How to pickle barnyard mushrooms for the winter at home. Cowshed (Paxillus involutus) photo and description How to treat barn mushrooms

Dear Elena, I graduated from school with honors and I’m no more stupid than you, 1st class aviation specialist, 49 years old, NO chronic diagnoses, I wrote a book, I think I’ll publish it, I collected and ate pork, including BREW, from the age of 7, my grandfather ate pigs and died at 96. I went through the war and was rarely sick, a retired artillery colonel, a lot of awards. Is he also dumber than you? I’m telling you, most of those who criticize the pig are for some reason very evil individuals. Probably from hatred of the overwhelming statistics, which do not confirm their correctness, this is from the lack of practical arguments, well, the absolute majority who consume this mushroom live a long time and in terms of diseases are no different from others. My mother is a nursery teacher, she is 64 years old, NO chronic diagnoses, runs around dancing, excellent health, normal memory, collects pigs and EATS! And this is 30 km from Moscow! So they got it right: “The Ministry of Health discovered it in the 80s” and banned STATE PROCUREMENT. And before that, was everything fine? And it was a suspicious period when the country was already being shaken. Or maybe they just wanted to throw something negative in the spirit of swine flu at the population, so that they wouldn’t relax. The Ministry of Health is a government agency, and it can be trusted... There are nutrients in pork and it was declared banned at the state level based on certain studies, the results of which the average person should take on faith (practice does not confirm them. Isolated cases of poisoning are comparable in percentage terms with similar cases of consumption and other mushrooms and food products, so it smacks VERY STRONGLY of bias). In cigarettes, which the SAME Ministry of Health has recognized as ABSOLUTELY TOXIC, there are no substances useful to humans at all, ONLY POISON, which is written RIGHT ON THE PACK - “KILLS!!!”, but the state of which the Ministry of Health is a part continues to sell KILLING cigarettes to the population, that is simply participates in this very murder at the state level. The overwhelming majority of doctors themselves SMOKE willingly and a lot!!! So, we are banning a potentially dangerous mushroom (for some reason, belatedly) from stockpiling, and we are selling guaranteed poisonous cigarettes (AND NOT ONLY!!!) to the public en masse? Where is the logic, gentlemen and comrades? And in this sense, I must trust a government agency that actively participates in all affairs of the state, which continues to drink and smoke the population because it is PROFIT?! Despite the risk of cancer and other crap from smoking and drinking? And this has been government policy since the time of Nicholas II in relation to the population! This is a concern for his health. Is the doctor even interested in the absence of patients if he makes money thanks to their presence? The same one from the Ministry of Health? And someone on the forum wrote about reducing the risk of cancer when eating pork. But here the question arises: maybe people are being deliberately weaned off this product. to increase the risk of cancer in the country? And if we add here a sharp increase in smoking among ALL segments of the population? Here is someone who smokes, drinks, eats everything that the industry produces, but GOD FORbid PIGS. But I don’t smoke, I don’t drink alcohol, I’m very selective about food (it’s based on a lot raw vegetables and fruits, but I’m not a vegan or a fruit eater), I lead an active lifestyle and OH-OH, I eat pigs. Who will get sick first? Will I ever get sick? I don’t catch a cold and easily fight off flu attacks every season, so what? What is this effect? Why keep saying: “You’re all going to die!” Well, I’m writing again, I have to say that REAL LIFE, MY LIFE EXPERIENCE, shows that people who eat pigs live easily and live to a very old age and are not sickly people at all. And the pensioners sitting in the clinic equally CAN use pigs and DO NOT KNOW about their existence, and this mushroom has nothing to do with it. and pensioners do this all over the world, regardless of the presence of pigs in the nature of any state. AND IT’S YOU ELENA CONFUSING ASS WITH FINGER in this particular case. This is the same as saying that the latest research has shown that bricks fall from bottom to top, despite the fact that repeated experience suggests the opposite. Well, how can you prove to a person who lived to be almost 100 years old eating pigs that he would have lived to 101 if he had not eaten them? Okay, there's a lot of talk about the accumulation of pigweed venom. But then this should affect the state of the body, internal organs, be reflected in blood tests, urine, feces, and many other things... well, the poison accumulates. They write that only at a certain concentration, they say there is a cumulative effect. How much of it is needed before the effect is achieved. How many pigs should you eat in your life. to receive a poisonous or killing dose? And ask yourself how much MSON SODIUM GLUTAMATE you need to eat to die? There is such a dose!!! It also accumulates and is included in a huge amount of industrial food products. however, boiled, pink (dyed) sausage is not recognized as poisonous because it is TRADE and is sold to the MASSES! When I stopped eating most artificial foods, my life improved dramatically in every way. As for eating pigs, there was a time when I didn’t eat for 3-4 years (there was no time to collect), then I ate, now I eat and... no difference. Is the aging of the body ALSO GRADUAL and that life is also TOXIC? Death in general is a CUMULATIVE effect - bam and it has come, does that mean LIVING IS HARMFUL?

Not all mushrooms can be eaten. For example, there is still debate about the benefits and harms of barnyard mushroom. Several decades ago they were often eaten, but today they are considered toxic. Why? They are like a sponge, absorbing all the harmful substances that are in the air and soil. In addition, cowsheds produce toxic substances in small concentrations. But this does not stop many, and they continue to eat them. To avoid poisoning, it is necessary to properly handle the product.

Despite their unremarkable appearance, they have a pleasant taste, which is why they are loved by many mushroom pickers. With proper heat treatment, the toxic substances present in them are eliminated. Cowsheds tend to accumulate toxins only if they grow in unfavorable areas with poor environmental conditions.

If you pick mushrooms, do it only in areas that are located away from roads, plants, and factories.

But besides this, barns accumulate muscarine, this poison is produced by the mushrooms themselves. Despite the low concentration of poison, the product can lead to poisoning. That’s why if you want to enjoy barnacles, be sure to familiarize yourself with the rules for preparing them.

How to cook barnyard mushrooms? They can be stewed, fried, pickled, salted. But before that you need to eliminate toxins from them, this will take a lot of time. You must also prepare them properly. Rinse them thoroughly several times to remove dust and debris. You will have to spend a lot of time soaking them, since the procedure must be carried out 3 times. Dilute salt in water, in a concentration of 2 tsp per 1 liter. Place the mushrooms in the saline solution and leave for 5-6 hours. Drain the liquid and re-soak the barns.

After soaking, we proceed to boiling. As with soaking, you will have to repeat the boiling procedure three times. Here, too, you need to follow certain rules.

If you need to boil 1 kg of barns, you will need 1 liter of water. Accordingly, 3 kg of mushrooms will require 3 liters of water. Don’t forget about salt, take 1 tsp per 1 liter of liquid. salt. Place the mushrooms in salted water, bring the container with water to boil, and cover with a lid. After the liquid has boiled, continue to cook the barns for five minutes, remove the container from the heat and drain the water.

Let's proceed to the second stage. This time you need to spend a little more time cooking. We make the same solution as in the previous case, put mushrooms in it. Place on the fire and cook for half an hour from the moment it boils. Drain the liquid. The third time the mushrooms need to be boiled for 40 minutes.

How to cook cow mushrooms and how long to cook them?

Do not add them fresh to dishes under any circumstances! Even if you are going to stew or marinate them, be sure to prepare the mushrooms according to the above scheme. This is the only way you can eliminate toxins from them. Boiled cowtails 3 times can be used to prepare any dish. But keep in mind that they are not used to make soups.

What can be cooked from cowsheds:

  • With potatoes, cereals;
  • Add to salads, snacks;
  • Add to omelet, scrambled eggs;
  • Marinate;
  • Vegetable, meat stew;
  • In casseroles.

Cowweeds can be used in many dishes, just like other mushrooms. The only difference is that they are not recommended to be added to soups.

Is it possible to dry barns?

Alas, no. Therefore, if you want to collect mushrooms for further drying, we recommend choosing others. Barns are too porous and do not retain their texture when moisture is removed.

How to deliciously cook and pickle barnyard mushrooms for the winter - to answer the question you will need knowledge of several theoretical points and instructions for preparing healthy pickles.

Mushrooms are highly dangerous plants, so it is important to take simple operations responsibly.

The benefits and harms of mushrooms

First of all, let's look at the negative aspects of eating pickled mushrooms:

  • It is not recommended to eat such food after 6 pm, but this applies to any dishes;
  • when making marinades, vinegar is used, which does not add pleasant moments to people with gastritis and gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Svinushki are conditionally edible mushrooms; they, like everyone else, accumulate heavy metals and other substances dangerous to human health. Therefore, it is not recommended to collect value near industrial facilities and roads or buy at spontaneous markets.

Milk mushrooms have more beneficial properties:

  • the product contains a full set of multivitamins;
  • health-promoting metals, macro- and microelements;
  • In terms of protein content, they are ahead of even chicken eggs, but let us remind you that it is plant-based;
  • in pickled mushrooms, especially those processed thermally, the content of nutrients is reduced; dried mushrooms are more useful, but they do not have such a refined taste;
  • the amino acids contained help normalize digestion and the breakdown of cholesterol and have a beneficial effect on heart function;
  • the low caloric content of barns will allow them to be used in the preparation of dietary dishes;
  • Eating food from valuev supports the body’s immune system and reduces the risk of cancer.

How to properly prepare mushrooms

It’s easy to prepare mushrooms at home and on the go:

  • It is better to collect young small mushrooms with caps that have not opened, without signs of rot or damage to the caps.
  • Valui must be subjected to lengthy water procedures to remove the bitter milky juice from the pulp.
  • A small weight must be placed on top so that the pigs are completely submerged in the water. The task of the first soaking of mushrooms is to wash off the sticky base from the caps and forest debris.
  • It is recommended to add salt to the water, so all the worms will crawl out of the mushrooms 100%. Duration of 1 soaking is 10-12 hours.
  • The liquid is drained into the sewer, a pan half filled with water is placed next to it, and the cleaned and washed milk mushrooms will be placed here. The debris is cleaned off with a brush, and the leg is trimmed with a knife and areas with rot or damaged plates are removed.
  • After washing all the mushrooms, put pressure in the pan and soak the milk mushrooms for 2 days, changing the water up to 4 times daily.

After completing a full washing cycle and removing the bitterness, you can begin to marinate the barns for the winter.

Recipes for preparing pigs for the winter

For this method of preparation, it is important to prepare a high-quality marinade. Let us examine in more detail the process of preparing 2 compositions of canning liquid.

Quick marinade recipe

The recipe for high-speed marinade preparation will help you cook quickly and tasty:

  • for every kilogram of milk mushrooms, use 400-500 milliliters of water and up to 20 grams of coarse salt;
  • pour water into a pan, add salt, 10-20 grams of sugar and bring to a boil over high heat;
  • Having thoroughly mixed the brine, filter it through several layers of gauze, put the pan on the fire and add up to 6 grams of citric acid, 5-6 pieces of allspice. It is recommended to add cloves, cinnamon and other spices, but this is purely individual;
  • the water has boiled, the marinade is poured into jars with mushrooms and the process of preparing milk mushrooms for the winter continues.

Universal marinade

To deliciously marinate mushrooms different types, knowledge of a special recipe will come in handy.

The cooking process is similar fast way. The difference is that the mushrooms are boiled in this marinade for 20-30 minutes, then the milk mushrooms and spices are placed in jars and completely filled with marinade. For 1 liter of water you will need:

  • 80-100 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 40 grams of table salt;
  • A 100-gram shot glass of 9% vinegar and a full range of herbs and spices to taste.

Pigs with garlic and pepper

To cook spicy cold snack with the delicious smell of garlic, perform the following list of works:

  • 1 kilogram of cows is boiled in several waters for 10-15 minutes, and after each boiling it is cooled under running water. This way it is possible to shorten the cooking time and quickly remove bitterness;
  • after the last blanching, the milk mushrooms are thrown onto a sieve and the excess water is allowed to drain;
  • prepare a universal marinade for 2 liters of water;
  • Add 3-4 crushed cloves of garlic to the fungi and mix;
  • At the bottom of each jar put 1 dill umbrella, peppercorns and mushrooms with garlic. Fill the jars completely and tightly with milk mushrooms and pour hot marinade over them. All that remains is to seal the containers tightly and leave them until they cool completely.

The classic method of salting for the winter

For the classic recipe for the cold method of salting pigs, you will need to perform several simple operations:

  • it is necessary to salt in wooden barrels, enamel or glass containers, which before starting work are thoroughly washed with mustard powder and scalded with boiling water or sterilized;
  • For every 1 kilogram of mushrooms add 40 grams of coarse salt. The milk mushrooms and salt are thoroughly mixed;
  • The bottom of the barrel is filled with part of a set of spices and herbs. For every kilogram of pigs, use 5-6 peas of allspice, several large umbrellas of dill with seeds, but without stems. The bottom is additionally covered with several whole horseradish leaves;

  • Soaked mushrooms with salt are laid in layers, topped with a layer of spices. This way they reach almost to the top, the last row is covered with black currant leaves. Place a gauze napkin on top and place a weight so that the pigs are completely hidden under a layer of juice;
  • Once every 2-3 days, rinse and scald the napkin with boiling water, remove the foam and, if necessary, add salted water.

Pickles are stored in the basement at a maximum temperature of 15-18 or in the refrigerator.

Valui marinated with vinegar essence

Vinegar essence can be used in the preparation of any recipe for pickled milk mushrooms, but you will need to calculate the proportion and add not 50 milligrams, but 1 teaspoon. Here is one recipe for preparing mushrooms with a crispy crust using the essence:

  • 2 kilograms of cowsheds are placed in salted water and boiled for 25-30 minutes over low heat. Particular attention is paid to removing foam;
  • put the milk mushrooms in a colander, drain the old brine and pour clean water, add mushrooms, add 150 grams of salt, allspice - 10 pieces of peas, 5-7 bay leaves and 2 tablespoons of essence;
  • bring to a boil over high heat and reduce the heat to low, stirring constantly, simmer the walui for 25-30 minutes.

After extinguishing the fire, the mushrooms are allowed to cool directly in the marinade; Having placed it in jars, cover it with nylon lids and put it in the basement or refrigerator. If you plan to roll valui in jars, they are immediately laid out and rolled in sterilized containers.

Canned barnyards in jars

Preserving pigs requires several stages:

  • to prepare a mushroom salad with vegetables, boil the soaked barnacles in salted water for 40 minutes, cool under running water and place in a colander to drain excess moisture;

  • mushrooms are cut into medium-sized pieces so as not to chase milk mushrooms around the plate;
  • Place the chopped pigs in a frying pan and lightly fry without oil until the juice evaporates;
  • 1 kilogram of tomatoes, sweet peppers, 500 grams of onions and 700 grams of carrots, cut into small pieces;
  • Stew tomatoes in hot oil for 5 minutes, add a layer of onion, chopped milk mushrooms and bell pepper. Stirring constantly, simmer vegetables and mushrooms for 5-7 minutes;
  • Add carrots, 50 grams of salt, 70 grams of sugar to the salad, cover the pan with a lid and simmer the salad over low heat for 45-50 minutes. Pour a 100-gram glass of 9% table vinegar;
  • Place the vegetable salad with mushrooms in sterilized jars and seal them with lids.

Storage rules

Let us remind you that barnyard mushrooms are conditionally edible mushrooms. Family safety depends 50% on collecting and preparing food. The remaining 50% is allocated to compliance with storage rules.

If the pickled valui is rolled up with airtight lids in glass jars, it is easy to ensure safe storage conditions. It is enough to put the pickles in the pantry or even under the bed. The main thing is that this place should not be exposed to direct sunlight, and the storage areas should not be in close proximity to heating appliances and household appliances.

At the first signs of swelling of the jars, you can still digest the contents, add an increased percentage of vinegar and roll up the lids again, or use such pickles first. If a jar “explodes”, such a cap must be thrown away; eating such products is prohibited.

It is more difficult to organize storage of salted or fermented pigs in barrels or other containers that are not hermetically sealed with lids. Such pickles must be constantly monitored for mold and rot, gauze pads must be constantly changed or scalded, and a layer of juice must be added.

If the first spots of mold appear, completely remove the top row of mushrooms and pour 150-200 grams of sunflower oil or vodka into the container - this will avoid further spread of rot.

Important! The maximum shelf life of homemade mushroom preparations is 9 months. Opened large jars of pickled pigs are stored only in the refrigerator for 7-8 days from the moment of opening.


It is not difficult to prepare pickled barns for the winter. Collecting such milk mushrooms is easy; just find a few friendly families of young fungi, and the collection plan will be completed. Cooking recipes and preparatory work will not cause difficulties for novice housewives. A minimum set of simple tasks will allow you to quickly and efficiently prepare delicious valui for the whole winter.

Until the 80s of the last century, barnyard mushrooms (svinukhi, svinushki) were considered edible, but in last years they began to be classified as poisonous. The reason for this is the ability of fungi to accumulate toxins found in the soil and environment, and also that barns produce muscarine, a poison similar to that contained in fly agaric. However, despite this, these mushrooms are still collected for consumption, but strict rules for processing the product must be followed. This is exactly what “Popular About Health” will tell you about - how to cook mushrooms, how long to cook them so as not to harm your health?

What is remarkable about the barn mushroom?

Externally, the barn is nondescript, but most users note its pleasant taste, of course, subject to skillful preparation. This mushroom accumulates toxic substances if it grows in areas with unfavorable environmental conditions. But almost all mushrooms have such properties, it’s no secret to anyone. Therefore, it is allowed to collect cowsheds only away from roads, factories, industrial enterprises, deep in the forest, where the air is clean.

Another thing is the poison muscarine, it is produced inside mushrooms and is dangerous to health. However, with proper processing of the product, the effect of toxins can be neutralized, then you can safely consume pork. Let's take a closer look at how to prepare barns for later use in cooking.

How to soak barns?

It is not recommended to store collected mushrooms for a long time.
needs to be processed immediately. First of all, they should be thoroughly washed, debris and dust removed, after which the barns are subjected to a mandatory three-stage soaking in salt water. Dilute 2 teaspoons of salt in a liter of water and place the mushrooms in the solution for 5 hours. Then a new salt solution is prepared and the pigs are sent into it again for the same time. Then they repeat everything again - prepare a new solution and soak the mushrooms for another 5 hours. After completing the procedure, drain the liquid through a colander and allow it to drain completely.

How long does it take to boil barns??

After soaking, the mushrooms are always boiled, and this process also occurs in three stages. How and how long should you cook mushrooms? Let's look at this in detail.

1. For every kilogram of product, take one liter of water and a teaspoon of salt. The pigs are placed in cold water, the pan is placed on the stove, and covered with a lid. After boiling, set aside for 5 minutes, then drain the water.
2. The second stage of cooking lasts longer. You need to prepare the same solution of water and salt, put the mushrooms in the pan and let them boil. We time it for 30 minutes. We drain the water again.
3. Make the brine solution again and set the pigs to cook. At the third stage, after boiling, cook them for exactly 40 minutes. Using a colander, drain the liquid and let the mushrooms drain and cool.

Now the product can be used for salting, pickling or frying.

How to cook pigs?

Cow mushrooms can be prepared in different ways. They are good either salted or marinated, or fried with potatoes. Svinushki are added to salads and stewed in sour cream, but they are never made into soups or dried.

Fried cowsheds with potatoes

This is the easiest way to cook pigs. Soaked and thrice-cooked mushrooms (0.5 kg) are placed in a frying pan with vegetable oil and lightly fried. Then add onion cut into rings (take as much as you like). We don’t add salt yet, but you can sprinkle the ingredients with pepper. Next we need 1 kg of potatoes. We clean it and cut it in the usual way. When the onion changes color to golden, add the potatoes to the pan and fry without a lid. Stir the contents periodically until all the potato slices are fried. Finally, add salt and cover the pan with a lid. If desired, you can add chopped garlic and dill for flavor.

Pickled cowsheds

These mushrooms are very tasty when marinated. They are quite easy to prepare. For a liter of marinade, take half a glass of vinegar, 20 g of salt, the same amount of sugar, 6 allspice peas, 8 cloves of garlic (chopped), 4-5 stalks of dill, 2-3 bay leaves. Bring the marinade to a boil. We sterilize the jars, fill them with prepared mushrooms, and fill them with hot marinade to the top. Pour 30 ml of vegetable oil into each jar and roll up. Check the quality of the seal by turning the jars upside down. If the marinade does not flow out, you can wrap the workpieces in an old blanket and let them cool. You can eat pickled pigs within 2-3 weeks.

Barnyard mushrooms are often fried and stewed with the addition of sour cream, and added to casseroles, omelettes, and salads. In principle, you can do the same with them as with any other mushrooms, it is only important to correctly carry out the initial preparation of the product in order to neutralize toxins and toxic substances as much as possible. With this approach, you will protect yourself and your family - prevent poisoning.

So, how long should barns be cooked? Now you know for sure - the first time - 5 minutes, the second - 30, and the third time - 40 minutes. Don’t forget about the three-stage soaking of the product; this is very important, since when in salted water, the mushrooms release poisons, freeing themselves from them.

Safe recipes, or how to cook barnyard mushrooms:

When it gets warmer outside, many people gather to pick mushrooms. One of the first mushrooms of the season are barnyards (pigs). They are very popular, although they are conditionally edible, and in some classifications even poisonous. There is some evidence that regular consumption of this product poses a health risk. But this does not stop lovers of delicious food, so they enjoy them with pleasure. They know how to cook barnyard mushrooms! We will find out today too!

A few words about cowsheds

Cowsheds (or pig sheds) grow in clearings illuminated by the sun. It is not recommended to take a mushroom that has grown near the roadway, as it will contain many harmful substances, which increases the risk of poisoning. The barns need to be prepared immediately, as they are not stored for a long time (they turn black, mold, and so on).

Before cooking, the mushrooms are soaked in water for a while and then cooked. It should be noted that barnyard mushrooms, the recipes for which we will consider below, are not recommended to be dried and added to soups; they are usually pickled and pickled. To do this, choose wooden barrels or containers made of glass and ceramics.

Salting barns

Before you start pickling, the mushrooms are soaked in cool water, washed and boiled. Then they are washed again and placed in containers in layers, sprinkled with salt and adding horseradish, cherry and currant leaves. You can also add garlic cloves, allspice and dill. Then they put gauze on top, put pressure on it and put the container in a cold place for forty days. Cowsheds are stored at a temperature not lower than five degrees; mushrooms may otherwise freeze. It is necessary to periodically add cold water, since the brine may evaporate over time.

Pickled cowsheds

Ingredients: half a glass of table vinegar, two tablespoons of salt, ten cloves of garlic, five stalks of dill, two bay leaves, as well as five black peppercorns, two spoons of sugar, a pinch of cinnamon.


Before cooking barnyard mushrooms, you need to soak, wash and cook them. Boil in salted water for about twenty-five minutes, periodically removing any foam that appears. After this, remove the mushrooms from the heat and cool. Place the pigs into jars prepared in advance, pour in the cooled marinade, add two tablespoons of sunflower oil and roll up.

Omelet with cowsheds

Ingredients: one glass of boiled mushrooms, one onion, four eggs, two tablespoons of butter, one fourth of sweet pepper, herbs, salt and spices to taste.


Chop the onion and fry until it becomes transparent. Then pre-boiled and chopped mushrooms are added to it and fried for ten minutes over low heat, adding salt and pepper. As a result, you will have very appetizing barns (photo). Combine the mushrooms with beaten eggs and fry for another 5-7 minutes. Top everything with chopped bell pepper and chopped herbs. The dish is ready!

Fried cows with sour cream

Ingredients: five hundred grams of young mushrooms, half a glass of sour cream, as well as hard cheese, garlic, onions, parsley and basil, apples, salt and spices to taste, vegetable oil or pork fat.


Before cooking barnyard mushrooms, they should be cleaned and boiled. Then they are washed and cut into pieces. Place cowsheds in a heated frying pan in fat or vegetable oil and fry them for fifteen minutes, avoiding overdrying. Next, add onions and seasonings, but do this sparingly to preserve the mushroom flavor and aroma. Mushrooms should be salted at the end of frying, but before that, sour cream is added to them. Then the dish is simmered until fully cooked. If more sauce is required, dilute the sour cream with milk or mushroom broth. The dish can be served either hot or cold.

Fried cowsheds with potatoes

Ingredients: eight mushrooms, eight potatoes, one onion, half a spoon of black pepper, thirty grams of vegetable oil, salt to taste.


Before cooking barnyard mushrooms, they are boiled twice in salted water. To do this, the mushrooms are cleaned, washed and cut into medium-sized pieces, poured with water and cooked for twenty-five minutes. Then the cowsheds are placed in a colander and thoroughly washed with cold water, and again set to cook for twenty-five minutes. Then the mushrooms are washed and dried, placed in a frying pan, where vegetable oil is first poured, and heated until the excess liquid boils away. Then add chopped onion and fry for ten minutes, after which add chopped potatoes. Fry everything until the potatoes are ready, until golden brown, stirring occasionally.


Despite the fact that barnacles are considered to be conditionally edible mushrooms, they are very often used for preparing various dishes. It must be said that they are salted, fried, marinated, cooked in a slow cooker, but it is not recommended to dry them and prepare first courses from them. And, of course, everything is good in moderation! Bon appetit!

Barnyard mushrooms – how and how much to cook correctly?

Despite the fact that cowsheds (also called pighouses) were transferred from the group of conditionally edible mushrooms to poisonous ones several years ago, housewives continue to use them for their culinary achievements. If you know how to soak a component and how long to cook it, the potential risk can be minimized and even completely eliminated.

Mushrooms are soaked at least three times in salt water, the exposure time should be at least 5 hours. They are also boiled three times: in the first water for 5 minutes, in the second - 30 minutes, in the third - 40 minutes. It turns out that the entire temperature treatment should last at least 1 hour 15 minutes. In addition, before preparing the barns, it is worth collecting more information about them, which will reduce the hassle in the kitchen to a minimum.

Useful information about the barnyard mushroom

It is important not only to know how much and how to cook barns until done. In order for the mushrooms to turn out tasty and not harm your health, you must always remember the following things:

  • The finished components do not float on the surface of the water, but settle to the bottom of the container.
  • Boiled mushrooms do not have to be immediately used in various dishes. They tolerate freezing well and retain their taste in this form for six months. If necessary, they simply need to be defrosted at room temperature and subjected to a short heat treatment.
  • For boiling, it is better to select the youngest barns. They are lighter in color. At the same time, the age of the product does not in any way affect how long it should be boiled.

Tip: Svinushki come in thin and thick varieties. Despite the difference in appearance, they practically do not differ in composition and taste. Despite this, it is better to eat thin specimens, because... they cook better during heat treatment, while accumulating fewer harmful components during the growth period.

  • Products must be processed as quickly as possible, because... Cuts of such mushrooms darken very quickly. This does not affect the quality of the component in any way, but it does spoil the aesthetic appearance a little.
  • It is recommended to store fresh mushrooms in the refrigerator for no more than 3 days.

Unfortunately, even compliance with all of the above rules cannot guarantee the absence of the risk of toxic or food poisoning. To prepare ordinary barns, you need to have impressive experience and knowledge, which is inherent only to experienced mushroom pickers.

How to properly cook a poisonous mushroom so that it becomes edible?

Before cooking the collected mushrooms, they should be cleaned of all debris, rinsed several times in cold water and soaked. The barns are soaked three times, for 5 hours each. Each time, clean salted water is used, which is completely drained and replaced with a fresh solution. The components prepared in this way are placed in a colander to drain off excess moisture.

  • Now take mushrooms, salt and water. It is important to know how much to take of which component so that the product turns out not only safe, but also tasty. Experts believe that for 1 kg of barns you need to take 1 liter of water and a teaspoon of fine salt.
  • Place all ingredients in a saucepan, place it over high heat and bring to a boil. It is strictly forbidden to scald components with boiling water! With this approach, it will be impossible to adequately prepare them.

  • After boiling, the mixture should be cooked for 5 minutes over medium heat, preferably covered. Then drain the broth, replace it with fresh cold (!) water and repeat the manipulation, this time letting it sit for half an hour. Drain the liquid again and replace it with clean water. Boil the mushrooms for the last time for 40 minutes. This time they should reach full readiness.
  • Place the boiled ingredients in a sieve or colander, wait until all the water has drained and the products themselves have cooled. Only after this can they be used for their intended purpose or frozen.
  • Elements prepared in this way can be stored in the refrigerator for 3 days, but they must be filled with the last decoction.

Pork has a dense and pleasant texture, a special taste, a mild aroma and, at the same time, is low in calories, which allows the component to be used in dietary salads or side dishes. If you learn how to boil the ingredient correctly, it will help diversify your usual dishes. The main thing is to remember all the given rules and strictly follow the requirements of the recipes.

Many housewives prefer to close their pig houses for the winter. In this case, it is worth considering that no matter how much the barns are subjected to chemical treatment (salting, pickling), the danger of poisoning by such components still remains. Therefore, you should not use recipes that do not pre-boil the mushrooms.

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How to cook barnyard mushrooms? Fried and marinated mushrooms:

Mushrooms are an excellent source of protein, which is why they are quite popular in many countries. They are served as a separate dish or as a snack. But to make them tasty and healthy, you need to know how to collect and cook them correctly. After all, some mushrooms are considered poisonous and should not be eaten. In the forest you can find not only noble porcini mushrooms, chanterelles and honey mushrooms, but also lesser known ones, for example, pigs or cowsheds. They come in thin and thick varieties. The latter species is recognized as edible. To pamper your family and diversify your diet, you need to know how to cook barnyard mushrooms.

"Forest meat"

Nutritionists equate mushrooms with meat because they contain a lot of protein. In addition, they are rich in fiber, and the lack of fat and low calorie content make this product considered unusually valuable. But it should be consumed in moderation, since mushrooms are difficult to digest, due to the high content of chitin.

Many fried mushrooms pose a great danger to humans - they can be poisonous. Therefore, they must be collected with great care. If there is even the slightest doubt about their quality, it is better to refuse such a product.

You can even get poisoned by edible mushrooms. This can happen when they grow in unfavorable environmental areas or near a road. Mushrooms must be stored and prepared correctly so that they do not cause harm to health.

Preparing mushrooms

Before cooking, all mushrooms must be thoroughly cleaned of debris and soil, and then rinsed thoroughly. Those species that are considered “conditionally edible” must be boiled and soaked in a vinegar solution. The product must dry before frying. To speed up the process, you can use a paper towel. If the mushrooms are very large, you can cut them into smaller pieces, then the cooking will be even.

Primary heat treatment

Before boiling the barns, they need to be soaked in cold water for several hours. The answer to the question: “How long to cook mushrooms?” depends on how they are prepared. Before frying, the cows are boiled in salted water for about thirty minutes. After this, you need to put them in a colander and give them the opportunity to drain thoroughly.

Fried mushrooms with onions

There are several ways to prepare barnyard mushrooms. If you need to fry them with onions, then, first of all, fry the onions in vegetable oil. After this, mushrooms are added and cooked until cooked. To prevent them from burning, you need to stir them constantly.

As a rule, the product takes about fifteen minutes to prepare. For the first half of cooking, you need to fry the mushrooms over high heat without a lid, and then you can reduce the flame and cover with a lid. While the dish is simmering, you should stir it constantly.

Mushrooms in their own juice

The second option, how to cook barnyard mushrooms, also deserves attention. They turn out very juicy and aromatic. Heat the cast iron frying pan well and place the mushrooms there. Until the juice is released, they must be constantly stirred. When the liquid has evaporated, pour a little vegetable oil into the frying pan and fry the product until cooked. If you wish, you can add sour cream at the end.

Salt and spices

Regardless of what kind of mushrooms they are and how they are prepared, they need to be salted a few minutes before they are fully cooked. You can add a little black pepper, it will highlight the taste of the dish. But you shouldn’t season the product with herbs and spices - the odorous components will overwhelm the delicate aroma. Before serving, you can sprinkle the dish with finely chopped fresh dill or onions. Then the delicious mushroom taste will become even better.

Some people prefer to fry mushrooms with sautéed vegetables. Carrots can be grated on a coarse grater or cut into strips and added to the onion.

Marinated pigs

Not all housewives know how to pickle mushrooms, as they are not very popular. For the marinade, sugar, salt, vinegar and spices are used. If you use wine vinegar instead of regular vinegar, the taste of the pigs will be more piquant. You need to boil the mushrooms in the marinade for about ten minutes, and then put them in sterilized jars or serve. If you don’t want to boil it, it will be useful to learn how to cook barnacle mushrooms in a cold marinade. To do this, just fill them with brine.

How to salt pork?

To prepare them, it is better to use a wooden barrel if there are a lot of pigs. The mushrooms must first be washed, soaked and boiled, and then laid out in layers, sprinkled with salt. To make them crispy, you can add cherry and horseradish leaves. During the salting process, boiled water should be added, as the brine will evaporate.

To improve the aroma, add dill stems, several cloves of garlic and allspice. You can eat mushrooms after forty days. It is better to store the container in a room where the temperature does not drop below five degrees Celsius. If the mushroom freezes, its taste will deteriorate greatly, and the brine will sour.

How to cook barnacles (mushrooms)?

When preparing barns, you must be careful, as this is a conditionally edible mushroom.

Take precautions before cooking mushrooms. Do not collect them near roads or within the city.

This way the barn absorbs even more carcinogens. And your risk of poisoning increases several times.

To protect yourself, you need to soak the barns in water for 2 hours, then drain the water and fill them with water again for 2 hours.

Collected mushrooms cannot be stored.

They must be processed immediately.

Do not take overgrown mushrooms; they contain more carcinogens.

Try to take young mushrooms.

There are many ways to prepare barnacles: fried barnyards, fried barnyards with potatoes, marinated, make an omelet with them, salt them.

Just don't dry out the barns.

Salty cowsheds

The barns are washed, soaked for 2 hours, washed and soaked again for 2 hours. Cowbars can be salted whole or sliced.

They do not salt in metal containers. Prepared barns are laid out in layers and each layer is salted (as usual for food).

Arrange with horseradish, currant and cherry leaves. You can add garlic cloves (passed through a press), allspice and dill according to your taste.

Place sterile gauze on top, apply pressure and press down on a container of water. Water should not get into the mushrooms.

Place the container with mushrooms in a cold place for 40 days. Ready-made salted barns are stored at a temperature no higher than +5.

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Page 2

How to make cottage cheese at home

Homemade cottage cheese tastes better than store-bought cottage cheese.

Homemade cottage cheese can be used in the preparation of various pies (shortbread pie with cottage cheese, cottage cheese pie with apples), cakes (Tears of an Angel cake), it makes fantastically tasty dumplings, cottage cheese casseroles and a lot of other very tasty dishes.

Cottage cheese prepared at home is very useful for people who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Anyone with gastritis should eat it regularly. Cottage cheese is made from homemade milk.

How to make cottage cheese at home? - not difficult. Products you need: kefir 5 tablespoons (can be replaced with sour cream or yogurt), milk 0.5 liters.

Milk needs to be mixed with kefir and brought to a boil over medium heat, stirring constantly. And heat it until grains of cottage cheese begin to form. Then place the mixture in a colander on cheesecloth and let it drain and squeeze. All homemade cottage cheese is ready.

They also make cottage cheese this way. They take natural milk and ferment it for 2-3 days on the table in a glass jar (if the milk is not sour, but rotten, has an unpleasant odor and bitter taste, this indicates that the milk is powdered, it will not make cottage cheese). Then the jar is placed in water so that the water level is level with the milk and heated over a fire so that the water boils. In a jar, the sour milk is divided into whey and cottage cheese.

Page 3

Homemade marmalade

By preparing marmalade at home, you can get either thick jam or by boiling the mixture to a very thick state (getting marmalade). Homemade marmalade is much healthier than store-bought marmalade; it is made from completely natural ingredients.

You need very simple ingredients to make homemade marmalade: apples 2 kg, sugar 0.5 kg.

Preparation of marmalade: peel and core the apples and cut into pieces. Cook in an enamel pan until the apples soften. Add sugar and bring to a boil, stirring constantly, reduce heat to medium and cook until the mixture thickens sufficiently (2-3 hours).

The apple mixture burns quickly, stir constantly. Place the sufficiently thickened mass on parchment paper greased with butter, smooth it out with a knife and let it harden.

When the mixture has cooled completely, cut into pieces and roll each in sugar. The finished marmalade can be served with tea. Store homemade marmalade in the refrigerator. It can be stored for a long time.

Marshmallows at home

Thin pancakes with milk

How to cook barnyard mushrooms? fried and marinated mushrooms

Mushrooms are a wonderful source of protein, which makes them very popular in rich countries. They are served as an independent herb or as an appetizer. In order for the smells to come out juicy and brown, you need to know how to properly select and prepare them. Even some mushrooms are grown in isolation and it is not possible to live in them. In the forest you can find not only noble white mushrooms, chanterelles and honey mushrooms, but also less commonly, for example, pigs and barnyards. The stench is subtle and thick. The remaining type of knowledge is natural. To keep your family calm and manage your diet, you need to know how to prepare cow mushrooms.

"Fox meat"

Nutritionists equate mushrooms with meat because they contain a lot of protein. In addition, they are rich in cellulose, and the low fat content and low calorie content make this product extremely valuable. However, it must be grown in moderation, since it is important to absorb the mushrooms, which are prepared with a high amount of chitin.

Richly lubricated mushrooms melt into a great danger for people - the stench can be overwhelming. Therefore, it is necessary to select them with great care. If those present would like to have the least doubt about its quality, it is better to consider such a product.

You can relax with natural mushrooms. This can happen in quiet weather, if the smell grows in unfriendly ecological areas or along roads. It is necessary to preserve and cook mushrooms correctly so that the stench does not harm your health.

preparation of mushrooms

Before cooking, all mushrooms need to be carefully cleaned with cream and soil, and then rinsed thoroughly. Those species that are considered “smartly natural” need to be boiled and soaked in hot water. The product must dry before lubricating. To speed up the process, you can use a paper towel. If the mushrooms are very large, you can cut them into larger pieces so that the cooking will be even.

First heat treatment

Before cooking the cows, they need to be soaked in cold water for a few years. Food tip: “How long does it take to cook mushrooms?” Lay down until the stinks are ready. Before being lubricated, the barnyards are boiled in salted water for about thirty minutes. After this, you need to place them on a drain and allow them to drain thoroughly.

Grease mushrooms with tsibule

There are a number of ways to cook cow mushrooms. If you need to lubricate them with the tsibule, then, first of all, lubricate the tsibule with algae oil. After this, add the mushrooms and cook until done. To prevent the smell from burning, it is necessary to stir them steadily.

As a rule, the product takes about fifteen minutes to prepare. Halfway through cooking, you need to fry the mushrooms over high heat without a lid, and then you can change the half and cover with a lid. While the dish is cooking, stir it gradually.

Mushrooms for sweet juice

Another option, how to cook bark mushrooms, is also worthy of respect. The stench comes out very juicy and aromatic. You need to heat the chawun frying pan thoroughly and add the mushrooms there. You won't see them yet, they need to be stirred steadily. When the rice is steaming, pour a little vegetable oil into the frying pan and brush the product until ready. If there is eggplant, you can add sour cream at the end.

Salt and spices

Regardless of what mushrooms are and how they are prepared, you need to salt them a little at a time until ready. You can add a little black pepper to enhance the taste of the herb. And it’s not a good idea to season the product with herbs and spices - the odorous components will overwhelm the underlying aroma. Before serving, you can sprinkle the herbs with additional fresh crops or thyme. Then the wonderful mushroom taste will become even more beautiful.

People pay special attention to the best way to coat the mushrooms with the sautéed vegetables. Carrots can be grated into large thirds or cut into strips and added to the tsibula.

marinated pigs

Not all gentlemen know how to pickle mushrooms, as the stench is not that popular. For the marinade, add tsukor, salt, ocet and spices. If you use wine instead of the original, the taste of the pork will become piquant. You need to boil the mushrooms in the marinade for about ten minutes, and then put them in sterilized jars or serve. Since it doesn’t need to boil, it will be difficult to figure out how to cook cow mushrooms in the marinade in a cold way. For this, it is enough to fill them with rose brine.

How to salt pigs?

To prepare them, it’s best to use a wooden barrel, as the pork is even richer. The mushrooms must be washed first, soaked and boiled, and then placed in balls, dripping with salt. To make the smell crispy, you can add cherry leaves and cherry blossoms. During the salting process, add boiled water so that the brine will evaporate.

To enhance the aroma, add crop stems, a sprout of cloves and hot pepper. You can eat mushrooms after forty days. It is best to preserve the capacity in a room where the temperature does not fall below five degrees Celsius. If the mushroom is colder, then its savory fruits will become very bitter, and the rosemary will sour.

Cow mushrooms are also called bulls or valus. They can be found throughout the mixed forests of America and Eurasia. The mushrooms have a medium-sized cap that is sand-colored and straightens over time. They are somewhat similar in appearance to porcini mushrooms.

Is the barnyard mushroom edible or not?

Many people are afraid to eat valui because they consider them poisonous and harmful. These mushrooms are considered edible, but they must be properly processed before consumption. The composition of the cowsheds includes: chemical compound, called quinine. This substance is almost completely not absorbed in the body, so you cannot eat these mushrooms in large quantities. Before heat treatment, the valui must be soaked for several days, while regularly changing the water. They can only be pickled; they are not suitable for frying or stewing. When figuring out whether barnyard mushrooms can be eaten, it is worth saying that the mushroom cap is like a sponge that quickly absorbs various harmful substances from the air. That is why it is not recommended to assemble cowsheds near roads and industrial facilities.

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When it gets warmer outside, many people gather to pick mushrooms. One of the first mushrooms of the season are barnyards (pigs). They are very popular, although they are conditionally edible, and in some classifications even poisonous. There is some evidence that regular consumption of this product poses a health risk. But this does not stop lovers of delicious food, so they enjoy them with pleasure. They know how to cook barnyard mushrooms! We will find out today too!

A few words about cowsheds

Cowsheds (or pig sheds) grow in clearings illuminated by the sun. It is not recommended to take a mushroom that has grown near the roadway, as it will contain many harmful substances, which increases the risk of poisoning. The barns need to be prepared immediately, as they are not stored for a long time (they turn black, mold, and so on).

Before cooking, the mushrooms are soaked in water for a while and then cooked. It should be noted that barnyard mushrooms, the recipes for which we will consider below, are not recommended to be dried and added to soups; they are usually pickled and pickled. To do this, choose wooden barrels or containers made of glass and ceramics.

Salting barns

Before you start pickling, the mushrooms are soaked in cool water, washed and boiled. Then they are washed again and placed in containers in layers, sprinkled with salt and adding horseradish, cherry and currant leaves. You can also add garlic cloves, allspice and dill. Then they put gauze on top, put pressure on it and put the container in a cold place for forty days. Cowsheds are stored at a temperature not lower than five degrees; mushrooms may otherwise freeze. It is necessary to periodically add cold water, since the brine may evaporate over time.

Pickled cowsheds

Ingredients: half a glass of table vinegar, two tablespoons of salt, ten cloves of garlic, five stalks of dill, two bay leaves, as well as five black peppercorns, two spoons of sugar, a pinch of cinnamon.


Before cooking barnyard mushrooms, you need to soak, wash and cook them. Boil in salted water for about twenty-five minutes, periodically removing any foam that appears. After this, remove the mushrooms from the heat and cool. Place the pigs into jars prepared in advance, pour in the cooled marinade, add two tablespoons of sunflower oil and roll up.

Omelet with cowsheds

Ingredients: one glass of boiled mushrooms, one onion, four eggs, two tablespoons of butter, one fourth of sweet pepper, herbs, salt and spices to taste.


Chop the onion and fry until it becomes transparent. Then pre-boiled and chopped mushrooms are added to it and fried for ten minutes over low heat, adding salt and pepper. As a result, you will have very appetizing barns (photo). Combine the mushrooms with beaten eggs and fry for another 5-7 minutes. Top everything with chopped bell pepper and chopped herbs. The dish is ready!

Fried cows with sour cream

Ingredients: five hundred grams of young mushrooms, half a glass of sour cream, as well as hard cheese, garlic, onions, parsley and basil, apples, salt and spices to taste, vegetable oil or pork fat.


Before cooking barnyard mushrooms, they should be cleaned and boiled. Then they are washed and cut into pieces. Place cowsheds in a heated frying pan in fat or vegetable oil and fry them for fifteen minutes, avoiding overdrying. Next, add onions and seasonings, but do this sparingly to preserve the mushroom flavor and aroma. Mushrooms should be salted at the end of frying, but before that, sour cream is added to them. Then the dish is simmered until fully cooked. If more sauce is required, dilute the sour cream with milk or mushroom broth. The dish can be served either hot or cold.

Fried cowsheds with potatoes

Ingredients: eight mushrooms, eight potatoes, one onion, half a spoon of black pepper, thirty grams of vegetable oil, salt to taste.


Before cooking barnyard mushrooms, they are boiled twice in salted water. To do this, the mushrooms are cleaned, washed and cut into medium-sized pieces, poured with water and cooked for twenty-five minutes. Then the cowsheds are placed in a colander and thoroughly washed with cold water, and again set to cook for twenty-five minutes. Then the mushrooms are washed and dried, placed in a frying pan, where vegetable oil is first poured, and heated until the excess liquid boils away. Then add chopped onion and fry for ten minutes, after which add chopped potatoes. Fry everything until the potatoes are ready, until golden brown, stirring occasionally.


Despite the fact that barnacles are considered to be conditionally edible mushrooms, they are very often used for preparing various dishes. It must be said that they are salted, fried, marinated, cooked in a slow cooker, but it is not recommended to dry them and prepare first courses from them. And, of course, everything is good in moderation! Bon appetit!

Cow lip is a mushroom that, until a certain time, was considered a conditionally edible product. It also has other names, for example, thin pig, mullein or dunka. At the end of the 20th century, after numerous cases of poisoning, experts conducted an in-depth study of wildlife and found that pigs are capable of developing an autoimmune reaction in the human body. Today this product is classified as a poisonous plant.

Brief description of the lower plant

Like any classic mushroom, the sow mushroom has a cap and a stem. The upper part of the plant varies from 10 to 12 cm in diameter, there are specimens that grow up to 18 cm. In the early stages of growth, the shape of the cap is convex; as it grows, it flattens and takes on the appearance of a funnel. The edges of the upper body are ribbed, wavy and slightly curved. Olive-brown caps change color to yellow-cinnamon with age. During the dry season, its skin has a dry and velvety structure; during the wet period, the top of the cap is sticky and shiny.

The plates located in the lower part of the described body touch the lower part of the mushroom, the stalk. It grows up to 6-7 cm in height and up to 2 cm in diameter. The shape is slightly cone-shaped, tapering towards the base of the mushroom, a feature that can only be noticed in more mature plants.

Mullein grows more often in young birch forests and is found in coniferous and deciduous forests. It is not difficult to find the mushroom on the outskirts of a ravine; they often settle in groups in places where the soil is moist.

Benefits, harms and doubles of mullein

In addition to the harmful properties discovered, thin pigs also have beneficial qualities that are worth noting. First of all, mushrooms contain lecithin; this component prevents the formation of harmful fatty compounds in the human body. High fiber content, antioxidant activity, low fat content and sufficient protein compounds are all positive attributes of mullein mushroom.

The pulp of the plant contains not only potassium, calcium, pantothenic acid and riboflavin, but also many other vitamins and microelements.

Unfortunately, all the available benefits are not compatible with the presence of muscarine in cow lip. This alkaloid is incredibly dangerous; humanity learned about it in the 19th century. It was first discovered in the fly agaric. Muscarine has a detrimental effect on the hematopoietic organs.

Cow's lip mushrooms, or thin svinushki, are very similar to some types of saffron milk caps. The only difference is that saffron milk caps secrete milky juice when cut. The spider web mushroom is very similar to pig mushrooms. The spider web is poisonous; its toxins poison the human kidneys and liver. The deadly plant has a darker cap color and a pronounced tubercle. In addition, the spider's plates are thicker and sparser, and the stalk has transverse yellow stripes.

Symptoms of mushroom poisoning and use of the mushroom

Symptoms of gastric and intestinal mushroom poisoning appear most often and quickly. Vomiting, severe abdominal pain, pale skin and diarrhea appear. Doctors may note a decrease in blood circulation, an increased level of hemoglobin in the blood, severe kidney failure, etc.

The described type of mushroom grows from June to November. It can be found in shady and damp places. Despite the fact that this species has a certain health hazard, not all mushroom pickers have removed it from their list of suitable forest products; it is collected and used in the preparation of various dishes.

During the cooking process, it is important to follow certain rules: before cooking, the mushrooms are not only cleaned, but also soaked for 10-15 hours. During this period, it is necessary to change the water three times. Ambiguous mushrooms are also boiled three times, i.e. The first stage of heat treatment lasts no more than 10 minutes, then the boiling water is drained. The second time the product is kept in boiling water for 30 minutes, the third time it takes 40 minutes. Having received the semi-finished product, you can choose a recipe for preparing a dish with mushrooms.

Cow mushrooms, what do they look like?

    Mushroom barns look attractive.

    The barn can be dried, prepared using dry, cold, hot salting, and also pickled.

    The cowberry mushroom can be boiled and fried, and then eaten with potatoes.

    We have been eating these mushrooms for more than 40 years. They have nothing in common with milk mushrooms. This is an independent mushroom with its own taste. The milk mushroom hides in the ground and has its own smell, but the barn is always visible and has no smell. We eat it fried, boiled, salted and in soups. Undeservedly, mushroom pickers neglect it. It appears when other mushrooms are just waiting for good weather and it grows until frost. Nourishing, meaty. You just don’t need to compare it with milk mushrooms. Each mushroom has its own value and purpose. It is not necessary to boil. If you really want to play it safe, bring to a boil and drain. Only when salted dry it is not salted, but boiled it is a wonderful appetizer.

    Cowweed and black milk mushroom are completely different mushrooms!!! (this goes to the first answer to the question). but everything else is correct: the barnyard is an edible mushroom, before using it, just boil it a little (a few minutes) in salted water to remove the bitterness, and do with it what you want!))) you can fry it, salt it, and pickle it.

    And the black milk mushroom (pictured) - its flesh is much denser (very dense!), and it itself looks a little different from the barn, color maybe. from marsh green to almost black, with a pronounced ring pattern around the circumference of the cap

    In our area, cowsheds are also called pig houses or fillies. At one time, I collected them for frying. But then I came across an article that these mushrooms are capable of accumulating toxic substances that are practically not excreted from the body.

    Cowtails are the informal name for black milk mushrooms. In principle, the mushroom is edible, but compared to the white milk mushroom, it is not tasty. They are called that because only cows eat them. Stores often sell black milk mushrooms in jars, salted. They are called milk mushrooms.

    They can be pickled. To do this, you need to wash them and soak them overnight in cold water.

    Boil the soaked mushrooms in brine (1 tablespoon of salt per 1 liter of water) for 15-20 minutes.

    For 1 liter of water - 1 tbsp. salt and 1 tbsp. sugar, 5 pieces of allspice, 5 dill umbrellas, 5 cherry and raspberry leaves. 5 lavrushki. Cook for 20 minutes, remove from heat and add 2 tbsp. vinegar essence, stir.

    Pour a little marinade into the container and add the mushrooms. Pour marinade and keep warm. You can eat it after 15 days or more.

    But it’s better to find a white milk mushroom. This is a completely different matter.

    While I was writing I almost choked on my saliva (we don’t have real mushrooms in the South, only champignons)

    Photo of mushroom barns in the photo below.

    Cowsheds are best suited for salting. Typically, these mushrooms are not fried or boiled in mushroom soup, as they contain milky juice that must be removed from the barns by prolonged soaking.

    Mushrooms called cow mushrooms are brown in color and feel very slimy to the touch. I would like to note that these mushrooms are not suitable for use in food, because they accumulate very toxic substances that will harm a person’s health. Although some people use them well as food after roasting or pickling.

    Barn mushrooms are also called svinukhi, svinushki, dunki, and black milk mushrooms. In appearance they are similar to milk mushrooms, only their cap is dark brown in color, they are inferior in taste to milk mushrooms, the mushroom is not particularly valued among mushroom pickers, it is considered conditionally edible and requires a long preparation.

    Barn mushroom is one of the names for black milk mushroom. In different localities it is called differently, dunka, filly, matryoshka. The mushroom is of little value; it is classified into category 4, conditionally edible mushrooms, and few mushroom pickers collect them.

    barnacles and black milk mushrooms are not the same thing. (What I mean is that someone here wrote this in an answer) Black milk mushrooms are really black mushrooms that are found almost in the ground and they look different and have a specific pungent taste and smell.

    Pigs, on the other hand, are very similar to white milk mushrooms in appearance, have a brown (unlike the first) color, and are quite dense mushrooms. Many people do not chew these mushrooms, but in my opinion, these mushrooms are much tastier than many even when fried.

    When it comes to cooking, I like fried mushrooms.

    1 First, the mushrooms must be boiled. To do this, place the peeled mushrooms in salted water, bring to a boil, and boil for 5-10 minutes. Drain the water. (Such mushrooms can now be frozen for future use in the winter)

    2 In a frying pan, fry mushrooms in sunflower oil. We take into account that the mushrooms fry quite strongly, add the onion, fry with onions. You can add sour cream. It will be absolutely amazingly delicious.

    3 Mix these fried mushrooms with fried potatoes. Fry the potatoes as usual. It's to everyone's taste.

    We have been eating these mushrooms for decades. And we salt it and fry it and add it to soups. They have nothing in common with milk mushrooms. Milk mushrooms hide in the ground and have their own smell. The barn is always open. In vain, mushroom pickers turn their noses and avoid it. You just have to not compare it with weights. This is an absolutely independent mushroom with its own taste. It has almost no smell, meaty, satisfying. And you don’t even have to boil it, except maybe bring the water to a boil and drain. But we fry with potatoes without it. For 40 years of use, we have not been poisoned, but only enjoyed it. It is good because it is unpretentious, rarely worms and appears early when other mushrooms are still waiting for better weather.

    Cow mushrooms are usually brown in color and have a slippery surface.

    In our places it can be easily found, but no one takes it.

    Perhaps they contain some kind of poison.

    Unlike other mushrooms, barnyard mushrooms take a long time to cook.

    The Cow Mushroom was so named because cows eat them with great pleasure. But people don’t particularly like them, even though they are edible. Some believe that this is the Brother of the milk mushroom, but the cap on the barnacle is darker and in terms of taste they are seriously inferior to their Elder Brother. I avoid such mushrooms.

Cow mushrooms are also called bulls or valus. They can be found throughout the mixed forests of America and Eurasia. The mushrooms have a medium-sized cap that is sand-colored and straightens over time. They are somewhat similar in appearance to porcini mushrooms.

Is the barnyard mushroom edible or not?

Many people are afraid to eat valui because they consider them poisonous and harmful. These mushrooms are considered edible, but they must be properly processed before consumption. Barnyards contain a chemical called quinine. This substance is almost completely not absorbed in the body, so you cannot eat these mushrooms in large quantities. Before heat treatment, the valui must be soaked for several days, while regularly changing the water. They can only be pickled; they are not suitable for frying or stewing. When figuring out whether barnyard mushrooms can be eaten, it is worth saying that the mushroom cap is like a sponge that quickly absorbs various harmful substances from the air. That is why it is not recommended to assemble cowsheds near roads and industrial facilities.

The benefits and harms of barn mushrooms

The chemical composition of this food product is quite large, as it contains various vitamins, for example, A, group B, PP, etc. Mushrooms also contain various micro- and macroelements. All this determines a number of useful properties of value.

What are the benefits of barnyard mushrooms?

As already mentioned, barns contain substances that can lead to poisoning, so they must be thoroughly processed.

The benefits and harms of mushrooms

First of all, let's look at the negative aspects of eating pickled mushrooms:

  • It is not recommended to eat such food after 6 pm, but this applies to any dishes;
  • when making marinades, vinegar is used, which does not add pleasant moments to people with gastritis and gastrointestinal diseases;
  • Svinushki are conditionally edible mushrooms; they, like everyone else, accumulate heavy metals and other substances dangerous to human health. Therefore, it is not recommended to collect value near industrial facilities and roads or buy at spontaneous markets.

Milk mushrooms have more beneficial properties:

  • the product contains a full set of multivitamins;
  • health-promoting metals, macro- and microelements;
  • In terms of protein content, they are ahead of even chicken eggs, but let us remind you that it is plant-based;
  • in pickled mushrooms, especially those processed thermally, the content of nutrients is reduced; dried mushrooms are more useful, but they do not have such a refined taste;
  • the amino acids contained help normalize digestion and the breakdown of cholesterol and have a beneficial effect on heart function;
  • the low caloric content of barns will allow them to be used in the preparation of dietary dishes;
  • Eating food from valuev supports the body’s immune system and reduces the risk of cancer.

How to properly prepare mushrooms

It’s easy to prepare mushrooms at home and on the go:

  • It is better to collect young small mushrooms with caps that have not opened, without signs of rot or damage to the caps.
  • Valui must be subjected to lengthy water procedures to remove the bitter milky juice from the pulp.
  • A small weight must be placed on top so that the pigs are completely submerged in the water. The task of the first soaking of mushrooms is to wash off the sticky base from the caps and forest debris.
  • It is recommended to add salt to the water, so all the worms will crawl out of the mushrooms 100%. Duration of 1 soaking is 10-12 hours.
  • The liquid is drained into the sewer, a pan half filled with water is placed next to it, and the cleaned and washed milk mushrooms will be placed here. The debris is cleaned off with a brush, and the leg is trimmed with a knife and areas with rot or damaged plates are removed.
  • After washing all the mushrooms, put pressure in the pan and soak the milk mushrooms for 2 days, changing the water up to 4 times daily.

After completing a full washing cycle and removing the bitterness, you can begin to marinate the barns for the winter.

Recipes for preparing pigs for the winter

For this method of preparation, it is important to prepare a high-quality marinade. Let us examine in more detail the process of preparing 2 compositions of canning liquid.

Quick marinade recipe

The recipe for high-speed marinade preparation will help you cook quickly and tasty:

  • for every kilogram of milk mushrooms, use 400-500 milliliters of water and up to 20 grams of coarse salt;
  • pour water into a pan, add salt, 10-20 grams of sugar and bring to a boil over high heat;
  • Having thoroughly mixed the brine, filter it through several layers of gauze, put the pan on the fire and add up to 6 grams of citric acid, 5-6 pieces of allspice. It is recommended to add cloves, cinnamon and other spices, but this is purely individual;
  • the water has boiled, the marinade is poured into jars with mushrooms and the process of preparing milk mushrooms for the winter continues.

Universal marinade

To deliciously marinate different types of mushrooms, knowledge of a special recipe will come in handy.

The cooking process is similar to the quick method. The difference is that the mushrooms are boiled in this marinade for 20-30 minutes, then the milk mushrooms and spices are placed in jars and completely filled with marinade. For 1 liter of water you will need:

  • 80-100 grams of granulated sugar;
  • 40 grams of table salt;
  • A 100-gram shot glass of 9% vinegar and a full range of herbs and spices to taste.

Pigs with garlic and pepper

To prepare a spicy cold appetizer with a delicious garlic smell, perform the following list of works:

  • 1 kilogram of cows is boiled in several waters for 10-15 minutes, and after each boiling it is cooled under running water. This way it is possible to shorten the cooking time and quickly remove bitterness;
  • after the last blanching, the milk mushrooms are thrown onto a sieve and the excess water is allowed to drain;
  • prepare a universal marinade for 2 liters of water;
  • Add 3-4 crushed cloves of garlic to the fungi and mix;
  • At the bottom of each jar put 1 dill umbrella, peppercorns and mushrooms with garlic. Fill the jars completely and tightly with milk mushrooms and pour hot marinade over them. All that remains is to seal the containers tightly and leave them until they cool completely.

The classic method of salting for the winter

For the classic recipe for the cold method of salting pigs, you will need to perform several simple operations:

  • it is necessary to salt in wooden barrels, enamel or glass containers, which before starting work are thoroughly washed with mustard powder and scalded with boiling water or sterilized;
  • For every 1 kilogram of mushrooms add 40 grams of coarse salt. The milk mushrooms and salt are thoroughly mixed;
  • The bottom of the barrel is filled with part of a set of spices and herbs. For every kilogram of pigs, use 5-6 peas of allspice, several large umbrellas of dill with seeds, but without stems. The bottom is additionally covered with several whole horseradish leaves;

  • Soaked mushrooms with salt are laid in layers, topped with a layer of spices. This way they reach almost to the top, the last row is covered with black currant leaves. Place a gauze napkin on top and place a weight so that the pigs are completely hidden under a layer of juice;
  • Once every 2-3 days, rinse and scald the napkin with boiling water, remove the foam and, if necessary, add salted water.

Pickles are stored in the basement at a maximum temperature of 15-18 or in the refrigerator.

Valui marinated with vinegar essence

Vinegar essence can be used in the preparation of any recipe for pickled milk mushrooms, but you will need to calculate the proportion and add not 50 milligrams, but 1 teaspoon. Here is one recipe for preparing mushrooms with a crispy crust using the essence:

  • 2 kilograms of cowsheds are placed in salted water and boiled for 25-30 minutes over low heat. Particular attention is paid to removing foam;
  • put the milk mushrooms in a colander, drain the old brine, pour in clean water, add mushrooms, add 150 grams of salt, allspice - 10 pieces of peas, 5-7 bay leaves and 2 tablespoons of essence;
  • bring to a boil over high heat and reduce the heat to low, stirring constantly, simmer the walui for 25-30 minutes.

After extinguishing the fire, the mushrooms are allowed to cool directly in the marinade; Having placed it in jars, cover it with nylon lids and put it in the basement or refrigerator. If you plan to roll valui in jars, they are immediately laid out and rolled in sterilized containers.

Canned barnyards in jars

Preserving pigs requires several stages:

  • to prepare a mushroom salad with vegetables, boil the soaked barnacles in salted water for 40 minutes, cool under running water and place in a colander to drain excess moisture;

  • mushrooms are cut into medium-sized pieces so as not to chase milk mushrooms around the plate;
  • Place the chopped pigs in a frying pan and lightly fry without oil until the juice evaporates;
  • 1 kilogram of tomatoes, sweet peppers, 500 grams of onions and 700 grams of carrots, cut into small pieces;
  • Stew tomatoes in hot oil for 5 minutes, add a layer of onion, chopped milk mushrooms and bell pepper. Stirring constantly, simmer vegetables and mushrooms for 5-7 minutes;
  • Add carrots, 50 grams of salt, 70 grams of sugar to the salad, cover the pan with a lid and simmer the salad over low heat for 45-50 minutes. Pour a 100-gram glass of 9% table vinegar;
  • Place the vegetable salad with mushrooms in sterilized jars and seal them with lids.

Storage rules

Let us remind you that barnyard mushrooms are conditionally edible mushrooms. Family safety depends 50% on collecting and preparing food. The remaining 50% is allocated to compliance with storage rules.

If the pickled valui is rolled up with airtight lids in glass jars, it is easy to ensure safe storage conditions. It is enough to put the pickles in the pantry or even under the bed. The main thing is that this place should not be exposed to direct sunlight, and the storage areas should not be in close proximity to heating appliances and household appliances.

At the first signs of swelling of the jars, you can still digest the contents, add an increased percentage of vinegar and roll up the lids again, or use such pickles first. If a jar “explodes”, such a cap must be thrown away; eating such products is prohibited.

It is more difficult to organize storage of salted or fermented pigs in barrels or other containers that are not hermetically sealed with lids. Such pickles must be constantly monitored for mold and rot, gauze pads must be constantly changed or scalded, and a layer of juice must be added.

If the first spots of mold appear, completely remove the top row of mushrooms and pour 150-200 grams of sunflower oil or vodka into the container - this will avoid further spread of rot.

Important! The maximum shelf life of homemade mushroom preparations is 9 months. Opened large jars of pickled pigs are stored only in the refrigerator for 7-8 days from the moment of opening.


It is not difficult to prepare pickled barns for the winter. Collecting such milk mushrooms is easy; just find a few friendly families of young fungi, and the collection plan will be completed. Cooking recipes and preparatory work will not cause difficulties for novice housewives. A minimum set of simple tasks will allow you to quickly and efficiently prepare delicious valui for the whole winter.

Appearance of pig houses and “mushroom” places

Pigs can be found in deciduous and coniferous forests, meadows or near bodies of water. Often these mushrooms grow under birch and oak trees, but they are practically never found in one specimen; as a rule, they grow in “families.”

The mushroom season begins in mid-July and ends in late October or early November. Autumn with frequent and heavy rains is considered especially “fruitful”, since mushrooms need not only warmth, but also a sufficient amount of moisture.

This type of mushroom can be distinguished by the following characteristics:

Soft green or grayish-brown color of the caps;

Fleshy and thick cap with a diameter of 10 to 20 cm with inverted wavy edges;

Velvety or rough surface (in some cases smooth);

Light yellow or brown flesh, quickly darkening when cut;

Small legs up to 10 cm high and up to 5 cm in diameter, which can be either smooth or rough.

It is noteworthy that at an early age the mushroom caps are usually convex, and then they gradually level out, after which they acquire a funnel shape.

Composition and nutritional value of pigs

Pig mushrooms benefit the body due to their unique biochemical composition.

They are rich in the following substances:

Vitamins A, B and C;









Various amino acids.

Indicators nutritional value of this mushroom are small. Carbohydrates and fats are contained in minimal quantities in pigs, but at the same time they can enrich the human body with high-quality protein.

However, other types of “forest meat” that are less questionable in terms of safety also have similar properties.

Svinushka mushrooms: what are their benefits for the body?

Due to the high content of beneficial microelements, pig mushrooms have a positive effect on various organs and systems. Their use activates the following positive processes:

Normalization of lipid metabolism and cholesterol levels;

Stimulation is vital important processes in organism;

Blocking fat cells;

Strengthening the body's ability to resist the effects of microbes, viruses and infections;

Increased bone and muscle strength;

Gentle cleansing of the body and activation of digestion;

Improving the functioning of the heart, blood vessels and central nervous system;

Restoration of hormonal levels;

Elimination of headaches and insomnia;

Increased performance and strengthened the body's defenses.

In addition, pigs have a diuretic and laxative effect, which promotes weight loss, and due to the content of atrotomentin, their regular use minimizes the risk of cancer.

Svinushka mushrooms: harm and contraindications

According to the results of numerous studies conducted by Soviet scientists, pig mushrooms were excluded from the list of conditionally edible mushrooms in 1984. From that time to the present day, they have been classified as poisonous and unfit for consumption.

This decision is due to the fact that toxic substances were found in pigs that cannot be destroyed even with prolonged heat treatment, and when they accumulate in the human body, they can cause various health problems. This mushroom also has the ability to produce muscarine, a toxic substance that has a similar composition to the toxin contained in the fly agaric.

In addition, pig mushrooms, like many mushrooms, are capable of absorbing harmful substances from the soil and environment. For example, even a harmless honey fungus can become poisonous if it is picked near a highway or places where chemical waste is released.

Even if pigs are consumed irregularly, harmful substances can cause the following negative manifestations in the body:

Increased formation of antibodies and changes in blood composition;

Destruction of red blood cells and autoimmune reactions of the body;

Acute renal failure with possible death.

However, despite warnings and reliable information that pig mushrooms can cause harm to the body and even lead to death, many lovers of “forest meat” do not want to give up their use and continue this unsafe game of “Russian roulette”.

There are a number of cases where eating pigs is guaranteed to lead to negative consequences. These include:

Children under 12 years of age;


Diseases of the pancreas;

Pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.

Even a healthy person can feel seriously ill as a result of excessive consumption of pork. A classic picture of poisoning occurs, and in this condition, urgent medical attention is required, otherwise it threatens death.

How to recognize pig poisoning?

The danger of mushrooms lies in the fact that symptoms of intoxication may not appear immediately after the mushrooms have been eaten, but after some time. Delay poses a serious risk, including death.

Signs by which poisoning can be recognized include:

Nausea and vomiting;

Diarrhea and abdominal pain;

Frequent heartbeat;

Excessive sweating and increased salivation;

Pale or yellowing of the skin;

Signs of dysfunction in the respiratory system;

Manifestation of renal failure;

Delusions and hallucinations.

It is important to know that there is no antidote to the toxic substances contained in pigs. The longer a person delays calling an ambulance, the less chance of survival he has.

How to reduce the risk of pig poisoning

The best way to avoid pig poisoning is to stop eating them. However, not every mushroom picker is ready to give up this tasty dish.

To reduce the risk of health problems, you will need to follow these recommendations:

2. Sort through and clean the pigs immediately after they have been collected.

3. After cleaning, place the mushrooms in water for 24 hours, having previously dissolved salt and citric acid in it. During the day, change the liquid in which the pigs are soaked 2-3 times. This measure will help remove harmful substances and heavy metal salts from the product.

4. After soaking, thoroughly rinse the mushroom mass and cook in salted water for 5 minutes.

5. Replace the water, add a few tablespoons of salt and boil the mushrooms for half an hour.

6. Repeat the procedure for replacing the liquid and cook the pork again for at least 30 minutes.

7. Drain the mixture in a colander and cool naturally. After this processing, you can start preparing any mushroom dish.

Compliance with these measures does not guarantee that pigs will become absolutely safe, but will only reduce the risk of poisoning. Therefore, it is important to be aware of the possible danger and not to abuse this aromatic and tasty product.

Description and characteristics

The description of the mushroom, which, in addition to the official Paxillus involutus, has such popular names as cow tongue, pig, pig, solokha, dunka and cowshed, is as follows:

  • the diameter of the cap of an adult mushroom most often varies between 10-12 cm, but some specimens have caps with a diameter of 15-18 cm;
  • fleshy type cap;
  • in young fruiting bodies the cap has a slightly convex shape and rolled felt edges;
  • adult fruiting bodies have a flat, funnel-shaped or funnel-shaped cap;
  • the edges of the cap can be drooping, frilled, ribbed, straight or wavy;
  • young specimens are characterized by an olive-brown or olive-brownish coloring of the cap;

  • adult mushrooms have a grayish-brown or brown cap that darkens when cut or pressed;
  • the surface of the cap is dry, with fibrous pubescence;
  • mushroom pulp is dense, but soft, and with age acquires a characteristic looseness;
  • during the dry period, worminess of the pulp and legs is observed;
  • characterized by the absence of a pronounced mushroom aroma and taste;
  • a fairly short leg of a solid type with a matte and smooth surface of ocher-olive or dirty yellow color.

You can most often find entire groups of small pigweed in damp and shady areas. Sometimes fruiting bodies grow on a tree trunk. The massive period of fruiting occurs from the beginning of summer until the steady autumn cooling.

Cow lip mushroom: description (video)

On the territory of forest areas of our country in natural conditions Only two species grow, belonging to the Svinushkov family.

Benefits and harms

Of course, like most mushrooms, pig mushrooms have some beneficial properties, among which it should be noted:

  • increased content of lecithin in the pulp - a substance that does not allow harmful cholesterol to accumulate in the human body;
  • low calorie content, which is only 30 kcal for every 100 g of fruit body pulp;
  • the average fat content in the mushroom pulp does not exceed 28.2%;
  • the share of simple and easily digestible carbohydrates by the human body accounts for only 16.9%;
  • the average content of protein components is about 58.9%;
  • Numerous studies have proven the antioxidant activity of mushroom pulp, as well as its high fiber content.

Chemical composition of the pulp of the fruiting bodies of Paxillus involutus:

  • vitamin A – 0.001 mg per 100 g;
  • vitamin C – 7 mg;
  • thiamine – 0.1 mg;
  • riboflavin – 0.4 mg;
  • pantothenic acid – 2.1 mg;
  • pyridoxine – 0.05 mg;
  • folates – 0.03 mg;
  • niacin – 4.8 mg;
  • vitamin PP – 5.6 mg;
  • potassium – 530 mg;
  • calcium – 4 mg;

  • magnesium – 15 mg;
  • sodium – 6 mg;
  • phosphorus – 115 mg;
  • chlorine – 25 mg;
  • iron – 0.32 mg;
  • cobalt – 0.15 mg;
  • molybdenum – 0.0034 mg;
  • fluorine – 0.14 mg;
  • chromium – 0.1326 mg;
  • zinc – 0.282 mg.

Despite the fact that, based on the composition of the pulp, it would seem that the benefits of the mushroom are obvious, pig mushrooms are not edible or conditionally edible mushrooms and their consumption can be fatal or cause severe damage to the functions of internal organs. Mullein pulp contains very dangerous toxins and a toxic substance called muscarine and often causes the development of severe diseases of the circulatory system and hematopoietic organs.

Also, the fruiting bodies of this type of mushroom accumulate very large quantities of salt and compounds of heavy metals dangerous to human health. The first, most rapidly developing gastrointestinal symptoms of pig poisoning are vomiting, diarrhea, and abdominal pain, which is accompanied by a drop in circulating blood volume.

How to cook

Many mushroom pickers are still not ready to give up eating pig mushrooms, so before preparing dishes from this mushroom, they carry out a number of measures aimed at removing toxins and dangerous compounds from the fruiting bodies.

It is very important to clean the pigs as thoroughly as possible from forest debris and wash them repeatedly under running water. Then clean mushrooms must be soaked in salted cold water for at least five to six hours, changing the water three times. After soaking, the mushrooms should be boiled three times, draining the broth and immersing the mushrooms in clean water. The average time for each boil should be approximately 25-35 minutes. Properly boiled mushrooms sink to the bottom of the cooking container.

Boiled mushrooms can be used to prepare both first and various second courses, and can also be used for home canning for the winter.

How to cook pickled mushrooms (video)

Where and when to collect

You can collect pigs or pigs throughout the summer and the first ten days of autumn. These mushrooms grow in large groups. Pigs are quite widespread in our country, so they can be found almost everywhere. Paxillus involutus prefers to grow in fairly moist deciduous and coniferous forest areas. The favorite habitat is forest edges or clearings surrounding swampy areas.

It must be remembered that it is strictly forbidden to collect fruiting bodies along the highway and in close proximity to large industrial complexes. Also, you should not use old, overgrown or worm-eaten mushrooms in cooking. Pigs cannot be stored for long periods of time, so the collected fruiting bodies should be processed as quickly as possible.

Until the 80s of the last century, barnyard mushrooms (svinukhi, svinushki) were classified as edible, but in recent years they have begun to be classified as poisonous. The reason for this is the ability of fungi to accumulate toxins found in the soil and environment, as well as the fact that barns produce muscarine, a poison similar to that of the fly agaric. However, despite this, these mushrooms are still collected for consumption, but strict rules for processing the product must be followed. This is exactly what “Popular About Health” will tell you about - how to cook mushrooms, how long to cook them so as not to harm your health?

What is remarkable about the barn mushroom?

Externally, the barn is nondescript, but most users note its pleasant taste, of course, subject to skillful preparation. This mushroom accumulates toxic substances if it grows in areas with unfavorable environmental conditions. But almost all mushrooms have such properties, it’s no secret to anyone. Therefore, it is allowed to collect cowsheds only away from roads, factories, industrial enterprises, deep in the forest, where the air is clean.

Another thing is the poison muscarine, it is produced inside mushrooms and is dangerous to health. However, with proper processing of the product, the effect of toxins can be neutralized, then you can safely consume pork. Let's take a closer look at how to prepare barns for later use in cooking.

How to soak barns?

It is not recommended to store collected mushrooms for a long time. They need to be processed immediately. First of all, they should be thoroughly washed, debris and dust removed, after which the barns are subjected to a mandatory three-stage soaking in salt water. Dilute 2 teaspoons of salt in a liter of water and place the mushrooms in the solution for 5 hours. Then a new salt solution is prepared and the pigs are sent into it again for the same time. Then they repeat everything again - prepare a new solution and soak the mushrooms for another 5 hours. After completing the procedure, drain the liquid through a colander and allow it to drain completely.

How long does it take to boil barns??

After soaking, the mushrooms are always boiled, and this process also occurs in three stages. How and how long should you cook mushrooms? Let's look at this in detail.

1. For every kilogram of product, take one liter of water and a teaspoon of salt. The pigs are placed in cold water, the pan is placed on the stove, and covered with a lid. After boiling, set aside for 5 minutes, then drain the water.
2. The second stage of cooking lasts longer. You need to prepare the same solution of water and salt, put the mushrooms in the pan and let them boil. We time it for 30 minutes. We drain the water again.
3. Make the brine solution again and set the pigs to cook. At the third stage, after boiling, cook them for exactly 40 minutes. Using a colander, drain the liquid and let the mushrooms drain and cool.

Now the product can be used for salting, pickling or frying.

How to cook pigs?

Cow mushrooms can be prepared in different ways. They are good either salted or marinated, or fried with potatoes. Svinushki are added to salads and stewed in sour cream, but they are never made into soups or dried.

Fried cowsheds with potatoes

This is the easiest way to cook pigs. Soaked and thrice-cooked mushrooms (0.5 kg) are placed in a frying pan with vegetable oil and lightly fried. Then add onion cut into rings (take as much as you like). We don’t add salt yet, but you can sprinkle the ingredients with pepper. Next we need 1 kg of potatoes. We clean it and cut it in the usual way. When the onion changes color to golden, add the potatoes to the pan and fry without a lid. Stir the contents periodically until all the potato slices are fried. Finally, add salt and cover the pan with a lid. If desired, you can add chopped garlic and dill for flavor.

Pickled cowsheds

These mushrooms are very tasty when marinated. They are quite easy to prepare. For a liter of marinade, take half a glass of vinegar, 20 g of salt, the same amount of sugar, 6 allspice peas, 8 cloves of garlic (chopped), 4-5 stalks of dill, 2-3 bay leaves. Bring the marinade to a boil. We sterilize the jars, fill them with prepared mushrooms, and fill them with hot marinade to the top. Pour 30 ml of vegetable oil into each jar and roll up. Check the quality of the seal by turning the jars upside down. If the marinade does not flow out, you can wrap the workpieces in an old blanket and let them cool. You can eat pickled pigs within 2-3 weeks.

Barnyard mushrooms are often fried and stewed with the addition of sour cream, and added to casseroles, omelettes, and salads. In principle, you can do the same with them as with any other mushrooms, it is only important to correctly carry out the initial preparation of the product in order to neutralize toxins and toxic substances as much as possible. With this approach, you will protect yourself and your family - prevent poisoning.

So, how long should barns be cooked? Now you know for sure - the first time - 5 minutes, the second - 30, and the third time - 40 minutes. Don’t forget about the three-stage soaking of the product; this is very important, since when in salted water, the mushrooms release poisons, freeing themselves from them.

How to cook barnyard mushrooms? fried and marinated mushrooms

Mushrooms are a wonderful source of protein, which makes them very popular in rich countries. They are served as an independent herb or as an appetizer. In order for the smells to come out juicy and brown, you need to know how to properly select and prepare them. Even some mushrooms are grown in isolation and it is not possible to live in them. In the forest you can find not only noble white mushrooms, chanterelles and honey mushrooms, but also less commonly, for example, pigs and barnyards. The stench is subtle and thick. The remaining type of knowledge is natural. To keep your family calm and manage your diet, you need to know how to prepare cow mushrooms.

"Fox meat"

Nutritionists equate mushrooms with meat because they contain a lot of protein. In addition, they are rich in cellulose, and the low fat content and low calorie content make this product extremely valuable. However, it must be grown in moderation, since it is important to absorb the mushrooms, which are prepared with a high amount of chitin.

Richly lubricated mushrooms melt into a great danger for people - the stench can be overwhelming. Therefore, it is necessary to select them with great care. If those present would like to have the least doubt about its quality, it is better to consider such a product.

You can relax with natural mushrooms. This can happen in quiet weather, if the smell grows in unfriendly ecological areas or along roads. It is necessary to preserve and cook mushrooms correctly so that the stench does not harm your health.

preparation of mushrooms

Before cooking, all mushrooms need to be carefully cleaned with cream and soil, and then rinsed thoroughly. Those species that are considered “smartly natural” need to be boiled and soaked in hot water. The product must dry before lubricating. To speed up the process, you can use a paper towel. If the mushrooms are very large, you can cut them into larger pieces so that the cooking will be even.

First heat treatment

Before cooking the cows, they need to be soaked in cold water for a few years. Food tip: “How long does it take to cook mushrooms?” Lay down until the stinks are ready. Before being lubricated, the barnyards are boiled in salted water for about thirty minutes. After this, you need to place them on a drain and allow them to drain thoroughly.

Grease mushrooms with tsibule

There are a number of ways to cook cow mushrooms. If you need to lubricate them with the tsibule, then, first of all, lubricate the tsibule with algae oil. After this, add the mushrooms and cook until done. To prevent the smell from burning, it is necessary to stir them steadily.

As a rule, the product takes about fifteen minutes to prepare. Halfway through cooking, you need to fry the mushrooms over high heat without a lid, and then you can change the half and cover with a lid. While the dish is cooking, stir it gradually.

Mushrooms for sweet juice

Another option, how to cook bark mushrooms, is also worthy of respect. The stench comes out very juicy and aromatic. You need to heat the chawun frying pan thoroughly and add the mushrooms there. You won't see them yet, they need to be stirred steadily. When the rice is steaming, pour a little vegetable oil into the frying pan and brush the product until ready. If there is eggplant, you can add sour cream at the end.

Salt and spices

Regardless of what mushrooms are and how they are prepared, you need to salt them a little at a time until ready. You can add a little black pepper to enhance the taste of the herb. And it’s not a good idea to season the product with herbs and spices - the odorous components will overwhelm the underlying aroma. Before serving, you can sprinkle the herbs with additional fresh crops or thyme. Then the wonderful mushroom taste will become even more beautiful.

People pay special attention to the best way to coat the mushrooms with the sautéed vegetables. Carrots can be grated into large thirds or cut into strips and added to the tsibula.

marinated pigs

Not all gentlemen know how to pickle mushrooms, as the stench is not that popular. For the marinade, add tsukor, salt, ocet and spices. If you use wine instead of the original, the taste of the pork will become piquant. You need to boil the mushrooms in the marinade for about ten minutes, and then put them in sterilized jars or serve. Since it doesn’t need to boil, it will be difficult to figure out how to cook cow mushrooms in the marinade in a cold way. For this, it is enough to fill them with rose brine.

How to salt pigs?

To prepare them, it’s best to use a wooden barrel, as the pork is even richer. The mushrooms must be washed first, soaked and boiled, and then placed in balls, dripping with salt. To make the smell crispy, you can add cherry leaves and cherry blossoms. During the salting process, add boiled water so that the brine will evaporate.

To enhance the aroma, add crop stems, a sprout of cloves and hot pepper. You can eat mushrooms after forty days. It is best to preserve the capacity in a room where the temperature does not fall below five degrees Celsius. If the mushroom is colder, then its savory fruits will become very bitter, and the rosemary will sour.