Murder of two or more persons. Qualification of the crime. How to defeat a larger and taller opponent in a street fight Vulnerable areas of the body

2. “And little people without weapons are not people! All little people without weapons are targets!” (WITH)

Let's leave our self-defender alone for now, and think about it - why do people need weapons at all? “Maybe it’s better this way? It seems like criminals rarely attack... well, once in my youth they took away my wallet, and they snatched Aunt Masha’s bag. From whom are you planning to defend yourself? Do they attack every day?” - asks Captain Obviousness in the face of the Wise Everyman.

This is true - actually life-threatening attacks, thank God, rarely occur - from the criminal world. “Where do the long crime reports come from every day?”

And they come from a huge number of everyday conflicts, which each person either initiates himself or is provoked by someone else’s initiative. I was driving a car - I drove around a hatch - I jerked the steering wheel - it seemed to the other driver. that he was cut off. Slowdown, two blows with a bat... dead. A fighter stands with a bat and thinks about life, the same everyman as the deceased. In contrast to passively combating crime - not wandering around working-class areas in the evenings, not looking for adventures and using taxis - there is no way to reliably protect yourself from everyday conflicts. Even in your elite home there will be a rude person who will turn on music at night, and when you try to calm him down with words, he will unleash the dog and remember his youth in car market security and the boxing section.

In contrast to terrible crimes and bloody maniacs, everyday rudeness, redneckness and disgusting are what life consists of. And part 1 of Art. 105 of the Criminal Code - domestic murders for the most part, this is a war in which only and exclusively “ordinary people” - on both sides - participate.

This is where you need a gas canister, a bat, a rubber arrow, and, alas, often a knife and a firearm - in order not to add to the statistics of everyday idiocy with your life on the one hand, and not to be a patient on the other, steadfastly enduring the things of others rudeness, deprivation and humiliation.

Here it is - the arena in which our “self-defender” will also have to use all his “devices”. Moreover, this is exactly what he will do, because he is not a trembling creature, but has the right - and the right device in his hand. He is an armed citizen and will not pass by a neighbor playing loud music! he will enter into an unequal battle, with absolute ruthlessness towards himself - as he has repeatedly described this in his dreams and on the forum. He knows everything about gas, joules and rubber bullets, he has dozens and hundreds of hours on the forum and thousands of printed characters of text discussing tactics.

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Chapter 11
Hierarchical duel, drunken brawl, street attack

Often people behave inappropriately to the situation, the result is damage to health, death or problems with organs. For example, they shoot at a drunk neighbor on the landing instead of piercing him in the solar plexus, or vice versa - they try to solve everything “with their fists” with a group of fighters who have knives and “injuries” in their pockets.

How to understand where and how to behave correctly?

Basically, all conflict situations are divided into three groups. And each situation has its own tactics and self-defense technique.

1. Hierarchical duel - at school, at university, in a yard company.

Here, severe injuries are tacitly prohibited. The technique used is ordinary, sports - boxing strikes, throws. You can't injure your opponent because that's not the situation. Here you cannot show excessive cruelty, since this is your neighbor, classmate, etc., with whom you had a domestic conflict. You are simply competing for a place on the invisible hierarchical ladder. The fight takes place according to contractual rules - one on one. Weapons and improvised means are not used. Usually it ends with one of the opponents being knocked to the ground, or everyone can see that he cannot continue the fight, or he gives up. The maximum is knocked out teeth and bruises. There may be a slight concussion.

It is interesting that such unspoken (not specified by anyone, but clearly understood by everyone) rules existed back in the days of the Vikings - a duel between one’s own could take place according to the rules “until first blood” - that is, any scratch. The reasons are clear and practical - if you kill your own, the “pack” will weaken. But conflicts between men must be resolved somehow - everyone has an Ego, everyone has a hierarchical instinct. Competition, aggression. Duels of this kind are a compromise. Neither shed blood nor take life.

How and where do these rules come from for modern schoolchildren? Male character? Ancestral memory?

2. Drunken fight (domestic conflict).

Here you need to make a distinction - is this a drunken fight at a wedding or a conflict with a drunk neighbor? In these cases, it is better to use such elements of technology that will not give the opportunity to the aggressor who suffered at your hands to write a statement or film the beating. Here it is best to first try to talk calmly (which requires confidence - and this is another question), and then use such blows that are painful, but which do not leave marks. Hit with the edge of the sole on the shin, in the groin, with a “fork” in the Adam’s apple, followed by a grab of the throat when you pin the person against the wall. It is possible to perform a painful hold to fix him (tie him up) and send him under a cold shower. Also, if we are dealing with a drunk neighbor, we can use a jet gas spray. But here it is best to have witnesses on your side who will show that the use was a defense - that is, you sprayed gas in his face AFTER he got into a fight, and not BEFORE. To neutralize witnesses from a drunk neighbor, you can invite him to go somewhere to talk “like a man, one on one,” goading him with hints of cowardice if he refuses. If he moves away, cool his ardor as painfully as possible. At the same time, you will already know whether your neighbor may have a weapon like a kitchen knife or not, since it does not happen that alcoholic neighbors begin to show physical aggression on your very first day of living in the building. All “doorway wars” have a backstory. If after this a neighbor knocks on the door with an ax, you can safely call the police and file a report. Most likely, the local police officer (with whom you should first make friends) got tired of this drunkard a long time ago. And in any case, police officers in any country in the world act on the same emotions as all people - they evaluate a person by his clothes. On one side there will be a violent drunk, unshaven, wearing a T-shirt with traces of yesterday’s food, and on the other you will be correct, polite, smart. Although there are all kinds of drunks and local police officers.

3. Street attack.

If we are talking about a street attack or a street conflict with a flock of aggressors, it is best to inflict maximum possible injuries on them and use weapons and improvised means to their full potential. Here you should not feel sorry for them. Here you need to finish. We are talking about your life and your health here. This is "war" mode.

Protect yourself correctly and adequately.

Chapter 12
Five differences between street self-defense and a sports fight

1st difference

The first and most important difference is the number of opponents. In sports there is always only one opponent, on the street - starting from one and ad infinitum. And you need to not just skim through it, thinking that everything is clear, but really realize it. You need to understand that if the conditions are different, then there must be different preparation methods.

2nd difference

The second important point is the surface on which you have to fight. In sports, these are almost always soft mats, carpets, or tatami. With the exception of boxing and kickboxing. On the street there is at least asphalt (possibly strewn with fragments, stones, rusty cans, etc.). And you need to be prepared for this. You need to be so prepared that there is no fear of falling or being thrown onto the asphalt. Moreover, after a fall, a person loses orientation in space for at least 1 second and you can do anything with him. A trained person is not lost either after a fall, or even at the very moment of the fall.

How to achieve this? Due to self-insurance skills - the ability to fall forward, backward, sideways... The ability to roll and somersault.

3rd difference

First of all, we must understand the three rules of street conflict:

1. There will be several attackers

2. Attackers may have weapons

3. The attack can be sudden

We must proceed from these rules, based on the experience of many people.

1. Fight

Wrestling will not work, although a good throw onto the asphalt will instantly “neutralize” the enemy. But in order to throw, you need to focus entirely on one opponent, especially in order to throw, you need to grab with both hands. If his friends beat you at this time - and they will, you won’t even be able to cover yourself. In addition, when performing a throw, you can fall along with one of the aggressors to the ground. They will hardly let you get up. Moreover, the enemy you threw can grab onto you. Or poke him with a knife.

2. Kicks

High kicks are not suitable for one simple reason - when you kick, you are standing on one leg for at least a split second. A person is already unstable on his two supports - his legs; we constantly make efforts to maintain balance when we stand. Although we don’t notice it. If we ourselves remove one of the supports, a push, or a blow to the leg, or a hook is enough. Only kicks no higher than the waist can work.

3. Punching

Punching is best from this point of view. A delivered punch is just as powerful as a throw, but is much easier to execute. Moreover, you can repeat the blow in the next second, or block yourself from the enemy’s blow, or dodge, etc. You always strike from a certain distance, and do not stand close to the enemy, which makes it possible to avoid being hit with a knife. It’s a possibility, but not a guarantee – here you still need to work hard yourself. You can deliver a barrage of blows to several enemies almost simultaneously, especially if you use a specific technique. In addition, you can hit vulnerable areas such as temples.

4th difference

What is the mass of the ideal fighter in the minds of many? That's right - the more, the better. It’s not for nothing that heavyweight fights are considered the most spectacular. It is also not for nothing that it is believed that a “fly” has nothing to do in a fight with a “heavy” - the “heavy” has a more powerful blow, but try to punch him yourself! Many people rock themselves thinking that the bigger they are, the scarier they look. And for the majority of people this is true. But there are other people who live a different, more extreme life. In their world, the size of the biceps means nothing, because they can cut this biceps at any moment like a rag. We are talking about street criminals who like to use guns. And in this case, massiveness can play a cruel joke - yes, in an unarmed fight, large mass can be a plus, but in a fight with an armed enemy it is already a minus. A massive person will not be able to deftly maneuver or dodge knife strikes. Rather, on the contrary - out of habit, he will trample like a locomotive, onto a ram, wanting to crush him in a mass. And he will get stabbed several times. Yes, he can manage to smash his opponent's face. Or even break something for him. But what is more dangerous – a broken face or a knife wound to the side?

The same goes for those who like to place hard blocks - this, of course, can work well in a sports match or even a hierarchical fight. But what about an enemy armed with a crowbar? Or with the same knife? Will a boxer be helped by a blind defense (when they cover their head with their hands) if the opponent simply bleeds out and cuts these hands with a knife?

Massiveness is valued in sports; in extreme combat situations, agility and mobility (but also strength) are valued. Therefore, warriors have always cultivated dexterity, the ability to avoid a blow, and not take it upon themselves - as is practiced in some martial arts.

And yet the best thing on the street is the use of approved means of self-defense. Get a license and carry a traumatic pistol and a knife for backup. The advantages of the knife are that it does not need to be reloaded, it does not misfire. The advantage of “trauma” is that you can keep the enemy at a distance so that he does not stab you with a knife.

Let's remember sumo wrestlers - who are they? They were originally the emperor's bodyguards. Their goal is not victory, but the protection of a protected “object.” The guard must cover the emperor with his massive bulk or, at most, try to demolish the enemy. No one cares whether he will survive; he has no such task.

Every blow from an enemy on the street should be regarded in advance as a strike with a weapon (especially since in the dark the weapon in the hand may not be visible).

An excellent example of the military approach are the historical Cossacks - they were dexterous, evasive, but at the same time physically strong. They could dodge a blow from a saber or spear, but at the same time they themselves perfectly hit opponents protected by cuirasses and chain mail. And what is most interesting is that in their culture they did not take the blow even in a fist fight. They tried to avoid the blow. Because the habit of taking blows from a fist can lead to the habit of taking a blow from a weapon. Which is fatal for a warrior, unlike a peasant who, most likely, will never end up in war. And therefore he can afford to “play merchant Kalashnikov” (a fist game from the Russian tradition, when two people take turns hitting each other while standing still, and the ability to withstand as many blows as possible is valued).

5th difference

– Circular technique and tactics. Let us return to the fact that in a sports match not only the central, “linear” type of vision is used, but also linear technique and tactics. And that's okay, because that's enough for a fight with one opponent. But on the street you need a different, circular fighting technique. In a fight against several opponents, it is better to use, for example, side and backhand strikes (such as “backfist”). You need to create a kind of protective ring around yourself: fend off blows, break tackles, and injure your opponents. It's not about standing in the center and waving your arms like in the movies. A street fight is chaotic and consists of individual moments, which may include such blows and movements.

– In a sports fight, “linear” technique, tactics, type of vision.

– In street self-defense ( hand-to-hand combat) “circular” technique, tactics, type of vision.

And this is completely normal, since in different conditions and for different tasks different solutions are needed. There is no particular point in moving in a street style with a turn in a sports match - it makes more sense to move linearly, back and forth (“in a shuttle”). But why do you think that using sports techniques and tactics makes sense on the street?

When sparring with multiple opponents, use more side punches and backhand punches, while constantly rotating and moving. Sparring partners can hold makiwaras and try to make grabs. If they squeeze you, you lose. Rules may vary.

How to behave in a conflict situation in a public place?

Nowadays, video cameras are installed everywhere - especially in places like shopping and entertainment centers, where conflicts often occur. Especially in evening time, on weekends. As practice shows, security does not always intervene. Therefore, you can only rely on your own strength.

The problem is that from the point of view of the so-called law, the rights are not the one who defended his honor and dignity (there are no such concepts in the law), but the one who was beaten. That is, if you were told something that you cannot tolerate (by the way, not all cameras record sound), and you hit the person - according to the law, he is right, not you. Even if he insulted your loved ones standing next to you, those whom you are obliged to protect from everything.

It's not just that. The aggressor may deliberately provoke you - so that he can then remove the beatings, write a statement and extort money from you to close the case. Let’s not forget that there are cameras on the streets, and even if there are none, it is not recommended to hit first and brutally in front of witnesses.

1. Inflict blows that do not leave marks: with a palm to the chin, a crack, a blow with a “fork” to the Adam’s apple, a blow to the solar plexus, a blow to the liver or kidney, a blow to the shin with a toe, a blow to the groin with a knee or hand. You can also take your opponent to a painful hold.

2. Take the person to “talk” to a secluded place, and beat him there. It is best to use the above strikes.

We remind you that this requires composure and inner calm. How to train these qualities is another question.

Part II.
Techniques and means of additional protection

Chapter 13
Technical elements

Now let's move on to the long-awaited tricks! You can with a clear conscience forget all the verbal dregs and crap of the previous pages! It’s clear that all these recommendations on safety prevention are about nothing and are “filler” - so that the book has more pages.

But seriously, let us repeat: the phase of forceful confrontation is already a failure and a chance to lose. With a properly built personal security system, this should not, in theory, come to this. At the very least, we must take all possible measures to prevent this from happening.

But if it comes to this, you must be fully prepared! There are a large number of different techniques, throws and strikes - from them we have selected a certain complex for you, based on the following parameters:

– simplicity,

- efficiency,

– not requiring great physical strength.

Because we understand that the book is unlikely to be read by experienced fighters - it is intended for people who are unlikely to have engaged in any type of wrestling in their lives. And if this is an average woman, an elderly person, an average teenager or a person with disabilities, then there is no need to talk about “fizuha” at all. But does something need to be done? Necessary. So take it and use it.

These technical elements are simple - so you can practice them on your own (in a pair or group of friends). Of course, the instructor can give feedback and suggest some nuances, but there is nothing overly complicated here.

At the same time, they are effective - painful, traumatic. Almost each of these elements (if performed correctly) can incapacitate the enemy for some time. Of course, there are different opponents, and no one can give guarantees, so combinations (bundles) of these elements are also given - if one didn’t work, another will work. And if that’s all, that’s great.

Well, they don’t require much strength—almost anyone can break a finger.

Of course, this does not mean that you can read a book and become a “superman” (or “superwoman”). You need to train long and hard in a group under the guidance of an experienced instructor. But - if the reader does not have such an opportunity, what should he do, not live? We have to do at least something. It is better to light at least a small candle than to sit in pitch darkness. Just remember that everything needs to be worked out carefully and still focus on preventive measures.

It is important that when practicing these elements with your partner, agree on signals that will let him know that you are already in too much pain and need to loosen your grip. Otherwise, your partner may injure you in the heat of training, which will be very offensive and not at all good for your health. In wrestling they usually slam the mat. You can also say “Enough”, “There is”, etc.

And first of all, we will discuss the so-called invisible strikes - they themselves are not unusual, it’s just that these elements can be performed unnoticed, which will give you an extra chance. Remember that there is no nobility on the modern street and there cannot be. And your “probable opponent” - Gopnik - often uses this technique - a sneak strike.

Chapter 14
Invisible Strikes

How to knock out an opponent on the street, which can be vitally important for you and your loved ones? As you know, a knockout blow is a blow that the opponent does not see. That is, an invisible blow. “Invisible” does not mean super-fast or supernatural that cannot be captured on camera. "Invisible" means unnoticeable, unexpected, unusual.

Here we will cover some invisible strikes. This chapter will be useful for both experienced athletes and those who have never practiced martial arts - because good physical shape or sparring is not required to deliver these blows. They are simple, but have repeatedly proven their effectiveness in war and on the street.

First, let's figure out what kind of blow can be invisible. If you are not one of “those”, then you have already guessed that any blow can be invisible. Even a tornado kick (with a turn in a jump) provided that the enemy is drunk to death or blinded from the notorious handful of sand or a pinch of salt thrown into the eyes. But in this case, of course, such delights are optional.

Second question. An invisible strike implies a surprise attack. Is it possible to unexpectedly beat an opponent on the street? Will this be interpreted as an attack on a civilian? No - provided that the above-mentioned citizen clearly and clearly stated his plans for the evening, which include your untimely death (of which more later). After this, preventive measures (“give back in advance”) are possible. The second point is that if the enemy has not made any such statements, but you see that he (they) approached for a reason, it is your right to decide what to do. If you think too much and for too long about the possible consequences, you may receive an invisible blow.

Having dealt with the moral and legal side of the issue, we move on to the scientific justification.

As you know, a person mainly uses frontal vision - that is, he fixes his gaze on something specific. In the worst case, this is known as tunnel vision, which sometimes occurs in extreme situations, which is very disruptive since the person can only see the enemy standing in front. Therefore, he may get hit on the side of the head.

Rarely does a person use peripheral vision, and, as a rule, it is poorly developed in people, which is also bad from a combat, self-defense point of view. But this is the subject of a separate article. It turns out that a person’s field of vision is limited. Roughly speaking, our field of vision is a circle that extends 180 degrees on the sides, as well as above and below. In fact, it is less, and this is not a circle, but a “spot” of an individual shape for each person, but such a description is enough for understanding. The main thing here is to understand what an invisible blow is, how to deliver it, and how to protect yourself from such an “unexpected attack.”

So, if you are standing almost close to your opponent, he cannot see the blows you are throwing from below. Let's list them.

1. Hit to the shin

A blow to the shin is quite traumatic, but it is not a knockout blow - this blow is needed to shock and move on to another action. Well, only if you don’t know how to break a bone with one such blow, which is possible with enough training. If you know how, then invisible blows are of no use to you. The blow is not delivered with your toes, since, firstly, you may miss, and secondly, you will break them, and not the enemy’s leg. Hit with the middle of the inner rib of the foot - just like they hit the ball in yard football. This way you will definitely hit the target. When striking, never look down! The enemy will automatically follow your gaze and see everything. Look into his eyes, or even better, behind his back - this way you won’t even look at him, wasting your energy, and if something happens, you will control the situation.

Be sure to practice this strike with a partner to first understand that such strikes are not visible at close range. Also train on thin trees, as thick as the middle shin (the Chinese practice such a blow on a stick held by a partner - this option is also possible (photo 1).

2. Hard blow to the groin

This blow is delivered with the fingertips, with the palm facing the opponent with the back side (the outer side, where the knuckles are). You hit like a whip, bitingly, as if shaking your hand. Naturally, in this case, all the above conditions are met - do not look at the point of impact, stand close to the enemy, do everything sharply and quickly. One operative said that this blow helped him detain the suspects - he approached, made a movement unnoticeable to the victim and those around him, and he was already crouched, and then other officers ran up and helped put on handcuffs (photo 2).

3. Strike with the heel of your hand to the jaw

This is a sabotage, traumatic blow. Apply it when your health and life are in danger. Because this blow, in turn, threatens the same enemy - you can break his cervical vertebrae. It's similar to an uppercut, but it's thrown with the palm of your hand instead of the fist. In the lower jaw. The hand goes as close as possible to the enemy’s body so that he does not notice anything until the last moment. And in general, blows should not be sweeping - this way they are less noticeable. After striking, leave the striking hand in place, and with the other grab the aggressor by the back of the head and throw him to the ground, holding his head with both hands (photo 3).

4. Combinations

It is clear that one blow to the shin or groin may not be enough. In general, these are rather diversionary strikes that are needed in order to bring the enemy to the desired position. So to speak, to stir up his defenses, to tear him apart.

– Continuation of the blow to the shin: a knee strike to the groin, the aforementioned strike with the heel of the palm to the jaw from below; simple side elbow strike (photo 4, 5, 6, 7).

– Continuation of the blow to the groin: if the enemy is bent over, we hit him with the “edge of the fist” or the same heel of the palm on the back of his head from top to bottom. Add a knee to the face (photo 8, 9, 10).

Naturally, we need to practice all these technical actions. In pairs and by projectiles (by “paws”).

You need to start with simple things and move on to more complex ones. That is, first practice all the described strikes separately, then put them together in combinations and practice them in turn.

To practice such blows, protective shin and groin guards are required.

It is necessary to train these strikes not only from the front, but also to the sides and behind the back - that is, practicing situations when they approach you from the side or behind or try to grab you.

It will be useful to complicate it: by working with your eyes closed, during the “bazaar” process, when the enemy is jerking towards you.

Someone might say - if we are talking about the fact that I strike first, then why do I need these techniques? For example, I’m a boxer, and I can cut down an opponent with a left and then a right! Firstly, even an experienced athlete would benefit from learning some “tricks,” especially since they help maintain his health. If an athlete is experienced, then he understands how fragile our metacarpal bones are. If we hit with the heel of our palm, we won’t get injured and there won’t be any marks left – which is also in our favor. “What fight? Look at my hands, I didn’t hit anyone!” Do many people know that you can hit with the heel of your palm? Not everyone. Stereotypes about punching are strong. Already a plus.

It is not the size of the dog that matters in a fight, but the size of the fight in the dog. How to defeat an opponent in a fight who is taller, bigger, heavier and stronger than you? How to defeat a strong opponent in a fight?

Let's face it, size matters, but it's not all there is to it. Even if you are smaller than your opponent, you can be faster, smarter and more savvy than him. Benefit from everything. Having a mind is much more important than animal strength.

Unlike a confrontation with an equal opponent, certain difficulties arise in a fight with a larger opponent. The following steps will help you win the fight, or at least come out alive and unharmed!

1. Be fair about your chances. Do not get into a fight with a larger opponent if you can avoid the collision. You will be in an unenviable position due to its size.

2. Choose the most reasonable solution. You have two choices when facing a larger, potentially stronger enemy: fight or flight. Retreat is not a sign of cowardice, but a rational decision for survival. It is foolish to get involved in a fight if you are not sure of victory.

3. Use the element of surprise. If you are backed into a corner and the situation leaves no other choice, prepare for a fight emotionally and physically and do not be too predictable. Pretend that you are not ready to attack and suddenly strike the solar plexus (the soft area on the body between the pectoral and abdominal muscles). This will more than frighten him.

4. Have a backup plan. If you fail to intimidate him with a surprise attack, get into a fighting pose and follow the instructions:

Always protect your head with your elbows. The bigger guy can easily hit you in the head due to his reach advantage.

Consider your opponent's capabilities: large reach and power due to his mass. Keep your distance. To break through his guard and strike, use proper parry tactics (blocking and parrying the attack) or move your foot forward to compensate for the lack of reach advantage, find an unprotected area and strike. (Dodge and swing so that your opponent misses and loses his balance.) This is a rather risky maneuver, but effective when executed correctly.

To compensate for the larger reach: When an opponent makes a direct attack, you need to duck, wait time to throw a hook in the forearm and follow up with a series of punches to the body or head while closing in on him. The main thing is to damage his forearm to eliminate the attack.

It will be more effective to parry blows than to block an attack. Parrying gives you an opportunity to counterattack, while blocking can cause damage. But without proper synchronization, effective parrying of blows is impossible.

Never try to fight fairly if the advantage is not on your side. Your goal is to use common sense and the practicality to protect yourself at all costs. This is not a competition or boasting. This is normal self-defense. There are no rules in a street fight. If you have a pen, bottle or stone in your hand, use it for self-defense. Throw a handful of sand into your opponent's eyes or cut his leg with a cutter. By blinding him with hot sauce or pepper, you can temporarily neutralize the enemy and during this time have time to deliver a series of blows or retreat and avoid a fight. As far as circumstances allow, try not to get involved in a street fight without a weapon. Unlike sports wrestling, in a real battle everything is not fair. In addition, if the attacker sees a dangerous weapon in your hands that can harm him, it is quite possible that he will retreat or hesitate to attack. This will be your victory.

Knowing how to handle martial arts weapons (sticks, nunchucks, shinai swords, etc.) will help you. Don’t expect a short, skinny guy to beat an opponent twice his weight and taller with his bare hands. While this is possible if the short guy has superior speed and skill, it is very rare. In reality, a larger opponent can be defeated by skill with the weapon or by retreating instead of launching a blind attack. Weapons are a more effective option.

Melee combat is suitable for short fighters. Proper timing is important as tall wrestlers prefer open combat due to their larger reach.

Play dirty. Don’t be afraid to hit him in the groin, in the throat, in the eyes with your fingers, or bite him in the ear (as Iron Mike did in the battle against his larger opponent Holyfield, which was unacceptable in the ring, but can save you in a real strike). By grabbing an enemy by the hair, you can effectively reduce his ability to move. By pulling him down by the hair, you can throw an uppercut or knee to the face. Tactics that are not used in wrestling and boxing may be quite acceptable in a street fight.

There are four ways to break the hold and escape the grip of a larger man. Use a headbutt to the face, a bite (masticatory muscles in human body, located in the jaw area, have the greatest power.) But be careful, as your opponent's blood may contain HIV or other infectious viruses. By stepping firmly on your opponent's toes, you can break the bear hug. You can also try twisting his fingers to remove the grip.

Use a punching bag in your training to help you develop strength. Strength, speed, endurance and skill are achievable qualities. Hard work and training will help you achieve this.

You are constantly on the move. As Ali said, “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.” Move forward, backward, sideways, in a circle. Footwork is a very significant factor used with the ability to strike at the right moment. Never stand in one place and on straight feet; a large opponent will easily take over the situation if you allow him to.

It is worth developing such effective techniques as sliding, crouching and swinging before delivering an energetic blow. By being smaller than your opponent, you are likely to be faster than your opponent. Use the lightness of your weight and practice the basics of evasive combat. Bruce Lee (birth name Li Xiaolong, which means "Dragon Lee" in Chinese) said that "the basic technique of evasion is to strike without being hit by the enemy." When fighting against a large opponent, you must behave like a bullfighter fighting a bull, dodging his attacks and flirting with his power.

Moving to the side and looking for angles that are inconvenient for the enemy is a good method to compensate for the difference in reach. Dodging attacks gives you the opportunity to find an opening in his defense and makes you less predictable. However, it takes a lot of practice and training to master this skill.

Close combat with a larger opponent may be too risky. In this case, it is very important to use the evasion technique, among others. Run away if you get the chance.

Use your speed, lightness and agility. Capacious strikes are preferable for smaller fighters. Working out with a punching bag will help you develop your speed and speed of punches.

Short Manny “Pacman” Pacquiao said after defeating “golden boy” Oscar de la Hoya: “Speed ​​is the key to defeating him.”

Speed ​​refers not only to the speed of strikes, but also to deft and quick footwork. This means that you need to master the skill of smoothly entering and exiting the combat zone with ease.

Learn to counter strike. Prevent your opponent's attack or strike back after dodging.

Combine blows to confuse your opponent. Don't use the same attack more than twice in the same combination.

Bluff. Pretend you want to strike and then attack for real. Use the feint maneuver of pretending to throw a left hand, then throw a right hand to the solar plexus. Experiment with punch combinations. Deceptive maneuvers are aimed at diverting the enemy's attention, disrupting his coordination and concentration. Bruce Lee said: “When two equal fighters collide, the one who bluffs better wins.”

When you are out of range, do not attempt a punch to the face unless you are confident that you can knock out your opponent. The advantage in his reach will allow him to easily counter-blow you, and an unsuccessful knockout attempt will only anger him. This would be unwise given your disadvantage. Instead, attack with side kicks to the closest available target: the knee or groin. You can only hit an opponent in the face if they are stunned or writhing in pain. It is better to strike to the head when approaching.

It is much more effective to strike more vulnerable parts of the body, such as knee joints, groin, eyes, bridge of the nose, kidney and heart areas, neck and solar plexus. These areas are most sensitive to pain.

Regardless of a man's size, a blow to the perineum will cause unbearable pain. Even world-class heavyweight boxers buckle in pain after being hit in the groin with sufficient force, either accidentally or intentionally. This may be considered foul play, but it is effective. A powerful uppercut to the groin (you can use it unexpectedly) is one of the most effective techniques against a larger opponent. Practice the uppercut while training with a punching bag to develop a powerful groin punch.

Time your approach. When you are in range, use techniques that are effective in close combat, such as a headbutt to the face, a hook to the jaw, a knee to the groin and an elbow to the solar plexus.

How many times have you watched a boxer get hurt by a headbutt to the face from an opponent during a match? A head blow to the face can easily cause bleeding. Use it during close combat when the opportunity presents itself.

Hitting the back of your opponent's head with the edge of your hand after you have pulled his head down by the hair can be life-threatening. This is an extremely dangerous maneuver that can cause instant death or lifelong paralysis due to possible spinal injuries. Never use this technique unless you are in a life-threatening situation.

A blow to the temple with the "cutting part" of the fist can stun and discoordinate your enemy. A hit to this area of ​​the head with a weapon can kill him, so be careful and only attack if your life or someone else's is in danger.

A blow to the ears can cause the opponent to lose balance or even consciousness. The ears are the center of our balance.

Master the art of prone fighting. In this position, success depends on the ability to use leverage to pin and subdue an opponent, or on knowledge of techniques that can cause damage to joints. In a prone fight, you can use techniques such as wringing fingers, punches to the eyes, thrusts to the throat and groin. Many people place emphasis on the use of jiu-jitsu techniques, and although the use of hands and feet in this context is quite effective, do not forget that an opponent's grip can be broken by simply twisting the fingers. In a prone fight, it is not the size of the opponent that is important, but the skill and techniques of grappling.

The grapple and strike strategy (a la Ricky Hatton) suits smaller fighters. By closing in on your opponent by closing the distance between you (entering a clinch), you prevent him from using long range punches, while you can use your advantage by landing short, powerful punches close in.

5. Remember your strengths. You have them

People of smaller size are, as a rule, lighter and slimmer, which is important when dodging and avoiding attacks in battle. Most of them have excellent footwork when moving.

They are also more agile, which complements the swiftness of their strikes. Although their attack is weaker in strength, they make up for it with speed and more hits.

They are generally tougher than their larger opponents.

They are in a more convenient position to deliver a devastating uppercut to a tall opponent to the jaw, solar plexus or kidney area.

During a prone fight, they are more difficult to pin or grab because their center of gravity is closer.

While short arm length is a disadvantage during ranged combat, it can serve as an advantage in close combat. Short arm length makes it easier to throw short hooks and uppercuts.

Psychologically short fighters, as a rule, are more motivated due to a deeper understanding of the task at hand when meeting a large opponent. While the latter often underestimate the former, which leads to excessive self-confidence.


When fighting against a taller opponent, you must be able to use your reach correctly. This applies to getting closer and further away. You must be able to determine when it is better to move out of your opponent's range and when to get close to him. Take advantage of your short reach and counteract his lift by decreasing your distance. Never be within its reach.

Keep your eyes on the enemy. If you try to use a throw, do it quickly before he beats you to it.

In practical self-defense, as Bruce Lee argued, the line of defense should begin with a side kick to the knee. This is very effective due to the relatively static and unstable position of the knee, and the kick has the largest attack area. A kick to the knee does not require much range, and it is one of the most easily accessible and vulnerable areas of the body. But you need to develop the power of the blow to be able to deal strong enough damage.

Sam Langford, the heavyweight boxing champion of the early 20th century, popularized the statement "Hit the torso and the head will fall." He was only 170 cm tall, but he defeated almost every taller opponent in the ring. In a fight with a tall opponent, short fighters should try to strike to the torso, since, given the difference in height, this is more acceptable for them. A blow to the head can follow a powerful direct blow or an uppercut to the solar plexus or kidneys.

Practice sparring with a larger, taller opponent will provide good practice for developing and mastering skill and technique.

Rely mostly on kicks (especially if your larger opponent only uses fists) because the legs are longer than the arms. This will help compensate for the lack of reach. Punching can be used in close combat or at medium range.

There is nothing wrong with living in constant anticipation of a fight. The statement “Forethought is the better part of valor” means that there are things that even a brave man will not talk about: running away is not a reason for complacency, but sometimes it is the only way favorable outcome of the fight.

An overhead strike with the back hand is performed in a circular motion from top to bottom towards the opponent's head. This is a very clever counterattack technique used to hit the blind spot of a larger opponent.

Always remember that dimensions do matter. A larger opponent can deal more damage due to the power of their blows. But having a strategy and brains is much more important. There is an old boxing saying: “A good big boxer will always beat a good little boxer.” Following this rule, if you are smaller than your opponent, you should not be as good as him, but much better. If he is bigger than you, you must be smarter. The main condition for victory is the confidence that you are superior to him in skill and have the best fighting technique. Having equal skill level is not enough as it has an advantage.

Scream. A loud, high and unexpected cry will not only surprise the enemy, but will also become a signal for passers-by who can come to your aid.

The solar plexus is a vital center of the body. An uppercut aimed at the solar plexus can cause excruciating pain or even death. Due to the fact that the blow is directed from the bottom up, the high sensitivity of the internal organs to pain leads to severe shock. When injured, a pain signal is sent to the brain, causing partial paralysis, rapid breathing and unbearable suffering.

Thai Muay Thai boxers practice devastating shin kicks. The best way to master this technique - training with a punching bag.

Let's face it - size matters. When facing a larger opponent, knowing how to attack and defend is useful in order to offset his advantage in height and weight. If a fight is imminent, you will have to move quickly and act correctly. Although facing a larger opponent may seem quite intimidating, if you keep your cool and act correctly, you can win the fight.


Part 1


    Don't get into a fight unless absolutely necessary. When facing a larger opponent, you will have less chance of success. Try to avoid a fight at all costs. Do whatever it takes to reach an agreement or leave. There is no shame in avoiding conflict, especially if you don't know what it might escalate into. Your enemy may have a weapon, or his comrades may come to his aid. Every effort should be made to avoid a fight.

    • If you manage to avoid a collision, it will be a victory.
    • If a collision is unavoidable, remain calm. Do not panic, as this will negatively affect your reaction and ability to take adequate action.
  1. Take care of protection. Raise your hands and cover your head with them. In this case, your forearms should be vertical and parallel to each other, so that your palms are directed towards your cheeks. Lightly clench your hands into a fist to be ready to strike back. Bend slightly and lower your elbows toward the middle of your body to protect your ribs and stomach from unexpected shock.

    • Don't relax or let your guard down, even if you're tired. If you give up, your opponent will be able to deal you a decisive blow.
    • Maintain a defensive position from which you can quickly go on the attack and strike with your fist or elbow.
  2. Try not to block blows, but to dodge them. It is likely that a larger opponent will be stronger than you, so it is better not to try to block his attack directly. Instead, try to constantly move and dodge attacks. Pursuit will exhaust your opponent, with each unsuccessful blow he will waste his energy. If it is not possible to retreat to a safe distance, move your head away from the blows. After each unsuccessful attack from the enemy, try to immediately deliver a surprise blow.

    Do not engage in contact combat with the enemy. In such a fight, the advantage is always on the side of the larger and stronger enemy. Don't put yourself at unnecessary risk and don't let your opponent grab you. Keep at such a distance that he cannot grab you, attack when the opportunity arises and retreat again to a safe distance. If you and your opponent end up on the ground, you will be less able to control the course of the fight and will lose advantages such as speed, freedom of maneuver and accuracy.

    Be prepared to roll with the punches. It is unlikely that you will be able to get out of a fight with a larger opponent without a scratch. You may not have time to react in time and miss several hits. Be prepared for this. Missing a blow is bad, but being caught off guard is even worse.

    Part 2

    Leveling the difference in size
    1. Dodge the blows. Move continuously to prevent your opponent from grabbing you or knocking you to the ground. Lean on the balls of your feet - this will allow you to move quickly and confuse your opponent. Since he has longer arms, stay away and only approach to hit or grab.

      Get closer to the enemy. Close the distance between you and your opponent when he least expects it. This way you will deprive your larger opponent of the advantage and will be able to land one or more targeted strikes. To succeed, you must choose the right moment and approach the enemy correctly so as not to give him the opportunity to strike back.

      • When closing the distance between you and a larger enemy, the first thing to remember is to stay outside the “danger zone.” This is the area where you can't reach your opponent, but he can hit you with his longer arms.
      • Approach suddenly after dodging or pretending to strike, or follow the opponent's hand as he withdraws after a strike.
    2. Wear down your opponent. One of the disadvantages of being taller and weighing more is that it takes more effort to move, and as a result, a larger person gets tired faster. Take advantage of this. Defend yourself by ducking and ducking, and keep moving until your opponent starts to slow down. After this, you can take advantage of your speed advantage, get closer to the enemy and land several blows on him.

    Part 3

    Harming the enemy

      Use the element of surprise. If you feel a fight is brewing, attack first. If impact is unavoidable, deliver a sudden, well-timed blow to the jaw or solar plexus (the soft outer edge of the diaphragm under the sternum). Put all your strength into the blow to end the collision immediately. If successful, your opponent will fall and will not be able to continue the fight. If you're unlucky, at least you won't be caught off guard.

      • Before launching a surprise attack, try to assess the situation as accurately as possible. Often you can limit yourself to a verbal altercation and not bring the matter to a physical confrontation. Make sure you've exhausted all options before engaging in a fight.
      • Be careful about throwing a sudden strike. If you miss or your opponent blocks the blow, you can't avoid a real fight.
    1. Wait for the right moment and move. It bears repeating: When facing a larger opponent, you need to constantly move rather than stand still and wait to be hit. You will not be able to block powerful blows properly. Dodge the blows and wait for the enemy to open up, then immediately take advantage of the opportunity and deliver a hard blow. Switch from defense to quick explosive attacks and you will eventually wear down your opponent.

      • Be patient. Otherwise, you will start making mistakes, which can lead to disastrous results.
      • When you can't hit the head, hit the body. The solar plexus is a sensitive place, when struck, a person exhales all the air and begins to choke. Another weak point is the ribs - they can break at a pressure of less than one kilogram per square centimeter.
    2. Hit sensitive areas. Unlike a boxing match, where the rules prohibit hitting certain areas, there are no such restrictions in a street fight. Try to hit the most sensitive places to cause maximum damage to the enemy. One successful hit can disable him. Usually such attacks are quite unexpected, and people are not always ready to defend themselves against them.

      • Despite the difference in size and height, our bodies have the same weak points.
      • Hitting sensitive areas will temporarily discourage your opponent, giving you time to retreat or continue your attack.
      • An open palm strike to the ear throws a person off balance and is just as, if not more effective than a left or right hook. After a blow to the nose, the eyes fill with tears, which allows you to temporarily blind the enemy and buy time for a decisive attack. A blow to the groin limits mobility and deprives the opponent of the determination to continue the fight.
    3. Use painful techniques. Let's say your opponent knocks you to the ground and you can't get back to your feet. In this case, resort to a painful technique: clamp or twist the opponent’s body part so that he cannot continue the fight. Grab a knuckle, twist an arm, or use a choke. This way you will cause severe pain to the enemy and will be able to finish the fight. Even a giant will not be able to continue the fight if he is knocked unconscious or his arm is broken.

      Don't be shy about dirty tricks. Forget about nobility: a street fight has no rules. You don’t know what kind of damage and injuries you will receive if you lose, so don’t be shy and refuse dirty tricks. Bite, hit the eyes, grab the enemy by the hair, squeeze his neck, kick him in the groin and do everything to survive.


      Self defense specialist

      Dirty tricks may seem like an extreme measure, but sometimes they are the only way to escape. In a real fight, the main thing is to end it as quickly as possible. The optimal time for this is 9 seconds or even less. After this time, the chances of survival decrease every second.

    • Keep your eyes on your opponent. Constantly watch him in order to dodge his blows in time and, if necessary, hit back.
    • When striking, always consider the distance between you and your opponent. If you are at a distance, kick the knee, groin or mid-body; at a medium distance, hit the head and body with your fist; at a short distance, strike with your head, knees and elbows.
    • If possible, spar with someone larger than you and practice attack and defense techniques on your partner.
    • Tilt your head forward and tuck your chin in case your opponent throws an uppercut.
    • Groin strikes can help decide the outcome of a fight. Yes, it's a dirty trick, but any street fight involves risking your life, so do your best!
    • Don't fall for the enemy's tricks. If he says: “I can’t get up,” this does not mean that it really is so.
      • Always be alert when you hear phrases like these.
    • Be observant and see if your opponent is doing something that can help you win. For example, if he is not covering his ribs and stomach, attack him in those areas.
    • If you grab your opponent's hair, you will gain complete control over their body for a few seconds. However, don't let your guard down while doing this - your entire upper body will be vulnerable.

Concept and types of conflicts

Conflict (from Latin - clash) is a lack of agreement between two or more parties, which can be specific individuals or groups.

For reasons:

By participants:

By degree of openness:

According to the consequences:

Goal Conflict




Conflict of views




Sensual conflict




When there is a conflict of goals, the parties involved in the situation see the desired state of the object in the future differently.

When there is a conflict of views, the parties involved differ in their ideas and thoughts on the problem being solved. Resolving such conflicts requires more time than achieving agreement in goal conflicts.

Feeling conflict occurs when participants have different feelings and emotions underlying their relationship. People irritate each other with their behavior style.

Intrapersonal conflict manifests itself within the individual and is often in nature a conflict of goals or views. Its intensity increases with the number of solution options, with achieving a balance between the positive and negative outcome of the conflict and the perception of the importance of its source.

IN interpersonal conflict involves two or more individuals if they perceive themselves to be in opposition to each other regarding the goals, dispositions, values, or behavior of each of them. The most common type of conflict.

Intragroup Conflict is typically a clash between parts or members of a group that affects group dynamics and the performance of the entire group. It can arise as a result of a change in the balance of power in a group: a change in leadership, the emergence of an informal leader, the development of groupism, etc.

Intergroup conflict is an opposition or clash between two or more groups in an organization. May have a professional-production or emotional basis. It is intense in nature. The development of intergroup conflict leads to intra-organizational conflict.

Intraorganizational conflict arises most often on the basis of the design of individual works, the formation of the organization as a whole, and also as a result of the formal distribution of power. It can be vertical (conflict between levels of the organization), horizontal (between parts of the organization of equal status), linear-functional (between line management and specialists) and role-based.

Open conflicts most often manifest themselves on business grounds. The disagreements between the participants relate to the production sphere and express, for example, different ways of solving a problem. Open conflicts are relatively harmless.

The root cause of “smoldering”, hidden conflicts is human relationships. Many seemingly "business" conflicts are actually based on people's feelings and relationships. These conflicts are not so easy to resolve: if the business part of the conflict is resolved, then the tension is transferred to other problems with the same participants.

Functional Conflicts have several positive consequences:

Discussed problems are resolved in ways that are most acceptable to all parties, and staff feel involved in solving problems;

Difficulties in implementing decisions are minimized - hostility, injustice, the need to act against the will;

In the future, the parties will be more likely to cooperate than to confront;

The possibility of groupthink and resignation syndrome is reduced;

The quality of decision-making improves, different points of view are identified, and through conflict, group members can work out possible problems before they arise.

Conflict, if not managed, can be dysfunctional, that is, have negative consequences:

Dissatisfaction, poor morale, increased staff turnover, decreased productivity;

The emergence of strong loyalty among employees to their group and the idea of ​​the other side as an “enemy”, a decrease in cooperation in the future, a curtailment of interaction and communication between the conflicting parties;

Placing more importance on defeating the "enemy" than on solving the real problem.