The baby is 3 months old. Breastfeeding by month - a reminder for mothers. What is a lactation crisis

More than 90 days have passed since the baby was born, and he is increasingly beginning to please his parents with new skills. Nothing stands still, including the child’s physical development: his muscles have become stronger, his gaze has become more confident, his voice has become louder, and his range of interests has become wider. There is only one question left: what should a 3-month-old baby eat?

From this article you will learn:

According to the Convention on the Rights of the Child, babies up to 6 months should be fed exclusively breast milk. This is the most natural, healthy, easily digestible, nutrient-rich food for babies and should be provided to them on demand.

If a young mother is okay with lactation, then she will feed her child without much effort, but if the milk production system is disrupted, some problems may arise.

Observations of nursing mothers show that after 3 months from the appearance of mature milk, the so-called lactation crisis begins. But he is not as scary as he might seem at first glance.

Since the process of breastfeeding is thought out by nature to the smallest detail, from the moment the baby lacks milk, it begins to be produced by the mother’s body in larger quantities, exactly as much as the baby needs for a specific period. The only point is that it takes time to rebuild the body.

In order for a nursing mother to survive all the changes without problems, an adequate nutritional system for a 3-month-old baby should be maintained. In order for the baby to be well-fed and alert, to develop and grow in accordance with medical standards, put the baby to the breast more often. At any time of the day, without long breaks and as the child wishes. On average, a 3-month-old baby should be latched to the breast 10-12 times during the day, and 2-4 times during the night.

Nutrition for artificial babies

Unfortunately, some mothers are faced with an unpleasant problem when milk disappears, partially or completely. One way or another, its quantity becomes insufficient for adequate nutrition of a 3-month-old child, and therefore it is necessary to transfer him to artificial feeding.

Fortunately, modern formulas can fully satisfy the needs of a child of any age. Their composition is balanced, adapted to the requirements of a growing organism, and therefore these products almost completely replace breast milk.

The process of artificial feeding itself is somewhat different from breastfeeding, and therefore it is necessary to take into account some of its features:

  • Mode. A certain number of meals at regular intervals is the main rule of artificial feeding and the key to the baby’s health.
  • Number of “approaches”. Due to the fact that the length of time required for the child’s body to completely absorb formula is longer than breast milk, a 3-month-old baby should be fed six times a day with a 6-hour night break. For weak and premature babies - 7 times a day with a 3-hour break.
  • Follow the instructions and recommendations of the pediatrician. There are a lot of varieties of mixtures - some are suitable for newborns, others for older children, others vary in composition, and others vary in calorie content. Choose a formula for your baby in accordance with his age and body characteristics. Experts will help you with this detailed instructions on the package.
  • Give me some liquid. Since the mixture is a thick food, water, a decoction of rosehip or dried apple at room temperature and without sweeteners is necessary for an artificial baby. The calculation of the quantity is simple - per 1 kg of weight - 100-120 ml. If this is not enough and the baby feels thirsty, then you can additionally administer up to 200 ml. liquids per day.

In addition to the last point, it should be noted that babies at 3 months can be additionally introduced to adapted fermented milk products, which are produced by the dairy kitchen. Remember that store-bought kefir, milk and yoghurts are not suitable for babies. They contain a lot of bacteria that the digestive tract, due to its underdevelopment, is not able to cope with.

How long ago it was

If we look at the practice of feeding 3-month-old babies 20-30 years ago, we will see that pediatricians suggested adding products such as cottage cheese, in the amount of 30-50 g., milk– 150 gr., and juice. All of them came to the “table” from dairy kitchens and helped enrich the child’s body with valuable “building” elements - calcium and iron.

As for juices, preference was and is now given to apple juice. But, again, taking into account modern recommendations, it should be intended for use by 3-month-old babies and preferably be diluted with boiled water. Allowable quantity – 25 g. per day. You need to start introducing the juice with a few drops.

And lastly

If the baby’s weight gain is insufficient, if he has signs of anemia or rickets, at the age of 3.5 months, one cannot do without the introduction of fruit and vegetable purees, but in this case, the components of complementary feeding are selected individually. Only a specialist can provide proper advice on the quantity and types of products in this matter.

At about 3 months, the baby begins to change the nature and rhythm of breastfeeding. You can feed him properly only at bedtime or in a dream...

Three months is a very interesting age. The child has already grown significantly and gained weight, and this is clearly visible in his clothes. He begins to be more interested in the world around him and sleep less. Usually by this age the notorious period ends, and parents can breathe more calmly, and women, having become accustomed to the role of mother, finally begin to pay attention to themselves and the world around them. And this is where the fun begins.

The baby begins to change the nature and rhythm of breastfeeding. The baby either completely forgets to breastfeed for 2 hours, or only does so for 2-3 seconds. Basic feedings when the baby can calmly suckle the breast, occur only on day dreams, .

If mom doesn't know about this age characteristics and begins to bother with the breast more often, the baby begins to be indignant and behave restlessly under the breast.

It also happens that the baby is closer to 3 months gets used to falling asleep either with or just in his arms during motion sickness (sometimes sucking on your own fists instead of a pacifier). It may seem to the mother that this is more convenient and correct, and she does not offer it to the child. But in this case, breastfeeding a baby who does not suck properly while awake becomes a truly difficult task. Due to lack of breast stimulation milk may decrease significantly. Therefore, if you notice such a trend, then it is better to make an effort and retrain your baby to fall asleep with the breast.

The other extreme is when the baby sleeps with the breast the entire sleep, without letting go of the mother for a single step. In this case, the situation needs to be analyzed individually to understand why this happens.

Mature lactation, hello!

By 3 months, if this has not happened earlier, it is finally established mature lactation with autocrine regulation process(i.e. no longer due to hormones, but in response to breast stimulation by the child). Autocrine regulation manifests itself in the fact that the breast ceases to be very full and between feedings can be completely soft and not full. That is lactation is tidal, and milk begins to actively flow immediately during attachment to the breast. This is perceived as a sudden tingling and swelling of the mammary gland, especially thin women.

However, in women with congenital hyperlactation or those who regularly pump their breasts, excess milk production may stop much later, sometimes only closer to a year or longer.

Subjectively, one may get the impression that in a soft chest there can't be too much milk, especially if you try to express your breasts between feedings. Women may begin to think that the baby has grown and he... There is a desire to supplement with formula or drink lactogenic tea, and sometimes to do both together. Naturally, these measures do not increase the volume of milk, and the mother, unnoticed by herself, can completely transfer the baby to artificial nutrition by the age of 4 months.

Breastfeeding litmus test

Three months is like a litmus test that shows how the relationship with the baby developed before. If there were any gross mistakes in organizing breastfeeding and child care, they will always manifest themselves in the child’s restless behavior and. It is at 3 months that abandonment of the mother's breast becomes the number one problem for many parents.

But, oddly enough, sometimes breast refusal can be provoked by overprotection on the part of a woman, when the mother constantly carries the child in her arms or in a sling and constantly offers the breast. Very often this happens to those mothers who were unable to breastfeed their older child, or in case of fanatical adherence to any methods for raising and caring for the child. The child is simply drowning in “mother’s love” and is trying to break free by any means necessary.

Therefore, try to alternate between carrying the baby in your arms and placing the baby near you. Do your homework, giving the baby the opportunity to watch you - in my opinion, there is no point in carrying a baby in a sling or in your arms around the clock.

As for other educational aspects, at 3 months the mother can already start regularly take your child to the table with you, if she has not done this before. That's how we baby, or simply put, we accustom him to the look of a common family table.

In addition, if the baby has previously bathed in a small bath, which is more appropriate for a newborn, then from 3 months you can try go to a large bath, joint bathing with your child is especially welcome.

Also, from 3 months we begin to actively sit down by the arms for a couple of seconds on the changing table. This is important for the proper formation of hip joints and the prevention of dysplasia. Children usually signal this themselves by their reluctance to remain in a horizontal position while awake.

If you keep your baby without diapers and practice, then already at 3 months you should start making sure that the child didn't pee on you. “Mistakes” happen even among experienced parents, but if the baby starts peeing on you, you need to interrupt him and take him off your hands, thereby demonstrating disagreement with what he is doing...

As you can see, 3 months is a difficult time in your baby’s development, when he begins to change his behavior, little by little. It is important not to miss these changes and to be sensitive to your child's signals. Due to inexperience, many mothers are tempted to give up breastfeeding for one reason or another. Those who manage to “cross the Rubicon” are usually fed happily for up to a year or longer (provided that it is introduced no earlier than 6 months and in a volume that does not replace breastfeeding).

Successful GW to you!

Razakhatskaya Natalya
lactation consultant (Minsk, Belarus),
author of the website "Breastfeeding!"

So, the first month of the baby’s life is over, the second is coming. You continue to feed him breast milk, but you begin to have questions. Is it necessary to stabilize the number and timing of meals, is it worth taking any action regarding your own diet when breastfeeding for 2 months, and so on. Let's try to sort everything into pieces.

The benefits of guardianship at 2 months and its features

Regarding the mode and number of applications, no special changes occur at this stage. Of course, the periods of wakefulness of a two-month-old baby are longer than those of a newborn, and if during these periods he does not feel well or is simply capricious, the number of attachments may well even increase.

If the baby is calm, cheerful and happy with life, he can easily withstand breaks of 3-3.5 hours, and may skip night feedings altogether. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the diet of a breastfed baby for 2 months, taking into account the behavior and well-being of the baby. Forcibly transferring a child to a specific strict schedule - at your own discretion or on the recommendation of relatives - is definitely not worth it.

It is important to understand that the benefits of mother's milk for a two-month-old baby are difficult to overestimate. It contains all the components necessary for the baby - fats, proteins, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins. And since at this age breast milk is almost always the only product that the child receives, the health, growth and development of the baby depends on it.

Breastfeeding crisis at 2 months: how to cope?

Most often, the first lactation crisis, accompanied by a decrease in milk production, occurs at 1 month, and the next one can be expected by three months. However, sometimes this problem occurs to the mother and the breastfed baby after 2 months.

In this situation, the main thing is not to panic and remember that the crisis is a temporary phenomenon and, as a rule, lasts no more than a few days. In addition, milk does not disappear during this period, its production simply decreases. You should put the baby to the breast more often, firstly, so that he does not remain hungry, and secondly, in order to ensure the body’s response to sucking and the speedy establishment of lactation. Introducing complementary foods at 2 months while breastfeeding is not advisable, nor is it advisable to try to replenish the lack of fluid with water or deceive the baby with a pacifier. But night feedings during a lactation crisis are not prohibited; on the contrary, they are even encouraged.

New foods for breastfeeding at 2 months: what and how to introduce

By this age, the baby’s enzymatic system is already sufficiently formed, and the intestinal microflora is quite ready to accept new components. Therefore, the mother’s diet can be expanded. For example, a woman can safely enter into her menu when breastfeeding at 2 months:

  • lean or low-fat poultry – preferably homemade;
  • potatoes, stewed cabbage, some tomatoes;
  • nuts – walnuts and almonds are recommended;
  • berry fruit drinks, fruit and vegetable juices, jams.

You can even try treating yourself to a small amount of honey.

The rules for introducing a new product into the diet during the 2nd month of breastfeeding are not much different from the rules applicable to other periods:

  • try each new product at intervals of 2-3 days;
  • do this before morning or afternoon feeding;
  • use a new ingredient for your baby in small quantities, gradually increasing the portion;
  • Observe the baby's reaction. At the slightest deviation from the norm, the product that caused it should be immediately excluded from the diet. You can try again in 2-3 weeks.

What deviations could these be? Drowsiness or, conversely, agitation, crying for no reason, anxiety. Often, diarrhea or constipation at 2 months during breastfeeding is also a consequence of introducing an unsuitable product into the mother’s diet. And the appearance of a rash is a reason to be even more wary, because it may indicate an allergic reaction.

Completing breastfeeding of newborns at 2 months: how to do it correctly?

The irreplaceable benefits of mother's milk for a child of this age have already been mentioned earlier. For this reason, curtailing the guard at 2 months is an extremely unreasonable and unjustified decision. Unfortunately, there are circumstances that depend neither on the needs of the baby nor on the wishes of the mother. What to do in such cases?

It is best to wind down feeding gradually, replacing some of the feedings with artificial milk. This method is as comfortable as possible for both mother and baby. If you need to do this urgently, for example, for medical reasons, it is important to pay special attention to the mammary glands: choose supportive, but not tight underwear, express not until completely empty, but at a minimum, in order to only alleviate the state of heaviness and distension, apply cold water to the breasts. compresses.

Occasionally, but it still happens that the child himself refuses breastfeeding for 2 months. In this case, you shouldn’t follow the little dictator’s lead and urgently curtail the guards. You need to try to find out the reason for the refusal: it could be your child’s poor health, deviations in the composition of the milk that affect its taste, even the child’s uncomfortable position during feeding. After removing the obstacles, the baby will happily return to the mother’s breast, and natural feeding can continue for a long time.

Every woman during breastfeeding experiences at least once a lactation crisis at 3 months. It is called a normal physiological process, but at this time there are many disturbing moments. Therefore, every nursing mother should not forget about the occurrence of this situation during breastfeeding. Knowledge and training are required regarding the duration of the phenomenon, as well as how to behave in this case.

There is the concept of mature lactation, when milk production occurs due to stimulation of the breast by the baby. The breasts become soft, milk production occurs during feeding. There are no reserves in it.

Each woman with breastfeeding has an individual time frame for the establishment of mature lactation. For some, this happens in the first month of feeding, but generally this period begins at three to four months.

At three months, the newborn has already grown a little. During this period, breastfeeding improves, there are no colics in the stomach, the mother is accustomed to the baby. But for some reason the child began to get nervous, he was crying and refusing to breastfeed. In addition, the newborn may constantly hang on the chest, as a result of which the mother does not rest. This is the lactation crisis at 3 months.

When it comes to pumping, mature milk production may not develop. The immune properties of milk deteriorate. But it is quite easy to stop breastfeeding. A nursing mother just needs to reduce pumping, and then the feeding itself.

Mature lactation proceeds calmly, but there are times when crises occur. We are talking about reducing milk supply for a short period of time, somewhere around seven days. It is impossible to stop it on your own; it ends in its own way. There is less milk, and then there is no milk at all. At this time, the child is fed ordinary food.


If the mother rarely feeds the baby, uses a pacifier, and does not have morning latches, then a lactation crisis will certainly occur at 3 months. There are 3 main signs of the onset of a special condition of lack of breast milk.

  1. the baby often attaches to the breast and sucks it for a long time;
  2. The child is in a bad mood, he is nervous while eating because he is hungry. It is noticeable that there is not enough food;
  3. the woman feels that her breasts have stopped filling.

At this age, the baby begins to be interested in the surrounding reality, and accordingly, changes occur in nutrition. If the child does not sleep, then he does not attach to the breast; he suckles at night and during the day before and after sleep. This is a normal process; if the baby does not want to eat, then you should not force him.

It is recommended to pay attention to how the child falls asleep. If this is done with a pacifier, then it is advisable to replace it with a breast. Otherwise, he may not have enough food. Also, when a newborn suckles a small amount of milk, the milk in the breast actually decreases.

How long does a lactation crisis last at 3 months? Mostly this lasts for three days, but sometimes it lasts about six days. But switching to artificial nutrition is very simple. When a child eats from a bottle, there are fewer feedings. The breasts are not stimulated enough, which means there is less milk in them. When introducing mixtures into baby food, allergies and abdominal pain may occur.

Decreasing milk

There are cases when a mother during lactation takes great care of her baby; she constantly holds him in her arms. As a result, he is deprived of freedom of action. After all, it is useful to be alone in the crib, to observe the actions of the mother, the toys that are suspended above the crib. Then he will happily lie in his arms near a warm breast, where there is delicious milk.

Reasons for decreased milk supply:

  • growth spurt in the newborn;
  • Mom is constantly tired or in a bad mood;
  • improper organization of feeding.

As the child grows rapidly, he needs more food and increases his physical activity. Sleep does not take much time, the baby crawls and walks. Naturally, more food is needed. The mother's body cannot adapt to such needs. There is the same amount of milk, but the woman thinks that there is not enough milk. It is necessary to give your body a certain time so that in a short period of time there is enough milk.

The routine and life of a mother changes seriously after childbirth. On the one hand, this is a beloved and long-awaited family member, but life revolves only around him, which does not help good mood. The result is chronic lack of sleep, lack of communication, routine and depression. Accordingly, all this has a negative impact during breastfeeding.


Basically, crises appear somewhere between 4 and 6 weeks, then lactic crisis occurs at 3 months, six months and a year. There are cases of deviations from the norm. There are women who feed their children and do not feel any abnormalities.

A lactation crisis is a decrease in milk supply for a certain amount of time during established lactation.

What to do with a lactation crisis at 3 months:

  • do not panic or be nervous;
  • do not switch to artificial nutrition;
  • put the baby to the breast more often;
  • feed more often at night and in the morning;
  • organize a rash for yourself;
  • give yourself a rest;
  • adhere to a proper diet when breastfeeding;
  • Before the feeding process, lightly massage your breasts and apply a warm diaper.

First, the mother must calm down and not do anything stupid, then the milk will not go to waste. A milk crisis at 3 months is considered a normal process; if the mother is nervous, the milk will not come, but the baby should not be supplemented. These are not the first days of a newborn after birth, so the baby can do without a huge amount of milk.

Thus, the milk crisis at 3 months is really coming. A woman during breastfeeding should not forget that there are problems with milk production. There is no need to think that this is a deviation; one should not panic. This phenomenon does not last long, it can be overcome. You just need to follow the instructions and look at things positively.

The question of feeding a child at 3 months is separate. Your baby has already grown up enough that he can laugh, raise his head, hold it upright, grab toys, and make sounds. You taught him to drink water from a spoon. At the age of three months, the child's increased muscle tone is relieved. He has already determined his feeding and wakefulness schedule. Breast milk remains the main source of nutrition for the baby.

Features of feeding a 3 month old baby

At three months, the baby wakes up in the morning at approximately the same time. Then he “walks” until second breakfast, eats, and sleeps until lunch. After lunch, a fairly long period of wakefulness begins. His “working day” ends with food and a night’s sleep. At this age, children can sleep for about 6 hours. If it is possible to feed him at 11 pm, he will sleep until the morning.

Start accustoming him to a diet and sleep schedule. Try to feed your 3 month old baby, bathe and sleep at regular times. To do this, sometimes you can stretch the period between feedings a little, of course, if this is not to the detriment of the baby.

At three months of age, babies usually no longer require night feedings. But if this is not your case, then do not deprive your child of his needs. To minimize them, increase the amount of food you eat before going to bed at night. The child must eat enough to sleep without awakening.

A three-month-old baby eats approximately 120-150 grams of mother's milk per feeding.

Complementary feeding for a three month old baby

During this period, you can introduce fruit juices and purees into his diet. Juices from black currants, cherries, and carrots are beneficial for babies. Start with a few drops. When the child gets used to juices, applesauce can be introduced into complementary foods. It is rich in vitamin C and iron. It is also administered in small quantities - half a teaspoon is enough. When you get used to it, you can give three teaspoons twice a day. It is better to make juices and purees yourself.

It may happen that the child cannot tolerate certain fruits. Then the mother needs to include them in her diet so that, after being filtered through mother’s milk, the child still receives the necessary vitamins.

Features of lactation when feeding a 3 month old baby

When feeding a child at 3 months, some mothers experience a lactation crisis. The baby does not receive the required amount of milk. Do not worry. Usually this lasts no more than 4-6 days.

To make this period easier, first of all, do not worry, as if you worry, the milk may “burn out.” Review your diet. Add more fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy and dairy products, meat and preferably warm liquid foods. The more often you put your baby to your breast, the sooner your lactation will increase. Monitor your baby's weight to determine how full he is. After overcoming the crisis, you can introduce complementary foods.

Baby feeding positions

You should always remember that when feeding, first of all, it should be comfortable for the child. The position you take when feeding your baby at 3 months determines how much nutrition he will receive. A baby at 3 months is already quite big and quite heavy. Therefore, the mother should take the most comfortable position for feeding the baby.

To feed your baby while sitting, you can place a pillow under your back and elbows. The baby lies under the chest on the mother's arm, his head on the elbow. Support the baby with your palm and hold your chest with your other hand. You can put the baby on a pillow, with his legs behind his mother's back. With this method, the lower lobe of the mammary gland is well emptied.

You can feed your baby while lying on your side. Place a pillow under your head. Place the baby next to you or on your arm so that his mouth is opposite the nipple. Turn his tummy towards you.

If necessary, you can feed the baby while lying on your back, with the baby placed on top. This position is convenient if the milk is separated too much and the baby is choking.

Postures for feeding a baby can be varied. The main thing is that the baby and mother receive maximum comfort and effect.

Feeding a baby at 3 months is a very important and responsible moment. It is during the infant period that the prerequisites for the development of all the most important systems and organs of the child are created. Errors in nutrition can adversely affect the development of the baby. Be patient and carefully monitor your baby's feeding processes at 3 months so that you can enjoy the health and well-being of your baby in the future.