We are going on vacation while pregnant. Rules, recommendations, advice. How to spend a vacation during pregnancy Summer, sun, heat in the city... And you really want to escape somewhere away from the hustle and bustle and usual life. What to take with you on vacation

Painful sensations, unfortunately, are an integral part of pregnancy. In most cases, you can cope with ailments with the help of all-natural medications. If the condition worsens significantly, you have to take medications. But not all medications from the old medicine cabinet will be useful during the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy.

Attention! Despite the fact that the article contains medications that are completely safe for pregnant women, it is necessary to discuss the advisability of taking each of them with your doctor.

Medicines for the main ailments of pregnant women

If any unpleasant symptom occurs, first of all you need to try to eliminate it with completely natural drugs. If the pain does not go away, then you can move on to pharmaceutical medications, not forgetting to study the instructions.


Acetaminophen (trade synonym Paracetamol) is taken to relieve headaches (including those caused by non-ARVI) and lower fever. Chlorophyllipt or Tantrum Verde will help with sore throat. A cough can be easily eliminated with folk remedies (for example, potato juice), but in case you go on vacation, you can purchase Stodal pharmacy syrup.


In case of allergic reactions, Loratidine (trade name Claritin) will be useful. But nasal drops used for allergies usually contain phenylephrine, which provokes an increase in blood pressure. It is better to save yourself from a runny nose (including non-allergic ones) with a saline solution, or drops such as Pinosol, Humer.


Hypertension is one of the most undesirable conditions for pregnant women. Almost all antihypertensive drugs are dangerous for the developing fetus. But regular No-spa will help relieve spasms (it can also be taken for headaches and abdominal pain). If the pressure does not decrease within several hours, you must call an ambulance. Perhaps your doctor will allow you to take Labetalol.


A common vaginal infection responds well to treatment with Pimafucin, which is available in the form of suppositories and cream.


Dufalak is used to soften stool. Laxatives (especially castor oil) are prohibited, since after their use not only the intestines, but also the uterus will begin to contract.


If constipation cannot be dealt with, hemorrhoids occur. A pregnant woman can safely use natural suppositories Natalsid and Fleming ointment.


To eliminate acid reflux, antacids are used: Rennie, Almagel. But it is better to avoid such a folk remedy as baking soda, because it can provoke increased production of stomach acid.


Among completely safe pharmaceutical drugs, vitamin B6 copes well with toxicosis. But if the nausea does not go away, then you can take Essentiale Forte.

Additional items without which a first aid kit for pregnant women would not be fully equipped

Focusing all her attention on drugs that would be safe for her baby, the expectant mother forgets about the banal little things that are so lacking for a comfortable pregnancy. For example, thinking that menstruation is not expected in the next 9 months, women forget to buy pads. But while carrying a baby, the transparent white discharge only intensifies. This means that the vagina and uterus are reliably protected from bacteria and germs. Especially a lot of discharge appears in the second trimester. This is due to changes in a woman’s hormonal levels. And closer to the date of birth, in addition to natural mucus, urine may get into your panties. So it’s better to purchase several packs of panty liners in advance.

Attention! If the discharge changes color and smell, you should contact a gynecologist. Changes may indicate the development of inflammation.

In the third trimester of pregnancy, a woman will also find it useful. Otherwise, you will have to constantly wash colostrum from your underwear and clothes, which can come out of your nipples at the most inopportune moment.

Features of collecting a travel first aid kit

A well-planned vacation will have a positive effect on the health of the expectant mother. Naturally, on a trip you need to take at least one of the above drugs from each group. In addition to the most common health problems, nausea caused by motion sickness may develop along the way. If the situation allows, you can deal with the problem simply by stopping the vehicle. But if you have to travel by public transport, you need to take pieces of ginger, lemon and mint leaves with you. But just in case, you should have the drug Cocculin in your first aid kit. One tablet will save you from motion sickness, but will not harm the fetus. You may also get a stomach ache when driving on bumpy roads. This pain is caused by physical impact, so there is no need to take medications. It is better to purchase a special one in advance and put it on at the beginning of a long journey.

If you are planning a flight, then you need to take tablets for headaches and nausea in your hand luggage. It will be useful on board and the use of which will make the flight as comfortable as possible and protect the expectant mother from back pain.

Additionally, you need to put Citramon in your first aid kit (in case your tooth hurts) and Smecta for diarrhea. Such problems can be easily dealt with at home folk remedies, and you won’t be able to brew herbs on the road.

Attention! If a woman has taken a remedy for diarrhea, then over the next few days she needs to stop taking calcium-containing medications. Otherwise, severe fecal stagnation may develop.

When traveling to the sea, be sure to put sunscreen in your first aid kit, selected according to your skin type, and Panthenol, in case a sunburn cannot be avoided.

Only by preparing for all unforeseen circumstances will the expectant mother be able to calmly enjoy her vacation.

Long trips both in the first trimester of pregnancy and in the last 8 weeks are dangerous. However, if mom feels fine and she enjoys the trip. Be sure to notify the doctor observing you and write down all his recommendations. Well, go ahead, for new impressions and health!

Safety first!

1. Don't forget your passport and exchange card. There is information about your tests, features of the course of pregnancy. The map will help doctors act correctly in case of emergency.

2. For long trips, choose a train. When driving a car, be sure to sit in the back seat and wear a seat belt.

3. Get enough sleep the first few days after your trip.

4. When traveling, nausea bothers you - suck on mint ice cubes, take with you a mint-ginger infusion, a weak infusion of oak bark.

5. Sunbathe only in the morning and evening hours, don’t forget about a panama hat or a hat. Sunburn, as well as heatstroke, is of no use.


It is better to choose a swimsuit with an open back and a closed chest and tummy. You shouldn't expose your belly to ultraviolet light now. There are one-piece swimsuits with gathers on the side and two-piece swimsuits with long briefs and a bra.

Bra straps should be wide and tight to support your breasts and not put pressure on your shoulders.

A pregnant woman is going on vacation, what is important to take with her: a checklist of the essentials / istockphoto.com

Drinking regime

In hot weather, it is very important for you to maintain a drinking regime and avoid dehydration. Therefore, drink as often as possible, the average norm is 8 glasses of water per day.

  • Drink small portions as often as possible. If, when moving to a new place, you experience diarrhea due to the quality of the water, drink sorbent and carefully choose the water to drink.
  • Are you suffering from constipation? Drink a glass of water on an empty stomach in the morning, and kefir in the evening. Herbal tea will keep your intestines from getting lazy.
  • In recent weeks, limit the amount of water you drink; if you have a problem with your kidneys, listen to the recommendations of your doctor.

A pregnant woman is going on vacation, what is important to take with her: a checklist of the essentials / istockphoto.com

Rules for eating on the road

Constipation in pregnant women is not uncommon due to hormonal reasons. Eat black bread with bran, seasonal fruits and vegetables. Do not overuse exotics.

Limit salty, sweet and starchy foods!


Bring comfortable items according to the season and weather. Wear compression hosiery - knee socks, stockings or tights, which improve blood flow through the veins.

A pregnant woman is going on vacation, what is important to take with her: a checklist of the essentials / istockphoto.com

Important devices

  • Take a tonometer to measure your blood pressure. It should be within 100/60-140/90.
  • If you have high blood pressure, aching pain in the lower abdomen, spotting or severe swelling, consult a doctor!
  • Don't forget sunscreen, anti-stretch mark cream, fragrance-free gel and deodorant, and your favorite shampoo.
  • Travel bag - only on wheels. Let the husband carry everything that is heavy. In the sixth month, the uterus reacts to the baby’s movement with something like contractions, so rest often and don’t lift heavy things!

The news that you are in a great position is not at all a reason to refuse a planned trip to the sea.

On the contrary, with the right approach to organizing a vacation, the expectant mother gets a chance to improve her health and the health of the baby developing in the womb.

And the charge of positive energy that you will receive at sea will definitely benefit you.

You just have to follow a few simple rules and recommendations, and you will remember your “pregnant” trip to the seashore with warmth and a smile.

Is a seaside holiday good for pregnant women?

In the absence of contraindications, a sea holiday is an excellent pastime for a pregnant woman. Being on the seashore will help you take your mind off everyday problems and will give you the opportunity to stock up on positive emotions before such a serious test as.

The sound of the waves has an amazing calming effect, and relaxing on the warm sand is an excellent prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system associated with hypothermia.

Swelling, often observed in expectant mothers, decreases significantly after a holiday at sea. Sea air also has a positive effect on blood pressure.

In order for a trip to the sea to be successful, the expectant mother must realize that the position she is in is conducive to a more measured and quiet holiday.

Therefore, exclude from the entertainment program visiting noisy discos and other nightly festivities: healthy sleep remains a necessity for a pregnant woman.

Try to refrain from tasting exotic dishes, as unfamiliar food can cause allergies or poisoning.

In what cases should pregnant women not go on vacation at sea?

Unfortunately, in some cases, trips to the sea for expectant mothers are strictly prohibited. We are talking about the following situations when excess loads can become a serious threat to the health of a woman and child:

1 Placental pathologies (premature placental abruption, placenta previa). Before planning a trip to the sea, it is necessary to undergo an ultrasound examination in order to promptly identify pathology. Placenta previa can cause uterine bleeding.

2 Late toxicosis (preeclampsia). This is a complication characterized by an increase in protein levels in the urine and an increase in blood pressure, as well as swelling and general malaise. It is very dangerous for the life of the fetus, therefore, if gestosis is detected, drug treatment is necessary under the supervision of the attending physician.

3 Threat of miscarriage. If at any stage of pregnancy you have symptoms such as uterine bleeding, aching pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region, then you should prefer examination at a medical clinic to a vacation at sea.

4 Too early or late in pregnancy. The first trimester is characterized by the formation of the baby’s vital organs and systems, so at this time it is better to refrain from any factors that could disrupt this process. In the last month of pregnancy, excessive stress can cause premature onset of labor.

5 Exacerbation of chronic diseases, manifestation of allergic reactions. This condition excludes long-distance travel and trips outside the city, since at any moment the expectant mother may require emergency medical care.

If you have not been diagnosed with any of the above complications, then you can safely plan a vacation at sea. It is advisable that the trip to the resort coincides with the second trimester, or at most with the beginning of the third.

Interesting! Constipation during pregnancy: how to choose a laxative?

Try not to choose countries that are too far away as your holiday destination. A long flight is not the best adventure for a pregnant woman.

The climate at the resort should not be radically different from the weather conditions that are familiar to you. The maximum permissible air temperature is 30-35 °C.

Can pregnant women sunbathe?

Despite the fact that the sun is the source of life on our planet, sometimes the effects of sunlight on living organisms can be destructive. Some doctors categorically prohibit tanning during pregnancy, but proper exposure to the sun in compliance with all safety standards can bring irreplaceable benefits.

Exposure to sunlight promotes the production of B vitamins, which help the body absorb calcium, phosphorus and magnesium.

This property is useful for expectant mothers, since calcium deficiency during pregnancy can lead to tooth decay, the appearance of diseases of the skeletal system and cause the development of rickets in the child.

That is why it is believed that being in the fresh air and reasonable sunbathing during pregnancy has a great effect on the formation of the skeleton and teeth of the fetus.

When sunbathing in the sun, the expectant mother should adhere to the following recommendations:

1 Sunbathing is only possible before 10 a.m. and after 5-6 p.m. At this time, the activity of ultraviolet rays is not so great as to harm mother and baby.

2 Don't eat heavy meals before heading to the beach. It is much better to eat fresh vegetables and fruits rich in natural antioxidants: tomatoes, cucumbers, carrots, apples.

Drink as much water as possible while resting. Take a bottle of still water with you to the beach mineral water, chilled green tea or natural juice.

3 Choose your sunscreen responsibly. Pay attention to the degree of protection, which is always indicated on the packaging: 30 SPF is optimal.

The composition of the cream also matters. It is better not to use products containing natural oils during pregnancy.

Oil particles accumulate in the skin and can enhance the effect of ultraviolet rays, which can lead to the appearance of age spots.

4 You should stay in direct sunlight for no more than 10-15 minutes. Prolonged exposure to ultraviolet rays on the skin can cause age spots to appear, a phenomenon that is already often observed in pregnant women.

Having received heatstroke, a woman may lose consciousness. Also, an increase in the mother’s body temperature due to overheating is dangerous for the fetus, since its body does not yet have the ability to thermoregulate.

Can pregnant women swim?

It's no secret that sea water is saturated with many unique microelements and inorganic salts. That is why most of the largest resorts and health resorts are located near the sea.

Substances contained in sea ​​water, have mass useful properties: can improve the condition of the skin, protect against fungal diseases, improve the process of blood clotting and healing.

Sea water, among other things, is rich in iron. This is important, since most women during pregnancy experience such an unpleasant phenomenon as anemia.

Iron is responsible for the transport of oxygen through the tissues of the body, and also has a positive effect on the development of the fetus, protecting it from the occurrence of anemia.

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Women who regularly swim during pregnancy have good uteroplacental hemodynamics: the vessels of the uterus are in excellent tone, and accordingly, more nutrients are supplied to the fetus.

But the most beneficial factor for the expectant mother is that swimming in sea water promotes general relaxation of the body. Chemical composition water helps muscles get rid of excess tension, which is especially necessary for pregnant women in the second and third trimesters.

It is simply illogical to refuse swimming: swimming in salt water, the expectant mother practically does not feel her own weight, resting and relaxing better than just lying on a sun lounger.

In addition, sea procedures help relieve stress and also normalize the tone of the nervous system. Calm and measured swimming is a kind of respiratory training before childbirth.

However, in order for swimming in the sea to bring only benefits, the expectant mother still needs to follow some rules:

Avoid hypothermia. You should not start swimming if the water temperature has not reached +22 °C. If the beach does not provide such data, listen to your own feelings: when entering the water, you should not experience discomfort.

Swim only for pleasure. If you are well prepared, swim vigorously. If before your trip to the sea you have not exercised for a long time physical exercise, then spend no more than 10 minutes in the water at first, avoiding overwork. During this difficult period, it is better to refrain from swimming long distances, as well as diving and jumping into the water.

Try not to touch representatives of marine flora and fauna. Many marine inhabitants have a protective reaction. If you sometimes disturb even a seemingly harmless fish, jellyfish or coral, you risk getting a severe burn.

Don't start swimming immediately after you get to the beach. To begin with, it is better to relax and “cool down” in the shade, and only after that you can go to the pond.

What should a pregnant woman take with her to the sea?

When going on a short trip, try to avoid bulky luggage and take only the most necessary things with you.

Obstetricians and gynecologists, of course, want all pregnant women to be somewhere within walking distance and under control. However, pregnancy is not a disease, quite the opposite. Therefore, a portion of relaxation, sea and positive emotions expectant mothers simply need it. Doctors understand this too and create special FAQs for pregnant women who want to travel.

When can you go on vacation?

If the mother and fetus are fine, then taking a vacation before the 36th week of pregnancy is not only possible, but even necessary. The best time to travel is between the 14th and 28th weeks of pregnancy. The baby is already reliably protected by the placenta, nausea and vomiting of the first trimester is over, and swelling and pressure are not yet a concern.

Whom the doctor won't let go

If the pregnancy is complicated, travel may be too risky. You definitely shouldn’t go anywhere if there is a threat of miscarriage, severe nausea and vomiting, severe swelling, high blood pressure and protein in the urine. During multiple pregnancies, you should also refrain from traveling.

Where the doctor won't let you go

Of course, pregnant women should not travel to countries where they can become infected with the Zika virus. This disease is transmitted by mosquitoes; infection during pregnancy leads to the development of severe congenital malformations, such as microcephaly.

Sometimes it seems to us that the problem of the Zika virus does not exist in our reality, that all this is somewhere very far away - in the countries of the Caribbean and equatorial Africa. In fact, everything is much sadder. There is a world map on the CDC website that identifies countries with a high risk of contracting this infection. Among them are many popular tourist destinations among Russians: Maldives, Singapore, India, Thailand, Vietnam.

Moreover, the Zika virus can survive in semen for up to 6 months, 1 so there is a risk of infection if you have sex without a condom with a man who has been in dangerous regions. So you shouldn’t send one husband on a trip either, and planning a pregnancy on a joint vacation in the Maldives is also not a good idea.

No less dangerous is the risk of contracting malaria and a number of fevers, which are carried by mosquitoes and mosquitoes.

Before planning a trip and immediately before departure, you should visit your doctor to clarify all the risks. Pregnancy is a dynamic condition, the situation changes, and if circumstances are unfavorable, the trip will have to be cancelled. Think about this in advance when booking hotels and plane tickets. When thinking over your travel route, choose the shortest one so that the time spent on the road is minimized.

Every pregnant woman needs to know exactly the duration of her pregnancy and the expected date of birth. Nowadays this is not difficult, because a lot of fun smartphone applications have been invented that help women keep track of the passing weeks.

Before your trip, you should pack a first aid kit. In addition to medications for regular use (for example, vitamins and micronutrient supplements), you need to take medications “in reserve.” These can be non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, hemorrhoid medications, antiseptics, dexpanthenol creams, antacids. Discuss the contents of your emergency first aid kit with your doctor.

Pregnancy is a wonderful time. A well-planned vacation can be exciting and unforgettable. However, the body during pregnancy requires changes in physical activity and daily routine.

When planning your trip, be sure to leave enough time for rest. You must spend at least 9 hours a day sleeping (including mandatory naps during the day). Walking is good at a gentle pace, in 60-90 minute segments with good rest breaks.

Clothing should be loose, comfortable and ergonomic. Preference should be given to natural fabrics. Embarrassment must be avoided chest and abdomen, compressive elastic bands and inserts, especially on underwear. Loose-fitting dresses or long, loose blouses are suitable for expectant mothers. Special underwear and clothes for pregnant women are ideal. Shoes should be comfortable, with wide low heels.

The optimal temperature for a comfortable pastime is about 22 degrees. It is more difficult to endure heat during pregnancy, so velvet seasons are preferable at the seaside.

From the list of entertainment you should exclude horseback riding, water skiing, surfing, diving, scuba diving, speed running, alpine skiing, cycling, and team games. But walking and swimming are highly recommended. It will be great if you can take part in water aerobics or a special exercise therapy course for pregnant women. But remember that in the 1st trimester of pregnancy you need to sharply limit the load on the knee and ankle joints.

Of course, you should not include nightclubs, discos and any establishments where smoking is allowed in the hall and/or the noise level is increased in the entertainment program. Exhibitions, theaters, classical music concerts, museums will fit perfectly into the “pregnant” mode.

Contact your doctor immediately!

Any travel during pregnancy carries a certain risk, because it is almost impossible to predict the development of obstetric complications. Traveling outside the Russian Federation is especially dangerous in this regard, because qualified medical care may turn out to be completely inaccessible or incredibly expensive. Therefore, it is definitely not worth saving on insurance. Even a minor medical service can cost a significant amount of money if insurance is purchased “economically.”

However, despite any financial costs, it is vitally important to urgently seek help if threatening conditions develop:

  • bleeding from the genital tract;
  • lower abdominal pain and/or cramps;
  • rupture of amniotic fluid;
  • symptoms of preeclampsia (persistent headache, spots or other visual disturbances, swelling of the face or hands);
  • severe vomiting or diarrhea;
  • symptoms of deep vein thrombosis (swelling in the affected leg or along a vein; pain or tenderness in the leg when standing or walking; a feeling of warmth in the affected leg; redness or discoloration of the skin of the affected leg);
  • symptoms of pulmonary embolism (sudden onset of unexplained shortness of breath or increased breathing; sudden cough, possibly with blood; sharp chest pain, which may increase with deep breathing; feeling of fear; severe dizziness; rapid heartbeat, interruptions in heart function).

It is also very important to talk about what the expectant mother can and cannot choose in resort cafes and hotel buffets - they, as a rule, are not at all designed for a “pregnant” diet. This is a separate big topic, and my next article will be devoted to it.

Oksana Bogdashevskaya

Photo istockphoto.com

1 Zika virus RNA can persist in semen for up to 6 months and therefore any men with any travel to Miami-Dade County could transmit the virus through semen (sexually or donated) for 6 months after onset of infection. Paz-Bailey G, Rosenberg ES, Doyle K, Munoz-Jordan J, Santiago GA, Klein L, Perez-Padilla J, Medina FA, Waterman SH, Gubern CG, Alvarado LI, Sharp TM. Persistence of Zika Virus in Body Fluids - Preliminary Report. N Engl J Med. 2017; Feb 14. doi: 10.1056/NEJMoa1613108.

Pregnancy is a special condition female body, accompanied by intrauterine development of the fetus.

During pregnancy, you should review your diet, daily routine, and physical activity. If possible, you should limit your intake of any medications other than those prescribed by your doctor. If absolutely necessary, it is possible to take a limited list of medications that will not harm the health of the mother and unborn child.

What medications can be taken (and sometimes necessary) during pregnancy. First aid kit for a pregnant woman.

  1. Vitamins and minerals. Where are they kept?


    An indispensable element for the human body. It is located in the center of the hemoglobin molecule, which provides oxygen to organs and tissues. During pregnancy, the need for iron increases significantly (throughout all three trimesters). Products containing iron: chicken liver, buckwheat, rabbit meat, spinach and apples. Iron preparations: Totema, Ferroplex, Sorbifer.


    Participates in the formation of bone tissue in the fetus. A lack of calcium in the body of the expectant mother can provoke not only a disruption in the development of the musculoskeletal system of the future baby, but also lead to the “washing out” of the mineral from its own bone tissue. Also, against the background of a lack of calcium, the expectant mother may experience: deterioration appearance and conditions of hair, nails, teeth, muscle cramps, preeclampsia. The need for calcium especially increases in the 3rd trimester. Products containing calcium: cheese (the less fatty the cheese, the higher the calcium content), cottage cheese, spinach, almonds, cabbage (all types), sesame seeds, poppy seeds and wheat bran (also bran bread). It is not advisable to introduce white cabbage into the diet during pregnancy, as it helps to wash out iodine from the body. Calcium preparations: Calcemin, Calcium D3 Nycomed, Vitrum Calcium.


    If there is a lack of iodine, abortion may occur in the first trimester. Iodine is also very important for the fetus, as it is part of the thyroid hormones, the deficiency of which may impair the mental development of the unborn baby. The need for iodine is observed throughout the entire period of pregnancy. Products containing iodine: seafood, fish, all types of persimmons, sweet peppers and kelp. You can also use iodized salt as an alternative to regular salt. Iodized salt should be stored in an opaque, tightly closed container, otherwise it will lose its properties. Iodine preparations: Iodomarin, Iodine balance, Potassium iodide.


    A lack of magnesium can affect the well-being of a pregnant woman: sleep disturbances, cardiac arrhythmias, muscle spasms; Also, due to a lack of magnesium, there is a risk of miscarriage. Foods containing magnesium: Almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, cashews, pine nuts, walnuts, beans, peanuts, oat and buckwheat cereals, spinach, kelp. Magnesium preparations: Magnerot, Magne B6. Magnicum


    A lack of zinc can cause spontaneous miscarriage. Products containing zinc: wheat bran, sesame and poppy seeds, pine nuts, veal liver. Zinc preparations: Zincteral, Zincit

    Folic acid

    It is especially important in the first trimester of pregnancy, since with its participation the neural tube of the fetus is formed, from which the baby’s nervous system is then formed. Foods containing folic acid: beef liver, cod liver, spinach, green onions, hazelnuts, walnuts. Folic acid preparations: Vitrum Folicum, Folic acid tablets.

    Vitamin E

    A useful antioxidant, especially during pregnancy. It also reduces the tone of the uterus, thereby reducing the likelihood of miscarriage. Products containing Vitamin E: wheat germ oil, sunflower oil, almonds, hazelnuts. Preparations with Vitamin E: Aevit, Vitamin E Zentiva.

    B vitamins.

    Responsible for metabolism, normal functioning of the nervous system, hematopoiesis.

    Complex preparations for pregnant women containing all the necessary vitamins and minerals: Elevit Pronatal, Pregnavit, Vitrum Prenatal, Pregnacomplex, etc.

  2. Laxatives. Of all the laxatives available in pharmacies, the safest are those based on lactulose (not to be confused with lactose). Lactulose is practically not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and does not have a systemic effect on the body of the expectant mother or the fetus.
    Preparations: Normaze, Duphalac.
  3. Anti-colds. Among the remedies that do not have a negative effect on the body of the expectant mother and the fetus, the homeopathic drug Aflubin is recommended. Despite the high safety profile of this drug, it is still recommended to consult a specialist.
  4. Cold medicine. The use of sprays and drops is allowed: Humer, Salin. Aqua maris, Euphorbium compositum.
  5. Cough medications. Lazolvan (Ambroxol) can only be used in the 3rd trimester. Dr. Theis' Plantain Syrup can be used in any trimester of pregnancy, after consulting your doctor.
  6. Preparations for the treatment of throat. It is recommended to gargle with a diluted alcohol solution of Chlorophyllipt: 1 tablespoon of solution per 1 glass of water.
  7. Remedies for poisoning or upset stomach. A pregnant woman's first aid kit should contain Smecta or Activated Carbon + Regidron or mineral water.
  8. Sedative and hypnotic. During pregnancy, Glycine or Glycised is indicated.
  9. Pain reliever for injuries. Traumeel tablets.
  10. Antispasmodic. Usually, for stomach cramps and increased uterine tone, No-spa is prescribed to prevent miscarriage.
  11. At elevated body temperatures, in exceptional cases, the use of Paracetamol is allowed. Before use, ALWAYS consult your doctor.

List of first aid kits for the expectant mother in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy

Medicine Indications During what period of pregnancy can it be used? Doctor's appointment Mode of application
1 Elevit Pronatal (Multivitamin for pregnant women) Prevention of vitamin deficiency in pregnant women Can be used throughout the entire period, with caution in the 1st trimester The course is selected individually by the attending physician Taken once a day, in the morning, after 15 minutes. after meals
2 Dufalac (Laxative) For constipation 1-2 table. spoons in the morning with meals
3 Aflubin For colds, ARVI Can be used throughout the entire period Take 10 drops 3 times a day between meals. Dissolve the drops in a small amount of water, keep in your mouth for about a minute, then swallow.
4 Aquamaris spray With a runny nose of various etiologies Can be used throughout the entire period Can be used without a doctor's prescription Spray 2 inhalations into each nostril 4-8 times a day
5 Plantain Syrup (Dr. Thays) Cough treatment Can be used throughout the entire period The appointment should be agreed with the attending physician 1 tbsp. spoon (15 ml) 5 times a day
6 Chlorophyllipt alcohol solution For infectious diseases of the throat and mouth Can be used throughout the entire period Use should be discussed with your doctor To rinse, dilute 1 tablespoon in a glass of warm water. Gargle 5 times a day between meals.
7 Smecta For stomach upset, vomiting, food poisoning Can be used throughout the entire period Can be used without a doctor's prescription Dissolve 1 packet in 100 ml of water, apply 1 packet at a time. 3 times a day
8 Regidron To restore water-salt balance after vomiting or diarrhea Can be used throughout the entire period Can be used without a doctor's prescription Sol. 1 packet - for 1 liter of water. In the first hour after vomiting or upset, take 500 ml of solution. Next, 200 ml per hour.
9 Glycine For insomnia, neuroses, stressful situations Can be used in the 2nd and 3rd trimester, in the 1st trimester - with caution Before use, consultation with a physician is required. doctor For insomnia or sleep disorders: 1 tablet under the tongue 15 minutes before bedtime. For stressful situations, 1 tablet. 3-5 times a day
10 Traumeel tablets Various pain syndromes associated with injuries or pathologies of the musculoskeletal system Can be used throughout the entire period Before use, consultation with a physician is required. doctor For severe pain, 1 tablet. every 15 min. within 2 hours, then 1 tablet. 3 times a day
11 No-shpa For various cramps, threat of miscarriage Suitable for use throughout the entire period. The dosage and course of treatment are selected individually by the attending physician. 1-2 tablets 3 times a day.
12 Pumpan drops For high blood pressure, vegetative-vascular dystonia, heart failure and coronary artery disease Can be used throughout the entire period Before use, consultation with a physician is required. doctor Use 10 drops 3 times a day between meals. Dilute the drops in a small amount of water, keep in your mouth for about a minute, then swallow.