Leo woman born in the year of the rat. Characteristics of Leo men and women born in the year of the Rat. Leo born in the year of the Rat

Compatibility horoscope: zodiac sign Leo Rat Woman - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Proud, optimistic and good-natured, Leo-Rat needs to be the center of attention. This influence can be balanced by the Rat's love of dark and secluded places. Such Rats are excellent creative leaders, especially in the humanitarian sectors. This combination produces people with a proud and strong character. When the sign of Leo combines with the Rat, an excellent fusion is obtained. These are people with a good balance of strength and intelligence. It seems that such people carry with them an air of grace mixed with curiosity, creativity and resourceful sense. Rat-Leo are usually charming and sociable people, but in some cases they can be impatient, especially if things do not go according to their plan.

This combination gives birth to very ambitious and hardworking individuals; they will work hard to achieve their desired goals in life. These people never give up easily. They have a certain optimistic outlook that is an effective motivator. They can be creative and often choose jobs that require solutions to a variety of physical or psychological problems. Such people have a love for luxury and enjoy everything new. This love of luxury is not always materialistic, it can be like partners, family and friends as one of life's finest pleasures.

These people have a balance between a strong personality and a compassionate personality, and they have a strong inclination towards justice. They are ideal for communicating and negotiating with others and can be brilliant peacemakers. They value privacy, and prefer to communicate with friends outside the home than at home. These people are extremely loyal to loved ones and protect their interests. It is best for such people to communicate with partners who are flexible and will not object. Sometimes such people may seem selfish, but this is not a true reflection of their personality. Outwardly they may seem tough, but in essence they are extremely sensitive to the feelings of other people.

Leo-Rat is not without negative traits. They can be overly bossy, especially if they feel they are losing control of a situation. They hate to be ignored or rejected, in such a situation their calm nature can become stubborn and overbearing. The Leo Rat is a contradictory personality and is constantly at war with itself. It combines the rationalism of the rat and the royal manners of the lion. At different periods of her life, she either begins to actively accumulate wealth, or shows nobility and distributes what she has accumulated. Despite mood swings, the Leo Rat is reliable as a business partner, since it has good instincts and the ability to make the right impression on a person from any level of society.

This rat is hard not to notice, it is always in sight, and in any company it most often appears as a lion - self-confident, proud and generous. She cannot tolerate dependence in any form, so she strives to occupy a leadership position. Intuition helps her always choose the right line of behavior, and therefore such a boss is always loved by his subordinates - he is loyal, democratic and delicate. In personal relationships, both Leo rat men and women show themselves as generous people, which attracts others to them. Sometimes they are prone to excessive emotionality, but they are still quite reliable and you can always rely on them.

Rat Combination

Women of this queen sign. They are freedom-loving and do not like to obey, they put their opinion above all else, but at the same time they have a broad nature, are kind, smart, with a wonderful sense of humor and an instinct for the shortcomings of others. Natural generosity fights in them with prudence and thrift, so they are always contradictory. They always know how to make the right impression and will belong in any company in different strata of society. They are not afraid to speak the truth face to face, as they can be reckless due to a heightened sense of justice, but at the same time they have delicacy, which helps smooth out rough edges. Professionally, they are very ambitious and hardworking people, and have a strong business acumen as well as business sense.

Such women are always ready to go to the end, but due to their freedom-loving nature, they cannot work in subordinate positions; they either become bosses, who, however, are always loved by their subordinates, or prefer free swimming. Outwardly, these women are always impressive and well-groomed, dressed in the latest fashion, always in the spotlight, and surrounded by men. Their main drawback is excessive power and stubbornness. If a man puts up with her shortcomings, then such a woman will give all of herself in love; there are no limits for her.

Leo-Rat Woman

Effective, self-sufficient and sexy woman Leo always stands out from the crowd. This is one of the most striking zodiac figures. The signs of the Eastern calendar complete the picture.

The Leo woman born in the year of the Rat is internally quite contradictory. It combines generosity with pettiness, generosity with frugality, kindness with selfishness. However, this person is charming, cheerful and pleasant to talk to.

The Leo-Rat woman is a rather difficult partner. She knows how to impress and presents herself to a man as a rare gift. There is nothing forbidden for her in bed, this woman hot and sexy.

However, the desire to enslave a partner, jealousy, whims and even outbursts of rage are a constant companion of a love relationship with a Leo-Rat.

In marriage, a woman of these signs shows her best qualities. She is absolutely devoted to her family and works tirelessly to ensure its well-being; loves children and strives to give them the best.

But not every spouse can endure the imperiousness of this Lioness, her intolerance not only to criticism, but even to other people’s opinions, and the constant demand for attention. However, the Leo-Rat woman successful in all areas of your life and knows how to choose a loving and understanding partner.

Leo-Rat Horoscope

According to the horoscope, Leo-Rat is a good-natured and cheerful nature. Such people prefer to be admired by everyone around them. They choose creative professions in which they excel.

Strong in character, Leo-Rats never cease to amaze others with their intelligence and resourcefulness. They are naturally curious and creative thinkers. Outwardly, such people are very attractive. It is interesting to communicate with them, but sometimes Leo-Rats are unrestrained in their emotions.

By nature, these people are honest and respectable. They know how to sympathize with loved ones, supporting them with valuable advice. Leo-Rats know how to negotiate, protecting the interests of other people. They rarely let anyone into their home, preferring to communicate with friends on the side. They choose as lovers those who agree with them on many issues. To some, Leo-Rats will seem terrible egoists, but this is not entirely true. They are warm-hearted, sensitive and caring individuals.

Horoscope for combining Leo with other eastern signs:

Horoscope for combining other zodiac signs with eastern signs:

horoscope for January 2018

Chinese animal calendar by year!

Character of Rat - Leo women: These women do not believe in accidents, so in order to prevent negative developments, they try to make tough decisions. They are distinguished by determination, willpower and suspicion. This day gives them uncertainty at some points in their lives. They are also characterized by melancholy. However, most often they demonstrate exceptionally strong sides of their personality.

These women are positive in character, since they compare all their endeavors and ideas with humanistic principles. And this prevents them from sliding in the other direction. They are always interested in everything that happens around them, so they are most often gifted with high intelligence and numerous talents. They just need to start doing something to get great results. And, as a rule, they are not characterized by fluctuations.

Rat women - Leos in love and relationships: Duality of character often prevents them from building relationships correctly. On the one hand, these are strong personalities who attract representatives of the opposite sex. On the other hand, this is always a dissatisfied type who is looking for opportunities to realize his unpleasant character. Therefore, many are attracted to them, and then just as quickly repelled. They should develop a value system so that this duality does not interfere.

Rat women - Leos in finance and career: Usually these are lucky women who can handle the most difficult tasks. They can achieve results in almost all areas. However, in some cases the lack systematic approach causes difficulties. They cannot distribute forces correctly. They should take responsibility not only on themselves, but also not avoid it in order to make a career. The financial side of life will be a pleasant addition to your career.

Women Rat - Leo in family and marriage: The family relationships of these women are built ambiguously. On the one hand, these are excellent family men who are aimed at creating a friendly, warm atmosphere in the house. On the other hand, they cannot always demonstrate their most pleasant feelings towards loved ones. And in some cases, they may even forget about important dates, which first causes confusion and then dissatisfaction.

Advice for Rat-Leo women: Difficulties of character should be gradually translated into a positive sound. Their ability to properly set up relationships will affect their personal life and work. They should set clearer goals for themselves in order to get the desired result. They should also learn patience and the ability to come to a compromise. Their desire to change something will bring what they want into their lives. Don't forget about your lucky star.

zodiac sign Leo rat woman

A strange rat, at odds with himself. Must be careful.

Zodiac horoscope: Leo sign

Proud, optimistic and good-natured, Leo-Rat needs to be the center of attention. This influence can be balanced by the Rat's love of dark and secluded places. Such Rats are excellent creative leaders, especially in the humanitarian sectors.

This combination produces people with a proud and strong character. When the sign of Leo combines with the Rat, an excellent fusion is obtained. These are people with a good balance of strength and intelligence. It seems that such people carry with them an air of grace mixed with curiosity, creativity and resourceful sense. Rat-Leo are usually charming and sociable people, but in some cases they can be impatient, especially if things do not go according to their plan.

This combination gives birth to very ambitious and hardworking individuals; they will work hard to achieve their desired goals in life. These people never give up easily. They have a certain optimistic outlook that is an effective motivator. They can be creative and often choose jobs that require solutions to a variety of physical or psychological problems.

Such people have a love for luxury and enjoy everything new. This love of luxury is not always materialistic, it can be like partners, family and friends as one of life's finest pleasures.

These people have a balance between a strong personality and a compassionate personality, and they have a strong inclination towards justice. They are ideal for communicating and negotiating with others and can be brilliant peacemakers. They value privacy, and prefer to communicate with friends outside the home than at home. These people are extremely loyal to loved ones and protect their interests.

It is best for such people to communicate with partners who are flexible and will not object. Sometimes such people may seem selfish, but this is not a true reflection of their personality. Outwardly they may seem tough, but in essence they are extremely sensitive to the feelings of other people.

Leo-Rat is not without negative traits. They can be overly bossy, especially if they feel they are losing control of a situation. They hate to be ignored or rejected, in such a situation their calm nature can become stubborn and overbearing.

The Leo Rat is a contradictory personality and is constantly at war with itself. It combines the rationalism of the rat and the royal manners of the lion. At different periods of her life, she either begins to actively accumulate wealth, or shows nobility and distributes what she has accumulated. Despite mood swings, the Leo Rat is reliable as a business partner, since it has good instincts and the ability to make the right impression on a person from any level of society.

This rat is hard not to notice, it is always in sight, and in any company it most often appears as a lion - self-confident, proud and generous. She cannot tolerate dependence in any form, so she strives to occupy a leadership position. Intuition helps her always choose the right line of behavior, and therefore such a boss is always loved by his subordinates - he is loyal, democratic and delicate.

In personal relationships, both Leo rat men and women show themselves as generous people, which attracts others to them. Sometimes they are prone to excessive emotionality, but they are still quite reliable and you can always rely on them.

Leo born in the year of the Rat

Leo, born in the year of the Rat, is proud, has great optimism and complacency, he, like other Leos, constantly strives to be in the center of attention. This desire is balanced by the Rat's love of dark and secluded places. Such a Rat has excellent creative potential, which, combined with the “lion” inclinations of a leader, makes her a fairly successful person, especially in the humanitarian field.

People born under this combination of signs are the proud owners of a strong and strong-willed character. It is, in fact, a beautiful combination in which strength balances and harmonizes with the mind. It seems that even the air around them is saturated with creativity and curiosity. Leos born this year are usually charming and sociable, although in some situations they are overly impatient, especially when things don’t go according to their plan.

People of this combination are very ambitious and purposeful, they are hardworking and persistent. They will never give up, their optimism motivates them to do a lot. They have the makings of an inventor, so when choosing a profession, the choice often falls on activities in which it is necessary to resolve physical or psychological problems.

In the Rat-Leo, strength and compassion are perfectly balanced, they are extremely fair. All kinds of communication, negotiations are their calling, they are excellent peacemakers. They are somewhat independent and have a very high regard for privacy. They prefer to meet with friends on neutral territory rather than within the walls of their own home. They are loyal to loved ones and often become defenders of their interests.

People of this combination of signs love luxury and strive for it; they excessively enjoy everything new. However, their love of luxury is not always material.

Most of all, for communication and cooperation, they are suitable for individuals who know how to give in and be flexible. Sometimes the Leo-Rat may seem overly selfish, but this is not the main trait of his character. Outwardly they are so tough, but in their souls they are sensual and vulnerable.

Leo-Rat also has negative traits. For example, they often become overly domineering, especially in situations where they feel they have lost control of the situation. They cannot tolerate being ignored or neglected; it is at such moments that they become insanely stubborn.

People born under this combination are very contradictory and constantly struggle with themselves. After all, it is not at all easy for the rationalism of the Rat and the royal manners of Leo to coexist in one person.

Throughout life, these two qualities change places, one or the other predominates. So, for example, Leo-Rat accumulates lives for several years in a row in one period, and in another, with the same zeal, distributes the accumulated wealth to those in need. But, despite the tendency to change moods, such a person will make a reliable friend or business partner.

It is simply impossible not to notice such a person; he is always in sight; in companies he often manifests himself as a Leo who loves to always be on stage, confident, proud, generous. He does not tolerate dependencies, so he always tries to become an independent leader.

The Rat's intuition becomes an excellent assistant in choosing tactics to achieve what he wants, so such a boss will be distinguished by loyalty, democracy and delicacy.

In personal relationships, regardless of gender, people of this combination are generous, and this is what attracts others to them. Sometimes they are overly emotional, but despite this they are quite reliable.

Leo – Rat

TO Leo-Rat sign includes people born from July 23 to August 23 in 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020.

With this combination people are born with a proud and strong character. Leo-Rat is a bright, attractive, charismatic personality, capable of leading a crowd. When the sign of Leo combines with the Rat, the result is a great fusion. This person harmoniously combines intelligence and splendor, strength and the ability to subjugate those around him. Bright in himself, this person strives to surround himself with luxury, the most expensive and the best.

Proud, optimistic, cheerful and good-natured, Leo-Rat needs to always be in the center of attention, has a desire to lead people and control the situation. This is a courageous, ardent, freedom-loving personality, who can be very democratic if he takes the appropriate position. This is a fairly reliable person who can be relied on in financial, moral and ethical matters, since the lion's inclinations restrain the pettiness of the Rat. And at the same time, the rat's intelligence helps to make the most of the best qualities of Leos. Therefore, such people are capable of being in various strata of society - from aristocratic to semi-mafia.

Leo – Rat characteristics

A person born under the sign of Leo in the year of the Rat is active, loves society and even more loves to shine in it. This combination is literally created for everything that is most magnificent, bright and beautiful. Leo-Rat is charming and cheerful, no one can get bored in his company. This combination produces very ambitious and hardworking individuals. They never give up and are ready to work without weekends and holidays to achieve what they want. Leo-Rat is assertive and purposeful, he does not retreat, even seeing real danger. Always knows what he wants and clearly follows his goal. This is a good inventor and often chooses work that requires solutions to a variety of physical and psychological problems. Since Leo-Rat does not tolerate subordination, he himself prefers to occupy a leadership position. It is worth noting that as a boss, this person is very attractive, democratic and loyal, even delicate. Leo-Rat understands the problems of other people, shows gentleness, generosity and tries to help resolve a difficult situation.

The Leo-Rat horoscope foreshadows some contradictions and struggles that are possible in a person. On the one hand, he is not alien to “low” things that are characteristic of all Rats, but on the other hand, Leo’s nobility does not allow them to be tolerated. So, Leo will never play behind-the-scenes games, preferring honest, direct relationships. He always says to his face what he thinks, but at the same time, the Rat is capable of weaving intrigues, participating in conspiracies and being disingenuous. The openness and honesty of Leo contrasts the closedness and cunning of the Rat. Also in the character of this person, the Leo’s generosity and the Rat’s thriftiness will oppose each other. Therefore, people born with such a combination are very contradictory and not always constant in their judgments. At the same time, it is difficult for them to object, since they perfectly see shortcomings and know how to express this in a delicate form. Their emotional life is very active, but chaotic. And yet, you can rely on this person because he is a reliable partner, a wonderful family man and a good friend.

The negative characteristics of a person born under the sign of Leo in the year of the Rat include excessive authority. This is especially pronounced when he loses control of the situation. He should choose a flexible partner who will not object or contradict. At times, the Leo-Rat may seem selfish, but this is not a true reflection of this personality. He may appear tough on the outside, but in reality he is extremely sensitive to other people's feelings.

The Leo-Rat combination ensures success on the love front. Thanks to his charisma and sense of humor, this personality is usually attractive to the opposite sex. But long-term relationships are difficult to build due to some character traits, in particular, constant whims, selfishness and rage. Only calm and unpretentious individuals who are capable of obeying demands and turning a blind eye to the shortcomings of their lover will be able to live with them as permanent partners. In a relationship, Leo-Rat requires fidelity, but he himself may not limit himself to these boundaries and are not able to make sacrifices for the sake of a loved one.

As a rule, Leo-Rat is kind to children and strives to provide them with the best. However, they are brought up in strictness, and sometimes they can go too far.

Leo – Rat woman

A woman born under the sign of Leo in the year of the Rat attracts attention with her brightness and originality. She always looks luxurious and tries to live to the fullest. She is interested in everything that happens around her, therefore, as a rule, she is gifted with high intelligence and numerous talents. To get great results, she just needs to start doing something. For the Leo-Rat woman, material well-being is important. She loves beautiful jewelry, luxury things, holidays abroad and expensive restaurants. With all this, the Leo-Rat woman is smart and hardworking, honest and devoted, attached to home and family. To make her dream of a beautiful life come true, she is ready to work tirelessly, but she always chooses a job to her liking. The opportunity to self-actualize and feel needed is also important to her. She does not rely on men and wants to achieve everything on her own.

A woman born under the sign of Leo in the year of the Rat has a good chance of success in life, especially if she minimizes her pettiness and allows herself to show generosity and generosity more often. Also, difficulties in achieving the goal may arise due to the lack of a systematic approach. It is difficult for her to distribute forces correctly. You should not take responsibility only on yourself; you need to wisely distribute it among all employees.

The Leo-Rat woman is distinguished by determination, unbending willpower and suspicion. She does not believe in accidents, therefore, in order to prevent negative developments, she tries to make tough decisions. She is also characterized by melancholy.

Family for the Leo-Rat woman is part of self-realization. She is a faithful wife, but also requires constant attention and care from her husband. Duality of character can interfere with building harmonious relationships. On the one hand, she is a strong personality who attracts representatives of the opposite sex, an excellent wife and mother who is aimed at creating a friendly, warm atmosphere in the house. On the other hand, she cannot always demonstrate her love and tender feelings for loved ones, and may also forget important dates and events. Moreover, she may be dissatisfied with everything, and will not even try to hide it.

For harmonious and happy relationships in the family, a woman born under the sign of Leo in the year of the Rat should work on her character, learn patience, the ability to find compromises and, more often, show her love for her spouse and children.

Leo – Rat man

A man born under the sign of Leo in the year of the Rat is ambitious, smart and businesslike. He sets himself the most ambitious goals and tries to achieve them by any means. There are no barriers for him. He is responsible and hardworking, resourceful and decisive. And his impudent, domineering character does not allow him to agree to second roles.

As a rule, a man born with this combination occupies a high leadership position. His characteristic pragmatism and analysis of any events helps him achieve excellent results. He is patient and persistent. Always finishes what he starts. Most often, he chooses a job that involves active mental activity. By the way, there is also the other side of the coin in the character of the Leo-Rat man. This can be especially pronounced at a young age. Intolerance and willfulness do not allow him to establish harmonious relations with management. And the inability to find common ground will lead to the fact that he will not be allowed to grow up the career ladder. With this development of events, all the negative aspects of a person’s character will begin to clearly manifest themselves. Therefore, it is necessary to learn to find an individual approach to each person and be more tolerant of people who do not do what he wants. For communication to be positive and effective, you need to respect the interests and opinions of other people, perceive life in all its diversity and find your place in it. Only by soberly assessing your strengths and weaknesses can you easily move along the path of life.

The Leo-Rat man belongs to the earthly type and financial well-being plays a role for him vital role in life. He will always strive for material wealth and a life of luxury. Actually, this is why he works so hard.

In personal relationships, the Leo-Rat man also strives to be a leader and manage everything, everywhere. He tries to provide his family with everything they need, but at the same time he will not tolerate bickering, either from his wife or from his children. A man born with the Leo-Rat combination does not know how to control his emotions, and that is why romantic relationships often end in breakup, especially at a young age. If he is in love, he tries to completely subjugate his soul mate, and besides, he tends to want to plan not only his life, but also the lives of people close to him. But not all women can appreciate this and problems begin. Relationships with children will be especially difficult if the Leo-Rat man does not become more loyal and softer.

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Studying the signs of the zodiac helps to better understand a person and recognize his hidden traits. Women born in the following years - 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008 - were born in the year of the Rat. But if the date of their birth is between July 23 and August 23, then according to the horoscope they are Leos. The combination of these two animals gives their owners a very strong character, as well as rebellious pride.


The Leo-Rat woman usually has a bright appearance, pronounced charisma and a penchant for leadership. People will follow such a lady anywhere thanks to her ability to lead.

Girls combine many sometimes incompatible qualities - intelligence and beauty, strength and timidity. The proud Leo, teaming up with the nosy Rat, created a truly wonderful creation. A woman of this sign loves luxury. Therefore, he tries to purchase only expensive and high-quality things. She should have all the best, from clothes to the person next to her.

A lady, like air, needs to be the center of attention, to attract attention, she wants to manage people, become a leader and take any situation into her fragile hands. Leo-Rat must occupy a leadership position, then she will be able to take her team to a new level. With such a person at the helm, no company will fail.

A woman of this sign is distinguished by courage, can flare up and get excited, is often wrong, madly loves her freedom and herself.

Leo helps the girl remain a reliable friend or partner, while blocking the pettiness of the Rat. You can count on such a person both morally and financially, which others often take advantage of. The lady quickly adapts to any society.

Leo-Rat Woman. Characteristics of the sign

Such a lady loves to communicate, constantly makes new acquaintances, is not afraid to be the center of attention, on the contrary, she strives for it. The Leo-Rat woman should receive only beautiful things and vivid impressions. She will not allow her interlocutor to get bored with her charm and her loud, infectious laughter will be able to awaken positive emotions in him.

The combination of Leo and Rat allows a woman to be a hardworking and very ambitious person. These people do not intend to give up or retreat halfway; they always go to the end. To achieve their goals, ladies are ready to work from morning to night, not go on vacation and literally spend the night at work. No danger will scare away such a woman, because she is assertive. No matter what, she will move on until she takes what is rightfully hers for her efforts.

Such a person has clear goals and never asks the question: “Why am I doing something? What's the point?" Because he always has the answer.

Women of this sign have good intellectual abilities, so they choose a profession related to science, psychology or politics. The main thing is that they are constantly faced with some difficult task at work, which they find it a pleasure to solve.

The characteristics of the Leo woman, born in the year of the Rat, suggest that this person does not like to obey anyone. Such a lady herself should be a leader, a director. Therefore, such individuals become bosses, but they are very democratic and loyal to their employees. These ladies, even in a leadership position, do not lose their human qualities and are able to help subordinates in solving their problems, show sympathy and compassion, and, in case of urgent need, generosity.

Contradictions in personality

The characteristics of the Leo-Rat woman suggest some contradictions in her personality, a constant mental struggle. But she can handle it easily. These ladies could commit a bad deed, which the Rat pushes them to do, but the majestic Leo will not allow them to fall so low thanks to their pride and arrogance. Therefore, it is unacceptable for a woman to plot behind the backs of her ill-wishers; she conducts the entire war as honestly and openly as possible. She will always straightforwardly express what she thinks and will not hide anything from her offender. Leo bestows these qualities on her. But the Rat tends to intrigue, cunning in conversation, closed personality and cunning. Two completely opposite combinations are combined in one person.

Generosity and straightforwardness of a lady

Another feature of the Leo-Rat woman is generosity on the one hand, and frugality on the other. This is also due to the influence of two animals, whose qualities are sharply opposed. Therefore, such people will be fickle in their decisions, and very often hesitate when choosing something.

A woman can safely point out the shortcomings of her interlocutor, but do it in a rather delicate manner so as not to hurt his feelings. She is emotional, but at the right moment she will restrain the surging impulse. But you can rely on this lady, because she is an excellent friend, a wonderful mother and a good wife.

Negative sides

So, what are the negative aspects of a Leo-Rat woman? There is a bad trait in the characterization of such a lady. It can be considered her desire for power and control of everything. Moreover, it is clearly expressed. At the same time, she often loses control, and the current situation worsens. Even when choosing a life partner, a woman is looking for a man who will not argue with her, but will only silently submit to her whims and listen to advice.

Very often, such girls are considered selfish, but in reality this is not the case, because their personality is more multifaceted and they are able to take care of other people.

Outwardly, the lady seems strong and tough, but this is just a necessary game for the mask of a leader, and behind her lies a soft and slightly weak nature.

Luxury and success in a lady's life

Let's continue to compile the characteristics of the zodiac sign. The Leo-Rat woman is a very bright and extraordinary personality. She dresses beautifully, fashionably, puts on makeup professionally and lives without denying herself anything. A woman shows interest in absolutely everything around her, because she is endowed with enviable mental abilities and numerous talents. In order to succeed in any business, she just needs to take action.

The Leo woman loves chic jewelry, expensive things, eating in famous restaurants, and going out to social events. But if she gets married, she will be devoted to home and family, will become an excellent housewife and mother, but will not forget about her career.

A Leo woman needs to achieve everything on her own. Therefore, she never waits for help, does not look for a rich man, but provides everything for herself. Such ladies can often drag even their husbands down financially. The characteristics of the Leo-Rat woman guarantee her success in life, provided that she does not show pettiness, but becomes more open and generous. To avoid any difficulties, everything must be approached thoughtfully and systematically. Such a woman cannot take full responsibility for the common cause only on herself, otherwise she will quickly lose her strength.


Continuing to compile the characteristics of the Leo-Rat woman, we will tell you about her health. In this regard, they have no problems. These women are in excellent health. Diseases do not often overcome them, but if some kind of illness appears, it quickly passes.

The only disadvantage of the Leo-Rat woman is that she does not know moderation in food, she eats incorrectly and plentifully. This can lead to problems with excess weight, so you need to engage in sports and get used to a healthy lifestyle. If there is no time for training, then walking is recommended.

Characteristics of a Leo-Rat woman: compatibility with other signs in love

For a woman of this zodiac group, the ideal man would be Aries. Such people will work together and stubbornly towards a common goal. They have complete mutual understanding and harmony.

The compatibility of a Leo-Rat girl with a Gemini man is also favorable. They will make a beautiful couple who will have many different emotions.

A Sagittarius man is not suitable for a lady of this sign, because he does not sit still and cannot withstand the constant control of a Leo woman. Their union is possible, but short-lived.

Compatibility of a Leo-Rat woman with a man of the same sign is possible only if they can compromise with each other, which is difficult for them.

Other representatives of the zodiac group like Cancer, Aquarius or Taurus are categorically not suitable for such a woman. They have too different characters and lifestyles.

Experts recommend that when choosing a partner, a Leo-Rat woman should be guided by his financial condition, because dragging a man along with her is not a good idea. You need to show understanding to your chosen one, be able to listen to him and ask about his thoughts and problems.

It happens that a Leo-Rat woman gives up the job she started. Therefore, astrologers advise not to stop there, but to continue until it is completed. The main thing at the moment of loss of strength is to find a goal for yourself. For example, a girl started going to the gym and suddenly stopped. She should set a goal - to lose weight faster than her friend, and she will run there again.


The Leo-Rat woman is quite an interesting person. She combines two completely opposite zodiac influences, but at the same time she is a good and devoted person.

The works of the writer Jorge Amado (“Teresa, tired of fighting”) are imbued not only with carnal love, but also with “heroic” everyday life and the “revolutionary” fervor of the Brazilian countryside. Ivan Bilibin - graphic artist, member of the "World of Art" - is known as an illustrator of folk epics, legends and fairy tales. His unreal parallel world with mermaids, goblins and brownies is very characteristic of the myth-making consciousness of Rats.

In films, Leo-Rats usually play the same type of roles of “lovers with brutal manners” or loving “bandits”: Antonio Banderas (“Desperado”, “Evita”), Jean Reno (“Leon”), Sean Penney, Madonna’s ex-husband (“The Path”) Carlito"), Timothy Hutton ("Temptation"), Nikolai Parfenov ("Afonya"), Nikolai Gritsenko ("Sannikov's Land", "Seventeen Moments of Spring", "His Excellency's Adjutant"), Ivar Kalnins ("Theater", "Winter cherry"),

In the writing field, Leo-Rat is inferior in many respects. Usually he confines himself to poetry, detective stories, satire, criticism, or is engaged in publishing activities: poet, critic, memoirist, friend of Pushkin Pyotr Vyazemsky; poet Vladimir Odoevsky; mystery author Raymond Chandler; poet, publisher, editor of the Sovremennik magazine Pyotr Pletnev; writer Anatoly Aleksin (“My brother plays the clarinet”); revolutionary-democrat Nikolai Chernyshevsky (“What to do?”).

In science, Leo-Rats gravitate towards organizing the scientific process itself, creating taxonomies, teachings and schools: Jean Baptiste Lamarck - botanist, naturalist, taxonomist, author evolutionary theory- introduced the term “biology” into scientific use; Salvador Luria - biochemist, founder of the genetics of microorganisms; Milton Friedman - economist; John Baird is the inventor of color television, fiber optics, radar and night vision.

In music, Leo-Rats show themselves barely - for example, guitarist and singer Buddy Guy. In sports they are very weakly involved: for example, footballer Gyula Sárosi.’ Even in military affairs and administration, their army is small: admiral, Secretary of National Security John Poindexter; Pakistani President General Mohammed Zia-ul-Haq.

Among the Leo-Rats there are such famous citizens: the famous American bandit Rafael Resendo-Ramirez; sculptor Alexander Kibalnikov (monument to Mayakovsky in Moscow); dancer Vyacheslav Gordeev; rocket scientist Mikhail Tikhonravov; Led Zeppelin vocalist Robert Plant; Grand Duke, general, poet, president of the Russian Academy of Sciences Konstantin Konstantinovich; documentary film director, creator of the “Cinema Travel Club” Vladimir Shneiderov.

Leo-Rat woman horoscope

Among women we see the same pressure of emotions and energy, the desire to succeed and stand out. These ladies do not show any special talents in special areas of activity. Probably, the process of life itself seems much more interesting to them. They have time everywhere.

They also have an amazing talent for finding rich husbands or often change their husbands.

Mata Hari(this is the artistic pseudonym of the famous Belgian) out of poverty, she married a military man, and out of adventurism and boredom, she went with him to colonial Asia. There, for the sake of variety, I mastered national dances. Then she left her husband and moved to Europe, where she pretended to be a vamp, dancing oriental dances for good money.

When the war began, Mata began to be used in a spy-sexual capacity by representatives of various European intelligence services. Her scandalous fame grew, and so did suspicions of treason. Finally, the French police arrested Mata. The mistress of princes, generals and prime ministers, Hari was almost “agent 001”, learning through her bed partners the most important military secrets of the French general staff and passing them on to German headquarters.

That's right, she was a spy. But is it German? The question remains open to this day. Most likely, she was a pawn in a complex game of various European intelligence services. Although the French still shot her for treason.

Norwegian-American actress Arlene Dahl has been shining in Hollywood since 1945. This beautiful and seductive woman graced the cinema with her exceptional appearance. Arlen played several unremarkable roles of a purely decorative nature, without psychology or getting into character. The lack of acting skills was compensated by organizational talent, energy and flair. She left cinema and became a successful businessman - she began producing and selling lingerie, perfumes and accessories. I changed husbands like gloves 5 times.

Gloria De Haven began acting in films since childhood. She won with her beauty, temperament and energy, but remained a mediocre actress. She played supporting roles in a lot of films. But she made a successful career as a singer in Bob Crosby's orchestra and as a model. There was no end to men, and Gloria had seven official husbands.

Among women of this astrological type you can find many well-known and even famous names. Here they almost outdid the men: the English Queen Mother Elizabeth; head of the US Red Cross, former presidential candidate Elizabeth Dole; deputy, cosmonaut (or rather, cosmonaut) and communist Svetlana Savitskaya; wife of US Vice President and presidential candidate Al Gore, Tipper Gore; revolutionary, murderer of Marat Charlotte Corday.

Now about show business and the arts, where Leo-Rats dominate: actresses Elizabeth Berkley (“Show Girl”); Norma Shearer (Romeo and Juliet); wife of Count Sheremetev, serf actress and singer Praskovya Zhemchugova; figure skater Peggy Fleming; supermodel Carol Alt; red pepper of the Space girls Geri Halliwell.

See also the characteristics of the sign-year:

The Leo-Rat man has a complex character and is full of contradictions, so he often does not understand himself. He needs to find support to understand himself and those around him, but this will take years. Leo is always generous and open to the world, has unclear goals, but this only creates his charm. The Rat is petty and not ready for social life. In addition, the Rat does not always strive for transcendental distances; all his goals are simple and understandable.

These men are earth types. They will always strive for material benefits and receive them in full. At the same time, their characteristic pragmatism and analysis of any events allows them to achieve excellent results. They never dream, but clearly set goals and objectives, which they manage to achieve in full. Possessing hard work, they rarely fail in achieving their goals.

They have a bright character. These are decisive, daring and powerful men. They never agree to second roles, so personal and work relationships are always painted in the colors of struggle. They are patient and persistent, so they reach the end in everything. When setting a goal, they may not experience difficulties, but often during implementation they may doubt and worry about the correctness of their actions.

Characteristics of a Leo-Rat man in Love

It is reliable, but relatively so. He can be faithful, devoted, but only if his partner matches his ideas. It is important for him that she be exceptional not only for him, but also for those around her. In addition, he must feel material well-being in the form of an apartment and other things. In this case, he will not only be betrayed, but also in love. This combination of qualities often gives rise to misunderstanding, but that’s exactly what he is.

Love is something ordinary for him, so he does not always attach importance to it. It is important for him to shine and be a leader, then even love will become a great feeling for him. It should be noted that his generosity and generosity of soul are often replaced by pettiness and immeasurable economy, and this gives rise to bewilderment among those around him. As a result, his beloved may simply not understand this mystery guy and will prefer to leave forever.

Leo Man, born in the year of the Rat, in the Bed

He is ambivalent about his intimate life. On the one hand, he is sensual and passionate, and on the other hand, it is important for him to simply get his chosen wife. He may show desire, but he will rarely give in return. It is important for him to be loved, but often love in this case is one-sided. He does not understand that love is a mutual feeling that must be maintained so that both feel good together.

He can enjoy intimacy anywhere, since the situation is sometimes not important to him. However, there are times when he wants royal treatment and attention. This contradiction lies in his character. Therefore, in one period he wants to receive signs of attention, affection, and in others he simply withdraws into himself. That is why it is difficult for his beloved to understand what exactly he loves in an intimate relationship.

Horoscope of the Leo-Rat man in Family and Marriage

Marriage for him is a real salvation from many problems. In this case, he can solve personal, emotional and material difficulties. It is simply important for him to understand the value of family in order to feel happy and find that point of support that he has been looking for all his life. He must allow himself to be happy. And he is used to solving material difficulties with the help of a woman who will completely shift the worries about him onto herself.

He shows his best side in the family. He is attentive to his household, and may even please them. However, he wants to receive respect and attention from others, and this can only be fully received in the family. As a result, the family can become a refuge for him or, on the contrary, a heavy duty. Emotional instability can also be compensated by family relationships.

Strong and charismatic personality. Smart, and at the same time attractive, able to lead a crowd.
Bright in himself, loves to be surrounded by beauty, strives for a luxurious life.

In this person there is a constant struggle between two opposites: generosity competes with stinginess, and honesty and openness with cunning. This leads to the fact that sometimes, for no apparent reason, he changes his opinion to the opposite.

Leo Man – Rat

He sets colossal goals for himself and tries to achieve them in any way. Easily and purposefully reaches high positions and positions. Work is often associated with active mental activity.

He strives to provide his children with the best, but at the same time he is despotic and does not tolerate quarrels either from his wife or from his children.

Leo Woman – Rat

The incentive for her to work is the dream of a beautiful life. She does not rely on men, and wants to achieve everything herself. Luxurious jewelry, holidays abroad, expensive restaurants - for this she will work tirelessly, but she is always looking for a job she likes.

Family for her is part of self-realization. She often overprotects her children. She is a faithful wife, but also requires constant attention and care from her husband.