Euonymus warty stalker. Euonymus verrucosus. Actions after purchase

Euonymus shrubs have recently been used as ornamental plants as an element of decoration in landscape design. Thanks to the incredible beauty of the plant, evergreen foliage and magical autumn outfit, euonymus is increasingly being used to decorate their gardens. Although now few people can boast of such beauty in their area, because this plant cannot bloom in central Russia, mainly in its European part.

Description and photo of Euonymus Warty

The bush Euonymus Warty is also called Malotsvetkovy. The shrub can grow up to two meters in height. The branches are gray-green in color, covered with brown formations resembling warts. Hence the name was given to this shrub. The leaves are round in shape and have a bright green-yellow color. This type of shrub has fruits in the form of a dark red pear-shaped box; it begins to bear fruit only from the sixth year.

And the flowers consist of four petals, also red-brown in color. This type of euonymus is most often found in Central and South-Eastern Europe and the European part of Russia; it spreads well along river banks or on forest edges.

The bush Euonymus Warty grows well in fertile soil enriched with lime. This variety of the euonymus genus tolerates shade well and is frost-resistant. The warty Euonymus is the most common of its family in Russia, along with the European one. A peculiarity of this type of euonymus is its slow growth in the first few years of life, and only after 30 years the shrub can reach a height of five meters. In autumn, the leaves of the bush turn a charming pale pink color. Because of its unusual appearance, Euonymus warty is often used by gardeners for decorative purposes.

Euonymus Warty, planting and care

  1. When planting Euonymus shrubs, do not forget that its fruits are poisonous in their pure form. In order to be fatally poisoned by its fruits, you need to eat a lot of berries. One or two may cause diarrhea or vomiting. In any case, the plant should be planted away from places where small children can play.
  2. It is better to plant Warty Euonymus not in direct sunlight, but in the shade of trees that have already grown well. Although the shrub will grow much slower in the shade, it will not burn in the open sun.
  3. All types of euonymus do not tolerate stagnation of water in the soil and excessive moisture.
  4. In order for the euonymus to grow beautiful, strong, healthy and bear fruit well, it is necessary to regularly feed the soil with various fertilizers, composts and minerals.
  5. Although the shrub does not like excessive soil moisture, it is also not recommended to overdry it. Watering the bush should be very moderate, and you should pay attention to the season and temperature.
  6. Euonymus shrubs are replanted every spring.

Varieties of indoor euonymus

Indoor berexlets are distinguished by their small bush size. This plant is especially appreciated for its original and bright coloring of the leaves. The shrub is not fussy to care for.

The branches of this shrub are covered with many tiny tubercles, similar to numerous warts. This is where the species name of the plant comes from.

Other plant names:

magpie glasses

Brief description of Euonymus warty:

Euonymus warty (magpie glasses) is a shrub 1.2–1.8 meters high (sometimes grows up to 3 m). The branches are cylindrical, with frequent black-brown warts. Such warty branches cannot be found on our other trees and shrubs.

By this feature, euonymus can be easily recognized in summer and winter. Warts are lentils that serve as a kind of vents in the thin suberized cover that covers the branches. Through them the breathing of living tissues of the branches occurs.

The leaves are opposite, elliptical, acute, serrated along the edge, light green, glabrous, on short petioles. Euonymus blooms in late spring - early summer. Its flowers are inconspicuous and small. Each of them has 4 rounded petals of brownish or dull greenish color. The petals are widely spread and located in the same plane, reddish-brown, 2–3 or several on long, thin peduncles; double perianth, 4–5 petals and stamens, 1 pistil. Euonymus flowers seem lifeless, as if waxy. The smell of flowers is specific, “mousy”, not entirely pleasant. This characteristic smell makes it easy to spot a blooming euonymus in the forest. Flowering in euonymus begins at about the same time as in lily of the valley and continues for several weeks.

At the beginning of autumn, euonymus attracts attention with its original pendant fruits - four-lobed, flattened, pear-shaped, drooping boxes. Like bright colorful earrings, they hang from branches on long threads. Their color is variegated and beautiful - a combination of pink, orange and black. At the top of each pendant there are dark pink dry valves of the fruit, below on short threads hang lumps of orange juicy pulp, in which several shiny, black seeds, dressed in a fleshy skin, are immersed. In euonymus, the seeds do not spill out of the fruits, but remain suspended, as if on a leash. This makes the job easier for birds, who willingly peck the sweetish pulp along with the seeds. The pulp is attractive to birds, but inedible to humans. Although it is sweetish, it has a peculiar unpleasant aftertaste. The bright color of the euonymus fruit is of great importance for the plant: it attracts birds that distribute the seeds. The main distributor of euonymus seeds is one of the most common birds - repoles.

It blooms in May–June, the fruits ripen in autumn.

In addition to the warty euonymus, there are also other species - broad-leaved euonymus, velvet euonymus - E. latifolia (L.) Mill, E. Velutina Fisch. Et Mey and others belonging to the euonymus genus - Euonymus L. (euonymus family - Celastraceae). In Russia, 10 species of euonymus grow wild (according to other sources - 19), but the most widespread are two species: warty euonymus and European euonymus. They have the greatest practical significance and are better studied.

Places of growth:

Euonymus is an inhabitant of oak forests, a common companion of oak trees. It is also found in other forests, but only on richer soils, where there are broad-leaved trees or oak trees.

It grows in forests, bushes, ravines, along river valleys as undergrowth, and is grown in gardens. Euonymus warty is widespread in the European part of Russia, covering the territory as far as Pskov and Kostroma in the north, and in the east – to Izhevsk, as well as the Caucasus. Outside of Russia, it is distributed in southern Scandinavia, Western Europe, the Balkans and Asia Minor.


Propagated in culture mainly by seeds. For normal development, it constantly requires high air humidity, is quite shade-tolerant, but develops better with sufficient lighting. Differs in slow growth. Resistant to euonymus moth.

Preparation of euonymus:

For medicinal purposes, the bark, branches, leaves, fruits and seeds of euonymus are harvested. Leaves are harvested in May–June, fruits in August–September. The raw materials are dried in well-ventilated, warm rooms.

Chemical composition of Euonymus warty:

The bark, fruits and roots of the plant contain the glycoside evonimin, which has an effect on the heart similar to digitalis.

Vitamin C (340 mg%) and the flavone glycoside kaempferolo-diramnoside are found in the leaves, and resin and up to 15% gutta-percha are found in the roots. The following were found in euonymus fruits: cardiac glycoside – avoniside, which splits into digitoxyhepin, rhomnose and glucose; triancetin – a substance that increases blood pressure and traces of alkaloids. The seeds contain up to 70% fatty oil. The bark and roots contain from 6 to 17% gutta-percha.

All these active ingredients form the basis of the chemical composition of Euonymus warty (magpie glasses).

Pharmacological properties of Euonymus warty:

The pharmacological properties of euonymus are determined by its chemical composition.

In our country, since 1965, trials have been carried out on the drug SK-1 (cardiac glycoside) as a cardiac stimulant. Euonymus preparations also have a laxative effect.

Use of euonymus in medicine, treatment with euonymus:

For dropsy, use a decoction of the leaves of Euonymus warty.

For nervous disorders and headaches - a decoction of flowering branches.

Tincture of euonymus bark in 70% alcohol is recommended for the treatment of stage I and II hypertension.

Dosage forms, method of administration and doses of Euonymus verrucosa preparations:

Effective medicines and forms used in the treatment of many diseases are made from the bark, branches, leaves, fruits and seeds of the euonymus. Let's look at the main ones.

Decoction of euonymus leaves:

Brew 1 cup boiling water 1 tsp. leaves, place in a water bath and boil for 15–20 minutes. Cool and strain. Take 1-2 tbsp. l. 3 times a day 20 minutes before meals for dropsy.

Decoction of flowering branches of euonymus:

Brew 1 cup boiling water 1 tbsp. l. medicinal raw materials, place in a water bath for 20 minutes, leave for 10 minutes, strain. Take 1 tbsp orally. l. 3 times a day before meals for nervous disorders.

Infusion of crushed fruits or dry crushed leaves of euonymus:

Brew 1 cup boiling water 1 tsp. fruits or leaves, leave in a boiling water bath for 15 minutes in a sealed container, cool at room temperature for 45 minutes, strain. Take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day, 30 minutes before meals. For external use, wash the affected areas with the infusion and then make compresses soaked in the infusion.

Contraindications for Euonymus verrucosa:

The fruits of the euonymus are poisonous, like its other parts, and even in small doses they have an emetic and strong laxative effect. They taste very unpleasant, probably due to the presence in the seeds of thick, non-drying fatty oil, which they contain up to 45–70%.

The flowers of Euonymus warty have an unpleasant odor. In some Caucasian species - broad-leaved euonymus and velvet euonymus - the smell of flowers is so strong and pungent that it causes a headache and a feeling of nausea, irritates the mucous membrane and can even cause poisoning during a long stay in flowering thickets.

Use of euonymus on the farm:

Euonymus is also notable for the fact that the bark of the branches and especially the roots of this shrub contains a substance from which gutta-percha can be obtained. It is used as an insulating material in electrical engineering, toys are made from it, etc. However, euonymus is practically not used in this regard: the gutta-percha content in the plant is low.

Euonymus is unique garden shrub, combining excellent qualities: fast growth, unpretentiousness, variety of varieties, and also has excellent decorative properties. This plant has become widespread in Asia, Europe, and America. IN natural conditions lives in mountains, deciduous forests, floodplains and valleys.

Euonymus is often used in the organization of hedges, but its scope of use is not limited to this. This shrub is magnificent in group and solitary plantings. In spring and summer, it does not stand out much from the rest of the garden vegetation, providing an excellent green background for other ornamental plants. During flowering, the euonymus can only boast of dim, small and, one might even say, somewhat inconspicuous flowers. But in the fall, not a single person will be left indifferent by the beauty of the bush. Also, its appearance will perfectly improve the appearance of the winter garden.

Among the various types of euonymus there are also small evergreen creeping shrubs that grow well in rockeries, flower beds and rocky hills.

Common types

Euonymus macropterus Rirr.

This tweed of euonymus prefers to grow in groups or alone in moist and shady spruce and cedar-broad-leaved forests in the Primorsky, Khabarovsk territories, Kurilki, Sakhalin, China, Korea and Japan. It is very rarely used as an ornamental plant, but is quite suitable for cultivation in the conditions of the north to St. Petersburg.

It is a deciduous tree, reaching 9 meters in height, often bush-like. The bark of the plant is dark, young branches initially have a green tint, later becoming light brown or gray. The leaves have an oblong-ovate or broadly elliptical shape.

The flowers are small, greenish-white, collected in multi-flowered inflorescences. The fruit is spherical and slightly flattened four-lobed capsules with large wings up to 15 mm in length. When fully ripe, they acquire a dark crimson hue. In the summer, the capsules open to reveal seeds that ripen until the end of September. Begins to bear fruit from the age of seven.

It grows somewhat slowly and is winter-hardy. For good development it needs high air humidity, tolerates shade, but feels more comfortable in good lighting. It propagates mainly with the help of seeds, which must be stored in a box with sand during the cold season. Resistant to the pest that often affects this genus - the euonymus moth. When the fruit ripens, it has incredible decorative properties. It is recommended to be used for single or mass plantings for planting in parks. Cultivated since the end of the 19th century.

Euonymus verrucosa Scop.

In another way, this type of euonymus is called few-flowered. It is found naturally in the mountains of South-Eastern, Southern and Central Europe, as well as in Russia. Distributed in nature reserves of the Baltic states, the Caucasus, and Russia. In nature, it prefers to grow in the undergrowth of deciduous and coniferous forests. This bush loves good fertile soils, generously flavored with lime, tolerates shade perfectly.

The shrub grows up to two meters in length, less often it turns into a tree 5-6 meters in height. It has bright green shoots, which, along with the branches, are strewn with black-brown warts. In this regard, it got its name. Its brown flowers are quite inconspicuous, but create a special charm and color. Its pink fruits look very good against the green background of foliage.

This shrub is especially beautiful in the autumn, when its thin green shoots wear a delicate and light outfit of pink leaves.

It is winter-hardy, slow-growing, unpretentious to the soil, tolerates shade well, and is suitable for organizing hedges, creating group and single plantings. Cultivated since 1973, it is used by gardeners more often than other types of plants.

Euonymus europaea L.

Grows in Russia, Western Europe, the Caucasus, Crimea, Asia Minor. Found in many nature reserves in different countries. They prefer deciduous forests with any soil. It has been used for decorative purposes for a very long time.

This small tree, reaching 6 meters, grows as a bush. Young shoots of the plant are green and often have corky longitudinal growths, while old shoots are almost black. The leaves are ovate or obovate, glabrous, slightly leathery, dark green in color, and acquire a wide variety of red shades in the fall. Unlike the leaves, the flowers of the European euonymus are inconspicuous, greenish-white in color, and flowering lasts 20 days. The bush is also very decorated with fruit boxes that are pink or dark red when ripe.

This type of euonymus has very high drought and frost resistance, loves light, and thrives in urban polluted conditions. It tolerates pruning well, and therefore is ideal for single and group plantings, and excellent for hedges. Pairs well with a variety of plants with yellow or yellow-golden foliage. This type of euonymus has about 20 different decorative varieties.

Dwarf euonymus (Euonymus nanus Bieb)

This type of euonymus is very fond of the slopes and river valleys of the mountain forests of Ukraine, Moldova, the Caucasus, Crimea, Romania and North-West China. It is a plant listed in the Red Book of the USSR. You can see it in the protected Kabardino-Balkarian Nature Reserve.

Dwarf euonymus is an evergreen, creeping, low-growing shrub whose height does not exceed one meter. Young branches are green, covered with many warts, and as the year progresses they acquire a grayish-brown color. The leaves of the bush are quite unusual: oblong in shape and narrowly lanceolate, with a pointed apex and a slightly bent edge. The upper part of it is bright green, the bottom is bluish. The flowers of the euonymus are single and small, grow on long and thin peduncles, and are green or red-brown in color. This type of euonymus very rarely bears fruit in the middle zone, but if this happens, the fruits are presented in the form of a box up to 1 cm, yellowish or pink.

This is a very ornamental plant, known since 1830. It forms very effective and elegant thickets, used to decorate lawns, loose groups, alpine groups, under tree canopies.

Koopmann's Euonymus (Euonymus koopmanni Lauche)

Perhaps this species is the most interesting of those growing in Central Asia. Loves walnut forest canopies and secondary bushes.

Its distinctive feature is the formation of creeping and very long lashes, which, moving along the ground, take root and produce low shoots one meter high. The leaves of the shrub are linear or narrowly lanceolate in shape, slightly curled along the edges. The color of the leaves is dark green, they are bluish below and shiny above. The flowers are often single, but sometimes they are collected in groups of 2-3. Blooms in July. In Russia it ripens quite rarely, but the possibility of vegetative propagation allows it to be grown in this area.

Euonymus miniata Tolm

This type of euonymus is found on the island of Urup and on Southern Sakhalin. It has greenish flowers with shorter wings than Euonymus macroptera. The fruit capsules are bright red. In autumn, all parts of the bush, from large obovate leaves to fruits, literally “light up” in the sun, and in the shade they have a dark purple hue. It tolerates shade well, and therefore in natural conditions is often found in the undergrowth of mixed coniferous forests on slopes. It blooms and bears fruit very profusely. Available in culture exclusively in botanical gardens.

This shrub is very demanding on soils and their richness. The soil should also be light, saturated with air and contain lime. It does not require pruning and is frost resistant. Propagated by sowing seeds in spring or autumn, summer cuttings, layering, as well as root suckers. Perfect for single plantings, creating hedges, and group compositions.

Winged euonymus (Euonymus alata (Thunb.) Sieb.)

It lives on rocky slopes, along mountain rivers and streams, on rocky slopes and in river valleys in Korea, China, Japan and southern Sakhalin. This is a fairly tall shrub with many branches.

Young shoots are reddish in color. The leaves are obovate in shape, sometimes rhombic, dark green in color and very shiny. Not very large flowers are collected in three-flowered inflorescences. The fruit capsules become bright red after ripening. Decorative due to its bright fruits, but also unusual, winged branches. It begins to bear fruit at the age of four. It was introduced into culture in 1910.

Under natural conditions, it takes root quite well in both shady and sunny places, on wet and dry soil. But for the best effect, it is still better to use illuminated areas. It grows rather slowly, but is highly winter hardy.

It looks very advantageous in loose, single plantings, but is also effective in group plantings on the lawn. There are more than 20 varieties of this euonymus in culture.

Maack's Euonymus (Euonymus maackii Rupr.)

Euonymus Maak prefers to grow on the slopes of hills, in sparse deciduous forests, in valleys large rivers, along floodplain meadows, on sandy light and sandy loam soils in the Primorsky Territory, Eastern Siberia, and the North-Eastern Territory.

It is a shrub reaching 1.5-3 meters in height. Sometimes it is a beautiful eight-meter tree, which in free conditions has an openwork, umbrella-shaped crown. The crown of the tree is wrinkled and black. Young branches are green, slightly rounded and tetrahedral, becoming dark gray with age. The leaves of the bush are very large and leathery. In spring they are light green, in summer they become dark green with a lighter underside, and in autumn they become soft pink, decorated with various purple shades. The flowers of the Maak euonymus are greenish-white with purple stamens, which are collected in few-flowered semi-umbrellas. The shrub begins to bear fruit at the age of 5-8 years with spherical-pear-shaped boxes of purple or pink color.

This type of shrub is frost-resistant, loves light, resists drought well, loves rich soils, grows quite quickly and tolerates transplants well. It reacts very sensitively and well to fertilizers, propagates very easily using seeds, layering, cuttings, root suckers, bearing fruit a year, or even two, earlier than the seed material.

This type of euonymus will be an excellent decoration of the edges, as a single planting on the lawn, in the form of undergrowth. Very beautiful when the leaves bloom and until late autumn. It is very decorative in the fall, when it is decorated with bright fruits that remain on the bush until the onset of frost. The same spectacular and colorful autumn leaves last until the first frost. In terms of its decorativeness, it is one of the very best among euonymus. Cultivated since 1883.

Sakhalin euonymus (Euonymus sachalinensis(F. Schmidt) Maxim)

The plant is native to East Asia and the Far East. It can also be found in the Lazovsky Nature Reserve. Prefers to grow in mixed forests and birch forests on mountain slopes and river valleys. This is a light-loving mesophyte.

Very, very ornamental shrub 2.5 meters tall, with long elliptical leaves.

The flowers are small, purple in color, hanging down on thin peduncles. Flowering of the bush begins in May-June, and fruits form in August-September. This is an ornamental, unpretentious shrub that is very beautiful in the autumn due to the coloring of the leaves and the ripening of spectacular fruits. It takes root well in Central Russia and is often used for making hedges.

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Now every gardener has the opportunity to grow absolutely environmentally friendly, healthy fruits and vegetables in their own garden. Atlant microbiological fertilizer will help with this. It contains helper bacteria that settle in the root system area and begin to work for the benefit of the plant, allowing it to actively grow, remain healthy and produce high yields. Typically, many microorganisms coexist around the root system of plants.

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