In addition to nausea, dizziness, weakness, and insomnia may occur. Hormone replacement therapy usually reduces the severity of menopausal symptoms and significantly improves a woman's quality of life.

Exchange nausea

It is one of the manifestations of diabetes mellitus and indicates the onset of the disease. In addition to nausea, the following symptoms should alert you:

1 weakness;

2 loss of strength;

3 sudden increase in appetite;

4 feeling of dry mouth;

5 excessive thirst.

If you are diagnosed with diabetes, you must carefully monitor your health to prevent the condition from worsening and the development of complications. In pursuit of beauty and slimness, women often severely limit themselves in nutrition and use “starvation” diets. The body experiences a severe deficiency of nutrients and begins to work at half capacity. In this condition, the production of necessary enzymes in the stomach is reduced. Food is digested slowly, gases accumulate in the intestines, and bloating and constipation may occur. The best recommendation in this situation is to switch to proper nutrition. The best option is to eat little and often, to exclude fried, fatty, and confectionery products. To safely lose weight, nutritionists recommend creating a reasonable calorie deficit: reducing food portions and performing feasible physical exercise.

Reflex nausea

It occurs due to irritation of the nerve endings of various organs. Reflex nausea also includes motor and psychogenic nausea. Motor nausea occurs when the vestibular apparatus is irritated. Often occurs when moving in different types transport, when riding on a swing, performing sports exercises. This is normal in a healthy person and is not a serious cause for concern.

Psychogenic nausea

Psychogenic nausea is observed in impressionable people with an easily excitable nervous system. Appears at the sight of ordinary objects, the sensation of certain smells as an association with bad events, unpleasant people.

Why I always feel sick in the morning, reasons

With the constant occurrence of morning sickness, it is necessary to pay special attention to the digestive system, as well as the liver. Sometimes a similar symptom characterizes other diseases, for example, the cardiovascular system, endocrine disorders. In addition, attacks of nausea in the morning can occur as a result of helminth infection. It is very difficult to determine the cause on your own, so it is important to see a doctor who can make the correct diagnosis. To do this, you will need to undergo an examination, for example, conduct a general and biochemical blood test, do a test for the presence of Helicobacter pylori infection, gastroscopy, and examine the abdominal cavity using ultrasound. Based on these tests, the doctor will be able to make a more accurate diagnosis and recommend treatment methods.

Why do I often, constantly feel sick after eating, after eating, what could be the reasons?

To find out the reasons for this condition, it is necessary to analyze what a person eats and what kind of lifestyle he leads. If you constantly feel sick after finishing a meal, then this is one of the signals that you need to change your lifestyle. You need to radically change your diet: eliminate fatty and fried foods, as well as salt and spices. It is best to eat fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs and cereals. Stressful situations, poor nutrition, inactive lifestyle - all this leads to various health problems. Therefore, it is important to engage in sports, such as swimming. Literally a few weeks after starting classes, your overall health will improve, headaches will go away, as well as constant fatigue.

Sometimes nausea occurs as a result of taking medications. In this case, you should consult your doctor. Perhaps he will replace the drug or otherwise adjust the treatment. Nausea after eating may also indicate poisoning. Toxins stimulate certain areas of the digestive system, which in turn sends a signal to the brain. As a result, a gag reflex and a state of nausea appears. In this case, it is necessary to help the body and empty the stomach of its contents. You can help yourself with this by drinking a few glasses of water. After vomiting, you need to drink the adsorbent. You can continue to drink sour juice or water. If vomiting occurs again, you should contact an ambulance.

I constantly feel sick before my period, menstruation, what are the reasons?

During menstruation, changes occur in female body, in particular in the cerebrospinal fluid. There is an increase in the amount of serotonin, which leads to attacks of nausea. Of course, this condition is not dangerous. There are ways to help alleviate a woman’s condition a little. On such days you need to give up.