Things after a deceased person, the opinion of a priest. Is it possible to wear the clothes of a deceased person? Prayer for the clothes of the deceased

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Many people who have lost a loved one are concerned about the question of what to do with the things of the deceased. Some people solve this problem immediately after the funeral, others consult with a priest. And someone keeps them and doesn’t give them to anyone. But sooner or later there comes a time when you need to decide something with them and make a choice. As you know, each person’s belongings are imbued with a special energy that the person himself possesses during his lifetime. Therefore, many religions, including the Orthodox, recommend getting rid of the deceased’s belongings in order to avoid trouble. Remember, no matter what advice religion or friends give, only relatives can decide how to deal with the things of the deceased, but it will not be amiss to familiarize yourself with the information presented below.

The question of whether it is possible to store the belongings of a deceased person worries many people who have buried their loved ones. The fact is that the death of a loved one is associated with pain and suffering. A lot of negative energy gathers around him, which tends to accumulate in the room in which the deceased lived.

This energy especially accumulates on precious jewelry, clothing and bedding. It is for this reason that after the death of a loved one, you need to say goodbye to his things. Just to get rid of them you need to know some rules and recommendations of Orthodox believers.

Where to put the deceased's belongings

According to the traditions of the Orthodox faith, it is believed that the energy of the deceased is on his clothes after 40 days. If you still decide to give away clothes, then you need to distribute them not to one, but to several people. It should be noted that in many sources you can find information about the belongings of the deceased before and after 40 days. But this information contains different information about this date.

Some argue that this must be done before this time expires, interpreting this to mean that by doing so you will help the deceased finish his earthly affairs. Because those who take these clothes will remember him. There is another opinion. According to which, on the contrary, for 40 days after death you cannot give, but you need to keep clothes at home, since all these days the soul is still at home.

The Bible itself does not answer the question of whether it is possible to keep the things of the dead or to give them away. But despite this, it says that by distributing the clothes of the deceased to those in need, you are doing a good deed. Also, according to many priests, things need to be distributed, while handing them out, you need to ask that they remember the deceased and pray for him. This will make it easier for the soul to get to heaven.

Sincere prayer will help him in another world. Therefore, give away all the things, keep only a few pieces as a keepsake. And then this is only if desired. Ideally, it is better to get rid of all things. And since we see when it is possible to distribute the things of the deceased, even within the traditions themselves, opinions differ. Of course, it’s probably best to do this after 40 days, when the soul of the deceased passes into another world in peace.

Is it possible to wear the things of the deceased?

Along with the question of whether it is possible to store the things of the deceased, many are also interested in whether they can be worn. Of course, at a time when clothing was in short supply, especially outerwear, relatives, even during the life of the deceased, began to divide his things. This is a great sin. This cannot be done. Since it is believed that a person’s soul watches everything that happens in her house and can punish relatives for the atrocities.

Even bioenergeticists do not recommend touching things for the first 40 days after death. They do not even recommend sleeping in the room of the deceased so that he does not dream about it. But unfortunately, today not everyone has such an opportunity. After 40 days, things can be distributed to both relatives and strangers. Such things must be clean and tidy.

In cases where the clothes are already worn, they need to be burned. If you don’t know who to give it to, then just take it to church. The poor will definitely take it up there. Over the course of several recent years There is also a tendency for the funeral services themselves to take the clothes of the deceased and distribute them to those in need themselves.

Particular attention should be paid to the funds of the deceased. If he had a large sum during his lifetime, then funds from it must be allocated for alms for the poor. And before becoming the rightful owner of this property, thank the deceased for such a gift and remember something good about him.

When can you give away a deceased child's belongings?

But as for children's things, it is not recommended to give them away. In the event of the death of a child:

  • His clothes need to be disposed of.
  • Never give your favorite toys to another child. Negative energy will be transmitted along with them, and the child to whom the things were given may experience the same torment as the deceased experienced.
  • It is also not recommended if your older child has died, to store and dress his things for the younger one. According to many, this can cause irreparable harm to the health of your baby.

To summarize, it should be noted that the question “is it possible to wear things after a deceased person?” Orthodox traditions say that yes it is possible, the main thing before you do this is to properly cleanse them of the energy of the previous owner by sprinkling the clothes with holy water. But this only applies to the clothes of adults. Children's things must be burned and not given to anyone. Even the poor. To avoid accidentally causing even more harm to a stranger.

The Lord is always with you!

Is it possible to wear things after a deceased person? What does he think about it? Orthodox Church? How to properly distribute clothes of a deceased person? More details about everything in this article.

Unfortunately, the life of any person has its limits - from dawn in the form of birth to withering in the form of death. Sooner or later, everyone experiences a moment when they have to say goodbye to a relative or friend forever. This is a difficult period in life, which is accompanied by the recognition of death, preparations for burial (choosing a cemetery, wreath and other attributes), reflections on what to do with the personal belongings of the deceased.

The question of whether it is worth wearing the clothes of a deceased person does not have a clear answer. The opinions of Orthodox priests, philosophers, mediums and ordinary people vary greatly and each of them puts forward several arguments in defense of their position. Who to listen to and what to do with the things of someone who has left this world?

Is it possible to wear things after a deceased person: the opinion of a priest

Servants of Christian churches are unanimous in their opinion about what to do with the things of the deceased - they need to be distributed to people in need - relatives, friends and even strangers who do not have enough clothing. They believe that things that once warmed the deceased should be useful and warm someone else. And there is nothing shameful or uncomfortable about that.

It is important that things benefit people, and not just lie idle somewhere or are even burned or buried. Usually such manipulations are performed with the clothes in which the person died. It's better not to wear it. This is also confirmed by the clergy. Corpse clothing can absorb a specific odor that is released by the skin after the body ceases to function, or contain particles of the epithelium of the deceased, which is absolutely unhygienic.

How to properly distribute clothes of a deceased person?

To do this, there are the following steps:

  • Things need to be washed.
  • Sanctify them.
  • Store clothing for 40 days after the person is buried.
  • After the forties, distribute to anyone, and in any quantity.

You can bless your clothes yourself. For this purpose, it is enough to bring home holy water and sprinkle your clothes with it. If such a procedure was missed by close relatives of the deceased, this can be done to the person who received the things from them. Regarding children's clothing, all the nuances remain the same; nothing additional needs to be done. Toys can also be distributed or simply donated to the nearest orphanage or given to large families in need.

The question of whether things must “wait” 40 days is considered controversial. Many priests argue that it is not necessary to wait so long. You can say goodbye to your clothes right on the day of burial or after three days. But the Bible doesn’t “say” anything at all about the things of the deceased; there is no clear recommendation in it about what to do with the clothes of the deceased person.

In order not to force yourself into the framework of different opinions, it is enough, according to the understanding of Orthodox ministers, to simply get rid of things. But do it in a good and kind way, so that the clothes bring benefits. Indeed, in this case, the one who received what he really needed will definitely remember the deceased with a kind word, light a candle for the repose of his soul and thank his relative. It won't be good for anyone to useful thing will sink into oblivion and will not help anyone cope with the difficulty in the form of material insufficiency.

After all, it is not necessary to say that the things belonged to the deceased. This can be done if you post them on various social networks - in groups like “I’ll give it away for free.” A person who received shoes that he simply did not have the opportunity to purchase will not understand who wore them before him.

Opinion of a psychic parapsychologist on the issue of the deceased’s belongings

Psychics have a special opinion on the issue of wearing and using the things of a recently deceased person. Namely, they believe that their favorite wardrobe, bedding and jewelry contain a piece of the soul of their former owner. If you use them, then negative energy and karma will definitely be transferred to the one who dared to disturb them. But no matter how frightening the forecasts are, parapsychologists themselves claim that to remove negative energy it is enough to wait 40 days and sprinkle holy water on things.

Superstitions about the clothes of a dead person

Most ordinary people believe that it is better not to store or wear the personal belongings of the deceased, because they carry bad energy. But only that category of citizens who have encountered things of the deceased that do not have any value think so. These are old sweaters and trousers, frayed jackets and badly worn shoes, a non-working watch and a telephone, the model of which was popular a dozen years ago. Such things can only be useful to truly needy people, to whom they should be given, as Orthodox priests advise.

However, those people who are confident in the value of the personal belongings of the deceased will not be so categorical in expressions like “burn” and “destroy.” No one wants to bury branded clothing worth several hundred thousand dollars or diamond jewelry in the ground. They'd rather take them for themselves. And even if they don’t use them, they will sell them at a profit and use the proceeds at their own discretion. So the opinion on this issue is ambiguous and directly depends on the material wealth that the recently living person possessed.

Purely psychological background to this issue

It undoubtedly says that wearing clothes after a deceased person or not wearing them is a personal matter for everyone. It is difficult for one person to put on what someone who is already in the grave wore. For another, such a sock may carry a nostalgic meaning. When, for example, a widow leaves her husband’s favorite sweater as a keepsake and puts it on on cold winter evenings. It carries the scent of a lover. At such moments, it seems that a loved one is still nearby, protecting and comforting the one who treats him with love and reverence even after several years of endless separation.

But there are cases when a person died who brought his relatives only grief and various troubles. Relatives, of course, are not happy about his untimely death, but they also don’t want to keep personal belongings. This is a case where secular rules and the opinions of others make no sense. Here, only relatives can decide the fate of the deceased person’s clothes. And most often the outcome is simple - an elementary release. After all, there is no regulation by law on how to act in this case. Here the final word remains with the person, and not with the letter of the law. Discarded items can be picked up by people without a fixed place of residence and used, which, to some extent, is also a kind of charity for them. At least this way the clothes will be useful to someone.

A dead person asks for his things in a dream: what to do?

The Church is categorical about how to treat dreams - not to believe them and not to take to heart the event or action seen in them. Especially if it concerns a recently deceased person. According to the priests, dreams can be ordinary (due to thoughts that were spinning in the head during the day), “dark” (from the devil) and in the form of revelations. The last dreams are seen by a small number of people, because not everyone is God’s prophets and chosen ones in order to interpret the dream the way the Lord wants it. Devilish dreams should not be given any significant meaning at all; they simply excite the human psyche.

What remains are ordinary dreams, during which a once-living person can ask for his things back. And there is no need to be afraid of this. So why could such a thing happen? It's simple - the day before there was a funeral and, most likely, the relatives of the deceased were thinking about what to do with the personal belongings of a person dear to them. Perhaps it was decided to distribute one part, sell the second, and destroy the third because it was dilapidated and unsuitable for further wear. Such thoughts, wandering in a person’s head, whether he wants it or not, can easily be reflected in a dream. Therefore, you should not panic about what you dream about, even if it is somehow connected with the deceased.

A similar dream can occur several years after death and burial. Especially if there are things at home that remind you of the deceased person. Images associated with him and the actions he performed constantly pop up in his memory. And that's all.

Signs of what it means to carry the things of the deceased

As for omens and superstitions, some clothing of a deceased person means the appearance of a large number of positive events. For example, if you wear:

  1. A wristwatch for the deceased is a sign of long-term well-being and the ability to sort out one’s problems as soon as possible. At work, career growth is possible, at home there is a kind and friendly atmosphere.
  2. Jacket - an unpleasant conversation will take place with a relative. A fruitful dialogue will not work, because the proceedings will suddenly “escalate” into a quarrel.
  3. A hat or scarf - the path of life will radically change. Possible change of activity or profession, new life with new plans.
  4. Socks - very soon a serious illness will be discovered, the treatment of which will have to spend a large amount of money and the rehabilitation will be long and difficult.
  5. Shirt - to constant quarrels with your soulmate. It will all start with ordinary everyday feuds, and end with a real parting with mutual grievances. Application will not be possible.
  6. Pants - to increase your own self-esteem and a sharp improvement in your financial situation. Actions will always be motivated by something positive, so you will experience success at work, especially when it comes to deals and the signing of serious contracts that involve large sums of money.
  7. Mike - to relationships with the opposite sex, which will only bring disappointment and completely ruin your reputation.
  8. A jacket or sweater means the appearance of an enemy or rival. This person could be a close relative or a good friend.

These signs apply not only to the one who put on one of the listed things, but also to those who saw the clothes of the deceased on someone else and recognized them.

What do Muslims do with the belongings of a deceased person?

Islam and Orthodoxy are completely contradictory religions on many issues. But as for the things of the deceased, they are absolutely similar. Clothes need to be distributed. Muslims believe that this is how they perform charity - I help those who need what is left after the death of a loved one. They keep for themselves only what is truly valuable to them as a memory of a close relative who has left this world. According to their belief, the longer the person who received the clothes of the deceased wears them, the more blessings will be from Allah to the one who gave them.

Selling jewelry is not practiced. It is considered a value that is passed down from generation to generation. But those jewelry in which a person died are not removed from him, but are often buried with him.


The man died and, naturally, left behind a lot of personal belongings, which include not only clothes, but also shoes, jewelry, photographs, household and interior items. The fate of all this “good” is predetermined by those who are close relatives of the deceased. Only they have the right to decide what to do about it. Orthodox priests advise not to keep clothes at home, but to wash them and distribute them to those who need them. You can keep valuables or give them to relatives. Muslims also engage in this kind of charity; they do not burn things or bury them.

As for fortune tellers, psychics, mediums and various parapsychologists, towards whom Orthodoxy has a categorically negative attitude, there is an opinion that there is no need to distribute the clothes of the deceased, because they contain the energy of the deceased and will negatively affect the new owner.

Time is an integral part of human existence. People are born, live their lives and die. This is the constant cycle of existence of all life on earth. But no matter how prepared a person is for death, the passing of someone close is always a tragedy. After carrying out all the rituals of burying the deceased and realizing the loss, the relatives of the deceased do not always know what to do with the things of the deceased person.

Where to locate the deceased's belongings

There are many different opinions about how to dispose of the belongings of a deceased person. In some religions it is customary to burn the clothes of the deceased, in others - to distribute them to the poor. All rules and rituals have been formed over many centuries, slightly modified to suit the times.

Today, various esotericists and psychics have taken an active position in this issue. According to them, the deceased’s belongings carry a charge of negative death energy. It is better for living people not to use the things of the deceased. Believing or not believing these statements is a personal matter for everyone, but it’s still worth listening.

According to Christian beliefs , there are several stages in the ascension of the soul of the deceased to heaven. It is from them that all the rules of the funeral rite come.

What to do with furniture

Wardrobes, beds, sofas and other large pieces of furniture- the biggest problem for relatives. Is it possible to leave a bed or sofa in the house on which the deceased slept, and especially if he died lying on this furniture - not the easiest question for a family. But there is no clear answer to it. Psychics strictly prohibit sleeping on a bed or sofa if someone has died on it. Believers are not so categorical. In their opinion, the main thing is not the thing, but the person. Therefore, it is enough to read a prayer and sprinkle the object with holy water.

Today, not everyone can afford to rid their apartment of pieces of furniture left behind by the deceased. People prefer to invite a priest to their apartment and ask to bless their home after funerals and wakes.

If relatives trust psychics more, you can ask them to clean the entire apartment and furniture with their energy.

Gold and other jewelry

The most questions arise about gold and other expensive jewelry.. It is believed that the precious metal accumulates a person’s energy throughout his life. Precious stones can store negative energy for centuries. There is an opinion that you cannot wear gold after a deceased person. This can lead to negative consequences and even illness.

If you do not delve into the magical component of this issue, but turn to history, then it becomes clear that there is nothing terrible here. From time immemorial, jewelry has been passed down from generation to generation. From mother to daughter, from father to son. Even the crown Russian Empire, decorated with an incredible amount of precious stones, has changed many owners.

But there is one rule that is unofficially observed by representatives of almost all religious faiths - do not wear jewelry taken from a deceased person, especially if it is a cross or icon. It happens that the deceased did not have time to take off his jewelry during his lifetime. In this case, relatives have two options. Bury the person as is, or remove the decorations. It is better to sell the jewelry removed from the body or take it to a pawnshop, not forgetting to consecrate it in a church or keep it in holy water.

In other cases, jewelry and decorations do not pose a threat to their new owner. If you still have doubts about whether it is possible to wear the gold of a deceased person, then to be sure, it is better to keep the jewelry in holy water for several days.

Who should I give clothes and shoes to?

Very often, relatives feel sorry for simply throwing away the clothes or shoes of the deceased. It happens that the deceased leaves behind good and expensive things. Of course, you shouldn't throw them away or burn them. Today, almost all cities and villages operate collection points for low-income families. You can take your clothes and shoes there or give them to the church. There will always be people at the temple for whom all this can be very useful.

Even if the deceased left very expensive clothes, for example, a fur coat, it is not recommended for blood relatives to wear them. Both psychics and the church are unanimous in this opinion. Psychics claim that clothing will carry the energy of the deceased, so blood relatives will be more vulnerable to the negative energy of the item. According to the church, by giving clothes to people in need, relatives help the soul of the deceased.

Is it possible for his relatives to carry things after a deceased person? The answer to this is unequivocal: it’s not worth it. No matter how expensive the clothes or shoes of the deceased, it is better to give them to charity, and thereby ward off negative energy and help people in need.

Personal belongings of the deceased

Personal belongings of the deceased include all household items. For example, a phone, a watch, a wallet, pillows, blankets, etc. This can also include all kinds of memorabilia - various souvenirs or a set of dishes. Therefore, before you take and sell all this, you should think very carefully. Psychics say: the personal belongings of the deceased carry a very strong energy charge, because they were chosen and acquired with love and strong emotions during the owner’s lifetime.

Under no circumstances should things be taken from the body or from the coffin of the deceased. Today it has become fashionable to cremate the bodies of the deceased and scatter the ashes to the wind. In order for a piece of a beloved relative to remain, many cut off a lock of hair from the deceased. But it is not recommended to store such items at home. It is believed that the soul can become attached to them and not cross the line into another world. And also you cannot keep icons and flowers at home that were in the coffin during the funeral service. Usually they are given to the singers or left in the temple.

Photos and documents of the deceased

Many relatives are interested in what to do with the documents of the deceased. They cannot be thrown away even when all the paperwork related to the funeral has been completed. It is impossible to be completely sure that they will no longer be needed, so it is better to save all the documents of the deceased.

Photos of a deceased relative are not only a memory of him, but also a kind of prints life cycle person. After the death of a close relative, it is not necessary to put all the photographs in a box or hang them on the wall. It is better to leave everything as it was during his lifetime. This will help you survive the loss and not forget your loved one.

Where to put things from suicides

At all times, the church had a negative attitude towards people who died of their own free will. There are separate burial rules for suicides:

  • they are not buried in church;
  • they are not buried in a common cemetery (among some peoples);
  • their things cannot be given away to people.

From time immemorial, suicide has been one of the most terrible sins. A person must live as many years as God has given him. If he took his own life, it means he committed a mortal sin that cannot be forgiven or corrected. That's why things from suicides aren't given out to people.

Where to put the things of a deceased person - The priest’s answer will be unequivocal: burn it. It doesn’t matter who this person was - husband, father, son, brother or someone else near and dear. The personal belongings of a suicide cannot be kept in the house or given as souvenirs, even if they are useful, necessary and expensive items.

What to do with the belongings and clothes of a deceased person is decided differently in each family. Some listen to the opinions of psychics, others to the church. For every family, the loss of a loved one is a tragedy, and parting with the belongings of the deceased is not so easy. But no matter what happens, you need to remember: death is not the end. It’s not just that they say that a person is alive while the memory of him is alive.

If the deceased's belongings remain

Everyone has faced or will face death: until a drug for eternal life has been invented. This event is sad, unplanned, burdened with many nuances and consequences. During life, a person moves, breathes, thinks - receives and retains his own energy around him. And when he leaves, he leaves on earth not only the physical objects of his life, but also his energy. Therefore, many do not know whether it is possible to wear things after a deceased person.

What folk wisdom says

After the funeral, relatives and friends are left alone with all the luggage that the deceased managed to accumulate. And they ask themselves: “What to do next?” Some people are burdened by the surrounding belongings of the deceased and want to give away and sell things, while others, on the contrary, want to preserve the memory of a loved one by having their thing. Psychics and clergy have their own opinions about the sequence of decisions during this event.

You can’t take expensive clothes, shoes, or decorative items with you to the next world, and besides, you never know at what point this fate might befall you. Therefore, many living relatives of the deceased experience desire to wear these things. Is it possible to do this, what should I do:

  1. Esotericists have a clear answer to this question: it’s impossible. Mediums, by touching things, can accurately tell whether the owner is alive or dead. Even when washing, this information background cannot be completely cleaned out. The energy of death is cold and viscous, it draws in the living, - this is what leading psychics believe. Thus, the wearer of the item incurs the fate of the deceased.
  2. Priests, on the contrary, believe that the above is just superstition. According to Christian laws, superstition is considered a sin. Many parishioners bring items left by the deceased for those in need. The priest sanctifies them, but no one knows whether holy water washes away the accumulated energy and attachment to the living world. The church does not give an exact answer.
  3. For people who do not believe in psychics and religion, there is a third point of view. Psychologists believe that wearing something that you saw on the deceased and which may be associated with him is wrong and definitely not worth doing. Otherwise, when worn, it will sow sadness, melancholy and anxiety, reminiscent of the dead.

Dead man's furniture

Issues of clothing, shoes, accessories are understandable. But what to do with the furniture and photographs, where to give them?

There is a saying that it is better to sleep on the grave of a dead person than on his bed. And indeed it is. The sleeping place on which the deceased died and suffered torment is definitely worth replacing. Even if death did not occur on the couch. A person spends a lot of time in a state of sleep, which means he spends a large amount of energy on his sleeping place. After death, the energy is preserved and the bed will draw vitality from the sleeper. Esotericists and mystics agree on this issue - we need to get rid of such furniture. Any part of the interior that was especially highlighted by the deceased should be removed from the apartment.

If there is absolutely nothing to sleep on and there is no opportunity to purchase new furniture, then the priests approach this problem more loyally: it is enough to walk around the bed three times with a candle and prayer. But it is unlikely that this ritual will completely remove all the attachments of the deceased.

Psychologists believe that if a sleeping place reminds you of the deceased and makes you worry, then it should be removed. If it doesn’t evoke any special emotions, then sleep well.

Thus, the question of furniture remains up to you.

Photos of the deceased

A very sensitive issue is presence of photographs and portraits in the house of the deceased. Why is it worth removing them: on the one hand, they have the most powerful energy and should be abandoned. On the other hand, memory and knowledge of one’s origins are very important. How would we know what writers and scientists look like without having their portraits?

A hundred years ago, people did not trust superstitions regarding photographs: this was the only connection and reminder of relatives. Therefore, the opinion on this issue is clear - photographs need to be stored.

The Church believes that photographs with loved ones fill the heart with love and warmth. There is not much difference whether they are alive or dead, because before God we are equal.

Portraits in the house that we have become accustomed to since childhood can be left in the same places, or removed while the wound from the loss is still fresh. They can be hung in more distant corners of the apartment, but you should avoid the bedroom and children's room. After restoration of the state of mind, the paintings can be returned to their original place.

At the same time, esotericists believe that portraits attract the souls of those depicted into the world of the living and this disturbs their peace. In their opinion, images of the deceased should be immediately put away in a far corner or added to a family photo album.

Gold, memorabilia of the deceased

The attitude towards jewelry and gold is completely ambiguous. Many families have a tradition of passing jewelry from generation to generation - this is a sign of a long history, status, and wealth. Therefore, many believe that the answer to the question of whether it is possible to wear the gold of a deceased person will be positive. When the item was worn infrequently (for example, my mother wore the pendant only on special occasions), there is no need to be afraid of bad energy. However, if the item was dear to the deceased’s heart and was often used, you need to resort to the help of bio=energetics.

Usually expensive jewelry is left behind only loving relatives. And, wearing them, a person will involuntarily remember the deceased. Harsh memories are unlikely to help good mood and the beneficial aura of the wearer.

Psychologists, as in previous cases with clothes, strongly advise waiting for the moment when the feelings subside and you can put on jewelry without experiencing negativity.

The Church agrees with psychologists. After all, memories of the deceased can lead to despondency, and according to God’s commandments, despondency is considered a sin.

Priests are quite strict regarding certain types of jewelry. For example, wedding rings, especially wedding rings, cannot be worn. After all, God’s protection extended specifically to this couple and the relatives have nothing to do with them. A pectoral cross definitely cannot be worn while alive. Regardless of what metal it is made of, the cross protects only its owner and is filled with his energy. The best solution is to put it in the grave of the deceased. Amulets, amulets, even those made of precious metals or stones cannot be worn a priori: the church does not encourage idolatry.

It is not forbidden to wear other jewelry, but priests do not deny the existence of energetic effects (for example, the relics of saints are considered healing).

Psychics completely agree with religious ministers, and they believe that there is no need to wear gold jewelry. Gold, as a natural material, doubly absorbs the energy of the owner. This means that the impact from it is stronger. This applies to any natural products ( wooden furniture, stone countertops, etc.). The negative attitude towards gold is also reinforced by the universal synonym of it as greed.

According to mystics, jewelry that was on the body of the deceased during the period of death definitely cannot be worn. No cleansing rituals will help to completely get rid of its energy. In addition, such an item transfers all the karmic debts of the deceased to the living, complicating life and polluting the aura of the wearer. At the same time, jewelry donated during life (for example, a father gave a watch) does not carry such a burden and can be used completely freely.

What to do with things

When asked whether it is possible to store the belongings of a deceased person at home, there are several possible answers. The most reliable of all is to completely get rid of things that belonged to the dead person and make a complete repair. If for a number of reasons this is impossible or undesirable to do, you can resort to the following actions. Definitely worth it bring maximum order to the house, disinfect and throw away all trash. Nice but unnecessary things can be distributed to those in need.

  • Clothes, shoes, bedding, fabric products - all this should be washed or laundered. Depending on whether you are a believer or not, you need to either sanctify things by reading a prayer and surrounding them with a lit candle, or resort to the help of bio-energetics.
  • Furniture needs to be blessed or energy cleansed by specialists.
  • The mirrors in which the deceased looked are thoroughly rubbed and removed; esotericists advise burying them on the grave of the deceased.
  • The pectoral crosses of a loved one should either be buried along with the body, or stored in a separate opaque bag or box. If a person was bad or left as a suicide, it is better to take his cross to church or melt it down. This also applies to other decorations.
  • Books and records of the deceased that do not carry any positive memories cannot simply be thrown away; they must certainly be burned or donated. Such a gift will not be a transfer of karma with malicious intent.

Summarizing the above, we can conclude that storing the deceased’s belongings is in any case undesirable. But for lack of anything better, you should take all precautions and protect yourself and your loved ones as much as possible.

They say that other people's jewelry brings bad luck. The same goes for other things that didn't belong to you. We are talking about clothes, shoes, furniture, accessories. Bioenergetics experts recommend being careful if you have to take other people's things and carry them home.

Other people's jewelry and things have a different energy, so by definition they cannot be worn. If, for example, a closet stood in your friend’s apartment for several years, it was saturated with the energy of their home, their aura. When furniture or something is moved from one room to another, it takes a lot of time for this thing to adjust to the wave of the new home.

As for personal belongings, the situation is even more complicated. It is better not to keep things received or found if you do not want to bring negativity into your life. There may be curses or evil eyes on them, they could belong to very bad people. These things will bring a lot of troubles and disappointments into your life. As for simple things like a wallet, umbrella or bag, in this case their energetic connection to the previous owner may not be very strong. If you find jewelry made of precious metal or stone, the danger is much higher.
The talisman stone is the strongest energy magnet. Even universal talismans such as moonstone are not recommended by experts to take for yourself. The least dangerous, according to esotericists, are moonstone, pearls, and onyx. The greatest negative background for “outsiders” is agate, garnet, ruby, tiger’s eye, and aquamarine.
As for metal products, experts from the website advise avoiding jewelry made of gold, copper, zirconium and platinum. The only harmless metal will be silver, and even then it may simply lose its properties on someone else’s body. If you find gold jewelry, you should never wear it. You can return it to the owner or take it to a pawnshop, but under no circumstances should you use it or keep it at home for a long time.

Folk signs about other people's things

Even folk signs say that you should avoid everything that is foreign. According to one of these signs, if the gold found turns black, then it has been cursed or is absolutely not suitable for you. In some cases, this may mean that you are under some kind of curse. To be one hundred percent sure of this, you just need to wear your own jewelry instead of someone else’s. If the situation repeats, then there is no doubt that something is wrong with you.
Among the ancient Slavs, a found silver ring promised wealth and prosperity. It had to be returned to its owner as soon as possible. Among the Celts, donated items were generally considered talismans. This concerned weapons and clothing, war trophies. In some cultures, gifting items was considered a sign of reconciliation.
If one of your friends specifically left something in your house, then be careful, because this may mean that they want to destroy your well-being. It is better to return such items as quickly as possible.
If you see in front of you a talisman stone or a metal decoration lying on the ground or somewhere else, then you should not pick it up. According to ancient signs, by raising other people's things that are dear to someone, you are raising other people's problems and misfortunes. The most dangerous things found that should not be taken home under any circumstances are scissors, knives, rings, soft toys in the shape of a person, photographs.

Is it possible to clean someone else's item?

Jewelry and stones are the hardest to clean. If a very close person gave you his stone, then you can clean it. Black, white and gray stones are purified by lunar energy. They should be left on the windowsill and not touched for a month.
Red, orange, yellow and brown stones are cleaned by fire. You need to run candles over them in the morning and evening for five minutes for three days. Unfortunately, such powerful stones do not always undergo purification, so make sure that the giver does not wish you harm.

Blue, green, turquoise, blue stones are cleaned with water. You need to throw a stone into ice-cold natural water drawn from a spring or well every day for a week. In the morning you throw a stone there, and the next morning you change the water at the same time.
To cleanse a simple object, clothing or furniture from foreign energy, you will need a candle. The ritual takes place during the day. You need to move the flame over the object, and if this object can catch fire, then the candle can be placed somewhere, and the thing can be placed nearby on the floor. At the same time, you need to read the conspiracy: “I will drive away all the bad, I will accept the good. Mother Nature, cleanse this object with living fire for me and my family so that it belongs to us entirely. Let it be so". In the case of clothes, according to the advice of esotericists, you can get by with simple washing.