How to get a large pension in old age? What you need to know about pensions? What pensioners need to know

For most people, with the appointment of a pension, a new stage of life begins. For example, some decide to move to another city, region, or even abroad. Many of them are concerned about the following questions: how will their honestly earned pension be paid, what rules must be followed to receive it uninterrupted? Elena Andrusenko, head of the department for organizing the assignment and payment of pensions of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation branch in the Khabarovsk Territory, will help dispel the doubts of pensioner “travelers”.

Why, when a pensioner moves to a new place of residence, may he not receive a pension?

In accordance with the norms of pension legislation, a citizen receives a pension at his place of residence through the relevant territorial body of the Pension Fund. Consequently, when changing place of residence, payment at the old address stops, so the pensioner may not receive it if he does not take certain measures in a timely manner.

What does a pensioner need to do to ensure that pension payments do not stop when they change their place of residence?

The pensioner must, firstly, contact the Pension Fund and notify about the move. Secondly, after moving, contact the territorial division of the Pension Fund at the new place of residence so that a request for his pension file is sent. Transfer of pension files is carried out only between two territorial bodies of the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation; they are not issued to citizens. The pensioner’s file will be sent both electronically and in paper form, but registration will be carried out using an electronic file, so if the citizen applies in a timely manner, there will be no interruption in the payment of the pension.

How to notify the Pension Fund?

At the old place of residence this can be done in person or in writing, and at the new place of residence also through the multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services.

What to do if you don’t have a registration at your new place of residence: wait for it to be issued or not?

For citizens of the Russian Federation, receiving an insurance pension does not depend on registration. It is enough for a pensioner to provide the address of his actual residence for the Pension Fund to register him and begin transferring money. The sooner this is done, the better.

How long will it take for a pensioner’s payment file to be transferred from his previous territorial office of the Pension Fund to a new address?

A request from the Pension Fund of Russia authority at the new place of residence is sent to the same one at the old place in electronic form no later than the working day following the day of the citizen’s application. From this moment on, the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation at the old place of residence must, within three days, send the payment file in electronic and paper form to the Pension Fund at the new place of residence of the pensioner. Having received the pension file by e-mail, the latter will carry out all the necessary steps for registration without waiting for the paper file.

Is it necessary to transfer the pension file if the pension comes to a bank card?

The pension will be credited to the card regardless of the move, however, in order to receive additional benefits, the pensioner in any case must register at the new place of residence.

Many pensioners are worried that when moving from the “northern” regions they will lose the increased pension amount, so they do not transfer their pension files. Are such fears justified?

Indeed, residents of the northern regions have a number of advantages in pension provision. Firstly, this is an increase in the fixed payment by the regional coefficient for the entire period of residence in the northern region. Secondly, citizens with long northern experience are entitled to an increased fixed payment. If a citizen has worked for at least 15 years in the regions of the Far North, then the fixed payment increases by 50%, and if for at least 20 years in areas equated to the regions of the Far North, then by 30%. It is worth noting that not the entire pension increases, but only the fixed payment.

Moreover, if a citizen has worked for a long time in the North and lives in the northern region, then only one increase, the most advantageous in size, is established, either due to the regional coefficient, or for the accumulated northern experience.

For example, the city of Amursk belongs to an area equated to the regions of the Far North; for people who have worked here for 20 calendar years and live in Amursk, where the regional coefficient is set at 1.2, the fixed payment to the insurance pension increases by 30% for the northern work experience. It should be noted that for such citizens the size of the fixed payment will not be revised even if they leave the northern territory. Pensioners living in Okhotsk receive a fixed payment, increased by a regional coefficient of 1.6. For such citizens, when they move to another, non-northern region, the size of their pension is revised.

What consequences may occur for a pensioner if it turns out that he receives an increased pension coefficient for the fact of living in the Far North region, but he has already left there?

The fact is that the increased coefficient for the “northern” regions is compensation for more difficult living conditions, so a person leaving there loses the right to an increased fixed payment. If the Pension Fund reveals that a pensioner has received an unreasonable amount of pension after leaving, all overpaid money will be recovered. According to current legislation, the territorial body of the Pension Fund has the right, without a court decision, to withhold up to 20% of a citizen’s monthly pension to repay the overpayment. To prevent such unpleasant cases from arising, pension recipients must comply with the law and promptly notify the Pension Fund of a change of residence. I would like to draw your attention to the fact that if you are temporarily leaving for several months while maintaining your registration, such a warning is not required.

What rules for pension payment apply to those who leave for permanent residence abroad? Russian Federation?

Pensioners who retain citizenship of the Russian Federation have the right to receive a pension from the Russian state, but only on its territory. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation transfers the money to a current account opened in the Russian Federation, from which the citizen will receive the money independently, or his authorized representatives can do this. If such an account is opened in a credit institution that has a branch in the pensioner’s country of residence, they can request money through it without crossing borders.

As for the countries of the former USSR, relevant bilateral agreements on the recognition of pension rights have been concluded with most of them. For example, when citizens of Ukraine, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan move to Russia for permanent residence and vice versa, pensions are paid to them by the receiving state.

Retired people belong to the preferential category of citizens. But almost no one knows what benefits they can receive. The full list of benefits for pensioners is not announced anywhere - they are only present sporadically in various regulations. Therefore, people often have no idea that they can use some service on a preferential basis - at public expense.

Tax benefits

Any pensioner has the right to receive a preferential deduction if he buys an apartment or builds a residential building. This right also applies to the purchase of land intended for construction.

Income tax is not withheld from pensions, so it is possible to transfer the tax deduction to the years when pensioners worked - however, no more than 3 years from the period when the right to take advantage of the tax deduction became available.

Thus, when buying an apartment after retirement, people can return the income tax they paid for three years of work.

Pensioners do not have to pay tax on existing property, although all citizens, without exception, who are the owners of any property, are required to contribute funds.

Pensioners have the right not to pay for one object that falls on the following list:

  • apartment or room;
  • private house (if lived year-round);
  • garage;
  • utility buildings, for example, you don’t have to pay for a bathhouse or barn, provided that their area is up to 50 m2.

If the tax service does not know that the owner of the property is a pensioner, then you must independently apply with the appropriate documentation. Next, employees will recalculate taxes and exclude their accrual from the retirement period.

Starting from 2018, pensioners are exempt from paying land tax if the plot is up to 6 acres. When calculating tax payments to pensioners, a deduction is made that amounts to the cadastral value of 600 m2 of land.

In some regions, citizens on well-deserved retirement are entitled to a transport tax. In the Yaroslavl region, pensioners are completely exempt from it if the power of their personal car is up to 100 hp. And in Samara you can take advantage of a discount of 50% of the total payment amount.

Benefits for travel and medicine

Non-working pensioners living in the northern regions of the Russian Federation have the right to reimburse travel expenses to their holiday destination and return trip every 2 years.

To receive free tickets, you must contact your local Pension Fund office, write an application and attach the required documents.

Retired citizens over 60 years of age can receive a free flu shot. To do this, you need to contact a medical institution at your place of residence.

Free social services and financial assistance

Single pensioners with a low income (in particular, less than one and a half living wages) can receive free services social nature. To do this you need to contact the department social protection citizens in their city.

When you apply you can receive:

  • products;
  • medicines;
  • clothes;
  • services medical worker at home;
  • everything for rehabilitation.

Moscow provides a one-time payment of financial assistance to pensioners who are currently in a difficult situation.

Other benefits for retired citizens

Any pensioner has the right to learn a new profession or learn to use a computer. Training is free. To receive this benefit, you must contact the employment center and submit the required documents.

Pensioners (not based on length of service) who continue to work, in addition to annual leave, can receive additional days of rest of up to 2 weeks. They are not paid. Leave is granted by the head of the organization based on an application written by the pensioner.

– the latest news on this topic confirms the government’s previously announced intentions. Workaholics will receive benefits and a fixed additional payment to it and may not respond to announcements about the next increase in old-age benefits.

First there was the law

Let us recall that in December 2015, the president signed a law abolishing the indexation of pensions for those who work and a gradual increase in benefits for those who officially confirmed the end of their working career. Unemployed citizens will receive increased payments this year in the following terms:

  • in January - pensioners receiving an insurance pension;
  • in April - recipients of social pensions.

On the basic principles of the new norm on the abolition of indexation of pensions for workers, Rossiyskaya Gazeta asked for clarification from the Pension Fund.

For those who don't work

If a citizen was not employed at the end of September 2017, then his insurance pension will be indexed according to the schedule established by the state in the specified amount.

Starting this year, positive changes have been made to the procedure for paying pensions after dismissal - now its size is indexed from the next month after termination of work, and not from the fourth month, as before. To be more precise, the payment The indexed pension amount will also begin 3 months after dismissal, but the previous 3 months will be compensated to him (together with the first pension, he will receive compensation in the amount of the difference between the previous and increased pension for the previous months).

If the pensioner gets a job again, his insurance pension will not decrease.

Statistics. More than 30% of Russian pensioners still work for a simple reason - they cannot live with dignity on state benefits.

For working people

According to the latest news, the cancellation of pension indexation in 2018 for working pensioners will extend to subsequent years. Such a system will remain in effect as long as the pensioner works, unless, of course, new changes are made to the legislation.

Officials hastened to “reassure”: in fact, old-age benefits are indexed, the person simply receives it in the same amount. But as soon as he quits, he will be paid an indexed payment in the amount at the time of leaving work. We are not talking about compensation for all the years of work after the person’s official retirement.

Note: the innovations do not apply to social pensions.

But there is also positive recent news about the indexation of pensions for working pensioners. They relate to the traditional August recalculation. If a person worked last year, then this August the amount of the insurance portion will be recalculated for him based on the points accrued over the past year (the maximum number of points is three). At the moment, 1 point is equal to 81.49 rubles, that is, the maximum increase will be 244.47 rubles.

The increasing coefficient will also remain if a person delays obtaining official confirmation of his pension status. In this case, however, it does not matter whether the citizen works or spends time at his favorite dacha. For each year of deferment, both the insurance portion and the amount of the fixed surcharge increase. For example, if a person declares a desire to receive old-age benefits 10 years after the date established by law, then the amount of the fixed additional payment will increase by 2.11 times, and the insurance part - by 2.32.

Voice in the wilderness

The abolition of indexation of pensions for working pensioners prompted attempts by some officials to mitigate the situation. Thus, on April 14, 2016, United Russia member Boris Reznik submitted to the State Duma a draft law proposing to review the increase in old-age benefits for those workers for whom it does not exceed two subsistence minimums.

The deputy pointed out that the identification of a separate group of “working pensioners” and deprivation of it common law“violates the constitutional rights of older persons.” In his opinion, it is possible to find funds to support working pensioners if the costs of maintaining managers and natural monopolies are reduced.

Unfortunately for all hardworking pensioners, such an initiative is rare, and it did not find support among the majority of parliamentarians.