“Hitler lived, Hitler is alive, Hitler will live! Is Hitler still alive? Did Argentina shelter the creator of the Third Reich after the war? (15 photos) Where Hitler actually died

Argentine researcher Abel BASTI believes that Hitler died quietly in the arms of his wife and children in Paraguay in 1964...
Argentine writer Abel Basti, a researcher of the life of the head of the Third Reich, is seriously confident: on April 30, 1945, Hitler did not put a bullet in his head, but calmly packed his things for a safe departure from Berlin. Taking Eva Braun with him, he moved to Argentina to a friendly regime, and died only in 1965.

The writer did not find evidence that Frau Hitler also died. In addition, Brown had many long-livers in her family. Her mother died at 96. This suggests that Hitler's wife is still alive. Perhaps the three children of Adolf and Eva are also in full health. Abel Basti knows for sure that they had children! Two were born while the Fuhrer and his wife lived in Germany. Then, when they moved to Argentina, another child was born.

After multiple examinations and interrogations of witnesses, Moscow decided that it was indeed Hitler. Several times his remains were buried, dug up, and buried again. The Fuhrer's last refuge was a Soviet military unit in Magdeburg. In 1970, before handing over this territory to the Germans, on the secret order of Leonid Brezhnev, the remains of Hitler, Eva Braun and the Goebbels family were burned, and the ashes were poured from the bridge into the Biederitz river.

However, not everyone agrees with the official version to this day. Hundreds of studies have been conducted and many books have been written in search of the “escaped Hitler.” They searched for him in Spain, Latin America and even Antarctica. Recently, the Argentine writer Abel BASTI published his version of how the bloodiest dictator in Europe ended his days.

Escape from Berlin

The leaders of the Third Reich began to look for a safer refuge back in 1943, writes Basti. Preparations for the evacuation were kept in the strictest confidence - Muller and Bormann, keeping an eye on each other, did not allow a single leak.

In Argentina, bank deposits were made out in front of dummies, small companies were created, and farms were purchased. Nazi emissaries settled in hotels and inns - “transshipment points” for their leaders. At the same time, secret negotiations were ongoing with the allies. For gold and technology of the Third Reich, they allegedly agreed to leave Hitler and his henchmen alone.

At the end of April 1945, Operation Seraglio began. Several planes escaped from the burning Berlin, which Soviet troops were fighting to occupy, - the top of Nazi Germany was transported to Spain, under the wing of “friend Franco.” From there, the submarines headed for Caleta de los Loros Bay in Argentina.

The author claims that in the area where Hitler came ashore, at a depth of 30 meters under a layer of sand and silt, three submarines were discovered, about which there is not a word in the archival documents of the Argentine military. Thus began the new life of the Nazi leader in Latin America.

He lived until 1964

The fugitives followed a long-established route. They were received in the homes of people known for their ties to the Nazis and close to Argentine dictator Juan Peron. Hitler maintained relations with some of them, for example, the Eichhorn family, until his death. Basti cites the testimony of a maid from their estate, who herself saw the “cousin,” as her owners called the Nazi leader.

More and more documentary evidence is appearing, shedding light on one of the mysterious mysteries of the 20th century.

The Eichhorns' gardener, who worked for the FBI, also reported on the presence of the leader of the Third Reich in Argentina. His recently declassified report was found by the author of the book in the archives of this organization.

According to Basti, Hitler not only lived until 1964, but also had offspring. Allegedly, there are photographs of him, Eva Braun and their children, which, according to the official version, the German Fuhrer did not have and could not have had. However, the owners of the unique photographs “are not yet ready to publish them.”

The dictator lived out his last days in Paraguay, the head of which did not particularly hide his sympathy for the Third Reich. He died in the arms of his wife, surrounded by children, without answering for his atrocities. But the author speaks very vaguely about Hitler’s burial place and where his family lives. Apparently this is material for a new sensational book.

AiF provides an interview with writer Abel Basti:

On April 30, 1945, at 16:30 (that is, an hour after the alleged suicide), Hitler was seen next to his personal Ju-52 aircraft.

Bestseller "Hitler in Argentina"
Having conducted research, interviewed dozens of witnesses, and published documents declassified by the FBI, Basti wants to prove that Hitler could have hidden in South America and lived there to old age. Let the readers judge how well he succeeded.
- SENOR Basti, in your book you claim that on April 30, 1945, Hitler managed to escape from Berlin by plane. How could he do this if by that time the airfields were destroyed and the Allies controlled the skies?

My book contains previously classified evidence from the FBI archives that on April 30 at 16:30 (that is, an hour after the alleged suicide), Hitler was seen next to his personal Ju-52 plane.

At night, throughout the last week of April, air transport of the Fuhrer's trusted representatives landed on Unter den Linden Avenue, where street lighting poles were preserved. For example, Reich Minister Speer left the “Führerbunker” on the 20th, and three days later he calmly returned back on the Fieseler-Storch plane.

As you can see, the Allied air defense did not stop him. On April 25, a secret meeting was held in the “Führerbunker” to evacuate Hitler, in which the female pilot Hanna Reitsch, the famous pilot Hans Ulrich Rudel and Hitler’s personal pilot Hans Baur took part. The secret plan for the safe movement of the Fuhrer from the besieged capital of the Third Reich was codenamed “Operation Seraglio”.

And who exactly, in your opinion, carried out the evacuation of Hitler?

Two days later, five Storch planes arrived in Berlin (each with seats for ten passengers), and on April 28, the same Ju-52, piloted by pilot Bosser, arrived - this was officially confirmed by Allied intelligence.

A day later, on the orders of General Adolf Galland, the last forces of the German Air Force were unexpectedly lifted into the air over the capital of the Reich - a hundred Me-262 jet fighters. They covered Hannah Reitsch’s plane: she managed to break through the fire of Soviet anti-aircraft guns and fly away from Berlin - it was an experimental flight, and the fact that it was carried out is not disputed by any historian.

Perhaps, having put on make-up, Hitler managed to leave the burning Berlin (the photo montage was made by FBI employees in 1945).

The next day, according to the scenario already tested by Frau Reitsch, Adolf Hitler also left Berlin - he was heading to Spain, from where at the end of the summer he sailed on a submarine to Argentina. He was accompanied by Eva Braun, Müller and Bormann.

Okay, but what about the fragments of Hitler’s jaw, which are stored in Moscow in the archives of the FSB? Research by both Soviet and independent experts unanimously confirmed that it belonged to the Fuhrer. What happens then - Hitler had part of his jaw torn off, but he still escaped?

Experts only had the opportunity to compare this charred jaw with x-rays of that era, which were of terrible quality, and with the testimony of Hitler’s personal dentist - and he could say anything.

If you know, no DNA testing has ever been carried out: Russia systematically refuses to allow such analysis. Meanwhile this the only way find out the truth: it is necessary to compare DNA samples that can be obtained from the remains of Adolf Hitler’s sister, Paula, who died in 1960 and is buried in the Bergfriedhof cemetery.

The grave of the Fuhrer's sister - Paula Hitler

I formally appeal to the Russian authorities to allow me to examine this jaw to obtain final proof that I am telling the truth.

You know, people love conspiracy theories. For so many years there has been talk about the mysterious disappearance of “Nazi number two” - Martin Bormann, who evaporated from Berlin on May 1, 1945. A lot of people swore that they saw him in South America with their own eyes and could not be mistaken. But in 1972, a skeleton was found while digging a pit in Berlin, and a double DNA study showed that these were Bormann’s bones...

The funny thing is: both are right here. Martin Bormann really escaped, lived in Argentina and Paraguay: I found a lot of evidence of this, including documentary ones - especially a photo of Bormann taken in the fifties. Therefore, it is quite possible that when Bormann died of natural causes, his remains were secretly transported to Berlin, after which a performance was staged with their “find”.

AGAIN: in your book you write that Hitler and Eva Braun, along with an extensive retinue and security, arrived in Argentina on three submarines, which were then sunk in the bay for purposes of conspiracy. Indeed, in the place that you indicated, at a depth of approximately 30 meters under water, with the help of special equipment, teams of divers discovered large objects covered with sand. But where is the evidence that these are Nazi submarines?

I relied on the testimony of witnesses who, after the war, observed the arrival of three submarines with swastikas in the tiny bay of Caleta de los Loros, located in the Argentine province of Rio Negro. You say: Argentina has formally been at war with Germany since March 27, 1945 - maybe these are traces of past naval battles?

However, in the archives of the Argentine Ministry of Defense there is not a single word about the sinking of any German submarines. Then where did these sunken ships lying on the ground come from? I submitted a request that the submarines be brought to the surface and thoroughly examined.

List of passengers from Berlin to Barcelona approved on April 20, 1945. First - Hitler, the name of Goebbels, his wife and children is crossed out.

German submarines sailed to Argentina several times after the war - for example, the submarine U-977 arrived in the country on August 17, 1945: it is assumed that its commander Heinz Schaeffer was transporting gold and other valuables of the Third Reich.

You published a US FBI document that casts serious doubt on the official version of the death of Adolf Hitler. This paper, dated November 13, 1945, contains a report from an American agent in Argentina, who works as a gardener for wealthy German colonists - the Eichhorns. The agent reports that the couple, who live in the village of La Falda, have been preparing the estate since June for the arrival of Hitler, which will take place in the very near future. Is this document real?

This is a very strange question because I legally obtained this document after it was declassified from the FBI archives: file number 65-53615. And this is far from the only documentary evidence of Hitler’s escape.

There are several more secret reports from the FBI, CIA and MI5 about the living Fuhrer - but, unfortunately, the USA, Britain and Russia have not yet fully declassified all materials relating to this topic. For example, there are three shorthand recordings of a conversation between Joseph Stalin (one of them with US Secretary of State Byrnes) - where the leader of the USSR openly says that the Fuhrer managed to escape.

Over fifteen years, I conducted hundreds of interviews with direct witnesses to Hitler's presence in Argentina. Most of them have only started talking now - many Nazis in Argentina have died, they have nothing to fear anymore, although not everyone is still making contact. A letter from Nazi General Seydlitz, dated 1956, has also been preserved - he reports that he is going to attend a meeting in Argentina between Hitler and the Croatian “Führer” Pavelic.

You often refer to witness testimony. But how, in this case, should we treat the words of other witnesses who saw Hitler dead and buried his corpse?

There is not a single person who saw with his own eyes how Hitler saw through an ampoule of poison and shot himself in the head. The story of the Fuhrer's suicide from beginning to end was invented by people from his inner circle - it was a special plan to confuse everyone.

But even at first glance, there are several contradictions in the eyewitness accounts of Hitler's death if you study the archival documents. At first it was said that he was poisoned. Then - no, he shot me in the temple. After - excuse me, first he poisoned himself, and then he shot himself.

Potassium cyanide causes instant death and convulsions: how did the person then pull the trigger of the gun?
“Hitler died in... 1964,” says the author of the scandalous bestseller

The writer is sure: the Reich Chancellor and his wife fled Berlin on the day when his suicide was announced.

The rampant Nazism in the 30-40s of the last century is one of the most terrible and bloody events in history. Take a look at rare photos of the one who was at the head of criminal acts against humanity.

The main figure, founder and executor of the embodiment of the bloody Nazi dream was Adolf Hitler, whose portrait became the face of fascism and Nazism throughout the world.

In our article you will see a large selection of photographs from the life of this most terrible dictator. Many of the photographs are rare and appeared in the public domain quite recently, when they were sold under the hammer at one of the auctions in the spring.

When you look into the face of this man, your blood runs cold and you are overcome with horror from the realization that all the most terrible events - millions of deaths, hellish experiments and abuse of people and children - happened on our Earth precisely because of him.

Root of Evil

Hitler's parents, father Alois (1837-1903) and mother Clara (1860-1907), were formally relatives, so his father had to obtain marriage licenses. Alois was a very difficult person with a tough character; he often started drunken brawls in the house and assaulted people. The unfortunate mother saw the light in the window only in her little son Adolf and completely gave him her love and hyper-care. He was her fourth child; the first three died at an early age from illness.

Adolf Hitler was born on April 20, 1889 in Austria in the small village of Ranshofen.

The boy drew well from an early age, which his father was terribly dissatisfied with and forbade his son to do this. The mother, on the contrary, tried to develop the boy’s skills behind Alois’s back and constantly inspired him that he was immensely talented and would become famous. When the father caught the eye of his son’s drawings, he became furious and gave the two a beating, to which his wife shouted at him in despair that he was mistaken, his son would still be famous throughout the world. And she turned out to be right, but he became famous not for his artistic drawings.

Adolf Hitler's school years

During his school years, Hitler was distinguished by good studies, leadership qualities, and he had already begun to show the inclinations of nationalism and a desire to join the ranks of the Boer soldiers. He colorfully demonstrated all this in drawings, showing them to his peers. As experts note, this behavior could be caused by an emotional protest to the oppressive father, who demanded unquestioning obedience from his son.

According to the memoirs of Alois Jr., Hitler's half-brother, Adolf was distinguished by cruelty and could become furious over minor reasons, he loved no one except his mother, and was a narcissistic person. He was also overly spoiled - his mother indulged Adolf in everything, so he didn't care. got away with it.

The beginning of the dictator's path

Munich 08/02/1914 Hitler at a rally on Odeonplatz during the period of mobilization German army to participate in the First World War.

Having matured, Hitler tried to enter art school and was completely confident that he would succeed without difficulty. But what a blow it was for him when he was not enrolled, saying that his drawings were good, but not sufficient for an art school; with such skills he was recommended to go to the Faculty of Architecture. Adolf was furious; he believed that the school was staffed by mediocrities who had no way of appreciating truly talented things.

For several years he tried to enter art schools, but was rejected everywhere. The feeling of an ideal artist nurtured by his mother haunted him, although in reality it turned out that he did not have the talent that Clara, blinded by her mother’s love, idealized.

After unsuccessful attempts to become an artist, the death of his mother, impoverishment and wandering, Hitler volunteered to join the ranks of the German army, which then unleashed the First world war. According to the recollections of fellow soldiers, Adolf was brave, quiet and efficient, for which he quickly received the rank of corporal in the service, but Hitler was not given a leadership rank, since he was considered an excellent performer who lacked leadership qualities. Fellow soldiers also noted his inexplicable luck: Hitler always returned from the battlefield alive and unharmed, even if his entire squad was defeated, and when injuries occurred, they were light and did not threaten the life of the future Fuhrer.

Front-line photos of Hitler during the First World War

During the First World War, Adolf's nationalist sentiments and beliefs only grew and strengthened, and by leaps and bounds. When Germany began to lose and give up ground, protest sentiments began in the rear due to poverty and hunger, which Hitler regarded as a betrayal.

What are the Jews to blame for?

The beginning of Hitler's ascent to political Olympus in 1921.

At the end of the war, Hitler left military service, which never became his career, but allowed him to have like-minded people, of whom there were only 7 people. With these people, Hitler began his political career, and later the realization of his dreams. He wanted little: “to become the sole leader of Germany and begin the fight against the hated Jews and enslave the whole world.” Hatred of Jews fueled his sick imagination; Adolf believed that this nation wanted to seize power over other nations and make them faceless.

Hitler was not always an anti-Semite; throughout his life he had Jewish friends who helped him to varying degrees. Bitterness and hatred began to grow after the death of her mother, who was sick with cancer, and her doctor was a Jew. Hitler repeatedly thanked this doctor for trying as hard as possible to cure his mother. But, most likely, Hitler had a subconscious resentment against the doctor for not saving his mother, and she was the only person whom the Fuhrer madly loved, and after her death he grieved greatly. Therefore, over time, the resentment grew into an obsessive hatred of the entire Jewish people.

First successes and the Beer Hall Putsch

Hitler's career grew rapidly in the political sphere, he was a great speaker who could hold the attention of a crowd and captivate them with his ideas.

In his speeches, the future chancellor played on the patriotic sentiments of the population that reigned in Germany after the war and the failed capitulation, which led the country to huge foreign debts and economic decline.

When the audience of listeners who came to his speeches grew to 2,000 people, Hitler began to suppress by force everyone who shouted out discontent: they were dragged out and beaten by his stormtroopers.

Without significant obstacles from the authorities, Adolf became more aggressive and staged entire massacres with those protesting against his actions and ideas with the help of entire self-defense units he created, for which he once spent 5 weeks in prison.

Hitler enlisted the experience and support of Mussolini, the Italian dictator who had successfully gained power in Italy in the 1920s through conquest and violent suppression of resistance.

The Bürgerbräukeller beer hall (1923), where the Beer Hall Putsch began. Photo from the German Federal Archives

Seizure of the War Ministry building by Rem fighters during the Beer Hall Putsch. With a banner - Himmler

In 1923, Hitler staged a putsch in Germany to seize power, which was called the “beer hall.” The seizure of power failed due to the betrayal of some of his supporters, although it was initially successful. During these events, 18 people died, including law enforcement officers and Nazis.

The birth of the famous Mein Kampf

Hitler was arrested and sentenced to five years in prison as an organizer of mass riots, but was then released early in December 1924. In prison, he wrote his famous two-volume memoir, consisting of an autobiography and a political campaign, which he called Mein Kampf, translated from German as “My Struggle.” Also, during the year of imprisonment, Hitler reflected for a long time on his mistakes and realized that Mussolini’s scenario for the violent seizure of power was not suitable for Germany, and built a new plan of action.

At Ludendorff's trial, from left to right: lawyer Holt, Weber, Roder General Ludendorff and Adolf Hitler, 1923

After being released from Landsberg prison in Landsberg am Lech in Bavaria, December 1924.

Two documents of Adolf Hitler have been preserved in the German federal archive: the first is a permit to carry weapons, the second confirms his membership in the National Socialist German Workers' Party, as the first person under No. 1.

Hitler's election speeches

German Nazi meeting in Munich 1929

Hitler is an excellent speaker. Early 1930s, during the election race.

Photo portrait 1932.

At the construction site of the new building of the Reichsbank (the central bank of the German Empire), May 1932.

When Hitler came out of prison, he made a new plan, political, to achieve his goal. His calculation was to play on the national sentiments of the population and the middle class, which at that time was experiencing difficult financial difficulties, and also to put pressure on the authorities. Every now and then he staged various kinds of provocations.

At the pinnacle of power

After 14 years of ups and downs in the political arena through violent and political actions, several rounds of elections and pressure on the German government, Hitler came to power as chancellor on January 30, 1933. Celebrations of this event resulted in the famous torchlight procession through Berlin.

No one then could have guessed which beast in human form was entrusted with power. After all last years During the election race, Hitler hid and restrained his anti-Semitic aspirations and desire to resort to radical measures to implement the idea of ​​​​cleansing Germany and the world from the Jewish race.

Mass Nazi rally in Bückeburg, 1934

A visit to his prison cell in Landsberg prison 10 years later, where Hitler wrote his book "Mein Kampf" 1934.

Olympic Games 1936, top German officials sign autographs

Berlin 1936, Hitler's farewell at the New Year's banquet with the guests present

Wedding of the Nazi elite

All those in power who helped Hitler get such a high position in the government were under the illusion that this “Nazi upstart” would become a cornered puppet in their hands, but they soon paid bitterly for this and belatedly realized their irreparable mistake.

In pursuit of power, Hitler decided to take care of his health in order to have time to bring his vile ideas to life and, as he believed, save Germany. Therefore, the Fuhrer became a true vegetarian, as a result of which he actively created laws to protect animals and toughened punishment for their violations.

Communication with animals

The Fuhrer's favorite German shepherd Blondie

Hitler with his Scotch Terriers

Communication with children

Also, Hitler always demonstrably showed concern for German children as the future of a pure nation.

Various events during Hitler's reign

The first statement that Hitler made as chancellor was about rearming the army and restoring its full combat capability, after which it would be possible to conquer lands in the East with their complete Germanization.

Bückeburg, 1937. Thanksgiving Day

Regular rallies

Reichstag, decision was made on the peaceful annexation of Austria 1938.

Preparations for the performance of the Leopoldhall orchestra Munich 1938.

Visit to the city of Graslitz, temporarily occupied Sudetenland 1938.

Nazi rally in Czechoslovakia, Eger 1938

Hitler with Austrian fans in 1939.

Events before the start of World War II

Performance on May Day at the stadium in 1939.

After Hitler came to power, the holiday received official status in 1933 - National Labor Day.

Hitler at the Charlottenburg Theater, May 1939.

First voyage of the ship Robert Ley, Hitler on board the ship.

Tea drinking at his residence in Obersalzberg (Bavarian Alps) 1939.

The height of World War II

Hitler has lunch on the front line, 1940.

France 40th year

Hitler with Emmy and Edda Goering 1940

Emmy is a German theater and film actress, the second wife of Hermann Goering, and was secretly considered the first lady of Germany. Together with Magda Goebbels (wife of the German Minister of Education), she led various charitable events. Edda's godfather was Hitler himself.

Christmas celebration with German senior military officials, 1941.

Adolf Hitler greets German military personnel at the airfield in Uman.

In the photo, Hitler is in the Ukrainian city of Uman and greets his soldiers. Hitler flew here to inspect the German and Italian military in the summer of 1941.

A symbolic gift to Hitler on the occasion of the capture of Sarajevo.

The soldiers hastened to remove this sign hanging on the wall near the Latin Bridge and hand it over to the Fuhrer almost immediately after the capture of Sarajevo, as a symbol of their victory and the spread of Hitler’s power in these territories.

Visits to the hospital with wounded officers, 1944.

Hitler and Goebbels at a press conference in Berlin

Hitler's presentation to Marshal Goering - “Lady with a Falcon” (1880).

Both figures were collectors of paintings and other works by famous authors; by 1945, Adolf’s collection amounted to more than 6,000 paintings, Goering’s - more than 1,000. The paintings were purchased or confiscated by personal agents of political figures. The rights to these paintings are disputed to this day.

Hitler with Eva Braun

Hitler discussing the Bulge with Göring and Guderian in October 1944

Inspection of the destruction after the bombing of Soviet troops, spring 1945.

The rarest recent footage

These are rare shots of Hitler in the last days of his life, since after the massive attacks of the Soviet army on the fascist detachments of German troops, Hitler preferred to hole up in his underground bunker.

Last photo during life

Photo from the FBI database, USA. Possible change in Hitler's appearance during his escape attempt.

According to the official version, on April 30, 1945, together with his wife Eva Braun, Adolf Hitler committed suicide. Eva died after taking a poison capsule without visible signs of violence, and Hitler first shot his beloved German Shepherd, after which he shot himself in the head.

Death of Adolf Hitler

According to information from members of Hitler's staff, the day before they were ordered to prepare cans of gasoline to burn the corpses. On April 30, 1945, Hitler, having shaken hands with people from his inner circle, went with his wife to his room, and soon a shot was heard from it. After a while, the servants looked into their room, where they saw the corpse of the Fuhrer with a gunshot wound to the head and the corpse of Eva Braun without visible injuries. After which they wrapped the bodies in army blankets, doused them with previously prepared gasoline and burned them, as ordered.

The photo shows a burnt corpse being examined by Soviet specialists.

But there is a version that Hitler and Brown fled to South America, where they met their old age, and left the corpses of their doubles in their place. Even Stalin at one time put forward the version that Hitler was alive and hiding with the Allies.

The photo shows supposedly seventy-five-year-old Hitler on his deathbed.

Hitler returned to the bunker. He ordered the "dispersal" of his headquarters. Saying goodbye to his personal doctor Morell, who received orders to leave for the south of the country, the Fuhrer said: “No drugs will help me anymore.”

A modest banquet was held in the Fuhrer's personal chambers. Eva Braun, Bormann and several close collaborators were present. We drank wine and danced. The gramophone played the only tango record found in the bunker about blood-red roses.

Hitler woke up two hours later than usual. He was attracted by the roar of cannonade. Soviet artillery hit the Reichstag and the Brandenburg Gate. "What's the matter? Where is this shooting coming from? Are the Russians already so close? - he shouted furiously. The Fuhrer grabbed the telephone receiver, dialed a number and, sputtering with saliva, screamed: “The entire leadership of the Luftwaffe must be hanged...” The adjutants were dumbfounded. He hung up and uttered just one word in a depressed voice: “Betrayal!”

At this time, Goebbels, through Hitler's secretary Junge, appealed to the Fuhrer with a request to allow his wife and six children to move into the bunker. Hitler went to the Minister of Propaganda and said: “Do what you want! I don't give any more orders!" Then he called Adjutant Schaub to his office, took out a folder with his personal archive from the safe and ordered the papers to be burned. Field Marshal Keitel, who arrived to report to Hitler, was never given a reception. “I will never leave Berlin! I will die on the steps of the Reich Chancellery! - said the Fuhrer and slammed the door.

Minister of Arms and Ammunition Albert Speer arrived at the bunker to personally say goodbye to the Fuhrer. He noticed something unusual: the reception area was smoky, and there were open bottles of alcohol on the table. When Hitler moved from room to room, none of the employees stood at attention in front of him. They didn't even stop talking to each other. Tears flowed from the Fuhrer's eyes as he listened to Speer. “Life does not forgive weakness,” Hitler said casually.

As usual at this time, the orderly came to wake him up. Hitler was no longer asleep, but lay on the couch in complete apathy. For breakfast he ordered hot cocoa and pie. In recent days, his passion for pies has become painful. The Fuhrer seems to have only now finally realized that he had lost. He prayed for death as a release from an unbearable reality.

After breakfast, Hitler went out into the bunker corridor. He moved with great difficulty, dragging his leg. His eyes were bloodshot and drool was dripping from his mouth. The Fuhrer, always distinguished by his neatness, looked sloppy: stains on his jacket, crumbs from the pie in his mustache. He pogo-

talked with his adjutants - about dogs and their training, about food and the stupidity of the world around him. After this, the head of the Reich trudged to the duty room where the dogs were kept. Here he played for a long time with his shepherd Blondie and her five puppies.

Hitler was informed that Reichsführer SS Himmler had made an attempt to begin negotiations on surrender with the Western allies in the anti-Hitler coalition. Hitler was furious, he hysterically shouted curses at Himmler.

Himmler's subordinate Fegelein, married to Eva Braun's sister Margarethe, fell under the hot hand. He had the imprudence to call a relative in the bunker and say: “Eva, you must leave the Fuhrer. It's about life and death!"

Hitler ordered that Fegelein be found and shot without trial. “Poor, poor Adolf,” Brown wailed. “Everyone left you, everyone betrayed you.”

Hitler ordered that an official who had the right to register his marriage with Eva Braun in the prescribed manner be brought to the bunker. Around midnight he was brought in on a tank. Goebbels and Bormann acted as witnesses.

Under the form, which contained a line stating that both “are persons of Aryan descent and do not suffer from hereditary diseases,” Eva tried to sign with her maiden name, but then corrected herself and wrote: “Eva Hitler, née Braun.”

At lunch, Hitler received SS General Mohnke, who was responsible for the defense of the government quarter. “How much longer can you hold out?” - he asked. “A day at most, my Fuhrer, no longer,” the general replied.

Hitler called his dog handler and ordered him to poison the shepherd Blondie so that it would not fall into the hands of Soviet soldiers. And with the poison that was in his safe. After Himmler's betrayal, he was distrustful even of the potion made in the SS laboratory. However, the poison turned out to be good: Blondie gave up the ghost as if “struck by lightning.” After that, the dog handler shot her five puppies on the street. The Fuhrer briefly left the bunker for the last time to say goodbye to his beloved dog.

When he returned, he was informed in detail about Mussolini's death. For a few minutes the Fuhrer perked up. He demanded to be provided with information about the deployment of combat-ready units and their possible participation in saving Berlin. However, hour after hour passed, and the necessary data was not received. The management machine has completely broken down.

Soviet artillery had already been firing hellishly at the government quarter for two hours. General Mohnke reported: “We are only able to hold out for a few hours.”

Eva Hitler came to the Fuhrer and invited him to go up to the exit of the bunker to “look at the sun for the last time.” However, the shelling on the street was so intense that the Fuhrer did not dare to stick his nose out. On the way back, he met his adjutant Günsche and ordered as many cans of gasoline as possible to be delivered to the bunker. They will be needed to burn his corpse.

Hitler dined with his secretaries and personal nutritionist. His personal pilot Baur came to the Fuhrer. He said that an airplane with a fuel reserve of 11,000 kilometers was ready, on which Hitler could be delivered to one of the Arab countries, to South America or to Japan. He refused.

The Fuhrer gives Baur a portrait of Frederick the Great. In parting, he pathetically says: “The epitaph should be carved on my tombstone - “Sacrifice of his generals.”

Hitler and Eva retired to the Fuhrer's apartment. At about half past three, Junge's secretary heard a single shot. Hitler's orderly Linge entered the room. He soon returned and reported to Bormann: “Mr. Reichsleiter, this has happened.”

The lifeless Hitler sat with his eyes open on the sofa. There was a hole the size of a coin on his right temple. “Walter” lay nearby. The Fuhrer first bit through the ampoule of poison, and then pulled the trigger. Nearby is the corpse of Eva (sitting with her legs crossed). In a blue dress, with painted lips. She also took poison.

The corpses of Hitler and his wife were carried out of the bunker into the street by Adjutant Günsche and the Fuhrer's personal driver Kempck. In the presence of Bormann and orderly Linge, they were doused with gasoline. The matches were damp and would not light. Linge took out some papers from the office folder and managed to light the torch. The flames engulfed the flesh of the dictator and his companion...

What the “Führerbunker” looked like.

The bunker in which Hitler hid during the last days of the war was built in the garden of the Reich Chancellery. It was located at a depth of 8 meters. The total area is about 250 sq. m. meters. The thickness of the walls is 4 meters. The total cost of the object is 1.4 million Reichsmarks (at that time this was a lot!).

The bunker consisted of 20 sparsely furnished rooms and utility rooms. Two rooms were allocated for the Fuhrer's personal apartments. Above the sofa hung a landscape from the Dutch school of painting. Above the desk is a portrait of the Prussian king Frederick the Great in an oval frame. There was a safe by the bed. In one of the corners of the room there is an oxygen cylinder (in case the air supply is cut off). All rooms were illuminated by incandescent lamps, the cold light of which created the impression that it was not people who were moving along the corridors, but gloomy shadows.

What remains of the dictator's last refuge?

After the war, the ruins of the bunker remained in East Berlin, on the territory of the GDR. The SED Central Committee categorically rejected the idea of ​​making it a tourist site, as happened in Poland with Hitler’s Wolfschanze bunker. They decided to build a 7-story building on this site in order to block the view from Otto-Grotewohlstrasse (now Wilhelmsstrasse) to the Berlin Wall. In 1988, a special shelter was erected over the bunker in order to blow up the facility and remove construction waste without attracting too much attention. The work lasted several months. On the site of the razed bunker, a children's playground, a public garden and a parking lot were built.

The Fuhrer had a clearly pronounced “female component”.

In 1943, by order of the American Bureau of Strategic Services (the predecessor of the CIA), a psychological portrait of Hitler was developed on 250 pages. New York University has only made these secret materials public in modern times.

The portrait was drawn up by psychiatrist Henry Murray of Harvard University to help the Allies understand the Fuhrer's character. The document is called: "Analysis of the personality of Adolf Hitler with predictions regarding his future behavior and recommendations for how to deal with him now and after the surrender of Germany."

According to Murray, the female component in Hitler’s appearance is quite clearly pronounced; he is physically weak, and never engaged in physical labor or sports. From a sexual point of view, he describes him as a passive masochist, believing that he also has repressed homosexuality.

The psychiatrist noted that the Fuhrer completely lacks a sense of humor, he is very stubborn and self-confident. Then, in 1943, Murray predicted: if Germany loses the war, then Hitler is capable of committing suicide. The scientist's diagnosis: Hitler, among other ailments, suffered from neurosis, paranoia and hysteria.

Tom Cruise must kill Hitler.

In Hollywood this summer, filming began on a film about the assassination attempt on the Fuhrer. Tom Cruise, who bears a striking resemblance to this man, has been invited to play the main role of Klaus Schenck, Count von Stauffenberg.

Let us recall: on July 20, 1944, an opponent of the Nazi regime, Wehrmacht officer von Stauffenberg was invited to a meeting at Hitler’s headquarters. There he planted an explosive device. The bomb exploded, killing more than 20 people. However, the Fuhrer survived - he was saved by a massive oak table, which reflected the blast wave. The attacker was shot the same day.

An actor for the role of Hitler has not yet been selected; the film is planned to be released in 2009.

And they explained the situation with the DNA examination of the remains of the main Nazi

All that was left of Evil fit in the palm of my hand. I hold Hitler's jaw in my hands. The German Fuhrer clearly did not take care of his teeth: most of them are artificial, made of gold.

There are a lot of conspiracy theories that Adolf Hitler did not commit suicide, but managed to escape. In the West they say: Russia does not specifically do a DNA examination of the Fuhrer’s jaw... I went to the archives of the Russian FSB to get answers to the questions that had arisen.

Hitler and Eva Braun

Adolf Hitler's jaw is the main artifact kept in the archives of the Federal Security Service. It is she who is considered the main evidence that the Fuhrer committed suicide and did not spend the rest of his days somewhere (for example, in Argentina).

Hitler's jaw

“Russia still has not done a DNA examination of Hitler’s jaw!” - said former CIA officer Bob Baer recently. He, together with the American military man who participated in the liquidation of bin Laden, “threatened” to publish documents confirming that Hitler was taken alive from Berlin, and that the jaw of the Reich Chancellor’s double was always in the hands of the MGB-KGB-FSB.

Is there any truth to this? What other evidence of Hitler's suicide do the Russian intelligence services have?

Intelligence investigation: “Hitler’s personal dog is buried in the specified crater”

Conversations that Hitler remained alive in the meat grinder of the spring of 1945 have not stopped for more than 70 years. And it is unlikely that this “alternative” version will ever be completely dispelled. As historians say, no matter how much or what evidence is presented, people will always doubt the suicide of one of the bloodiest rulers on the planet during the days of the storming of Berlin by the Red Army.

The case initiated to search for the Fuhrer

But now there is a reason to conduct another historical investigation. In January 2017, ex-British and American intelligence officials said they had studied 14,000 different documents and concluded that Hitler did survive. According to them, the Fuhrer was taken to a secret prison. They threw a stone at Russia, saying that our country knew this and allegedly therefore did not conduct a DNA examination of Hitler’s jaw.

There really was no DNA examination, but that’s not why,” says Nikolai Ivanov, deputy head of the Central Archive of the FSB of Russia. - We are ready to show Hitler’s jaw and other material evidence confirming his death.

But I decide to start my search for truth with documents. These are not copies, but originals. Only a few saw these secret papers.

Hitler's destroyed bunker

The FSB archive contains an intelligence investigation file against Adolf Hitler, opened in 1945. A large folder with yellowed sheets. On the cover is Hitler's name in strikingly beautiful handwriting. And further: “Ministry of State Security of the USSR. Case No. 300919.”

It's always good to visualize the crime scene first.

Here are pictures of the bunker where Hitler hid with Eva Braun in the last days of his life. More precisely, the photo shows only the burnt remains of the shelter. Parts of walls, stairs... To understand what it looked like during Hitler's life, it is better to study the plan diagram of the bunker. The drawing was made by one of the Red Army officers.

So, in the very corner was Hitler's bedroom. Nearby there is a private bathroom, an office, and a “map room.” Eva Braun's bedroom-living room and her dressing room are adjacent. There is also a “dog bunker” or security room. All this occupies one half of the shelter, separated from the other by a conference room and a common living room.

Photo from Hitler's bunker.

And on the other half are Goebbels’ bedrooms (the main ideologist of Nazi propaganda), Stumpfegger’s rooms (surgeon, Hitler’s personal physician), diesel room, switchboard room, security room, etc. The kitchen, closets, servants' quarters, and the rooms of Frau Goebbels and her children were located separately.

Judging by the diagram, there were several exits from the bunker, including one into the garden. A cross marks the place where the bodies of Hitler and Eva Braun were burned in this garden...

I read the testimony of Hitler's servants. She claims that the last time she saw him and his wife alive was at 14.30 on April 30. “They walked around the bunker, shook hands with all the assistants, then returned to their rooms where they committed suicide.”

Photo from Hitler's bunker

Next comes the testimony of the guards, who tell how, on orders from their superiors, the external doors were walled up, how they brought about 180 liters of gasoline. They didn't know what happened next. From the secretaries' testimony, it becomes clear that Goebbels, Bormann (head of the party chancellery, personal secretary of the Fuhrer), Hitler's adjutant Günsche, and personal bodyguard of the Fuhrer Linge carried the bodies of Hitler and Eva into the garden. At the same time, the Fuhrer's corpse was wrapped in a blanket, but his wife was not. The bodies were doused with gasoline, and when they caught fire, they saluted and hastily returned to the shelter (it was dangerous because the Russian artillery fire was intensifying).

One of the main witness documents:

“Identifier Mengeshausen Harry stated that from April 10 to April 30, 1945, while serving in the SS group Mundke, he participated in the defense of the Imperial Chancellery and the direct protection of Hitler. At noon on April 30, he was on patrol duty in the Imperial Chancellery building, walking along the corridor past Hitler’s work room to the blue dining room. While patrolling along the indicated corridor, Mengeshausen stopped at the extreme window of the blue dining room, which is the first one at the exit door to the garden, and began to observe. At that moment, the bodies of Hitler and his wife were carried out of the emergency exit by Günsche and Linge. Günsche doused them with gasoline and set them on fire. The bodies were then carried into the shell crater.

Mengeshausen observed the entire procedure of removing, burning and burying the corpses of Adolf Hitler and his wife from a distance of 60 meters. Mengeshausen further stated that Hitler’s personal dog was buried in the said crater on April 29th. Her characteristics: a tall shepherd with long ears, a black back... Mengeshausen knows that she was poisoned. An examination of the places indicated by Mengeshausen established the veracity of the testimony: from the window of the blue dining room he could perfectly observe what was happening.”

In general, Hitler gave the order to burn them during his lifetime. He was afraid that they would carry him dead around Moscow and show him off like a monkey. He did not want to go to the Russians, either alive or dead.

It is impossible to understand exactly from the documents how long the bodies burned, how often they were doused with gasoline. In the general turmoil, few of those close to him were interested in this fact. And by the way, this offended one of the employees: in his testimony he complains about the general indifference to the fate of the corpses... But Hitler’s body was not destined to burn to the ground. Fact.

Then there are testimonies related to the suicide of Goebbels and his wife.

Probably, then the burned bodies of both Hitler and Goebbels were simply covered with earth and forgotten about. At that time, everyone was busy thinking about how to save their lives, and no one cared at all about the dead Hitler. Red Army soldiers have already shown interest in him.

I am holding a unique document. Spelling and punctuation have been preserved.

“Owl. secret. Berlin. Act. 1945, May 5th day.

Me guards senior lieutenant Aleksei Aleksandrovich Panasov and privates Churakov, Oleinik and Seroukh in Berlin in the area of ​​Hitler’s Reich Chancellery near the place where the troupes were discovered (for some reason “corpses” are written everywhere with two “p.” - E.M.) of Goebbels and his wife, about Hitler's personal bomb shelter discovered and seized two burned troupes, one female, the other male. The corpses were badly burned and it is impossible to identify them without any additional information. The troops were located in a bomb crater, three meters from the entrance to the bomb shelter and covered with a layer of earth. The troupes are kept under the SMERSH counterintelligence department.

Photo of Hitler's charred remains (it can be seen that the fire hardly affected his legs)

Attached to the act is another diagram, apparently drawn by Panasov. It shows in more detail where the corpses were found.

The numbers indicate the old and new imperial chancellery, Hitler's dugout, his work room, the blue dining room, the outer window of this dining room, water pools, an observation tower, a funnel, and the place where Hitler was burned.

“Eva Braun’s body was in a black dress, with several pink flowers on her chest.”

So, the bodies have been found. Everything that happened next was documented, but it was included in another matter. It's a matter of identification. Officially, it has a long title: “Acts of identification, forensic medical examination of corpses, protocols of interrogations of witnesses.”

In general, even before the end of the Great Patriotic War Several corpses of Hitler's doubles were found. So Stalin needed irrefutable evidence that the body buried in a crater near the Reich Chancellery bunker belonged to him.

I’m reading the original protocol for identifying Hitler’s body. It follows from the document that the external inspection was carried out in the morgue of the city of Berlin on May 8, 1945. The remains were brought here in a wooden box. Photo of the box and its “owner” is here. I can clearly see the contours of the body. The feet were completely preserved, the fire did not touch them. But everything else... You shouldn't look at the photo for a long time - you might feel a bout of nausea.

The forensic expert - the chief pathologist of the Red Army, Kraevsky - points to a strong smell of charred meat. He notices that even the remains of the yellow shirt have been preserved. Lists the parameters of the deceased: height 165 cm, anatomical features of the teeth, etc. He especially notices that he found pieces of glass in his mouth - part of an ampoule with poison.

Kraevsky takes blood and tissues for examination.

In general, all the same manipulations that modern pathologists do were done with the corpse,” says the deputy. head of the archive Ivanov. - Moreover, the remains of Eva Braun, Goebbels and his wife, and even all of Hitler’s and Eva’s dogs were subjected to exactly the same procedure.

All autopsy reports have been preserved. Several hours of studying them won't do much. However, what kind of findings can be expected from a completely standard procedure?

The procedure for identifying Hitler's body was painstaking.

For this purpose, all employees of the Reich Chancellery were interviewed. And Mengeshausen was interrogated again (the first interrogation took place on May 13, the second on the 18th).

“I knew Hitler by his face and the way he dressed. He was wearing black trousers and a gray-green jacket. None of the leaders of the fascist party, except him, wore such a uniform. When they carried Hitler out, I personally saw the profile of his face - nose, hair, mustache. That's why I claim that it was him. Hitler's wife, Eva Braun, was dressed in black dress, on the chest there are several pink flowers made of material. I saw her in this dress several times in the bunker... Knowing Hitler’s wife well, I affirm that it was she who was taken out of the bomb shelter.”

Original photos used to identify Hitler (from the FSB archives)

FROM THE MGB DOSSIER: “Harry Mengeshausen, born in 1915, German. By resolution of a special meeting of the USSR Ministry of State Security on December 26, 1951, he was imprisoned in a forced labor camp for a period of 15 years. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, he was released early in 1955 and handed over to the authorities of the GDR.”

Hitler was also identified from photographs. The FSB archive contains the original photographs of the photographs that were used for this. On the back of each (they all pass as material evidence) there are corresponding notes. The pictures are of quite high quality, some are quite large, A4 format. In one, in addition to Hitler, a limping Goebbels is visible - from this frame, Goebbels himself and his crooked leg, which was always in an orthopedic boot, were identified.

And yet, Hitler’s dental chart (information about the condition of his teeth) was one of the main pieces of evidence. But what would it mean without the testimony of dentists? First of all, dentist Ehman Fritz was interrogated. He stated: “In January 1945, Hitler’s personal dentist, Professor Blaschke, gave me several x-rays of the Fuhrer’s teeth in Berlin.”

Blaschke himself, by the way, was also interrogated. His testimony completely coincided with those given by Ehman and the nurse. Blaschke was arrested and sentenced to 10 years in the camps, released early in 1953.

At that moment no one had any doubt that the corpse belonged to Hitler. Otherwise, no one would dare to report to Moscow, to the Kremlin.

Hitler was buried more than once

In the folder I find the very paper that tells how it happened.

“Owl. secret. May 31, 1945. To the People's Commissar Internal Affairs of the USSR to Comrade L.P. Beria

I am sending acts of forensic research and identification of the supposed corpses of Hitler and Goebbels, as well as interrogation reports and photographic documents.

The listed documents and photographs confirm the correctness of our assumptions about the suicide of Hitler and Goebbels. There is no doubt that the corpse of Hitler we offer is genuine. This was established based on the testimony of the dentist and nurse who treated Hitler, who drew the location of the false teeth.”

Beria's resolution: “Send to Stalin and Molotov.”

From the point of view of the department and the country's leadership, this issue was put to rest. Neither Stalin nor anyone else doubted that Hitler was dead and that his remains lay there.

Immediately after this, Hitler was buried. And more than once.

And again, an authentic document confirms this.

After completing the forensic examination and carrying out all operational measures to identify them, the corpses were buried in the mountain area. Buh. In connection with the relocation of the SMERSH counterintelligence department, the corpses were seized and transported first to the mountain area. Finov, and then - mountains. Rathenov, where they were finally buried. The corpses are in wooden boxes in a pit at a depth of 1.7 meters and are placed in the following order (from east to west) Hitler, Eva Brain, Goebbels, Magda Goebbels, Krebs, Goebbels' children... The buried pit with corpses is leveled to the ground, on The number of small trees planted on the surface is 111.”

The site of Hitler's reburial by the SMERSH department. 111 small trees were planted on the surface.

Our troops have redeployed, but how can we leave the corpse of Hitler himself? In February 1946, a special commission headed by the head of the SMERSH department of the 3rd Shock Army, Colonel Miroshnichenko, decided to open the burial.

I am studying the relevant act.

“The corpses are in a semi-decayed state and were delivered to the mountains in this form. Magdeburg to the location of the SMERSH counterintelligence department, and were again buried in a hole at a depth of 2 meters in the courtyard of house No. 36 on Westendstrasse, near the southern stone wall of the courtyard, from the garage of the house to the east - 25 meters. The buried pit with the corpses was leveled to the ground, the external appearance was brought to match the appearance of the surrounding area.”

The counterintelligence officers could not afford to transport Hitler’s corpse with them to a new city each time. In March 1970, the “Archive” plan appeared. In a nutshell: it was ordered to set up a tent at the burial site, organize excavations, get the boxes with the corpses, take them to the Rotten Lake area, where they burn them and throw the ashes into the water. A cover legend is separately spelled out in the plan (even the military of the Soviet army should not have known about the event, only a narrow circle of high-ranking officers): “The work - installation of a tent, excavation - is carried out in order to verify the testimony of a criminal arrested in the USSR, according to which information in this place may there are valuable archival materials."

Among the documents I find the act of opening the pit and the act of burning. The last one is handwritten, dated April 5th. It says that the remains were burned in the wasteland, they were burned out, and together with coal they were crushed into ash.

All that remains are the jaws of Hitler and Eva Braun, Goebbels' orthopedic boot. They were seized in advance and stored as evidence. At the same time, it was Hitler’s jaws (an upper jaw bridge with 9 teeth and a burnt lower jaw with 15 teeth) that were considered the main and unconditional proof that it was him.

The Fuhrer's teeth are kept in a cigarette box

The Fuhrer's teeth are in a small box of "Guards" cigarettes. Archive workers allow you to open it and take them in your hands. There are only four fragments, in the largest I counted nine teeth.

I compare these teeth with the description given by the dentist and nurse: “Lower jaw. A gold crown on its own root, a gold bond, a natural tooth with a gold filling on the inside, a gold pendant with a porcelain facet... Upper jaw. Richmond crown with natural root and porcelain facet, gold bridge with nine intermediate links and four supports..."

In 2002, a famous American dental scientist came to us,” says special services historian Oleg Matveev. - Unexpectedly - he did not warn any of us in advance - he took out an x-ray. This was the one that Professor Blaschke kept. He checked it against the one with the jaw. The coincidence was complete. Therefore, it is now strange to hear from the American side that there are some doubts about Hitler’s suicide and the authenticity of this jaw.

All that remains of Hitler is in the palm of the MK observer.

The FSB receives requests for a DNA examination of the Fuhrer's jaw regularly (no one has ever been interested in Eva Braun's teeth, which, by the way, are in excellent condition). But who are they from? Some private companies, funds, media. They wrote: well, they say, we have some DNA material, we propose to carry out an examination taking into account the possibilities modern science and technology.

The last time one journalist became interested in the jaw was in December last year. She allegedly found relatives of the Fuhrer in America and obtained saliva samples from one of them. But, firstly, how do we know that there are DNA samples from a relative? Relatives always tried to hide their affiliation with Hitler, changed their places of residence, etc. There is little hope that they will suddenly want to give DNA samples themselves.

Secondly, if one of the relatives decides to do this, there is an official procedure. I repeat, we do not need this - from the point of view of the Russian FSB there is no need to conduct these examinations. Everything has been proven a long time ago, and we have no doubts.

As if to confirm this, the memoirs of Adolf Hitler's former bodyguard, Rochus Misch (died in Berlin in 2013), were recently published. He describes how he discovered the still warm bodies of Hitler and Eva Braun. The woman’s legs were unnaturally elongated and her shoes were lying under the sofa. How Hitler's eyes were open and his head slightly bent forward...

Scientists are convinced that a genetic examination of Hitler’s jaw will yield nothing. Just like the one that was spent with the remains of the murdered royal family did not. Still, there were and will remain doubters. And it’s not a matter of imperfect technology, or a secret conspiracy. People are just greedy for myths. And the myth of the surviving Hitler is one of the most terrible and therefore attractive.