Prayer from a distance. Prayer heals from a distance. Prayers for the reciprocity of a loved one: comments

Let us consider in detail the prayers for casting a love spell on a loved one at a distance - with a detailed description of all magical actions so that the ritual does not have negative consequences.

It happens in every girl's life that the relationships she has built begin to fall apart. There can be many reasons, they do not always depend on the woman.

How to make the man you love feel love and affection for you again?

This problem is by no means new. Even our great-grandmothers were worried about preserving the family hearth. To ignite passion, marry a loved one, and not lose your husband, it is customary to read conspiracies and cast a love spell on your loved one.

For love spell services, people often turn to witches and healers. However, most magical procedures can be performed independently if you do not trust strangers. It is worth remembering that independently performing powerful rituals using cemetery soil and blood can bring terrible consequences to a beginner. After this, you will need to think not about how to bewitch your beloved guy, but try to get rid of the subsequent energy negativity. Therefore, be careful and careful in choosing funds.

Soft love spells - spells, okormas, opoi

To warm up the feelings of a loved one, our ancestors used enchanted water and food, the so-called okorms and opoi. Water, salt, grain, and bread were often used for such purposes. It is important to maintain a sincere feeling when speaking about food. At the same time, treat your husband gently, do not allow swearing, scandals, quarrels, or claims. This will make it easier to achieve your goal.

The softest love spell is considered to be a conspiracy. They cast a spell on an item that belongs to the guy, and they also advise giving your loved one a charmed gift.

It is necessary for a man to constantly carry this thing with him for some time. It is usually customary to charm combs and combs.

Spell on a thing - love spell on the hair of a loved one

On the night of the full moon, take a new comb and comb your hair with it near the open window, while reading the spell:

Read these words nine times, then tie three knots from your hair in the teeth of the comb. Place the enchanted comb under the man’s pillow (or quietly put it under the mattress), and then, after removing your hair, give the item to him.

Church conspiracies at a distance

You can read a conspiracy prayer. Strictly speaking, this is not considered a conspiracy, since the Orthodox egregor is used in the ritual. However, if you don’t like magical rituals, but still need a love spell, it is recommended to read prayers yourself over the photo of your loved one or order them from the church. The following prayers are especially effective for love spells:

  • about family happiness to Archangel Barachiel;
  • for the love of a man, Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • about her husband’s loyalty to Matrona of Moscow;
  • about a happy marriage to Saints Peter and Fevronia.

Love spell on a loved one with salt

If you want the man you are interested in, being at a great distance, to experience a burning desire to see or communicate, use this simple method. You will need a glass of spring water clean water, a photo of your loved one, and a spoonful of rock salt.

Place the photo on a glass so that the image of the head is exactly above the surface of the water, cover the lips of the photo with salt while pronouncing the spell.

Repeat this ritual for nine days, after which place a glass with a photo under your bed near the head of the bed. The result will not take long to arrive.

Dryness - fidelity love spell

This love spell is used to incite passionate affection. Take a fresh willow twig and place it on the threshold. As soon as your loved one steps over it, take the rod and dip it in hot water. Keep it there until it swells; you can first soften the twig in the bath. Then say the spell of dryness and hide the rod in a safe place. The rod will dry out, and the man's affection will grow.

The most powerful love spell for a loved one at a distance using blood

Love spells using menstrual blood are considered the most effective and potent. Blood is the main carrier of information about personality, which is why it is popular among magicians. Usually, blood is mixed into food and wine; it is also recommended to sprinkle blood on the threshold of a loved one’s house.

But you need to be careful with these love spells, since all love spells with physiological fluids belong to “black” magic, and the retribution for them can be very serious.

Consequences of love spells

When using magical means to heighten the feelings of a loved one, you need to be prepared for the consequences of magic of this kind. The man on whom the love spell is cast may experience the following symptoms:

  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases, deterioration of general health;
  • Apathy, indifference, anhedonia;
  • Poor sleep, nightmares, insomnia;
  • Career difficulties, troubles;
  • Infertility, potency problems;
  • Problems with libido, sexual coldness;
  • Suicidal thoughts, increased bad habits, alcoholism, drugs;
  • General depression, depression, melancholy, melancholy, depression.

Therefore, before you engage in love spells, make sure that you have done everything in your power to save the relationship. It is important to understand that magic is an extreme step; in inept hands it can produce the effect of a bomb exploding.

An irreversible love spell can eventually turn against the witch herself, since she will not be able to get rid of the bewitched man, so it is not recommended to use such magic.

There are love spells that cannot be removed. They use wax volt dolls, symbolizing the victim of a love spell. For security reasons, we do not indicate here all the features of the ritual of this love spell, because the voodoo magic that is involved is considered the most powerful and ancient, and therefore can lead to irreversible consequences.

Prayer for the return of a loved one

Bring your loved one back in any way

Finding herself abandoned, every, even the most strong-willed woman, goes through the following feelings: anger, denial of what happened and a colossal thirst to return her loved one. The relationship between the couple is destroyed due to the fault of both the guy and the girl - lack of endurance, care, affection, etc.

And while some people prefer to spend their nights alone, shedding tears, others make every effort to bring their loved one back. Prayer for the return of a loved one from a distance will help correct situations.

How to bring your loved one back using prayer from a distance?

Returning a loved one with prayers

Before you figure out how you can renew a relationship with a loved one through prayer, you need to figure out what prayer is for the return of a loved one?

Is there a difference between magical spells and prayers to the Lord?

Anyone who sincerely believes in the Lord's help will never use all kinds of conspiracies and magical acts. Any action that has not been well thought out affects the fate of both the loved one and the one who resorts to the power of a love spell:

  • decreased immunity;
  • a sharp deterioration in health;
  • loss of luck, happiness;
  • loss of financial success;
  • loss of contact with family, loved ones, friends.

I would like to add that any conspiracies in their power act much more aggressively on the object of magical acts. Often a person has an irresistible craving for alcoholic beverages, and sometimes even for narcotic substances. Therefore, think many times before using all sorts of conspiracies and love spells to return your loved one.

How to properly approach the Lord with prayers?

If you want to return your loved one with the help of God’s power, then you must know how to read the prayer correctly:

  1. Before turning to the saints with such a request, you need to “get to know” as closely as possible who exactly to send your prayers to.
  2. The prayer is read sincerely. If you want to return your loved one by simply reading a set of words, then, unfortunately, you will not succeed. You must sincerely believe in what you are asking God for.
  3. A positive frame of mind is an important component of a favorable outcome of a situation. If conspiracies can be read both in a bad mood and in a good one (and some conspiracies generally require the investment of one’s own negative emotions), then the prayer is read only when a person can completely open his soul and heart to God, getting rid of anger, resentment and hatred .
  4. When reading prayers, no matter what - Christian or Muslim (after all, a person can belong to another religion), you should mention not only yourself, but also your beloved man. Ask the Almighty to give you prudence, with the help of which you can overcome all problems and tie yourself into strong bonds of marriage.
  5. Prayer is said at any time of the day. You can turn to the help of the Almighty anywhere, trusting him with your thoughts. Whereas conspiracies should only be read at night.
  6. Understand yourself. Before turning to the saints for help, you should think very carefully and understand why the relationship ended. If the reason is you, then it is best to repent before the Lord. Only in this case will prayer for the return of a loved one be effective.

Is there such a thing as powerful prayer?

Magic gives way to the power of prayers

Prayer, as a simple set of phrases, has no strong or weak effect. Prayer is a conversation with God at a distance, who is able to look into the most secluded places of the soul and understand, read every thought of a person.

Communication with the Lord should not be perceived as a talisman or amulet that has some kind of power. If you want to return your loved one, you should sincerely believe in the power of God and your feelings.

As for the power of such a conversation with God, it is even possible to remove a love spell through prayer. Therefore, if your boyfriend, son or beloved woman has been bewitched using all sorts of conspiracies, then do not despair, but believe in yourself and turn to the Lord, who will certainly help you remove the magical power.

Prayers to help bring back a loved one

Choose a prayer that suits you

There are many prayers aimed at bringing back a loved one. With the help of such an appeal to the Lord, it is even possible to remove a strong magical love spell. The main thing is faith in yourself and trust in God.

Prayer to the Holy Face of Nicholas the Wonderworker

When entering an Orthodox church, the first thing you should do is write notes about the health of yourself and your beloved.

We buy 9 candles and place them near the icon of Jesus Christ, the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (3 near each). Stopping at the face of the last Saint, you should read the following prayer:

“Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, every day I ask that my beloved (beloved) (name) return. I sincerely hope for your compassion and power. Amen".

Then we cross ourselves three times. And when leaving home, you need to buy 12 candles, small icons and holy water (it is usually given free of charge in every church). As soon as you feel that there is a need to communicate with the Lord, lock yourself in a room (so that no one bothers you or distracts you), place a container of illuminated water and the faces of saints on the table. With a pure heart and sincere feelings, we introduce your loved one and your meetings. We read the prayer as many times as your strength allows.

We turn to the Blessed Virgin Mary for help

You need to turn to the Most Holy Theotokos after special preparation: three days of fasting and communion. In turn, in order to receive communion, you must confess in church, revealing all your secrets to the Lord and repenting of your sins. Only thanks to such spiritual cleansing, a prayer against a love spell on a loved one will help bring back the beloved. Even the most powerful magical love spell will yield to God's power.

In this video review, Sergey Boltenko talks about


A powerful prayer for love.

A powerful prayer for love.

Take a set of mantras to return your loved one! Pe

After cleansing the soul, we appeal to the Most Holy Theotokos for help with the following prayer:

“Jesus Christ, you are support and protection, Most Holy Theotokos, I pray to you. I send a prayer request to your chaste hearts, I beg for protection in a difficult time for me, in order to return my beloved (Name). Hear my calls, do not abandon my appeal! Saints, return the heart and thoughts of your beloved (Lover’s Name) Amen.”

It is important to remember that turning to Divine power will only help when the feelings are sincere and pure. When a man sincerely loves another woman, unfortunately, it will not be possible to return him with the help of a prayerful appeal to the Saints.

Prayer to Saints Peter and Fevronia

From time immemorial, these servants of the Lord have been associated with the patronage of marriage and family relationships. You can turn to them with prayers not only when you want to return your lover, but in situations when quarrels and disagreements begin between you. The prayer itself has the following form: “I appeal to you, to Saints Peter and Fevronius, who protect us sinners with miracles on earth. I offer my prayers and prayers for support during this difficult time for me. I hope for your indulgence. Pray to God for mercy towards me (your Name) and my dear (Dear Name), do not abandon our true feelings. Amen".

Holy Matrona to help abandoned women (men)

On the eve of her death, Matrona swore an oath that she would put wisdom into the bodies of people who asked her. Before turning to Saint Matrona, clergy recommend first praying to Jesus Christ and his Most Pure Mother.

To read this prayer you do not need to go to the temple. You can read the words of the prayer appeal at home. However, it will not be superfluous if you read this prayer in front of the icon in Orthodox Church. So, with good intentions, we read the words of the prayer:

“Mother Matronushka, offer up prayers to God for me, the servant of God (your Name) and my dear, the servant of God (the name of your beloved). Cleanse his thoughts from harmful influences, help him remember our beloved, unite his souls again. Amen".

After turning to the Lord

It's real to be happy

How to behave after turning to the Lord? Of course, you will not feel the effect of prayer overnight. An important sign that your prayers have been heard by God is an all-encompassing feeling of calm and serenity. A person who sincerely turns to the saints for help, no matter what - a request for Health or for them to help improve relationships in the family, will not feel empty, lost or abandoned. Grace comes to the soul of the one who prays.

And remember, a prayerful appeal to the Lord is not a magic wand, with a wave of which all the dreams you ask for will come true. You should pray, ask God for his grace and not wait for a miracle to happen.

Relationships are hard work and require proper attention. The only way to earn love is to work hard!

Love and be loved. Happiness and good luck to you!

Instructions: love plot at a distance at home

Many women who decide to bewitch a loved one turn not to sorcerers and psychics, but to their inner powers. This approach often justifies itself, because self-confidence is already half the success. The main advantage of a love spell at home is the individual approach that girls provide to themselves, because it is difficult to dispute the fact that the result directly depends on the personal interest of the magician and her motivation.

On how to bewitch a loved one, you can find a lot of instructions (many of which often include prayer), tips and recommendations, some of which are really effective and can even be done at home.

Before you start looking for conspiracies to bewitch your loved one, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the main consequences, which, instead of happiness and prosperity, can bring a lot of suffering, and such that even prayer will not help.

If you nevertheless decide to cast a love spell on your loved one and have decided on your inner “I want”, then familiarize yourself with certain rules that limit your possibilities to some extent:

  • when performing the ritual, you must be alone in the room, you need to stay as isolated as possible, focusing on the process;
  • close all the mirrors in the room in advance, unless, of course, you want a third-party exchange of energies;
  • Before the ritual, take a shower and check your well-being.

We cannot ignore the fact that any action (be it a prayer, a spell, a love spell and much more) affects both the physical and mental state of the fortuneteller, because they are based precisely on her energy.

Types of love spells

Experts distinguish two types of home love spells on a beloved man: from a photograph and from a personal item.

Let's take a closer look at each of them:

Love spell from a photo

Almost all psychics talk about how to bewitch a lover. And, as a rule, many people advise turning to a love spell through a snapshot, which opens up an endless series of possibilities. It is recommended to turn to photographs as recent as possible, because they most often contain a bit of the energy of your loved one.

When choosing a photo, you need to pay attention to the fact that the presence of strangers or animals in the frame is extremely undesirable, since the effect of the love spell can harm them.

The best time to perform this ritual is the waxing moon, but it is worth understanding that the effectiveness of the love spell will directly depend on the personal characteristics of the chosen man (age, date of birth and many others). You can bewitch your beloved in the same way by taking a photograph in which her eyes are clearly visible.

Bewitch on personal items

Bewitching your loved one (or bewitching your beloved) to personal items is quite simple. To carry out this ritual, only a spell dictated by experts and some item of the loved one that he especially values ​​is often used (for example, a comb, cufflink, lighter, handkerchief).

However, this type of love spell has its own characteristics:

  • it does not last long, so it will have to be repeated often;
  • choosing a worthwhile object with which you can bewitch your loved one is not so easy;
  • Under no circumstances should the chosen one himself know about the ritual performed on him.

Love spells: instructions

If you really have no one to turn to for help, then the methods below to bewitch your loved one will be the best solution.

It is important to remember that in this case the power of self-hypnosis is great and the internal “I want” plays a significant role.

It is no secret that many women strive to bewitch their loved one, at least because of natural jealousy and a sense of possessiveness. They are afraid that he might have an affair on the side, and, as a result, leave for another woman, which is why they resort to such radical methods, thinking that prayer will save them from loneliness.

Of course, if you doubt your abilities, then a love spell (even carried out within the walls of your own home and guided by an impulsive “I want”) will be beneficial. It remains to wish the readers patience and good luck!

How to make a love spell at a distance, how to read at home

Sometimes, to our great regret, we are very far from the one for whom we have tender feelings. And I really want this person to call, write, and help speed up this process - a love spell at a distance.

From the article you will learn how to:

  • cast a love spell on a man from a distance;
  • attract a guy's attention;
  • perform a ritual on blood;
  • use magic to win a girl's favor;
  • neutralize magical interference.

Love spell for a man at a distance

This ritual can be performed at home without turning to magicians and sorcerers for help. The most important thing, for a successful effect, is to visualize your soulmate. You need to clearly imagine the image of your loved one in front of you, or use a photo, personal item, or clothing during the ceremony. There is more than one way to make this love spell, now we will look at some of them.

For the ritual you will need the following things:

How to do the ritual

Wait until night falls, and at exactly one o'clock, light the candles, arrange them so as to form a triangle. After this, take three needles and thread threads into their eyes, tie a knot at the end of each thread. Place a photo of your man in the center of the geometric figure made of candles. Using a piece of chalk, draw a circle around the candles so that it touches the vertices of the triangle. Then you need to concentrate all your attention on the image of your man.

Take the first needle and thread and stitch it around the head area. After this, put the photo aside without cutting the thread, and take the second needle. Sew it in the photo area of ​​the heart. Using a third needle and thread, sew the photo in intimate area. After these manipulations, take a button from one of your sweaters or shirts and thread needles and threads into it; their length should be several centimeters. Cut the needles and tie the threads, so you will get a love talisman, always carry it with you.

Strong love spell at a distance

This ritual must be done on Friday, as it is Women's Day.

For the ceremony you will need:

  • white candle:
  • needles with large ears;
  • red wool thread;
  • photos;
  • red envelope;

You need to buy a candle in the temple on the morning of the ceremony.

In the evening, after sunset, you can begin the ritual, the main thing is that no one interferes, and you must turn off all electrical appliances. Light a candle and put photographs in front of you: yours and your chosen one, look at the images and imagine how you spend time together, how your relationship will develop, what you will do together. The clearer and better you imagine everything, the more effective the ritual will be. After that, take the photos and write your lover's name on your photo, and your name on his and sew them together. Sew the photo completely along the edges, when finished, tie the ends of the thread into seven knots and bring the man behind the photo. While tying the knots, read the words of the conspiracy:

“I bind the Lord’s servant (man’s name) to the Lord’s servant (my name). It's destiny for them to be together! Amen."

Break the threads and fill them with wax from the candle. When the wax is dry, hide the photo in an envelope and place it in a book. Then go to bed thinking about your loved one.


A love spell will cause passion and a feeling similar to love in a man, but this may soon pass and the person will begin to feel disgusted towards you.

Your character may also change greatly, and you will no longer recognize your chosen one - this may cause disagreements and scandals in the future. So decide for yourself what exactly you want to get after the ritual and how it can affect your lover.

Spell for a guy's love

You can read a love spell on a guy at a distance yourself at home, this way you will keep everything secret and no one will know about your actions. And if you turn to specialists for help, then strangers may find out about this and this may cause you unnecessary inconvenience.

Now we will look at some love spell options.

This ritual belongs to white magic, but still, before using it, familiarize yourself with the negative consequences that can occur after a love spell.

For a magical sacrament you will need:

  • an unopened bottle of red wine;
  • new wine glass;
  • desire to drink this evening.

Take a wine glass and slowly pour wine into it, saying the following words:

“The power of red wine, you are full of love spells, as soon as I finish the wine, may my wish come true.”

After the magic words, drink all the wine

gulp and think at this moment about the guy you love. Cover the remaining alcoholic drink with a cork and hide it. When you start a relationship with your loved one, you will need to finish the wine with him.

For this plot, purchase two thin wax candles in the temple. Warm them with the warmth of your hands or over a fire and weave them together. Try to intertwine the candles so that they resemble a single whole. The candle wicks also need to be twisted together. Place what you have in a candlestick or small plate and set it on fire, saying the following words:

“Let the sweetheart’s heart melt, like candles melt from the fire, let my warmth warm you, and you quickly love me...”

The magic words should be repeated until the candle burns halfway. After this, extinguish the wick with a dry hand, take the candle in your hands and look at it for about five minutes, constantly thinking about your loved one.


If suddenly the candles go out during a conspiracy, this means that you are not destined to be together, and the ritual should be stopped.

Love spell on blood at a distance

A conspiracy using blood is classified as black magic, but if you still decide to take such a step, you should remember one rule: you can only use your own blood for the ritual.

On blood from a finger

This is a strong love spell that is difficult to remove; one drop of blood will be enough for you.

Prepare the following items for the ritual:

  • knife with a sharp blade;
  • photo of a lover;
  • wax candle;
  • a piece of white cloth.

It is best to use a new knife, so buy it the day before the ritual.

Light a candle, place photographs in front of you and read the cherished words:

“You drink my blood, you give me your will. Now you listen only to me, do everything I want. Only I am your mistress.”

Make a small cut on your finger and draw three vertical lines in blood on the image of your chosen one to create a lattice. After this, draw a knife on top of the drawn straight lines. Wrap the photo in cloth and hide it under your bed for three days. Now wait for the result, it should come soon.


Be careful when performing rituals of this nature. After all, magic using biomaterial can harm both you and your loved one.

You may begin to have financial problems, as well as health problems.

The person targeted by the love spell may soon experience deep depression. This occurs due to the fact that the will of a person is suppressed by magical intervention. A prolonged melancholic state leads to apathy towards life and everyone around.

So think twice before using magic.

Spell for a girl's love

You can cast a strong love spell on a girl at a distance on a man or guy yourself without the intervention of magicians. To do this, you just need to be absolutely sure that this is exactly the woman with whom you want to live your whole life. For the ritual you will need to spend a lot of your energy, because women are much more difficult to succumb to magical spells than men, so you will have to try.

A ritual that cannot be removed

Even a very strong magician cannot remove this type of witchcraft. Wait for the waxing Moon, retire to a room, open the windows and, closer to midnight, read the words of the conspiracy:

“In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen. The fire is burning in the stove, the flame is scorching the wood, burning fiercely. So the heart of the servant of God (name) would burn, burn for the servant of God (name) every day, at every hour, always and forever. Amen. I will go, servant of God (name), into an open field, under clear stars, under the Moon of the Lord. Before me lie three roads untrodden, three paths untrodden by Orthodox people. Yes, I will not go either to the right or to the left, but I will go along the middle road. And that road lies through a dark forest. In that forest there is a tree of melancholy, I will take melancholy and settle it in the name of God’s servant in the church. Oh, you are melancholy, torment of love, you ascend into her white body, into her zealous heart, into her blond braids, into her hot blood, boiling ore, so that she yearns for me, the servant of God (name), and thinks about me all the time - I remembered. So that she doesn’t wash down her melancholy in drink, doesn’t eat it in food, doesn’t drown her melancholy in dreams, she always keeps me on her mind. Just as there is no hindrance to the sun and the moon, so there would be no hindrance to my conspiracy. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After reading, go to bed. The result should come soon if you did everything correctly.

How to remove a love spell from a distance

If you have performed a ritual to cast a love spell on a loved one, you should definitely know how to remove it.

If you suddenly notice that because of magic your loved one has become ill, then you can remove the love spell in this way.

Take a blank sheet of paper, write your name on one half of the sheet, and the name of your lover on the other. Then tear the paper into two halves and burn them separately in the flame of different candles, the main thing is that they are not red. Scatter the resulting ashes on different sides of the path or route with the words “Letting you go”

With my husband in prayer

It may happen that a strange woman cast a love spell on your legal spouse. If she refuses to remove it, you can do it yourself this way. A prayer to Saint Matrona will help neutralize the spell.

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Miracle words: prayer heals at a distance in full description from all the sources we found.

Hubpages, Tatjana Michaela

The Universe in which we live is very intelligent, and as a living being it reacts to our intentions, thoughts, emotions, beliefs, to our visualizations - the quality of life and health depends on the quality of our energy. The energy within us is so far beyond what we can imagine that if we focus our life force appropriately, we will be able to heal not only ourselves, but others as well.

Bio-energy, or life energy, flows through all living things, through plants and animals. When life energy is strong, there is health and well-being; when it is blocked or weakened, pain, illness and lack of vitality can occur. Without enough vital energy there will be nothing: no health, no ability to work, we will not be able to focus, we will not be able to be creative or creative, we will not be able to maintain balanced relationships.

According to the concepts of quantum physics, everything in this world is energy. Energy is conscious and interconnected. Any matter is essentially not matter, but a condensed form of the existence of energy. What will you see if you look at any substance under a very strong microscope? Continuous movement.

We are also energetic beings, human body is in constant motion, cells constantly communicate with each other, blood, and other fluids of the body. If you close your eyes, you will be able to distinguish the sounds of the internal energies of your body.

Around any object, be it " solid”, a living organism or the human body, there is an electromagnetic field closely associated with them, which we also call “aura”. Some people can see this electromagnetic field (I myself often see some layers of the aura, and constantly feel it), and, in addition, these energies can be photographed using the Kirlian photography technique, on the right side there are several examples of such photos.

Aura is our integral part, which instantly reflects all our emotions, mood changes, and energy levels. From the aura, energy flows into our body, and if there is enough healthy energy in the aura, we can enjoy good health, since the aura is the main energy resource of the body, directly connected to every component part of our body.

Of course, in order to receive this energy, the energy channels of our body must be open.

The root of all human problems is energy. Thought is actually energy. Feelings and emotions are the same energy. If any energy problems in the body's energy system remain uncontrolled for a long time, then the resulting imbalances can manifest themselves after some time in the form of physical problems or diseases, since in certain areas of the body there is no longer enough energy for regeneration, or the energy does not have the necessary quality ( is not positive). Once any problem is corrected or removed on the energetic plane, the physical level comes into a state of balance. Problems related to people's health can be corrected with the help of healing energy. The patient's energy can be cleared, balanced, normalized and healed. Treatment at the energy level restores physical health.

Any energetic imbalance, physical, mental illness or emotional disorder can be healed from a distance using distance healing. Energy treatment can be carried out both at a short distance, by balancing the patient’s energy field, and remotely - the result is the same. During energy healing, a person with average sensitivity usually notices some physical sensations - tingling. Warmth, or vice versa cold, it can be positive emotions, feeling better after the session. There are no hard and fast rules here.

My personal experience

When I started treating other people, at first it was at their request. They intuitively felt that I could help them, and my first steps 13 years ago were precisely in the field of remote energy healing. I sent prayers to people, visualized the light and love of my heart, and they said that they felt waves of energy and joy at almost the same time that I sent them energy. Later, I started healing with crystals that I placed on photos of people, and this technique worked great, in addition to sending them love and light. When I started healing with Reiki, after completing the second stage, I fully realized that in fact there are no barriers to healing - healing energy can be easily sent to any distance, to any person, and the first results really appear very quickly . Healing energy knows no time or distance and often works even better when sent this way. Everything is interconnected in a vast ocean of energies, love and light can be projected onto any health problem or life situation, and with some effort and patience, results begin to appear.

I particularly enjoy the process of sending healing energy over a distance, as this healing demonstrates how deeply interconnected we are, and that love and light are primal over time and distance. Bio-energy therapy has proven useful in the treatment of many diseases such as asthma, arthritis, eczema, back pain, depression, wounds, headaches, digestive disorders, hormonal imbalances, diabetes is especially easy to treat, and many other diseases. Energy healing is often a necessary support when using other natural healing approaches.

The colors of the aura change depending on our emotions, thoughts and our mood. There are 7 layers of the aura:

During the healing process, the healer tunes into each layer and heals it, step by step the aura is cleansed and regenerated.

1. The etheric body, approximately half an inch around the physical body, is the matrix representing our internal organs and is closely related to our physical health and the root chakra (adrenal glands).

2. The lower emotional body, approximately 10 inches from the surface of the body, reflects our basic emotions, it constantly changes colors, and is associated with the sacral chakra (gonads). The first two layers are visible in Kirlian photographs.

3. The lower mental body, which is associated with our beliefs, sense of self and fundamental ideas about life. It is associated with the Solar Plexus chakra (pancreas).

4. The upper emotional body, associated with the heart chakra (thymus gland), it reflects our more developed emotions, such as deep attachments, unconditional love, compassion for others, healing abilities. This body is painted with radiant rainbow colors.

5. The casual body is a layer that responds very well to sound, it is connected to the throat chakra (thyroid gland), this layer is also the matrix of the organs of our body. Through this layer, using energy, sound and homeopathic methods, healers can influence chronic diseases of certain organs.

6. The spiritual body - or higher mental body - is associated with the third eye chakra and the pituitary gland. When a person is positive, creative, believes in a higher justice, or they are “spiritual”, this body is well developed. This is a beautiful, sparkling layer of our aura.

7. The divine body is a shining golden layer that, like a shell, protects human energies. It can carry very high vibrations and is associated with the crown chakra and pineal gland in the brain. By connecting with our divine body, we connect with our inner knowing and protect ourselves from external influences.

With remote treatment, it is absolutely not necessary to know the patient personally. Typically, treatment occurs between people who have never met. In this case, information about the patient is carried by his energy doubles: name, date of birth, voice or photographs.

Reiki healing methods include special techniques that allow the healer to send different vibrations of healing energy. I am able to reproduce about 700 different vibrations of healing energy. Sometimes, if necessary, I use an electronic device, but even then I transfer and transmit my own energy without relying on the device, since no device can provide the compassion that I bring to the healing process.

Anyone can remotely send positive vibrations to another person, although the effect will not be the same as a trained healer, the love and light we send will be accepted if it is pure and unconditional. You can light a candle, or look at the sun, and imagine the light that flows from your open heart to another person, you can sing or pray, and the flow of your positive energy will be received by the person to whom it is directed either immediately or immediately the right time.

In this way, you can restore broken heart attachments, or improve existing ones, you can cure a lot of suffering, your own or others. By following this path you can even heal situations that occurred in your past or influence the future.

In the world of energies there is no time or distance, only love matters and it spreads freely and without boundaries, illuminating and transforming any pain and suffering. The power of love is above all!

How to help a loved one from a distance? Esoteric question

How to help a loved one from a distance? Esoteric question

Letter with a question from Elena: Hello Vasily! My now adult daughter has been living in the USA for more than 15 years. Lately she is not herself, she is disappointed in life, gets into various troubles, as if she is attracting them onto her own head. Please tell me, is it possible to somehow help her from a distance? I practice esoteric techniques, but she doesn’t even want to hear about anything like that, how can I help her?

You can really help, there is a lot in esotericism good tools and techniques with which you can help loved ones at any distance. But to do this, you need to master these techniques quite well. I will try to outline to you all the working and accessible techniques for almost any person. We have already discussed some of them in detail in other articles, so I will not describe them in detail, but will simply provide the relevant links.

How to help a loved one at a great distance?

A person who sincerely believes in God certainly has an advantage in providing such assistance. Because without the Higher Powers, without God, a person has nothing to count on in this life.

There are, of course, people who use esoteric and magical techniques, but at the same time they do not believe in God, do not develop spiritually, and do not distinguish between Good and Evil. Such people, even if they get some short-term results, do not last long; in fact, they are balancing on the edge of an abyss and it’s a matter of time before they fall into it. Because without Faith and understanding with what forces of the Subtle World one is working, a person will almost always make some irreparable mistakes, for which he will have to pay with his own health and destiny.

As I said, many of the techniques have been covered in other articles, so first of all, I recommend learning the basics and trying out the techniques they present.

1. This is the correct prayer for a person- for his soul, for his development, for his destiny. This is the most accessible way for most people to help their loved ones at any distance. For prayer, for the Soul, for the Higher Powers - there are no distances. Universal principles on how to pray for a loved one and what to ask God for are described in the article - How to pray for children and how to protect your child?

It works! Prayer is the attraction of the most powerful energy of the Higher Powers to help a person. Here you too, that is, your soul, invests energy, and God helps. How much it helps and how exactly - it will depend on how much people deserve it and on what the Higher Powers want from them.

2. Working with the phantom of a loved one. You can call a person’s phantom to yourself (to where you are) and by entering meditation, or at least into a meditative state, work with it. Ideally, you direct a stream of light from your heart (from the Atman) to the phantom, as if enveloping it in light and burning out the negative influences that affect it from the outside. And then you do what is necessary: ​​mentally tell him what he needs to understand, what you want to convey to him, instill in him confidence, cheerfulness, energy, etc.

How it works! The information and energy that you put into a person’s phantom when communicating with him is transmitted directly to the person’s subconscious and energy at any distance. He will not consciously remember what you said to his phantom, but the corresponding thoughts and decisions will visit his mind, and the attitude that you put in (your energy) will also be transmitted. Essentially, this is direct work with a person’s subconscious, and the subconscious, whether a person wants it or not, always greatly influences his choice and life in general. Therefore, working with a phantom is a smart and very effective technique. The result, most often, will not be obtained instantly, but if you do this more than once, you will be so. helping a person (switching him to the positive, etc.) regularly (5-10-20 times for 7-15 minutes), you will quickly see positive changes. Often the people whose phantoms you work with, after a while, begin to speak to you in your own words, passing off your thoughts as their own. And this is normal, the main thing is that a person changes for the better and successfully solves his problems.

You can also use other energy techniques to work with a phantom, if you have them. For example, cleanse the phantom of negative energy and fill it with positive energy, work with your hand flows, and many others. But the most important thing is that this is still spiritual work - transferring to the phantom the correct thoughts, ideas, beliefs, strong spirit, confidence, love, goodwill.

3. If you are not confident in your abilities, or do not have the appropriate techniques - you can help your loved ones through working with a Spiritual Healer. This way you can work on anyone and at any distance. For a good Healer, distance does not matter. If the person you are trying to help rejects your help, is in an insane state, or he does not want to work on himself, the ideal option would be for you to work with a Healer on him. To understand how Spiritual Healing works, read the article What is Spiritual Healing and how can it help you?

And if you need contact with a good Spiritual Healer, write to me!

Best regards, Vasily Vasilenko

16 comments - post a comment

This is the first time I’ve heard about working with a phantom of a loved one, it’s very interesting, I’ll try it, thank you.

I'm bookmarking this article. Lately I have had a need to help a loved one, but he is not making contact. And the question is whether it is necessary to help this person if everything is in order in his love and material sphere, but this person is greedy, cruel and selfish. And doesn't understand this? Why do I want to help? Therefore, I don’t want him to pay for his negative qualities in the future... After all, not a single act passes without a trace. It doesn't matter if it's good or bad...

Tatyana, I probably haven’t checked it yet :) Sorry, I don’t always have time to do it quickly :)

The desire to help a loved one is an indicator of a big and bright soul and a living heart!

Try it, it's a super technique! From my Teacher, Mikhail Yurievich Mianiye...

Interesting post. To be honest, I didn’t know anything about this at’s interesting to try, I’m talking about working with a phantom. But for some reason it seems to me that nothing will work out for me. For this, abilities apparently are needed...

To do this, you need to at least be able to relax and work a little with energy... And an open 3rd eye is not at all necessary for this, although it is desirable...

Yes, I think when we sincerely think about someone and wish them well, it always finds a response and support from the universe. And people, as a rule, react very sensitively to this.

Prayer and great faith that everything will be fine with your loved one can help. But it’s even better for the person himself to start doing something for himself. Our task is to convince your loved one of this.

The article is very interesting, how much a person is allowed to be able to do, however, under certain conditions... And to help a person from a distance, sometimes you need and want...

Good article. Prayer is a powerful tool in the hands of a believer.

Yes, if it is from the Soul!

But you can help and you need to, if you want, just learn to do it correctly, and help for your health...

But then help is needed when a person himself is not able to help himself, people are not gods, and this happens to everyone...

Yes, this is so, sincere Good will return the same Good to your destiny...

Prayer heals from a distance

I would like to know your attitude towards acupuncture, since on behalf of Orthodoxy various points of view are expressed on this matter.

I can say with complete conviction that there is no amount of “magic” or deception here. This is real medical care. I experienced it myself and can only say that I unconditionally believe in the quality of this work and in the good results.

Can a believer seek help from a doctor who treats using hypnosis, and, conversely, does a believer have the right to treat using this method?

I think yes. In the romantic literature of the 18th-19th centuries, starting with Mesmer, there was a picture of almost devilry, as if you could so master a person that he would become a slave to your will. As far as I know, this is not the case. Hypnosis is not from light or dark forces, it is simply the use, application of natural gifts. Any person, any doctor can learn to heal with hypnosis, it does not require dark eyes and a dramatic face. This is a technique. You can, with blue eyes and a very ordinary face, be able to hypnotize a person. As far as I know, it does not leave an imprint on the soul. Again, this partly depends on what type of doctor you are. After all, a doctor who treats with drugs can also harm the patient, making him a drug addict or something like that.

Is it possible to heal from a distance? If you try to influence from a distance only through prayer, you will not succeed, but when prayer is combined with certain mental activity, then it helps...

From the experience of circles of people who gather to pray for the sick, it is clear that something happens. There are such circles in England (I don’t know where else, I’m talking now about what I know for sure). There are entire societies - named after the Apostle Luke, named after the Archangel Raphael 56 : people who give themselves partly - that is, remaining in their professions in whatever way - to caring for the sick, but not in the form of orderlies or nurses. They gather weekly, and each of them brings at least one name: such and such a person suffers from such and such a disease or is in such and such a state... And the whole group, when they realized what was happening to this person, plunges into prayerful reflection. This is not like a prayer service: “Lord, do this.” They actively absorb this person into consciousness, keep him in this consciousness with love, with benevolence, together with God, and I have seen cases when something happened, it helped.

Is it possible to watch healing sessions of healers? They talk about goodness and make it real. It is difficult for a hopelessly ill person to give up hope...

I have not seen these sessions and will not undertake to give a definite answer, I can only say this. Bishop Sergius of Odessa spoke with one of these healers and asked him: “Are you baptized?” And he answered him: “Oh no! I didn’t want to be baptized because I was sure that if I was baptized, I would lose my gift.” For me this is a pretty significant answer.

I remember in England there was a famous healer whom I knew well, everyone respected her very much, and to me she gave the impression of a predatory beast. When my mother was dying of cancer, she wrote a letter offering her help, saying that she had prayed and it was revealed to her that she could cure my mother. And my mother answered: “I prefer to die cleanly than to be healed dirty.”

Does this have anything to do with psychic healers or people who heal with some kind of biocurrents?

I think as soon as we label, we create problems. It seems to me that it is natural to feel each other at a distance, just normal. Let's say, when something difficult mentally happens to someone you love, so often “the heart gives the heart a message.” I don’t see any reason why this shouldn’t happen, and if this is a natural property, and not some kind of miracle, then why can’t you cultivate this sensitivity in yourself? It seems to me that the first thing to do in order to cultivate this sensitivity is to pay attention when it happens, and not to distance it, not to say: “Oh, it can’t be!” On the contrary: I felt anxiety about some person, I will stop there, I will think about this person, pray, worry - whoever knows how, and never miss these moments, otherwise this sensitivity will become dulled, just as any of our abilities that we We don’t use it. Of course, people are differently gifted, but to some extent, everyone who is connected with others in a heartfelt way, and not just outwardly, can feel this. I don’t have a special gift for such things, but I almost always know two days in advance that a letter is coming from such and such a person, and I just wait for it, or I know that something has happened to such and such.

And sometimes there is some general feeling of anxiety: something came to you, as if a scream was heard, and you heard a scream, but you didn’t recognize the voice, Father Sophrony once talked to me about this. Then, he advised, search gropingly, pray for every person you know, ask the question: are you or not you? you or not you? - and at the moment when it appears: “you” - it becomes absolutely clear: yes, I am no longer in the fog, I have touched reality...

There are people who very successfully treat illnesses with various prayers. How should we feel about this? The prayers are completely Christian, there are no distortions...

Good intentions, some kind of gift from God, good will, not witchcraft for evil, but a prayer that is addressed to God in a reasonable way - why not? Finally, they turn to a priest to perform anointing with oil in case of illness. The priest acts as a celebrant, but the power of God is not limited to the sacraments. As Vladimir Nikolaevich Ilyin once said: every miracle is an irregular sacrament, that is, if we understand the sacrament as a direct influence of God, then a miracle is an unforeseen form of such an influence, and why can’t a granny do it, but some “patented” person must do it?

We notice an unhealthy fascination with witchcraft, so the question inevitably arises: how pure is all this? Some psychics consider themselves Christians, but there is an opinion that they treat natural illnesses with some otherworldly forces...

I think there is no definite answer, there is no prescription here. There are people who have purely natural gifts that are more pronounced than others. A very common occurrence is people who can calm a person down by holding his hand, or who, on the contrary, can somehow infuriate him, because nervousness flows from them. This is the most ordinary, unpretentious thing. There are people who have similar gifts, purely psychophysical, more pronounced and who in this regard can help or harm.

I had an Anglican priest I knew who was interested in and worked on “devilry,” let’s say, and such things, and he had some kind of gift for relieving suffering and pain. At some point, when my back was very bad, he said to me: “Why don’t I try to help you?” He laid me down, he is a long man himself, he put one hand on my head, the other on my legs - such coverage, he concentrated, and everything went away for me for a while. After some time he came to me again. During this time, I asked myself exactly this question: what is the share of good or average in this, say, not black, but gray, and when he offered me the second time, I said “yes” and prayed during his action - and nothing happened . Probably, either I stopped being receptive because I was disconnected from what he was doing, we just didn’t meet, or it was something complicated - I just don’t know, I only know that nothing happened.

There are people who have something bad mixed in with this on the human plane or even on the plane of dark power. They have some kind of gift of healing - but I would rather be sick and die than receive help from them, because they seem morally creepy to me, and I would not want to receive help from a person whom I regard as an evil presence. I remember when I was a doctor, they sent one person to me, a healer: he will help you, he will heal those whom you cannot cure - which, of course, would be terribly convenient and pleasant. I told him: “First you prove to me that you have some kind of strength.” He said, “Here, look.” He extended his hand towards me, and the heat just burned me. Then he stretched it out again, and the frost hit me. So he had something. But when I talked to him, he turned out to be such a scoundrel that I decided: it was better for my patients to suffer from me than to be treated by him. At least I can honestly send the patient away from me and say: I don’t understand anything, look for someone else. And this was a dishonest man. And I had a feeling that his gift was probably natural, but using it because of his greed for money was of a completely different order.

It is clear that among saints this ability is also rooted in something else, but it seems to me that the gift itself is largely natural. I’m not saying that miracles are natural actions, but Theophan the Recluse writes in one of his books that we underestimate our natural capabilities. When, say, we pray and feel certain phenomena in our body, we tend to immediately attribute them to grace. And Feofan says: no, this is not a blessed phenomenon, but simply purely natural. I think there is a middle ground. Every person has gifts that can develop far beyond the usual, but these gifts will be colored by what kind of person he is, who he is in relation to God, to the dark forces...

I can admit that when I was in my first year of medicine, I began to develop the ability to read people’s thoughts at a distance, to transmit my thoughts to them at a distance, and I thought about it. It was at a children's summer camp; I remember I was walking along the lawn, suddenly stopped and said: “Lord, if this gift is from You, let it stay with me, if it is from an evil force or just natural, but can lead me into pride and destruction - take it off!” And it was filmed instantly, and I never experienced it in this form again.

This forced me to be thoughtful and careful in this regard, because we are looking - in spiritual guidance, or in preaching, or simply in communicating with people - for the Lord to do something through us, to speak a word, to perform an action for salvation. But it is impossible to base an action or word for salvation on natural soil, we are looking for something else, our struggle is not with flesh and blood, but with the forces of darkness in heaven; and no natural gifts are immune from the penetration and influence of such a force. Therefore, I would say: it is better not to use this unless you have reason to think that this is not a natural gift in a person, but the fruit of a holy life. I’m not talking about Seraphim of Sarov, about those people who were visionaries of God and spoke in the word of the Holy Spirit, but about that adjacent soil where - yes, you can listen, but with caution, not fearfully, not cowardly, but soberly, prayerfully and carefully to relate to this.

56 The Holy Apostle and Evangelist Luke and the Archangel Raphael are revered by the Church as patrons of doctors. According to Col 4:14, the evangelist Luke was a physician. Archangel Raphael (whose name means “God heals”) is one of the seven archangels who stand before the Throne of the Most High. The apocryphal First Book of Enoch (10:7) states that the archangel Raphael must heal the earth desecrated by fallen angels.

How do prayers help achieve mutual feelings from a loved one? In this article, psychics of the portal “Wizards of Love” share the secrets and subtleties of reading powerful prayers that help to quickly bewitch your chosen one even at a distance.

1. How to bewitch a man with strong prayer

A love spell in the minds of most ordinary people is associated with something bad and dark. Meanwhile, this is not necessarily black magic using blood, personal belongings and other attributes. You can also bewitch with the help of prayer, that is, white magic based on appealing to God, various saints and higher powers.
Such white prayer love spells are very powerful love magic that allows you to quickly achieve mutual feelings from your loved one and improve relationships. Our ancestors also used love spells, so this can conditionally be called an Old Slavic love spell.

1.1 When to read love prayers

  • Semik or Green Christmastide (Trinity) is one of the most favorable days for a love spell with prayer and a love spell. In the old days, on this day, girls and unmarried women read a love spell in order to strongly bewitch their beloved guy or man and, with the help of magic, force him to marry themselves.
  • A love prayer read on Trinity Sunday helps not only to make a man fall in love with you, but also to bewitch your husband if his feelings cool down and passion leaves the relationship.
  • Love spells for Elijah's Day help you make the man you like fall in love with you and protect your husband from cheating. The Feast of Elijah the Prophet is celebrated on August 2 (July 20, old style). Magic on Ilya's Day, dedicated to Elijah the Prophet, falls on Perunov's week, so this is a doubly powerful time.
  • Rusal Week is famous for the summer holiday of Ivan Kupala. On the day of Kupala, the most powerful love prayers are read and love rituals are performed. According to tradition, it is on the evening before Ivan Kupala that a girl or woman who wants to get married quickly and profitably must prepare for the ceremony and, with the onset of the holiday, independently perform the chosen ritual, read a prayer or cast a love spell.
  • Ancient rituals for love, as well as conspiracies and love spells, are recommended to be read on Red Hill (this is the first Sunday after Easter). The magic on Krasnaya Gorka is very strong, and if you read the love spell prayer yourself, you and your husband will live a long and happy life in love and harmony.
  • There is an old belief that if you independently read a love spell prayer for love and quick marriage on the day of the Ascension of the Lord, you can forever bewitch both your husband and the guy on whom the effect of the love love prayer will be directed. A simple ceremony for marriage performed on Ascension allows any woman to get married quickly and successfully, even if she previously had protracted problems with her personal life.

1.2 How to read love spells correctly

Love spell prayer is a reliable and fairly safe way to exert a magical influence on a person in order to start a relationship with him and start a family. In most cases, the ritual does not require the acquisition of special elements of magical paraphernalia. To carry it out it is enough:

  • a sincere desire to be with your beloved;
  • absence of anger and envy;
  • the use of love spells of white magic;
  • repeated reading of prayer;
  • reluctance to harm a loved one with other types of magical influence, using black magic;
  • 10-15 minutes to read a prayer every day.

You can read a love spell prayer at any time of the day, in any phase of the moon (unless the instructions for the prayer say otherwise), but to improve the power of the prayer, you must concentrate and clearly formulate your desire mentally. Focus on the image of family happiness with your lover, believe in it with all your heart, and only then start reading.
If the ceremony is performed independently, you need to do the following:

  • spiritually cleanse yourself before the ceremony (go to church, take communion);
  • light candles in the temple for the health of the beloved;
  • do not quarrel with relatives;
  • Every day before reading the love spell, you need to read “Our Father.”

Reading “Our Father” has a beneficial effect on a person’s biofield, since this prayer is the basis of all existing prayers of religious influence, which carry a positive charge. It strengthens the energy structure of a person’s personality.
You need to read the love spell prayer:

  • out loud, repeatedly;
  • systematically, for as many days in a row as prescribed by the instructions;
  • To enhance the effect, it is not recommended to skip a single day;
  • Before performing the ritual, you need to concentrate and calm down;
  • it is necessary to mentally imagine your loved one;
  • it is necessary to direct your thoughts to the future, to the desired goal;
  • It is not recommended to stop or pause;
  • much depends on the mood of the reader, it should be calm;
  • the emotional state of the reading person must be balanced;
  • You should not tell anyone about the magical effect.

Of course, these are all universal instructions. If the description for the prayer you have chosen dictates otherwise, follow the recommendations for the specific prayer first. If something is not said there or is not specified, rely on the rules listed above.

Psychics who can help you choose the right prayer

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2. Simple love love prayers

In this section, the psychics of our portal have collected bewitching prayers that do not require any additional actions. You don't need to buy candles, spell food, etc. These are simply prayers that you must regularly read as prescribed by the rules outlined in the previous paragraph.
As for the text of the prayer, you can choose the one that you personally like, which seems close to you, “correct”. Listen to your heart and intuition, let your subconscious make a choice - it will not be mistaken.

2.1 To make a man fall in love with you

“On the sea on Okiyan, on the island on Buyan there lies a white-flammable stone,
I, servant of God (my name), will stand up and bless myself with the cross,
I will wash myself with spring water from the colorful leaves, from the trading guests,
From priests, from clerks, from young men,
From red girls, young women, from white breasts.
From under that Alatyr stone I will release the power for a love spell
And I will send that mighty power to my dear, servant of God (name of beloved),
In all joints and semi-joints, in all bones and half-bones, in all veins and half-veins,
In his clear eyes, rosy cheeks, in his chest, zealous heart, in his womb,
Into the black liver, into the violent head, into the strong hands, into the quick legs, hot blood.
So that his blood boils and hisses, his heart jumps out at the thought of me,
I wish I could block out the white light from my eyes.
So that the servant of God (name of the beloved) yearns, grieves,
I didn’t see peace at night, during the day I searched among people to see if he could live, be,
Hours pass, minutes pass without me, servant of God (your name).
A sadness would rise from the depths of the sea, from the sea grass-ants,
Grief would arise from behind the blue mountains, from the dark dogs, from the frequent branches,
Arise, arise, sadness, dryness, unquenchable passion,
Unquenchable love, pounce, pounce on the servant of God (name of your loved one),
Strike him like a robber victim with a sharp knife,
So that neither the doctor, nor the sorcerer, nor the black sorcerer would raise him from this disease,
They did not take him away from my breast, so that the servant of God (the name of the beloved) would grieve,
He grieved for me, God’s servant (his name),
Like a mother to her child, a sheep to her lamb, a mare to her foal.
I lock the love spell with ninety-three locks and ninety-three keys.
My word is strong and moldable, like the flammable stone of Alatyr.”

2.2 To tie your loved one to you

This love spell prayer stimulates a man to strive for you first. Your lover will want to invite you to visit you, call you on a date, or somehow get in touch. And then everything will depend on you.

“Slave (name), go to the porch, to my palace, to my vestibule, to my threshold, following my steps. I will never give you away to somebody. Word, castle, language. Amen".

2.3 To unite fate with your loved one

“The powers of Heaven, all the holy saints, angels and archangels, the Virgin Mary, her son Jesus Christ and our creator - God the Creator. Turn to me, servant of God (name), listen to me. I love the servant of God (name), I cannot live without him. His coldness makes my heart and soul ache. Living without him is not nice. Forces of light, I ask you, help me. Help me solve my problem. So that we servants of God (your names) are happy in reciprocal love. If it’s destiny for us to be together, connect our lives, help us be together. Let everything work out and be resolved, thank you for your help. Amen!"

2.4 To win a man's eternal love

This love spell prayer can win a man’s eternal love:

“I read a prayer in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. On a small island stands a golden throne. The Lord God himself sits on the throne, who exhorts the angels and archangels to find the servant of God (name) on earth, to bring melancholy and sadness upon him. So that he could not see the white light and dark night without the servant of God (name). So that he would miss and suffer, always think about her. So that he loves her with all his heart and all his soul. Amen"

2.5 To bewitch a man from a distance

“I, servant of God (name), will go out into the canopy, then into an open field and pray to the Most Holy Theotokos, and look in all four directions, and pray to the Lord himself: Lord, Lord, Lord and Mother Most Holy Theotokos. And I ask: pull the violent winds and blow away my melancholy from my white body, from my zealous heart and clear eyes. Apply my melancholy to the servant of God (name) in the clear eyes, black eyebrows and white face, on the zealous heart. So that for daytime sadness and nighttime melancholy and so that he can neither eat nor sleep, but keeps thinking about me, the servant of God (name), and so that he keeps walking and screaming like a white swan, and thinking about the servant of God. Be my words strong and capacious. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

2.6 To make a man yearn and miss

The following prayer is read 7 times in the morning and 7 times in the evening to achieve the desired result. It can only be read for your husband (if you are not married, use another prayer)

“As the Most Holy Theotokos grieves for us sinners, as she grieves for her Son, so the servant of God (name of the man) would yearn for the servant of God (name of the woman). And he would fight about her, and grieve about her, yearn for her, grieve for her, he would not live without her, he would not eat and would not drink. And not an hour and half an hour and not a day, but a century with (the woman’s name) would last forever, and would not know sorrow or grief. Amen. Amen. Amen".

2.7 To refresh your husband’s feelings

Often in family life problems arise related to misunderstandings, everyday monotony and routine. And I really want to return to my old relationship, to again feel strong love and attention from my other half. In this case, it makes sense to use love prayers aimed at casting a love spell on your spouse. An example is the following text:

“I pronounce words of prayer from a pure heart and from sincere love. In the name of our Lord and His Son and the Holy Spirit. I ask you to bring great melancholy to your beloved husband (beloved wife) (name). So that he missed (missed) me and couldn’t (could) think about anything else. And our love was kindled with new strength and never faded! Amen!"

2.8 To revive a former passion

It happens that relationships fade away, feelings weaken, then this prayer will come to the rescue. This love spell will make your loved one treat you better, love you more and respect you more.

“I beg you, white angels, in the name of Jesus Christ and All Saints in heaven, pray for (your name) and (name of chosen one(s)). Enlighten the servant of God (name of the chosen one) and give him my eternal and faithful love, melt the ice in his heart and endow him with a fiery, unquenchable fire. I pray, merciful ones, help create (your name) and (name of your chosen one) a strong and happy family, help (your name) and (name of your chosen one) become faithful wife and husband, mother and father of good and handsome children. Bless the union of two loving hearts and give them life together. Everything is in the power and hands of the merciful God, I humble myself before his will! Amen. Amen. Amen."

Another option for the same case:

“By the union of love of all the angels and apostles, O God, unite the two souls of your servants - (your name) and (name of the chosen one(s)). Endow this union with strength of spirit and humility, Your commandments. And may earthly and heavenly love unite us, through the prayers of the Mother of God and All Saints.”

2.9 For a man to love only you

When reading this prayer, you need to place your right palm on your heart, apply a little pressure and say:

“Before you, God, I stand, your humble servant (your name), and I open my heart to you. I ask You, reward me with earthly love and passionate tenderness, for my heart grows hard without this love. I ask You, open the way for me to the servant of God (name of the chosen one), my beloved. May our lives be illuminated with true love and light, may we gain immortality even after death. Bless and guide me, God, I trust in your mercy! Amen."

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2.10 To win a girl's love

To bewitch your beautiful chosen one with prayer, you can read the following text:

“I will lie down, servant of God (your name), and get up, and pray for Your glory, and let me go from door to door, from gate to gate, to field to field, from sea to sea, so that I may find my true, my sincere , my beautiful maiden (name of the chosen one). Let me go into an open field under the bright, blue stars and I will find three roads: one road goes to a fast river, a clean river, another road goes to a black, hot stone, the third road leads to a dreary, dark tree. I will choose the third road and follow it. And I will come to a dark tree and settle in this tree my longing for the beautiful maiden, and that tree will bloom with different and beautiful flowers. And then the maiden will wake up from her waking dream and she will understand that life is not life for her without me, a wonderful and faithful fellow. And may strong, strong bonds bind us together, and may there be no obstacles between us, no thunderstorms, no troubles, no losses. Amen. Amen. Amen."

3. Powerful love spells

This section of the article is devoted to especially powerful love spells that allow you to quickly fall in love with the object of your passion. These prayers gain additional power due to auxiliary attributes - for example, candles, photographs, etc. Therefore, reading them is a little more difficult than the prayers from the previous section, but the result is worth the effort.

3.1 To the cloud

Look at the cloud and read the following prayer:

“I ask the Lord to miraculously allow my feelings and thoughts to come into contact with the heavenly cloud so that my aspirations will be accepted by it, and my heart will show him the way to meet the one for whom I am suffering. With my feelings and words I call upon the power of the Lord to shed rain from the cloud on my beloved my (name) so that the water, touching him, gives him the desire and the way, the desire to meet me and the way to me. May the cloud of heaven find the path, led by the power of the Lord, to where (name) is now, and drops of heavenly moisture his heart will be revived, and his soul will accept the call of my soul. I know that the Lord heard me and I thank Him for his help. Amen".

It is desirable that it is still a separate cloud, and not just the sky in cloudy weather, when it is evenly covered with clouds and everything is gray.

3.2 In the photo, a candle and a glass of water

Light a church candle, take a glass of water in your right hand, and a photo of your lover in your left. Feel how much you want to change his attitude towards you, then read the prayer while holding the photo above the water:

“With pure Heavenly power I want to give a wonderful influence to water, and I ask the Lord to support my request, for it is not self-interest that leads me, but Love, for my heart has no peace without the one whose image is in my hand, without (name) and the water will accept my request and will melt the ice in (name)’s heart and with the Light of the Lord will revive his spiritual perception and the call of my heart will light a response fire and he will gain the joy of recognition when the water comes into contact with his body, for love will find pure. Amen".

Try to let the person you are bewitching come into contact with water - for example, you may accidentally pour it on him. As a last resort, you can sprinkle water on the photograph.

3.3 For a candle and a glass of water

Place a glass of water near the lit church candle and read the following prayer:

“I ask the Lord to give water the simple power of Heavenly influence on earthly paths. The waters are good, accept my request addressed to the Lord, connect the path of the person whose image is reflected in my dreams with the path of my life and bring (name) by a miracle of Heaven to meet me. My thoughts, prayers and appeals will bring him to me, and I will see the one who I need constantly, and the clouds will dissipate, and life will be illuminated by sunlight, when I will see (name) and hear his speech, and our hands will touch, so that never separate. And I will find a new destiny thanks to the help of the Lord. Amen".

Pour the water near three trees in equal parts, calling on the Lord’s help.

3.4 On a bitten tongue

This love spell prayer helps to bewitch an unmarried man - that is, your lover should not be married to you or another woman.
Bite your tongue and say the following prayer:

“Just as I bite my tongue, I call my betrothed (name) to me and attach it to me. So that he would not know rest, he (his name) would yearn for me (his name), on a quiet night, on a moonlit night, on a bright day and early in the morning. So that everyone thinks about me, both in the sun and in the moon. Amen. Amen. Amen."

3.5 For a personal item

This love spell prayer is read if the husband or beloved man has left home, and you know for sure that his wife did not turn him away. In order for the love spell to be successful, take something from his things (preferably underwear or clothes) and place it under his pillow.
You need to read the love spell every night at 12 o'clock for a week.

“I took the thing off my beloved (man’s name), put the thing under his head for seven nights, and asked the sorcerer to help. My dear (man's name), turn over, my love (man's name) come back to me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

You can do something different with a personal item. To do this, you need to sit in a quiet, comfortable place, light a candle and put a loved one in front of you. Look at the thing and mentally visualize your chosen one and slowly, thoughtfully say:

“In a terrible black separation, all bridges are burned, but don’t burn them, stay close to me. Take the little thing in your hands, and immediately your world will shake, your heart will beat, the earth will turn over from your strong love for me. Your world will no longer be the same, the most beautiful maidens (husbands) will not be attractive to you, only you will be attracted to me. So come to me, love me as I love you. Forever and ever! Amen."

A case from the practice of a psychic

Svetlana, who lived in a happy marriage for about four years, told the portal’s psychic about her problem. The first three years of her marriage were practically cloudless. With the calm and very kind Andrey, she was like behind a stone wall. Her husband’s small but consistently income-generating business allowed Sveta not to worry about the future. Besides, Andrei loved her very much. When getting married, Sveta clearly followed her mother’s advice - to take as a husband someone who doted on her. And Svetlana really liked Andrei, and even more so - his reverent attitude. “Even when I make a scandal, he still apologizes!” - the young woman boasted to her friends with whom she often spent time in cafes and clubs. Knowing about her husband’s gentle character, Sveta did not deny herself the pleasure of flirting with young people. But one day, flirting with a young man turned into a mind-blowing romance. Butterflies fluttered in her soul, but Sveta didn’t even think about her husband’s feelings.

But Sveta very soon became convinced that the secret always becomes apparent. One day Andrei simply came up to her and without words showed photos in which Svetlana selflessly kissed her lover. In the same way, silently, he collected his things and, not paying attention to Sveta’s excuses, walked away.

Upset, Svetlana called Andrey for several days in a row, but he did not answer. She didn't find him in the office either. And soon the woman learned the shocking truth: it turns out that the photo was sent to her husband by her friend, who was jealous of Svetlana’s successful life.

The woman could not come to her senses. In tears, she thought about her friend’s treachery and her own stupidity, and most of all, about how to return her husband, without whom she felt very bad.

But there was no news from Andrei. Until one day the postman rang at Svetlana’s door with an envelope. Having opened it, Sveta was speechless: inside was a notice that Andrei had filed for divorce.

Sobbing, Sveta called her mother. “Don’t even think about letting him go! This is your husband, and he will return - I'm telling you this! I'm coming!" - the mother snapped. And soon Sveta was already telling her mother about everything that had happened. The same woman, after listening to Svetlana, took out from her bag an old, battered notebook that Sveta had once seen at her grandmother’s. “It’s just the full moon today - act!” - Mom opened the notebook, where on the worn-out sheet was written in beautiful handwriting: “Love spell on the full moon.”

Sveta always obeyed her mother. At night, she diligently did everything as it was written in the old notebook. And a few days later the phone rang, and Andrei, as if nothing had happened, said: “Hello, my little one!”

Sveta was jubilant - her husband returned home, they didn’t talk about divorce at all, and she didn’t have to make excuses. He loves her, but the past must be forgotten once and for all - that’s what Andrei said. Svetlana drowned in her husband's arms, feeling happy and protected. But at night she woke up from the fact that Andrei was not nearby. She found him on the balcony - her husband was standing and looking at the sky with an absent gaze... And he woke up only when Svetlana shook him up thoroughly.

Andrei’s “sleepwalking” walks were repeated every night. Sveta also stopped sleeping normally. Sometimes she managed to catch her husband on the street, sometimes in the attic of the house. Andrei lost weight and became haggard, practically stopped communicating with her, and in the evenings he often sat and simply stared at one point, despite Sveta’s attempts to get him to talk.

And one evening the phone rang. “Svetlana Vasilievna? Your husband is in our hospital. Got hit by a car.” Returning from the hospital, Sveta could not find a place for herself. She already understood that Andrei had been changed beyond recognition by her magical experiments.

In desperation, the woman began looking for information about how the love spell could affect her husband. She wrote to our expert and spoke in detail about her husband’s behavior and the ritual performed.

After a detailed analysis of the situation, the psychic confirmed that what was happening was a consequence of magical influence. Having cast a love spell, Svetlana influenced her husband’s personality, forcing him to do an unusual act.

Next, the expert of our portal immediately began to remove the love spell. The situation required urgent intervention, because the love spell had already had such a strong impact on the man’s behavior and mind that it was creating a threat to his life. The psychic warned that the process of getting rid of negativity would still take several days, and during this period inappropriate behavior was still possible. Svetlana swore that she would not take her eyes off her husband and would not allow anything to happen to him again. And indeed, according to the nurses, Andrei tried to “sleepwalk” in the ward, but fortunately, everything worked out without serious consequences.

A little over a week later, the effect of the love spell was completely removed, and thanks to a special author’s ritual to restore energy, carried out by a psychic, the man completely came to his senses and was restored energetically. However, along with this, a new problem arose - Andrei had not forgotten about Sveta’s betrayal and was still planning to leave her as soon as the doctors discharged him from the hospital.

Sveta, in despair, again turned to the expert of our portal - what to do? The psychic reassured Svetlana and assured her that there was another, safe way to restore the relationship without a love spell. The ritual was called “harmonization of relationships” and helped the couple to naturally overcome all the difficulties in the relationship, smooth out all the rough edges, solve problems and again come to harmony, love and agreement.

Of course, harmonization is not a love spell and does not bring instant effect. For the first time after being discharged from the hospital, Andrei still lived separately from Svetlana, trying to come to terms with his beloved’s betrayal and decide what to do next. However, gradually the husband and wife began to communicate, talk heart to heart and decide how to live after such a test, and what would happen to their union next. The gentle impact of harmonization helped them hear each other, understand the other person's feelings, and also reminded them of why they fell in love and got married in the first place.

As a result, after a couple of months Andrei returned to the family. Sveta radically changed her attitude towards him and proved, not in words, but in deeds, that she values ​​her husband and will never betray him like that again.

Now Sveta and Andrey are doing well. And soon there will be an addition to the family, which the couple is looking forward to with great impatience.

3.6 On a thick church candle

Take a church candle, the thickest one you can find on sale in a church shop. The candle must certainly be wax. Make sure that the candle is not very thin, otherwise it will burn out quickly and the love spell will not work. Light a candle in a dark room, place a glass of strongly salted water in front of the burning candle and read the words of the love spell:

“I trust in you, I resort to you.
My hope is in you and in the Ever-Virgin Mary
Now and ever and forever and ever. Amen.
The water is good, oozing,
Reach out to the betrothed,
So that he knows how much I'm waiting for him,
How I miss him,
How exhausting I am without him.
Water, water, pour out today,
Spread across the earth,
Merge with the ocean-sea,
Run to my dear one,
Show me the path.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen.”

3.7 For candles in church

This love spell prayer is usually read if you had a fight with your loved one, and now you want to restore the relationship with the help of a love spell. Go to church and light candles for reconciliation between yourself and the person you want to bewitch. Looking at these candles, read the following prayer:

“Just as a fish cannot live without water,
So the servant of God (man’s name) could not live without the servant of God (your name).
These words will enter his white chest,
And a white body, and a zealous heart.
And he couldn't live without me,
And there would be no strength to quarrel and separate us.
Like a dove cooing to a dove,
So would the servant of God (name) with the servant of God (name)
He lived the whole century without quarreling, but only loved me,
He ran after me but didn’t go to the side.”

3.8 For wine

To read this love spell you will need good, not strong, red wine. Arrange a romantic dinner for your lover, pour him some wine and say these words to him:

“I speak magic words over wine, so that the servant of God (name of the man) will desire me, the servant of God (your name), so that he will adore (name), go to bed with dreams of me and get up too, so that my body will be desired by him, so that youthful excitement he woke up. Amen."

4. Love spells with an appeal to saints

This section contains love spells addressed to specific saints. They also help well to bewitch a loved one and find family happiness with him. Moreover, these prayers work if you are already married to a man and you need to revive the old passion in the relationship.

4.1 Prayer to the Evangelist John the Theologian

There is a period in every family when it seems that love is gradually fading away and previous relationships begin to crumble. Mostly women have such thoughts; they begin to find fault with their husbands, look for any evidence of their dislike, etc. A love spell prayer for a husband’s long and strong love to the evangelist and holy apostle John the Theologian will help to give confidence in yourself, as well as in your husband:

“Oh, All-Praised and Great Evangelist and Apostle John the Theologian, Jesus’ confidant, our intercessor and quick helper. Ask the Almighty God to grant me, God’s servant (name), and my husband, God’s servant (name), forgiveness of our sins, for we have sinned from our youth and throughout our lives in word, deed, thought and feelings. Pray to the Almighty God to preserve our marriage and our eternal love. Amen".

4.2 Prayer to martyrs Natalia and Adrian

The image of these martyrs can be purchased in a temple or church shop, and then read a love spell prayer on it, which will help return the love of your husband.

“Oh, sacred duo, holy martyrs of Christ Natalia and Adrian, blessed spouses and sufferers. Hear me, God's servant (name), praying to you with pain and tears, send patience to the body and soul of God's servant (name) and God's servant (name of husband), and ask our Almighty, may he have mercy on us and send us his sacred mercy, May we not perish in our terrible sins. Holy martyrs Natalia and Adrian, I beg you, accept the voice of my request, and deliver us from destruction, famine, betrayal, divorce, invasion, abuse and abuse, from sudden death and from all sorrows, troubles and illnesses. Amen".

4.3 Prayer to Matrona of Moscow

By turning to Blessed Matrona for help, you can find the love of a man in the form of grace. First of all, visit an Orthodox church, submit a note about the health of your loved one, not forgetting to include yourself. Ask a local priest if you don’t know how to do this, they will tell you.
Next, place three candles each at the icon of Jesus Christ and the Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow. While standing at the icon of the latter, say the following prayer:

“Blessed Elder, bless me with mutual love for the servant of God (give the man’s name). Thy will be done. Amen".

Stand in front of the icon and cross yourself. Do this with diligence until you feel in your soul that enough is enough and you can leave. Additionally, buy 12 candles for your home, as well as icons of Christ and Matrona, if you don’t already have them at home.
At home, sit in a cozy room and light all the candles. Place icons nearby.
Imagine true and pure love between you, without selfishness and carnal desires. After this, you can begin to read the love spell prayer multiple times.

“Blessed Elder, Matrona of Moscow. Do not be angry at my request, but do not refuse your mercy. Protect my love from unrequited cold and help me find happiness in a vulnerable soul. May the servant of God by name (state the guy’s name) love me with all his heart and unite his destiny with me. Ask the Lord God for a holy blessing and do not punish me with stingy loneliness. Thy will be done. Amen".

Read this prayer for as long as possible, looking with rapture at the holy images.
If the saints bless you, then the man will definitely respond to your sincere feelings.

5. Consequences of reading love spells

Essentially, prayers refer to white love spells, which should not harm either you (that is, the one who reads them) or your lover. However, in practice, reading such prayers often results in disastrous consequences.
There may be several reasons for this.
If, at the moment of reading the prayer, unkind thoughts wander through your head, gloating that now the man will definitely be yours and will come running as if on a leash, or resentment towards the man, then even the prayer can act like a black love spell or even damage. Because the message you convey is very important. It depends on him what subtext the magical words of prayer will acquire.
If you decide to experiment, the result may be unpredictable. For example, you decide to combine two different methods of a love spell - take the text from one, and the ritual part from the other. This is also extremely dangerous, since you do not know what result you will achieve.
If you make a mistake when reading a prayer, or are not focused enough, the result may also be unexpected. For example, you were reading a prayer to bewitch Vasya, and then your thoughts rushed to your neighbor Kolya, who at that moment was drilling the wall with a hammer drill. And as a result, you bewitched Kolya, not Vasya.
Unfortunately, the consequences of such magical incidents will take a very long time to clear up. A bewitched man will not escape you, even if you ruined his character with your inept love spell and caused him to become addicted to alcohol and assault. And you yourself will have to pay for such actions up to the seventh generation, literally.
To protect yourself from this, we recommend contacting a professional psychic. You can also order a love spell from a psychic through prayers, which will be classified as white magic and will not cause any harm to you and your lover. Moreover, a psychic will protect your couple from all possible side effects and ensure that your relationship lasts a long time - because the rituals performed by a psychic work much longer than the rituals of beginners.

Even a frivolous quarrel can provoke a separation. Its insignificance is realized only over time. The situation is complicated by the departure of one of the partners. In this case, a woman may have a question: how to return a loved one from a distance.

Important! Today, taking care of yourself and having an attractive appearance at any age is very simple. How? Carefully read the story of Marina Kozlova Read →

The first months after a breakup are like a roller coaster. At first, a girl can feel freedom, lightness and complete contentment from a single life. This is often mixed with the desire to assert herself and prove to her ex that everything is fine in her life.

After the takeoff comes a period of fall. Bad memories of past relationships smooth out and fade. In their place come good ones who become brighter every day. And here deep regret arises and warm feelings intensify again. I want to “try everything all over again,” and I think that this time everything will definitely work out.

Before you try to get your loved one back, you need to think things through carefully. It is important to ask yourself the most important question: is this really necessary? After all, in past relationships there were not only pros, but also cons. If the decision is made to return, you will have to draw up an action plan.

If a person refuses to make any contact, it is worth thinking about what reasons the beloved guy might have for this. Most often this happens during a stormy breakup, in which both parties said a lot of unpleasant things to each other. If your ex is still deeply offended, you need to give him time to cool down and also miss the lost relationship.

If you need to return a loved one who does not want to communicate, we can help:

  1. 1. Parents or loved ones. If the immediate circle of the ex is favorable, they can exert their influence. They are unlikely to be able to force the guy to return, but they can persuade him to listen to his once beloved.
  2. 2. General companies. At parties with friends or at work, you need to behave as if nothing happened and there are no hard feelings. The ex should see a confident and calm girl.
  3. 3. Meetings. A seemingly chance meeting in a favorite place is the first step towards rapprochement.

When trying to communicate, a woman should behave calmly and reservedly. Another scandal, reproaches and claims - this destroys relationships, not restores them.

When trying to win back a married lover, it is worth considering the reason why he decided to leave. There may be several options:

  • the mistress demanded a serious relationship;
  • the wife found out about the affair;
  • conscience leaped;
  • passion has passed.

The last option is the easiest. In this case, you can remember how the relationship began and what led to its formation. The plan is repeated, the woman’s task is to re-intrigue her loved one. For the first three reasons, you should think about getting over the breakup and building a relationship with another, free man.

First of all, you need to love yourself and increase your own self-esteem. This will give you confidence and help you get your loved one back. The easiest option is to take care of your appearance and change something. A new haircut, manicure, going to the gym - all this will update not only your image, but also your usual life routine.

Men respect those women who have self-esteem. Trying to threaten or humiliate your ex is not a good idea. At best, this will cause irritation, which will end in complete ignorance. At worst, a not-so-good man will simply take advantage of a woman in love and hurt her again.

If you can’t simply get over the breakup and the desire to renew the relationship does not go away, many women try to resort to methods of influence at a distance. These include:

It is impossible to predict the result of such methods; their reliability remains in question. But if there is faith that a miracle will definitely happen, you need to do it.

In magical rituals, an ordinary chicken egg is often used. It has long been believed that it is an ideal conductor of energy. With the help of this product, a love spell ritual is performed at home. It is advisable to perform it on a waxing moon.

What do we have to do:

  1. 1. A fresh egg is pierced with a thin needle on both sides, all contents should flow out completely.
  2. 2. A red thread is threaded through the holes.
  3. 3. You need a bucket of stagnant water; you need to collect it from any open body of water.
  4. 4. The needle is removed from the egg and a knot is tied so as to hold the thread inside. You need to hold on to the free end of the thread, the shell is lowered into the water.

During the ceremony, you need to imagine how your loved one returns to the house.

Simoron is considered light and cheerful “magic”. Rituals are often performed in a playful way, but they set a person up for a positive development of events. One of the simplest “rituals” is submission to the theory of paired objects. The main task of a woman is to live as if her loved one is still in the same house.

To do this, you need a “supporting object” - some personal item of your loved one. She should accompany the woman instead of the departed man - be nearby while shopping, when doing household chores, in the bedroom. There must be things in the apartment that remind you of the guy - men's cosmetics, clothes. Additional cutlery is placed on the table during meals.

In the heat of a quarrel, vulnerable women may feel that their partner has become colder, the relationship is “not what it was before,” and something terrible has happened: the man has fallen out of love. To be sure, it is necessary to recall the feelings that the couple had:

  1. 1. You need to be admired. A stable routine becomes boring; you should remind your lover about what the candy-bouquet period was like. A new dress, a beautiful hairstyle, underwear - all this can refresh a boring life.
  2. 2. Reminder of the main thing. The man should be reminded what qualities he liked before and why he fell in love with his woman.
  3. 3. Only pleasant emotions. Claims, reproaches and instructions only aggravate the quarrel. Relationships should evoke only positive impressions and remind a man how good he feels with this woman.

We must also not forget about self-esteem. Trying too hard to please can only cause irritation.

It is difficult to understand and accept that the lover’s feelings have not only cooled down, but have passed irrevocably. If you managed to maintain a good relationship, you can try to act. For example, invite a guy on a date again and appear before him renewed, but at the same time emphasize all the qualities that he liked so much before.

Complete collection and description: prayer for illnesses at a distance for the spiritual life of a believer.


A conspiracy to heal from an illness must be read into the wind, this is the only way to let go of the illness and quickly recover by getting rid of any ailment that has not responded to treatment for a long time. The village conspiracy of the Old Believers helps to quickly recover from the most common human diseases. Both men and women can read this plot, for example, to treat women’s diseases, colds, and even sore throats from a sore throat. Read a conspiracy for all diseases yourself you need to be outside in windy weather, after reading the plot, the wind will take the disease and carry it away, healing you from the disease and helping you recover quickly and regain your health. Going out into the yard and facing the wind, say spell for healing from illness :

I’m letting you go, my misfortune, there,

Where is the gate for the wild wind?

You sick thing, get off me

And go into the stormy wind.

Fly to the windy gates

In a tall house, in a tall chamber.

You should live in a wind house,

And I (name) can live without you, don’t worry.

A good spell for eye health and restoration of vision should be read on Easter morning. To treat eye diseases using a spell, you need holy water and any icon. After reading this conspiracy, your eyes will instantly feel better and this is not surprising, because the conspiracy to restore vision and treat eye diseases has been helping people treat their sore eyes with Easter magic for several centuries. If your eyes hurt, your sharpness constantly decreases, or your vision deteriorates even worse, on Easter day, wash your eyes with holy water while kneeling under the icon and say this

Traditional medicine contains many magical ways of how, with the help of a spell, without the use of medicine, you can effectively treat joints. On the night of the full moon, sit by the window so that you can see the moon; if this is not possible and the windows face the other way, go outside, but be sure to look at the full moon. Looking at the full moon, say the words of the spell for treatment

Quick treatment of herpes in children and adults can be carried out using a conspiracy. This easy-to-follow and very effective way to quickly cure herpes on the lips is very common in Siberia, where treatment of herpes on the lips in children and adults is very common. After the conspiracy, herpes on the lips will disappear within 24 hours without leaving any trace on the face. If you have herpes on your face, light a match and while it is burning, look in the mirror and read about herpes, this really works

This plot helps to instantly cure any toothache in an adult (even when the wisdom tooth is cutting). Relief comes almost immediately and the enchanted tooth will never disturb its owner again. To cure toothache yourself, you need to crush 2 cloves of garlic. Next, you need to heat coarse salt (3 pinches) on a church candle and salt the crushed garlic with all the salt and read a strong spell on it for any toothache. Apply the spoken paste of garlic and salt to the aching tooth, which will stop hurting almost immediately and there will not be even a hint of toothache left. This is the best conspiracy for dental treatment and removal of any dental

What to do when a small child has a toothache, of course, read a conspiracy against toothache. For severe toothache in young children when they are teething, a good spell will help, which will immediately relieve the baby’s pain and give relief to the child and mother. To cast a spell and relieve a child from toothache, dry drying is needed. The spell to relieve a child from toothache needs to be read three times, after which hang a ribbon with a steering wheel around the baby’s neck. As soon as the baby starts playing with it, gnawing and procrastinating, the child’s toothache will completely go away, and this will happen almost immediately. Taking the dryer, thread a red ribbon through it and tie it with three knots. Now you need to take the dryer with the tape into

There is a good spell for a sore throat that should be read if an adult has a sore throat. This conspiracy helps against purulent sore throat and flu; after a simple ritual, the patient will feel relief and get better. You need to read the plot for a sore throat at noon with a glass of strong moonshine. Moonshine needs to be poured nine times from a bottle or decanter into a small glass, then you need to lower a silver cross into it and cross it three times and read the Our Father. Put the moonshine away in the kitchen until the evening so that no one drinks it by covering the glass with a white saucer. In the evening, between 10 and 11 o'clock, turn off the lights in the whole house and sit down with a lit church candle in the kitchen, place a glass of water in front of you

This white spell will help with sharp and twisting pain in the abdomen in adults and children, which will very quickly relieve any, even the most severe, pain in the abdomen with its magical effect. To soothe a stomach ache you need a stale crust of rye (black) bread. If you don't have any crackers, cut off a thin layer of the top of the loaf and air dry it - 10 minutes is usually enough. Taking a crust of bread in your left hand, christen it with your right hand and say the words of a prayer - a conspiracy to treat the stomach from

A strong spell can help with severe pain in the back and lower back, which you read on your own so that your back does not hurt. A bad back causes a lot of trouble, pain interferes with sleep and work, but not everyone knows that you can quickly soothe pain in the back and lower back by saying a quick and very effective spell for a bad back, after which the pain will go away almost immediately and the person will stop suffering. For the spell you need 2 cups of wheat grains. Pour 3 glasses of running water into the pan and when the water boils, brew the wheat in it for 7 minutes, leaving it on low heat. After the wheat has steamed, drain the water and let it cool enough to handle. The person who

Conspiracies on tell a good conspiracy so that your legs don’t hurt. This magical ritual is very fast-acting and not at all difficult to perform, but the result of the spell comes almost immediately, relieving constant pain and heaviness in the legs. To read the plot, you need to go into the forest and find in it the tallest aspen tree that is alive and strong with green leaves. Approaching the aspen tree, kick it five times with each foot, repeating out loud the spell for your illness

Conspiracies for treating the legs from all their diseases have more than once helped people restore health in a very short time and completely get rid of pain in the legs. The conspiracies will tell you how to heal your legs so that they don’t hurt, how to quickly relieve pain and swelling from your feet, and how to use magic to get rid of all leg diseases by reading a simple conspiracy. Among the people, the best spell for treating legs is the one that quickly gets rid of all sorts of diseases to which the legs are susceptible. If you have sore legs, when you enter church, read this in your mind.

Prayers and conspiracies that help quickly get rid of headaches are read to adults and children. Proven spells and prayers help relieve headaches from a distance. Some people read water spells to immediately relieve a headache in an adult or child who is nearby. We have selected the best and instantly effective prayers and conspiracies to read against headaches, from which you can independently choose and read the conspiracy you like, which will quickly relieve your headache. Hug your head with your hands so that your fingers join, crossing at the back of your head, and say the words of the white spell that removes the head

Is there a way to treat sinusitis without a puncture - yes, this is a conspiracy for sinusitis. An effective plot against sinusitis told to me in the village by a kind grandmother will help you quickly cure sinusitis and cure it at home. This ancient healing spell for the treatment of sinusitis acts very quickly and the result in the form of improvement is visible already on the very first day after the ritual was performed independently. The conspiracies will tell you how to cure sinusitis for yourself or your child using water and salt. You can speak water against sinusitis very quickly. Pour 100 mm of clean water and add a quarter teaspoon of table salt into the water, which should be completely

How to quickly get rid of stye on the eye using magic and what conspiracies can be read to permanently remove stye from the eye, they ask us in letters. These most effective conspiracies for the quick and complete removal of barley cope very well with this problem in both an adult and a small child to whom parents can read - speak barley and thereby quickly and permanently remove the inflammation for themselves or their baby. If you don’t know how to quickly remove stye from your eye, do this, wet the index finger of your right hand by spitting on it with your saliva and say the spell for stye three times, rubbing your finger counterclockwise over the stye.

The water spell for health must be read before 2 am, since all spells for health are white healing magic. Water enchanted for healing is the fastest means capable of delivering a magical effect to every diseased cell of a person whose body is basically composed of water. Both the patient himself and his relatives can cast a spell on water for healing: a husband, wife and even children can read the text of a spell on the health of their father or mother for drinking water. Pour drinking water into a transparent container and, upon leaving the threshold of the house, if the house is an apartment building, go out of the entrance and read the spell on the water three times in a whisper.

A ritual to enhance female beauty and attractiveness requires reading a spell on beauty and attractiveness before leaving the house, looking at your reflection in the mirror. The ritual to enhance female attractiveness and this ancient conspiracy to attract men is read by women in order to become very beautiful and desirable to everyone, because the ritual to enhance female attractiveness is an ancient and time-tested safe ritual of witches that brings beauty for 1 day and is safe and does not bring any side effects. To make yourself beautiful, cast a spell while looking in the mirror before leaving the house. Say the spell for beauty 3 times and

The most powerful prayer for the health of a sick person

If your acquaintance, relative, friend is in trouble, overcome by illness, the most powerful prayer for the health of a sick person, read sincerely, from the heart, with great faith for recovery, will help.

The body hurts - heal the soul

From time immemorial, it is generally accepted that the human body is sick and suffers physical pain because of its various sins, a life distant from God, due to the wishes of enemies and envious people. Therefore, in order to help the physical body regain strength, its former form, one should pray for the sufferer for the forgiveness of his sins, for the granting of good health to him. Appeals can be addressed both to the Lord Jesus Christ and to his companions - the Holy Ones, the Angels.

Prayers can be read both in church and at home in front of the icon, lighting a church candle. The Holy Fire will cleanse your thoughts of everything mortal and unnecessary. It will help you concentrate on the words addressed for the recovery of the sick servant of God.

It is very good to order a prayer service in church for the recovery of the patient, Sorokoust about health, which will be read for forty days. Read the “Bloodless” prayer for the sufferer during the treatment period.

All these requests will definitely be heard. Prayers performed within the walls of the church have great power. For they are supported by the powerful, kind energy of all parishioners praying for health and prosperity.

Pray to the one whose heart you trust

If you decide to read prayers for a person’s recovery, starting with going to church, light the first candle (small sacrifice) in gratitude for everything that has been given to you in life. For everything happens on earth according to our merits and the will of God.

A second candle for the health of all your enemies. Sincerely forgive their sins, known and unknown, intentionally and unintentionally committed, directed against you.

Place the third candle for the health of a sick person at the icon that will feel strongest to you in the coming trouble. Leave a note about holding a prayer service and continue to ask for help at home for a suffering person who is in pain.

Who to pray for the health of a sick person

Jesus Christ is merciful. He hears prayers addressed from a pure heart, sends quick help, and gives great strength. There is no burden that we cannot bear. Therefore, pray every day for the recovery of the sick person and relief will come.

With these short prayers you can start and end your day, praying for a sick person.

Nikolai Ugodnik

“Nicholas the Wonderworker, Pleasant and Helper of the Lord, protector of all who turn to you. Hear, Holy One, my prayer. I ask not for myself, but for the sick Servant of God (name). Ask the Lord, by his mercy, to forgive him his voluntary and involuntary sins, to grant him physical strength and a great will to recover. I will glorify your name forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen"

Holy Mother of God

“The Most Holy Theotokos, Mother of God, who gave birth to a son for us - one Father. You are the patroness of all the suffering, the orphaned and the wretched who turn to you. By your mercy, hear me, servant of God (name). I say a word for the sick servant of God (name), cover him with your reliable cover, with a strong word. Give him hope for a speedy recovery, which will immediately follow repentance. Thank you, Mother of God. I put my trust in you alone. Amen"

Matrona of Moscow

“Blessed Matrona of Moscow, located at the throne of the Lord. I turn to you, Mother, our only hope and protection. Beg our Lord Jesus Christ, by His mercy, one kindness, to forgive the sins of the servant of God (name) who endures great sorrow. May the Lord grant him a speedy recovery, great repentance, faith in Christ and the One Cross. I thank you, Matronushka and glorify you with the One God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen"

All appeals are endowed with strong power. The main thing is to read with faith in your heart, soul, and hope for a speedy recovery. But such a prayer for the health of a sick person will be the strongest and will be heard and directed as a spiritual stream to the suffering Servant of God. Ask, and it will be given to you according to your faith.

Powerful spells that heal

Often people resort to conspiracies when they have tried all the ways to solve a particular problem. Treatment with conspiracies also becomes a the only way get rid of the disease. You can use this ancient method to make your life happier, protect your loved ones and achieve success in business. If a conspiracy is pronounced by a person with a clear conscience and good intentions, his efforts will certainly be rewarded. Let's discuss what types of conspiracies there are, and give as an example strong conspiracies that heal.

Types of conspiracies: appeal to the guardian angel

According to Christian ideas, each of us has our own invisible protector who protects us from a variety of troubles and shocks. In a moment of despair, you just need to call on your guardian angel, standing invisibly behind you, for help. The heavenly protector will help, support and assist, just call him, mentally whispering a certain type of conspiracy:

"My angel, my guardian,

Save me, save me, save me

From any illness

Sorrow, from adversary enemies.

Save me at home, on the road, on the road.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

However, it should be remembered that the guardian angel helps and heals only if the person is pure in thoughts and righteous in deeds.

Powerful spells that cure all diseases

Most often, a conspiracy is used to protect a person from all ailments at once. Belief in a magic word can be so strong that it can cure a variety of diseases, including those that even in our time official medicine retreats from. This type of conspiracies is usually read on consecrated water or earth. You can touch the body of a sick person by placing your hands on his head or spine, on diseased organs. At the same time you should say:

“Lord God, bless! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Just as the Lord God, heaven and earth, water and stars, and the raw mother earth, firmly established and strengthened, and just as on that raw mother earth there is no illness, no bloody wound, no pinch, no ache, no swelling, so would the Lord have done and I, the servant of God (name), firmly established and firmly strengthened my veins, and my bones, and my white body. So would I, the servant of God (name), not have on my white body, on my zealous heart, or on my bones any disease, no blood, no wounds, no aches, no aches, no tumors, One Archangel's key, forever and ever. Amen".

Types of conspiracies: protection during an epidemic

During an epidemic, such as influenza, you can, in addition to medicines, protect your family using an old type of conspiracies. You need to slander him using water; it is better to use consecrated water. It should be stirred with a torch split from a log. You only need to stir in one direction, clockwise, saying the spell 3 times:

“The shield of the Lord is with me from all earthly illnesses: from pestilence, from. fire plague, from wrathful leprosy, from pestilence and tremors, fireblight, wildfire. Protect my family, Lord, with your fence. Amen".

Then water must be carefully sprinkled on all family members, and the wood chips must be dried and burned.

Types of conspiracies: recovery after surgery

To cure a patient of an illness, the doctor prescribes an operation. However, surgery often leads to complications and the person becomes depressed. During this period, he really needs support and kind words. There is a type of conspiracies that helps to believe in recovery, and faith helps the patient get back on his feet faster, the sutures after surgery fuse better, do not separate and do not rot. This powerful plot can be read even away from the patient if he is in intensive care. The main thing is that the person is baptized.

“One cuts, another sews, and the third does not allow harm to occur. Lord, do not let the slave (name)’s body rot. The way you created the body is the way the body should be.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

Kinds strong conspiracies who treat children

In cases where a child sleeps poorly, begins to be capricious and cry for no reason, we can assume that this is most likely the effect of a black eye. You can take your baby to a healer or try to remove the evil eye on our own. This is done like this: you need to pour water (preferably consecrated) into a basin, lower 3 coals into it, while reading the prayer “Our Father”. After this, shake the water from your hands onto the child and read this type of plot:

“Mother Water, you wash steep banks, yellow sands, white flammable stones with your swift and golden stream. Don’t wash your steep red shores, yellow sands and white hot stone, wash God’s servant baby (name), all the tricks and tricks, lessons and winners, sorrows and illnesses, pinches and aches, evil thinness. Take them, mother fast river, with your rapid, golden stream into an open field, the sea of ​​the earth, beyond the trampling mud, beyond the quicksand swamps, beyond the pine forest, beyond the aspen tyn! Be, my words, sculpted and strong, in watch and agreement ahead, and not in agreement behind. The key is in the sea, illness and fever are at the bottom, and the tongue is in the mouth.

Conspiracies to rid a child of damage and the evil eye

The most precious thing every mother has is her children and their health. Therefore, she is ready to protect them by any means, including resorting to ancient strong conspiracies that from time immemorial our distant great-great-grandmothers whispered over the cradles of their grandchildren. If a mother is afraid of a black eye and wants to protect her child, she needs to tie a small charmed bell over the cradle or crib and say:

“With a silver ringing, drive away all evil spirits, protect the baby of the Lord (name) both day and night.”

The child must be placed on the threshold on a diaper and said 3 times:

“The kind of mother who gave birth is the one who left (will protect).”

After this, step over the baby, kiss, cross and say 3 times:

“So that (name) sleeps, walks and grows in height.

Amen. Amen. Amen".

Other types of powerful spells to protect a child

For a black eye, you need to put an old figured key under the crib, having read a spell on it in advance:

“I lock with this key all the paths, all the roads to the Infant of the Lord (name), so that neither day nor night there will be access or half-access to him by a dark power, an evil power, or any other evil one.”

In order for the child to be healthy in spirit and body, there are special, very effective types of spells that are pronounced during the first 3 baths of the child. During the 1st bath, grandmother or mother should say:

“Endure the cold, endure hunger, endure every need, endure the heat, endure the cold, neither sadness nor anguish, Angel of God, strengthen. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

During the 2nd bathing they say:

“The stream is pure, the water is pure, like the Holy Heavens, like the Paradise, like the Heavenly Light, like the caress of God. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Strong spell for the 3rd bath:

“Mother of God, Most Pure Virgin Theotokos, cover with Your Protection the Child of God (name). He will be Yours and Your Son. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".